woe 519 inf7 ms lixisling Mormon IIIIII4II IUI 12 THE 371mm EXAMINER IF YOU NE I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ON IARIO 7260981 To consolidate dohts Lower monthly payments Construction toms Any worthwhiir cause We have ready cast to purchate MEMBER ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOC MORTGAGES lllO tgages MORTGAGE FUNDING CALL ANYTIME 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Immediate lst and 2nd Open Hodgeage Loans Anywhere on All homes cottages farms and commercial properties For Oil mortgages Home unprovenlent Monomes comino duo Free advicntry us 347 BAV STREET TORONTO ONTARIO 3633421 DO YOU NEED MONEY $2000 $50000 Isl 2nd or 3rd Moriqaqes Cut Your Payments in Half CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR LOANS PAY OFF EXISTING MORTGAGE COMBINE MORTGAGES INTO PURCHASE 0R IMPROVE FROPERIY ANY WORIHlII1LE PURPOSE FARMS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DUANE PATFIELD 7267131 GREAT NORTHERN CREDIT CORP SHIP DAY AIPROALS MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS DAY EVENING SERVIIEI in min oitilO tl jitll hume MAD FINANCIAL CORPORATION COMPLETE ORTG ii SERVICES Compare Our Rates FOR IMMEDIATE STIR TILT Call POMEROY 737l 4OI A1112 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Rexilictltial llmmorvtaL FittingOx Billlders loans SECONDS STJIIITI MONTHLY Iliil It 51201 MONTHLY PAYMENT 320000 MONTHLY I11li1l $221149 7265861 lltlyn 111llx 13 29 mum Il KINZIE LIMITED IgtI 3nd and 3rd lllJTlliiAillS PRIME RAII SECONDS 13 FITNIIS AIAILABIJC Iilll ISIFII TLTllilSIL junsulidate BIIIgt Additiuns ill IilllliLIlltftiI Loner Munith Illlllilllt Building Motlguuls llltelinl Illlonllll aah DISCUSS Yillill IlitlllilAiII NEEDS WITH KINZII IilIIICD LIl ADVILIJ IS Ililll all IAN KERR AllHilllL Business 72571881 IIoltle 7267226 Itltllel lllllaliu Hurling ll IltIIiIgtlgt INCOME nomad Al III diva MORTGAGES 01 llll nmtllilmllill 01111 iii amounts tinder 1111s Ilquuit Icilulllu ORilIltlll up in SISJMIO Iiil IF MORTGAGES SECOND SILIIINI Illilkiilzlzt Ill IIOISEIIOLI REALTY LiiTlIilIlli LIMITED IIRIIIIL llullllill SI IIiiilli TC 72156334 TlII till Pr 737 diiPi arrle 11 or IOWtlblitD No 9mm 7765665 altar 51llaII fax 160 without till7 ae PROPERTY WANTEDw ro TWO GOOD oilolno in vvuillrmt 11y LII DUIIUP Please 31 72oUi21 on 11179 1ll vllr Irlvrgnt zlemilrou Nrie PC 80 ddl or terms Irrlpnrl r35 qttfllzlfu 1114 PM 951 ri A2 FOR CASH ri 310001 Barr illllq radium harm19m 019 dlk ignta Mr it 001 01 MONDAY MARCH 1978 cozyill bIoadeomedUDlgIIgdm TEAM UNIFORMS kat Sod vlell we come iaValaOe mme ate men an in and references re mane V0ies d°wm°wn rea T19 iondWeï¬tsaggoGoorglan Sports 40 E33 ep one oa nillea tw Dlrectory Busmess erv1ces an Pro ucls it Leno G1II Real Estate C°L°R TV beds9 30 IFIREWOOD dried spllt hardwoods housekeebmg parkmg 525 weekly Imostly maple Delivered 12 Inch cord Lid 7263821 01 1261103 3113 also Single bedrocm s20 Weekly Apply $35 16 inch 45 mans M13 time TF mm Road or telephone 7288090 M9 glANoz SpecialJ deal $200 cash ra ate en you uy new oano rom iloï¬elï¬fZMYJe eternitfiagagél vAclucv ons residence common APPLIANCES FIREPLACES MUSIC INSTRUCTION 111 30 oueen Elm Fridays lounge kitchen and laundry taclllttes or Saturdays 3221948 M9 roadloom ï¬replace laundry iacll located week Phone lt ies retrloeralor stove heat hydro HM 9° TF ELECTRGLUK Canada Lid author PIANO LESSONS at my home studio Low BOY 5330 riionlhlv available April lili an 72 izod sales and service 18 AIIIOnCï¬ WI EITIQW yzda 17ng 9127 tloned magnitlcetTto MéthélrIrman ca FIZ E7wï¬wm M9 AVAILABLE Immediately 1tulirilrstrad 77313J binet only 5393 No Emerita ti BEDROOM apartment in duplexjr°° DrVeles taUIIAR LESSONS classical and popI February 76 Krazy him we Allanriaie area available April re ZEE°Z9£€MIf BOOKKEEPING pflzldlglfigf mal $099 otzrimMarcal POtvin Guitar Studio Plaza 7371182 TF EEPfégogaseerfEVfl giéndrinig FURNIRNED roornreta psiéléinqioggor MOBELF aooKKEEPING serviaeflyou 1g ORSV5RA1ngllsé one year 611 gt and ac 1168 cert rd DC it or mine compee no ing so mm compae IRPAAWIISLETSSII TIIIfwin23 EllyrtralncvpoflngtTelor1honevu7267LBGLI overload McKenZIe 72B9496M2576 Custom built and deslgned PAINTING Eggs gflglkg$1gggtdgf0feiee1gf2 712 this t1 32122232 2212 pm hip31 li5n5m32e£il $242 T7 workmanship guaranteed EELITIISL ztnï¬Â°ti12tt°l=aEELTTTTJ ipltvflt ooinq auminom mg EMILSQW IV IBICWWFS Tequres MneSmI aï¬ai EA Using only qualny material 72621 I756BB74 TF mm beams barn boards and square Two bedroom alparlmenl 527lgionihl IBILZIIIEF flfifuyf GENERAL CARpaurpy Roofing b0 SESLNG wonsslom mm mishggnglslséd Telephcne 705 WW9 llC Udedl 01 MODATION Paintinq and General Repairs All Maria Mia naming cu come no Pets on bus route in Al ACCOM work uaranteed Reasonable 43614789 Iandale Teltphone 7260362 lFl To SHARE ggasgéork Satisfaction ovaranloed l3ngï¬gowhsglrgeugalgurugooa13ml heETr ton WM 11 blue and rose 510 each combination tained anarlmnï¬IIIa Gangs Intludnd WANTED Two Deoble 10 Share 99 ï¬négï¬taï¬gapemén rï¬atToorrlosuiIEIn HILLSDALE IDECORATING InTOTIOF rockan chm and table 53 726551 ll rihl Close to downtown Suit bedroom apartment With younn nath interior wotpaper ng CUS om IIX Ut1 M3 clothes coselS tiLl reasonable 77 M31 ed wall and Mn Telephone 705 one lady Telephone 7288184 alter tIOf tablaflanIï¬ A1rTiaphltsrtle 83932 3853 83526°u TFREFRGERATOR Frigidaire pm iOCe OW Wit am TF Illn AND MASONRY apacializtng In Size freezer compartment white good SPACIOUS bedroom apartments TTTITMm ï¬feï¬ygnfs Xdoï¬ddlï¬ï¬ï¬ scpaelfsoelï¬ fireplaces Written warranty Also PAINTING decï¬rmlngr drywél 9° condition ASKIng $80 For further In close to downtown starting at $280 PERSON Milled 50559 male 10 7269479 M16 brick block and stone 7285673 Au24 fegsongm gf5s9iggll°¢n71gov tormahon telephone 7268727 monthly lease and references reOUIrnd torn furnished home mae or onto Vd wc12r2°lii2°52Jr illlilillk UNTNG 591 2Sfaalitckat 22 DOGS AND PETS Two BEDROOM upstairs uniuriiishrd fï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬tmgeï¬ 551315 Knicely New Lowell 4245156 A1118 YELENGmmWIMWV W233 MAWS Poodle Parlor Profession apartment Retriqeralor stove heal WANTED Velma busness W50 M2246 EsTrETTshm 33 722r2w9°u7269002 clipping and grooming reasonable rai nydro and water included loo lo inr to halve llque turnshed tour bedrovm COLONIAL Freplacas all put factory W3 TF res Teephom numm torles one chllrl welcome no pv nliilllIlya llunle lit Talli Trees Rent CARPENTER Wm do rec moms rem 11 302 Film 7254041 11 mime mmedaw HI956 TF II IIESITOTOWTTEUIEOH MATT °°5 emmmnu MEET STONEWORK anc tireplocea speciall PICTURE FRAMING GEM A°UARA Aq Guru ONE BEDROOM apartlimit tor mil lfjiLl27fl v1 Vyaisoli tor tre astlmates iaime 913er dggh ggesï¬m LowgsFt downtOWn area sdtSit TKWIIIV reldiig LARGE two lledmmn furnished aparl GENERAL BIpen renovations I13 My25761R mugs paint and Wallpaper iris ml ml at dcor llalklrlq 15 irealiin rcoma iraminq trim reason custom picture traming 82 Dunlop oil DOBERMAN PINSCHER show or TGIFWho 1873600 726190 IF Irit uoiIOWITdOle 1111113351122 Bags hula tree estimate 7267700 alter Ii 7283270 M29 obedience Sire CH Rico Hagen gt VA IzCfit IIEI 859 aPaIIN Ile ljxalllltior N110 FF ARTIFRAM Have your plcture 33 chuirrgcarnmflrrsgw 37323617R0Ar ton ln ltxodprn billldtnu S725 IlilI1thy LEE ramed by an ï¬st Wide selection 737109 M25 EIIIQPHIWIethgV 321393 NURSING HOMES lGaiages cleaned Trash hauled liasi service 7288633 Mir an par 119 cosom arcm Fan algal5 YOUR Rooms rgzeigggsmlsggglggrgn gm Phone tor es lma es ree lyery ONE AND MO ilr00 SUBFIUWISI Barrie Fence Co 7263068 Laml fl Speciallzma in breedinu of Doberman It downtown rier Availahlr illlmnll oat761 OAST jROOFlNG Carpentry alterations all Pinschers 7268617 or 7371091 tin pots or hiIIt2li 508 Dis wllrlt laundry TBTVIIIV and parkwwl Tim tlome servme Randy Forbes BBYWOO9 WW 55 mi Dranerv laiZootl LP BAY POINT ILRISIIILI BIO DRESSMAKING lt one bedronlll anarillwtll 31 and Itiltis llllll1lll allli 1lhiiliiv IE lDRESSES FIT IF made bY JS nfdvwfï¬jlï¬adfffflaï¬figMyI lI IIliI11li wltllttllllzle AQUINO Specializing in palm50 vi 11 aw nil nyerlnnnlllq ln 1111 Ilil UIIJIUrIi dilil lii lilt ltllllltlllltdjllill ll in6 anl aheanons 76 worsey adults Tolliplmtve 7260988 unitrfidiv HIT trlé 3952 DRIVING SCHOOL FURNISHED uoroom marttwin mlllral Iï¬iallffli 37m litllnllllr pu LEARN datensive driving trom quail YJm Avalahc Aw HI tor nt 05L qrad For We Fall 92 99 37 mm MemoBay drving school 716365 FURNISHED toe111mm RTJrIITIIIET lir Â¥lt Will stlilacln tor worklllcl villinir wormnq llrls Close to triciorle aliil artrnent available 3001115 M8 naraqe fiJBiétliiJi MOBILE HOMES RUSSELL CHURCH Jill reprfsnenltllq united Tiul UriWis or 7288800 M11 MObIIe Homes II IiIZ Ial llfll Slil II It llliICI irawlux iiiAll Ill IICIIOIII LlIi ii liTIIT II IIIII 11 liurixl llll It Jill1 31 Si lliti 74 FOOT rlu ltr PnlII iiIil iILlIi HITS lllIII NIT Tlltli tlI IIIi SIJIIIIIT 11 vi lUliDPtI IWL ll 17 ElI TIihi urln 17 lUIIl TF AND 1lT rizrur Boll1M itl rtl ll 111 II wt Plpilni itirillt l1t izlllllim 7lIIlitllli rddn Illl tilitd 976 717 56 FOOT nthalver llllltt Illille 1m lI til wli Il 811 r11 Tl lpilrv No iHII AIl ll lily Ill Illsr lli llril A8 LOTS FOR SALE BARRIE 714ii 41 171 gsltyl tlï¬ llltdllgt ill 411 11 it rIrrrtl nI tfl in 111 tilhi l7irlrl1ltI tiIllilr lit iot M20 Brokers Assumption KINZIII LIMITED 107 I1111Illp Si lidt BAllltllc lll First and Soc01111 MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable llath Existing Mort go go ILllchitatitl 101 Josh MOI1ng Lite illgtIllllllc Available FINANCIAL It IERPRISLS 111 BAYEIELD Sl 7267I 30 Ollicc Hours 11 um 17111 by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers ASNHTUIIOH Ill MORTGAGES isl 2nd ild month and sold immediate action nonliden tial appraisal service included Hamilton 7371000 Aulal MORTGAGES bought and sold lrnmel diatc action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 7284651 evenings TF RENTALS I1JIl IIIIITI i2 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT THE MAYFAIR 1IllllllJn ill1l BIIIJilNG IiliIIU 111111 Ili lilltili ltllti 1111111 ilIl IIIIIII Ill 1011 III illlilll liï¬IIj Il ltlli Ilil lIIlIIl 11111115 lI ldro UalKiifi ini Iljdrd Line toxicFri Offme Space iiivii UN oi casement 13 1m gmmmwwfl CIaIIv islrfl month XII LA EAVESTROUGHNG bath IlTIiIlIZ Tllriiilill I41 no allr snow removal train BEDROOM 3cltTtiCTlI IlldIdI TF itlcdldIQIy lllldypn Mirohr 13914111 roots only 4211966 New Lowell rMortrILr reuuucd Titiiuvlli nu We II II ELECTRCAL ill 2517 911a156$52foJ WHEELER scatTalc industrial GROUND 031Qn traction 90mm 757M Baum Herod msmema 350 dupllan milTr dijnrqlltt 13 lll 21 hour senIce 4210234 Angus Lug7 arr imtrroo vi Ava min JV mi 03 new OFF SPACL 11 on ilrId ll Ellin so ill aIY lm airices FLECTRICqUSYayJCHZUT ll J71 menial Resldcnllal Fla nlo TF ONE liriI 431 ctr119nm Ecrvuv US$134 1=ri IiI1I1II illiilI I1IIIOIIIII at wit 9le iunvelllcrlt enre Two tylIlIzl jiFttwlil Umwmn 81 lull that1 ll1ll 10 ulna 2Ili1 N5711 l1lt WWW Ilntllu LOVEIY ll aha rrrrr FM XIlltlllC Illilll 99 75 HilIL null ILHlti 7751 lt TITIIU lt111111l nrtrVnt 41m will gt in ii PRIME SIIlttI nanm mm 1711 my all gt TENN Pi FURNITURE an Ir 718486 pawI ti1 All 120 INC7 91 rct lush no aii twatnation ne rouner turnlsninos TWO tyvlrry AlylgtllVl tar PRME ll hamm 1mm r7001 4364837 Apr It tilll ï¬rm 1r am no Ila Db my lxlllrrtd trurk Nam IMO will ll 171klsa moyltlII two REUROOM in nil yESPRA VALLEY Healing um Oneal Viv lr +an lrrl lrt lIHIII renovations tullilldiiiers ljlli liI at mm Milt1 Im 7280733 7284186 M16 ill itt 71 ll ll TIVE IIl IIIIIII ADS AltnNnAl 4411111 71 HRS 845 lhllIb tli II ilIlJIII rv ll on 103th Ii HOUSES FOR RENT AUTOMoTlVE LOWER ilnw nl no1 lll CARS FOR SALE lririi tlrI ll irrlmv Ii it Ant ili11 iir 1930 MODEL FORD qood resin rn ttIJ lullllrl Onmrul Dpnf PI Tolepilmllz ltIlI Tillunion iii lgt 55 Jh IJII IF 871ch 513L171 to Iil 1m CAMARO tortillar11 LutidlilOII Irllw ii 111 17 Ill 17 tunnel Rtanuatd ltl HO DUI Ital IIIII ltlli lrml Iiri trtI anti lrltw litr Host rllirl irlv llllllr i1 17 11 II VIII mullu 7J8 BJ M9 5i II Ill $9127 BEDROOM 111117 ll DISTRESS SALE WM llev tdiloil mm IVrmw wallow Vii dutonxni puywr aiPOiillll drirrl til ll iIIiitf 11 ll III Ii Iijfrl nml hrnkl tXltIItliI luttdiiiuii ICI til llr Ilil tll Illlli in 1mm 7338906 Isl mi 7711 113 1967 PONTIAC illehlrd overhear can HEDPOOM lull liiI lt1 iiIlrtflil recently tcbwli 011W lilt dilil tl Ill illdlll who qu LUTldIItuli new wow it riiili Iiii lil iI Sliilfl dzllllil Will Teleptlonl 7262304 M9 ll iI Millillih BEDROOM ilrlllll lllzlli III gt1 CARS WANTED 111IIIili Utility fE Illll Ittmli liLV IlI lttIlI IIIilin mm YURK Iill IIIIIIH Villlvai Cur Dealtl VI ii lliilll litiyul trltllltl 1l IltJlHII Itl ll lllit lll Panitallrl 11 ll it ill 121 not WW2 wit AXIS lr IIUIJII IIC1 IIIC MODEL is SMALL 1m if if Hlwgihhilj 11 llllllllsll1s hugJ rlrlrrlul Illhi Tilt llllllrlrl llllll Ill rirlllil yylltl all DI IIIP lollv RUMrg HA Iwln IKHUES Hi litlnH IIII IIIIDIOIII OI till431 lzlil mpt in BEDROOM NITEHI HllrIliIlllimIITIIlEEE Im Jl ltltlllu llilIr IIIADIIOIIP YBbill TRWY WANTS Cats and trucks tor minimll inlagll lmllnlll Ill and Du mp pnc Dam rtrjtllt ilIy 07 will 11th IIIIII 171 Iiithin lelepflone 6846 IF lllnntlliy 177116116 COMEr Sm If ll lllllt lItll rflIlIIfI lrll COLE BROS hrs and IiUIl wanted yTlTiEloPlsl IM Hull IIIIIWIH Hillllwi Mention rit Ill walkml 515 and up Fasl llitkun mm Milli lti itl iii tictwill 711919 or 1356322 Fol 14 Mar 11 lUrflIIIiUlllcd luw lttrlllrlnltlt till mm AU zlrltqn North Itlllnrllnn arta vgt ml R175 lgt1lllly Avltrlll Mill Must 11 Ill UiItI Ill111111 fir IlI Lilli31111 ILA 111 Toronto 363 Illlii lli KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES IIltll Lintst IiWIIit IIIIIVOOI illl iIiiII LARGE ItdiIiIipl tnnrlllclli Ill lluiilrlr1 Rotrlrteralur mu cabin lllrl portlrltl atlti iOt tarpoiod ItIepllnle IOVrl Redtlotlnhle 726 31 TDD 530 hcai 7213499 liQW lF lly laundry lac IIrIVIEld lllrgr 71 Ml APARTMENTS TO RENT ALBERT TERRACE APARTMENTS TWO BEDROOM UAILIAIIJE Eli1 ADULT BUILDING Newly decal atoll liltIullc tt lln lllll dock Cali IlosiiienL Manager tbslrooltlo Ilt Lattilllli 1110111 iilill 11 Th Ivl llii ill Ililli UH nsll H000 rll1 mild lIVIII oilk Up 7289006 AUI 11 11 IIIVDIIiHlt 77659s LUXUROUS mmm Nw My lcP PRICE Ilr lop cats Toke Motors wit rnr rJIltll birth lll vi tilt 1W Brarltmd Barrie jml dmnlmwl III WIN If Iili vIIfltOR ItllIlllll lllll lwll lllllll till II WW LII Iliii illi ili ii illinrl lltrllIk 12 III wt willlint liliw mull n1 JUNK cARs WANTED mom51 prlc IIIltlllmit Nilbill rs mun some day pickup Hoil Ailo BEDROOM HOUSE ll Inn il Nreikcs 7268111 IF Jfé yall pullSunllhvï¬yzd Hf 770 ilvtEV lHl iIIIIl lll il illllll 11 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted lou pru 0iiiii Iti tIIii tir ill III 0W7 WWII DdlI lrrli illlllletiiale null1m lint 11111 tliirl lull 1011 ll Lilli 1m 62900 Sl 6290 PER MONTH Ilirif tillrn IIII wiilii Utl IllI lF rlltilll IIIlLI lump on IIIIII 1l Illtllladiaih iihï¬lhloi HIV Ilrtt BTW 12 LSIHKOMIHRLZV terred Call Ml ilii 771177 11 Ooedelnordl Real 112 IIIII Nil 11 1yj1ili afï¬gl 1972 WHITE Frclqlll 1ncr 13 sgefd llew tires dlt suspellmon icense or BARRIE Itrll lnll lI impllln NM Slates 9113 CIIIIIIIIIIIl qooci ronclitlon resccni stoo llIUllltlly ll INiIiOrllI lelcuhonr 15626 01 AlbOILIJIB Mil ilalcntlonri Toronlu Jln 511167 Ill Bli If III Id ILWWTHI no 7274913 ll W51 19114 SCHOOL BUS erlltled ideal tor IV V156 ittlttljer 62000 in qood condition tele BEAUTIFUL lIllfll Ilitllim 4114 111 In phone Fled Brown 7260082 alter Dilll rt tdiltenl dlldtIlilWI ttlr 0111 Di II 71 ra7lgTql AVdldm 1711 PLYMOUTH illty Milli mill Wm llIlIill titl tIll Vrllrlllltv IEIIIV drIVNV ililly llnllon IIiii host liltnr winnile 717 2316 MIT ROOMS FOR RENT 1974 ARCTIC CAT clleela eleclvllr 1970 noncr POLARA lvhrntnr ail Start owned IW woman excellent HOW IROOMS Ii 11 Ill IllllIlil lr1 illlTll ltllnl llrlwl Tlliltl gillw IIIIKHI IlliIllIl Lover Telephone 76l ll lllcllllltl OIII lIitIllf Llu Ilil nl tinkn lllll iliIUH lIlIIlIil HI HIGH lilei l3ill MW 111101 lilll ltllm ll ltil ltll lltl ï¬llIlI jll daklllt $751 TIIQIZIHIIIE IOICIMIOII nalulufl lit ltl 1974 ARCTIC CA1 til Puma good 501 RENTALS ROOMS FOR RENT APAR MENTS FOR RENT WELLINGTON PLACE One two and three bedroom apartments to rent LARGE staloly home has room to rent to ma1ure quiet pcopte doyntown area no pets 77 Mary St Barrie TF BRIGHT hert 7282670 lately Rent range 5100 to $155 month Telephone 72113757 11 IR BEDROOM apartment litIDI 71 DRXPERYW desigmr Custom made downtown Telephone 72116521 SPECIALIZING in toning and texture spraying Call Torw 7281102 A8 FOR LEASE Prestige Mil LARGE redecorated one bedroolll an lltlmectldtnl twat REFINISHING COMMERCIAL SPACE sineroaming nll Rlrl 441gt lip iv URGENTLY REQUIRED liliIlllI 141712111151 77halill Wow1 11 mm 4100 iiiiilo SCRAP CARS and lrllLls wanted TOT Mill II M8 1975 Fan 1111 inlll door sedan LOIIdIIlOlT Aoking 500 telephone 726 LOVELY tlorln homo lairIP llrltltli M10 3163 alter p111 iurnistlml t7orriooil1i0111n rlllCII rle rl iifin ning full gt romp rail In in 1973 SKIROULE RTJiO very good lr Ii ill111 Iilllt llIl iv Iraqtom bnll ltfaIIIOll 8650 all tied al 7266111 llllIl ltd05 II 171117 ul ill Mi ltOlll to 513111 NIIJ 1375525 7263441 Jeinccn 10 em and 530 pm lF HALF TON truck to move junk or Ianiior work parttime 7283776 M19 GENERAL REPAIRS carpentry re Inovations painting etc Reasonable Reliable No too too small 7260038 TF LeiA SPECIALIST Doll ork guaranteed and reasonable 46 SEWING MACHINES Industrial and do HOUSE REPIIRS painting outside or clean lotl odd labs etc etc ld3607 Jy27 CLEAN UP Basements garages etc tlieanet rubbish removed truck and ltralle tor movim Snow shovetlinq 1and blowing 4362387 HOME IMPROVEMENT BOB CUMBERLAND complete battl iroom kitchen renovations includino ceramlcs Mosaic tiling also rec rooms 4356170 1F NEED MORE ivinq space Rec room Iro licdrouni play room iaundry ot llcc storage space Also painilng oapering Murray Ball 7288906 HUMIDIFIERS ELECTRONIC Mid air cleaners reduce dust lelieve allergy symptoms Vesma Valley Heating INCOME TAX lNCOME TAX returns prepared tor mall business term and home cneiis Bookie39mg Service 7262973 A119 INCOME TAX and accounting services Busmess and personal Experlenced Owen St Barrie 7261216 M24 M7 wall 7280733 7284286 M26 lNCOME TAX returns prepared am to Kidd 715 Edqehlll Dr 7263407 M26 INSULATION SWICOE Economy insulation libre jla DIOIEIIIH and batting Free IlidCS Scol Muir 7281267 TF MECHANICAL SERVICES COMPLETE healno plumbino sprink ler Synicnis airconditionint sheet metal lahricailon Service and malt CrlOITl 31 hr servuce 7370909 SI MOVINGANDMCARTAGE gssAIiAgtoryelzs and 151 72033 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARRENTBROWN DJ Music tor 2000 wl me to dance Good rates 71v51 9ARTCIE$E9R$ALE ROOM 01in 1liit ll k1t iLll iliIC TH Illtitlilnl sliEIC lillls 1pc I11111 ulltll Nlllli thou IlIIIItII Itllt slflilI Nu 11111113 lillull 111 siiilr li11u1 1112 Prev lILIIil Unclaimed Freight 2112 IilllIi St luxl ItoI llI IIII 2211111 inzl 7362900 MIL Brand New Giant Inch I00 Solid State COIOI Television $499 wi $185 per week IllINl Ii IIWN 111 in Illutlu IiIlIIflIII living1 llillIgIll Unclaimed Freight 20 Dunlop St Illst Mist ul 10 Battle Arc1111 7262900 MI YOUTH bDiI 520 baby walker $8 kitchen ldhlll $10 childs raciqu car 53 set oi wedding rings we yellow and whlie gold 565 7265207 Ml LADIES PANT suits size In to 24 also girls clothing sizes to Very loaannable Telephone 7263163 latter 0111 M10 BOB GARNER Construction TRAVEL SERVICE FRUITS VEGETABLES Ml ARTICLES FOR SALE USED OIL FURNACES tor sale can he installed Telephone 7281311 TF TELEVISION color 15 inch portablosl is years old in good working ordor $175 on display main office Brookdala inn telephone 7281312 TF Ml BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoo ing allti clipping oi all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 TF I540 SEWING MACHINES LAB PUPS registered shots champ ion sired parents xrayed clear tele M26 phone 7054875083 M20 IPOODLE TRIMMING protesslonal grooming ai breeds pickUp and delivery 7268798 Pet Studio TF 21 hour service Front end loaders 7284832 orl DOBERMAN PINSCHER 7262241 M19 mestic sewincl machinery expertly re paired 7371621 7371185 SNOWPLOWING year old registered male black and tan cham I$ I00dIDOdI 1200 WRIHTS SNOWPLOWING small i°°eephfe 7203ifmme 5M8 commercial and residential reasonable Valet Phone 7267757 M15 GREAT DANE puppies for sale black one blue mer can and Canadian re STUCCO oistered 3100 Telephone 6873679 M12 RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY exierl TWO shaded silver persian kittens one or stucco interior textured walls and mae °° emae ready midApr ceilings Free estimates Date Russell sadeaï¬h 53°25 If male 313° Midhurst telephone 7234392 51 °m° We 373M16 TELEVISION LEASING loopy GRAND PIANO for sale Ger hard in good condition Includes BARRIES ONLY House of Leasing bench Telephone 7281525 Mp Lease your new color trom $12 month Berri TV 29 Collier street 7254297 BOATS AND MOTORS READY TO SAIL 18 ft Siren tully TRAVEL AGENCIES equipped with mainsail and turling iiib running lights marina battery 35 HAYS hp Eska Motor Beatiy trailer on chor excellent condlttion $3200 or best otter Phone 5493050 otter pm M8 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Orn 7261907 7288489 close Sundays your containers TF ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Standing timber suitable tor loos hard or soil wood also sell lnq cedar posts any siza and quantity telephone 4167292303 M9 7284700 Try our PERSONALIZED SERVICE MWF A2 TV AND RADIO HARRIE ELECTROVISION lNC Re nairs to al makes TVs and sound equipment 7282606 M2676 WATER HAULAGE WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier tag the Battle Examiner will buy aacl any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them tO the Circulation Department or phone 1266539 TF CASH FOE OID FURNITURE books distlzfl od oclures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 7288234 TF THE WATFRMAN Letroy 45639l8 wells cisterns swimming pools 61erF WITIBOW ELEANING ifAEMEBELMjSL marlinaerosolTot FARM MACHINERY peciaiisrs it houses apartments and stores Telephone 728911 Jv7 vTROGGTlTlRON SALSA SPRAYERS USED RAILINGS pales ilreplace Screens rortr divider tenrea pool tencinq Iillla LIICIIIICUIB DelYILe Jot Free estimates 7265939 Jy29 YRIL SPENCE Siloud 4361510 MI Juli ARTICLES FOR SALE RCA 26 COLOR pertect conditon 5150 TV lower 40 it with rotor and antenna $150 also 36 humidiï¬er 510 KW protile spotlight 5110 72s ILtlm Dally Equipment 1616 ME 01 display Come in today or call 726 DELAYAL SALES AND SERVICE INDOOR SHOWROOMiUllvsngnpools 606 ior tree 32 paqe booklet at in CUHIIIIDII of DUIIY around and above ground loots Pion Izllm th1ltlctli and Supplies eer Pools Baymari Plaza MWSTF $200 or best otter Telephone 4211774 ELIEONALS Bowie Holly Hwy 27 7280333 01 7286766 MWFTF CASE TRACTOR 830 and NewTioiland lllx mill 352 Both in very good con dition Telephone 7265037 Mil VESTINOETODSE COLOR Console years old in excellent con dilion Asking only $295 or best offer at 7265126 after pm M9 calla AND MATTRESS chrome lllol chair walker Thistle carriage and iiESIi ploy psn Like new condition Reasonable also slotted chrome 51223081 56014 tires Telephone 14 SOWS lit qilts due trom March 15 M11 Two York boars two tarrowinq crates sellnn because iarm lease has ex pired Contact Bill Sheardown 7266917 M9 SENSATIONAL 2251201 low boy orloinally $699 save 5300 now only $399 New TV warranty no money CL down no pavments till February 76 GOOD HOLSTEIN cows due in Phone tonight delivery tonight Kram July and one has calt at toot Tele Kellvs 7371182 Barrie Plaza TF phone 7289395 UTILITY TRAILER 711 tl nch wheels Iasking s75 oood condit AND ion Guitar ramus electric amp tier leather case 5175 Telephone 726 RE DV to 1d pullets Also form 3163 alter pm M10 95 195 rain Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 4361811 TF GAS tutnace for sale 90000 BTUs omplele with duct pipes and grates PERSONALS after 530 pm BE iT KNOWN from this date March M10 20 ZENITH color TV portable and 1976 Beatrice June Hewitt of stand three years oldf1n 1319I chnd Edgar CMariol win he mgalw known Ion5295 be 999885 by my maiden name Beatrice June 7733 37 gt 2111112 Sinner Beatrice Jungosmilt Orn ownship Box BARRIE TV New and used stereoo trolr $75 Visit the lower level at Bar 12000 Barre 9938 M9 ie TV 29 Collier 7284297 23 COLOR $499 Barrie TV ior best value on Canadian made color TVS year picture tube warranty year parts and labor We JULIES 33 Essa Roadfwe trade and sell used pocket novels Open am to til mm days week M89 GENTLEMAN seekino lady compan ion heIWeen 45 and 55 years must service what we sell Compare then be of pond character and sincere and zhop ai Barrie TV 29 Collier Street have own home Please write or telephone 7284297 M9 P25 Barrie Examiner M10 WORKING MOTHERS BABIES Reliable licenced insured day care centre Cousinill super 1isi10n and creative training for babies intunits alul toddlers Open 730 to Iluiiued stall includes 1103 Nurse KIDDISKOOL DAY CARE CENTRES 169 Baylield St 7287081 NILE119