VA buz WNWmwioe¢kw norm 1011111110 11 iiAriiiiroii The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 20 197617 TEN if iiiAititir 1111mm ronorno 111m 12 PETERBOROUGII DARRIE CARIES 22 GlODAI SATURDAY EVING 1200 9wlde World of Spam 330 2Jetsons 500 IIlawrence Welk Show DirV°llY 3Sl2Lost Islands saurs SKukla Fran and Ollie 229v Clan 27M°VI mick and NNivn Minor 1Ascwii World 99 7lost Saucer span 930 up To You 11Mavm on 4Ihe Newhart Show 12w11d Kingdom 530 c°ld 130 3512Welcome Back 1000 3Tennis Katter lThe Carol Burnett Show F° Alb 22Gearge Anthony nMovle WNFO 5Saul Train 600 Eagles Dare 22Global Journal 24221m 7lert DAngelo Super 7American Bandstand SMovie Whistle Down star IMmi the Wind 9Norm Perry Show lllmlv Wornn 512cac News 1030 lozcmm Id Armlrons 9Kreskin 35l2Cellldh llMr Ms TV Bin llMovie Death Watch I4CBS Childrens Film 530 00 WWI 2Strai tine 224ml 4335 at 234579I2Newe 3IIWrwlms SMonty ryiiioni Flying 2Campus Quiz Gnu 2News 30 22Adom 12 SReach For The Top 79Nw 130 7Building Docent wrn9 4Movie Reap The Wild FVU I2Now Doug Hall WIN l2Lively woman 700 7Movie Hour of the 2100 9Emergency GU ZlBasketball 76 NCAA 2H How 1140 3Sl2World Curling Championship lBeat The Champ 7Todays Woman lICanadian College Sports ecial 730 7155 7Challenge l2 rts 300 73059° cJocom Vs Rock Con llls Academic SFenwick Lansdowne 22Odd Couple 7Kirkland and Company I2Another Sunshine ATreesure Hunt 2Pro Track Classic 50 5Mavie Now You See It Now You Dont 12Movle Dandy in Aspic I21 3Movle Friendly Per sua tion CG l2Ph Ill Lo my 214 9Movie soyn Nighi 330 7Last at the Wild om nï¬wwsmng IIConfrontalian 35 7Th° Proessiona 800 IlMovie Duel of Dioblo Bowlers Tour 2Emrgncy l200 IITV Il Bonspiel 312Hoclrey nMovie Jeopardy 400 4Pinocchio 4CBS Sports Spectacular 5H°¢ky 9Red Fisher Show 430 35l2Spartsweak 22Jim Thomas Outdoors 22Number to Call 7Almast Anything Goes 9Academy Performance Slauahterhouse Five SMovie Return of the Seven 725 9Movie Mad About Men MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TO FRIDAY 558 380ntario Schools l2Canodian Slthaall Focus 4CBS News Tues 600 5lZOECA 1030 9Universily ol the air IIOECA 2High Rollers ll vrHilariaus House of 830 35l2Mr Dressup Frightenstein JFriendly Giant 00 625 845 2Wheel Of Fortune Window On The World 3Mon Ami 35I2Sesarne Street 630 SIZFriendly Giant lGambit 27Not For Women Only Sunrise Semester 355 7Dioling For Dollars 7Edge Of Night 9Kareens Yoga 9Corfoon Playhouse 900 IIGalloping Gourmet 655 ZDinah 30 Employment File 3Onlaria Schools 2Hollywood Squares 700 JContoct 4Young and The Canada AM 5l2Mon Ami Restless wladay 9Iaronto Today 22Ed Allen Daybeat 9I5 7Hoppy Day Captain Kangaroo 5l2OECA 9ts Your Move Morning Show 930 lIl Saw That II ispeciol Place lLave American Style 1200 730 9Ramper Roam 2Magnililtent Marble Rocketshlp l0200 Machine 77 Take Kerr 35Conadian Schools 3l Dream Of Jeannie 745 Tue Fri 4712 News Music IllPrim Is Right 500 McLean Show THE DOCTOR SAYS Elevator fear is phobia By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson have terrible fear of elevators and wonder if you can offer any suggestions to overcome this fear avoid using elevators whenever possible to the point where prefer walking up as many as seven flights of stairs Soon will begin new job on the 20th floor of building and would appreciate your advice as to what to do short of walking 20 flights am not keen for heights either but my fear of heights is not as real as my fear of elevators Mrs LC can only suggest that psychiatrist might be able to help you Phobias some believe are transfers of hid den anxieties to specific situationsas your acrophobia fear of heights and claustrophobia fear of closed places Counselling in this respect could unearth the reason for your phobia and thus correct it Persons are able to overcome fear of fly ing with appropriate help of thiskind It doesnt seem unusual for you to have companion phobias such as these two since after all the elevators are the means of taking you to the heights you dislike But 20 flights of climbing and descending would seem too high price to pay for your phobias Dear Dr Thosteson Could you please tell me what causes my stool to be small It is about the size of pencil am bothered with constipa tion also am 30 years old RS Normally the rectal canal and its anal ring distend with the stool Anything that causes pressure on these structures can cause flat or pencilshaped stool There are several possible reasons which would require thorough rectal examina tion to identify There can be large internal hemorrhoids interfering with the outlet Also an enlarged prostate gland or scar tissue bands from rectal infection or from hemorrhoid surgery can bethecause Spasm of the outlet is another possibilit as would be cancer of te rectum although it would be unlikely at your and would be ac compani bybleeding Certain drugs may affect the muscle tone in the area and roduce irregularly shape stool And finally annexcessively soft stool can appear as pencilshaped simply because the fecal material does not exert suffi cient pressure to enlarge the anal outlet It would certainly be worth 7Phil Donahue Show 22Canadian Cavalcade your while to have such possi bilities investigated Dear Dr Thosleson What causes little water blisters on my fingertips have had these for about month now What do do to get rid of them am trying various products for my acne use one every morning and night My face has not cleared up So have two pro blems Mrs JCP You do indeed have two pro blems your acne and what appears to be skin reaction to the preparation youre using to alleviate it If the finger blisters ap peared after you started using the preparations you might suspect them as cause If they disappear after you discontinue their use which suggest you do then that would be pretty good evidence of sensitivity at work dermatologist might be able to find preparation for you that does not contain the of fending chemicals in the one you have been using recently Meanwhile employ sensible skin hygiene for your acne Use plain bar soap wash thoroughly and rinse carefully using clear water alternating hot and cold water Use the cold last This will help close your facial pores Do this several times day Dont scrub too vigorously Dear Dr Thosteson have had five xrays on my neck and one in my mouth over the last month Could you please tell me if this will harm my system AHW Xrays for diagnostic pur are usually of such brief exposure that no harm results Extensive xray of the neck area may affect the thyroid gland hence this should be guarded against APPOIN SECRETARY TORONTO CP Rev Don ald Whimbey Anderson of To ronto will take over as general secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches on April Dr Norman Berner council president announced Wed nesday Mr Anderson an Anglican priest has been the councils interim associate secretary since last September GWEN AWARDS HAMILTON CP RH Rutherford president of the Royal Canadian Humane Asso ciation said Wednesday the as sociation has awarded silver medals for bravery to Weldon Mosher of Upper Musquodo bolt NS who rescued baby from burning car William ONeill of Orangeville 0nt who rescued driver from burning truck and Mark Greenaway of Hamilton who helped police officer subdue man suspected of robbery heuli For slimy March 21 ms ARIES March 21April19To day you may find anothers philosophical outlook in con flict with yours Solutions will not be found In heated ex change TAURUS April 2oMey 20 Today try not to interfere In matters not directly concerned with you You may be asking for something that could be avoided GEMINI May 21June 20 Select companions today whose aims coincide with yours Associates whose views arenot in harmony could prove frustrating CANCER June 21July 22 Tasks that you hoped another would attend to today may be left undone Rely more on yourself than your helpmates LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont take unnecessary risks on anothers ideas today es pecially if this person has bungled things in the past Keep his track record in mind VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Your domestic tranquility could be disrupted today it you bring up old controversial issues Let sleeping dogs lie LIBRA Sept 23 Oct 23To get others to cooperate today try making suggestions rather than commands Pushing too hard could have reverse effect SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 it its necessary to make SOme hasty repairs around home to day be sure to use the proper tools for each job SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Enjoy yourself today but dont overindulge in the good things of life Practice modera tion in all areas CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 You may have to make some adjustments in your plans today in order to suit someone else Dont make too big thing of it AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 Normally you are rather easygoing but today you could be trifle too insistent upon hav ing your own way PISCES Feb 20Merch 20 Dont be tempted today to spend more than you should for things you feel might im press others Peopie like you the way you are March 21 1976 Seek outlets this coming year where youll have the oppor tunity to make new friends and contacts Enlarging your circle of acquaintances may have some surprising advantages BLAKENEY TO TRAVEL REGINA CP Premier AI Ian Blakeney announced plans Wednesday to visit China in May to try to increase potash sales The premier also will visit Japan and other Pacific rim countries SHORT RIBS KERRY DRAKE Graph Bernice Bede Osol LET EMPTY Tiiis 8A9 OF MONEY 02 ILL BLOW MY BKAINé OUT mswï¬ame cammmmms OFFICE 18 Buses0 For Mondey Merch 22 1076 ARIES Merch 21Aprll 19 You may find it necessary to solicit aid in attaining your aims today Do nothing that could alienate your supporters TAURUS April 20Mey 20 Its possible your progress could be slowed today because of tendency to change your mind once too often Try to be decisive GEMINI May 21June 20 Be realistic in appraising business matters today Dont go in believing youll get something for nothing CANCER June 21July 22 Today something you hoped would be rather easy may in stead prove difficult II can still be done if youre resourceful LEO July 23Aug 22 Keep abreast of your responsibilities today or later theyll snow you under Make out schedule and try to maintain it VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Friends who usually treat you liberally may resent any material request you make of them today Borrow nothing of value LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Its likely today that you could leave important things half completed especially in the domestic area SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your temper may be on short fuse today Things that dont normally bug you could cause you to overreact Keep cool head SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 The demands on yOur purse today could be shade heavier than you anticipated Dont aggravate matters with extravagance CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 Today avoid if possible strongwilled or domineering companions or associates WHEN WILL you NWIIO NEVER KIDS LEARN WHAT No 555 07 WW LT DRAKE Ditties DOTO sou DlDNT 111101111115 sov ARE vouon DRUGS Baron10 DIE LIKE ME 5513 your OPENED FER BUSINESS WEEK AGO AN HAVENT HAD ONE CUSTOMER To ©1916 by NtAJnc 1M Reg us Pal on Bernice Bede 0301 They could prove more than match for your tolerance AQUARIUS Jen 2oFeb 19 If you try to do things too hasti ly today theres good chance youll create extra work for yourself Plan each move carefully PISCES Feb 20Merch 20 Complications could result to day if you become too involved in friends affairs particularly if youre asked to loan something March 22 1978 This coming year you are liker to pursue goals youve never attempted before Your new ambitions could be aroused through very unusual chain of events May Court hold tea Members of the May Court Club of Barrie will give cheque to the Childrens Aid Society for program for teenagers is was announced recently at the March meeting of the May Court Club Ethel Malcomson reported an increase of interest in the bingo at the Kempenflet Manor Members will also hold visotors tea May Marg Sargeant reported that the Gingham Door is now ac cepting spring and Summer clothes There will be an odds and sods sale Oct 16 at Sunnidale Centre with Val Snelgrove as convenor The cross country skiing party for the boys of John Bosco School was success INITTZYINGTO FINDTHE KID on only 60 HOME M155 MEADOWSL msnuILL DRIVE 1011115 011 WAY 1i115 WOULDNT Be YOUR Fikgr Joe WOULD 11 WIN AT BRIDGE Squeeze of last resort NORTH AJ107 VK74 OKQS4 4632 WEST 96543 96 0103 AQJIO8 SOUTH AAKQZ of Both vulnerable West North East South 2NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead it By Oswald 81 James Jacoby South can count 13 easy tricks if hearts and diamonds both break 33 He can count 12 if either suit breaks Suppose both suits are unkind enough to mis behave South can still make his con tract if he can develop squeeze The squeeze will develop one opponent stops both suits It will fail miserably if each opponent has redsuit stopper It will fail even more mis erably if South wins the first club South only has 11 winners and must lose the first in order to go through the process known as rectifying the count Any smart declarer is not go ing to worry about giving up an overtrick when the contract is slam so South ducks the first club He wins the second and proceeds to run off four spades Everyone is down to seven cards and poor East has to chuck diamond or heart whereupon South runs off the rest of the tricks AskflieW Georgia reader wants to know what to bid as dealer with AAKQJ765V2024J1098 We would open four spades whether vulnerable or not and hope for the best Do you have question for the experts Write Ask the Jacobys care of this newspaper The Jacobys will answer individual questions if stamped selfaddressed envelopes are enclosed The most interesting questions will be used in this column and will receive copies of JACOBY MODERN Fertilizing pays Because of the limited amount of soil in the pots of houseplants the level of plant nutrients can soon be depleted For stronger larger plants that will flower better and last longer its important to fer tilize houseplants regularly states Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist Gomme Fertilizers are available in many forms he says Those such as 51015 and super phosphate can be applied when the soil is being mixed for pot ting For regular feeding there are several kinds available either as complete plant foods or as liquid concentrates Whatever type is used Mr Gomme recommends that in door gardeners read aLfoIIow the manufacturers directions carefully common fault is to add too strong fertilizer which may injure plants Many of the tradename fertilizer forms can be diluted with water The hor ticulturist alos recommends that plants be given regular feedings about every two weeks rather than large ap plications occasionally When born flatfish have an eye on each side of the body but later one eye moves to the other side OUR BOARDING HOUSE OKAV LEFTl 1F THE LAw ems BUSTER HA6 TO PLA THEN H86 lN BUT HES NOT GOING TO dusT WALK lN AND TAKE OUR $1000 PRIzE MONEY WE GIRLS ARE GOING TO PRACTICE GEVENBALL AROUND THE CLOCK ANDY CAPP BORN lOSER WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST FANCY GOIN SOMEWHERE DIFFERENT ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has cash register tailored to your business Inquire about the individual Clerk Responsibility and Complete Profit Control features at Whitfield 1111 13 THE IllAlER DEPARTMENT we REOEVED yous PAYMENT BUT YOU were 40¢ 6110121 EXERCISE THAT EIGHT WELL OFFICE OUTFITTERS ROOM is YOUD LIKE THE cmwhl Now rTS BEEN REDONE NEW BARMAIDBJOO WILL1OU PLEASE REMIT THAT AMOUNT DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 38 Legal Good Queen document 39 Simmer Cains victim 41 Bitter vetch Bib 42 insurgent Diminulive of coil Patrick 44 European river 12 Margarine 46 Comfort 13 Volcanic 49 Tardier exudate 53 Boundary 14 Actress Gabor comb form 15 Lawn weed 54 Receding 17 Unused 56 Coterie 18 Biblical witchs 57 Grandparental locale 58 Bombyx 19 Jumpers 59 Plaything 21 Females 60 Body part pt counterpart 61 Dingle 23 Taper 24 Masculine Dow nickname Augur 27 Fountain Enthusiasm concoction Transmit 29 Flower girl Biblical wrcked 32 Babbles Clly 34 inherent Entire 36 Full amount Dipped water 37 Misswe from Answer to Previous Puzzle mama mum IdlilldKZ 141313 raisin111 Ililfl nmmmnmm III111 Hi SEEM wmnm Fiiimiflid mum Emu mintimam Wit7473 Elï¬lk iii EfllflEJ Cry of 31 Weights of indi bacchanals 33 Ocean Miss Turner phenomena and others 35 Stair posts Pierce 40 Shoe part 10 State 43 American 11 Shooter statesman marbles 45 Demolished 16 Expunger 46 Price 20 Aim weapon 47 Mountain mmma mmmm namm Emu muum nmnumg Ilï¬ldidï¬ Idï¬ï¬lg Imiiï¬ IJulliillllzlEJ ldllpimï¬ afï¬lia IElid dléMIhi Elmllifl fll=flll LJEihllï¬ 22 Misplaces comb form 24 Raced 48 Jacobs sonteibi 25 English 50 Car accessory composer 51 Wicked 26 Motherhood 52 Genuine 28 Was sick 55 Certain 30 Roman road railways colt SIDE GLANCES 3km H1 ï¬ll HIHI WI Eï¬ Ell WIN WIIWII WWIII III III III WWII ween WWIIHI IlaIII WII WI WIII 19 all Ila ©1976byNFA inc TM Rea US P31 011 REALLY Boscoe Thats not very bicentennial of you 29 Dunlop 137020 Posttea LETS PUT IT THIS WAY MOST OF EM AVE car 111 KINDA nouns You PUT rr mu ow THE onceoven TWICE V5 CHALKIE LET THE WATER RUN IN THE BATHROOM ALL HIT No No M125 FROMM£ 11 pusfl PUSH Puii QIDMMNIA Im lM Reg us 1m 1111 TRAVE outshinesn tumus 011