Finance chief says tax increase should be close to Increases EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7566537 112th YearNo 66 in Barrie municipal taxes should be close to the ei ht per cent limit set by city counCil 15 year says Ald Alex Arthur Ald Arthur said it is difficult to estimate the exact increase because the city does not yet have com plete set of revenue figures Ald Arthur said he hopes to stay very close to the eight per cent in crease and this is the target of his finance committee think we can set reasonable and acce table increase in the tax rate in current 1976 crating budget he said Its possrble that the city could wind up carryover from the 1975 budget The three council standing com mittees finance city develop Clhr flame Examiner with good ment and budgets Ald Arthur said the finance com mittee is considering the possibility of holding committee of the whole meeting to discuss the recreation and public works departments budgets public Works working on the city hall department are He said these are the two largest projected spending areas and will take the most time to discuss In the meeting year past city council held one budget Two meetings were necessary last to complete totalling almost $10 million Ald Arthur said about $300000 the budget left from last year is expected to be Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday March 18 I976 laced in reserve fund He said 150000 will cover any overpayment by the province on municipal gran The other money he said will be used for purchasing computer for the treasury department The computer he said is actually used for preparing tax in formation in the department and only will replace machines which are worn out Were investi ating the Situation two bookkeeping now he said Were looking into the possibility of renting buying leasing or working on time sharing program Ald Arthur said decision has to be made this year concerning the equipment l5 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 20 Carl Gillespie 10 con centrates hard on putting the finishing touches on his plaster of Paris sculpture made at the Alcona Craft Group which meets at the Alcona Community Centre Wednesday evenings The REALLY WORKNG ON IT group consists of about 45 members meeting for two hours every week until May 19 Examiner Photo Final gesture of defiance last Hearst trial evidence SAN FRANCISCO AP Patricia Hearsts final gesture of defiance two days after her capture was the last evidence her jury heard as testimony in her eightweek bank robbery trial came to dramatic end Gentlemen the evidence is closed District Court Judge CAPSULE NE WS Oliver Carter said Wednesday after the government played for the jury profanityAtinted jailhouse recording between Miss Hearst and childhood friend US Attorney James Brown ing Jr and defence lawyer Lee Bailey planned to present their Italian workers protest ROME AP Thousands of workers paraded in downtown Milan today protesting the governments new austerity plan Ine measures which won qualified endorsement from Italys increasingly powerful Communists helped the lira rally again st the US dollar brokers said Denies Angola nationalized PITTSBURGH AP Gulf il Corp today denied radio re ports that Angola has nationalized its holdings in that African country Dog sets off booby trap bomb BELFAST Iteuteri Protestant family escaped injury today when its dog set off booby trap bomb at the front door of their isolated farmhouse High winds continue in Nfld HALIFAX CP High winds continued today in much of Newfoundland after severe storm Wednesday caused minor damage throughout the Atlantic provinces Residents of the fourprovince region were hit with galcs and in some places hurricaneforce winds heavy snowfalls and high tides on St Patricks Day barely 72 hours before the offi cial end of winter Unrest continues in Jerusalem JERUSALEM AP Arab protesters closed shops and schools here today and occupied West Jordan but near calm prevailed after weeks of rioting against Israeli rule closing arguments to thejury of seven women and five men to day Carter has said he will send the case to the jury Fri day Bailey wrapped up his le fence by calling the defendants mother Catherine Hearst to testify that the 22yearold newspaper heiress had been warm and loving girl prior to her Feb 1974 kidnapping In 37 days the jury heard from 67 witnesses and had more than 100 exhibits and pieces of evidence to consider The government tried to prove Miss Hearst willingly participated in the robbery of Hibernia Bank branch 10 weeks after her kidnapping Her law yers argued she took part in the holdup in fear of death at the hands of her Symbionese Liber ation Army SLA captors Browning got the last shot Wednesday playing for the hushed courtroom taped recording of Miss Hearst in cus tody bitterly protesting her Sept 18 arrest to friend Patri cia lobin and declaring her commitment to revolutionary feminism ï¬lii When did you first suspect that you may be moving toward the Ieï¬ District plan approved Provincial approval of the se cond largest residential district in Barrie should help stabilize the price of serviced lots says Wayman Fairweather director of plann ing and development Mayor Dorian Parker an nounced Wednesday the pro vincial government has ap proved the plans for Residen tial District 250 acres of undeveloped land in the north section of Barrie Mayor Parker said this is the second plan approved by the province in year in 1975 the government approved Residen tial District There were some very minor modifications suggested but they wont affect the plans in any way she said Mr Fairweather said the ap proval of and may not lower the price of serviced residential lots in the city but should help stablilizc the current price He said the city is doing everything in its power to open the market in serviced lots to hold the costs 6000 HOMES Homes will be provided in the district bordered by Anne Street St Vincent Street Highway 400 and the city limits for about 6000 people when the district is completely developed In an era of high unemploy ment this much development should help eliminate much of the situation for the skilled and unskilled workers he said Mr Fairweather said the city is excited about obtaining see cond school site in the area northeast of the Cundles and Sunnidale intersection He said by acquiring the site through parkland dedication the city saved taxpayers at least $100000 When the Simcoe County Board of Education is prepared to build school he said the land will be leased fromthecity The city is in the process of approving secondary plans for the district and some subdivi sion plans for specific developments The district plan is used to outline the projected zoning of certain area The plan is ac tually an amendment to thc ci tys official plan Mr Fairwcathcr said he hopes the developers will start installing the services this suin mer With some house building inthcfall With approval of the two largest rcSIdintial plans Mr Fairwcather said tfic citys planning department will work on other reports and programs requested by council The next large district plan he said is Residential District in Ward but he added the city is not working too qtiickly on it because of annexation pro posals Innisfil couple loses their home Fire raced through two storey house owned by an In iiisfil Township couple Wednesday leaving them homeless and Wlllltml imsscs Mr and Mrs Albert Doom of Kit Thornton ran from their home when the fire broke out and telephone the Essa Township Fire Chief Earl un ningham He added the building and its contents were insured but he was not sure by how much Cottage burns at Collingwood The Collingwtxxl fire depart ment is investigating the cause fire that partially destroyed woodframe cottage early today The fire reported at 250 am destroyed most of the in terior of the building owned by Walter Koenig of Collingwood the twons fire chief said No estimate of damage is available at this time The cottage was unoccupied when the blaze broke out Royal matter been discussed LONDON CPJ For the second time in 21 years the British monarchy is embroiled in crisis over the matrimonial affairs of Princess Margaret only sister of the Queen Buckingham Palace declined to confirm outright Wednesday that the 45yearold princess had split with the Earl of Snow don after 16 years of marriage But palace official ad mitted the matter had been discussed inside the Royal Faniin and Church of England spokesman disclosed that the Archbishop of Can terbury was aware of the situation concerning Princess Margarets marriage But the archbishop Dr Donald Coggin said he has not been asked to advise on the matter These official disclosures fol lowed spate of newspaper sto ries saying that Margaret and her 46yearold photographer husband had decided to go their separate ways Newspapers carried pictures showing the princess relaxing at her favorite holiday spot The neighbor hff Sturgess said today the couple lost everything in the blaze which broke out on the first floor at about 530 The couple is staying with friends in the area Mr Sturgess added Firefighters were at the scene for about four hours to prevent the spread of the fire to outbuildings hief Tunnr mgham said The Essa department covers that portion of Innisfil from its Thornton station on contract basis Reports that the couple were not at home when the fire broke out are not true Mr Sturgess said SOme new society proposals Prime Minister Pierre lrudeaus call for new society not devoted to growth of the gross national product was en tirely legitimate Gerald Van dezande executive director of the Committee for Justice and Liberty Christian political action group said here Wed nesday But he said he did not share Mr Trudeaus vision of the form the new society should take because of the prime ministers commitment to human measures and values as the solution to current problems Mr Vandezande Rexdale resident said widespread op position to the prime ministers statements especially by Christians is gut reaction an intuitive judgment based on the nearhysterical treat ment Mr Irudeaus proposals have received in the media He said the press reaction is based partly on the fact that newsmen have failed to un derstand Mr Trudeaus meaning partly on the fact that the media too believe in growth for its own sake WASIING TIME He said opposition parties have also failed to grasp the significance of the prime ministers statements Instead of wasting time worrying about the current controversy over iii fluencepcxldling which he said is nothing new they should devote day or two to debating the new society proposals They didnt do that because Iancake supper was inm mm nimmm good at ookstown lnited Church Wuliiesday evening Seven monthold Stephen gets QWw PANCAKES AT COOKSTOWN UNITED spoonful of apple sauce from his mother Mrs Paul should stabilize lot prices Parkin at the supper at tended by all age groups Lack of support from club executive cited as John Wrigley quits Flyer job John Wrigley resigned as president of the firstplace Bar rie Flyers of the Ontario Hockey Association Senior League this morning resigned as president of the Barrie Flyers Senior om niunity Hockey team as result of disscnsion and lack of support among the remaining executive and the threat of withdrawal of financial support by major sponsor said Mr Wrigley Matters came to head last Friday night when the major they dont know how to do it hesaid He said Mr Trudeau made similar proposals in speech at Duke University in the United States prior to the last federal election and mine of the parties picked the theme up then either They should all have been sent home to do some more homework and have another election year later he said Mr Vandezande said the defect of using the gross national product as an index of progress is the fact that it measures nothing except what can be reduced to dollars and cents DISIORIS LIFE That indeed makes this national product gross for it really distorts the meaning of human life he said He said Christians should ap plaud Mr Irudeaus calls for more responsible attitude toward consumption for careful stewardship of natural resources and for sharing of food and other necessities with less fortunate nations From the reaction of business and labor groups to this sort of statement he said one would think they were in the same boat as the people in Bangladesh Where is the dynamic of the old trade union movement which was concerned with social justice for all he asked As for the business com munitvs commitment to social sponsor indicated he was not prepared to meet his coni mitmcnts to pay half the cliib payroll or discuss the matter further with me Wrigley said he did not wish to elaborate further on this matter because there is an In dicatioii the sponsor may be still willing to assist the team if it comes under new leadership Money problems have plagued the Flyers since early in the season Financial support has been continuing problem for the justice he said doubt it ever was there in capitalism He said hristians should consider it privilege to pay higher taxes to make it possible to share our wealth with poor nations He said the uproar over Mr lrudeaus comments on the free market systciiiwliicli he noted is not the same as the free enterprise systemshows the poverty of political thought in North America Selfish economic practices do not constitute free enterprise but rather licciitious en terprise he said and economic rape is the name for business practices designed only for the sake of profit StllERllllSll Despite congratulating Mr Trudeau for challenging Canadians to reassess their values Mr Vandezandc had number of criticisms for the prime ministers specific proposals For example he said the governments anti inflation measures favor the rich He said the basic problem is that Mr lrudeaus solutions are still basically human and economic and therefore inadequate His position can be dangerous he said after his speech For him values are manmade products The Christian position Mr Vandczandc said is based on values which are eternal though their application varies with changing times team since it began its opera tion on community basis late last fall stated Wrigley Operating on shoestring budget created tension among executive and players The club has faced continuing threats of folding its opera tion Im reluctant to have to resign at time when the club is so close to achieving its ob jcclivc of the Allan Cup The club has clinched first place and can look forward to ex citing playoff hockey and GERALD VANIHIZANDE executive director of the onmiittec for Justice and Liberty Christian political action group defended Prime Minister liiirc hopefully dances Napanee Comets with its spectacular Steve Rexe in goal Thunder Bay and likely St Johns aps will likely provide excellent competition and should draw well Wrigley was appointed as Flyers president late last fall Early this morning Flyers general manager Steve Cripps said simply John resigned as president of the hockey team increased atten due to the fact that there was conflict of personalities liudcaus society Harrie Wednesday but took call for new in an address in with issue some of MI lrudcaus specific proposals Examiner lhoto