lBThe Barrie Examiner Saturday March 20 1976 FINGER LICKIN GOOD It tasted so good that twoyearold Margaret Parkin forgot proper eti quette and ate her sausage Book provides insights into business world By JOSEPH DUPUlS CP Business Editor Any book that uses words like elucidation and epigenesis in the first few pages is bound to prove tough sledding for the reader But for those ith stamina to wade throug if Tom Nay lors prose the ire rewards His new twovolui work The History of Canadian Business 18671914 provides some fasci nating insights into the root and flow of Canadas economic his tory For example Prof Naylor an economist and lecturer at McGill University contends that the role of wheat in gener ating Canadas expansion has been badly misinterpreted With statistics to prove it he claims expansion was led by mineral resources not field crops The union of Upper and Lower Canada0ntario and Quebecin 1841 was brought about by the building of the Welland Canal It was done says the book to spread the burden of repayment of On tarios debt in constructing the canal Prof Naylor also says that the respected Canadian Bank ers Association was initially an illegal ratefixing cartel born out of struggle for savings de posits Banking practices in Can adas early days get short shrift Discounting was nor mal practice then Prof Naylor reports and bankers met openly and illegally each year in Winnipeg to collude on ter ms of discounts In those days bank managers were changed frequently to pre vent them from becoming too familiar with their clients and therefore too sympathetic to local needs Also the practice of arbi trarily seizing deposits for late payment or illegally deducting expenses for chattel mortgages out of deposits was widespread Wedding Photograph Bi len Marriott ForDetails Call 7281050 NOW OPEN TURNEY Industrial Equipment Ltd Evenings Call HARVEY CASSELL 5l9 3232343 Government Sales GRAHAM LUMSDEN 416 3898760 Industrial Er Construction Equipment SALES SERVICE RENTALS PARTS with her fingers presumably to get in some good finger licking afterward Margaret sampled the pancakes and sausages at the pancake sup per held at the Cookstown United Church Wednesday evening Examiner Photo BOBBY ORRS HOCKEY THE ART OF DEKING AND FAKING Speed iskatingi and co ordination are two necessary items required for those who can deke or fake well in hockey How often have you watched Peter Mahoylich of Montreal anadieiis or iilbert lerreaiilt of Buffalo Sabres start With the puck in their defensive zones then deke through the entire team and score In game recently Mahovlich deked through the Toronto defence and scored one goal while moments later he duplicated the feat but as stopped by the tltiitllO Any of the fine dekers Mahovlich lerreaiilt Jean Ratelle etc have detenceiiien and goalies concerned because they must vtonder Will it be deke or shot Exceptional stickhandling and puck control are essential for any of the three dekes headrdeke shoulderrdeke and stickrdeke Basrcally each involves moving one way then the other to confuse the opposing player For example for headdeke the player Will drop movei his head one way and have the goalie or defenceman think hell move in that direction but instead he moves the other Experience has taught defeiicemen and goalies the only way to defend against dekes or fakes is to keep watching the puck Defencemen in particular should aim for the players chest and use the body to take the puck carrier out of the play After all the puck carrier can move his head his shoulder or his stick in one direction but his chest has to follow his body ioalies shouldnt concentrate on the body as mmh as they should on the puck Because the goalie is the last line of defence he cant afford to let the puck slip past him or lose your shirt If you own retail or industrial operation large or small you cant afford to gamble on poor or in correct security measures Our comprehensive service covers all aspects of security and loss prevention We are not security guard agency nor do we sell security devices We are security experts offering you COMPLETE lM PARTIAL ASSESSMENT of your security and loss preven tion requirements We also provide comprehensive security training at all levels Our four experts have combined experience of over 100 years in the field CALL US TODAY IT MAY SAVE THE SINTEC snow iNc SECURITY CONSULTANTS 705 7373131 William Watt CD President Robert Elliot Comm CD Kenneth Young CD James Poirier CD Suite 202 12 Foirview Rd Barrie Ontario Special Sale to adlust Inventory We called our contact at the factory and ordered one dozen 4doors In assorted colors and trim lot when the shipment arrived we got 4doun assorted Now were up to our ln vontory in cars But our problem In your solution to owning any model in any style or color you want Weve got to move om out to pot move on for the savings of try VFW it Aï¬fud Nfliï¬ï¬‚z KIWI 41 away 34 54QAMIM ZQQIMC Ponmc ACADIAN iiAtciichit anl ACDMN HATCNIICI Kip wooov Airs Spain 00 bl Ill LoMANS SPO COUPI mm SPORT lllllillllllllllll PONIIM At GIAND IX 51 MIN GIAND PIIX SJ om surumi on smut io glow ricrur to man CLASSIC t0tV mm Hui om I45 BRADFORD ST Its who you know that counts