Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1976, p. 3

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Slump continues in city building By PETER DEPODESTA Examiner Staff Reporter The seasonal slump in the number of building permits is sued by the city continued in February says the monthly re port from the building depart ment There were permits issued last month valued at 3140250 This compares to the 121 permits issued in February 1975 valued 3118750 Permits for two new single tanuiy dwellings were issued The value of the houses at 46 hunt St and 42 Grove St is 559000 Four permits valued at $378th were issued for repairs and al terations to commercial estab lishments Included in the total was $15000 permit at the Bay ficld Mall for new store Also 312000 permit was is sued for alterations to 280 Dun lop St and permit valued at $6000 to Tim Hortons Donuts on Hayfield St to expand the seating area There were two industrial rc MAYOR SAYS $76007 pair and alteration permits ls sued totalling $10500 The per mits were for office space at 85 Patterson Rd $3500 and of fiCe space at Alliance Blvd at $7000 Other permits issued in Feb ruary included six for $14500 for repairs alterations and additions to reltidential buildings seven at $6250 for miscellaneous items such as signs or boasthouses and one for $12000 for nontaxable item such as institutional mu nicipal demolition or barricades lhs year to date 40 bulding permits were issued valued at compared to the 43 permits for the same time in 1975 vaued at $4474400 In 1975 five permits were is sued for $4232000 in nontaxable buildings including the new gov ernment building on the south west corner of Worsley and 0w en streets Nontaxable buildings are con structed on property on which the city does not collect muni cipal taxes and does not add to the assessment of Barrio Not the time for plan Changes to the citys official plan to help redevelop the down town corc would be premature now says Mayor Dorian Park c1 Mator Parker said the citys oitoftlitc but cannot be updat td uni the Simcoc Georgian Area Task Force recommenda tions are approved by the pro onntzcndations is that all the hill Snc said one of the major rec npliies in the area update and coordinate their official plans The mayor was commenting on remarks by Marshall Green chairman of the civic affairs inmiltec of the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce Mr Green told the Barrie 0p timist Club Monday the citys official plan is paving the route to nowhere for the downtown core He said the downtown is in very troubled state end the official plan has doomed the core to commercial and serv ice centre major problem he said was the lack of parking in the core adding the city should take steps to expand and improve the inn nicipal lots Mayor Parker said the city has tried to help the downtown more chants but if people do not think council is doing good job then they should run in the election Id like to hear what their solution is she said referring to people criticizing councils ac tions Its always easer to play good game of ball sitting in the stands Mayor Parker said the city Change spent lot of money to purchase land to develop parking lots in the downtown core and is trying to improve the situation Mike Kristofl traffic supervis or said there are 930 metered parking spaces in the downtown area from Worslcy Street to the bayfront and Poyntz to Toronto street The last parking lo built by the city was on Maple Street in 1971 with offvstrcet packing spacelt Mr Kristoff said the city is in chLigating the possibility 0f ex panding the oilier Street park ing lot across from the Barrie post office but needs to pur chase more lard An additional 24 l0hour motors will be placed at the rear of the old fireball on the northwest comer of Mulcastcr and Collier streets sometime next week he said The city has about the least expensive parking meters in the province he said charging only five or 10 cents Most munici palities are more expensive Apart from the meter parking there are about 230 cars parking free aiong the lakeshore on the former Delaney Boat Lines prop erty at the foot of Bayficld Street Mr Kristoff said Mayor Parker said people are spoiled believing they should be able to drive to the door of any store She said the city cannot afford to provide this type of parking in the downtown core dont think we require it she said think we should en courage people to use the bus system in the city and not use their cars Former Mayor Cooke speaker of Christian mens meeting Mans best service to man de pends on relationship to God in Christ former Barrie mayor Cooke told this weeks meet ing of the Christian Business mens Committee of Barrie Speaking to dinner meeting audience which included num ber of local and district munici pal officials Mr Cooke said pol itical leaders need the wisdom which comes from such rela tionship llc noted Christs statement in Matthew that the grcatcst commandment demands love of God while the second demands love of ncigrbor This he tflJ is the correct ordcr of priority and it is not enough to follow the second the golden rule wlthout following the tirst the royal law of God Murray Farts was chairman of the meeting and the dutc sing Ambassador provide mu sical entertainment The committees 11th meeting is scheduled for April 13 and will be the annual father and son night Guest speaker will be cu toonist Bob Knight noted for his work with young people $4000 worth of goods stolen from Royal Downs Golf Club Ontario Provincial Police in Barrie are investigating the theft of $4000 of food stereo equip mcnt and black and white tclc ision set from Royal Downs Go If and Country Club at Utopia The break and enter occurred UIUCLIIUC between March and police said today rlhc thieves gained access by kicking in the cat side door of the main building and entered nearby smaller buildinging through basement window LOCAL TORIES LIBERALS ELECT NEW OFFICERS TIIII SIMCOE CENTRE Lill eral AssOciation named new set of officers and directors at the annual meeting Thurs day night Seated from left THE BARRIE Progressive Conservative Association elec tcd it new executive at its annual meeting lhursdziy Sca tcd from left Bill Sakeris are Marguerite Ruth director Joan Kelly secretary Berna dcttc Murdock director Ed Mayhew president and direc tldrd ice president Ken Mclhattcr first vicc plCwl dent Kcrv Johnston president Ciurlcs tylc sot0nd viccprcs idcnt and George Taylor ward tors Kathe Jans and Joanne Sass Standing arc chdcll White Ilarvcy White Kevin Carroll and Murray Wollaston captain Standing secretary Robin Carter left Bill Knowles ward captain treasurer lord Condor Ron Stewart immil iatc past president and Lou all icc prcsidcn and Ill llwmpson and Gil Motcttu di rccotrs directors Ray Ramsay Kostaudoff word captain John Rodgers word cup lulu absent ttjxaumcr Photos Police officers give evidence in trial of Whyte in two deaths lhc jury in tlic niurdcr trial of llarti AltXlilllf li=c IlcitltI cxidcncc SIlUAliQ Mhytc thc kihtr too tlltll mct Supt JT then was dismissed as thc court wcnt into voir dire in tlrc afternoon lividcucc iron the voir dire tSSlOIl in which Mr Justice lcaihcrslun hoard cram siatcmrnts to tlicitir whether they new lltlllllKélIMt may not be reportttl by Canadian law In the tnornirt cotslablc lrnnk lrascr thc Ontario lmtliicial lllltt ill 3iit riminal lnudigafion Divison IILLi0l William ltrron anl Orlllta Oll Constable loIfll illtiitnkc each recounch thcir discussions with Aliyte and ticir llltllllth the sow of the killings in rillia lt ship Ill Pcrion said he had gt0 ctal discussions with lhytc and in all of them lliytc admittrd killing William Rorxlcn Quinn Mr James McAlatcr It all discuwionu though he was nor cr satisfied thch was moth for the double murder and Whytc llCl olunccrcd re son constantly saying he didnt know why he did it Cmstahlc Fraser ho detach mcnt identification officcr Illl he arrived on the scene near thilliu our in the mornirm of Sept 28 Ho went in thc Mc Mati tlflll llll where ht found McMasfer tlcad on thc flour along with two loam All llitcc but been shot with calibre rifle In another cabin ncuiby lic found Quinns body also slit by riflc In both cabins there were many txpcndeil SIKII casings on the Our Constable Frascr testified he cut thc hcll casinos In the Con lc ltl ltoisit Scicnccs in To rotto arrl bccu told they had been extracted from rifle later found on Whytc Bullets extract Ted Moses Quintet shone at concert at Georgian lly MURILJL LLCIlllllt Cantally coming on stagc tcn fativcly experimenting with drums and pcrcusion slowly picking up temp to darkening lielita lcrry Llarkt opens tLficly exciting concert lhc led Moses Quintet perfor mcd at Georgian Collcgc lfic atrc chuesday to crowd of bout 200 jazz cuthUsiusts The Theatre should have been filled to capacity Anyone inter cztcd in broad spectrum of fun sic would have been at lcast iii trigucd and fascinated with the jaw quintet fcrr Clarke on drums and pcrcussion is known as lead in percussionist in his field He provided the basic rhythms and tempo tlitttiglutlways with an expertise that could be citing or relaying by turns lccl expert on ks board ltflfflllJ Jl lul Aim at crcathc 31 in the world of jaw Kathryn Mots docs things with her flutc that pcrctunlly lazlc and excite the listener She is lllUiCIlfllS to watch on ftigc llcr crcutivcucss too compels the audience to give full atten tion to her free development of the fundamental melodies Mike Malone not only plays splendid trumpct but produccs beautiful sounds from the Flu gcliorn most difficult instru ment to play well The quartet with Richard Ilom inc electric and string bass kept the basic harmonic and rhythms always uptcmpo MOST INIRIOUING It was the second half of thc Itglifll flint found the most intriguing The mood was quite different from the exciting her tic opening and under the relax rd wood feeling almost 0f blues tame through If an more bOlfIllnlLIIItI form of with tho rhythms iltll and subtle lcd Moscs llcautiful iunc was display of Kathryns virtuosin on llutc well as her inherent trcativcncsm Soliluquv combined brilliant and effective pianism with beautiful and quiet jazzboat op ening Vibrant melodic flute with cltct loncs from Itlugcl burn produced mrmoriibic cff ccl lliis no doubt one of their recordings nl one worth having lrumpct and flute tlflCls strcss cd the accuracy in boat and in tonation of htnc artists The finale Its Up To You bad the audience cuvinz lllL cue ditorium regretfully It 11 good concert with the Quintet shining toun that sound ed at times much larger than five nuntctans anticInc llltll art form cd rom McMasicrs body could no tllttftlrlclA flliltlltl to the rifle bccaust of 11x inglin polnticul boic However the lticnwc cvutrc concluded one of the bulkts found in Quinn had come from the rifle The riflc itsttf um foou to be old but in operable condi tion lIcCl tic Ltlllk said was ptonc lo accidcmul IlS run It had hair trig It SIICIV catch that didnt work lZII could be fired by hitting thc butt gtlllllll on the lioor ondnblc lirnwr tool handwashing from Whytc process which can thrtcrminc whether person has fired riflc lh Centre lItfitI that litc had bccn firing riflc and had it Jlttll deal of gun powder residue on his skin Mhihv taking the lianxluiu Constable Irzucr said Whle told him he had gthot the two men lili crcsswxaniuialion by dcfctcc lawyer Richard Clarltc Constable ltrncr SillI hr 103 the impression Whytc was not too intelligcnt whcu he tltcll to him got the imprcsdoi Aliylc urns rfbA fut lectuullyf he said llc rcalizcd something serious but hapucntrl but did 11 rcalirc Illc tOllSvllillt of his actions Constablc liucr also mti icd be but out NFf Eur bottlcs 11 both cabins with Whytvs iinicrpli rm and in the Quinn cabin llll were two cups of hccl UROVII IAST bumcr Ltqlantc of the Siv Crock lrailcr Camp tibou half milc liourc llivtvs had bccn tlriung past the Quinn from tlrM um ronurfibh ilrtst If III AltAIilSlt houxrs abou am Sept 23 when hc found in way IIntl pm Ill truck llc gut out ol Its car in llltllltlt iitc cami up lic hutl him with gun and orlcrcrl lnm to dritc to lu0io lhilc edging his car pdxt tltc tllcd truck Mr Lapluzilc uske MI llutc to mnkc rlll 11 cnougli room on It thc car and lliytc punti ht uu tlr count ant I01II out the window figured htn could haw jumped him and got ihc gun away Silitl Mr Lupluutc but was lifter afraid He had jut ttll lllt by bad klrcl fun lllv bill thfnl lucttwc him and told him it imlmslllll Mr lgtpluntt still he Itll ht Iiiul tflllt iItlffltUt1lltt so asked hitn to come in his 1iltr mtl lintc coffee bcfvc going to lurouto In the trailer lr Luplcntt rcpcnlcdl toltl lliytc hc didnt bclicw it was illc but killcl lllt mcn uni finally convinced Wltytc tt ivr up fir his unv muziition and then his rifle Mr Inipluntcs ucigitbor came to tliv trnilcr about time and called pw Ms Laplantc tililll mind about IllIltl hc killcil bt mm would lIIITCilIII mv hc In do ll then would on in ftflI and ivcul tfwit cryingI saying he did it At onc and lit 02 llW Vii 1c tlixgr b1K sail p03 Ilt was about to shout Izzmsclf llIi tlic riflo and at nchcr fur hc mlctl for lblc so he could mud on ll limit killctl anyone Imp lcrrtn tmliliwl ilia llt llilél tulttrli byte to llic tcuc Ii lna pltlvrt tEH runitd lhylc wnl Tinuuh the killings with lnsp 57 ltt1uzt and fold hnn lic hl inm 13 it 11 In of Soul if to lake lr irthi alt crippttl man mm unitr from ltvl£lclS well llc had taken iloiz Mflllt bctr He told Illrll lcrron that litmus ll pivkcl up rill on ln tublr ml poured it tfutnu him yum gtil lo p11 li down gt in lid lu2 usctctl up ti mi mold hr chamber and shol Ulll fr he tgziinn wtcral llllll more Elicu wcul lclifcr homo and not him He went back to Quinns If urtI llt Ifll to lllt lino lhcn wcn luck shut lclutcr$ dub In another infcrvcw llijlc nltl lizsp lcrrori 11 ill r9 hul fircd lxtlltll£tII oi lllt first Unit ino Qui illtf ltt lnvl lyllcll Altlrlc and the dink brcnuu Im litlit iill itj llfltltt lrp lcimu lt3 id White had anon gtilt Ii ltvll trltmulilN wcll uitl tll tltli rtot its 1o the timing of the killiti lhc firta contuuus to unvi Local General il MAIHII iil llic ltI mcctin of the If two fuwu ltllllltllltlll llouid will be IllI March 32 il 10 run It will bt hold in the Ircnlcr liar lt hnmbcr of ommcicc otlnc on l41ctl firuuf Strch OITIMISI FINALS llu Ilulrlc Uptimid club will pnior muc finals in it unnu tl studcul public pcukini cun tcsf April lhc flunk irc gtll ttlilltd for Monicas School ll pm uih vitiucis unit to district competitions PILINGS REDRIVEN AT MARINA Workers from Torkandic Con lfltclltll Ltd in Barrie were busy this week redfriving the piling at the citys marina the work should he completed by next week at an estimated cost of $20000 The city wants to add weight to the pier in an attempt to control the annual problem with the piliu There are number of ideas and as numptions to explain the prob lem including the movement nl icc cause by the tonic and wind currents The lllt boat slips at the main poll of the marina should be operablr bv the summer tLaaminar Photol Reward offered to halt vandals SIROUD In an effort to halt vandalism which has plagv ued the newlyopened Stroud Innisfil Recreation Centre lnnis fil Township council will post signs offering $100 reward for information leading to convic tion of offenders Council approved the action this week on recommendation from its recreation committee Recreation coordinator Larry Morrow said today vandals have broken fulllength pane of glass in the centres entry way kicked in wall in the womens washroom and repeatedly lcft the same washroom in real mess Were trying to nip before it becomes something more scr lous he said He said signs will be placed in other township facilities as well as the Stroud arena The centre opened oEfcially Feb 23 but had been operation for several weeks before the opening Mr Morrow said the centre was vandalized on the weekends of Feb 21 and 26 CITY NEWS THE BARRJE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 12 1976 LOCAL AND GENERAL OUR MISTAKE There was an error in Thurs days paper in story about the Barrie Kinsmen Clul plan for Little Lake Park The club will not spend 520000 to build road into the facility as re portcd president Al Harris said Friday The city 15 building the illJCCSS road Also details of the clubs contribution to the devel opmcnt of the site have yet to be worked out with the city rec reation department Mr llarris addcd GOINGAWAY PARTY The City of Barrie is giving the citys retiring fire and police chiefs goingaway psrtv lliure day at the Army Navy and Air lotcc Club Ciy department heads elected representatives and the families of Police hicf lid Tschiihart and Fire llCL ln Kcat have hccn invilcrl lifts of appreciation from the city will be presented to the two chufs DRIVER ZIIARIQICD Shawn liyland of 125 Welling ttn Strcc halt been charged with impaired driving and hav iuc more than 03 per ccnf alto licl in his blood by city police lullmitnd silllcLDt itclltnt ully lntlay llylnnd sustaircd urnor injuries llcr czr Inc was drum was in colliltion with city public utility pole FALSE CALL The cziy firc dcparmcr was called to Pcnctanr Street Thurs lay to check out complaint of natural gas look in the area No leak was fourl fire chief Dan Kcas said Friday WORKSHOP Total Olllllllllilttttltllh vtwkshoy zir thosc iilfcrcsttd Ill wininiiiiicating with the leaf and hardnfhcaring is planned lucsdav at pm at Georgian College For further information call Mrs Jones at 7201931 ct ll SHAMROCK LLNLII Iiic icnrginn Foundation illlld will launch its annual subscrip llOlI campaign at Shamrock lunch Wednesday at 1230 pm Ill pcnkcr will be Wendy llicks at fhc Brookdnle lnn ucgtt Ilckcl are $4 13 IOl lCSClA lltlllS call TJGIllll ICSI AND SLCII The Institute of Applied Mela ulysics will hold an inioimauon session April at 110 Pcnctang Street at pm Topics to bc tliscthsixl inclulc wolfawarcucv meditation lll$llgt01 pertcp tion and mythic phenomena IllllSltlll is frcc and everyoncs clcomc llAMlillR MIZICIS The board of the lrcntcr Bar ric Chamber of Commerce will hold its regular meeting 730 pm lucsday 0n the agenda for discusdon are reports from the llt affairs legislativc affairs winter carnival and public rcla lions committee The meeting ho hold on the second floor of the Municipal Sminss and Loan building on wcn Strcct BALLROOM DANCING liuhnm right will oucc gain bc tenthing ballroom doi ciu course at the Barrie YWCA Ilc coursc runs on Mon days from March 30 throttin until June Mr Wright has had many years cxpcricucc instructing ballroom dancing lor more in formation call 726 642 or drop in at the at 22 Grove St NEEDLEPOINT The Women of the Barrie YM YWCAs Needlepoint Classes will be holdinrz nn Open House chievement Day Thursday March 18th commencing at 130 p111 at the At this time samplers of the las lessons will be shown as well as film on hand crafts Otlor interested people are in vith to come and view this film and demonstraiion ILTLTRE OF The futzirc of marriage will be examined in the st find in series of discussions sponsored by the Family Life Asociation of Barrie Tuesday Rev Ken Pur dmi will guidc the disc sion in relation to prcoul 50 moral and practical cnuurleiams lbe sixpart series is free and will lcdiy until April 13 in the faculty lounge of Barrie Central Collegiale at f0 um MARRIAGE to YOGA lhe Barrie YMYWCA will be offering yoga program on Wed uesdays beginning Wednesday March ll Krishan Jit Sihhu who has had over 20 ycnrs experi cncc in yan instruction will once again be the instructor Call 726 tillt or drop in at the at Crete St et for more ins l01lll3lOll RLMMAGE SALE The ladies auxiliary lo the llarric Humane Society is asking Barrie residents to save and don ate good used clothing no rim and other linirthtd goods for rummage sale ton ght in the month tl March II in or Tlltlllllll the Steelworker llall on High Street Proceeds from the sale arc ucd for the socictys shelter RED CROSS MEETS Barrie and Dntiicf ranch of the Canadian Rm Cross Society will hold it annual meeting March 17 if pp at St An drews Presbyterian Giurch Guest speaker the dinncr meeting will be John Ilamilv ton president if the societys Ontario diiitu sl jlTNICRAL MEETING Hw Downtown Improvement Board will hold general meet ing April 13 in Collier Street United Church The meeting is expected to be stormy one Recent sharp criticism of the boards uctiiticlt bv downtown merchant llzitc llill gtpznkcd the mcctiuc The meeting begins at 613 pm RED CROSS COURSE Red Cioss Royal Lifesav ing Society instructors course is MllLtlllltzl at Canadian For vcs Base Borden on two vcck ends lhi month March 21 to 23 and March 29 to 30 For more infornuilion contact Joanne Mo Curdy at 728100 IAIlLINIS NIGHT Ihc gynniastic classes sponsor ml by the Barrie rccrcution dc pnrtmcut uic holdingI parents night at the end of the month At odrincfon Public School pa rcnls arc invited luestluy March at 030 pm for the beginn tts clus and Wednesday March at pm for the advanced Ilfm lnrcnts with children in tho busiuucrs class at Auikinuck lublit School are imitctl lhurs do April at 630 pm READER REACTION SOUGHT 0N FRENCH TV The llarric branch of PROPOSAL the tousumers Association of Canada is seeking local reaction to an application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp to broadcast its French lunpuagc network on Barrie tziblc If the application is approved by the tanadian Radiolclcvision Commis sion ttllltf the cable company must drop an existing station ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF LOSING AN EXISTING CHANNEL YESl NOl IF THE MEASURE IS APPROVED WHICH CHAN NEL WOULD YOU PREFER TO LOSE CHANNEL 567 l0 II 12 13 circle one of the above SIGNEDBY ADDRESS loll coinplclcd questionnaire to the Cuitnunieru Association of Canada Pt Box 758 Barrio

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