Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1976, p. 12

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l2The Barrie Examiner Fridcl rll 30 I976 YL WY Astro ii Graph OUR BOARDING HOUSE NEED SOME COLE 5LAW T0 ACCENT MY 5TEAK5 THE MAYOR I6 Triu PLACE 5TBAK is so ILL BET BACKWARD HOOPLE WIN AT BRIDGE Haste forces lucky squeeze DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 40 Whirlpool Iii successfully All he did was to Bernice Bede osol COMING OVER TO 555K IT 5TOCK5 DOESNT Where iudges 42 Movers truck BUFFALO 3ANNIE BUFFALO MY 5UPPORT IN THE EVEN NORTH DI cash his last two high hearts sit 43 Former FOr Saturda Ma 1976 PRIMARY T00 BAD MY BUTTER HAVE 10 and run dummys spades His Law court Russian ruler TORONTO Bumlo roaomo Bung into in in also RESIEARCH KEEPS ME T00 COLE UNDER CHICKEN Vb first four discards Were two magia ARIES March 21Aprll 19 court 45 Superlatwe Ea II HAMILTON I2 PHENUONOUG Your spontaneous decisions 595 T0 MANAGE EXOTIC UNLEés clubs and heartand dia 12 Spanish cheer sum fim BARR an 22 cloAl are wise but selfdoubts could CAMPAIGN WHT FA mond His Illth discard was 13 $levate 48 Aid in catching marsgr set in it you dont act on them his last heart East had been 15 ans labI felon wdsvl gig mu promptly This would be forced to unguard his queen of ace° 51 Lage bass an 600 sMr Chips 3Storsky and Hutch IO qu instruments looiish clubs to hold the 10 of hearts 15 GIV 247III222News flMy Country 00 17 lycour 55 Stinger 3Wresiling 7NameThatTune 234579III2News TAURUS up 20 2° so the ace and jack of clubs war is at 56 South Relieve of 32 2nd Greek 524 Hours lIThe Bob Newhart 30 at 10 at won the la two tricks 18 Long for American Utilize iener 9Definition Show 2LIImlflm Show Share wnh those Who are SOUTH 20 Yearly income animal State of 33 Char 513° laBobnewhart Show nGeorgeAnthony deserVIng today if youre not FL 60 Pub drink person 39 Aleutian island 2Nec News l=°° 7M°V9l59°°c5 careful you could be talked 22 Greek letter 61 Guidos note acqurlied 41 Personal fiAdam 12 2Saniord and llLarrv Solwav Show imo heIping one who could 24 AIIirmalive 52 into Boys pronoun 7ABC News 5° 5° 10 vote custod nickname 45 Flesh marks 9News 3512rneMary Tyler 12MovieTheComic hurt you Iorlda reader wants to 25 pnson 63 Elecmged 10 BMW pan om lashing sn nggfiwf rip53°er ow 1200 GEMINI May 21June 20 Northsoulh vulnerable know thl She ShOUId bid With exercuse place particle 11 Famous Italian 47 witness 100 iIDonnv and Marie 3M0VIG American Before becoming involved 28 Femf 64 Law degree MW 43 Adams 80 2Bowng For Donors an Guerrilla socially today be sure omers after her gm hand Opponent 30 Takes inlo ab 19 Counsel 49 Jan room 4CBS News 35l2Tommy Hunter 9M°Ve Mr Hobbs weti Noni East custody 65 Turf archaic 50 Go iirsl 550 HelpMe Hana 900 73 39 me type y°u war know 0mm one slang 66 Allow 21 Eveningipoel 52 Money poddc°upe 35uHagm Hardy AVocatlon and that theyll not become If she plays her jump over 34 Curved 23 Not siothiui deposited with 7To TeIITheTruth lxtlaveHowsweet flxglrIllzffocmch abimy fr HOW You Lass cans as preemme She has molding DOWN 24 Bung mo CCU 953nl0rdand50n £155 335 35 Ex losive IG of harmon 53 Tro cal lanl Ge°99am° Rxmrd Fm CANCER 214 22 TELL Pass Pass mth hue dwmond bd If 36 Ferilaie ruff peoiii 25 Symbolyoi 54 oisgaichgd 5°w 7A3WIe 3Rgxégmggtswda You should be open and frank MIN Ell 730 pa pm Llg Vumerable and can even 37 New Zealand Sheltered Side bondage 57 Rule of IflMOViHTheHealers 3o ennv mos with those you love but be Upcmng lvud chance If vulnerable If She parrot Girls name 26 Old conduct 2Match Game 9crand Old Country IiMovie cautious and reserved with likes to live dangerously Ii 33 Indebtedness Representative 27 Peruse 58 Police record 3Reach For The Top moo Placeto Die omers with whom you have no not playing preemptive jump paper ab slang 29 Wild ox of or also 4Strikes Spares 9TBA 335 Sven bonds of 39 boy Rowmg Celebes known as And Misses 2351HPollce Story MerVGVm 8° on By Oswald 8r James Jacoby 0V9 due 945595 slangy praise implement 31 Talents 59 Sea Fr LIE DOCTOR SAYS Dignity pride are left intact By Thosteson MD Dear Dr Thosteson You socked it to us again didnt you mean advising woman reader to have pelvic examination How can you justify asking woman to face an ex perience known to be traumatic for many of us Why after woman has BEVERAGES BANNED 57 had traumatic experience oftiming intercoursewith the SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec MM HIIii MN mm The 18th Amendment to the once is she still denied ovulation date and also using 21 ll you follow your in Constitution Jan 29 1919 anesthesia Whatare we sup vinegar or baking soda Cmallons l0 expecl more than DEAR POLLY My Pomer Concerns any me Mom +51 inm km dum in Prohibited the sale and posed to do rs like dozen douches Mrs CKC youre prepared to give orgei gotng to be away at mealtime and wishes to make things as kld mlW manufacture of alcoholic Shocks to your psyche your Yes it It will play like broken easy as possible for Father and the children Plan an easy IHST II PlilYOd llll hilml out beverages in the United ego not to mention the pelvic Dear Dru Thosteson What record meal that Will not be difficult for them to prepare Write out States areaitself Im not trying to be crude Im trying to make you un derstand some of the feelings that are instinctive with us Some women can get through it but virtually everyone abhors it The last time felt as though left every bit of my dignity and pride on that examination table cant even look at one of the tables without my heart pounding and my throat closing Would you be kind enough to express our feelings about my prob em +P0 Your letter does not reflect the feelings of most women patientsenot even many Nor does your ap parently unfortunate ex perience reflect the pro fessional and sensitive man ner in which most pelvic examinations are conducted The only thing left in the examining room are the con cerns about their physical wellbeing that bring women there in the first place Dignity and pride are left in tact The exceptions are few for the simple reason that most physicians at least those of my acquaintance are fully sensitive to the feelings of women such as yourself It is true that not all physicians emerge from medical schools with the same examination room manners But if your recent experience has of fended you you have every right to seek another doctor certainly advise you to get this thing behind you in so way Thorough pelvic exzmi inations have been jor factor in the discovery of such problems as vaginitis pelvic tumors even cancer You neednt sacrifice any pride and dignity in the process Anesthesia isjustnotprac merit2 mueh Wider gEfiircgis JEAESEL tjcaifor theroutine pelvic ex dlscussonthan usually OP RTUNI To DOA amination anditis used only gets It mlght Statue your LITTLE CAM IGNING under certain conditions mends to know that tOday when pain or undue pressure may be factors You should learn to accept the fact that your pelvis is as mucha part of your anatomy as is your hand or your foot This is how the physician un weeks after the surgery Within short time your friend should be ready for special glasses or contact lens Dear Dr Thostson You recently stated there is no way to decide the sex of baby in advance Do you com etely discredit all that has en written about the theory symptoms does woman get if any when she gets to menopause after hysterec tomy had the uterus one ovary and one tube removed at 40 That was 10 years ago and now am wondering what more to expect Im not exactly sitting home watiting for it am and always have been very active in sports Mrs You most likely will have no symptoms Your single ovary removal 10 years ago amounted to kind of partial surgical menopause In other words your ovary hor mone production was cut roughly in half at that point Now your remainiag ovary is declining in pr uction and if you were to have symp toms such as fiashes etc they would have appeared by now Your active life has been helpful and will continue to be in the years ahead Con gratulations You are one of many women who will appar ently sail right through men $3UIS8 without running into 0a Dear Dr Thosteson few of us had discussion and couple of questions arose Maybe you could help LS Is it possible for woman to have VD and not have her husband become afflicted with it What other vaginal infections Do they affect malesand in what way JS Most venereal diseases are highly infectious so if woman has it her partner is very likely to get it If woman uses diaphragm for contraception or the man condom the likelihood of the man becoming infected is reduced The whole matter of VD there are an estimated 25 million cases of gonorrhea alone in the United States Its also of more than passing interest that of women who have gonorrhea 80 per cent have it without the classic LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont try to be cute and manipulate others to serve your ends to day You could wind up behind the eightball VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 It is smart to protect your own in terests it you dont do it with methods of which youre not proud Never swap ideals for profit LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 its folly today to try to mediate issues beyond your control You can make fine contribu tion it you stay within your sphere of influence SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 While your motives are pure to day others may not have the same innocence If the waitress brings the check dont expect others to grab it CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Dont be surprised it someone attempts to steal the Iimeiiqht y0ii deserve today Hell try to take solo bow for something you did together AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Save yourself heap of trou ble Dont inVIte one who doesnt fit into socnal activmes you have planned With friends today PISCES Feb 20March 20 You are inclined to oversell to day Make Sure you dont give away what you have already gained Your Birthday May 1976 Your finanCIai prospects look very encouraging this coming year With the optimism comes warning not to try to spend as last as you accumulate GRATIIUDE COSTS NOTTINGHAM England CP Bank clerk Angela Handy wrote to Nottingham corporation praising bus drivers chivalry in trying to save her burning car In return she received bill for $1780the cost of refilling corporation fire extinguisher SHORT RIBS By Polly ramer WA6 door THINKIbEi WINTHIZOP WHEN WE earM2250 Amonia helps Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY My problem is how to keep stainless steel Sink clean and looking good EVA JEAN DEAR EVA JEAN Wash your sink with detergent to remove any greasy residue Then rub with damp cloth with few drops of ammonia on it so as to make it gleam Dry with clean dry dish towel to avoid water marks mild scouring powder can be used occasionally if needed follow with good rinse and then rub with the dry soft cloth POLLY the menu Gather together all the materials needed along with the cooking directions and even the required utensils and leave where they can be easily found Make sure that each one knows about the plan before they start groping around and the result will be successful time for all EIIEN DEAR POLLY When buying set of matched towels always buy two extra hand towels They are used more than the others so they wear out sooner GERI DEAR POLLY am so grateful for the service you offer us for airing our Pet Peeves hope some who read mine will recognize themselves and help us all to make this better world to live in They are all related to the lack of respect for the rights and property of others There are those who have pets and let them run wild to steal food from the neighbors pets disturb and destroy property as well as the peace and quiet of an entire neighborhood to say nothing of getting killed themselves We love our dogs and cat but they are confined to our own property and protected Then there are those parents who let their young children have BB guns and other dangerous and destructive toys and still others who do not proper watch and teach their children the right of others Neighborhood children have come into our home when we were away and destroyed electrical equip ment bedding and have broken window glass in the house and car to only mention few things This has happened to us in not just one city but two so am never surprised when read of vandalism wonder how America ever got this way and how we will ever correct it do lock my doors but there is no way to protect all ones property all the time am parent too and home owner RUIH DEAR POLLY With Little League season just around the corner you may need some extra bases Use the bottoms of gallon sizc plastic bottles with one inch rim all around ut sawtooth edges on the rims and insert into the ground Such bases are clearly Visible JIINA Pollys Pointers sparkle stainless steel EVEN ON VACATION Ilastc makes waste cer tainly applies in bridge The game was matchpoint duplicate and NorthSouth were playing that Norths jump icbid to four spades would show solid suit with six or seven winncrs South bid Blackwood to make sure North held the ace of spades and then went right to seven notrurnp to collect the extra 10 points since honors are not counted in duplicate He won the first trick with the ace of diamonds and proceeded to cash the ace and king of hearts in almost the same motion West showed out and South stopped about as suddenly as speeding car hilt has run into concrete FUNNY BUSINESS LOOKS LIKE THE HMDwRITINes Oti liiE wALi ANDY CAPP BORN IOSER wonlr 8E LONG oar IuST Powin ROUND THE OSPITAL SEE MATE MINE Fishing fines MEAFORD Ont CP Four Toronto fishermen were fined Wednesday after pleading guilty before Justice of the peace to illegal possession of 77 rainbow trout Francesco Mastroanni 38 was fined $500 for possession of fish and $100 on charge of transporting the fish His son Agostino 16 was fined $100 for possession of fish Anegolo Ciccarelli 29 and Fidele Lachelini 44 were each fined $500 for possession of fish Meaford is about 20 miles east of Owen Sound 01 AIL rs I976mvu in in ring us Par 01 THATS PROBABLY WHY THEYRE CALLED THE OPPOSITE SEX WHEN You THINK YouvE PUT ONE OVER ON EM lTS JUST THE IN THERE FEItHA BOWLS sour BACK Mani no irosnbli vii rrilugsio symptoms of discharge and burning Also the report of study made in nonVD clinic showed that from five They spend rueiiinq hours of nail breaking bi ster making work THEle HAD To BE 0002 HERE some 500v REMOVED lT derstands the situation and soshouldyou In more temperate ro DIG THROUGH ro CHINA rorz YOU LT DRAKE IVE NEVER KNOWN ANYONE so KIND AND arms AND marFar Using the ir0wei and Crude you wm FABULOUS zip DWIf6 moment you might agree to nine per cent of women an rdke and Kinky begin the gieres of wood and scrap iron AND FILLED iN THE OPENING WITH TO THINK OF THIS KINKY YOURE obofscrdtchin THESE Biocvsi LI DQAKE DOINGAGREAT Mthme tetgtftghadgonorrhia STUDENTS Dear Dr Thosteson course ig per have friend who is going to centage of men as well have lmpro Your Marks have cataract removed gonorrhea without outward Rent towalrds Iowning your own 55 if if It himr 29 stamina cerne ou appens er arms 731010 after the operation He has becomeinfectious when there heard from someone that he is an open lesion Among will never be able to bend down again or lift anything heavy He is laborer and is worried that hell have to stop these are herpes virus II chancroid granuloma inquinale bubo lympho granuloma venereum and syphilis LITTLE Lees NOISE our THERE NEVER TICK OFF THE GARBAGE MAN GROUP OF RADléAlF 95M FOR THE HAegazeo FQYAL work What is the period of As to other vaginal in YOU IQNORANT THE BRICKLAYERE caution and inactivity after fectionsayes males can get TOWN HALI cataract operation Mrs BP Your friend has poor source for his information Cataract removal is not protracted procedure and it requires only minor post operative inconvenience especiall where one eye is involve at time The typical hospital stay is from seven to 10 days and the average atient can return to workina outsixweeks The tient is advised to avoid enuous activity for period after the operation the length de riding in part onthety work involved The bentIiiigover restriction would last for couple of trichomonas parasitic con dition In this often woman can have recurren ce after effective treatment The reinfection is usually from the untreated partner The male has minimal symp toms in this often none Other nonspecific in fections meaning those in which no specific organism can be identified can be acquired from an infected partner In all but few rare instances infection is via sexual contact ho letters such as ours an the dis cussion at prompted it in dicate growing awareness of the seriousness of this VD problem REMIND BUGS BUNNY IM AFRAID POKKY HA5 TAKEN PRODIGIOUS WINNER TIM ii THERES owe THING 505 nggggf CAT STAND My WIZARD 0F ID ITS POOR tli Oil FRANK ERNEST ABC PUBZIC OPINION P011 INC PICK ONE TAND ENTER 1coo

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