Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1976, p. 14

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I4The Barrie Examiner Tuesday April 27 1976 REAL ESTAT IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage loans Anywhere on All homes cottages larms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts Pay oil mortgages 4L Lower monthly payments Home improvements Construction lunds Any worthwhile cause 0Free advice try us if We have ready cash to purchase mortgages GAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP EAST MEMBER 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO ONTARIO MORTGAGE tonomo 0N1 7260951 BROKERS Assoc 3633421 CALL ANYTIME 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE MORTGAGE SERVICES caring for canada RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Ottering Best possible rates Immediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89 COLLIER sr BARRIE 7264491 BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630398 TORONTO TThSTF IST AND 2ND MortgagesBought sold arranged Firsts from 1134 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and onehalf Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con fidential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage TRY BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Mortgages coming due APTS TO RENT Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 7288675 evenings 7371362 RENTALS PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE FOR LEASE Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Prestige location Most overlooking boy Stove refrigerator washer dryer °Renta applications now being taken references For appointment to inspect Call 7262361 or 7265992 For People Who Care TThSTF dd BACHELOR One and two bedroom apartments available immediately If you are looking for comlort quiet secluded location HOLGATE COURT HOLGATE and BAYVIEW 12 and BEDROOM NOW RENTING Very large suites Large balconies Equipped gym room Cable TV Parking City bus service Adults only Color automatic appliances Sauna bath 7289682 TThSTF Bedroom Apartments 255 Dunlap Street West is Under New Management We have renovated the building and apartments and have spotless apartments available lor the lirst of May and will have for the first of June Playground Large balconies or yards Broadloom Colored Appliances and fixtures Parking For further details call 7371295 TF KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Battles Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF WELLINGTON PLACE OOne two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Lease and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267153 anytime TF LUXURIOUS bedroom townhouse with rec room brand new with molar ap pliances exclusive location You have to see it to believe It For more Informa tion call 7263432 after pm ask for Joe AVAILABLE APRIL One bedroom apartment close to downtown $185 mon ttlly Phone 7269205 or 7370426 ONE AND two bedroom In downtown area Available April rent ranging $1 10 to $165 Telephone 7263257 SUBLET One bedroom apartment available May imperial Towers underground parking tennis courts sauna extra large rooms $243 monthly Telephone 7269580 any time Two BEDROOM apartment central 87 Baylleld st parking $200 monthly plus utilities no pets Telephone 7285430 ask for Joe FURNISHED One bedroom apartment completely furnished overlooking boy at $225 mon thly Suitable for adult couple Telephone 7260988 week days TWO BEDROOM second floor apart ment central location parking lor car stove and refrigerator PUC extra Telephone 7265869 ONE BEDROOM downtown over Steeles China Shop In cludes heat hydro adult building sorry no children or pets Telephone 7282395 or evenings 7285895 ITWO BEDROOM apartment Downtown reflrgerator stove Telephone 4873600 or 2910 BACHELOR AND one bedroom downtown area rslrlgerator stove utilities and parking Telephone 4873600 117262910 BACHELOR APARTMENT adults on ly suit older single rent Includes stove lrlg above ground arklng sauna Inlodern equipped laun ry room locked doors Intercom elevator Telephone 7288655 TWO BEDROOM apartment $225 mon tttly also one bedroom apartment $200 monthly both apartments com lately lurnlshed suitable for adult coup 726 0908weekdays ONE BEDROOM apartment Penatang St on bus route Parking available May first $175 per month Please telephone 7267888 after fully furnished SUBLET APARTMENT imperial Towers facing the Bay laundry facilities sauna rec room tennis courts md underground parking Telephone alter 7267353 TWO one bedroom apartments for rent Downtown Immediate occupancy Ca Mr Marshall 7280410 Bayfield Wellington area Stove refrigerator parking supplied from $100 to $225 monthly no pets Call after pm 7288584 ONE BEDROOM ground floor apart ment stove refrigerator heat and park ing $165 monthly Available June first St Vincent St area Telephone 7260713 MODERN bedroom apartment refrigerator stove heat included $225 monthly no pets telephone 7371130 after6pm ONE BEDROOM apartment with stove arld refrigerator adults no pets East end location $170 Available May first Telephone 7264140 ONE BEDROOM newly decorated your diolce ol furnished or unfurnished Available May first To arrange for an inspection telephone Collect 14168594493 TWO BEDROOM apartment Available May first stove relrigerator cable TV laundry room One year lease required Telephone 7266046A H74 AVAILABLE MAY one bedroom apartment $195 monthly includes refrigerator stove heat and parking bus stop location no pets Call 7284016 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment In new building Georgian College area $195 monthly includes heat hydro Inter com elevators sauna laundry facilities Available Immediately 7168432 LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart ment older home Centrally located refrigerator stove heat hot water sup plied Married couple prelerred No children no pets $175 monthly 7287618 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment close to bus route $120 monthly telephone 7266191 business hours ask lor Andy or after6 pm 7289559 BEDROOM apartment at 67 Strabane $200 monthly pay own hydro Available May Telephone 7264033 TWO BEDROOM apartment Refrigerator stove supplied First and last months rent in advance Adults on ly Available now Telephone 7370665 HOUSES TO RENT THREE BEDROOM House fireplace family room garage 12 Deerpark Drive $335 monthly plus heat and hydro no pets Telephone 7285430 ask lorJoe THREE BEDROOM detached house for rent In Allandale Heights Option to pur chase If desired Available June first $100 monthly Telephone 7267959 FOUR BEDROOM house available May first On outskirts of Barrie $300 mon thly Telephone 7268698 BEDROOM House on outskirts of Bar rie Available May $300 monthly Telephone 7268698 ¢4 JBEDROOM HOUSE for rent fireplace double garage in Innlslll Township $300 monthly Telephone 4362420 THREE BEDROOM semi Georgian College area $300 per month Telephone 4168623727 collect to pm Monday Friday BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE broadloom throughout appliances Available Im mediately on bus route Ferris Lane area $300 monthly Telephone 7288192 NEAR GEORGIAN College bedroom house large kitchen open plan living arld dinlng room $325 monthly Available May Will lease for summer months it tenant prefers Call after 7288570 Miss Tomklns or Toronto 4167432765 collect GEORGIAN COLLEGE area bedroom semi children welcome $300 Option to purchase Call 7286043 TALL TREES bedroom side split garage main floor lamin room with fireplace partially finished basement nicely decorated carpeted throughout Available May 31st $315 plus utilities Telephone 7269597 anytime ROOMS TO LET VACANCYglrls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located $18 per week Phone atter57261484 furnished AVAILABLE immediately room with kitchen privileges telephone 7269205 or 7370426 ROOMS TO RENT in downtown area In mens residence share kitchen Telephone 4364374 alter pm LARGE COMFORTABLE bed sitting room downtown area $30 weekly able immediately Telephone 7261288 alter MIL FURNISHED ROOM for rent refrigerator and linen supplied central location Telephone 7288484 or 7265627 BRIGHT CLEAN lurnlshed room no liugs drunks or pets please Central location Telephone 7373923 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM OR room and board In private home close to downtown reasonable ROOM 15 bright and cheery In new me good home Cooked meals linen anged weekly abstainers Telephone 65017 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfleld Barrie 5008000 so tt air condition 4162217233 PRIME industrial space available Im lately 4000 to 19500 square feet Ith offices lully sprlnklered truck level and parking provided alephone 7267130 56 FEET office space tor rent nlop St East available now elaphone 726 1683 DOWNTOWN STORE tor lease corner erty consisting ol approximately square feet hour customer park Telephone 7268980 RENTALS OFFICES STORES FOR RENT WSTORESIWW Bayfleld Street and Cundles Telephone4162217233 name ALLANDALE AREA 600 feet sell con fined office space offices plus large reception Carpeted heat and light In cluded $240 secretarial service available 7371160 ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE WANTEDTwo people to share three bedro apartment wtth young bache or available April 1st parking clgie to downtown Telephone Don 726 BUSINESS PERSON 20 to 30 years at age wanted to share bedroom apart ment Central location Available Ma Call 7265878 alter pm AUTOMOTIVE SARSFORSALE 1975 MERCURY Grand Marquis All power with airconditioning $5500Telephone 7261001 or 7269005 1973 NOVA cylinder all power other gtgrfisbasmo miles $2600 or near offer 1970 THUNDERBIRD Excellent condi tion power steering brakes radio radials sacrifice $1800 firm Must sell Telephone 7289275 1973 Vw SPORT beetle shelby mag radials 28000 miles radio and custom interior gas heater and rear window chlroster asking $1950 Telephone 686 7882 between6and7 pm 1972 CAPRI blue and white louvered windows lront and rear spoilers stan dard transmission 29000 miles $2300 1974 International threequarter ton Travelall Van V8 automatic 34000 miles $2400 or best otter 7370525 1973 FORD GALAXIE 500 door hard top hasvalr conditioning power steer Ing power brakes and vinyl top Call 7286817 after6pm 1974 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle one owner under 15000 miles electric rear window defroster snow tires on rims rustprooled will certily $2450 Phone 7260386 1971 PLYMOUTH Cricket Excellent condition rustproofed radial tires and srtows Radio stereo speakers new luneup Must sell Telephone 7263586 before5pm 1971 TOYOTA Corolla good condition Asking $925 Telephone 4241758 1969 CHEV IMPALA will sell parts Telephone 4362309 1974 AUSTIN MARINA2door gold finish automatic 20000 miles certified snow tires radio Excellent condition $2495 Telephone 7289828 1975 TOYOTA CELICA St 20000 miles yellow with brown interior rustproofed AMFM radial tires and snows moving to Germany must sell $4200 Telephone 4245633 anytime 197s CHEVELLE MALIBU ClassiE 12000 original miles Excellent condi tion private sale Telephone 7287002 1969 VOLVO STATIONWAGEN for partsAsls4873545after600pm 1973 TOYOTA 1600 seriesfsmoo or best ofler Telephone 7261062 1968 CHEV IMPALA door hardtop V8 power steering power brakes excellent condition Apply 488 Blake Street Bar rie fisCHEV IMPALA 14000 miles aellent condition asking $4200 Call 7289562 1975 MUSTANG MACH 26000 miles lully equipped rust prooled snows will age gertllled $6100 or best Telephone 28 1970DATSUN 510 door automatic red finish $550 or best offer extra tires Uncertitied Call alter pm 7287040 ONE BEDROOM apartment to rent Refrigerator stove and parking sup plied Pay own hydro No children $165 monthly First and last months rent Telephone 7268993 1975 MONTE CARLO Landau sliver trey black interior swivel buckets and console AMFM track stereo electric rear defogger bumper guards and side mouldings steel belted radials Ex allent condition low mileage 7372655 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA rear window mfrost undercoating radio roof rack certilied Telephone 4357573 1970 FORD FAIRLANE 302VTI automatic mechanically perlect body good Interior good good tires asking $800 telephone 7264182 1968 CHEVELLE hardtop ii cylinder uncertilied best offer Telephone 14167752579 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY passenger station wagon copper V8 automatic transmission power brakes power steering radio roof rack white side wall tires 13357 miles like new balance of Chrysler warranty Telephone Titden RentACar7370800 1971 GREMLIN 232 cylinder speed standard body in perfect condition $1000 For extra $150 Cragar SS rims Telephone 7284817 after 330 pm 1967 THUNDERBIRDInew disc brakes new exhaust interior in excellent condi tion power steering power brakes power windows certified telephone 91277 SZQELM 1973 MONTE CARL with black vinyl roof AMFM radio cruise control excellent highway car Asking $2895 telephone 7289815 PRIVATE 1969442 Cutlass Convertible door floor shllt bucket seats all elec tric Mag Wheels $1000 will certify last sale Telephone 7262998 1971 MUSTANG 302 V8 good condition nine tires $1900 or best offer Telephone 7370121alterw5pm 1971 MARK Mustang 351 Ram air not certilied air conditioning dual exhaust Telephone 7287018 after pm 1970 CHEVROLET Kingswood passenger stationwagon In excellent condition easily certified asking $1200 or best offer Telephone 7289636 or 7371425 1971ACADIAN door sedan cylinder automatic radio certilied Telephone 7370530 after6pm 1970 DODGE passenger stationwagon power brakes power steering new snow tires new battery motor good body lair selling uncertilled $500 Call 3221115 CAESWKNTED TO BUY URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF SCRAP CARS and trucks Wanted Top prices paid Wlll pickup 7289666 TOPTPRICE for top carS Toke Motor Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNKCARS WANTED HighesTfirices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACYWANTS cars ant trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free plckgpjelephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLE wanted top prices paid free Immediate pickup anytime 4362900 77H TRUCRSAND TRAILERS 1972 GMC PICKUP for sale automatic certified $2000 Telephone 726I728 evenings 1976 SUBURBAN Sliverada loaded wheel drive power brakes and steering Rally wheels and radials 400 cu Inch barrell carb 1500 miles With 21 options Asking $12000 Must sell Telephone 7260826 1944 HALFTON ChevI pickup with camper to Licenced can be certilied $700 mechanical Telephone 726 2992 1973 INTERNATIONAL Crevf Cab threequarter ton wheel drive speed transmission utility body with camper top Certified Asking $5500 Telephone 4364682 ANTIQUE 1941 Chev pickup truck speed transmission cylinder running order $895 or best offer Telephone 063720 wfifl4 1777TlfFORD 250 pick up truck low pro file tires uncertifled $650 Telephone 72631406ltttr6 pm 1971 GMCTSPRINT with camper Asking $2800 or best offer telephone 4241714 MOTORCYCLES 1973 YAMAHA 360 6500 miles new tires chain spockets extra tank ex haust etc $850 Call Kim 7371182 or 4589693 ARTICLES FOR SALE BARRIE TENT and Awning provides complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers and awnings Be ready for airingl Have your work done now before the rush starts Free estimates gladly van on new metal or fabric awnings 34 aylleld Street 7266437 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE RENT TO OWN No money down $625 per week on rent to own no payments till July 1976 room grouping FULL PRICE FREE DELIVERY i587 Superb piece bedroom suite excellent piece kit chen suite quality indestrubtible Herculon built piece living room suite in UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST WEST 8Just West of Barrie Arena pnonc7262900 A29 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick BOO EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR Unclaimed Freight NAME BRAND 26 INCH COLOR CONSOLE TO THE FLOOR FULL PRICE $449 or pay $450 per week on rent to own No payments until August Phone tonight deliver tonight 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 A29 EXCITING 26 INCH COLOR CONSOLE TV $443 or pay iust $450 week No money down no payments til August Phone tonight tree delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371 182 MTThFTF KRAZY KELLY BARRIE PLAZA BARRIE 7371182 RENT TO OWN 20 inch TV 14 monthly Phone IonitetOelivery tonite New Low Rental Rates RENT TO OWN RCA 26 inch per month RCA inch per month $25 Frld 7266537 GIANT 20 INCH COLOR TELEVISION ONLY $3660 or pay just $350 week No money down No payments til August Phone tonight free delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 WMtrhI=tr SUGAR LIPS Says HOW SWEET IT IS 20 INCH COLOR PORTABLE $399 Guaranteed state your own terms or $460 per week on rent to own Phone tonight deliver tonight Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap St iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 A29 USED VACUUM CLEANERS floor pollshers electric brooms Your choice 90upTeIephone 726 0853 AIR CONDITIONERS Headquarters for all sizes of home air conditioners priced from $21995 We strvicewhatwe soil Visit Barrie TV and Appliances Sales and Service Centre 29 Collier sr 7284297 SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools In stock Sacrifice piece for desperately needed lactory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools Include walk around deck fence filter and warranty Size 15 x27 $1088 cash or terms Call Gord col lectdaysor evenings 1416 2214840 sTWIMMING POOL sacrliicé ileadlrig manufacture and distributor has aluminum pools left over lrom 1975i season half price guaranteed lnstalla tlon and terms Call collect days or evenlngs14164818802 LAWN BOY Iawnmowors and Johnson Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 7261001 PIECE SPANISH Provincial bedroom stite also piece modern bedroom suite piece living room suite colfee table Maytag washer and dryer Idare relrigerator AMFM track stereo componant All above Items are 56 months old Oro Motel on Highway 11 Philco 25 inch per month 519 191OIFHFEscTSEPlQleV 3690 General Electric 25 99 I9 COLOR $333 monll $18 or pay lust $350 per week with nol money down and no payments untl Ju Odels emed °°l Phone tonight and take free delivery bOSIs Short term slightly tonight Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrla7371182 higher Open daily 1100 om900 pm Saturday 930 to pm Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371 82 Phone tonite Deliver tonite My ThFTI TEAM UNIFORMS and lackets See Jon Scope Weeks at Georgian Sports R0 TMH FIGHTING INFLATION So are wiT New and used stereos from $75 Visit the Bela7M level of Barrie TV 29 Collier 728 RECONDITIONEB color TVs from $195 used black and white from $50 Bar rla TV 29 Collier 517284297 25 COLOR $499 Barrie TV for best value on Canadian made color TVSJs year picture tube war ranty year arts and labor We service what we so Comparethen sto at Barrie TV 29 Collier Street or telep one 72114297 YORK AIR conditioner 25 ton com assors water cooled 2083 phase ydro model 1003 for Inlormatlon call 7261009 40 E553 KRUG SOLID maple new bedroom fur niture limited supply while they last visit Barrie TV and appliances 29 Col Iler 51 7284297 GUITAR Gibson J45 brand new with hardshell case Value of $585 sacrifice EJ263020 gt LADIES RALEIGH 21 speed bicycle excellent condition years old asking 080 Telephone 7289800 alter pm BICYCLE Boys 10 speed Slmpsons Free Spirit I9lnch frame excellent con dltlon Used one season $65 or best al for 7266740 PTKNO FOR sale upr leis phone 4241758 410 CIL single shot flight aiIFIItuesis ARTICLES FOR SALE For only $670 week you can buy this new 26 Zenith console colour television And If you phone tonight you can take free delivery tonight with no money mwn and no payments tll August Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 $600 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA colour Spanish to the lloor console television No money down no payments tll August Phone tonight Dellver tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 $400 WE KLY buys this 19 RCA Accucolor televlslo with no money down and no payments tll August Phone tonight and take tree delivery and set up tonight Krazy Kel lys in the Barrie Plaza 7371182 LOOKATTHIS You can buy this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor portable colour television Now for only $400 week No money down no payments til August Krazy Kellys TV Phone tOnIght free delivery tonight 737112 20 PER CENT OFF cylinders etc lor Arctic Cat and Kawasaki snowmobile motors In stock Sport Haven Marine ns1001 BARRIE TENT and Awning provides complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers and awnings Be ready for springl Have your work done now before the rush starts Free estimates gladly given on new metal or fabric awnings 34 Baylhald Street 7266437 USED TELEVISION We have taken In so many used televi sions on trade that they are getting in the way ol Incoming new stock Good work Ing color and black and white lrorn $29 Come in and make us an offer Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 LADIES AND gentlemans alterations 26 Mary St Telephone 7373432 or rasldence 7200446 Directory ALTERATIONS EIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antiquebrick TPPLlAtlcn ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd NMOTIIOO Sales and service Alliance manam AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 ACCOUSTICAL CONTRACTORS ACOUSTIC Ceilings drywall systems rmvable partitions additions altera tions general contractors Horsestpe Valley 7267191 8352926 Custom bunlt and deSIgned All workmanship guaranteed Usmg only quality material PETER HENSTRA 7269434 $30 SPECIALIST Business Services and Products llGNTNING RODS VESPRA VALLEY HEATINGMIIOGOCOO agents for Dominlon Lightning Rod Co td Reduce lnsuranceLates 7200733 MUSIC INSTIUCT ION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio m14s9 MUSIC INSTRUCTION Guitar Accor don Piano Canadian Academy of Muslc121 Baylleld St Two months trial Instrument loaned for home practice beginner and advanced 7281799 GUITAR Accordion Plano Canadian Academy at Music 121 Bayfleld St Two month trial Instrument loaned lor home wgtlce beginner and advanced 728 17 DINING ROOM suite Spanish walnut table leaves chairs rolling bullet china cabinet with hutch $1500 White Provincial bedroom suite 36 headbeds night tables vanity with bench hIboy $300 Telephone 4872891 STEREO SYSTEM Pioneer 5x434 receiver dual 1214 turntable EPl 50 speakers One year old new over $700 $450 llrm Phone 7287279 any time Tuesday alter Monday and Wednesday REMINGTON ELECTRIC typewriter $100 Portable typewriter $25 Telephone 4589401 Landscape contracting and design by Dale Simpson BSc Agr Quality plant material Complete maintenance Unlstone drives and walks SPRING CLEANUP Storm WlndOWS remOved and cleaned General lawn care Exterior pointing trash houled Slso 22 Stevens commcmAL EEO 39 men good can 4875680 Evenings 4875386 dfllonggslaelephong 47367165 Barrie Otlice 7267801 LADYS BIKE blue CCM like new 26 Inch wheel span speed $50 cash TThsMyle Telephone 728454s BEAUTIFUL WHITE peau de sole wed ding gown with attached train cap style headpiece and veil Also several formal gowns sizes to to telephone 7370362 After 530 or 728 4536 anytime OPEN FRONT driving shed lor sale fleet roof antique board sides asking SKANAN CONSTRUCTION LTO Renovations Additions $500 in good condition Telephone 266752 RESIDENTIAL AND REFRIGERATOR INGLIS medium size also GE relrigerator suitable for COMMERCIAL rec room or cottage Inglis dryer Mol can lat gas range Best otter telephone 1064 or 7372364 GOOD USED aparintent size refrigerator Viking white and half JIM 7280108 or JOHN 7262047 yearsold large freezer compartment TThSMy13 lelephone 726 7734 ELECTRIC ORGANConn2keyooErds ipedals rhythm 10 with bench years old excellent condition telephone 27 2402 CONSTRUCTION BED WITH mattress continental three Iquarter International Chiopractic 600995 sundeCks Association mattress Just three months oRenovotions eAddmons iota asking $75 telephone 728 2136 SELL OR TRADE 8ft pool table with me set pool and one set snooker balls Cues For boat that will take minimum 10 hp motor 726 0040 TRY BARRIE EXAMINER FREE ESTIMATES Phone 7269429 hTThSMy15 CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions iFree estimates 487 5618 18 FT FIBREGLASS boat 1973 with 1974 150 Mercury outboard has top mwer trim power tilt and trailer Ex lcollent condition Asking $4200 fTetephone 726 3984 after 16 FT ccdar strip with 30 HP Mercury In excellent condition Asking price $750 Ior best olfer Telephone 737 1039 iWE BUY and sell new and used boats NEED MORE living space Rec room extra bedroom play room laundry of lice storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 728 8906 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No iob too small 726 i271 ROOFING Carpentry alterations all work guaranteed and reasonable 436 WANT ADS elc Fully experienced 7269002 726 2609 PHONE 7282414 cc TTTT CARPENTRY General repairs BOATS AND MOTORS Renovations rec rooms garages etc and small moving iobs ICENTERTAINMENT 3m FURNITURE REEINISNING FINE FURNITURE refinishing and WARREN BROWN DJ Music for peo pURpLE MARTIN Houseslyor sale Ap restoration Pine country furnishings pie who like to dance Good rates 720 ply at 92 Meirose Ave Barrie or °dJ° P°° 3637 9555 teiephone 7285283 Rum WANT ADS MOVING AND STORAGE PHONE 72824 ESSA MOVERS and Cartage 7203311 or SIMPSON EEL NANDYMAN PAINTING AND PAINTING Contractors ln terlor exterior free estimate 7281914 Barrie PAINTING paper hanging experlénced free estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 17560874 exterior waltpapering custom textured Work guaranteed 4875525 7263441 between IOO In and 30 In 1F GENERAL REPAIRS carpentry renovations painting etc Reasonable Reliable No iob too small 7260038 HOUSE CLEANUPS cleaning con tracts General repairs painting odd PEPE 997 39° STORM WINDOWS removed eavestroughs cleaned lawns cut gardens rotor tilled Phone 7289367 NEATING£OOLING COMPLETE healing plumbing sprinkler systems airconditioning sheet metal fabrication Service and maintenance 24 hr service 737 0909 VESPRA VALLEY Healing VsheVert metal Forced air heating air condition ing electronic air cleaners 728 0733 PJQ NOME IMPROVEMENTS Cottage and house lilting and moving basements installed un der homes Foundations Sport Haven Marine Shanty Bay Rd I726 1001 IHOUSE BOAT and trailer Asking only $300 needs some work 14 ft moulded vplywood boat Windshield and Johnston loonlrols Asking $175 55 Chrysler eloc ltric motor Asking $650 Telephone 728 IMO anytime IDOAI 14 and one half foot libregrlass Irunabout with 35 hp Evinrude Ex Iceltent condition Must sell $1150 726 1320 112FT FIBREGLASS sail boat complete Iwilh sails and16 It trailer best ollor Telephone 726 I288 18 FOOT GREAVETTE inboard out board In good condition $1050 also 18 ll day cruiser bunks 50 hp Johnson out board $650 Telephone 835 2248 1970 55 hp Chrysler outboard with con Itrols $400 Telephone 726 9045 after pm 116F001 SNIPE class sail boat and gtrailor Fiberglass hull with custom llotation Two sets of salts included $800 Telephone 728 7043 evenings ARTICLES WANTED 1540 GENERAL CARPENTRY rec rooms tiling renovating dry wall built in clothes closets etc Reasonable 726 1153 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 436 3681 alter 630p Reference available ll and General contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces giaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER speClallllnq In rec rooms interior remodelling trim etc Please call 728 8884 alter AND PAINTING Contractors In brior exterior free estimate 7281914 Bgrrie CABINET MAKER European train ed kitchens vanities pine furniture renovations alterations domestic com mercial 726 2948 CARPETCLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with carpet steam cleaning 726 6321 CUSTOM FENCING IWANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them to the Cir culation Department or phone 726 6539 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre l9501toms 728 8234 OLD FURNITURE lamps China odds and ends wanted Antiques lor sale 726 8704 DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE trailer Will buy or rent for May June July August 9725 DOGS AND PETS CUSTOM ENCING and Supplies Phone for estmates Free delivery Barrie Fence Co 726 3068 Lambert 728 $70 FREE ESTIMATES and Competitive Prices on Custom Fencing Telephone 728 7829 RESIDENTAL FENCING chain link custom wood fences Improve your pro perty¥737 1507 MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional Clip ping and grooming reasonable rates TEeplPmm °°° MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios EDGEHILL AQVUARIA Aquarillms Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates fish plants all accessories Lowast wort guaranteed Book now phone 726 pricel4sArdagh 3517290094 77 7M 1181 EARRIE POODLE salon Shampoolng and clipping at all breeds Sophia DIESEL REPAIRS Street 12997264 POODLE TRIMMING Protcssiona HUBBARD Barrie Ltd Diesel grooming all breeds pick up and Engine repairs and maintenance delivery7268r798Pet Studio Cashway Road 93 and 11 726 456 SHIH TZU pups registered show quail ty champion parents small and cudd ONESSMANING ly real beauties apartment size pets mom0822 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE TV 1Callalter6 AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits cage 5a gowns and alterations 76 Worsley 72¢ PUPPIES Irish Stter and Lab cross 09° Wlll be beautiful dogs $5 each ERYWALL SPECIALIZING in taping and texture spraying Call Tony 728 1102 IEISPWWEUS SMALL CUDDLY house dog Lhasa Ap so puppies No more hairs vet ln spected CKC registered ReBdY 10 Professional installations taping land EmePAhone487250m linishing Fancy stlppled celllngs GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for Sale 9951929999110 9985137 2544 9weeks old purebred no papers asking $50 each lovely puppies black with SAVESTNOUGHING sable Tele hone 22343 black SUPEFIOR EAVESTROUGHING SIAMESE KITTENS Sealpolnt 59° and MW roofs onl 419 months old trained males $30 each 5691 Lowe Tsephonetténleetwr5399m ELECTRICAL citienifiggl ElleESITRIIC ndustrial SI Ont 333uglggggngggglggzghd flzccses hours sefvtce°134oli LOSSESEElrfizit°glaiiiéaéi SIMCPEELEciIIc Industrial com Centregsrerndaie Only4242951 gan€wxinciéa7léalamps 24hour PEMNBEELW ELECTRONICS RASPBERRY CANES 20c each Creston Trent Ottawa Latham Comet waburg sold In bundles of 25 7289542 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 1974 GOLDEN FALCON 21F Series In A1 condition Sleeps six fully equipped with furnace and storm windows Asking $5000 Telephone 7289815 El ELECTRONICS 2Woy Radio CB Marine Radio Sales and Service model 85 automatic 22 Remington TV AND STEREO SERVICING 24ft1974 PROWLER sleeps 71011 bath flbreglasTEsarTOG lllllehnezcgb all col largleIrelrigerattlor 3ucklosets vasrgltziabTV MAINTENANCE PROGRAM aer spare re new or $3321 £12221 Redgegénlinfiig 53 best 019IS990€43393 SMCOE PLAZA7267282 trlc adding machine new Telephone 017 DRAPES WALL to wall gold bedroom alpucgs tapes with doggge bseétspread to match $50 Tele ions 39 aoyritis anticoaisiereosnp deadlme for Classlled wsomu mu blockwork £500 Mondo amp $1500 Oscilloscope word ads lefyjneys fireplaces 772175380 9000 41173545 after 600prrt ANTIQUE tier taBiéIand CherryWOOd side table excellent condition 19991129929129L KEEP lT KOOL Beat the peak season air conditioning Ices Buy now and air condition for on 737118 $188 No money downno payments tlll August Phone tonitedeliver tonite Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie AND MASONRY speciallxing lr llreplaces Written warranty Also brlcll block and stone 728 5673 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