Flos council to set rate in May ELMVALE Flos township council hopes to finalize 1976 property taxes in May it was announced by deputy reeve Alex Finlay The next regular meeting the council will be held Monday May If all the ï¬gures and requisitions are not ready by then the final budget and levy dicision will be made at special meeting We should have it settled in May in order to get out our tax bills on time said the deput reeve who is now ser ving is ninth year on Flos council Before that he had served as school trustee before county boards were established in 1969 Notice was received that the F105 requisition for coun ty purposes will amount to $59476 slightjncrease from last year but the rate per iro rtyowner will be down slighetly The new school tax requisitions are still awaited LEGION PHVS PRESENTED ALLIS TON Fortyfive year member ship pins were presented to 12 veterans at banquet of Branch 171 of the Royal Canadian Legion at Alliston when there were Flos has remained with one billing system year We Imve discuss interim bill ing but we found many farmers preferred to receive one bill he said The deputy reeve said the matter might be considered further by next years council if the situation changes and there is demand for two bills Asked about amalgamation prospects for Flos Deputy Reeve Finaley said there was considerable discussion few ears ago but there hasnt been much talk about it of late It came up with regional government proposals but this didnt work out as ex pected he said referring to increased operational costs and taxes in regional govern ment areas Various proposals concern ing possible amalgamation with Vespra or Medonte visitors from Orangeville Stayner Creemore Stroud Tottenham and Shelburne Among those receiving the pins were front row left to right COUNTY GLIMPSES Waverley secondary plan development of this border community will be discussed at public meeting at the Orange hall here on Thursday afternoon and evening Proposed plan for the study area will be presented and views invited The meeting is slated to open at pm and continue to with an evening session from 730 to pm Interested ratepayers from the townships of Tay Medonte F105 and Tiny are invited Roger Robitaille is secretary of the Waverley planning committee EQUIPMENT SHOW MIDLAND Staff special display of uipment med by the town pub ic works will be made on King street here on Thursday Friday and Saturday April 22 23 and 2A Twoway traffic will be maintained during the show ing RIVER RATS COLLINGWOOD The Beaver River Rat race is slated for Sunday April 25 at pm in Heathcote 10 miles west of Collingwood GUN CLUB STAYNER The Stayner Rod and Gun Club will meet Thursday at pm in the Orange Hall here CONSERVATIVES 0R0 STATION The Oro and District Progressive Con servative Association will meet this evening in the Oro Station community centre RUMMAGE SALE 0R0 STATION Proceeds from rummage sale Thursday at pm in the Oro Station community centre will go to the centre fund JUNIOR FARMERS ALLISTON Staff On tario Junior Farmers will be gathering at the Nottawasaga Inn this weekend for three day directors convention The conference is to open on Friday April 23 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL BOND HEAD Staff The United Church Women of Bond Head United church have made arrangements to hold their annual strawberry festival on Friday June 25 OLD LACE ORILLIA Staff The comedy Arsenic and Old Lace will be presented Thursday Friday and Saturday in the Orillia Opera House starting CINCINNATI Time Recorders Sales Service Star Business Machines Ltd Barrie 7266595 IGA FROM CONCENTR A991 Juice WINESD RATES 0R CU IRIMS Christies Biscuits Minor 01 no IGA CHOICE IGA FANCY Fruit Cocktail PEACH PlNEAPPLE STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY lWllH PECIIN Berry Box Ketchup AC DIAMOND SINLII lNlHi FROM Cottee Whitener All AIWJHI Illl II All llN Windex Window Cleaner FRESH are Loin Pork Chops FRESH Chicken Legs Whole Tomatoes 15 59¢ 99¢ 53c Cheese Slices $125 95 along with boundary changes were informally discussed but did not appear to have popular support Local administration is closer to the taxpayer and his problems said the F105 deputy reeve suggesting the larger administrations are more costly to taxpayers The trend toward more cen tralization should be revers ed in the interest of strengthening the democratic way of life it was argued as discussion turned to the grow ing complexities of further controls and increased bureaucracy People wanted to see their democratic freedoms protected by governments When deputy reeve Finlay was first elected to Flos coun cil the late Frank Coughlin was reeve He also served under the late Earl Elliott the 1974 county warden who was succeeded by incumbent Scott Oliver Darl ing Inch Hunter back row Rennie Bricco Downey Mc Cracken Graham and Little Staff at 830 pm It is the third Mariposa Arts Theatre plan for show of the season for the group its still that way see to it myself 69c 79C at 114 Bl RED DEllClUlJS APPLES lbs lor 99¢ Beet Sausages mu mlllSV II ll Smoked Beet Donald MacDonald Current councillors are DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrle Examiner Wednesday April 21 1976 Oro delegates attend district 16 sessions By MRS SAMPSON GUTHRIE Oro Township Horticultural Society was among the groups represented by delegates at the District 16 convention at Parry Sound today with Alex Gray of Copper Cliff the guest speaker The local society also discussed the display to be placed in the Simcoe County museum at Midhurst for spr ing festival day Gordon Horne presided at meeting at which Gerry Wade of Base Borden gave useful hints to members on growing of geraniums Mrs Marlene Hawkins gave report on the progress being made by the Member ship Committee Mr Lawrence Leigh chairman of the Beautification Commit tee told of the plans that have been to keep Oro beautiful Mrs Reta Caldwell gave an outline of the Hor the produce 74 Jams J0A2R PRODUCE 0F USA CANADA pnAnr CANA Heinz CDUNAW Piiilltiliiél ATMOSPHERE Slit 113s 89¢ DUI SUNNY MURN RINIIIIHi ullllll Side Bacon ill 51 Table Rite Wieners lll 79c SHOW mi $109 ill run $105 Hill MI Ill SI Il Bologna 95c ilJthIUlRE Skillet Strips 5119 DUCKWORTH GROVE PLAZA BARRIE Your First 810 Donnrung Bruntloom Sales Srrwrru VllV Hour Cowrung Imrrlml Hanm Hum tr Wr 711 ClSfUH rsd1Irri Product Shop Hmm II VIer lI Showman PARA Points and Wallpaper 705 726 8424 armors CARROTS Don Bell Gerard Moran and Don Bertram ticultural Program being undertaken by the Hor ticultural Society at the Oc cupational Centre Edgar Ont Mrs Edna Caldwell had very favorable report regarding the Junior Garden Club All members were reminded that donations of house lant slips would be grate ully appreciated by the leaders of these groups at each of the schools in Oro Township plant auction sale is plan ned at the Oro Township Hall May 31 1976 Members were asked to bring donations of horticultural items that can be offered for sale to this auctioneer Elwood McLaughlin of rillia Mrs Lee Stewart is busy taking down names for the bus tour planned for Wednesday June OTHER DISTRICT NEWS APPEARS ON PAGE 23 ucuuu 0M0 arm Coffee nil19 PRODUCE 0F UVSACANADA NO GRADE uliflower PliDDlJCl ll CANADA ND GRADE 18 DAR HIRE FRO FLORIDA COICIITRATIO Orange Juice IIIaIl or run PRICI till IIIVI Wll IHRU SM AlRIl Ii 74 Wt lllSIRVt llll Rllilll ll UMII llllANlllll at ISA and Department StoresOne of the Gm group owers Maverick Brand Sets Shirt jacket and pants ruggedly made of heavy duty permanent press blend of 50 Polyester50 cotton Shirt and pants have soil release finish and are treated with Koratron for an even better permanent press Union Made in Canada SAVE 263 Shirt with Serged Seams Our Reg92 ea Lined collar French front button flap pockets one with pencil slot Tail bottom Sizes SMLgtL SAVE 322 94 Ppcket Pants bur Rgg 1o9g 77 ea nt and 2back setin withbutton Cur hdwith tunnel and tan ard loops letout back SPZBS to 44 Drill Jacket SAVE $4 Full zipper front One large upper flap pocket and lower slant pockets button tab on side Sizes 38 to 46 Check out the other great values in our complete W0rk Clothes Department 99 8991199 rlElllfIIIItllllllil9llllllltdllltl lur lxlm mn wmii mti llriivy wrirk In it is lumvy nlltm lull HVIIIIIlllltlI liltiltilllli ll iw sAvE 283 SAVE 322 Heavy Socks Navy Denim Heavy Cotton 925529443 overaus Coveralls Our Reg9fl9 M94199 pr Wiirm blend of wool pr pl acrylicnylon lsl quality AleldIlf Ill lull Ill lorest jnlmdum mm and Full zipper lion pockets green colour and in navy wavy Hugh 7t Includingslotpockctandone Nut 19mm bolthOHucot in Stock up now 10 With hammer loop Sizes 36 on and completely machine both work and sports IO 46 Adjustable shoulder washable Full Zipptl from wear One Size SHOPS SIMs 36 to 46 Hwy 26 Er 27 Bayfield St No Barrie