RENTALS ALBERT TERRACE APARTMENTS TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS 240 UP ADULT BUILDING Newly decorated includes hydro and cable TV sauna room sun deck Call Resident Manager 705 UPPER DUPLEX bedroom overlooking oke heated lree parking suitable lor business couple $175 per month Tilejihnnn 776 2346 ADULT BLDG bedroom opts 5195 S200 per month Stove relrigetalon intercom braadloorn heat hydro paved panking all included Apply 248 Steel 51 nn in FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment lose to stares and bus stop separate entrance relerences No pets sunlahle Ion business lady Telephone 726 6150 MODERN bedroom apartment in triplex heal relrngenalor stove parking laundry facilities Convenient to stores schools bus No pets Available Apiri 1st 5250 72s 7251 OLDER THREE bedroom house living room kitchen heated by space heater large back yard Available April Telephone 435 4789 APTS mum noniriit PROFESSIONAL COUPLE trannslened to Bar ire seeking old house duplex or apartment to rent Please call in Toronto 416233 7622 collect between RELIABLE COUPLE wnth excellent relerernces with small clean quiet well trained ham pron dog requires bedroom unlurnnshed apartment or duplex Telephone 726 2050 ms 101 ROOMS TO rent iii downtown area gentleman only share kitchen telephone 436 4374 alter in il no answer telephone 728 1039 VACANCY girls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry lacilitnes cen iially located 518 per week Phone after 726 1484 AVAILABLE immediately furnished room with kitchen privileges telephone 726 9205 on 737 0426 ONE BRIGHT lurnished roann lor working lady Angus area available immediately share kitchen S25 weekly telephonic 424 5296 ortyliinne BEDSITTING ROOM separate entranc pc bath northeast area no cooking available now $25 weekly Telephone 728 60l7 olle FURNISHED ROOM To rent relnigenator and linen supplied central location telephone 728 8484 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT OFFICE IN Angus Plaza For lurthcr details call Bob West Cholkari and Co Ltd Ruallais 726 0672 or 72B 4401 new OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayliuld SI Bar Mr 500 000 It conditioned no 221 7233 SPACE Sale leasc list rent Call Dan Miller Rep Wass Recital 726 4651c 436 4507 PRIME industrial space available immediate Iy 000 to 19 500 square leer wtth allres fully sprinklened truck level loading and parking provided TelephoneI 726 7130 BARRIEGROVE DUCKWORTH 26000 square feet convenient centre amid new 000 home subdivision Retail and pro lessional olltces Coll Cloverlown In vestments Ltd 416 954 8552 NEED AN ollice part time How about lull time for hall price liorn $75 monthly Telephone 728 9776 or 728 6292 CFQMWWW 1° sum WANTED Two people to share three bedroann apartment with young bachelor available April lst parking close to downtown Telephone Don 726 5224 HOUSE 10 share girls only clean and com pletely lunnished Close to downtown Telephone 728 1797 after LARGE BEDROOM share home Sortable lot or girls Abstainers Near bus and col lege Availableirnmediately 157 St Vincent St Apt 3alter Sp tn HOUSES TO RENT gt TALL TREES $310 monthly Modern bedroom sparious bungalow broadloorned goraqi lull basement quret court ap plurigts April occupancy II interested call rollii 416 635 0365 LUXURIOUS bedroom townhouse Beautilul uttoutldlttgs baths fully broadlaorned mirr IQTTtQQIOIOI and garage North Cal tire area No puts $275 Inontthly Available April 1416 22l 4163 726 5973 BEDROOM townhouse broadloom throughout appliances available rm inediaiuty on bus route Ferris Lane area S300 monthly telephone 728 8192 LUXUHIUUS bedroom townhouse beautitul surroundings baths ldlly broodloomed stovr refrigerator and garage North Cal legrate area No pets $275 monthly Available April 416 221 4163 728 4375 726 5973 lurrntOLIif tint nlt hqrn itl wrungn Trrlrphorir itli niUkuOI rrlll uu SIiti iir nmririx rr iIr intii ner tit 14 mo armoruqrir n1 mgrrm mm Burr Iat rlltril run it riiiii ttiI wl uiy $225 llr IIIIiTIi Winn Iiliplim 14741 WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this questionFortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and can cel it when you get results After many years of experience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section PHONE 2824 14 BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 $3200 Apply Dampster Automotive Vic PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE FOR LlEASE Executive luxury townhouses tiniiriis and bedrooms Prestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken references For appointment to irlspect CALL 7262361 or 7265992 IBThe Barrie Examiner Thursday March 18 1976 6991M nucnis mo mucus APT FOR RENT rack $600 Telephone 7265664 altar pm 1973 FORD F600 up rear door V8 speed runs AI SJGw will sell separately Telephone 7265907 altar pm and weekends 1971 DODGE pickup for sale cylinder standard shill In very good shape Best al ler Telephone 4589SOI or 4589253 1965 30 TON king llaat 18 It dock new tandem axle 825 Michilin tlros excellent condition Telephone 7053221603 with way snowplow and wing air brakes 7285463 TF power steering call 7053221603 1972 RANGER XLT hall tan pickup truck lair condition needs some body work done Telephone 7053221603 AUTOMOTIVE FILTEEEFESPEB 72 VOLKSWAGEN BUS Hughes Battery Service DELUXE 7PASSENGER FREE New engine with factory warran Ballety Inspection Check ty standard shift AM radio Charging System Check our Prices new heater boxes great buy at all types of Batteries frorn Garden $3100 Tractor to 80 Bats Plus Industrial Bats Repair Serwce SPORT LTD 18 Vespra $1 Barrie 139Brocksi Phone 7287822 TThSA15 728 883 Mercedes Benz Peugeot M19 1020 front tires tubes and rims less than 500 miles Telephone 487 2181 BFT ALUMINUM truck cap with roll out win dows fully insulated alter telephone 726 4665 CHEVY barrel intake S20 Chev hut lens rtew S75 dual exhaust Mustang sports mulllers S20 Telephone 726 6022 MOTORCYCLES 1972 KAWASAKI 750cc excellent condition 000 original mrles asking SL200 lnrm Telephone 7284348 1974 CAN AM 175 TNT converted to MX new tires many extras ready to race on trail ex cellcnl condition reasonable Telephone 728 4548 alter 30 1976 CADILLAC SEVILLE Fully and luxuriously equip ped with almost every option available This fine automobile can be yours for $34174 mon thly based on year netnet lease Call 7287361 or see it at GRANDVIEW LEASING 1970 FORD tan pickup cylinder stan dard new tires 51600 Also aluminum top 5150 I965 GMC ton with steel overhead 12 It aluminum van roll 1965GMC dump truck 7500 series equipped APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authoriud sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 BOOKKEEPING MOBILE BOOKKEEPING service your ollice at mine complete partial or overload McKenzie 1282499 crinirninrtir GENERAL CARPENTRY Rooling Painting and General Repairs All work guaranteed Reasonable 4364789 gt GENERAL carpentry rec rooms tiling renovating dry wall builtin clothes closets otc reasonable 726 3853 CARPENTRY WORK done specializing in rec rooms and additions Call Joe at 7269429 STOP HUNTING Call Hunter Renova tions Repairs Dishwashers kitchen cabinets specialty 726 5641 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No job too small 726 I271 GENERAL carpentry renovations recreation rooms lrarning trim reasonable estimate 7267700 alter ROOFING Carpentry alterations all work guaranteed and reasonable 4361540 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING atanSupplnesTPhoneTlor estimates Free delivery Barrie Fence Ca 726 3068 Lambert 728 2670 DRAPRERY DEAL WITH designer Cuslameode home Baywood Drapery service Randy Forbes 487 2606 DRESSMAKING DRESSES Fit made bTJBsIE mono free Lem Dqu Directory of Business Services and Pcoducts Dessert AND MASONRY specializing in ri llraplacas thttan vlarnanly Also block and stone 7285673 ELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC 2Way Radio Marine Radio Sales and Service TV AND STEREO SERVICING SIMCOE PLAZA 7267282 CB 53 FURNITURE Rnrmnsnininc FINE FURNITURE relinishing and restoration Pine country lurnishings sold John Poale 4364837 HANOYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm TF HALF TON truck to move junk or janitor work part Irma 728 3776 GENERAL REPAIRS cssx Mavens and Corlage 72833113727 0711 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to yfltCILGOOU rates 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION mNO LESSONS at my home studio devrtlop technique and joy in playing Mrs Altrows 728I732 MarcI Patvin Guitar Studio 7261489 PAINTING PAINTING paper hanging experienced lroo estimates Jack Rnchardson 7262012 1756 8874 gt DON SIESLING prolassional painting in terror exterior paper hanging custom work Sotnslactian guaranteed 72676808 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior exterior wollpaparing custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 7058352614 local VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In tetior exterior Work guaranteed Established 30yaars 7262609 7269002 PICTURE FRAMING OATES Paint and Wallpaper customp lure training 82 Dunlap St 12 7283270 ARTIFRAM Have your picture lramed by an artist Wide selection last service 7288633 ROOFING LAURIER SHEET METAL ARTICLES FOR SALE Total cost for extended term momsTito 5mm 5103500 GUITAR LESSONS Classicalland popular BARRIE TENT and Awning provides complete repair service on tar tents trailer covers and awnings 86 ran lar spring Have your work done now belare the rush starts Free estimates gladly given an new metal or labric awnings 34 Baylield Street 7266437 Console years old in excellent condition HELP WANTED AVON Laid off Nows the best time to make top SS selling AVON Be an independent MATS AND MOTORS SAILBOAT 20 ft Cygnus cantroboard sails trailer hp Johnson molar $3300 Telephone 728 4484 MUST SELL Sensaï¬onal FARMERS MARKET 19 inch colorG New all in sum so Runamllaflve channels Onlv 53 weekly for 36 ngthZSrnfefwzgc month perIod Annual rate 18 Produd at compemve Bulk Service Lowest Cost prices iewblery and more Complete Dairy Rations many shown on TV Be $343 PARTRIGE CALL your own boss No ex NO DOWN PAYMENT FEED SEED 4371929 parlance necessary NO PAYMENTS Profitable opening in TILL JUNE mrri MACHINERY °d Sm C°Y Call 7289652 today for in trevlew or write PO Box 485 Barrie Ont No obligation ThFSM27 DAVID BROWN tractors 990 and 995 Good condition law hours Also 14 It John Deana whaol disk Lalaphona 7054356017 Open daily 10 am to 10 pm KRAZY KELLYS 8N FORD tractor for sale A1 shap 970 Toyota Crown wlth recent 1974 motor jab To aphona 4355741 altar pin MASSEY FERGUSON n35 norin tractor gas engine point hitch liva PTO new tires in new condition Telephone 7263103 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koala and San Concession One 7261907 7288489 closed Sundays your containers PERSONAL the sintec group inc SECURITY CONSULTANTS Our comprehensive service covers all aspects of security and loss prevention We are not security guard qgency nor do we sell security devices tWe are security experts of fering you COMPLETE IMPARTIAL ASSISTANT HEAD caok nights oxperiancad In cooking steaks Apply at Crack and Black Bayliald St CLERK TYPIST for general office duties Call for appointment 7266555 MATURE PERSON required for candy counter Parttime evenings weekends Apply in per son at pm Bay iold Cinemas MATURE LOVING person needed lat nlght stalling in childrens home Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday nights Contact Lynne alter pm at 7267298 SHIFT FOREMAN Experienced in injection molding and some knowledge of compression molding Apply to Centre Molded Plastics Limited 26 Lorena St Barrie BOOKKEEPER position for lull time ax parioncad bookkeeper is available in the Barrie area Applicants must be fully ax parianced with preference given to that with retail background Knowledge and skill in handling payroll accounts pa able accounts receivable trial balance pro It and loss statements etc are essential Ap plicants must be ambitious pleasant and al good character able to work and cam municata effectively in large rotail organization Ability to assume increast work load and added responibilities is ra quirad secure challengin and financial PHILCOADMIRAL PANASONIC BARBIE PLAZA Barrie 7371182 Phone tor Delivery tonight WESTINGHOUSE COLOR 51965 RAMBLER station wagon carpentry renovations Askin onl S295 or bastaller Call7265126 Bu Hed Baffle Specializing in pant suits gowns and altcra painting etc Reasonable Reliable No job Fj alter 69pm Of Your SGWTIIY and IV Maldlng 599 Will YWMIC Tall trons 76 Waisley 7266000 too small 7760038 0° 19 Tar GIOVel awaits the successlul applicant Complete M23 LOOK HOUSE CEANUPS New and Repairs l967 85A 101th and parts Midget go kart 055 prevenllon requremenlso and down resumes may be gbmm oannng on rac 5300 pt General repairs painting add obset EOVGSTTOU hin ease 00p one 28 08 we also provde comprEhenSIve No PSI 59 Exommer rwll 1973 COMET Sedan lor sale Ylmder OF NEws USED 3607 9R rmmercm DRY HARDWOOD cut and piled can be security training at all levels 11517€994139A automatic radio Certiled Completely lEARN DEFENSIVE dllvittgltom QUCI 10 95 l0 ickedu or delivered Telephone 4255282 recondnlioned Telephone Mr Wilson 726 SNOWMOBILES SL grad For irnlo call Kemp Boy driving ammo CLEAN5tzrtwwggnzuskwrgyé For Esï¬majes Co Our tour experts have combined SERVCE REPAIRS 6537 extensnon 10 between so and 1976 Archc ca Panther $1588 rgthoal7267963 Imrfghgmn 726 382 WESTINGHOUSE COLOR experience of over 100 years in 533001arténme sing appgartsiOs Ben 1976 Arctic TTL Console years old in excellent condition the field Us 9769 glurday 196° CHEV IMPALA V8 automatic power EAIING COOLING $17 Asking onlyS295 on best oller CaII7265126 Wm V°°P° 551° steering power brakes In good condition T976 Arctic Cat Jag $1195 SPECIAUZWG and no after 6pm SUITE 20 FAIRVIEW RD £21 De Certified with 76 licence Asking $925 BARmE ONT SUPERINTENDENT mature couple tami Telephone 728 6134 I975 Arum $0299 Tgre 40 339211222°7 225jzzillllggï¬gï¬lgflmiljg NW Apncus WANTED 320 retired reliable handymanwoman 69 I970 CHEV convertible Good shape nnusl wio77507337251736 PAm onand we grew obstarnors bedroom madam sacrnlice S750lirm telephone 726 6228 utict I975 Rup Nitro 295 WE EC mnojlo Auj°l Mg WANTED Barrie Examrnen carrier bogi the apartment and remuneration ralaruncn 1974 SUPERIOR EAVESIROUGHING Specialist ice 35 Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Ex lost ND Barrie Exorruner elC amnner carrier bags in good condition bring 1969 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville All power and snow removal lnann tools only 424 I956 LA air condition AM FM radio body and motor I972 Rupp Electric 549 New Lowell INNS JANHORIAL Sewn on them to the Circulation Department or phone CHILD SIZE Arctic Cat Snowmobnle missing 779 6539 from Dunla Hi hwa 27 Midhutst on satin for Barrie Public Library well experienced in excellent not driven in winter Make oller it enerul leaning Telephone 726 009 ICTIC Cat Panther 399 WmTOW 5° 516 SEWING MACHINES industrial and dormslit CASH FOR OLD Fupmrupg book duh day night Reward for recovery Telephone i°nll°l°l ills 919 POWdlles 0075 50m ms pom 1969 Skidoo 375 °°°Lf sewmg marsnew portly vermiwd 737 old pictures ion oddsond and me 1950 73712650nd7285178 to9am Zdays week Some extra am 00 9° 1621 73711 lt ma Ct 1968 Snow Cruiser 225 315257ELR3253121313 HOME IMPROVEMENT5 33371833 33 bmggiotryggggrggfggmz 233321 £224 6353 ll cm ma an 728948ljls Tide mo dmg co Cuner Slelgh 023 Angus BRENLAN Canst Ltd Cornblvlc custom ends wanler Antiqueslllor sale 7268704 A$W95 ML Mugnl child 33133rmsrtylgztrtil PUNK lerary Board 37 SIMCOE ELECIRIC lrnrluslriul CUITHTIHIOT hmtd at rum ill humm If pot Stroud area 4361806 om cm SPORT HAVENIMARINE iovmmz 25132 32£° W3323t °f°°l223Â¥52i112 0mm PERSON who work without radio recent tune up and brake tab runs ex nrti east of Borne on shayY WM 771 3734 0° ep supervision Earn $14000 per year Contact Cellar WI ellv A59 57 200 80 cl BOB CUMBERLAND cornplolr hOltDOt WRIGHI SNOWPlOWING Omnï¬ customers around Barrie We train Writ Telephone456 2042 00 hen renovations Itlltld9 015 ml and residential reasonable rates RIMS WANTED Two 16inch nnms for 1967 Dick n5 southwestern Pfolwm CERTIFIED 1970 Ford FOIthrII 500 new front Phone 726 1001 or 7269005 Mosoit tiling alw HM WW 36 Phone 770 7757 Ford wk Telephone 487 3337 after Brampton Ont L6T 216 0nd and broke good tires power steering A15 NEED Mott tg spa Rm room extra Ec 30p good mileage small VB telephone 726 3671 bedroom ploy roorrn laundry ollice staragu Docs AND PE requnred alter 30 or 726 6527 anytime I974 Barracuda door hardtop 318 speed standard 29000 miles A1 condition can tilted call alter pm 726 5562 very good 1970 AUSTIN MINI for sale in excellent con ondlhon Sow elaphono 728 one dntion Certified New brakes and tires Call 436 455301er 6p 1973 25 twin ylrttdut Nupp 450 miles l9 0105 CWIO 50031 POW like new only S475 Telephone 726 7262 steering power brakes door hardtop 62 000 miles In good condition certified L970 SNOKJ 797 ghloir antlOd askmgs 050 yejephone 37 33 752071123s lg 5300 or est en ephone MOTOR condition 429 newly recondt tioned heavy duty transmission In 1969 19 MdOTO 5338g$9 WSHIV telslo Marauis Body rusted AskingSJOOar bestol ye Telephone 436 3642 alter in Illl 8p in 1974 SKI DOO 340 FA with even less than 1969 GRANDE PRIX new motor inulllers heads lines barrel paint front end Wmlm sewobglollw Telephow 778 2053 char 30 51 400 Telephone Bernie 737 3664 I973 SKIDOO TNT 440 With sliders and 1972 LYNX good condition not being used Asking S450 Telephone 7280120 alter rn 1974 M010 Ski 440 new track 197 DUSTER 340 yigtluw UillllluT llutlll double bed trailer in good condition or 70 he Um llllllrrir 430 trade lot Con Am 175 or 250 Telephone 726 ms uni I970 vomswAGm armi opt RTICLESFORSALE win Inrnmy irtiitlt motor irnr want0 lLlriggrt gotniiolin lrnpirfivk lnlfilturnv 728 1155c rm 69 METEOR Rideuu 500 door hardtop New paint good motor needs tires and licence plate to be certrlied Mokn an alter Telephone anytime 72B 6010 1970 BUICK estate wagon power windows steering and brakes swing tailgate ve good condition thl etllly Musl sell Telephone 728 7594 after in 1968 CAMARO 350 25 In Crane Hurst Muncte Rare Edelbrock cross ram Carters Balanced Z28 rear end accel Bill alter in 737 0038 I970 CUTLASS radio track tape deck mag wheels and tires contact Mr Van Luke 737 3744 1969 PONTIAC Laurentan automatic 350 V8 power steering power brakes dam sedan Good running condition S450 Telephone 435 4181 1972 DODGE Coronet Crestwood Station Wagon certified 50000 miles snow tires new brakes power steering power brakes factory roal racks 51775 Call John 737 0966 CERTIFIED 1970 Ford Farrlane 500 new front and and brakes good tires power steering teage small V8 telephone 726 3671 alter 30m 7266527 anytime 1973 CORVETTE Stingray coupe automatic power steering air conditioning 47000 miles Certified Telephone 737 0530 KRAZY KELLYS Liquidation Sale Owner says SELL NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED oulornclrc new brakes new paint certilied S495 Telephone 4356322 or 424 5949 I972 SUPER Beetle for sale in very good can dntion wrll certnly make on aller Also I974 Nordic electric snowmobile Telephone 728 3863 1969 NOVA cylinder automatic radial lines certified with new plates in good can dntion also 1972 Honda Hodaka trail bike best cosh alter Telephone evenings 726 0114 daytime 7265068 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury III lor sale Certlied Bucket seats Power steerin Power brakes 5500 Pain ol Uniroyal belle snawtires F78x 14 S25 Telephone 322 2711 MUST SELL I974 Chev Bel an 350 V8 door radio power steering and brakes ex callent condition certified Telephone 458 9149 1974 FURY ll door power steering and brakes 1970 Fury cylinder automatic Telephone 728 4597 CARS WANTED TO BUY URGENTLY REOUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH 25 inch ZENITH 100 Solid State with trade Only 26 inch RCA Spanish $kcw$588 $488 portables Only 18 inch SONY Trinitron with remote control 1976 model with trade Only 20 inch RCA XLlOO Accucolor 1975 model with trade Only 20 inch Motorola Quasar 1975 model 811 $393 GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL 25 inch General Electric AUTOMOBILES Spanish color model ORV HARDY MOTORS 75 model I76 BRADFORD sr 7234272 Only Mulu 1f NO MONEY DOWN ND PAYMENTS TILL JUNE 1975 Phone tonight Delivery tonight and get FREE RCA AMFM radio KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 Open daily 1000 am till 901 pm TRACY WANTS carsland trucks lor wrecking and parts tap prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking S25 and up Fast pickup 424 5949 or 4356322 Feb 14 March 14 SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paid Will pick up 7289666 TOP PRICE lar top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradlord St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Some day pickup Halt Auto Wreckers 726 871 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid lree immediate pickup anytime 4362900 dIIIlICItSAtIIt TRAILERS I958 DODGE 700 dump truck 32000 GVW certiliad Telephone 7285662 altar pm 1972 GMC 2ton step van 51000 miles roll up back door sold as is at firm plia ol torio Street 737Ol90 APT FOR RENT TF 25 COLOR $499 Barrio TV for best value on Canadian mudu color TVs year pncture Iuhu warranty year parts and labor We smvtco what wrr soll Cnrnparu than shop at Banitu TV 29 Collier Street or telephonic 72B 4297 REAL BARGAIN 19 It Tandem travel trailer brand new will take anytlning in axcharngu and very little cash also 10x20 spare tire TThsw Tl reversible drill 3345 FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antiquebrick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed Using only quality material PETER HENSTRA 7289434 M31 OLONIAL FIREPLACES all lurl turtriry hurl 03 Tilln 728 4040 TONEWORK arid Irreplaris spatially Vic arson lor ticc 0STITIOI 778 1599 RICK BLOCK stont work Fnrcrplorts pcialty Tree Qslrrnulss StarKnitiIy Now are 424 5158 BRAND NEW Giant 18 inch Sylvania 100 solid state color televisions $459 wt or $485 per week on rent to own Phone tonight deliver tonight 202 Dunlap Street just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT LANKY BILL says brand new pc bedroom suites full price $299 Free delivery no money down in store financing 202 Dunlap St West just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT DASHING VIC says brand new pc kitchen sets lull price $89 No money down in store financing Free delivery 202 Dunlop Street West just west of the Barrie arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT EYED TED says Brand new speakers with amp full Quad stereos only $197 No money down in store financing 202 Dunlap Street just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT USED BUNK beds TorDOTS goddvconditian Please telephone 7285609 after pm SCAFFOLDINGusad good condition S40 par section 60 sections lull Barrie Second Hand Store 55 Dunlop St West AIR COMPRESSOR cylinder 09 Vilbrss with 10 hp Wisconsin angina mounted on air tank trailer corn inalian prnca SL400 Bar ria Second Hand Store 55 Dunlop St rchwooo HARDWOOD 12inch card 330 16inch cord S40 Delivered Telephone 728 0571 AIR CONDITIONERS CLE 6000 6500 BTUs Also 26 mari ladie huyrlus All in good condition Telephone 726 9813 USED OIL lurnacos lot sala Can be rnstallrid Please telephone 728 131 ML space Also pointing wallpaperrig Murray 991 7798996 HuntinDnricnis ELECTRONIC uir IUOIIDI redutt dust TOTIQVL allergy syrriptoms Vespna Valley Heating 728 0733 728 I286 INCPMt nu INCOME TAX returns prepared lot strtoll business Term and homr Milrtwlls Bonk keeping Service 726 2973 TAX and amounting services Business and personal Experienced II Owen St Barri 7261216 INCOME TAX riturris prepared in Kndrl LibhlgrInillDr 726 3407 INCOME TAX tETuttts prepcirurl Angus Bar rne area SS up Dabsori 424 5910 oItcr and weekends INSUETION SIMCOE Economy Insulation libreglos blriw ng and baiting trriii esrnnririis Scutr Muir 7281267 tintcunnich snRvicns COMPLETE heating plumbing spiriinr systems air conditioning stirnil moral lahrrration SDIVIL and maintenance 24 hr srrvucv 737 0909 ARTICLES FOR SALE GEORGIE BOY says brand new pc living room suite only $149 No money down in store financing free delivery 202 Dunlap Street just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 INCOME to M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT MATTRESSES Liquidators thats Unclaimed Freight Ltd Brand new hotel motel mattresses or box springs only $47 No money down in store financing We ac cept Chargex Master Charge 202 Dunlap Street just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT KENMORE MINI Washer spin dryer ideal lar apartment year old good condition ask mg S80 Telephone 7269482 alter SINGER SPRING soleathan zng nag sewing machines lrom S99 00 vacuum cleaners lrom S44 95 All sewing machines and vacuums an salrt Save as much as S126 on some models Singer Company Home 728 7960 POOL TABLE 4x8 all accessories included in excellent conditions asking S209 Telephone 737 2905 after 30 pm WRINGER WASHING machine lar sale Mt Clary Easy S25 also Lloyd baby carriagri S30 Both in good condition Telephone 726 0999 GARAGE lor sale 14 24 ready to move Telephone 728 747 STEREO FM AM 8track separate turntable and speakers now asking S250 or best of for Telephone 7262966 or 7270614 MAGS INTERNATIONAL alumrrnum with Goodyear tires 10 inch rear inch front with chroma studs Price S245 Telephone 728 0676 ANTIQUES Round oak table set of oak chairs walnut china cabinet banquet table oak washstand hall stand pine harvest tables flat back corner cupboard drop leal tables blanket boxes pine bedroom set cherry spool bad cherry chest lamps clocks blankets glass Pine River Antiques 76 King Street Angus Open all Easter weak 4245473 IF YOU need it may sell it Various household items includnng large rock album collection Telephone 7280469 ROOM grouping only $597 consisting of pc bedroom suite pc kit chen suite plus pc living room suite chesterfield chairs and foot stool No money down in store financing Free delivery 202 Dunlap Street just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 M25 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY exterior stucco in terioi textured walls and lllngl Frec estirniates Dali Russell Mndhurst telephone 728 4392 fugvrsnouyiusiuq BARRIES ONLY Hausi ol leasing Lease your new color lrrinri $12 month at Barrio IV WCollicn Street 728 4297 triak TVs and sound equipment 728 3606 TV AND RADIO Bruin nv ii Hrvnr stimu 10 all mourn oi 14m llrvlitrï¬ all 728 4297 WATER nitiniuloi THE Mimi Lolroy 4563913 Lernfvoooic TRIMMING ptolessranal grooming all breeds pick up and delivery 726 8798 Per Studo 1GERMAN SHEPHERD pups registered ex cellcnt blood lines cisterns swimming poolslilled WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN WTNDOWTCLEANTNCT Sprrrtalilsts trousm 0p0tlln0tll and stores Telephone 1mm up 728 0872 SHIH TZU pups champion patents beauties 0822 738 I91 WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS GATES lintplace screens dividers loncrrs pool loncing intimates 726 5939 ARTICLES FOR sun room USED OIL FURNACES lor sale can be install ed Teltlihone 723 nan TEAM UNIFORMS and Weeks at Georgian Sports 726 3200 FIREWOOD dried split hardwoods mostly rucple Dulltlfllfld 12 inch card 535 I6 inch $45 128 3715 SWIMMING POOL kits 1975 model in ground kits site 16 32 and 18 36 only Limited supply at reduced prices Starltle Pools John Campbell 728 0492 SHIH TZU pups registered show quality chompon parents small and cuddly real beauties oportmctnnt sin pets $300 728 0822 BARRIE TV Now and used stereos lronn S75 Visit the lower loveI at Ronnie TV 29 Collier 728 4297 SWIMMING Pool Clearance Disposing of jatkets See Jan 40 Essa Road MAYS Poodle Parlor Prolossronal clipping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 726 0061 EDGEHILL AOUARIA Aquariums lrsh plants all accessories Lowest price 143 An dagh Rd 726 1794 1DOBERMAN PINSCIIER pups show or obe drence Sire CH Rica Von Hagenstern Ger man Import mel S300 726 B617or 7371091 TV AND RADIO PRonccnon ASSOCIATES guard dog training and rentals Special1m BARN ELECTROVISION INC Repairs to all gin breeding of Doberman Pinschers 726 8617 FREE 10 good home Spayed lemale part porneranian dog Has all shots years old well trained loves children Telephone 424 0547 tarlnng soar emphasis on small motors up ext 317 Ian details 37 FT ALCAN HOUSE BOAT 1969 twin 10 BuickVolvo 150 hp pt Orion generator fully equipped sleeps very clean S23900 ollaa back pay high quality novelty Salespersons for large Toronto based Beauty Supply jabber Barrie London and Cabaurg areas Sales experience prelorrod Salary or commission plus bonus Send resume to Box P39 Barrie Examiner OFFICE EQUIPMENT and supplies sales per son required experience hard working sell starter excellent remuneration ax collent opportunity for advancement Please write in confidence to Box P42 The Barrio Ex by ONTARIOS MOST PROGRESSIVE APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE RETAILER Excellent remuneration good working conditions group in surance plan Opportunity for advancement Experience desired but will train suitable applicant Apply to Dam IRA Vom Nous Schum AN INTERNATIONAL Oil Co offers plenty of money plus cash bonuses at home training lar mature individual in Barrie area Regardless of experience airmail Obedience 37 12210 Road Pres American Lubricants Co Bax RIE DLE Salon Shampoorig and ltp 696 Dayton Ohio 501 ping at all breeds Sophia Street East 726 and BRTCKANDVBIockldyEIsilUlly expo oncod Boyï¬ejd St BARRE need only apply Good wages Full ti job ILAB PUPS registered shots champion sired wl 3° 86 colllngwood 19 chum 705487 Phone 7267053 immenseguacamomi work In 5083 M20 food mill hours to Telephone 7266531 ham am ta pm and ask for Jim Ball PERSON FOR automotive parts counter sales Must be good at ligures same ex perience prelarred but not essential will train right arson Must have drlvars licence Repy in writing stating ago alilicalions and salary expected to P36 ha Barrie Examiner NVASERS wanted Telephone or door to or good commissions llaxible hours ax uriancedpreleirred 7283793 ENUMERATORS champton sired 5150 registered show quality small and cuddly real apartment size pets S3 728 For City Directory To cover all streets in the city Clear writing and correct spelling essential PARTTIME help required for Marla Norman Cosmetics experienced referred Call Mrs REPTY only IT able work Pattimoraal7264982beara6pm 99 All M970 least 2025 hrs per week An Tiiï¬ziï¬r 100 room modern hotel OUTBOARD MOTOR swer In own handwriting stating rxjjgsgzï¬mjx name address and phone num costs labor costs purchasing etc To take ber 02 complete charge of food operation Apply to P33 Tho Barrie Examiner ENING for an ambitious salesperson arnmancamant salary lram 56m to sooo per month plus bonus Must have Grade 11 minimum and three uars business ax Box 38 Barrie Examiner M20 40 Call Georgian College 728 1951 AHOY MAR NE LIMITED BIG BAY POINT MARINA AND YACHT CLUB RR NO BARRIE ple required all in uiriu confidentna Contact Mr Gordon autts of Coutts and Co Real Estata 282485 EOUIRED lor Coakstown area housekeeper to live in from March 8th to June 23rd to core or two teenago girls For further inlarrna lion call 4589709 RUCK DRIVERS bonus money Make your I975 lludt Inns Various sine and shapes Availahlii ttt Cllumtrtum and wood onstruc ucklos at your lavarnta stops Products sells ion many mm marunaware waranim 28 FT NORDBERG CRUISER 1958 n55 hp inboard engine sleeps WWtrimBOPmtorsw bitrt still in ellecl Wlll sell at Irociion 01 original $7 500 all or write Parmater Sales 98 Halgato enmg co mum onvhmo 666 in goo con man pl 20¢ 30 Trry hires 726172 30 011 739516 2929 ADjNG pool Manujouum has 975 27 FT SHEPHERD DAY CRUISER1954 lWln 135 Chrysler crown above ground redwood typo pool5 available fully equipped sleeps camper top Price $9950 Willing to sacrilica at hall price Call collect anytnmel 416 6671302 21 FT KENNEDY RUNABOUT 1974165 hp OMC 10 low hours INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sized pools an display Coma today or all 726 4606 Ion her 32 page bobklat ol in ground and above Pl gioun poos ianoer oos Baymant ma PIANO SALE Mama and Ranch apt sure S995 with bench Neales 30 Queen Elmvale Friday Saturday only 3221802 GLAD GARBAGE bags made by Unnorn Car bide sun 36 26 250 per box including tnos 515 Telephone 728 2379 KRAZY KELLYS RENT no owu 20 inch TV $14 monthly One hour delivery COLOR TV RENTALS RENT TO OWN RCA 26 inch per month S25 RCA 19inch per month $16 Philco 25 inch per month $19 General Electric 25 inch per month S18 All models rented on an annual basis Short term slightly higher One hour delivery Open daily 1000 am900 pm KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 Phone tonight Delivery tonight TF BOYS AND GIRLS Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARBIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the following areas MAPLE AVE BLAKEKEMPENFELT AREA OUEEN DUCKWORTH AREA BLAKE ST VINCENT AREA KEMPENFELT RODNEY AREA GUNN WELLINGTON ST AREA BURTON AVE TRAILER PARK TALL TREES SUBDIVISION STAYNER MINESING 23 DONALD ST AREA AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA CREEMORE ELMVALE BURDEN Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield SL Barrie OR PHONE 7266539