The Ladies Auxiliary out the Army Navy and Air Force Club donated pool table and $6000 cash to the war vet THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 13 I976 TRYING OUT THE TABLE erans organization recently Club president Neil McKin non tries out the table while latlits auxiliary president Shirley McLean left Maig Jack membership director of and Lucy lnrid past sergeant atarms look on Examiner Photo Drury is regarded by many as victim of bad judgement OTTAWA Cft Charles Mills tBtid Drury once de scribed himself as political di nosaur in the Trudeau cahnet dinOsaur who tries not to be too rigid about it Genuine tears flowed Friday for the flyearold dinosaur as he offered to resign truth the cabinet 12year veteran of high political office regarded as victim of bad judgment rather than any dishonesty Mr Drury decided to resign late Thursday following re port from the Quebec Superior Court which described his inter vention in the cow of Andre Ouellet consumer affairs minis ter as grave and improper Mr Trudeau however said in the Commons on Friday that in view of Mr Drury long and distinguished record of public service he would reject the res ignation Mr Drury has said he would continue to serve in the cabinet if asked contempt of court change against Mr Ouellet moved to trial laltt Jan before Associ ate Chief Justice James Huges sen CHA RLIIS URURY dinosaur The next day Mr Drury member of Parliament for Westmuunt called the judge he says He apparently asked whether an apology from Mr Ouellet would be enough to settle the ease Mr Justice Maekav com plained in letter that became public last week that Mr Drury had interfered in the case by calling the judge Opposition parties in Parlia ment agreed Mr Drurys judgment appar ently told him he was through As an artillery commander who had seen action in Europe dur ing the Second World lar he could feel the shells landing with accuracy have no complaints about unfairness to level against any one he said late Thursday as he left Prime Mi ist Trudeaus office then later went to his own to pack The Sll£ll18lll man from Westmount wealthy Monircul Englishspeaking enclave is known among those who woikcd with him as gentle reticent ttgure WON HONOR st public service began in 1939 when he joined the ariw as an artillery captan llc ht came brizadtcrpcrhaps tni adas youngesthetero he uas PM AND RETURN OF THE CONSTITUTION lIXtcnsHc actzon With the 4i Division in Northwest Eu rope earned hm he Dis tinmiishcd Service Order He became deputy minister of defence in min and kept the po sition through the Korean War until i955 whcn his hand was needed in the famili business in Montreal The Drurys owned Prmincial Transport Ltd bus company Mr llltlilt holdan ino blind lllhl in mm when ht ran gttttttslllll for the Westmount scat holding ll for the next two lttiimts llc llil thc lcurkon cubi nct lfltL minixtcr of de fcnci production and shortly be went izimc first induwi ministcr llnt llfleliT lllllfllll muth lltll tutuu of hi rcaszi ht Iitl in liltu In litil mini wth 11h blood uuhlic prcssuil tc bccgoiic work liiili7f htn monster of sizitc 201 science and tech nolouy llc livm with duiifllitet DRfiii and her huband David RUN Tlifll cattle farm north of rumi His wife Jane died in 1971 of cantoi Makes issue frontpage news OTTAWX fvc nork ago Prime Minister Trudeau told the ommrn he did not wan Parliamcni provincial premiers or the public to get worked up again over the long standing question of bringing the constitution home from Brit ain do not think it is worth wasting our time on he said All past attempts to settle the ouc Eon hd tailid he so ft rc tcrrf to snowidir cti2it 3s in the last 50 years to bring hzimi the Britiin Norh Amcr itta ct lOQymnld British law considered Canadas con siï¬itution intit officials ltfsfllllfll he un derlying problem ot dividing up tho powers in tetleral state it airzsared pointless to discuss the matter But last weekend Mr Trudeau switched gears uid forced the issue After being told by ircmmr Robert Bourassu fl Quebec sli ilrl io mtir to syotcm of amendingI the con ciuiiu Etc ntm ill 12 or tirrgrl back Mr Trudeau said the totem 12m rnmcut mlfltif as its Own it htir in iii to Stitution adding that he would gladly tight an election on the issuo vcrmuht be turned the relzr fivPv durmaf dinniitt into frontpage newi Wan IVIIIISIUV Some say the prime minisrer wntuu rl1l4 lenion form continuing tip rozr mer allegations that some oi ilhlllf Il l144 tempted to influence cases he for ti tltl PIERRE TRUIWAU turned around such stallmet unless he wishcs to divert attention from the poor puriurimaince of his government and ministers Premier Allan Biakeney of Sav kuxhcwan said Federal Hiram of shop down however forced the pie inicr to re lhcrc prohulilv is no other issue that strikes as closc to the liciul of federalpro vincial relations as the con stiti ion NU ptcmlti or put ll ical purï¬v wants to fight an otmtion on the issue All favor sotallot putriation lhc pnblcm ll in third ltlllTIlllt tor tiicttzltT thc constitution ontiwly within auutiu without girl1 any ori igi mun the power to force amendments or iti lll1 Ab POWIZK Bv ttliHEliltmi and luv the iil QIHIIIIITWnl iiinimlilv ready has unilateral power to Itilltl li inv ituiu flung minister has refused in the past OTTAWAATAGLANCE Most prcmicr agreed the up iï¬lilttl ii In fhu lltbslvL llll tlv lllrif mnstti msdt his hrcat of unilateral federal action canoo mini il why the plime minister would make Bv THE CANADIAN PRESS Iridui March 12 1976 An angered Opposition ap peared ready to bring about Parliamentary crisis as Prime MiniIrr Trudeau refused to ac cent resignation submitted by Public Works Minister Drurv Trudeau also re icctcd opposition ulls tor public inquiry yinto zillcuu inns of InvlfltPnilnliu ov cu ioin trims in rush ortorc the Que bee Supeuiur Luuvt joint program for surveil lanct of water quality in the out gakrs lii been tglNl upon by the federal and Ontario governments Prim Minister Trudeau swilcllï¬l gears and began forc ing the issue of lfPllltllHiltTll of tho unudiun constitution Monday March I5 1976 resume tlig law llic Commons pm PST to debate andorder bill ob ice the to entertain provincial ions to changes sought by Canadian Parliament Bu laiiiampnt line not mu crewd such power since twist winii had tho Onisiilllltm amcnded so authority over such iiiiriw lo3t ilrllltliJ would test cxcliisixcly with Canasta Sinco tliu lb tcdtral government has souglr provin cial appr0val for any on templated changes The quest for an azreenluo formula for amendments tin1 gone on intermittently for 50 Rit cach timc mint mt Seemed in sight the process was blocked usually by Quc bec well as guarantees it would retain powers already given provinces under the RNA Act Quebec has sought greater authority in such fields as in come semirity and social serv ices The most devasting blow came after the lust mtiior con stitutionnl conference in Vic tor 11 June Hi7 ltnt mutu ing climaxed three years of talks and resulcd in llnllfr designed as basis for new constitution All provinces but Quebec agreed on formula that would allow domestic nnsitutional amendments only when on jority of governments agreed The mujoriy woth be tillt up of any province containing at least 25 per cent of the coun trvs DODIIIRillï¬nQllfllwt Vund Ontarioplus two ttltlllt tect of Ontario and two cad Quebec PLAY FAILS Ilicn Rn it was not to bc chbm premier lmn lloltuc tlltl Itil Him tlIHtIlll inc formula enthusiastically as an open door through which his l0lllf uould pronosc ull llli constitutional changes she could desist rcitscd to present tt to his legislature Ilwn prime minister eutson hogan tlic last nlrtltll series of negotiations in 19438 with lictrmiri ttlillf Ottawa That scirics which cul minutetl in Victoria mtmptml constitutional retmm on broader basis and the unitnil in tornniln wu moron tic item on lH 120qu permanent secretariat was established to study lunguuit Hahn human righs do tribuion of powcrs reform of lodrrni institutith including Ihc srnutc and Supreme tmt lctr ionul dispuritio and lcl ul llflvlll1tl ttlo toll ii Mr Trudeau continued llt pronc of rct inning the con sltlililf on wide front until lic Vi toriu thnrtcr fell llltniigli it sm is non its country uppigw in Wu to in in iotitiiitH Hutu cor mcr lit coiisiution than it ii li luHti 0II IIIIII But most Canadians are not overly itmttfllNl lhc Ivilk ol lic uci can be imcndod in uiudn already Univ fcv tllll lncludmfl provincml British ap cnn be pcttn ning si ill nccd lttlmi lllvv flittw tHtI proud hunwtl For lr lrudcuu however lw isuc ii lurgcr one Not Univ would lie score symbolic Victory by bringing the con qittition ioriu uu IlltllnL what he rails he lost trace of colo niuii In unuiu would also some deci suc win for ltlullnt Jum plcte domestic conerl of the ftlnsllllllitltl would cud tJucbic ability to use the RNA Act Illnfllllll dispute as provin iul bargaining tool lncidcnhuliy tilin Britith lar linincnt lun snid it could dis pci in rtmilvuw tmlinl over the RNA Act in day if iinudu mks CROSSLAN By MRS ALLEN Knox llcslttiittn hllltlt ltlos bud lot it tltsl penker Sundu lcv Mucluuchlun of The lcrrot uchcc Rev lilltlliilll conducting the tnnucrsur Ii lcrrot llohizis huic hcn around tor luo ttl illllll2s uc bink in tlnlh and an odd ktlloci has ltllt itn lllc tlllllt hasnt lHtll too kind to thcni in the past ttl Ntwv Wit II II onc litltl combination of second and third liltftllllL Alis llcnr ltil lciliiinaigi itllillL ltol tnll liuc of iothcs lliu suit lit will but tll1llttltt abru siltiltti picpuriuu fabric wor kiu utth tttll Ird roor Ihi td mccttuc roll cull show suinplo of tho labor for your drum unit xpl lll why you chose the Iubric nod color lllltil and demonstrations luttotu ulttrutiou putting pat tcrn and fubrn toucthcr Group work puttcrn ulterut ltttlk tnu dross was cut murkcd uud cu Nixt mcctinu hair dross tlll uid uiurkcd and Ill Hill hair their material and put lisltib If You CMHC Under the AH0P Will Give You Qualify $6000 FREE DAYS left to take advantage There are ONLY of this offer Assisted Home Ownership Program $10000 Per Month for Years Nontaxable nonrepayable To Buy Your Beautiful Townhouse that includes attached garage full basement central gas lieut ing bedrooms beatifully landscaped plenty of room inside undout at ROSE GARDENS Your Monthly Mortgage Payment $23700 Models open pm to pm every day this week including Sunday of these beautiful homes Principal and Interest it ROSL GARDENS GKOVE ST all 737 IS or 7265182 Ask about our special MOVE IN assistance program