wvw NEWS BOUNDUP Ouellet wont ansWer influence questioning OTTAWA tCP Consumer Affairs Minister Andre Ouellet refused to answer Opposition questions Monday about whether he asked others to in fluence Quebec Superior Court judge prior to his unit victim for contempt of court in midJanuary Mr Ouellet in his first day back from Mexican holiday refused to say whether he asked Public Works Minister Drury or former finance mini ter John Tamer to talk to the judge He said he refused bev arse the matter is still before the courts lr Ouellet has contempt ccnnelicn Andrew Brewin ND Grcenwoodi lawyer called spurious and unjustifiable Ilc said Mr Ouellets eon viction for contempt of lr Jus tice Kenneth Mackay whom the minister criticized for his ac quittal of three sugar refiners ll priceinn trial was civil proceeding There is no plea of priiilege unless it were directed luencinu that decisienj IyIl Brewin But Sneaker James Jerome sell that under rules of the Home lr Ouellct could not be comtolled to answer any ques hens located his in said Manager fined WINDSOR 01 tfli la Brovn of Lamington On meme here has been fined $300 in pro yiaial court to homing he store open on Slllll1l lsl Feztcmber coiillali ll the lfllls Ila ll giltidgi guilty before Judge John Wheel ion Urges parity OTTAWA iCP provin cial factifinder has recom mended that 1100 Ottawa board of education elementary teach ers be given wage Writ with the boards high school teachers OBITU FRED PElBERTON Fred Pemberton of Barrie died Thursday at the Royal Vic toria Hospital He was 79 He is survived by his son Gor don and daughter Alice Crook both of Barrie his gandchil iren Denise Gary Deborah Kimberley and Robert Pcmber ton and Helen fltlrs Deck erti David and Jean Crook lo surviving are his ssers Maud Green Jessie Coates Margaret Coates and ivy Young Mi Pemberton was prede ceased by his wife the former Alice Jane Baxter Services were held Saturday in the chapel at Steckley Funer al Home Burial followed in Bar rie Union Cemetery NORMAN LUKE NEVILS Norman Luke Nevils life long Sunnidale Tiwnship resi dent and past president of the Dufferin Simone Progressive Conservative Association die suddenly at Collingwood General and Marine Hospital Feb 10 fol lowing coronary He was 55 Mr Nevils is survived by his wife the former Ruby Paddison three daughters Doris Audet of Chilliwaek BC Norma Hark ness of Barrie and Myrna Hope Angus son Elwood of Toronto brother Roy of Stay ner and six grandchildren Born June 26 1920 the son of the late Alia2 and Franklin evils Mr Nevils farmed in Sunnidale Townshin all his life At various times he served as trustee of Cain Public School member of the Collingwood District Colleifiate board and member of the Stayncr Com munity Fair Board An active Orangemon he was past master of OYB LOL 3055 and Simcoe lie was also was warden tlm nln Cfiurch of the Messiah Sunni dole He enjoyed sports anl was an active bowler Services were held Feb 12 at the Church of the Good Shep herd Sayner ltll Rev James we rum Mt mrmmmulimasnez mm LAST DAYS Shown at 715 and 900 No passes and no senior citizen prices ROXY IDUNLOP STW 12648 this month The report made public Monday also recom mended tlrat payment of single costofliving allowance iCOIi based on 20 per cent at the teachers salary be made in June The teachers are seeking immediate parity and COLA clans Their colsltact expired Dec 31 Nuclear issue OIIAllA 401l Prime lin ister Trudeau indicated Monday that his government would not debate in the Commons terms of any nuclear agreement wizh lnJla Mr Trudeau said it has not been parliamentary custom to follow that procedure since he became prime lll1ll€l There were rcpoï¬s uncon firmed by Mr lrudeau lon day that an agreement in prin ciple was reached for the re sumption of nuclear aid to lndia from Canada Canada out off aid abou two years ago after India exploded unclear device Despite the disagreement be tween the two counties 1100 tiations for an aid agreement rc Slnned last week 11 llndcau still in rent Flora MacDonald lCKiu $1011 and The Islanth Iha preset licgotiutiom are ll signed to get lnli to accept safeguards which Canada thinks lI nuclear deuce has lJLCll exploded Man sentenced BRAMPTON olr lCl James Roy Lowe 16 lornnln was sentenced in citll1y mint flondv to Cztt penitentiary for ating another Tomato man who was then reh licd Iirl lunw own belt Judge Patrick llcsagc gate Lowc eight years lttr an robbery and five years for as sault causing bodily harm Ear lier this year lauriee Kelly 3193 of Toronto was given seven years in prison for 1h same incident which occurred last September ARIES itoolley and Rev Franklln Edncy officiating Burial followed in Stayner Cemetery Pallbearers were Lloyd Doncr Harry Presser Allen Legate John Lamers Lloyd lridham and Eric Lawrence Flowers and donations to the heart funzl were given by wisle tariety of com munity groups and relative and friends attended flom Chilliwack BC Toronto Brampton Owen Sound Alliston Collingwood Bond jlead Barrie Ilnionvillc Montreal and surrounding com munities An Orange service was held Feb 11 ERNEST HENRY ROBERTS Ernest Henry Roberts died at his residence last Wednesday He is survived by his brother Herbert of Barrie his sisterin law Florence Roberts his niec es May Abbott of Pembroke and Shirley Torlincton of Barrie and his nephew Eric of BaiTic Private services were held JOHN DIEFENBAKER bout ol llu III at home TlAllA Cli Former plilnc minister lohn Dietenba lrer ls ill at home with the flu an aide said Monday night ls nothing that could be coni1lcrel serious the aide rilrl 1ll 800arolu member of lalllmn 1ll liitll was forced to cancel speech lUllllt in Regina the tlll£l than mens tlllllllQ champion ship and sclcral other engage ments in thecity lho aide said the femur prime minister had slight lc ter and doctors recommended thaz he stay home Is sentenced TilVlilCf PAY lCPI lilurlcc Richard of Thunder Flay was sentenced Monday to seven years in penitentiary for manslaughter jury found Richard 44 civilly on Feb an previous trial had ended in hung jury lichard is charged with killing his lam lord Armand lionggnc 51 Iot or 16 in Thunder Bay lr Junipre was shot twice with 3006 rifle once in the stomach and once in all arm Wins pageant IORONIO lCPi Shelley llomick 16 representing Wind sor Ont won the Miss Teen Canada peacert Monday After the announcement Grade 10 high school student sail he was lill in llUCll and disbelief about winning int cant wait to go llOlllL and see my friends she said in lill Dempsey of Sault Ste Marie Ont was named lllgtl runnerup Second runnertin Kelly Decooman in Toronto nlo received the friendship award Mary Lea ftchnally of Edmon ton was third runnerup Jme Steele Of Cape Breton was awarded q300 schol arship for achieving the highest scholastic mark on written lest involving Canadian topics Shelley who stands five feet inchcs tall and has brown hair said she will finish her your at lumptinn high school before starting tour of Canada Friday at the Jennett Funeral in the summm Home followed by cremation IMPERIAL because its true Alumnae um was 1nd of dreamhim up His incredible bank robbery is all the more bizarre The language in this film may be the line so on Shelley said the ohms cu Held Over 3rd Week 650 9zl5 pm offensive to some people THE MANAGER llcld Over 2nd Week 705 900 pm Jilltkl Chhilï¬lh tlli0ll KASTSH punt turns norms ll tlJSlAlll MAFIMNH BREAKllEART PASS also slum BEN JOHNSON RICHARD CRENXA JILL IRELAND CHARLES DURNING ED LAUTFR DAVID lllleLShlh hnttu tr Allbflll HAWAS hurled in NM lilhls lrodwd by JHtlii litltsllWlh Executive Prodxn LUJMT KNVR ylrodmm Fm 1m New ctrh PM budget for maintenance of the Gardiner Expressway Roads commissioner Sam Casts told the committee the ex pressway might have to be closed this year if repairs are not made to avoid deterioration 01 the sttmcture which miqu cause it to collapse Moisture has been seeping recr in fashion designing and modelling As the whim she receives 31000 education scholarship wardrobe fur coat and other gifts Costs shared TOKONm 1Ii with through the road surface and yhnhler Frank 31mm 5334 causing cables embedded inthe concrete beams to corrode 1r Monday that Ontario will share Cass said 0qu with municipalities fur mosquitolecmert program to ward off possible outbreaks of encephalitis thi year lhz ltlls lllllllittcl to hu mans through mosquito bites was responsible for four deaths in the Windsor area last year Th minister said in news reler the province has recom mended groundsprayinq pro grams in local health rnits in llllflllll Turnip gtllllll west to Lambton County lcalth ministry studies have identified that area the prime region for polential out breaks health official sllid Ctrtsharing would be l1tgttll on about 73 per cent from the prounze he added as Ratify contract lllIX SOUND Ulll Cl lImployecs of Goodyear lirt ulll llublcr Co ll tilictl thrccycar contract lim llunp plant manager said Monday PIERRE TRUDEAU wants it back He Fold the Mt Ollll members of Local hill nitetl Rubborwnrkcrs cl Hllli will ConStltUton receive llwlothCS of 33 cents an UrJMA 01 Prime mm ister Trudeau said Monday he 59 want to see the constitution ru Wm hm ma turned from Britain but he will not ask Parliament to act be lhv coalrnc must be ratified my he Mbuh the plttlllLl be federal antiinflation re He said in he Commons that new board ll lipy ml negotiations with the lflmim llllfll lltli ilil hymn alnending fflrmula rm he expired Jan 23 llltl lr ritil NW mcmï¬l ii OWN VCFUT near an end but without hoped hW tor unanimcus consent Mr Trudeau said on the weekend his government would Hearlng beglns lslr Parliament to art unilate ralli an bringinu he min woonslOtk mi Itl stitullon home if agreement PWHmmMV Chm mm could not be reached with the and conspiracy charges against prmmccs Spoke mm hun Ontario men bcuan Mun alloy to much agreemcirL with day PlOthlUl CW Quebec Premier Robert Bou Amhll him FOUUV rassi themaltcr 1ljll1 Guglielmo llOlll if The niiih Nnrlh Alncflca London Ont rZiic Alphonm or fl mm It liament and cannot be changed without British agreemcn Selimintuit 42 ul Toronto and William Van lloviy 41 of or wich Ont are rimmed lhcy Lite Mill of 28 coun of raud and coirlllITVV on restralnts idlym dinniontb cold lIlIlill rlzitc llTlllllClpll dtbcnuc Olefur Cp Loglluï¬w nd iel fighter plane The charges relate in chitills which llllll littll April 1071 and July 197 1o enable the government to cl lrct mending reaminzs lor the financial Il starlint April was tabled in the Commom on The men we llfl ll Wan August following an investzaa The Icmmj munde LN 11 lmll Wm UCLCIHlNI lllllll sclalmlnZ 5llk0 the Company 4l ounI Elna Th HumI lions and Information Canada 11 NWVM WWW and eliminatin planned 1976 in llllilllm erruses in lnlmly allowance payments The changes re llcttlttl to Metro runy not the corernmen ll to reduce by $13 billion TORONTO ICP Metropoli the amount of money that lan luronlos tnmsportnion would otherwise have been spcn during the 197577 llrllll car ccmmittc londny vuicl to re store $100000 to Metros 1076 EARTHQUAKE 915 Wll PEPPER 715 lHTlfl lZNTlZRTAINMENT PLUS The Second Greatest Flue in theMrld Bul Waldo was going to change all thateven if it killed him SHOW TIMES PM AMHANII in mum run They are Popeye and live Oyl locked in passtonate combat Vincent Cantu The New York Tme Swept Away it film by LinaWertmuller RELEASED IN CANADA IV urn ruuc um 72648th CllllEMI THERAka EXAMINER MERLWLMl Wa Owning land TORONTO CPi delega tion from the Labrador tnuit Association has been told by Shetland Island residents that the key to dealing with infer national oil companies is to own the land they want to use in dispatch from Lerwick Shetland Islands The llobc and Mail says the Canadian group was told by Shetlanders of bill they devised to give them pow ens of expronriaton over land where oil related developments might take lliltt The bill inns passed by the lillllsll Parlia ment in 1074 Court ruling OTTAWA fCll Ihreo pub lic interest grout asked the Sn preme Court on londziy to til uualily Marshall Crowe chair man 01 the National lines Board from taking pzrt in northern pintline llcarinu The groups lkrti the your overturn court rulne las ccmber that upheld lr Crowcs right to head panel hearing the pipeline case An issue is the board chair mans membership the board of direcler at Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline llltl tll of the Il1ll£llll prior to his un ltlllnltlll the energy regu latory agency federal Znurl Iulcl lz Crown was member of the tllt lair hoard representing Canada levelopmcnt Corp governmeritowned cimiany of which he was plcsitlcn llc stood lo gain 01 loc tiling personally the mall ruled Air fares ll lll DomeUr air fare incrcmcs illilltldlllll last week by All nnlda fl THE FlNlSHlNG TOUCH Air and llansair have iiccn sit pended until April 18 by the Ca nadian transport commission Melideth Gray student The llllnllllllll Li it lilllnglull Street School statement Monday that the pills finishing dubs of paint flea high Luv in llt li on her do Blouse luring act iect April are being tllluwd so the commission can decide ivity day at the school The dol huuc was mule to rzir stuffed dog at home filmm lner Photo whether the new llcktl pr comply with federal antini llati guides and trnnshori lo islation Air anadri and TI nounst Friday thll aint my economy r1 1le fares will be lltlgtttl an inmate oi eight pcl Uhl flth nit itli lolice ttilllltil zntl swornll into hc identified lill Couture other vehicle unr gm of llwi llle tlllvtl will fllllll which cuilltlcd ulh nll Solicitor iil lllm lrll ll or near hrre Satlnviny lr 11 will 11 rlct tliilll fln nufnre and six llur lldll lor an inunny min inc how town of lilnslm tllll mzlw were killed in the ocridrnl Dcpcndir lll tip lllllgt north of Welland $1001 tli lolhc mid toutlre um lhc lnvelr iuu he mil of pinkt lliLlllh the Math lllllitl lil1l recognition and my be well limp ii My lCDilllllltlll in lonnn has been v3 ilcmlud Mould by den tlrip lmlthv hizzhvrml slow lorwarllnu lilrrt fill lll ll1 whether 17 within in $200000 in uranu Len llllnt The cur hr was driving burs irohbzlel Mir tTiuu= lclhzlms Cltlklitlllltl rum into nllltx lllll ll tank 11 certain requisition 07071 Ullnhl Vllflfllfl the collision on thnol Singer 11 ll Tll1I to lclhnnl HS lull it Vllllil lllfllllliil near lllllt commu lr the Toronto ol Witint gran had been sigh by ill nily tlliu l0 lnllt llollhcnsl ll lleizhs il 1m prutin ml Jinlario officials Fill Guelph government slimlrl efblrlt the town is sill ynliitc lur tlic lhp litltltlil twatllrcd alél strict iulls ml in lflllt money second thtllilt ll llhhx rliollcd lolcn car and Dr ll 13 Column chief coro 5198000 put of marker 151w one tlll travelling at speeds her luv nl 3111 from the prmlllll nlwi mlr illl in all is in be hell but it the ins lii xlnlcn cu went out of liftll wt dnc WEDNESDAYwFAMILY When you buy Thrift Box tone whole chicken at the regular price you get FREE oz Salad French Fries for Cn In entucky Fried chicken brnncl Sari ion and his boys make It linger lickln good GROVE AND DUCKWORTH 7265710 315 BAYFlELD ST 7265220 45 ESSA ROAD 726250 mm