ARTICLES FOR SALE pvv 16 THE 3mm EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH qï¬mu Ffl RENTALS APARTMENTS To RENT MORTGAGES HOUSES FOR RENT 6515521163335 angiovgryesndmm Two STOREY bedroom house tor Let DO gold year old Telephone 72671145 TRLIVISION color 15 inchportable MORTGAGE rent $300 monthly 46 Eileen Drive hi Barrie Allondale Heights or tele your old in good workingBrder LO phone 7265194 M15 5175 on display main oltlce Brookdale BEDROOM liungalow Broadloomedd inn telephone 7281312 TF baseman we ou garage pave DAY EVENING SERVICE drive 3300 man mus 0mm TEAM UNIFORMS and Jackets See in our office or your home FINANCIAL CORPORATION COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICES Compare Our Rates FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE Call POMEROY 7371401 MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders loans SECONDS AT 13 $7500 MONTHLY PAYMENT 8269 312000 MONTHLY PAYMENT 8132291 $20000 MONTHLY PAYMENT $22040 7265861 FLOYD LANIN munAu Au2 KINZIE LIMITED 1st 11nd and ï¬lrd MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE Consolidate Bills Additions or Improvements Lower Monthly Payments Building Mortgages Interim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For3 Cash DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS WITH ixlXZIE LIMITEDI OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 7371881 Home 7267226 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association KINZIE LIMITED 10 Dunlop St East BARRIE First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased or Cash Mortgage Lite Insurance Tr Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 CA Iil ELD ST 72671 30 Olfice Hours aln pIII by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoeizitlon TF MORTGAGES ist 2nd 3rd bought and sold Immediate action conliden tial appraisal service included Hamilton 7321000 Auial MORTGAGES bought and sold immel dial action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 7284651 evenings TF 15 AND 2ND Mortgages Bought sold arranged Firsts lrom 11322 seconds low as 13122 Prompt attention reasonaole rates confiden IrIIl Call ROhr Jupp Mortgage Man nqvr Philp JuDr Limited Reaitor 7268675 evenino 7371362 JylZ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT business 15 minutes from Barrie ideal tor couple Includes brick bungalow with attached arage Prwd rth at 567571 Col Mary Footer 272111 or 7263111 represent 771 Ira Courdef weal Estate INDUSTRIAL BUILDING LEASELEASE PURCHASE We tfl 921 to to yawat pur Vm r4 27 Leon IN wife Burr0 FirAura out1 ouru 41 ed are one Home nI ir76 mtMil but to it ltd prior 10 49 76 017 return gg MINrec 14 9479u IIIIIIIbTIï¬ IIIVI Jew Aware 101 tno 77 home or Lvrvlt rumy warmth Iiln FOR RENT litlmrn In It rriwty trig Mil HOUSES BBDIOOMS lyrru Ill Kuhnj 597175 try 5qu 67 law Iprl 12 877 poor 778107 LUXURIOUS bedroom tourMow Booutilul surruurmrui baths lul lr woodlnrred loyc reinmotor and garage liyrth Alternate area Ho 1t 0775 rnoritlil yo6h¢ April 4162714163 72841325 7245973 TF fuxumous bedroom tonnhouu with rec room brand new with ulor appliance exclusive location 00 have to see it to believe it Furl more inlorrnation call 7263432 after Om ask lor Joe TF FOR RENT bedroom 197 bathrooms Townhouse all appliances including washer dryer and parking $325 month firm 7265035 Mil BEDROOM bungalow living room dining room all broudloomed kitch en bathroom malor appliances rec room with lireplace laundry room heated garage and work shop on large landscaped lot with garden Occup ancy April 157 with lease available 5285 month Phone 7281217 alter 530 pm M15 LOWER HALF ol duplex finished basement three bedrooms heat and parking included pay own hydro $280 monthly Ailandalo area available im mediately 7371472 M13 RENTALS $350 per month plus utilities 7266338 Al APARTMENTS To RENTg 95 PER CENT menl included ist after anytime BACHELOR apartment Oyerlookinq the lake Furnished Sull able muple Available May Telephone 7289745 M12 BEDROOM house large kitchen bathrooms den library harage 59 Oran Blvd Riverwood Farms Subdi vision nice lot bus at door Mature responsible couple only No children M16 TALL TREES $310 monthly Modern bedroom spacious bungalow broadl loomed garage lull basement quiet court appliances April occupancy If interested call collect 416 635 0365 ThFSM20 RENTALS KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Fines IMPERIAL TOWERS 7209580 CEDARWOOD COURT TAG4991 Adults IF THE MAYFAIR BARRIES NEWEST BUILDING Large and bedroom apart ments with really nice view Free sauna recreation room and many other features Ready to move in today COME AND SEE US at Duckworth Ind Bernick or call 72372420 days or Toronto 362 1169 TF WELLINGTON PLACE One two and three bedroom apLIrtIIIertS to rent Chilureu welcome Lease and references re quired Call Lean Garrick Real Estate Ltd 72153827 or 7267153 any time TF For People Who Care If you are looking for comfort quiet secluded loeation HOLGATE COURT HOLG 11 and BAYVIEW and BEDROOM NOW RENTIN Very large suites Large balconies Equipped gym room Cable TV Parking City bus service Adults only Color automatic appliances Sauna bath 7289682 rrIisrr TWO BEDROOM apartment central 17 Worsley St parking 5210 per month plus hydro no pets Telephone 7285430 ask tor Joe TF SPACIOUS onebedroom Larqe kitch In Redecoraled living room Stove rc lrlgerator heat hydro parking includ ed No pets Storage area Two blocks from downtown 5190 Call 7284967 after 430 pm M121 ANGUS New one bedroom apartI stove refrigerator heat hydro no children available April $150 monthly Telephone A240700l pm or Saturday and Sunday M15 $160 monthly Iable for one adult Reterences Tee Dhone 7268420 or 7260241 Mil ONE BEDROOM apartment two and stove utilities included Single person $165 month east end Telephone 776 1727 after 530 am M11 SUBLET two bedroom apartment in new buildinn $243 monthly includes Stove and retrigeralor heat waier parking and other lacilitiec Duckworln and Bernick available April isl Tee phone 7281694 or 7281908 M12 BEDROOM apartment in duplex Aliandaie area available April re trieeralor Stove laundry lacilities oaraqe basement and tinishcd room with noturalgas lireplace large fenced back yard with swinas and garden area couple with two children welcome no pets Telephone 72862981 alter pm TF AVAILABLE immediately tno bed room apartments S215 and 8245 mon lhly Centrally located Telephone 778 6646 Mli SELFCONTAINED lully lurnishcd two bedroom apartment Large rooms Free parking Private Ientrance $165 monthly Adult only Available April Teleprom 7261970 Ml ONE BEDROOM hawment apartmean all contained HeyIon 31 area Heat more and parking included Not wit lor children or pets Workini UNDF crelcrred 7470778 M12 VT TWO BEDROOM apartment In central 1979 relrvmralor and parking Includ ed One child welcome Available Anrl Telephone 7266741 located triplex Heal hot water Nil 074 BIDROOM apartment healed store purring newly decorated no lhidln Reï¬nance rrouirad Married preferred E651 and on two route $160 monthly telephone 69198 Mll TWO BEDROOM apartment lake new rrlriuarntor and stove pay own hydro and parking $210 monthly Av ailable April Telephone 7265063 M16 SPACIOUS bedroom anartmonln clove to domtown Starting at $280 monthly lease and Tolerances requum Tl TWO BEDROOM upstairs unlurnlshed apartment Refrigerator stove heat hydro and water included Close to tar lorlcs One child welcome no pctI Available Immediately 7287956 TF ONE BEDROOM apartment or rent for further inlormallon 7371795 downtown area $150 monthly relrIqI orator stove and utilities included Telephone 4873600 or 7262910 TF BEDROOM apartment central local lion in modern building $225 monthly includes ralrlgorator stove heat wat er and parking Telephone 7266397 or 7261070 TF ONE AND two fzdroom apartments in downtown area Available immed iately Rent ranqe $100 to $155 month ly Telephone 7263257 TF BEDROOM apartment couples only no pets or children 9208 plus hydro laundry facilities and parking apart ment 201 55 Blake St TF HOUSES FOR RENT PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE SI BARRIE FOR LEASE Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Prestige location Most ovcrlooking buy lllllll CALL 72132236 Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken references For appointment to inspect lO transler lrom area ONE BEDROOM apartments alter pm 7288584 menl tor MaY 1975 DOOR edidHGian Fury ham tor sole wth 15000 miles loatur TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS $240 ADULT BUILDING deck Call Resident iAPARTMENTS FOR RENTI AUTOMOTIVE FURNISHED bedroom apartment central location $250 monthly plus hydro Available April Hamilton Rea Estate 7371000 TF FURNISHED bedroom apartment for rent suitable for yvorking couple or working girls close to factories and downtown Telephone 7286520 M11 Two BEDROOM unfurnishedjapan ment stove and refrigerator pay own hydro plenty of parking Married couple only Telephom 7285135 after pm TF ALLANDALE area bedroom apart ment available immediately $215 monthly plus hydro Telephone Harry Maglll representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 7284067 or 7263864 M16 SUBLET bedroom apartment duo Please Contact Lessee after pm 7260435 M13 AVAILABLE immediately bedroom ground level of duplex Grove St near YMCA on bus route ralrigeralor stove heat parking included $225 monthly Telephone 7289711 business hours TF av lrig stove and $125 to $150 aiiable immediately parking supplIed from plus deposit no pets no children Call M16 TWO bedroom apartment available April in an llpiex on Grove Street references no pets S215 month ly plus hydro Telephone 7281035 TP ALLANDALE One bedroom apartment $185 monthly plus hydro Also two bedroom $225 monthly utilities includ ed No pets 7285890 TF APARTMENTS WANTED CHEVEIlE DR 5893 cyl automatic transmtsston pom TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart preler main lloor have children Rent $180 5200 with heat and hydro included 7267224 Mi2 ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED room for rent in private home very central location with TV for gentleman only Telephone 7288258 M13 FURNISHED room with twin beds lor girls available immediately dishes and linen supplied share kitchen and living room parking available tele phone 7260126 M17 ROOMS to rent in downtown area gentleman only share kitchen tele phone 436 4374 alter pm it no answ er telephone 7281039 MTWTh TF BEDSITTING room in new home pri vate bathroom kitchen laundry and TV privileges parking East end loc ation $73 weekly References Tele phone 7371061 to pnI M11 LARGE stain1y home has rooms to rent to mature quiet people doyntown area no pets 77 Mary St Barrie TF VACANCY rlrls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located 518 per week Phone alter 7261484 TF AVAILABLE immedaleiy turnished room with kitchen privileges telephone 7269205 or 71170426 Tl FURNISHED room tree parkino cook nca laciiilies centrally located close to city transport Telephone 7267186 TF ROOM TO LET ladies oniy down cook town location private entrance inu facilities $25 per week Telephone gt 7280692 after pm ACCOMMODATION To SHARE ONETBUSTNESVS girl shaire two bed room apartment with arm Good location close to bus and downtown please telephone 7785903 betora pm M12 WANTED Two people to share three bedroom apnrlmanl with young bach elor available Aprilt Isl parkinq close to downtown Telephone Don 726 5724 TF OFFICESANDSTORES OFFICE SPACETIor mil approxim ately 300 sq lt turnilure and sec retarial servire can br provided Priu notioliablo Contact Mr Doerino telephone 7766331 Mi OFFICE IN Amourlam For turlher details call Bot Wczl Choikan and Co Ltd Realtors 7760672 or 728440 NEWOFF SP AC 12 357 Bahl Ie I8 St Barn Will8000 on ll air con tioned 46 1733 Jyl9 BARBIE GROVE DUCKWORIII 26000 sonar lnat convenient centre amid new 2000 homo subdivision RP lai and rirolriorinl otlicu fall Clovniuwn investments Ltd 114161 9548557 IF SPACE mle lea0 1131 rent Call Don Millir Rep Woes Realtor 7264651 or 4364507 M25 COMMERCIAL SPACE PRIME IndUstrlal in available lm mediololv 4000 to 19500 square tent with olllcrs lullv sprinklered truck level loading and parking provided Telephone 7267130 TF 2B SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR REN1 CABINS lor rent near Parry Sound rooms on small lake ll lrom water lallow shore private good ï¬shing 345 per ruuplc per week sleeps to nnonlc 510 extra tor over people Write to 80 P29 Barrie Examiner M16 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE llNClCRlllll El SPECIALS 68 damnbile llKS it $1311 68 Chevrolet lKY 111 $291 69 Chevrolet FIVE 7011 $370 70 lCiLl Lll FLI 438 $429 70 Buick ltlxV IZILII $785 71 Ford Wang HM 1411 $729 72 Tolinu lll ltCZ 950 $997 Ford TN 22 $699 68 Buick Sp ltljS 754 $649 69 Dont lll 1118 $379 69 71 Pontiac libgen ltLl 753 $607 llolill LIl 072 $689 131V CllY MOTORS 43 BRADFORD ST 7282220 1113 Broug cs opera windows cruise control ra rilals and more Telephone 7261723 or 7285774 M12 1973 CHRYSLER Newport Custom or 7365992 3185 bank financing Call 7262959 ovenlnus 57950 perfect condition power equip pod mr solely approved $200 down TF 1974 CHRYSLER Newport Custom door hardton with air conditioning AM FM niorlrli window door locks and hit other lUxiliY options Asking $3800 Telephone allor Cnokstown 458 9696 M11 M17 Newiy decorated includes hydro and eabio lV sauna room sun Manager 7057285463 TE CARS FOR SALE Rays Auto Sales RR N0 PHELPSTON Hwy 27 miles south of Elmvale 3222763 72 JAVELIN Dr hardtop cyl automatic power steering power brakes radio white walls wheel covers vinyl top Looks and runs like new Licence DWD 436 SALE PRICE $219500 72 VEGA STN WAGON 0071 automatic transmission radio white walls wheel covers very clean car licence DWN 358 SALE PRICE $149500 72 PINTO DR cyl speed transmission new uhite wall tir radio Licence AWL 252 SALE PRICE $129500 cs liver steering power brakes ra dio white walls and wheel cov ers Licence ETU 415 SALE PRICE $139500 TRUCKS automatic transmission rear step bumper Licence D2608 SALE PRICE $139500 08 GIC ton pick up cyl standard transmission rear bumper radio nest coast mir rors Licence E83920 AS IS SPECIAIS 71 PLYMOUTH FURY door sedan cylinder trans runs good Licence HT 455 Not certified SALE PRICE $69500 37 MUSTANG 30 llardtop cylinder anomath radio bucket seats and con010 License AMF 141 Not certified SALE PRICE $59500 111 door sedan 3113 barrel automatic qood runnian lcondition good tires 8650 Telephone 7266831 or 4245055 ask lor Les Mia 68 CHEV IMPALA 399 cubic inch speed automatic transmission bar rcl cart plus track stereo Make otler Telephone 4873297 after pm M13 191 GREMLIN Cylinder standard ROADRUNNER 1968 air conditioning new tires plus snows AExcellent condition Telephone 4363340 certilied $2100 M13 1974 MERCURY BOBCAT 2300 cc Standard rustprooled gold with brown linterior electric defender radio snows excellent condition Mainly hlohwav driving Certified Best otter 7264123 7116 1973 COMET Sedan tor sale Cylin der automatic radio Certified Com pletely reconditioned Telephone Mr Wilson 7266537 extension 10 between 830 am and pm TF DODGE Coronet Cresrwood lion Wagon certified 50000 miles snow lireI new brakes power steer ing power brakes lactory roof racks 51875 Call John 7370966 M11 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury 7800 miles months left on warranty lady driven many options 94300 or best otter telephone 7372346 M11 1972 MERCURY Monlnqo owner 48 000 original miles power steerinu 30 V8 door asking $1850 Call 7286740 alter pm M13 1969 GRAND PRIX new motor mul tiers heads tires barrel paint lront and $1400 Telephone Bernie 71173664 M12 1969 MUSTANG Convertible mans 660 tires roll bar 351 engine Cor tilled $1300 Telephone 7764988 M13 1970 FORD Corlina for sale in ex cellent condition Will Certily For tur ther inlormntlon Telephone 7J73759 M13 1972 TORINO door hardtop Dower steering power brakes 302 57000 mil on near window deloqqor Certllled Excellent condition 7288199 altar pm M15 1970 MONTE CARLO recent body lob clean condition black vinyl roof Cor vettn wheels Make an otter Telephone 7267738 M11 1969 OLDSMOBIL for sale oood con dition new radiate tape deck good motor certitlod 5850 Telephone 726 2986 M121 1975 TBIRID PRIVATE Fully equipped excellent condition with automatic air and Stereo Full lasklnp price only $6900 Please call 7370954 M17 1967 FURY good condition cortiliod Please telephone 4241376 M13 CARS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TI TRACY WANTS cars and trucks lor wrecking and ports top prices paid ireo pickup lolephono 7268487 TF COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted lnr wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 42459491 4356322 Feb 14 MarA SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paid Will pick up 7289666 Au3 mi PRICI lor top cars Toke Motors sni 720 TR 119 Bradford 5t Barrio JUNK CARS wANTao Highest pric as paid same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 SCRAP VIHICLIS VIIMBOTNtop prlc as paid tree Immediate time 4362900 pickup any TRUCKS FORSALE 1971 CHIV 34 ton pick Up V8 auto matic must soil as Is $1200 Plano telephone 7261680 M13 1m ooooa ion for em mm standard 8650 10 Telephone 72 0109 evenings M12 70 GIC ton pick up cyl SALE PRICE $128300 automatic transmi APPLIANCES ELECTRoLux Canada Ltd author ide sales one service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 Jual BOOKKEEPING MOBiLl BOOKKBBPING service your attic or mine com late partial or overload McKonz 7289496 M1576 CARPENTRY GENERAL CARPENTRY Rooting Painting and General Repairs All work guaranteed Reasonable 436478i GENERAL carpentry rec rooms til lng Tonovatlng dry wall builtin clothes closets otc reasonable 726 3853 M17 CARPENTRY WORK done specializing in rec rooms and additions Clll Joe at 7269429 M16 STOP HUNTING Call Humi Renovations Repairs Dishwashers kitchen cabinets specialty 72 CARPENTER will do rec rooms ran Iovations remodelling etc No lob too small 7261271 JYSI GENERAL carpenty renovations ro rantiln rooms lramlrzig trim reason able tree estmale 7700 after 500 om M22 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Phone for estimates Free Barrio Fence Co 7263068 her 7282670 DRAPERY DEAL WITH designer Custom made home service Randy Forbes Baywood Drapery 4872606 AM gt DRESSMAKING DRBSSES FIT IF made by JOSlE DOUINO Specializing in pantsuite Down and alterations 76 Worsley 726 6000 TF DRIVING SCHOOL LEARN dalenslyo drlvln tfor inst OSL grad emyaav driving school DRYWALL Su plies do lvarv Lam 03176 lrorn quali or into call 7267963 M1576 SPECIALIiINCTIh taping and texture spraying Cali Tom 7281102 A8 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERICR EAVESTROUGHING Spec lrom TF iaist ice onr snow removal roots only 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL WHEELER ELESTRIC lndustrtal uninercial residentia aco applian ea 24 hour sarvlco 4240234 Angus Jy4 SIMCOE FLECTRiC industrial Com mercia Residential Farms 24hour maintenance service 7288234 TF ELECTRONICS ELECTRON 2Way Radio Marine Radio Sales and Service TV AND STEREO SERVICING SIAICOE PLAZA 7207282 Ics CB A3 FIREPLACES AND MASONRY specializing in lireplaces Written warranty prick block and stone 7285673 BRICK Block stone Free A024 Fireplaces estimates Stan Au18 ty Vl WalsOII tor tree estimates 728 1699 M72576 COLONlAI Fzrepiaces all lual factory DJlll 30 Tilln 7284040 TF Alt SIMCOE Economy FIREPLACES FIREPLACE Specializing in natural stone an tique brick Custom built and designed A11 workmanship guaranteed Using only quality material PETER HENSTRA 7269434 M31 FURNITURE REFINISHING FIN FURNITURE reï¬nishing and restoration Pine country lurnlshlnqs sold John Poole 4364837 A3 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4375525 7263441 Tetween 10 am and 530 pm TF HALF TON truck to move iunk or lanitor work parttime 7283776 M19 GENERAL REPAIRS carpentry ro novatlons painting etc Reasonable Reliable No lob too small 7260033 HOUSE CLEAN UPS Cleaning con tracts general repairs painting odd lobe etc 4873607 Jy27 CLEAN UP Basements garages etc cleanerl rubbish removed truck and traile lor movino Snow shovelllna and blowing 4362387 M7 HEATING COOLING VESPRA VALLEY Heating new lorced air system renovations humldlllers Allan Wilson 7280733 7281286 M26 HOME IMPROVEMENT BRENLAN Const Ltd Complete cus tom bulldlng services Specializing in homes alterations renovations 726 5926 A10 IOI CUMBERLAND complete bath Directory of Business Services and Products Jon Weeks at Georgian Sports 40 Essa Road 72153200 Ju9 FIREWOOD dried split hardwoods mostly maple Delivered 12 inch cord $35 16 inch 545 7283715 M18 MECHANCAL EEEL Rooting aluminumTowing COMPLETE hauling plumbing sprink ler systems airconditioning sheet metal fabrication Service and main tenance 24 hr service 7370909 51 MOVING AND CARTAGE ISSA MOVERS and Cartago 7283311 or 4240711 A03 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music lor people win like to dance Good rates 7229545 J023 MUSIC INSTRUCTION PIANO LESSONS at my homo studio develop technique and toy in play ing Mrs Altrows 7281732 M27 oUlTAR LESSONS Classical and pop ular Marcel Potvin Guitar Stud 7261489 PAINTING PAINTING papa hanging exocri oncar tree estimates Jack Richard son 1262uI2 17568874 TF DON SIESLING wotoastonal painting interior exterior paper hanging cos tom work Satisfaction ouaranteed 7266038 A8 NILLSDAL DECORATING interior exterior walloaperlng custom textur ed wall 8352614 local TF PAINTING decorating drywall gen oral home repairs guaranteed reasonable Free estimates 7371M VELLINGA painting and decorating lnterior exterior Work manned Established 30 yrs 262609 or 7269032 PICTURE FRAMING DATES Paint and Wallpaper custom picture training 82 Dunlop St 7283270 M29 ARTIFRAM Have Your picture framed by an artist WideI selection last service 7288633 M17 room kitchen renovations lncluding Ceramics Mosaic tiling also rec rooms 4464179 1F NEED MORE living space Rec room extra bedroom play room laundry ol tlce storage Space Also paintIng wall papering Murray Ball 7288906 M16 HUMIDIFIERS ELECTRONIC air cleaners reduce dusl Ielleve allergy symptoms Vespra Valley Heating 7280733 7281286 M26 INCOME TAX iNCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Barrie area on Dobson 424 5910 alter and weekends A7 iNCOME TAX returns prepared for small business farm and home Mil chells Bookkeeping Service 7262973 A09 INCOME TAX and accounting services Business and personal Experienced 11 Owan St Barrie 7261216 M24 iNCOME TAX returns prepared am to pm Kidd 745 Edgehill Dr 7263407 M26 lNSULATTON insulation libre and batting Free as 9105 blowini TF tlmales Scott Muir 7281267 BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 SERVICES REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES industrial and do mestic sewan machinery expertly re paired 7371621 7371185 M26 SNOWPLOWING BOB GARNER Construction 24 hour service Front and loaders 7284832 or 7262241 A119 WRI HTS SNOWPLOWING commercial and residential reasonable rates Phone 7267757 M15 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY exter EOr stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 7284392 81 TELEVISION LEASING BARRIES ONLY Housd of Leasing Lease your ncw color from $12 month at Barrio TV 29 Collier Street 7284297 TF TV AND RADIO BARRIF BLICTROVISION 194 Re oalrn to 61 makes TVs and sound equipment 282606 M2676 WATER HAU LAGE TH WATERMAN Lolrov 4563918 wells cisterns swimming pools llllï¬ii WINDOW CLEANING AlLENS WlNDOW CLEANING Specialists II houses apartments and stores Telephone 7281914 JY7 WROUGHT TRON RAILINGS oarcs liroplaco screens room dividers fences pool fencing Free estimates 7265939 Jy29 AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS FOR SALE 1959 CHEV ton truck with 12 ll all steel platform also 15 it platform with steel top Telephone 4589280 U111 1972 WHITE Freight Liner 13 speed new tires air suspension licensed lor States 903 Cummlns good condition telephone 4562619 or 4166712398 M11 1971 DODGE ton truck 10 foot llat bed rebuilt engine transmission and new Clutch Excellent condition 81500 Telephone 4873610 days M15 1972 FORD ton green automatic new brakes and snows with spares 50000 miles radio running lights Ex cellent condition with aluminum cover $2595 or best otter 7265452 or 728 0547 M16 TRAIN TRAILERS 16 and 32 may be soon In Toronto Phone 705 387 3870 Make an oller M12 Tm 0000 dump truck 32150 ovw cortillad Telephone 7105662 tar pm TF SNOWMOBILES 1978 SKIDOD TNT 440 with sliders and double bed traitor in good con toiephono 7281149 otter dltion pm 1971 AND 1974 SNOW JIT 19 hp cover helmets and spare ball 5750405 snowmobile Make an otlor M13 pair Telephone 71173405 1972 suzuxI 350 twin Excellent condition Telephone 7266759 1978 YAMAHA GP 338 tech and encode excellent condition Only 950 miles Boat otter over $600 Telephone 4363735 1978 SKIROULI RT340 very good condition $650 Call Noll at 7266411 from to pm M13 1972 SKIDOD lor sale in good con dition must sell 5400 Includes cover Telephone 7289929 M12 197 ALLOUITTI snowmobile in per tact running condition 500 miles low windshield heavy duty shocks 295 cc asking 5600 Telephone 7269969 M12 1978 SKIDOD Silver Bullet 440 new clutch new skis carbides very good track onglno rebuilt recently oxeoh lent condition 5650 7288130 M13 1972 SKIDOD ILAN 24 hp alnqlo only used winters good condition asking $450 lirm Telephone 7281335 MOTORCYCLES Ml specialty Kncely New Lowell 4245158 STONBWORK an liraplaces special 1974 880 GT cylinder Suzuki speed transmission Excellent condition Fur lhor dolidlla telephone 4875115 after pm M17 250NONDA 337577118 350 Colo Filthd with extra Epoad equipment 8875 hoinl M13 4520 1918 PBNTON 125 must be soon 5600 Telephone 72416759 M13 rnv EXAMINER WANT ADS FOR BEST nusuurs 72112414 AUTOMOTIVE AUTO ACCESSORIES TWO 1000 20 front tires tubes and rims Less than hundred miles tele phone 4872181 M13 VOLKSWAGEN extractor exhaust sys tem used 2000 miles 820 Telephone alter pn1 7268335 M11 289 COBRA JET engine and speed transmission in good condition Ask ing 8300 Telephone 4584766 Cookstohwni ARTICLES FOR SALE ROOM GROUPING Only $597 Consisting of no kitchen suite no bedroom suite plus pc living room suite chairs ohesterfield loot stooil lo money down in store finalising Free delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop St Just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 11112 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE Brand New Giant 26 inch 100 Solid State Color Television $499 wt or $485 per week on RENT TO OWN Phone tonight deliver tonight Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop St Just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 IIIIZ SINGLE BED complete 525 double had complete 35 In good condition way combination radio TV record player excellent condlhon 8150 dres sor with mirror 530 Telephone 737 3126 M11 SWIMMING Pool Clearance Disposing of 1975 tradeIns Various sizes and shapes Available In aluminum and wood construction many with manu laclurers warranties still in effect Will soil at traction oi original soiling price Call collect anytime 1416667 1302 WThF M25 MATTRESS LIQUIDATORS Thats Unclaimed Freight BRAND NEW HotelMotel Mattresses or Box Springs only $47 WW WWW WM 7217160 delivery no money down in store financing Ive also seem Charger and Master Chairgo UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Sales Ltd 30 DLNLOIP ST hint1 west of the Barrie Ararat 7212000 M18 and ceilings Telephone 705 A8 barn beams barn boards and square posts all used Telephone 705435 6424 evenings M13 lTRUCK CAP panelled and insulated sliding side windows cab high tele phone 7281493 alter 500 pm Mi2 CLARKS HOME Furnishing Ware house Annex 33 Bayfield 51 good used Chesterfield sets rugs refrigera tors stoves dryer bedroom sets kit chen sets bed outlits new odd pieces bedroom furniture open Stock maple or walnut finish M16 DINETTE SUITE wooden pieces $110 simplicity super twir washing machine 580 black and while console television 20 needs repair Tele phone 4363878 M13 DANISH TEAK dining suite buffet table and Chairs also Kenmore Av ocodo stove 30 inch all in good corv ditlpn Telephone 7261107 M12 PRESS BACK Chirs corner what not high chair dresser wash stand and side board with bevelled mirrors Telephone 7266169 M12 DARRIE TV New and used stereos from 575 Visit the lower level of Bar rio TV 29 Collier 7284297 J98 SWIMMING POOL kits 1975 model in ground kits size 16 32 and 18 36 only Limited supply at reduced prices Starlite Pools John Campbell 7280492 ThFSTF VIKING 30 inch electric ranoe auto matic oven control and clock Like new condition 585 Telephone 7284193 Mia TELEVISION 17 inch color RCA re mote control 5500 or best offer Tele phone 7263450 M12 PIECE BEDROOM suite upright door freezer washer spin dry Dltice desk and chair utility trailer Tele phone 7262253 M13 GLAD GARBAGE bags made by Un ion Carbide size 36 26 250 per box including ties 515 Telephone 728 2379 M13 1969 CHEVROLET 250 engine and transmission good runner $150 com plate also washer Spin dryer in good condition 590 Telephone 7281167 M13 BED 48 lNCH white with posture fIrm mattress 545 also refrigerator older model good condition telephone 7268727 TF SPEED Supercydes lor sale in excellent condition Childs speed re cord Dlayer Phone 7263189 M15 LEADING POOL Manufacturer her 1975 above ground redwood type pool available Willing to sacrifice at hall price Call collect anytime 1416667 1302 WThF M2 PIANO SALE Mason and Reisch apt Size 5995 with bench Neales St Queen Elmvale Friday Saturday only 3221802 At BARRIE TENT and Awnino provide complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers and awnings Be ready for spring Have your work done nov before the rush starts Free estimates gladly quen on new metal or fabric awninqs 34 Bayfleld Street 7266437 A10 GIBSON refrigerator 13 cu lt only $34995 Modern maid builtin dishwash er regular $38995 floor model $32995 Toshiba 16 color TV model C51AC $36995 Mortal micro wave oven model 24436 only $52995 Robinson Hard ware 31 Dunlop St East 7282431 M12 DOGS AND PETS IRISH SETTER lemaie years old held bredexceilent with children needs runnIng space Telephone 487 5518 M11 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups reoIsIer ed excellent blood lines champion SIred $150 and up 7280822 TF REGISTERED Norwegian Elk hounds months old papers show prospects reasonable also matched pair of Shel iand ponies quiet and good with chil dren 4241093 M11 SHIH TZUpUDS registered Show qual Ity rhamDIon parents small and cud dly real beauties apartment size pets $300 7280822 TF MAYIS Poodle Parlor Protessional clippan and groomino reasonable rai es Telephone 7260061 51 EDGEHlLL AOUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 7260094 TF DOBERMAN PINSCHER pups Show obedience sire CH Rico Von Hagen starn German import Dam IRA Von Haus Schimmel 7268617 or 7371091 M25 PROTECTOR ASSOCIATES Obedi ence guarddog trainina and rentals Specializing in breeding of Doberman Pinschers 7268617 or 71171091 IAIRIE POODLE Salon shampoo lng srrl Cllpplï¬ 01 all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 TF LAB PUPS registered shots champ Ion sired parents xrayed clear tele phontl 7054875083 M20 POODLE TRIMMI NO professional grooming ol breeds pickup and delivery 7268798 Pet studio GREAT DANE puppies lOr sale black one blue American and Canadian re gIstered 8100 Telephone 6873679 M12 REGISTERED beagle pups old proven hunting Stock shots etc 550 each Telephone 728 6236 M13 HUNTERS SPECIAL purebred Lab rador pups yellow and black males and females weeks old wormed third generation hunters males 350 females 535 Telephone 7261503 M16 MALE SCOTCH Collie purebred wilTi papers years good with children 75 Telephone 4589715 M12 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups male female after pm Telephone 728 6525 M16 BOATS AND MOTORS SIXTANT HIsun made by Henry Hughes of London in 1937 tully equip ped collectors item $1400 Telephone 7371734 M13 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con Cession 0m 7261907 7288489 closo1 weeks including Sundays your containers TF ARTICLES WANTED WANTED late model MM dual movie prolector with zoom lens 400 ll m1 and 500 volt lamp reasonable Telephone 7266293 M12 WANTED one transmission Tork lilght 19591960 or 1961 lrom Chrysler or big Dodge Cast iron housing Tele phone 7266794 altar pm M12 WANTED Barrio Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them to the Circulation Department or phonn 1266539 TF CASH F0 OLD FURNITURI books dishes out pictures Clocks odds and ends Pro 1950 items 7288284 TF FARMERS MRKI FARM MACHINERY FORD DIXTRA 8000 CYNlldOl ditty 01 recently overhauled A1 condition 82000 Telephone 7058561545 CAII TRACTOR no and New Holland ill 88 Both in vary IIlninrromm mom MIT me