rrvur 319 WWWEIvWï¬qv Jl THE FATlRlE EXAMINER THTJFSDAT MARCR 11 1976 Calgarian leads curling finals lllleNA tClhWavnc Suittr tor lttlrttit sattl frky of Calgary had the load in inzt twhlntun tltt Canadian Mens Curlint We kinrl of ltlw the pressure luunpionsltip itltit eight It nuika tt prowl rt your rounds Vcdncsrlu but couple ttlnlitj hut you tnakr lttnl nt Mnritime rinks seem to hate ttth In ntoplc watthitth Sabres score in minutes Stop Penguins seconds to play to glw Btttv tab the win attrt hoot By THE CANADIAN PRESS Al Smith and mell Mouth gt muld not hchcxe In Wednesdays other HL games St Louis Blues med to caught the tutts taror llu Mta Sm inlit Wth1 Snkolmlty with Fr wonlost lI ll 511tl the former Pittsburgh team romo Maple Leafs 31 Momma fluid Minn its slim All Rn rctotri hats hren moving otcad mates ha ttzl athed tfilo ahrtu flfllll ti time Einnit wad18m dropped Chicago It nine minutes to edge the mac Vancoufl it ahml in good shenmak mum ht v34 umntncrl to bed in and an outwardly ccol up El ht1 HM and horn lumsus City thug Arnold lite regu Ull ll itllCC and determination lrtt Sullivan of llCJCltlttt Penguins 75 iii National Elfumks dekellfe Huthey League game fiuus1l aslnn1sl lifhl NCVRHWMJ New WMl altnot unheliexabl $313333 all lllltltï¬tlcli on tht other hand lrt llmtl ohm l3 50 Li den 5935 lg littrc inspired the crowds With and it tl Mth shotx thoir Ctllt Slilthbl the ltitll otrtlicr Atï¬ttlll lltt ll hf srtnt ttlgnltt iill tvu vfltywtr who ttnthtnt tnmr 11 WW lu HIM Purl1r Mal llr lLZV tattlt nn tltut ountrtl tn tltr lllllll ltrtt hp 14 nrl lv try tm mar it 21 vii lit Ahytu1 lfltï¬n Bltllsll Cotttmbtas gl up hi ip Inn Ilttl the 192 ltt ti nun ttll lilil lttltttt ot Hi John utcr eight round both With 52 nlls llt did in those last few rntttuCK aizl Smith wlw ninth oal for the Sabres but with Fltllmtgh in man4 amt ltTUTl rouldnt helietn ulmt 53 out there aid winger Lowell MacDonald who had too goals the Penguim Ot course this war Detroit Red Wings 43 litcl lichoe srmcd ltttr goal in the secomt period help the Penguins mpc cut qelictt with the goals llllcl jttltuirl nl Pittsburgh centre Pierre La rottchc broke an NHL storm record for secondvyeat players knew that Buffalo l15ts good When he drew three Hoists to loam lllhg his seamn totat to Hm Utt xhat thm did in tnme Dilltlgt Martcl Dionne hart MM II nmnts tor Detrott Red Wing ltltult mn tut In qmw 15 31 in Ht HT rwtttrtty tot1117 svrouth Ha on mtntttelt ilt unbelievable ttz ttl lha Pengujim had comtori llllee 393 380 gt til 62 lead when Buttalo St Louis uptain Garry IIltll uttmtj xfzznnd tjlrrr ltrh WW arted Spree that ptoducot lnger became the Nttlrs non ijf lllnlttfliFl imm fittitllt by raig Rï¬llliï¬ Itnt iron man then he played 35 5mm Easl 54 in the afternoon than itlllll Reno Robert and IUIV stttlst ll81llll game 24 1lllt round Sullivan had 53 Ma Mu MW Wt ur mtt nuggu rm hm game It llll titltntitr tig ELAN Iris our SPORTS AT mmo breaking tie wtth tntr Hebentorn lwrt Petreault between 227 and 1305 in the period Jets bomb Nordiques l0 lNNlSFll WINTERAMA CHAMPIONS lltr junior houv htutnnlJLtlT tntttztul lilt7lll ltgt Sum Srm lurrux l3hltX Goultl ah in Andrim lthkHult anti HOLES ANCEL ih liiwttonni tls team lrtmt ltunsttl ventral trt lonn lllolllt lkt lwrcmut ltl0 llilvlnllttt ton ltt turhtlr t1llltlli lt Hglt lfitlti gram nu Stltuol tsas ltttltslll llttltflu lJtI tttto lttt or httHtl lvtllltl ltou 5ztkr Ito ltlttnah Mt rt mint 113w camcit Ill rum ttttrtftltty may BY NEIL ulPBEH dropped Uncmnau gunners ma tlmmpton and tonwlut lltltl tttitglur lth lutltt llolnrt tltlw ttttt l1i lti tiltllttt Quint of spring ttluy 1nqlrtrtrmg rpm The anadian pm chumN Vlï¬rmmew ttnahst at the Barrie Itlltt ttltltl wt gtllzut 1mm ltt tlln Lorri lullx huns 1l luxumtntr ltmtot In tinttv ghmuml it Ltt 1ndme tlmhmmt Ht tnmtxo m3 IV in tfit lhotnc Amert llD In edged New England Whalers lht tflttttLT5l Winnipe Jet moved an Amendment to an old Conn ltugt humlmll herm with Women SW1m team at mammum nielti peg When Quebec PRU lttl vtttg trztinin 7w WMi ltth it ml in Smï¬he who peraied Jettthepenalty bench to tom an Hm Human WW My tvm it tmntttt tnnto Maple Leafs of the altercation betwee fellmfmap gtvn no major lttétuttt Worm tor lt in Llthll ioriat Hockey League med Pram and Wlnnlpcgs tntttxttt luti ll lr tiritm atzue that if you cant he BOW HUI rum Lotti the alley ntt ranl heat Fights broke out all met H10 lllllllfll READY rlxtrtxv mt on the ion He with the lelt gefting the HvI Mm HUME ll MW HUI mm MTIHMHI lttlU ltcllll r9 lI Ht ChmEda till QlClmt worst Of or them women duets tnl mttrttrtuu monk utoztte amult hm wt It hit tmt tttwtt lnlicm SH hows heat on the sets at the six noltce otficers were callfll ltmr athtoxcd nitwr It MI mlle FM mm mum IN raving rax nuiy matteits trgr In My ind of the ftrxt gourd bit Lt onto the ice to restore order ying tundum wmunw IN MIan Hm mi PM L1 trtt tn tuthzdyttriumi at ltltlitlltlt Iezs absorbed their ptmishmen afrer 25 minutes of hostilitiï¬ mat anada nill he runrmenuu mg V4 wt um rtti mtl Xlx my ti WNW WI lid em on Oilme the N0 POM gale lndlcallm by the maximum thrm am in in or hunt in WW1 Jmtt llltlltlt mt ltvilllt itt ltt that mi lll ll ltttl€ um rhargesuould he laid althcugh mumS pm pm iii 1mm mg IM Mr Muir and Tm llL Mr HtritctiitylZCtl ltrtrtgx BUT the In all but thnchazt ttru aome otftcers l0 their hat in 11 Mamet INN H1 mm WW NW wk to htlnjtte Lytt in 1qu Wy rlaic tn lhc Canadian DIrtston the melee rlu llLllltittl to luv nun it mi hmf L1H IIl mun lr trnumu thv lf l3w and marall standings gttinz Referee mm pnurnier named is mm as 300d In fl IM In NH Li HUN mm uni Alb HI and holotc thc Spun IWJ fl mom ttpomt edgo orer Qtw out game miscomhtcts to RF mum gtin tmm tn If Zh whimw 13h tuut hmtt tlmtit ttlt gt Im my ltum mid ttztt her in tnetr mttt iztsmn raw Serge Bmmat ho also drvr him While it has at lens on $an It llt t1 tt up tt rnmtsox 5111 mt mcl 2point aha1ng Three mal015lt halUP COR lymnic atamLartl gttmmor llulq hurting tlillttll illil int wt Hurrromj Conn tip Flulhttn etOS mot3H lttuntin ant Gordie Gallan rtent the Illitxlllllltn thtwm stLIJCt Itit rr ml the Cuttfltnntt mutcut Ut guru at thtttl tiltentwtnizrh Ut 3h vnvr Wow iii1 It ln lednosdays other WlH Quebec and Lyle Moffat 1n tr limit in gualgnlrgtl mil tUm Ml lw 74tlil tit tuittmtt tm 1w wtih II nth American smtE Lam mow illth tvl ittt up flames tileteland LTuachgtrs mpeg mtr the Itovonts the lmtrtt ttit mtn tiulmltl ll horn uttlx ll ttlltll chtnmrtay they hut ll mt amt European rut mm Mth til 14 lllitl WWW Vl ll 3191 llll lttrm lttm lll llnttr wttl Ilmltfltt Amateur Summing wtHtl ill in tut lt tttllli wt ingotu rtm tam ï¬ll 11 glllJinu night mt rm ational lotnnto t3 HI 4t Patrirk niusmn xOttaWa 35 In IT liaatern Uivis on ltith In 203 178 00 Lleteland 39 $1 ll+iunma 37 260 N50 33 ttnrtnnatt L33 itattia 10333 308 England 33 $4 ll Rangers ti 151 270 33 lmhunap 26 Stmtlw Division Nttrn Division nttaqo 16 21 1017 it lluthnn 42 22 16 untouwt it 232 13 K9 Plioetu if 1144 Lotus 74 09 242 so Sun Duth tt 155 tznnmoa 45 llrl 137 ulmne013 Kanra Ht 13 15 Ht 137 13 it it 13 3H il Adams Division inbanded Fimton 193 ttspendrrl rrr league nun0th ttl 35 307 86 Results Wedncada lryuttln tt 15 25$ 23 77gt Pitaunit New linglztnrt tattmnta 35 136 212 244 39 letcland incinnatt orrilt Division Wnntpe to Quebec Alontreal 30 10 288 llt Games Tonight is thzoles tl 19 120 126 It llmrmn at San 01621 1ittn 1m 13 ll 86 273 69 lotontn at Indianapom llottntt 20 39 263 49 Edmonton at Calgau agtlttntnn taï¬ 328 33 RCSIIHK Wednesday orlï¬zgngxismn VI Manta Altnttcmtd lontroal Chtcago nttttzilo Pittsburgh Rochester 18 236 171 02 37 2t 263 lel 82 ot Scot ta 1lct gtl lla ltllllct lighosas Ctr PlOV1d9nc 31 30 262 67 LOW Toronto Springfield 27 931 376 38 am Tonight Southern Division Rultaio at Philadelphia tram 23 353 Rangers at L05 Angelo BW Haw 35 33 302 Toronto at Boston Richmond 33 33 204 23 Baltimore 21 39 216 261 48 Warts Result Wednesday Humhan ivlsmn Hershey gfield Gamelsmgriday Winnipr 306 314 35 Honhwy at Baltimore Qucbcv 34 139 33 33 New ttaxcn at Nora Scum 3123 34 355 335 73 Rochester at Pravidence 24 4t 237 29 33 Richmond at Springfield Edmonton Gourmet Sub BAYFIELD MALL OPENING SPECIAL no it unrwue tmDmt min11 with each urge Sub Hussewno lcgllllCt2rlï¬ï¬‚pflttttl Hymn er lg tttutt purChased Thumday acllmlmjclljsgllng wheel bearlnfwgftl it me rtntlb cottnttsl vt plflhme Truss lrfzzrmdittornng Cll ll to Saturday Coke FREE GOURMET sua OPEN MONDAYSATURDAY 930 AAA930 EM BAYFIELD MALL nut 19 the that 7288774 USE OUR Fnrestone tHARGLX ntort PLAN 0HH