Simcoe Centre hopefuls would be ready for GEORGE TAYLOR PC With election talk thick in the air the representatives of the three main provincial parties in the Simcoe Centre riding are set to mobilize for any sudden race to the polls Both the Liberal Partys Margaret Kelly and the New Democratic Partys Paul Wessenger said they intend to again contest the riding if an election is forced by non confidence vote of the William Davis government in April Mr Kelly and Mr Wessenger lost out to incumbent Pro gressive Conservativer Party candidate Art Evans in the election race Sept 18 Mr Evans announced about month ago that he will not seek reelection Barrie lawyer George Taylor has announced that he will seek the PC nomination Mr Taylor said he does not believe the Conservative party is anxious to have an election can only foresee an elec tion if the other two parties cause it he said adding the Conservatives do not feel an election is necessary at this time and the people doiit want one cant see the Conser vatives doing anything that would bring an election about WOULD BE READY But if an election is called Mr Taylor said the party would be ready for the fight dont think the PCs have ever not been ready for an elec tion he said Talk of another election climaxed last week when Stuart Smith the newlychosen Liberal leader said he would support an amended NDP mo tion of nonconfidence over the Tories throne speech He later School board invests in information With teacher negotiations becoming more complex the Simcoe County Board of Educa tion has decided to invest $3000 in an information ser vice The service will be provided by the Ontario Public School Trustees Association and will provide the board with upto date information on salary negotiations and budgets in relation to other school boards in the province Jack Ramsay director of education said he was not en thused about the program at first but has since had change of heart The director said there is no kind of adequate information service available now In the past he said officials were able to summarize the old grid scales but the system today is so complex it requires an analyst If negotiations with teachers reach point where fact finder or arbitrator is re quired the board is expected to submit comparisons and this service would be the best way to obtain them he said Mr Ramsay noted the board is not in need of this service BRLCE CLMMING stepping stone right now but if the service is not supported financially it wont be available when it is needed The director also explained the support could help to strengthen and unify the trustees association There is concern right now over ervice splinter trustee association iii volving only the larger boards in the province The Simcoe County board is eligible to join this association but has refused to do so saying such group would result in fragmented associations Mr Ramsay said he did not expect the senate would cost the full $3000 that it would more likely be closer to $22000 He also suggested the board could find less expensive method of communication than the Telex system suggested by the association In response to question from trustee Bruce Cumming of Thornton Mr Ramsay said he does not know if this move could be considered step towards provincewide negotia tions The director indicated there have been discussions of pro vincial negotiations by the Ministry of Education and teacher federations Bill Straughan trustee for Barrie said he strongly believes in negotiations at the local level and this service could help trustees to continue to carry out their respon sibilities TTEMPTED MURDER TRIAL So overcome by drugs could not form intent An Ontario Supreme Court jury is expected to reach ver dict today in the attempted murder trial of Martin Charles Hissa Hissa 20 was charged after the Sept 15 stabbing of Lynn Balkwill in her Wellington Street apartment Wednesday Hissa testified in his own defence and related that he took great amount of drugs on the weekend psychiatrist testified that Hissa would have been so over come by the drugs he took it would be impossible for him to form the intent to do any ac tion According to the Criminal Code of Canada it is necessary to prove the intent to kill in case of murder or attempted murder both of which have potential life sentence The word intent is not used in the definition of assault causing bodily harm which carries maximum penalty of five years Hissa said he quit school at age 16 and has roamed over most of the continent since then He usually returned to Barrie in the winter to work though He said he had been taking drugs of one sort or another since he was 15 On the weekend in question Mrs Balkwill had testified she was stabbed early in the morn ing of Sept 15 Monday Hissa said he already had in his possession 25 tablets or hits of white clinical acid street name for an LSD derivative He also purchased an ounce of marijuana after getting paid Friday He said he went home to his boarding house then went to see Diane and Greg Agowissa friends living few blocks from his place Before going there he took couple of tablets and figured he took six or seven dur ing the evening He was also drinking and smoking mari juana After leaving the Agowissas he went downtown took some more tablets and met another friend Russell Michaud He went to Michauds but recalls little of what happened there Mrs Michaud had testified earlier in the trial he had taken flirt in card game and pro bly lost because of poor con centration STILL STONED Hissa does not remember go ing home that night but says he woke up there Saturday morning he did his laundry and smoked two more joints of marijuana He said he still felt stoned in the morning Saturday night he went to the Agowissas again and said he smoked more marijuana took more pills and drank some beer He said he didnt really remember leaving the Agowissas but remembers be ing downtown and climbing the stairs at the house where he was staying He said he was very wet but could not remember getting wet He speculated he had gone swimming His roommate Carl Bruster woke up when he entered the room at about am ac cording to Hissa and sug gested they go see Mrs Balkwill who had called earlier thatevening Hissa recalls riding bicycle there but does not remember much else until they were in the apartment He said that while he was there he brought out two marijuana cigarettes and passed them around His next recollection is Mrs Balkwill waking him up Sunday morn ing Bruster had testified that he and Hissa had gone to Mrs Balkwills earlier in the even ing and that he had left Hissa there However he said there was no marijuana present that time although Hissa had brought some on previous oc casion Mrs Balkwill had testified that only Hissa was in her apartment Saturday night and he had left after she refused to go to bed with him Hissa said he went home after Mrs Balkwill woke him up and went to bed again and slept until about pm That evening he again went to the Agowissas and took his last four pills along the way At the time he had assumed he had lost some of the pills He later went downtown and said he felt all the affects of an acid trip He described brilliant splashes of color trailing ef fect of moving objects if car went by it would seem to con tinue to go by for several minutes and real objects took on unreal propportions OPEN DOOR He next remembers standing in front of Mrs Balkwills apartment building then stanlt ding in front of the open door of her apartment He remembers being in the apartment being in bed with Mrs Balkwill then washing his hands and face and getting ready to leave He then remembers sitting on top of someone with his hands around the persons neck He also remembers seeing his arm going up and down three times and seeing knife in his hand He does not remember blood There is then gap he said and he remembers seeing himself reflected in glass pane opposite the door to Mrs Balkwills apartment as he left He recalls nothing else until he was awakened by his landlady the next morning and went to work He said he did have knife that he carried from habit when he knew he was going to be walking alone He had been carrying it the night before but it had disappeared in the morn ing NO IDEA When StaffltSargeant ron Pickard of Barrie City Police came to where Hissa was work ing Monday afternoon he said he had no idea what the police wanted him for When questioned by Pickard about his activities Sunday night and Monday morning he made up story about walking around all night because he couldnt remember what ht lid was still moderately ston ed Monday and didnt know what was going on he said couldnt remember anything that happened on the weekend and certainly not stabbing Lynn Balkwill Dr John Atcheson psychiatrist with the Clark In stitute in Toronto testified that he had interviewed Hissa in January and his story then was almost exactly the same as he had told in court JUST IN CASE Liberal IIORlS LEADER Ron Whiteside puts the Scarboroughbased Dukes of Harmony through their paces at lcdncsdavs free changed his mind We have been getting ready since September Mrs Kelly said Interest in the Liberal Party is steadily climbing and if an election is called we will be ready April She said Mr Smith has in structed his 36 caucus col leagues to sound out electorate minds in their own ridings over the March recess on whether an election is wise at this time believe that if the general feeling is that it is too soon he will vote against Lewis amend ment and an election will be averted Mrs Kelly said The Liberals amendment on the throne speech condemns the PCs for financial irrespon sibility and for forcing municipalities and school boards to inordinately increase the property tax on homeowners and tenants barbershop concert The event drew an audience of 100 and organizers hope some of the spectators Will Mrs Kelly said AFTER THOUGHT The NDP amendment has municipal financing tucked away as an afterthought the said Mr Wessenger said ac cording to the most recent reports it looks like there is not going to be vote called on Aprils But he added think the whole situation indicates we could have an election any time There may be strong temptation by Davis to call one anytime in light of the apparent disarray of the Liberals Mr Wessenger said He said from political point of view an election would be fine for the NDP However per sonally he does not favor anelection at this time would find it difficult to turn out as participants in regenerated Harrie barber ship chorus Examiner IIlOiOt Enthusiastic response at barbershop meeting By RICHARD DlNSIAN Examiner Staff Writer An estimated 100 barbershop music enthusiasts turned out Wednesday to free concert organizers hope will mark the revival of barbershop music in Barrie The crowd included between 00 and 70 men short of the 100 male singing prospects officials had hoped to draw Those who showed up were treated to music ranging from Strike Up the Band to Dan iiy Boy by the Dukes of llar mony Scarboroughbased chorus which WIII represent On tario in iiitcrnalioiial competi tion this summer and the On tario district champion quartet Scarborough Fair formed from members of the chorus Nearly 00 members of the chorus which at full strength numbers 02 jammed the stage at the Consumers Gas Blue Flame Room on Ferris Lane circumstance chorus leader Ron Ihitcside said deprived the audience of the dancing which usually accompanies some of the groups numbers luncs performed by the chorus included Love That Old Barbershop Style an unusual arrangement of Put On YourOld Grey Bonnet and George ohan medley Scarborough Fair we us cd to call them Scarborough Excellent Mr Whitesidc said offered such tunes as Want Girl Just Like The irl lhat Married Dear Old Dad Why Do They Always Say No When They Know They Mean Yes All The Time and the in cvitiihlc variation on Sweet Adilini NEXTWEDNESDAY Audience response was en thusiastic Following the performance Wally Carriithers publicity director for the committee of eight which planned the con ccrt told the audience the hopedfor Barrie barbershop chorus will begin regular meetings next Wednesday at Central United Church on Ross Street pItVlOlIS Barrie chorus folded in the late 1900s for want of chorus leader and previous attempt to revive it failed for the same reason Since then two experienced leaders Grant Lawson and David McCaffrey have moved to Barrie and committee members are optimistic about chances for success this time Al Hirst executive vicc president for the Ontario district of the Society for the Preservation and Encourage ment of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America Inc Familiarly known as SPEBS QSA told the audience the barbershop music movement began more than 30 years ago when two Tulsa Okla residents started 25member chorus in barbershop Today the movement more than 37000 members has PAUL WESSENGER NDP get away from my law prac tice he said If an election is forced now he said it could put the Liberals at grave disad vantage as Mr Smith is relatively unknown by the voters and has not had enough time to mould his party into unified body DOOKING BAD wonder whether Davis may decide to strike now when U10 Liberals look so bad he said Mrs Kelly said Mr Smith has said repeatedly he did not want another election But if the PCs persisted in their highhanded irresponsible methods of gover ning the people of Ontario he had no other choice Mrs Kelly said the Liberal leader is very critical of the governments illogical deci sion in ordering hospital and election lab closings without apparent regard to efficiency or economy in their operations and to the importance of these institutions in the lives of the communities they served EXPENSIVE Mr Taylor pointed out elec tions are costly not only to the party but to the public He explained the parties would have to go back to their supporters for money and they did this only recently for the last election and certain percentage of campaign fun ding comes out of the public purse Under the new Election Act political parties may draw some provincial funds for their campaigns but Mr Taylor pointed out thats more of concern to the Liberals and NDP they use more public money than the Conservatives Report on DufferinSimcoe public next week Lewis An investigation report into alleged irregularities in DufferinSimcoe riding during the last provincial election will be made public next week Roderick Lewis Ontario chief election officer said Wednesday The report by Warren Baillie assistant chief election officer is expected to be com pleted next week after about month of investigations Hundreds of hours have been spent by the Ontario elcc tion office staff and the assis tant chief election officer in examining documents atten ding meetings and taking declarations from persons that might have had knowledge of the events cited Mr Lewis said The report W1 contain opi nions received Wednesday by the election office from the Simcoc County rown At torneys office GEORGE IcAGLE in by 1700 votes The frown attorney was re quested to examine informa tion in connections with the alleged irregularities The investigation was ordered after Mr Lewis met last month with officers of the DufferinSimcoe Liberal Association The association raised 33 questions about voting pro cedure prompting the probe The party claims people from another riding voted in DufferinSimcoe and enumera tion slips were exchanged for ballots George McCague pro gressive conservation defeated the Liberal candidate Bob Beattie by 1700 votes Len Rocque Dufferin Sim we Liberal association presi dent had accused the election office of giving the association the runaround in connection with the report LOCAL AND GENERAL NOIIAIHIINTON llie Harrie recreation depart mcnts Friday night bad minton IS cancelled this week and next tomorrow and April at the Eastview Secondary School on Grove Street East The badminton usually went from 730 to 10 pm and is open to anyone interested MERR WIDOW Georgian College Music Theatre will present The Merry Widow lhursday through Saturday at at Georgian ollcgc Tickets are available at the door at Sam the Record Man or at Muntr Centre and cost $250 IRAVIILOGIE travelogue on Denmark is scheduled Saturday at pm at Barrie cntral ollcgiate SPRING FLING The Harrie ayces spring fl ing will be held from pm to am Saturday at Harrie Ar with $45000 budget council approval $0000 budget COFP side he said High and Bradford streets PROMOTION TR US TEE UESTIONS DUTIES Doug Cherry chairman said he hopes the board will not spend more than $38000 but has submitted $45000 budget for city Mr Cherry said the board is trying to show leadership in spending restraint In previous years it has worked with The money is collected by special levy on all downtown merchants It used for the promotion and beautification of the citys Mr Cherry said the boards 1076 budget is actually $42000 because $3000 was overspent in 1975 Its probably even less because think we budgeted on the high The board is not proposing any major physical changes this year he said Money will be used to finish the tree plan ting program and the gore at Dunlop This is limbo type of year were con centrating oii promotion and parking mories on High Street Tickets are $10 per couple POLLUTION TALK Barrie and District lnitarian Fellowship will present talk by Alex Arthur on pollution con trol measures Sunday at 11 am at Minesing Community Hall Call 7371758 for further information COOKING cooking demonstration en titled Entertaining with Ease will be given Tuesday at 730 at tonsumers Gas on Ferris Lane IIOCOLATE BLITZ Eastview Secondary Schools music department plans door to door sales blitz featuring chocolatecovered almonds March 31 WASIIROOM TENDERS ity council is entering an agreement with Nesbitt architect to design washroom building in MacMor Year of restraint planned by core improvement board arries downtown area improvement board is trying to curb spending this year made Commerce Were putting our full weight behind the core group One of the projects he suggested is development of parking areas downtown Mr Cherry said the board would like to prepare maps showing people all the loca tions to park Also he said the board would like to have parking prohibited on the main streets downtown from 730 to am to prevent store and office employees from using the spaces Mr Cherry said the employees are meterfeeders and stop shoppers from using the spaces Were hoping the ban on parking will free up the spaces for shoppers during the day he said new he said As board we cant do any more physical changes until we find out where the downtown is going number of statements have concerning downtown and what is going to happen core committee is reviewing problems and meeting with the board planning board and the Greater Barrie Chamber of rison Park The city is calling tenders for the construction of the building immediately EGG DECORATING Easter egg decorating is scheduled for April at the Bar rie Childrens Library BOONIIZILANGS Barrie Boomerangs will hold spring fling dance April at pm at the HiXiew Plaza Tickets are $8 per couple and information is available at 728 3491 HETAPIIYSICS An information session open to the public will be held April at pm by the Institute of Applied Metaphysics The meeting is scheduled for 130 Penetang Street RlllGE SALE St Giles Anglican Church Women will hold rummage sale from am to pm Friday at the church hall on ook Street been the future of the Mr Cherry said Just What does school attendance counsellor do IRVING HARRIS cxplaiiis role The role of an attendance counsellor is not the same as that of truant officer trustees of the Simcoe County Board of Education were told Wednesday night The actual duties of an atten dance counsellor were ques tioned when trustees were ask ed to approve increasing the senior atleiidance counsellors responsibility allowance to $1 000 per year from $500 Stewart Fisher trustee for lnnisfil asked if these people are qualified teachers if they are paid the same as teachers and if they receive the same holidays Jack Ramsay director of education said the counsellors are not teachers although some hold teaching cere tilicatcs they receive the same holidays as teachers and ieceivc salaries equal to the third and fourth categories on the teaching salary grid This means that in January 1070 the counsellors could earn from low of $0550 to high of $18050 depending on their schooling and length of service EASE THE TIME The director said the counsellors were placed on the grid to ease the time required to negotiate with such small group there are five counsellors and because their qualifications are similar to teachers in those categories Mr Ramsay said the board does not require the counsellors to be teachers as it considers their role to be more in line with social workers Mr Fisher argued however that the board spends approx imately $100000 year on the program and receives 1000 referrals and each call costs $100 Is this program we should be investigating Mr Fisher asked Irving Harris superintendent of educational services ex plained the role of an atten dance counsellor is not the same as that of truant officer few years ago Mr Harris explained the of ficers are involved in family counselling assisting with pro blems which may cause child not to attend school Their workload is steadily in creasing he said WIIAITIIEYDO The superintendent read job description for trustees saying the attendance counsellors work includes Follow up referrals of cases of abnormal behavior in his district in order to diagnose analyse and find solution for the basic social or family pro blem Counsel both student and fainin in order to stabilize social problem and thereby im prove the students attendance and other abnormal behavior patterns at least until an ap propriate educational pro gram has been completed Maintain professional iclationship with other social agencies in order to gain their assistance in those cases which cannot be dealt with in any other way Refer necessary cases to the courts and provide the perti nent information in order to have the case dealt with justl Prepare applications For each school leaving so that the early school leaving committee may deal adequately with them Followup and supervise the alternative educational pro gram until age 10 where early school leaving is granted in order to ensure that the com mittees intentions are met Prepare case histories for the use of school authorities in order to assist them to unders tand the family and social pro blems he has discovered and to help the return of the student to school Mr Ramsay explained the counsellors job involves work ing 24 hours day seven days week sometimes spending all night on the telephone helping student who might be on drugs It is difficult emotionally draining job he said STEWART FISHER invcstigate