The Barrie Examiner Sotuidoertiuh live There was good turnout Friday for the rummage sale put on by the ACW of St Mr and Mrs David Latour 97 Owen St are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Lois Mary to Keith Pearsall son of Mr and Mrs Albert Pearsall of ENGAGEMENT RUMMAGE SALE Giles Anglican Church Mom left Betty Mchllaii coconvener of the sale Toronto The wedding is to take place April 23 at St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie Steingard Studio Sorority meets to hear speech Margaret Kelly was guest speaker at the meeting of the XI Gamma Xi Chapter and Xi Beta Pi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority She spoke on men tal depression The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Bill Tayll Woodcrest Road on March 29 Iwoyearold Betsy Thomp son couldnt find hat to fit ACCIDENTS In Canada approximately 50000 car accidents each year involve mechanical malfunc tions most of which are caused by lack of proper maintenance says the Ontario Safety League One item most often neglected in the important spring car check is the win dshield wiper Wiper blades are generally not expected to last over six months in good or bad weather Heres how to test them When off the road run your washers few minutes If the wi ers clear off the win dshiel without smear within few swings theyre fine If not the next spring rain will find you peering through deadly optical illusions when chapter elections will be held Members attended party at the sheltered workshop The evening was sponsored by the Sorority city council and mem bers from five chapters at tended at the rummage sale Friday at St Giles Anglican Church even though she tried on half dozen The rummage sale was put on by the churchs ACW group Examiner Photo and installation as required le 53595 Total tlecorator and toordinath Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns Lorri Canadas tinoat suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop In to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrie Mary Latorncll president of the and Betty trcasc Less competition co converter of the sale tExv amincr lIiotoi in Cuban life to downtown lIavaiia the 1960 cars parked along the curb anti IIIIIIISRIIIttI females bring the Canadian tourist back to years in time but by the titiie the Canadian visitor returns to his country he could learn lesson from his tuban friends rcalizo that as tourist we only saw wlial we were sup posed to see said llciin Ap pleby during an interview at his home in Oro Station But Iikc it or not think thcrc is lot to learn from uba about values and attitudes His wife Leona agreed And perhaps this is why spen ding holiday in uba is thc recent attraction for many travellers In checking with local travel agencies uba has been one of the more popular places during the winter and over the March break They are happy people Mrs Applcby said The kids attend school for four hours day and Work in the fruit or chards for four They are glad to be able to do something for their country Sounds idealistic In fact it personal achievement was unattainable in North America 210 million Americans and 22 million taiiadians would meet and jtitiip off Niagara Falls lkprcssing But according to the Ap plcliys who just returned from their stay Itl Cuba communism has cultivated placid attitude in thc ubans If they dont like it they cant ltiriip it so they learn to accept it What is it like with no com petition in business lhc down town arca has no neon signs Ilaycarc centres are frcc Schools arc funded Housing food education and health care is provided There is no alcoholism or prostitution They work as unit for their country There is no personal freedom Mrs Applcby said wouldnt want their way of lifc hcrc But tlicrc are few things we could lcarn from them Why not With competition down played thcrc is lcsscr ini portancc attached to status success and rank lhercforc womens rights as they are secn in anada and the LS are simply irrelevant in Cuba Women like everyone else work for the good of the coun try She works in the fields and in the kitciicri SPRING FASHIONS Two of the riiariy fashions modelled Ihursday to an en Uiusiastic crowd at Iowcrs for the stores annual spring fashion show tExaminer Ilioto ALWAYS IESI SOII TORONTO tCIi The eager gardener itching to start dig ging as soon as warm weather appears should test the read iness of soil for spadiiig and planting says the American Association of Nurserymen The association says that if handful of soil squeezed into ii mud ball is sticky then the ground is too wet and the gar dener should wait until con ditions aredrier CUSTOM MADE IIRAPERIES and BEDSPREAIIS PEOPLE AND PLACES SPEAKER THORNTON Traffic Sgt Andy Austin of the Ontario Pro COOKING BARBIESusan Blanch will give cooking demonstration Entertaining with Ease at 730 pm at the Consumers Gas Building She will show plati alicad menu ideas with entrees which may be mixcdn matched with the desserts prepared MEDITATION BARRIIL free public iii troductory transcendental meditation is taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is scheduled for March 31 at 730 pm in the business building at Georgian College For informa tion call 7260168 BINGO BARRIE The Canadian Ar thritis and Rheumatism Socie ty has joined with the Mentally Retarded anti Multiple Sclerosis in Big Money Bingo every Saturday on Channel 11 at ti pm Barrie and district residents can support the ar thritic workers by picking up bingo cards each week at Sam the Record Man Betty apri lim Snack Bar Steeles Thina and Gift Shop and Georgian Sports and Marine Ltd VISII CROWN IIIIAL Joan Iar tridgc hristinc McGrcgor and Mr and Mrs Fox were guests from Toronto at the home of Mr and Mrs Iarr tridgc TRII MINESING Mr and Mrs ll McLean and daughters Linda and Mary visited their brother Stanley in Orillia March it who celebrated his 84th birthday Mlt ANI MItS ilciiii Ap plcliy recently returned from short stay in uba Here they show some of tlic material typical in the styles The finest cuisine lake We 185 Dunlop 7285ISI FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY To THURSDAY BABY BEEF LIVER with onions Ol HOMEMADE MEATLOAF with gravy $3 00 Children under I2 $200 vincial police was guest speaker at the March meeting of the Womens Institute VISITORS IVYï¬ituth Hunt and Marion and Mr and Mrs Keith McVaneI visited Mrs Arnold on the weekend WINNER BELL EWARTEthel Lacey was winner of the Most lone hands recently at the euchre tournament held at the com munity centre HOLIDAYS CBAKIHURSIwSusan Carr spent the school holidays in France VISIT MIIIIURSTMrs Margaret Peacock spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs Brolley in Ieterborough SERVICE ENDED TORONTO CP trans port group based in the Magda len Islands has terminated its subsidized service linking Pic tou Charlottetown and the Magdalen Islands following the termination of federal subsidy which amounted to $159240 in the latest year But the group CoOperative des Transports Maritimes et Aeriens will continue to operate its service between Souris IEI and Cap aux Meules iii the Magdalen Islan ds The government will con tinue subsidy on this run rated at $114 million for the 197576 fiscal year Hit oout aloo In of tIOIIItS llicy are two of many from the area who find ulia and enjoyable and ulucational vacation spot Ilxainincr Iholoi UNBEATABLE CHARTERS ABC LONDON from 279 MANCHESTER from 284 FRANKFURT from 329 PARIS from 3l9 AMSTERDAM from 319 DUBLIN from 284 BELFAST from 294 MALAGA from 369 EDINBURGH from 294 BOOK EARLY Airs TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST 7284700 Bayview OES chapter celebrates 52nd birthday Members celebrated their 52nd birthday March 22 at the meeting of the Bayview Chapter of the Order of the EasternStar Worthy matron Mrs Margaret Walker and Eric Milton worthy patron welcom ed guests and members Distinguished guests included Mrs Mary Smith of Minden grand treasurer of the grand chapter of Ontario Mrs Edna Faucett of Collingwood district deputy grand matron of district nine Mervin Booth past patron of Stroud and member of the grand benevolent commit tee of Ontario past district deputy grand matron Mrs Jessie Steers of Bradford Mrs James Farquharson of Barrie Mrs Spearn of Barrie and Mrs Ray Latimer of Angus They also welcomed chartered members Mrs Spearn Mr Moore Mrs Maxwell who were presented with yellow roses corsages WA group bake sale bake sale and coffee party will be held May by the Womens Association of Essa Road Presbyterian Church There will be rummage sale April 10 meals on wheels April 12 Presbytery dinner April 13 and entertainment at the IOOF Home April 14 Bette Cheesman and Darrie Hamilton will attend the plann ing meeting at entral United Church to discuss shutin ser vice This will be held at St Marys Church in June Hazel Orr Eileen Scruton and Patti Aistrop provided entertainment and refreshments PAVEMENT PROBLEMS Drastic weather changes at this time of year cause pavement to heave and break particularly in northern areas This creates an added problem for the motorist states the On tario Safety League The high way department erects bump signs but frequently you find the bumps before either the signs go up or work crews can repair the road damage When you see the signs slow down and keep both hands on the wheel Your safety belt will help keep you behind the wheel in the drivers seat should you be the first to discover newhump ADI EXTRA FLAVOR Theres extragood flavor when grated Parmesan or R0 mano cheese is added to an oil andvinegar dressing for mixed green salad FREDS FLOWERS Highway 11 at Stroud 900 mm to 600 1311 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Your 1975 Income Tax Guide Follow your guide carefully It will take you step by step through your tax return It explains items of iiiconic sttcli as family allowance payments deductions like the interest and dividend incomc deduction and the lthSilVIllg benclit from transfer of certain deductions bctwccn spouses Twenty five year pins were social hour followed with presented to Mrs Mrs Banting Maxwell and Mrs Rita Battle WHAT CAME FIRST Dick Roe refreshments served by Mrs Mrs Frank Toporouski and her com mittee sure but one Thing we do know is we have great CHICKEN SPECIAL TOMORROW CHUBBY DINNER 164 Try the Chubby Junior Two pieces of our best chicken crisp You get delicious pieces of cooked to order chicken golden french fries and chefs salad all for only golden french fries all for only AfrW Boyfield St Barrie 728049l wmis YOUR BEST FRIEND AT iNEOMgAxTiME Its packcd with good advice to make your job easier But ifyou should have problem you think your Tax iuidc cant solvc call your District Tamtion lticc listed on the back of your guide You have friends there as well Revenue Canada lievenu Canada taxation lmpél lion Bud Cullen lion Bud Cullen Ministe Ministie