Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1976, p. 19

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Leann The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 24 197619 Come Alive Youre In The Want Ad Generation 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICErlAND ON THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES FOR SALE WILLsri fldn1 g0 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL RM CLOSE TO LITTLE LAKE bedr REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7R ULFI com bungalow on nearly acre Close to Hwy 400 Try $4000 down carry for approximately $396 Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033 No 837 WHITE BRICK SPLIT LEVEL $52900 Loads of room in this Davies resale Broadloomed shaped living and dining room den family room baths and sewing room or 4th bedroom Good mortgage Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 No 812 TAKE LOOK it costs you noth ing Older bungalow in Allandale with bedrooms and full living dining rooms Approx 1100 sq ft Broadloomed and ready to be moved into Only $41900 and vendor is anxious Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 No 843 VACANT LAND 14 acres of wel cession 17 of Tiny Township Level ltreed land Approx 650 on Can clear frontage Excellent building lot Call Pat MacRiner for details 7261938 or 7263929 No 842 M24 Photo Multiple aunclers REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELI ST BARRIE rIru Ur 1R 7263111 Listing Service ROSS STREET bedroom marble stone storey and half separate dining room large living room ful basement close to everything Make an appointment to view today DUNLOP STREET EAST View of the lake bedroom brick semi needs work Asking $38900 Try on offer EAST END bedroom brick ungalow with attached garage backing onto park area Asking $49500 CENTRALLY LOCATED storey dition Asking $51900 Try your all brick duplex in immaculate con er SOUTH OF BARRIE New raised bungalow broadloom throughout large 101 $49350 BUILDING LOT in Gm 100 100 $1 Mary Foster no 1011 3221 118 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Tom Fitzsimmins 4562620 5000 M24 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 Marion Bryk 7285405 BARRIE OFFICE 109 Bayfield Street 7289201 DorothyFitzsimmiins 4562620 Ed Green 7284123 Elva Mills 7283749 Bill Purvis 7260452 Murray Stovell 4362306 Les Wainwright 4362396 Anne Spencer 4589211 lker 7265199 AND COMPANY REALTOR APPRAISALS Serving MORTGAGES Rvaltrm EMORY Barrie Since 1932 SIMCOE ST 7282485 MWFTF MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 Ross Miller 7260563 AI Rose 7288116 Harvey Weber 4363815 Sammy Benham 4245498 Ron Jones 7268997 Percy Ford 7287930 John Cole 7288017 Gerald ONeill 7267733 DAVID A59 Rf At ESTATE LTD DAVE WASS 7284651 INGRID MILLER 7281998 LOU GALLANT 7283104 DON MILLER 4364507 KAREN PAWLIK 7371096 LEWIS KELLY 7264930 REALTOR 58 COLLIER STREEI AGENTS FOR CAMPEAUQUALITY HOMES Ken Miller 4361431 Peter Gubbels 7282425 Ron Sproule 4873715 Jim Harris 7267173 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Cec Cooke 7283036 Ron Thorne 7288714 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Mortgages 7264651 Appraisals BERNICE WHELAN 7262334 BERNIE ROTH 7370017 ISABELL SIMPSON 7261952 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 VIC SMALL 4362306 MWFTF PETER LUSH ASSUDIATES LTD 73171161 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL lrank Itooey 729 0676 lied Reynolds 720 6333 Larry DeW1Ide 778112611 Chuck Lambert 778 9001 tarry Brewer 726 9746 Harry Magrtl I76 3864 Harold Davis Paul Arbour 726 3697 Norman McMillan 726 9967 Bruce lattin 779741 8111 Evans no 10111 12 16751 Bert Cult 779 4067 11111 Colwoll 776 77711 REAL ESTATE RCHOLKAN co LTD REALTOR IIIILIIIIII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 GENERAL INSURANCE 7289921 Now at 10 Collier Street Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals noeznr ARMSTRONG urnrm REALTOR BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER PROPERTIES FOR SALE 7R rrrrlllr ii 149 BAYFIELD sr 7269262 Terry Vogan 4562544 Allan Thompson 7281024 Gloria Kossatz FRl 7283758 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Marilyn Mason 7262895 David Wigley 7268497 Thomas Bralley 7282994 pout Dumoulin FR Grace Broiler 7282994 CRA SRA 7370731 Bradley Watts 7287209 TF Ernest Watts 7287209 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES 79 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE 7261405 LIMITED TF 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN Er COLLIER STREETS Barrie 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTA TE NEEDS Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 Mildred MOORE REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7282612 RES 7285187 168 DUNLOP ST OPPOSITE ARENA 2X14TF II 7269200 MLS REALTOR IEITTDlEt REALTY LTD 180 Dunlop St Anita Scwton 7266397 Roger Scraggs 7263070 Joye Canning 7261676 Clarence Canning 7261676 Robson Knapp 7267294 Lew Grave 7283447 Brian Grant 7370426 Dave Stubbs 4589325 Jagck Heyden 7269200 Lynda Heyden 7286446 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP EAST REALTOR 7283293 Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil Franchette 7282619 Roger Shelswell 4872920 David Shelswell 4875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 vars13 Jim Cross 7262159 TF FOR SALE LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD iritéifrttfl om $1995 DOWN Bayfield and Cundles iii11665111611511 GRIESBACH Photo MLS Realtor and bedroom homes with at tached garage baths broadloom throughout For further information 43 DUNLOP 728984 Z°3fiW 7289997 rIrrIIIitrI SALE OR RENT Private year old detached luxurious NELSON GARRETT 7266096 bedroom story house garage close to all ELEANOR CLARKE 726939 conveniences The rent S315 per month and sell at $50900 550 down 10 per cent mar LADDIE GRIESBACH FRl tgage 7262978 7289844 LOTS OF Lots In the cltlyi and IOIEB In thfi country for spring but 111g nee Ca MwFTF Nelson Garrett72B9B44 FOUR BEDROOM 1400 Sq ft home with baths attarhed arage 10 per cent mortgage Carries only 71 monthly Tr your down pament $48900 Call 7370783 Iill5 pm Evenin 4364253 Clare Bent Norm Black Realty Lt Rualtor HAVE MOVED and want to sell immediate ossession lose to schools shopping and Eases bedroom bungalow side split entry full basement garage broadloom and hard rIrulfrrrr PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWF TF wood mirrored sliding doors 97 rnar tgage east end Call after 530 pm 726 Luxury bedroom townhouse 10 per cent 58 first mortgage appliances top quality shag broadloom throughout Including finished C105 10 05171101 d050b10 000 IBUGOlrctt toorn separate laundry room all budrooms lorrnal dining room family room kitchen attached garage fumed puuri witfi ftloplara all large kitchen baths dou back yard 52500 down 436 1857 726 blu garage anxious for after Dial 726 2334 5182 Bernice Wftalan Rep David Wuss Limited RENTALS Arm to RENT REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES roR SALE incursion EXECLLTIVE HOMErour bedroom trrtlevel First and Second 113 Qotogtfli 2312222 €36112 MORTGAGES ARRANGED Evenings7281053 days ext228r Reosnnome Roes LLL1912 5159 LOT FOR sala 60x313 mature trees MorQOQeS streanés Eewgige system installed and up PUrChosed ro Sosa rotor 23 5125 33 ForCash lglephgne4241668Vfi Mortgage Life Insurance MORTGAGES AV°il°ble rs FINANCIAL SECOND ENTERPRISES MORTGAGES 121 BAYFIELD sr Borrow to $15000 7267130 015year amortization 149°o on amounts over $8000 oNO bonuses brokerage or finders tees Mem er Ontario Mortgage Inquiries welcome Brokers Association HOUSEHOLD REALTY TF CORPORATION LIMITED MOBIl HOMES BARRIE AND TRAILERS 250unlo 55 Phonengbsa RUSSELL CHURCH MWFASVH Mobile Homes MORTGAGE SALE RENT LOANS Parts and Service DAY EVENING SERVICE in our office or your home IMA FINANCIAL CORPORATION COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE Compare Our Service FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE Office Hours am pm by appointment Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rum Holiday III complete hornc comfort Bar Coll rte lent arid Awning Co 34 Bayliuld SI pOMEROY PYRAMID MOBILE home 14x68 Wllh attached garage years old on large lot at Shamrock Court Angus Telephone 242 5937 or 416 481 5591 HIICHIS HITCHES Hitches for every ap plicatron bolt on custom weld on light and lltuvy for appointment call The Hitch House Ltrl ask for Harold 728 9700 HITCHI all types for spring Have the Hitch Housn Ltd SOle your problems all types rqualrror float and utility Custom burlt or MORE THAN JUST MO far Inry bolt ans Call Harold for apporritrrmnt 728 9700 GL1 READY for spring Huvr the Hitch House ltd solvrr yuur problrms all types custom burlt or cqualilrr float and utility for appomtrnurrt llartory bolt Oils all tiara 72B 9700 I972 COMIORI IriplaE travnl trailer for sale 17 foot pump bath oven and furnace With all othrr orrvnrrronrus Excellent condition tuluplturw 728 core ariytrrru Consulting Budgeting Large Small Business Loans ANY FINANCING AS WELL AS MORTGAGES Talk Confidentially 19159 CORSAIR 17 ft travel trailer Fully TO in prrrlrrt rrtrirfrtiari Taluphorin CALL GERRY ODONNELL 7261 221 PROPERTY WANTED INCOME OR Investment properties Wanted Any sun or Oldllofl also Itqu rash for in vcstmont or bULIfHSS vrrtturir Write S17 80 276 Burnt RENTALS KINZIE LIMITED 151 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES Am TO RENT FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ANY THE USEFUL PURPOSE Consolidate Bills Additions or Improvements Lower Monthly Payments Building Mortgages Inturim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For Cash DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 7371881 Home 4875385 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE BARRIES NEWEST BUILDING Large and bedroom apart ments with really nice view Free sauna recreation room and many other features Ready to move in today COME AND SEE US at Duckworth and Bernick or call 7372428 days or Torontc 3621769 lllllfll IIIC One two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Lease and reference re quired Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267153011y TF time TF MORIGAGIS Isl 7an 3rd bought Ofttf sold Inirriudicttr ulflolt conlrdrsnriol Uppfutsvd service rncluilrrl Hamilton RE 737 °°° APARTMENT HOMES 151 AND 2ND Muttqaqrs 81119111 writ or ranger firsts from 11 pm rrrnt Sm rirrrls Borne Fnesl as law as 11 Prompt nffrrtfiriti iMpEmAL rowERS 7269580 Reasonable rates Confidential all Rohrri CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults Jupp erriIIrrl 1362 SECOND MORTGAGL for salr Inturrrst 14 per rant years to run prtttrlpnl arrirrunt $7 X70 Call Larrm Hay Rial fstatrl 72B 1566 COMPARE our rates First socrirtrf thrrrlmnr tgages appraisals Grrry Syvokas 487 2700 PatQUrrInR Ltd 7371414 MORTGAGE MONfY required Wu have clients needing ntottny to complete pur chases of harm This morirry will be serurad by registered first mortgages at 12 interest on five year terms Contact Emory Miller broker 67 Dunlop St West 7261881 REA 51515 7F YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage loans Anywhere on All homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Mrrilgaqrr Morritgrr RrIltnr 72811675 11111 rvrniiigr Jupp 737 TE BLDROOM apartrnunt 1n duplux Allandale area availahlr April rofrr orator stove laundry facilities garage aseinont and finished rot room with natural gas Irreplacr largo fenced back out With swings and garden our coupe with two riildren walrornn no pets Telephone 728 6298 alter AVAILABLE APRIL rnrnt close to downtown Phone 726 9205 or 737 0426 monomers One bedroom apart $185 monthly To consolidate debts Pay off mortgages Lower monthly payments Home improvements Construction funds Mortgages coming due nflfll 10 Any worthwhile cause OFree advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages iitrill 11 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST MEMBER 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO ONTARIO MORTGAGE rORONro cm 7260981 BROKERS ASSOC 3633421 CALLVAVNYTIME 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE DO YOU NEED MONEY 2000 50000 151 2nd or 3rd Mortgages Cut Your Payments in Half CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR LOANS PAY OFF EXISTING MORTGAGE COMBINE MORTGAGES INTO PURCHASE OR IMPROVE PROPERTY ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE FARMS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DUANE PATFIELD 7267131 GREAT NORTHERN CREDIT CORP SAMEDAY APPROVALS AVGIIObID April BEDROOM apartment couples only no pets or children $208 plus hydro laundry facilities and parking apartment 201 55 Blake St LUXURIOUS bedroom townhouse with rec room brand new with motor appliances exclusive location You have to see it to believe it For more information call 7263432 after pm ask for Joe BARRIEFERRIS Park 141 Do hnve Crescent $300 monthly bedrooms to ephone Toron 1014165331679 0rBarria 7261943 TWO BEDROOM apartment central I7 Worsley St parking $200 per month plus hydro no pets Telephone 7285430 ask for Joe ONE AND two bedroom apartments in downtown area Available immediately Rent range S100 to $155 monthly Telephone 7263257 TWO BEDROOM apartment small Available April $220 monthly Refrigerator stave utilities paid parking large yard Collier Street Call between 46 pm 7284776 TWO BEDROOM apartment available im mediately $230 monthly Refri erator stove utilities paid parking Bayield4OO area Telephone between 46 pm 7284776 STUDIO APARTMENT available immediately $145 Refrigerator stave utilities paid no parking downtown area Call between 46 pm 7284776 MODERN bedroom apartment refrigerator stave heat included S225 mon thly no pets telephone 7371130 after pm ONE BEDROOM apartment furnished broadloomed $175 month located Brent wood Village miles West of Barrie Call 424 5315 evenings only SPACIOUS bedroom apartments close to downtown starting at $280 monthly lease and references required For further in formation 7371295 ONL BEDROOM apartment fully furnished heat hydro and parking central 7267186 NEWLY DECORATED bedroom apartment centrally located $215 monthly 1st and last month rent in advance Telephone 728 6646 ONE BEDROOM apartment East end laca tion on bus route Refrigerator stove heat and hydro included Available April $220 monthly Telephone 7269008 TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment fireplace parking Boyfield and Wellington area 728 3097 evenings TWO BEDROOM apartment available April rent 5183 also close to busVstop 726 3257 ONE AND two bedroom 1n downtown area Available April rent ranging $110 to $165 Telephone 7263257 ONE BEDROOM apartment 1059 to downtown available April 1st $150 monthly Includes parking refrigerator and stove For appointment telephone 728 9776 or 728 6292 LARGE one bedroom apartment Available April 10 $150 per month heat hydro stove and refrigerator included private driveway and entrance Telephone 424 1001 FURNISHED bachelor apartment Close to stores and bus stop Separate entrance references no pets suitable for business lady Telephone 726 6150 after SMALL FURNISHED one bedroom overlook rng lake $160 monthly suitable for one mature adult one year lease references Telephone 7260241 or 726 8420 DOWNTOWN AREA Two rooms and kit hen surtable for lady with one or two children After telephone 7269233 SUBLET One bedroom apartment available May Imperial Towers underground park mg tennis courts sauna extra large rooms $243 monthly Telephone 726 9580 anytime apart for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent Heat hydro parking stove fridge Redecarated inside Save by renting large apartment in older building 5190 carrres everything 72B 4967 MODERN ONE bedroom apartment available May S223 heat hydro refrigerator and stove rncluded on bus route Telephone 72617560fter ONE ROOM apartment separate kitchen and bathroom available immediately partly for nishad $150 monthly includes stove fridge heat and hydro References required 726 4881 ONE BEDROOM apartment newa retrovulud $175 plus utilities Garage and utility room Surtoblc for married couple lrlophuru 458 9764 BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent Fully fur rushed lose to bus stop nice location parking TV private entrance PhoncI 72B 61 535 weekly HOUSES T0 RENT BEDROOM townhouse broadloom throughout appliances available 1m modratuly on bus route Ferris Lanc area 5100 monthly telephone 729 8192 LUXURIOUS bedroom townhouse Beautiful surroundings baths fully broadloomed stove refrigerator and garage North Col legratc area No pets $275 monthly 14162214163 72B 4325 726 5973 BEDROOM sernr detached home in Grove and St Vincent Street area Available April S295 month References required Telephone 487 2412 BEDROOM back split sers immediate possession Call Judy Pennett Rep LePage Real Fstate 7370011 IOWNHOUSE Three bedrooms baths four appliances broadloomed throughout Telephone 726 5035 TWO BEDROOM house for rent Front porch finished large front room and kitchen bathroom five minutes from lake $180 per month Telephone 436 4781 any time FOUR BEDROOM back split Two wash rooms finshod family room with walkout to patio attached garage May Telephone 7269156 NEW BRICK SEMI Three bedrooms large living room dining room full basement garage paved drive 1200 sq ft sooo mon thly Available May 1728 9745 ROOMS TO LET ROOMS TO rent in downtown area gentleman only share kitchen telephone 436 4374 after If no answer telephone 7281039 VACANCY girls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities can trally located 518 per week Phone after 726 1484 AVAILABLE immediately furnished room with kitchen privrleges telephone 7269205 or 7370426 FURNISHED ROOM Central parking kitchen rivrleges living room linen supplied week no 7186 orricrs STORES 95I FOR LEASE Prestige Office Space IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 7263400 ANGELOFF MWF rr OFFICE IN Angus Plaza FOrfuirther 81311 call Bob West Cholkan and Co Ltd Realtors 7260672 or 7284401 NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfiald St But He 5008000 sq ft air conditioned 4162217233 SPACE Sale lease list rent Call Dan Miller Rep Woss Realtor 7264651 or 4364507 PRIME industrial space available Immediate 1y 4000 to 19500 square feet with offices fully sprinklered truck level loading and par ing provided Telephone 7267130 BARRIE GROVE DUCKWORTH 26000 square feet convenient contra amid new 20X home subdivision Retail and pro fasstonal offices Call Cloverlawn In vestments Ltd 1416 9548552 SPRING OCCUPANCY Barries newst mast elaborate addition to Slmcoe Shopping Con tre is now ready for leasing Six stores ap proximately 1200 sq ft each Call Mike lysabild 7261881 Representing Emory Miller Ltd Realtor DOWNTOWN OFFICE wIII remodel to suit Including air conditioning street level loca tion rooms and wash room Phone 728 4949 NEED AN orrrcc part time How soar full time for half price from $75 monthly Telephone 728 9776 0117286292 15991114924110 we WANTED Two people to share three bedroom apartment with young bachelor available April 1st parking close to downtown Telephone Dan 7265224 BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 automatic AUTOMOTIVE cns rori 5m 1973 COMET Sedan for 501 cylinder radio Certified Completely reconditioned Telephone Mr Wilson 726 6537 extension 10 between 830 am and pm 1935 VCHEV IMPALA veouionanziiaaa hardtop power steering power brakes ex cellent condition 76 3775 Telephone 7286134 plates Certified price 1973 OLDSMOBILE Delta Royal 88 46360 miles 2door hardtop Power brakes power steering cruise control Michelin tires whitewalt RW defrost radio 455 cu in barrel engine heavy duty rad all seat belts intact Vinyl roof speed automatic trans $3000 Prov tax extra call Ed King RR Lefroy home 7054364013 office 416259 9287 PRIVATE 1972 Cougar XR7 Convertible automatic power steering and brakes tinted windows excellent condition Telephone 7264144 after 6pm I970 CHEV Convertible f6r sale in 960d con dition S750 firm Must sell Telephone 726 6228 after pm 1972 CAMARO automatic rebuilt VB power steering power brakes repossession needs minor work Best offer Call Neil at 7266411 am to pm 1973 DATSUN 1200 rebuilt engine new tires clutch licenced certified $2000 Telephone 4589201Bamt08pm 1967 VALIANT 100 cylinder automatic door excellent condition no rust 56000 ori inal miles one owner certified Must sel telephone 7260142 after pm 1973 VEGA2300 CC automatic transmission 260w miles radio rear window delogger block heater tires on rims Carin AI con dition $1900 Telephone 7264875 after pm I975 MONTE CARLO red 350 barrel white vinyl roof white interior bucket seats tinted glass sports mirrors rally wheels radio 7500 miles price $5000 ladys car Please call after pm 4589458 1970 BUICK ESTATE wagon Power windows and brakes swing tailgate very good condi tion will certify Must sell Telephone 728 7594 after pm 1970 PLYMOUTH automatic pOwer sine rng good condition asking $1275 Ideal se cond or Will certify Telephone 7260383 1967 COUGAR 01390 barrell speéddual exhaust restored body 18 MPG certified asking $1895 or best offer Telephone 728 2187 I967 AUSTIN MINI Excellent motsfinesse body rear subframe broken 5150 Telephone 7288926 1975 CORDOBA Excellent condition 117000 miles $4695 Telephone7373523 1975 TBIRD PRIVATE Fully equrpped excellent condition with automatic air and stereo Full asking price only $6900 Please 0117370954 1972 rovorA CAROLLA 1200 Available to parts will sell separate pieces or in total Telephone 458 9038 evenings SHARP 1967 Pontiac Grande Parisienne Two door hardtop tinted glass bucket seats console radio rear seat speaker spoke wheels and radial tires Immaculate condition 5850 Will certify Telephone 7280539 1974 MONTE CARLO Low mileage power steering power brakes radio two door automatic radials good condition Ask ing S4 000 Telephone 7265117 after 7371372 CARS WANTED TO BUY URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 EM LH 1f TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted Flor wrecking S25 and up Fast pickup 424 5949 or 435 6322 Feb 14 March 14 SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paid Will pick up 7289666 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1971 DODGE pick up for sale cylinder standard shift In very good shape Best of for Telephone 458 9501 or 4589153 1965 30 TON king float 18 It deck new tandem axle 825 Michrlrn tires excellent condition Telephone 7053221603 1965 GMC dump truck 7500 series equipped With way snawplow and Wing air brakes power steering Call 705322 1603 I972 RANGER XLT half ton pick up truck fair condition needs some body work done Telephone 705 3221603 1970 FORD long custom window van with 302 V8 automatic transmission rado radial tires new exhaust system About 36000 miles on motor Certified 51500 Telephone 436 3855 John Deere 350 bulldozer with way blade and No 50 backhoe 200 hours asking $17000 ton trraxol float fayetr $2500 Call 7285018 1967 DODGE Van 225 slant standard runs well body solid Used for camping S700 Telephone726 3668 I973 FORK LIFT 2500 MP 21 It must diesel engine automatic only 450 hours $15000 or best offer Also snowmobiles 1973 Sky Whit 400 WT twin cylinder Model 300 single cylinder Asking 511 7260389 after pm 1970 FORD tan cylinder standard new tires alumrnum top 51700 1965 ton GM 5500 Telephone 726 5664 after 1973 GMC zton pickup Power steering and brakes automatic VB 36000 miles Can be seen at Peacocks Fina Bayfreld St North 7289722 after MOTORCYCLES 350 HONDA cafe racer full rebuilt many extras in excellent condition must be seer Look and make an offer 7264520 SNOWMOBILES LOOK BELOW COST CLEARANCE OF NEW USED SNOWMOBILES 1976 Arctic Cat Panther $1588 1976 Arctic Cat Panther $1399 1976 Arctic Cat Jag $1195 1975 Arctic Cat El Tigre 440 $1295 1975 Rupp Nitro $1295 1974 Merc SR 888 1972 Rupp Electric 549 1970 Arctic Cat Panther 399 1969 Skidoo 375 1968 Snow Cruiser 225 Cat Cutter Sleigh 239 SPORT HAVEN MARINE mi east of Barrie on Shanty Bay Road Phone 7261001 or 7269005 A15 1974 SKID00 340 FA with cover less than 600 miles 5850 or best offer Telephone 728 2053 after 530 pm ARTICLES FOR SALE ROOM grouping only $597 consisting of pc bedroom suite pc kit chen suite plus pc living room suite chesterfield chairs and foot stool No money down in store financing Free delivery 202 Dunlap Street just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT ARTICLES FOR SALE USED OIL FURNACES for sale can be install 9d 121996295 7781151 TEAM UNIFORMS and iackets See Jon Weeks at Georgian Sports 40 Essa Road 7363799 KRAZT KELLYS Liquidation Sale N0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 25 inch ZENITH 100 Solid 583152121222 $593 26 inch RCA Spanish Low 80 Only 52ff $444 18 inch SONY Trinitron with remote control 1976 model 8131 TTT $699 20 inch RCA XLIOO Accucolor 1975 model 811 if $488 20 inchMotoroIa Quasar 1975 model 82 $393 NO MONEY DOWN NU PAYMENTS TILL JUNE 1978 Phone tonight Delivery tonight KHAZY KE LLYS Open daily 11 amto pm Saturday 930 to pm 7371 182 MTThFIF Barrie Plaza Barrie BARRIE TV New and used stereos from $75 Visit the lower level of Barrie TV 29 Collier 7284297 INDOOR SHOWROOM full siled pools on display Come in today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Ppols Baymart Plaza SWIMMING Pool Clearance Disposing of 1975 trade Ins Various sizes and shapes Available in aluminum and wood construc tion many with manufacturers warranties still in effect Will sell or fraction of original selling price Call collect anytime 1416667 1302 comrirv RENTALS RENT TO OWN RCA 26 inch per month S25 RCA 19inch per month $16 Philco 25 inch per month $19 General Electric 25 inch per month $18 All models rented on on annual basis Short term slightly higher 20 inch per month 514 One hour delivery Open daily 1100 am900 pm Saturday 930 to pm KHAZY KELLYS Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 Phone tonight Delivery tonight MTThFTF LEADING POOL Manufacturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available Willing to sacrilrce at half price Call collect anytime14166671302 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in toda or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet ofinground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plara PIANO SALE Mason and Rersch apt size 5995 with bench Neales 30 Queen Elmvale Friday Saturday only 3221802 we HAVE MOVED STAR MACHINES LTD have moved to 38 FERNDALE DRIVE BUSINESS °Sales Service Rentals Phone 7266595 WFTF 25 COLOR $499 Barrie TV for best value on Canadian made color TVs year picture tube warranty year parts and labor We service what we sell Compare then shop at Borrte TV 29 Collier Street or telephone 7284297 New anyone can build beautiful furniture its easy because its already procut Prices start at $6595 Write for FREE colar catalogue Colonial Times Dflpt 01 500 Alb51 Waterloo Ont REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE oldr naaa across top freuer Very good condition Best offer Telephone 7268727 USED OIL furnaces for sale Cart be Instoiled Please telephone 7281311 DASHING VIC says brand new pc kitchen sets full price $89 No money down in store financing Free delivery 202 Dunlap Street West iust west of the Barrie arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT

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