dryer wringer washer 24inch gas cook included drawers underneath In good rug bed books polisher klds furniture records lots of etc 47 Ottaway Ave off St Vincent North Saturday April 10 rug bed books polisher kids furniture records lots of etc 47 Ottaway Ave off St Vincent North Saturday April 10 ELECTROLUX Vacuum year old like new Call 7260853 DISHWASHER $225 Stove $200 also stove $50 4piece maple living room suite $275 Desk $25 55 Purvis St Stroud pm to9 pm or Saturday FROST FREE Refrigerator 30 Inch stove $150 for pair Also Chesterfield suite end tables coffee table lamps $140 complete unit All articles in good condition Telephone 7286510 after pm TWO 35000 BTU gas space heaters gas stove avocado 4drawer chest 5plece dinette set All in good condition Telephone 4364878 TWO 39INCH Mates beds mattresses condition $70 each Westinghouse cy cle front loaded dishwasher avocado green years old used year $190 pool table needs repair full set of billiard balls $50 7262528 before 10 pm CHILDS Convertible Bike for boy or girl excellent condition $35Girls bike for preteener banana seat etc fair to mod condition Make an offer Call 728 7543 53 Steel St Telephone 4362714 Quick to learn Telephone 4362714 type 30inch Kenmore range glass oven door metal bedsteads and one box spr ing Telephone 7260545 SUGAR LIPS says have the stereo console for you 95 Brand new only $229 BuiltIn tape °d3 pIayer AMFM radio automatic record player full factory warranty No money down instore financing Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop St lust west ofArena 7262900 SEWING MACHINES Singer automatic zigzag sewing machine sews on buttons makes button holes fancy patterns full price $61 Guaranteed No money down Instore financing Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop St West iust west of arena 7262900 GALLON ELECTRIC water heaters with 3000 watt elements fully insulated with white enamel casing $45 Telephone 7288806 or 7265891 DRY CEDAR fence posts also hard 379 26 Anten Mills antity trees Telephone 7260468 MELODY GRAND Piano and bench apartment size excellent condition $150 Telephone after pm 7264953 USED DRY Lumber enough to build cottage heating duct work insulation wiring lighting oil tank and brick Telephone 7261329 after 530 pm REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE make 29 59 good condition white Telephone 7267854 BOATS AND MOTORS 18 FT FIBREGLASS boat 1973 with 1974 150 hp Mercury outboard has top power trim power tilt and trailer Ex cellent condition Asking $4200 Telephone 7263984 after pm 25 hp Gail outboard motor approx imately 25 hours electric start com plete with stand cable and tank $425 Telephone 7261009 or 4875586 18 FT fibreglass boat with hp Scott Atwater motor good condition Asking $350 Telephone 4241923 14 FT INCHES LarSen fibreglass runabout foldup canopy top 40 HP Johnson electromatic battery controls tanks etc included also 2000 lb capaci ty trailer large wheels $1245 Telephone 7264740 16 FT NORDICA sailboat sleeps many extras Telephone 3222535 19 FOOT MASTERCRAFT mahogany veneer boat 110 hp interceptor motor with an Eaton outdrive Comes complete with white vinyl top and usual ac cessories Telephone 7262697 after pm for further information INVENTORY Clearance of all new and wed boats and Johnson outboard motors Terms Cash Telephone Mac Tier 7053755468 after pm 55195 GREW fiberglass 160 HP In elephone 7289438 cession Oro 726 Some 169 BAYFIELD ST 7287081 SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COWS for sale fresh In week and the other the end of March good milking cows telephone 4565017 FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 6HOLSTEIN cows Sopen and one due In July Asking $350 per cow Telephone 7269239 after 630 pm PALOMINO MARE Welsh pony mare and horse cutter for sale Telephone 3221325 PURE WELSH mare dapple grey well trained 13 bands good confirmation nice disposition bred to Sultan Diff registered Arab foaling early July REGISTERED HALF Arab yearling oolt chestnut excellent confirmation shown last year placed In every show slre Sultan Drift FORD TRACTOR idEal for gardens 17 FT Vkn has or small acreages $850 US reel Telephone4584824after6pm POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay puliets Also farm fresh Craig Hunter Poultry Farm FEED SEED AND GRAIN PRIDE SEEDCORNforsaIeTelephone Wilfred Peacock RR Thornton 726 SPECIAL FOR month of April hog cat tle and horse feed custom made as low as $99 per ton Roxdale Farms and Sup plies your Blatchford Feed Dealer 728 HAY Good quality hay for sale any no rain and first cut WIII liver If necessary Thornton 4584591 HAY FOR SALEFirst cutting hay also cond cut hay nlce green Alfalfa both rimped Please call Jim Henry 4589265 maple all sizes in diameter for shade °°° BALES WI BY Whales Straw also Conquest malt barley for ed Telephone 4362603 AY FOR SALE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con Sundays your conta ners POTATOES FOR sale good quality No grade also some No2 large and small Telephone 7287677 or 7289378 PERSONALS sonnel and are MWFTF can make construction Please Contact LIMITED also Palomino straights Lincoln Mercury telephone 7285558 or best offer REQU necessary potential 7266659 vice 7284700 ENGLISH RIDING alone Let friend 7267922 anytime small business PERMANENT good quality 7288489 closed 7th 1976 forward Barrie tario Must be free to travel If you can handle onsite por bridge formwork placing rein forcing steel concrete pours bridge specifications and if you the decisions normal to this type of Licensed plumber tools transportation handle men desirable Douglas Plumb Ing Co Ltd 7289641 after pm call familiar with daytoday LOOBY CONSTRUCTION Dublin Ontario NOK IEO Tele 519 3452800 A9 TRUCK DRIVER required experience with tractors and necessary background useful Borneman at Peacock Petroleum Call between am and pm 7285226 MECHANIC Opportunity for top notch mechanic Top wages uniforms supplied semiannual tool allowance medical plan no satur days Contact AI Lumree at Douglas Petroleum Contact Rick 81 Essa Rd or PLUTVTBER IRED to layout work and PERSONALS FOR SALE travel arrangements Try personalized service Hays Travel Ser Instruction indoor arena minutes from Barrie Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 TELECARE Why fight your problem help Call Telecare INCOME TAX returns personal and also bookkeeping for contractors small firms 7261888 REMOVAL RELIEF fromdpainl soreness tensioh due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Reg 7264092 LET IT be known from this date ApriI the former Mrs Bruce Miller of Utopia will henceforth be known as Doreen Miller of the City of Babysitters are UNRELIABLE Babysitters are EXPENSIVE Babysitters are UNTRAINED Babysitters are UNINSURED Babysitters GET SICK Babysitters WANT VACATIONS Babysitters DONT GIVE RECEIPTS FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE CALL Kiddiskool Babies weeks up ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time Preschoolers 36 DONALD ST 7286330 MWF outboard top campberback Complete ly equipped many accessories 112 hours on motor Immaculate condition Telephone 7260485 after pm Friday ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them to the Cir culatlon Department or phone 7266539 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks Odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 OLD FURNITURE lamps china odd and ends wanted Antiques for sale 126 8704 BABIES HARDTOP CAMPER ï¬ller Wanled Trained staff includes Reg Nurse With stove and refrigerator sleep six or eight people must be reasonable Telephone 4246130 after pm DOGS AND PETS TWO LHASA APSO male puppies 12 weeks old partly housetrained CKC registered needles VET inspected Phone4872503 MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional clip ping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 7260061 EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price 149 Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and delivery 7268798 Pet Studio SHIH TZU pups registered show quali ty champion parents small and cudd 900 7280822 BOXER spayed female months old $50 Telephone 7263353 POODLES femalelight apricot nine months old male weeks old apricot excellent breeding Telephone 7267744 travelling pers $75 females male Telephone 7263251 after pm female Telephone 4361324 PUG PUPPIES Registered to mon ths old ideal family pets Boston Ter rier and Pug Breeder Telephone 1326 7930 Orillia PLANTS AND BULBS RASPBERRY CANES 206com Creston Trent Ottawa Lathem Comet Newburg sold in bundles of 25 7289542 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 110 LIONEL Hardtop Camper sleeps propane stove ice box sink plenty of storage floral drapes tables low SALES REPR ly real beauties apartment size Pets Rapidly expanding company requires competent om bitious person with mechanical apptitude knowledge Of piping industry an asset Must be free to do some KIDDISKOOL No phone calls or visits Mr Evans Box 131 Cookstown Ont LOL L0 HELP WANTED WORKING MOTHERS Reliable licenced insured day care centre Constant supervision and creative training for babies infants and toddlers0pen 730 to DAY CARE CENTRES ESENTATIVE GERMAN SHORThair polniEFpTIps no Excellent opportunity for self starter Salary com mensurate with ability Pension medical and group in wo HUSKIES One year old male and lsuronce fringe benefits Car and expenses Apply in writing only giving resume All applications strictly confidential co Tillsonburg Pipe and Supply Ltd A10 Ti superfluous hair Lydia Hrenchuk certified electrologlst phone 7372671 CARD READING Counselling day and evenings By appointmentonly Call tutu lhe BarriiExaminer Friday April 1976 HELP mum HELP WANTED WWW REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS aobrguseemr sale Snedlum tslfe or muumd neverublzes zgagg gglgghorrte ed reqUIred by Burns newest Real Estate firm 5li2és°°£f Zilliifplm ew OWCI after4pm7268133 Parts chemcols Central location WEDDING DRESS size 15 tall Im ported elélgterlgl custom designed AII conditioned office gï¬jliï¬ogpppgxlriielasiseygzRfflfgï¬ï¬fnfl St 436 1510 Excellent commission split on will sel 175 Tele hone mmaer5mpm TOU lJulb CALL MR THOMPSON 7373000 A15 FOUR MAGS aluminum International rgar rims d28Irtchdfrtgtnt FOR PROFIT cromesusanaaer ates with Goodyear tires AsIEIng FARM CHESTERFIELDS one brown and 5H0 goowen EEIEZJéiJiZSiJfJen Tilt 3333 SMCOE DSTRCT cc one freezer double bed wliii bookcase head COOP onurfo 5822 ese Telephone 4539455 726653 ORGAN FOR SALE Lowrey Venus FTF with Genie walnut year old Al condi tion Asking $2000 Telephone 7284981 3RDGE OFFICE SAFE for sale omm rclai Wag nï¬hlewge nchcï¬dgeé we BROWN AND BELL FOREMENWOMEN ncesn eg roxm GoodcondlilonTelgghonugeoias Farm 00 Equpmem Rï¬qured mmedmely f°r GARAGE SALE tables chairs stove DELAVAL bndge prolecs In souhem on TOWNSHIP OF ORO PARK CARETAKER Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon Tuesday April 20th 1976 for person or persons to carry out the duties of Caretaker of Oro Memorial Park and to operate the Refreshment Booth for the season commencing May 211976 Applicants to state remuneration expected For information call 4872016 NEUFELD Clerk RR No Oro Station Ont A915 UNRESTRICTED MONEY Experienced sales representatives now calling on stores office and apartment buildings motels hotels restaurants industries factories churches schools banks hospitals etc to sell our nationallyadvertised guaranteed lighting products Age no time Highest commissions Plus bonus gift and travel awards paid every Tuesday on automatic yearround repeat business No technical knowledge needed as our Sales Manual shows you how to make money with your very first call This Is our 32nd year In Canada and our biggest Choice protected territory of Barrie and district must be filled im mediately Write Daytron Box 420 Hamilton Ontario REQUIRED for Cookstown area housekeeper to live in from March 8th to June 23rd to care for two teenage girls For further information call 4589709 COOKHOWARD Johnsons Is now in terviewlng candidates for the position of cook Experience preferred apply in Punch Computer Operator wanted im mediater for local Barrie firm For ap pointment call Mr McGibbon at 726 2042 RECEPTIONVISTVSECRETATRY perienced Must have above average qualifications including shorthand Good and grooming essential Fleming Associates 728 3309 day or evening LOCAL BUSINESS requires congenial accounting pleasant telephone manners and an aptitude for with must individual background some have figures Typing and posting machine ex perience an asset Apply to box P66 Bar rie Examiner PART TIME work hours twice week Knowledge of 35 mm photography helpful Write Box P65 The Barrie Ex aminer 16 Bayfield StBarrie HOME JUICEcornpany Lia recidlre person to distribute our product to established accounts in Barrie area For Information call collect 1416 7410710 ask for George Haddad PARTTIME Custodiancaretaker ifo church duties Preferably semiretired person or couple Telephone 7284706 7283001 SUNSET HOME for sale Three bedrooms bathroom dining room liv ing room kitchen custom built recrea tlon room garage fireplace and extras Asking $5700 $3500 down Owner will carry mortgage at 10 and one half per cent 4363574 OPENINGS for Sales Representatives with experience Apply in confidence to Emory Miller Broker 67 Dunlop St 726 1881 FUCKER BROSH DEALERS reconEa In Barrie area Part or full time Write Mr Ellis 100 Hamilton Dr Newmarket HAVE YOU 15 spare hours week Earn $60 working on your own time Also two full time positions Car necessary 4168956532 LICENSED HAIRDRE Fianna for full time House of Bellini telephone 7264621 TELEPHONE ASSER Ex perienced with commercial accounts work at home Guarantee and comms sIon Telephone 7285159 HELP WANTED T3628 AND GIRLS Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time HELP WANTED Police constable wanted for TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Minimum education required grade 12 Applications may be picked up at Police Office STROUD Wm BROWN Chief of Police A14 FARM EQUIPMENT dealer located lust north of Barrie requires reliable ex perienced mechanic with own tools to service and set up farm machinery For wintment call Murray Richards 728 SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST re quired for local real estate office hours pm until pm Monday to Friday and Saturday am to pm Reply to box P68 Barrie Examiner MATURE PERSON required for or evenings week to care for children Telephone 7262907 Donald Street area COMPANION and nurses aid to work occasional weekends Shanty Bay area Telephone 7288632 anytime for details EXPERIENCED bass or guitar player for parttime work Vocals an asset Call 7269409 RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER 282i oulred for evenings in my home Donald Street area Telephone 7262960 or 436 FULL ANDpirttime staff required UnIforms supplied good salary pald breaks Apply In person to and Drive In or telephone 7280941 days or nights 7370094 SPRING CLEAN up student with truck will clean cottages garages basements etc call Doug 4363584 or 7263779 P61 Barrie Examiner West end preferred needed Box P62 Barrie Examiner perience Hot lunches year old Phone 7287086 SALESMAN 29 years of age married presently working for plumbing and heating distrlbtor seeks similar position in the Barrie area Apply Box P67 The Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield St Bar month Reasonablertelephone7373226 HA NOYMAN In chimneys retaining walls 7283173 PUBLIC NOTICE DAYCARE PROVIDED In my home Tall Trees area Experienced mother occasional babysitting also provided RELIABLE WOMAN will look after elderly lady In your home and do light housekeeping day week west end preferred transportation needed Box RELIABLE experienced woman would like to look after one or two children four years and up In your home Do light housekeeping day week no smoking transportation WILL WATCH chï¬aren In my home Monday through Saturday Daycare ex Fenced yard Constant supervision Must be over one OF offices homes cot tages properties by the day week or EXPERIENCED longerf9 masonry work of all types Specializing and barrier car necessary Sideline or full barbecues also drywall and painting NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH CRAIG late Of the City Of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Spinster who died on or about the 3rd day of September 1975 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Administrator on or before the 23rd day of April 1976 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 2nd day of April AD 1976 OWEN BURGAR GREEN Barristers Solicitors 26 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator JOHN FREDERICK BROOKS A2915 CHECK YOUR FIRST DAY NING 7282414 REPWANTED THE BARRIE EXAMINER HA ROUTE OPENINGS in the following areas COOKSTOWN STAYNER MINESING AUBORN ST ANGUS MAPLE AVE MARY ST AREA CECIL ST TRAILER PK ANGUS COOK NAPIER AREA SHANTY BAY COLLIER POI VILLAGE NTZ ST AREA SANFORD JOHN AREA ECCLES WELLINGTON AREA CODRINGTON NELSON ST AREA AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA ADS FOR ERRORS The Barrie Examiner will not be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any ad vertisement NOTICE OF ERRORS ON THE FIRST DAY SHOULD im mediately be called to the at tention of the classified deport lnenl BEFORE AM NEXT MOR PUBLIC NOTICE The Barrie Planning Board has received on application for site plan bylaw to permit townhouse development on the south side of Little Ava from Broodmoor Ave east to Huronia Road The proposal consists of 205 dwelling units on 185 acres of land and 30 acre park The property Is presently zoned write to express their Opinion RICHARD BATES Assistant Secretary Treasurer Barrie Planning Board A912 I3 TENDERS POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT MAIL SERVICE TENDERS The Post Office Department in vitos tenders for the con veyance of mail over the Barrie Rural Route No Full details schedule and route of operation contract specifications and tender forms are available from the Post master at Barrio or from the Director Northern District On tario Postal Region North Bay Ontario P1 iGbA9 ROOFING CONTRACTORS Supply and apply op proximotely 50 sq of in Shingles at the Jail in ORANGEVILLE Ont GBA310 Supply and apply Hot Asphalt and Gravel on roots at the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont GBA313 Supply and apply Hot Asphalt and Insulation on Building No 14188 at the Ministry Of Tran sportation and Com munications HUNTSVILLE Ont GBA312 FLOOR FINISHERS Replace floor tiles with terrazzo in Room No 34 ot the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont GBA3l5 Separate Individual Sealed Ten ders will be received until 200 pm local time on FRIDAY APRIL 30 I976 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be ob tained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser vices Georgion Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For Further in formation regarding the Ten ders please call Mr Mclsooc at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services Olllélllfl A73 AUCTION SALES ALLEN HORNER Auction Service BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Form °Household Antiques Appraisals RR NO BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 HELP WANTED Antiques TENDERS TENDERS TWP OF VESPRA Tenders will be received by the undersigned clerk up to 12 OCLOCK NOON WED APRIL 28 1976 for PLUMBER or HANDYMAN to Install cluding wiring reading Meters etc and plum bing material supplied by the Twp Quote flat rate per meter for approximately 55 houses in one subdivision Lowest or necessarily accepted meters In to outside water occupied any tender not Residential R2 and Industrial EARL RCHARDSON M2 Clark public meeting will be held owe Borne A9 on April 13 1976 at 800 PM In the Council Chambers of City AUCTION SALES Hall to discuss this proposal In terested persons may attend or BILL BARR AUCTION SERVICE forms Successor to Jerry Coughlin CALL 7280744 industrial household estates mortgages consignments and valuations FTF AUCTION SALES Dcs AUCTIONS ocs ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN SUNDAY APRIL 11th AT PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY pc Burl Walnut Dining Suite Burl Walnut case Inlay Piano by Dowking also Walnut case Piano by Rushmore pc Chippendale Hoh Bedroom Suite Walnut case Inlay Parlor Pump Organ by Bell Solid Oak carved Sewer Several Chino Display Cabinets in Walnut and Oak Small Scotch Pillared Sideboard Several Jacobian and Pedestal Style Oak drawleaf Dining Tables Several Sets of Dining Chairs in Oak Walnut and Mah Mah case Gramophone Oak Harvest Table Oak Wardrobes Unusual Captains Desk Chair Oak dropfront Bureau Desk Vict carved Parlor Chair and others Oak Leaded Glass Bookcase Several Walnut Chests of Drawers Mah finish Hallstand Georgian Oak Server Several Unusual Dressers in Walnut and Oak Oak and Walnut Marbletop Washstan ds Pressbock English farmhouse Rocking Chairs Bedside Cabinets in Oak and Walnut Walnut ladies Vanity Dresser Several Toilet Mirrors Variety of Parlor Tables etc etc Our usual large sel of onodian and English Pine Furniture incl Drysinks Corner Cup boards Open hutch style and Others Several Pine framed Pub Mirrors Welsh style Pub Benches Welsh style Open hutchtop Flotbock Cupboards Washstands in Pine Pine coffee table Several Pine Chests of Drawers Hanging Shelves Shaving Cabinets in Pine etc Large Sel of Copper and Brass Crockery Oak Case Wall Clocks also Mantel Clocks Jub and Basin Sets English Coin Slot Machine Cast Iron Toys $91 of Various Framed Prints and Pic tures English Hand carved rocking horse 3tc etc Approx 300 lots ROY SCHUETT CO Chartered Accountants 103 Collier St Barrie Phone 72651081 376 ANGUS ROSS BA Reoistered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory also tutoring in French Latin and other schoo 91 Ross St Barrie ubiects 7285775 031 76 MARJORIE HANES Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatory Examination ALL GRADES ALL AGES Pupils Mflxuwl PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY SAMUEL ROSE and ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285584 D31 76 POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 728146 0776 JUNE MELENBACHEH LTCL ARCT AMUS RMT PIANO VOICE THEORY prepared for Royal Western Conservat llSClapperton St 7288153 Trinity Colle Englarimdas an 02676 27 Shlr ey Ave Barrie one 7284436 JESSIE BRYSON PMNOLESSONS 51476 Teacher at Piano Singing ELIZABETH WILSON BLACK Theory Pupils repored for AlQM RMJ examinations of Royal Con servatory of Music Toronto All Preparation for all grades to grades and ARCT Modern afgcT RoYa conservatory of Methods Studio 27 Bradford St 7284718 D3176 TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX Parking Refreshments Storage and Delivery Available Prowew Day prior to sale 10 am pm Also hours prior to sale Bids mag be left at Office if unable to attend sole DER RICHARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054589116 A9 ARCHER COLWILL AUCTIONEER APPRAISER TELEPHONE 7268904 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL 10 at pm for JULIANI miles east of Stayner on Hwy 26 Sale of full line power farm machinery mostly lake new and Allis Chalmers bulldozer HD 10 Sales will start promptly at pm No small items AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL 17 at pm for JAMES LALONDE lot 16 Con 11 Flos Twp miles west of Elmvale to Shell Service Station miles north north west corner farm Sale of full line high class power farm machinery and some household items which will sell first AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL 24 at 12 noon for GEORGE SPEN CER at 112 ch99 St South Barrie Sale of antique and modern household furnishings etc AUCTION SALE TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 27 at pm for FLEMINGS of Barrie 19 Dunlop St Sale of all furnishings per taining to dry goods store and office equipment Full list April 21 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL 28 at EMBASSY HALL 386 Blake St Barrie for the estate of the late MRS BEATRICE LUCAS and inclusions Sale of all household furniture linen bedding dishes and antiques AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY at 12 noon for ROBERT MID DLETON on Can Oro Twp miles north of Old Barrie Road or miles north of Hwy 11 Sale of 70 head registerd and ROP Jersey herd and milking equipment TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer SCL No Selling Successful Sales Everywhere AUCTIONSALE for TRUEMAN HESLIP Lot Can Tosorontio Twp Approx miles west of Alliston on 89 Hwy North on 4th Can mile to form on SATURDAY APRIL 17th all pm The Following Auction Sale of full line of farm machinery Inc Reg Stan dardbred horses household ef fects Antiques Nuffiald model 1060 diesel tractor fully powered only 1940 hrs In good condt AC Model gas tractor with Henderson loader good condt Int furrow PH trip boom plow MF 32 plate PH disc MH 15 run groin drlll NH Model 68 hay baler AC Model 66 PTO com binegood one Otaco wagon rock bale elevator stooker groin auger Cobey PTO spreader 3Cultivators 1948 Chev 1z ton stake body cyl spd trans as Is Lincoln 180 amp welder blacksmith anvil portable blacksmith forage sats of race harness set of team drlvlng harness Collars misc harness bolls cutter racing Iogglng carts both modern antique Jogger sleigh runners This Is partial mileage Priced right 4240397 1971 HARDTOP Tent Trailer fully equipped sleeps eight excellent condi tion Asking $1500 Telephone 7262515 after5pm FARMERS MARIE FARM MACHINERY CUSTOM SPRAIING of corn and mixed grain Application of liquid nitrogen to wheat ground Financing available for seed fertilizer chemicals and spraying Wï¬‚ï¬ CUSTOM IRON railings patio furniture garden pool fencing gates fireplace ac oessorles Pro Industries 7265546 666 INTERNATIONAL hydraustatlc dlve gas tractor In excellent condition Also Woods electric grinder and Woods electric roller Telephone 4362603 INTERNATIONAL CUB tractor with cultivators good condition Telephone 72647798ftor5330pm MOBILE HOME PARK MANAGER KNOWLEDGE OF Plumbing Electricity Carpentry Oll Burner Service bedroom house available on site In Orillia Call owner JOHN HAINES 13262636 24 hour answering service A91012 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TRY BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Name Address LETITIA ST WEST OF ANNE ST GROVE BOTHWELL AREA Please fill out the application below and return iiio THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayflcld St Barrle OR PHONE 71268539 Telephone list only some modern an thuo furn also flowered crock Cookstown misc TERMS Cash day of sale Cheques with Idontlflcotlon Farm sold Nothing to be removed until settled for ACCIDENTS Neither the Owner nor the Auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer 1112 No ALLISTON Tel 7054357467 SCL No 10 A914 A9 FARM AUCTION SALE Saturday April 24th at 12 noon sharp for ARTHUR CURRIE At lot 19 Can Collingwood twp miles east of Collingwood or miles east of Ravenna and miles nor theost of Banks Sale of 45 head of beef cattle inc cows yoarlings and two year olds mostly Hereford Shorthorn Cross registered Hereford bull farm machinery inc tractors Cockshutt 4O trac9 tor and loader and model case cultivation and haying equipment Inc New Holland No 66 Baler mixed grain etc house furnishings Inc antiques etc etc Terms Cash No Reserve Farm Sold GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneer Ph 4454848 A9 1621 AUCTION SALE of Furniture Glass and China mostly all antique pieces in cluding sixpiece porlor set rockers round pedestal ex tension table oval parlor table pine flat back cupboard school house clock tools and miscellaneous antique record player several antique picture frames etc FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE to be held Saturday May 1976 commencing at 1230 pm Located in the village of Stroud on the 10th Concession of In nisfll Township mile East of Highway No 11 Terms cosh VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR STROUD M26A923 ic 7TH LINE iNNISFlL 4363198 Au3076 AUCTION SAL IAIIM AUCTION SALE Saturday April 17th at1230 pm sharp for WILLYNN FARMS LTD DON PARKS of lot 17 Can Euphraisia twp miles south of Thornbury or miles north Of Kimberly on County Rd 13 or the Beaver Valley Rd Sale Of all high class farm machinery pole barns and 20 50 silos inc diesel tractors one Int NO 624 one MF No 65 and HD loader Int No 105 SP combine MF NO 36 10 ft SP swather 1975 John Deere 22 Row Drill Spreader Int 10 cultivator Int 10 wheel discs Int farrow plow wagon and grain bins field sprayer MF farrow plow etc etc FULL LINE OF FORAGE EQUIP MENT inc MF row corn plan ter Int forage harvester Int No 110 forage box and wagon MF No 12 boler 40 grain and hay elevator on wheels like new Kools forage Blower and Pipes etc etc SILOS AND BUILDINGS TO BE REMOVED Hallman precast 16 50 Silos pole born 60 108 new material Garage 24 40 truss roof etc etc AUCT machinerv majority only 23 or years old Int 175 Bu PTO REMARKS is all This like new Terms cash Form sold GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneer Ph 4454848 A2914 AUCTION SALE for The Estate of the Late HOWARD WHITESIDE Lot Can Essa Twp Situated on 89 Hwy miles east Of Alliston or miles west of Cookstown Also known as Whitesides Garage on FRIDAY APRIL 16 at 11 am Auction Sale of household fur niture and elec app RCA 24 colour TV stove fridge deep freeze washer and dryer and misc MTD riding mower mechanics tools incl powei and hand elec and gas welders air compressor floor and hand hyd iacks floor ston ds tire changer body work tools valve grinding machine chain blocks drill press visas grease guns etc Int W6 trac tor wloader 1950 Dodge coupe 1973 GMC pickup tow trucks ton and ton passenger cars all vehicles sold as is TERMS Cash day of sale or cheque WID on all chattels PROPERTY At pm the bedroom aluminum siding home wmodern conveniences FAO furnace full basement also the 2bay garage wad ioining space for paint shop or stock room and Office overall size approx 50 45 situated an approx acre more or less of comer property Can and 89 Hwy and has been used for general repairs and wrecking yard PROPERTY TERMS Five thousand dollars $500000 cash or certified cheque made payable to the Estate to ac company offer to purchase day of sale Balance of purchase price to be paid in full by cash or certified cheque on closing date Monday May 17 I976 Subiect to the usual ad iustments Preview of property please call Ernie Severn 7054357467 ACCIDENTS Neither the Estate nor the Auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Prpperty sells to reserve bid ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No 1Alllston SCL No 10 A913 PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE For farm antiques and business closures Call GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneer 7264841