DAILY CROSSWORD Jumble FUNNY BUSINESS Answer to Previous Puzzle Crawfords play perceptive lean1r marallile Bernice Bede Osol Colman imam BUFFALO 3oAltliu oumto WNW 21 NORTH ll Jaeby Acnoss 40 no homo nurulo rename on 94 In recent article we show 133333 33 To 12 pflmooue 55 ch 215 63 ed the dealers hand as gwne A69 44 Lemma Keepw 00mm Wlh lends 10 AK on 010754 nKJioss myth 45 Utilize In CAN 22 GLOBAL who have extravagant tastes and said They were playing 12 Pub War 47 Indonesian of could severely dent your gt WEST EAST forcin club stem so South 13 Pertaining to Mindanao nonnnoviwiiio phantom budget todayDont try to ape 1d v1 the ear 49 Task 55 130 7PhilDonahue Show the le Spender 10 CO no open one 14 Fm 91mm 52 lieu 950 7Rocketsnlp7 lrrrouiiiewmi gt reader has asked Why 15 Egyptian god 56 Cooking gino lo slimy $Aunusl prlud 20ml tat Coumnt he Sfflsdnmlw 57 Ueqsiit ï¬Unlvenityofthoair I70 003 our goas Or no es en prig unmmmsteln 4CBS News airHigh Rollers achieved it ou team with 10 we neglecled to mentlon Hindu 61 Sign of assent Light brown 33 Looters SOUTH Dl 5l20ECA GinMnbrossup that In their forCingclub 18 Sylvan delty 62 Moslem name 85iumber 35 Foolab 7de On The 45 Anom°°kng no pro uc Ive assocua es System he onec1ub ening myth 63 Jeopardy Krishna 36 Street ab world 055 moo Work With those whose aims 20 Muse poem 54 Son Gad 10 Mme emance 42 Huge tub 7D°° Fwoomn melo qune are Similar Yourst guarantged at leaSt 16 hlg 22 Onager Bib 11 Roman 44 Auricle FNotFwwomen Only 900 3512Sosame Street card Pomls and hand held 24 Primate 65 Santa emperor 46 Pacés 45unrise50mester 2Dlnah AGamblt GEMINI May 21 Juno 20 only 11 25 Plant art 66 19 Sweet olaio 48 Nam Harbor Playhouse Hmac 7£°°°° Dont convince yourself that EXERClSE Both vulnerable 559 655 lillorontoloday 9KareensYoqa DO you have question 28 Average 67 Was seated 21 Regular ab 49 Bridge 1Employmenn=lle 930 llGailopingGourmet you urgenty znee somet n9 30 lnlemlon DOWN 23 Scanty 50 Story mo 3512Frlendly Giant 30 you can do wnthout Impulswe experls Wrle 34 Timetable 24 Squadron 51 initial 3b EaauaAM yéagliMMAM tcgflymï¬iéares purchases arent likely to be 95 or as out =the Jacobys care of this abbreviation ggaxis 25 Back talk indivuduals ll 3033 lozoo Ensues bargams NT 35 argertiiffsmal ollavrlzllss Hue 26 Scï¬art 55 Eiiisacriame HPuln K9°° ucamfla an CANCER June 21July 22 Pass pa gt 37 Bo name Direction 27 Bomb 58 lla 9lt 55 Pass ILgnpgrclmï¬m Lï¬ï¬ggggggï¬ms sw°TUM°Vc Male changes should not be Pass it stamped selladdresszd 38 Captachln gene is sange 59 $poch made on the spur of the mo Openinglead envelopes are enclosed Son Nronoun srench river 60 ownsman IDAY EVENING merit today Stop to consider most Interesting questions aY 05 alVe malal 32 OVlel lake derogrl Tmy Orlando what the altereflects could be Will be used inths column 247111222N dD 35l2Ceilldh and Wm receive ca 95 aMovle tecéorgï¬lmon llWicks LEO July 23h 22 By Oswald James Jacoby JACOBY MODERN Whirlpool ivshow lltoo Agreements made in hasty The death of John Crawford 524 Hows MO n5°NWsues manner today areunlikely for th 60 de rived Iooefmw 9Nm sbrvive Both parties should fg the rpeat St one Cables 1512152 JNews take time to iron out the details 83d 5305 colorful 1a gers He GourmelCooklno 4CBSNewsSpeclal sNMlnufeslee VIRGO 23 22 2Nec News 7Happy Days 9NlolitBealNews QDl won his first national pair Tum 3° N°F Cond°s awng tournament with Oswald ABCNews 722Laverne and relationship to your work 0r dh Nm Sm iJonnny Carson career are apt to be somewhat Jacoby an ls llP 9J Izchflkyforznygfles iHmQJC° 37323 unstable today Be on your 37 atlonal Champlonsmps Cable is ErICCbamiallard The Great Highland Ti OldM with mum stormimn iufihasiiim £3212 uggestlon for 3303333333 my Bagpipe Instrumental Music bgas New Fund Gm goo peciany if you hope to get gh course may be offered as Sounds iMovieirnunder enealo Ullt tournament Wlth Jm highs lc edtln this rt zzOdd Couple large return for small outlay 00 pa 7T°Terhe1wmo 2PollceWoman lnflle Sun it second generatlon and 9X of eastern Ontano 1f the pro 9Bobby Vinfon Show Rooms HMgg SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 In pected some day to play with vincial education depart i5howblz mo M°ve on order to accomplish your ends ram James Oswald Jr the third ment puts its stamp of ap érwndwnd worm Irate ota Time Goldétrzze come today you gay make more bl generation We regret that provalonit concessmns an is necessar Fgï¬ï¬ggLres moo Homel Wha you gain will be nominal r0 em the third generatron Will never The course was approved in AndMlsses flgzmm lemGm DEAR POLLY have that privilege prmmple by Stormont Dun HHiiifriwm 7ABCCIoseupNews 2Tomorrow SAGITTAMUS NOV 23Oct you now ere cou uy Here is hand that won das and Glengarry truswes 7The Price is Right 9TBA aPool with 9Marcus Welby MD 2City of Angels liLarry Solway Show oMovio ShockAaye Baby toes Dont make wrong moves 21 You could be bit f0rgetful today Your mind will be on too pattern for genealogy quilt would like to make some Bicentennial quilts that would show both my mothers second only to Jacobys 44 He called Oswald from important IMP match for CORNWALL Ont cpl followin demonstration by its healthier By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Of late my teenage son and some of his friends have started habit of wearing no un derwear under their jeans cannot believe this is healthy Im of the old school and really find this quite thefatsweeatThegallbad 77777 W7 repulsrve der merely serves as HM NW HELP 0W WE LL JU67 WAIT can you Ewe me some Pea Storage Statlon for this Wlirizr Ilfo you LT DRAKE AND CATCH HIM BY sons why they should not do this Mrs RF would advise against it from the stand oint of hygiene To say the east it is unsanitary Jeans arent laundered as often as un dershorts are which as far as know is the reason for their use in the first place Also rash in sensitive areas could easily result from either chafing or from ex posure to chemicals used in manufacturethe latter of an allergic nature With such factors involved Well it certainly can and once you realize how the gall bladder functions you will see why Liver bile is roduced con tinuously by liver and delivered to the small in testine where it helps di est bile which is kept until needed as after meal par ticularly heav in fats Gallstones whic indicate diseased gall bladder can in terfere with the normal flow of bile causing colic and colon disturbances such as those you report Your diet should obviously then be fatrestricted Perhaps cooked fruits would avoid some of the digestive upset They are advisable as an alternative to the other laxativesyou are takin Xrays will reveal ex OF VANDALS ARE RAVAGING THE COUNTRVSiDE Upstairs Drake hears lTMADE SIRE ROVING BANDS EiACKlNGr FARMS You HAVE 701 AND SHOWS 1mg JUGT AWFUL liqï¬WHEYRE NOT SURPRISE AS LQNG As You REMAIN suBQERViENT WE WILL ATTEND Tb YOUR EVERY NEED chTflZY T0 BUFFALO may minor inflow THEY at JLST ASFNTS COLLECTING BACK TAXES BUFFALO COULDNT BUFFALO ibu BORN lOSER ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has cash register tailored to your business Inquire about the individual Clerk Responsibility and Complete Profit Control features at Whitfield orhc ourrmnis ARE YOU 50 THI5 29 Dunlap 73702 two stu cuts and Pi Ma or many things Asaprecaution and my fathers ancestors think one for each of my ifgsnitlgrlfcï¬lzï¬gfvgg3an John MacKenziepecougse IDNBDAY AFTERNOON write down whats important Children would be great gift MAMIE taneous and most effective designer ahdinstmcton moo mo CAPRICORN Dec 22Jnn DEAR MAMIE agree that such quilt would be Commander Tom west conhnued the sun John it receives the go ahead 2ManélrlflinceentMarbie ziLISayesxggnglnes nys°rart and The 19 Usually you have pretty treasured by children As it would be so personal took his ace lost the diamond bagpipmg will be offered at 3Demoenme 5nvmous m3 good handle On Your you would probably have to desrgn it yourself or have ï¬nesse but had hismine threearea high schools 4712 News programming mo resources but today you could someone do it for you giant tree might be appliqued tricks Two are in Glengarry Coun mgxfï¬gfrgde Cfgcgggwdggmw Plow What YOU ShOUld be 53V on quilt with branches having the names of ancestors the other table South ty famous for its annual 9Uncie sobbysmw 200 3Moira Hunt embmldered them Md the smaller handles and played 10w west shined to highland games at Maxville TMddY HeEDlY °°l°° FUMW AQUA US Jan 20Feb 19 leaves extending from them for the children and so on its hi hland dancers and its I2 20 sAliinrlieFamlly 512F in heart and the defense wound Fparm News kHwoxm mumfgxaflg To advance your interest today For added color childrens names could be done on big up with three hearts one club pipe and directed by Mr 1230 Fortune Bingo 9Lucy snow selldiscipline be Teqwied red appliqued apples Dates would also be nice addi one diamond and plus score MacKenzie 2Tak9MYAdVCe 7szoooo Pyramid llMngUSWeryMo or else youre likely to change tion Any family tree design could be enlarged and Students would receive 114 3Leave it To Beaver 12vMarIe Callaghan 3° direction ju ice too often ho 4Search For Tomor 215 9Brady Bunch apte or qul CSIgn oug rawmg an re JOINED CANADA UPS instruction In one 21mm 3News 351Frlgu pisces 20Mr¢h 20 drawing such design on small scale would befun Newfoundland became the year requirement for full 7AilMy Children 1532me The Good Eweflgmï¬ Rely upon you logic today and allow the opportunity for changes until the deSIred 10th province of Canada on credit towards high school Iitgllrlfysfeones Word Family Doctor rather than your hunches par arrangement was found Good luck You have great March311949 diploma zitDoctors Mllllaanslsland ticuiarly if you have to make idea POLLY 15 ijï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬m ZgMkwm iudgmem on matteroiimpor in OUR BOARDING HOUSE W° 7Nelonbors Hmsde lame DEAR POLLY am sevent ht ld lk 35N eig years an wa ItOO MS 225 3Tcsuoitnsecliruences with cane wonder if bus companies realize how hard it is WRAT5 THE 1M D5AWONTED lT5 BAD sigma 29eAnoYthellillsvbrid 22Hooans Heroes for the elderly to get on buses as the first step is so high do MATTESMWR MY FELLOW MANMl EVERYWHERE Echï¬mnon 35T° my 333 wish they would have this first step lowcr since there are so YOU CHIN MY BlCENTENNlAl THE ROOFER 5ln Touch mo am Ir many of us who find it difficult to get foot on it By so doing yarnl h5g5 HE LL tgrcaknfaï¬ï¬ke Show 312cel2brny cooks txxgn Apr 21 1975 perhaps they would save some serious accidents This matter NEEDDENTAL CULTuRALe ATTEAC Hs liDoubie Exposure 4Mach6me snPanrldoe Family certainly needs attention TlLLllt FL055 T0 TION BUT ACTOgg UNLEss WE FMaCWNebVMD 22GlobalBln90 flTMG commg Vea you may be DEAR POLLY recent hospital stay brought this exposed several Oppor Pointer to me ver ointedl small calendar makesa great REMOVE THE ARE UNAVALABLE PAYUPWAND WEDNESDAYMNING tunlties but they will be of Id yt 1h FLOOR EVEN THEYRE NNLED 2sandburgs fleeting nature Dont rely upon apprema or osp pa 10 one nlone AMATEURS TOTHE ROOF 547112QNM ï¬gmfofgfgwe Uncoln Lady Luck to do iob you brought one so finally made one on the bottom of my tissue JMovleiBlOSteal Bzw 7Starsky and Hutch should do or yourseir box This worked beautifully even though it made me feel like 524 Hours Cables iirnelt3reatoebaie condemned person as counted off the days know that Sownnmn gfï¬ghggrm gfgmmbea from now on will always take small calendar to any friend 2NBC News OnThe Prairie 35i2Peiro ASSUMES COSTS who is hospitalized for more than few days GIAIYS 3233 3523J33l oghemcalslam HALIFAX Cp In the DEAR PQLLY Leg or knee warmers are very expensive lfggyv Game rillp gift nZngesATXABLQSTNevs 197577 ï¬scal year the Nova Sdl imprVlseddby matkling rrfly 03 cut the sllctcvcs out of an 9W Scotia government assume SW83 er an USC cm or lS purpose Cy OVCI m0 Eguwrencewek Show JSClfléémém iflgronighisrtow 75 per cent of the provinces from the ankles to well above the knees and are so comfy CalfleTaI OIdM 11Movle James lMerv Grifflia shareable education operating MRSFV 9Tnenleergrsons Mkmmrsoymm 232pgvfgfgfldman costs In 197778 the province DEAR POLLY An upholstered lounge chair in my 2aowilngtor Dollars MO otAlcatrazl will carry 100 per cent of the bedroom was worn out but the black frame was in excellent if 595mm nooingpiaces llLarrYSOWGY 5°W operating costs Under the condition crocheted six inch squares with red and black 5OnTheRocks 900 1150 bl H0 mmmum MMUWM uoddclcliqurigT CableAllnme Cromr lzrwgeYankee resent projgragl the lgloverrl ygrthl usmg at arourlh stealt ztin acrogls EItOptn grew OWN6 THE ru as men provi es 150 mi ion esc squares on an up 05 cry rice ovc Cc cc mi l1°°°°d al5irosea gMovle Blanchevme municipalities and others seem to too And because the crochet stretches it ï¬ï¬lyLsy 10 when wines to 99Nrélsnï¬gnflle boss an abo able Cables in snips Monster was easy to fit the pieces to the contour of the chair EITA Barbershoppers FMWle Dead EM sMowe Easter 2HiahRollers nFranksmaimr Parade rrwwr 3Sthi1 7Bareffa 9Movfe Prize WHAT COYCL rHlNK cxN empathy 4Sfrikes Spares 933mm otArmsi OFALLTHl6 AAlT Till JOIN T0 5453mm 1000 iEEMerveme FLJEéABOLlT THE his NEXTONE maps we BUDGET YOU ON Olympiad flNews Fromorrow 5i ENTENNIAL AN 7Lefs Make Deal all9 4wednesday AFFORD lT 9Funny Farm Gourmet Cooking Movie Of The Week tr ug THE DOCTOR SAYS 755 f3 at at gt ear underwear WHERE6 THE MENQ ROOM Finer Hi5 scat Lir Uta THEN Hi5 AW 5HOKT CIRCUITEBANP FiNALLY doubt the practice will be tent of stoneformation and WW TUKN ï¬n49 5mm very 10 lived Some old be guide as to the need for fashion ideas retain their surgery to remove the gall merit bladder altogether This DearDrlhostesonWill night be your ultimate an yilstones cause gas and con swer As important as the stipation Everything eat bladder is its functiori is not seems to cause gas make me indispensable and bile con very urcomtfiortable and to fbe available from in rr $13 133$ evérhagfhér vera te emoval GREETINGS SIRE MAY YouR CEDRIC is HES oiSCOVEREDtxYWcV night and even then V6 to CATSUP BE FRESH AND YOUR DEPRESSED THAT BEING 5LJCCESSFUL mve an enema USED FREQUENTLY CRISP FORECAISTER BUSlNESS TRENDS DOESNT we aseï¬qmsdmytcolgnuls paral caBAIJBgA 1Panamtl Ag MECEggARHY LOOP THAT yz at or me to na iciassays ips ying drink penty of water eat the Liberian flag once again gt BNN GIVE IT THAT bran and lot of fruit but were the most frequent users of 318W fruit gives rge in the Panama Canal last year In LITTLE BIT iluuii estion cant elieve with19503hipsmakingthepas 05 iii ga lstones would be the cause sage Britain was second fol MORE AGING till of so much gas and bloating lowed in order by Japan ERNIE Willi the stomach Please com Greece United States and Pan rilentMlssEH arna TlAllk9