Judge Inch wants apology for remarks aboutwife Provincial judge Don Inch is ings wife of Ed Jennings real estate salesman The letter accused the city staff and city aldermen of attempting to make develo ment of property on Cundles cad East un profitable Ald Arthur defended the staff and council saying the develo ers were motivated by greed ecause they wanted the property rezoned to multiple coimcils agenda for discussion but at the last minute Mayor Dorian Parker referred it to the committee Judge Inch said in the letter he believes his wife Valerie and Marilyn Jennings are entitled to an apology because of remarks made two weeks ago At councils last meeting Ald Alex Arthur lashed into letter apparently written by Mrs Jenn family dwellings semidetached from single family detached hous mg The rezoning would permit four units to be built on the site rather than two Judge Inch said his wife and Mrs Jennings bought the proper ty from his 80yearold fatherin law January 1975 because the man had difficulty collecting mor tgage payments Why Alderman Arthur con cluded that the motivation to seek this use was reed and classified my wife an Mrs Jennings as greedy developers is mystery to me said There is no reason to question their intentions and call them reedy secon letter to council asking for change in the rezoning con ditions is being discussed by the city development committee Conditions for approval in cluded lOfootwide road widenin dedication cashinlieu parkland dedication site plan develo ment and develo ment of the ousing units accor ng to the Assisted Home Ownership PlanAHOP The guidelines of AHOP limit the sizetype and selling price of unit The maximum price to apply for AHOP is $39000 lookin for an apology from city counci but hel have to wait at least another week for an answer Council referred letter from Judge Inch to the general govern ment committee Monday rather than hold public discussion dur ing its regular meeting The letter addressed to Mayor Parker and si ned Inch Provincial Ju ge was on the Details of agreement issue at OMB hearing MIDHURST Details of drainage agreement at Minesing are the issue in hearing the Ontario Municipal Board now enter ing its second day here The hearin in the Simcoe County ministration building involves Vespra township council and Sade Developments Ltd which has proposed 55lot residen tial subdivision My client should be sure he is not draining more than his property Toronto lawyer Jane Pepino said after Mondays session was adjourned She said five landowners have agreed to accept storm water runoff from the Sade subdivision but the agree ment would be useless if council insists on formal petition under The Drainage Act It would then be up to the township and its engineer to determine how much land should be drained Mrs Pepino said petition could take as long as three years to com plete further delaying the development which was first proposed in 1973 Barrie lawyer Rowe representing Vespra council said the issue is whether the drainage scheme is con ducted under one section of The Drainage Act or another And Vespra Reeve Alan Johston said later that coun cil wants to be certain who pays for maintenance of the drainage system OMB representatives Thompson and Chapman Toronto lawyers appointed by the provincial government will rule on whether draft ap roval should be granted fort sub division COUNCIL REFUSES Council has refused to recommend draft approval to the ministry of housing citing the lack of drainage plan outside the subdivision But Mrs Pepino said two proposed conditions of draft approval would ensure pro per drainage Doug Skelton of Skelton Brumwell and Associates Ltd engineer for Sade Developments said design and arrangements for drainage usually are not com pleted until draft plan ap proval is given The hearing was called also to deal with rezoning for the subdivision on lots and Con But Mr Rowe said council in resolution March expressed no objection to rezoning for the 35acre sub division Unsure of how much coun cil had committed itself Mrs Decision soon on Angus arena MIDHURST decision on the proposed Angus arena will probably be announced this week member of the Ontario Municipal Board OMB said Monday The decision has taken almost four months jeopar dizing construction cost estimates on the project hearing was held Jan and Chapman in Midhurst this week for subdivision hearing said he and associate John Wheler sub mitted their decision to the OMB recently and it is being typed up for distribution He refused to say what the decision was The OMB will rule on Essa townships request for per mission to borrow $395000 to help build the arena and com munity centre in Angus At the hearing in January supporters were heard along with residents who called for referendum and others who said the tax burden would be too high Pepino asked for postpone ment on the matter So Mondays hearin dealt only with the issue draft approval and drainage Mr Skelton said the minimum lot size would be 18000 square feet and homes would be served by com munal water system and sep tic tanks To cover external drainage he said an agree ment has been made with lan downers to the north calling for Sade pay for drainage improvements and first three cleanouts Mr Rowe said council doesnt want bandaid solution to the drainage pro blem and only petition under The Drainage Act should be used Council will be responsi ble after the developer is long gone Mr Rowe said The suitability of the development under Vespras official plan was defended by Ross Raymond of Ross Raymond and Associates Gravenhurst And he supported the idea of having an agreement under terms of The Municipal Act instead of The Drainage Act would not use The Drainage Act for an urban area Mr Raymond said under questioning by Mr Rowe Four questions from Vespra residents were dealt with at the hearing After Wendell Downey RR Minesing said farm opera tions may be hindered by residential growth nearby the OMB members said the ministry of agriculture would be asked to comment before final approval is given Replying to other ues tions Mr Skelton sai the subdivision would obtain its water from separate water source not the present village system woman who said she ob jected to holding zone for part of the subdivision was told she should object when an application is made for commercial zoning as is planned WARREN PETER DEAN student mayorofthe week ets helping hand from Alex Arthur dur ing break in the city coun cil meeting Monday War ren 13 is the son of Mr and Mrs Peter Dean of Berczy Street He is Grade student at Codr ington Street School and is involved in swimming mftball baseball carpen try and reading Ex aminerPhoto South Africans visit city as part of Rotary program Six Rotary Club members from South Africa are spen ding about month in central Ontario under Rotary Foun dation group study exchange program The six landed at Toronto last week and will be the Innisfil Police garbage Robinson tells murder trial By JOHN WROE Examiner Staff Reporter Eugene Robinson still thinks the Innisfil Township Police are garbage If they cant solve simple breakin you cant ex them to solve muder said in Supreme Court Monday Robinson 32 is charged with the murder June 25 of his wife Karen He took the witness stand Monday and related his story of what hap pened in the Rolling Pin Bakery and his home the morning his wife died The story started off the same as what olice witnesses earlier testified he had told them after the murder He got up about am to be in work in the bakery an had just turned on the lights and ovens when he was accosted by two men one of them carrying sawedoff 22 cal rifle The men demanded money Robinson said he kept it at his house and they took him there On the way the man with the gun threatened to kill Robinsons dog if it didnt stop barking but didnt carry out his threat 1n the house Robinson said he gave them the money in his wallet and cashbox then the men demanded to know where the bedroomwas When they went in the bedroom the men started go ing throu the drawers and Karenw cup The man with the gun sat beside her on the bed and told her to shut up THERES NOTHING After searching the Robinsons bedroom the se cond man went to the other moms in the upgef portion of the house and binson said he heard him searching them After few minutes he came back and said Theres nothing The man with the gun asked him where his safe was and said If you dont tell us well shoot you shoot your wife you idiot then jumped Then the gun went off said Robinson heard it it went bang bang click The other man shouted You idiot at the man on the bed Robinson said he was knocked down and the man ran from the room However he turned right in the hallway which took him to the spare bedroom Robinson followed the man who turned around to leave the spare bedroom as Robinson altered The two men grap pied and Robinson said he grabbed the gun While they were struggling the gun went if and Robinson took it away from the robber He collapsed at top of the gun and passed out He said when he came to he went to the main bedroom and tried to wake Karen by shaking her She didnt wake so he told her he was going to get the men who killed her He took the rifle and hid it in the couch in the living room Robinson said he went to the kitchen to call the police but found the phone receiver torn off the wall He went to the bakery to use the phone there but found it didnt work because it was on the same line as the one in the house He heard noise and saw Kell James one of his emp ees He told her to call the po ice and she came back with her mother He told her mother to call the police and several minutes later the police arrived OTHER THEFTS Robinson told the jury that there had been revious thefts at the Roi ing Pin Bakery that had not been solved He said one morning in the summer of 1973 he had gone to work early and heard noise in the store section of the bakery He went to in vestigate and heard the door slam He found the only dollar in the till had been taken and handprint had been left on the door lie said he called police and they came to investigate Ihe lice saw the handprint on door and told him to preserve it until their finger rint experts could come binson said he sealed off the door for several weeks but the police didnt come back Another time he said $3000 in receipts from the bakery had been stolen from his motherinlaw Irene Johnstone who was manager the bakery Mrs Johnstone had related that incident in her testimony earlier in the trial He said once he went to Mrs Johnstones cottage and found her back window 34 smashed with trail of foot prints and blood leading away from it He said he showed this to police but nothing ever came of it In his statement to police after he was arrested for murder Robinson said he thought the Innisfil Police were garbage and said in court Monday he still thinks theyare The trial continues before Mr Justice Allen Goodman today Crossexamination by Gown Attorney John Murphy will take place Robinson is the last defence witness to be called by lawyer Paul Her miston guests of Simcoe County clubs until the end of the month The exchange is to promote better understanding and friendshi among peoples of the worl It provides travel grants for the exchange of teams of young business and professional men between paired districts in different countries The Rotary Foundation program allows the visitors to stud the institutions and wayso life of their hosts and to develop personal acquain tances and to exchange ideas Here from South Africa are Charles Keast 48 yearold gynaecologist born in Queenstown Cape Pro vince He has been in private practice for the past 17 years and has been Rotary member since 1968 Theodoor Andrag 28 yearold agricultura imple ment manufacturer and engineering graduate Kenneth Evans 28 of Vil oenskroon is the only chelor on the team He is chartered accountant who for the last two years has been farming on the family maize farm John Grobbelaar 29 is an uatic biologist who specia izes in iimnology He is one of the few aquatic tiologists in South Africa and is at present senior lecturerresearcher in the In stitute of Environmental Studies at the University of Orange Free State He has twice been the leader of biological expeditions to the subAntarctic islands of Marian and Prince Edward John Heather 34 is school teacher and deputy principal of Selborne Primary School in East Lon don South Africa school of 680 boys In 1971 he spent year at Manchester Universi ty on schoolarshi where he studied remedia reading techniques for school children Neville Woudberg 34 is journalist who was recently appointed assistant editor of the Evening Post the largest evening paper in the Eastern Province and Border He is also the newspapers literary editor Mr Woudberg is also lay preacher The men will visit Barrie Thursday and will be guests of the Barrie Rotary Club for its noon meeting bid by Barrie firm to equip city hall with com puter accounting machine delayed city councils ap proval of $93500 expen diture Monday The finance committee will review the offer by Sigmatics Corp Ltd for machine to handle accounting engineer ing coordinates and tax bill ing second firm MAI Canada Ltd wants to make bid to supply the equipment The city hoped for an offer from MAI which has an office in Barrie but no offer was made Ald Alex Arthur said the Sigmatics bid had an April deadline but he added the committee will make recommendation on which ï¬rm to buy from for councils special meeting Monday Herb Kirk city treasurer told the committee last week Sigmatics offer was the cheapest he had ever seen He said the city will pay HERB KIRK Council delays move to purchase computer about $15000 in overtime this year and the computer will cut this amount He said his department will have less pressure with the machine The city is using manual accounting machines Ald Ernie Rotman ques tioned whether the city should make large cost chases without cal ing tenders for the necessary quipment Rotman said he was wor ried that the public might ac cuse council of some type of patronage in awarding the contract dont know exactly what type they suggest he said Ald Arthur said the city does use the tendering ocedure with sealed bids om interested companies for buying most major equip ment but it depends on the type of equipment involved Some grievances left in Molsons dispute Two or three minor grievances still have to be ironed out between union and management officials at Molsons Brewery in Barrie Jim Applegate president of Local 306 National Union of United Brewery Flour Cereal Soft Drink and Distillery Workers said today He said the remainder of list of nearly two dozen minor yievances has been resolved to the satisfaction of union members Mr Applegate who is on holiday this week said today onduty union officials were to set up another session of talks with company officials possibly for today However plant personnel manager Garth Hines said this morning he has not heard from the union since Friday Union members met over the weekend to discuss the com panys response to the gri veances Grievance talks followed walkout Wednesday in pro test over the companys ac tion in assigning temporary worker to job in the plant while three probationary workers remained on duty in the firms park at lower wage The night shift set up picket line after quitting time and the day shift News quiz answers PART 1Montreal 2a 3b 4c 5Lebanon PART II lc 2e 3a 4d 5b PART III ib 2a 3d 4e 5c PICTURE QUIZ Callaghan James Qnedy refused to report for work Two employees remained on duty to run the brewing operation to prevent beer spoilage The walkout ended the same day when the company agreed to send the tem rary worker to the park an bring probationary worker into the plant Mr Applegate cited over supervision as the chief re maining grievance 51hr Tï¬arrir Examiner CITYNEWS The Barrie Examiner Tuesday April 27 l9769 LOCAL GENERAL CAR RECOVERED Monday evening Barrie Ci ty Police recovered 1970 car stolen early Monday morn ing The car belonging to Bruce McLean 77 St Vincent St was found in parking lot on Queen Street OUR MISTAKE report in Saturdays Ex aminer saying the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers Union printed flyers advertising sale of cookware from truck on Dunlop Street was er roneous The union only distributed the flyers to its members it did not print them MAN CHARGED Donald Keith Lee 38 Sophia St was charged with possession of restricted weapon by Barrie City Police Monday as result of search Friday He will appear in pro vincial court May LAND OFFERS City council approved an dfer to sell land to Bail Plan ing Mill Ltd on Anne Street for $20660 The land 100 feet along Vespra Street with depth of 243 feet is approx imately 55 acres The land abuts the Ball Planing Mills present pro erty Council declined an fer by Ena Ken to purchase cityowned land on the northwest corner Orillia Kiwanis Festival underway Barrie district musicians do well By MURIEL LEEPER The 1976 Orillia Kiwanis Festival opened officially Monday Thousands of en tries are recorded for com petitions from schools and musicians from many parts dOntario The twoweek Festival ty which concludes with Festival of Stars began with choirs from schools in the area The evening classes featured senior competitions with entries from Toronto Belle Ewart and Orillia Choirs are being ad judicated by Garfield Bender an experienced musician from the University of Waterloo former super visor of music of Kitchener Waterloo Mr Bender has ad judicated at festivals throughout the country in the field of choral vocal and pianowork Wellknown vocalist teacher lecturer and ad judicator Gladys Whitehead will adjudicate the vocal solo and duet clasesMrs Whitehead is popular with students being constantly in demand as adjudicator and lecturer She is presently on staff at McMaster Universi Results for Mondays dasses are 2part Ensemble Hillcrest Public School Orillia No 181 Hillcrest Public School Orillia No 80 Medonte South Central 79 Threepart Ensemble Couchiching Heights 83 School choir and In struments Grades and Medonte South Central 86 Instrumental and Choral Maple Grove Barrie 85 Kindergarten choir and Rh thm Band Hillcrest Pu lic School Orillia 83 David Church 81 South Central Public School 80 Choir and Instruments Group Orchard Park School Orillia 87 South Cen tral Public School Orillia 84 Innisfl Central School Lefroy83 Girls Solo 16 yrs and under Lynn Slater Orillia 86 Janice Leach Alliston 85 and Maureen Maloney Parry Sound 85 Cathy Tapscott Orillia and Sheila McLean Orillia tied 84 Girls Solo 12 yrs and under Louise Hewson Thornton 86 Ellen Russell Orillia and Kelly Doane Alliston tied 85 Pauline Cole Orillia and Christine Taylor tied 84 Girls Solo 14 yrs and under Mary Ann Hanna Alliston 86 Cathy Tapscott Orillia and Lynn Slater Orillia tied 85 Gail Hurlbut Orillia84 Girls Solo 10 yrs and under Anne Marie Hur tnbise Orillia 86 Gwenneth McKelvey Alliston and Sher ril Garth Coldwater 85 Ann Sinclair Orillia 84 Girls Solo yrs and under Rhonda Graham Orillia 85 Lisa Young Parry Sound 84 Sherri Zeats Gravenhurst 83 Girls Solo 18 yrs and under Susan Leach Alliston 84 Cecilia Williams Orillia 83 Sheila McLean Orillia 82 Boys Solo 18 under Bill Bracebridge 85 Boys Solo 16 yrs and under Charles Racher Orillia 84 Stephen Wray Alliston82 Boys Solo 12 yrs and gider Mark Reid Orillia Edward Goth Coldwater 83 Gary Halbert Alliston 82 Boys Solo yrs and under Gordon Creasor Orillia 84 Wade Langford Barrie 83 Allan Cameron Gravenhurst 82 yrs and Towns Boys Solo 10 yrs and under Geoffrey Holgrough Beaverton 84 Nimish Oza Alliston 83 Allen Fidda ment Gravenhurst and Simon Smithyman Gravenhurst tied 82 Tenor Solo Open Gary Bradstadt Toronto 87 Ladies Solo 21 yrs and under Mary Jo Masterson Orillia 88 Evelyn Reid Belle Ewart 83 Mans Solo Open Brandstadt Toronto 84 Oratorio Solo Soprano Mary Jo Masterson Orillia 90 Jeannette Labombarda Toronto 89 Cecilia Williams Orillia81 Oratorio Solo Tenor Gary Brandstadt Toronto 86 Operatic Arias Soprano Heannette Labombarda Toronto 89 Mary Jo Master son Orillia 87 Operatic Arias Tenor Gary Brandstadt Toronto 87 Gary of Adelaide and Innisfil streets Mrs Kennedy of fered$7000 MINISTRY SUBSIDY Barrie is asking the ministry of transportation and communication MTC for subsidy of $10000 for traffic signals in 1976 to modernize and interconnect traffic signals on Bayfield Street ALL DAY PARKING City council gave permis sion to the Canada Trust Company to display promo tion vehicle at parking meter on Simcoe Street in May at the normal rate for hooding meters BUFFER STRIP written quotation for buffer strip at Barries se cond firehall on Bell Farm Road was acce ted by city council Mon ay Wilcox bid $4080 for the necessary bush and trees The city will pay the bill with money from the subdividers contribution fund MINORS HONORED City council is awarding 18 small trophies to the members and coaches of the United Steelworkers USW Minor Pee Wee hockey team winners of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association OHMA championships this ear Aid Alex Arthur made recom Lloyd mg mendation saying the city always honors teams whic win provincial title or bet ter He said the USW Pee Wees are the only Barrie Minor Hockey Association BMHA team to win ro vincial title this year trophies cost about $7 each COUNCIL OPPOSES Barrie council is opposing draft plan of subdivision in Innisfil township and filing the objection with the ministry of housing The sub division Innisglen is located just south of the city limits Barrie is opposing the plan because further urbanization of lands is premature urban services are not available watershed boundaries are not defined and the housing per manent and not of seasonal nature VOTING DELEGATES Barrie council appointed Mayor Dorian Parker or her substitute and Ald Val Brucker as voting delegates to the 39th annual conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities this year ART RENTAL The Barrie Art Club Sponsored Barrie Art Rental will be held next Saturday May in the basement of the Barrie Public Library from 14 pm Several new pain tin have been added to the col ection this month club spokesman said Seven of the new paintings are by well known Canadian artist Gor don Peters of Caledon East and three are by Barrie artist Norman Taylor Over 100 paintings will be available for rental or purchase CORRECT PROBLEMS Barrie is taking steps to correct problems in the R0 seanne subdivision this year includin surface pavingThe city also take any necessary legal action to recover the expense from Ro seanne Investments Ltd and thebonding company MULCASTER STREET City council thinks the responsibility for adult cross guards is the responsibili ty of the Simcoe County boards of education and not the cit Council answered letter rom Mary Dunstan of Wellington Street referring her to the boards Mrs Dunstan asked the city to pro vide adult crossing guards for school children at the in tersection of Mulcaster and Codrin on streets Council did ma one change to the intersection prohibiting southbound traffic from making lefthand turns to go east on Codrington Street ii