TOM HUGHES SHOWS SCOTT WELLES GOLF GRIP EASTVIEW SCENE Some cultural notes and sport shorts By TERESA HAMILTON IIclic know your week at school was probably been pretty grim so will try and cheer you up Just think getting closer cf Chins lyour other Easniew re parlcri has dready mentioned last IInitsiays Talent Show but just have to add my praise to this production The artists we all excellent and the special performance of the Barrie City tollcrs got my long weekend oil to terrific start Those guys Llle can sing Thursday the 26th was also the day the newest issue of Red Blue and Bold arrived on the scene It was packed with con troer complaints and hum or from cover to cover quite change from the usual lunchtime pabluin Maybe this issue will evoke reaction out of the student body Well have to wait and see More cultural notes auditions for the Drama Clubs next pro duction began on March gt0 it youre interested youd better get motTng loiia is the date oi Variety Night to be held at it Dm in the caletorium lor the bargain prices of 73 cents lor students and $130 tor adults you can en joy an evening ol rare entertain that will include mu magician and our inlanmus inging math teacher 11 proceeds are for the Sring Orchestra why not go and enjoy yourself LOCAL IlltllliSHOPPERS In an ailemjit to revive the Iaiic lailicrsiioonci tree conceit cf liailicrlop music will he lied March 24 at 830 pm the March break is by the Minu in tlie iue Flame lloom at tlon stirnci him on Itcrris Lane Ferturiizl will be the Scarbor oiiIli linker 01 Harmony citr rcii 1iiLl1111lltllltl chorus repre sti iiiil pti lliiterio cha mpions Scarborough Fair cur ltll Ontario lisrict liainpion and the Iuorihill burbershopp er known as Sound ltccollec lion Altl IIhILAY Ininiiies by tirs year desiin art students treat Georgian Col lege are currentl on display at larric Public Library The ex hibit ends March 11 IAINIINGS AVAILABLE Paintings will be available for and rental by the Barrie Public Library in the basement this Saturday from 11 pm lhein are new woiks bv Agnes llniictcr Robert Paterson and Nornrn laylor available LJlC IIIIMMAGII SALE lhc lades auxiliary to the liiiiie Humane Society is asking residents to save and don cte good used clothing lno sho and other household goods ll iiimmage talc Irch 13 iiithi tt11l11 and March lit in or lllli at the Steelworkers Hall on lligi Street Proceeds mun the sale are used for the wlllx illtfllfl Iiill IUISH NIIIIEIS and lit lllaturli ol litz Can lian Itci Cross Society lll hold it annual meeting 0n Icb our clics team came second of ix tcam ii tournament at Mcalord Lea 2110 leading llcalord tinihcd first leaning Iflastview only four panes behind The tllt team is confident that theyll hi the victors next time though EXAM SUIICIHJHJ In case anyone is intereici the final exam schedule posted about the school It might be an idea to check it out some time before Irdaj the llth Also new school rials arc on display in the front loycr shout ccxe Take look and if youd like one place your order with the rim man on March it dut iie lunch period This past liicdi it cr lltllliiuililli dag ill noian wag lhe rotcn wcallicr would lime been welcomed vth open arms it it had made radical change in the school day but it turned out to be more oi an annoyance when it mcrely til layed the lllll of the day The late opening circics add ed to the nervoih leIiHs of tho sc writing the junior inth core test schedulml to stall at it ain The participants did their best and were rewarded with donuts and IMP kind of makr ll all worthwhile Going up to the INJUITJILJH lill Ili ti thz weekend Then do some Eastvicw students favor by supporting ti itnlc 11 French exchange trip lincc Lloyil ca villatois with number of pc cial leaures are being rattled off and tickets are only 12 ccr each live for $1 or 12 for $92 Students will be tilll ct in lh mall tjalclilaiii die1 Iililllll1l 01 Hi could lic ii li iilil ii Cull jiitir cuppa gttlj jliiiii ll camcit iizi ii 1i lf il li illyllll liii tli the ttllt i= liter lit Flllilllii llt iiitiio til In senior ill adiaizccd ot the 23th by dctcaiii Ll lfilll iiil lll liw toliiills hylz tier2H 11 fziliiu lili mi minim and iiliiiliili SSA liniils liie other it l11gt= tlt lllltllt mill iii patoli lo Hui1 llldll iii luill pint Wis iiL1ll lilill llll lort liiiillil them from further In both teams liticv jl llll Illl liliiit ltii ii tk lziiiit litli bit lictw li it thing will ltccp or lchY illtl to lit ix Kht lh lltl ltatii AND GENERAL March 17 at pit at St drew Presbyterian Church luct speaker the llilllltl meeting will be John llaml ton president ll the societys Ontario lllgtli1l SKI lll iniaiil mashers ball will be lititl liri Ieiliiiti Mountain Ski Ilub Tickets are is per couple ANNIVERSARY PARTY Barrie Optimist Club will hold its ltltli aniiiveiziziri par March 27 Tickets are $13 per couple INlllllt SWIMMING Registration lor Inler swimming ctasgtcs at the liar rie will take place on Iuiw day March Jilt at 913 21111 This registration is for classes run ning lrom March 13 to June 21 FAMILY IINIICRTAINMIINI variety night of family en lertainment is planned at l3ast view Secondary School Satin day at pm The program iti cludes magician lolksiugcrs dancers Ir Music Wendy llicks musical saw and the IIastvieiv orchestra The variety night Is ponored bv the Jr chestra Iarents Aï¬hltltlllllll and tickets cost $150 and 73 cents INSIRUCTORS TOUIISIC Ihc llzirric Y1WfA is running itltA Swinuning Instructors oiiisc Monday March 32 to Friday March 20 from Jill to llltill piii Ipiin tuitiolclion o1 1hr control the cziidiilite in iiiialdicd lo ll1ll and valuati the ilC Shir Swrmmmgl Program llu more iuloruiition all 731 ltll drop into lit if iroic Slrccl tcI IIIXIISI ll IIU ltmlicx oi YWC1 may ltil tir or continuity lltl1ll on or alter Motrin llll 1i Niiiiiiiciiiliet ot llll ms ilo rccistcr in availblw tiill il Iilt liiiic It ixrliofl vill not be laid Il owi li piiii but must be me in pllill IIIIIDIUINS ACTIVIIIIIS Zhililrcns ctiiitim 1i Childrens 5lnii of ill iiric llllllli lllil illii age it and up ii cli it nandicralt allottow ctin crochet macriimn rlr wit puppet ci Ii 2111 1i lcr attc iiil lll il ll batik iorkrliiip 111 Sharon lusome tatiy age from lioolr agc iipt and iil luasl er ICtg demonstration by Mr McMullen llor age it and opt IINII IIIUIII IIII WRONG Ihi Vespra 1iogrcsslyc Zon sertclivc ssocialion tlll1lltll Monday March at it pm at St lauls Anglican Hall Mid hiirsl It had been incorrectly Illlltillllttll that ill Elltllill would be held in hllillllllhl om munin duh 1l inicrcstcil permits are invich to lllt in ruai lTltl111 filiire ii1omition is available by phoning 73111511313 ll TZIrtillTll ORAIOIUITAI UNIIZSI lhc llplimid tlib tl lirii will ho llll 511 in lilcriin lional oratoriczil conic lor lll nine ol the tllxiilo l1Iiil April it at St Monicas Sihol on Steel tlrccl Item to pli Ill liziiim ll lly SHEle McGOVERN Examiner Staff Writer Skiing golf badminton and mactame are all part of spe cial program being conducted at Candle Ileights publzc school The school is running an elec tives program in biliCI tie stu denis eiect activiiy work at It for three consecutive Thursdays and then evaluate how well they have done Don Iutty vice principal said the program is designed to teach and reinforce social emotional and technical skills The students learn to res ponsible coopcrate share and work on tneir own he said and at the same time develop an increased awareness about their commundy The program ilt ot new intimation Mr lutty first came across it while teaching it lor onto in the 196115 and several other schools in the city are us ing The first task child must do is make decision and select an activity In some casEs stud ents had to make second best choice and the teacher point ed out this is situation which wil uontronl students through out lilc IIIIIIS STIIHIJS Ctiltillclinj challenge dur ing the elcclhcs has given some students tlLllC to find the same success in the academic program at school the teach er said At the same true the stud ents learn to strive for excel Iencc Mr lutty agreed all the act ivities are not 01 an academic naturc but added the children are acquiring life skills that will be useful in their leisure time We are not just training the children for jobs he said we are training them for life Through the variety of activi ties the students are introduced to activities they have never been involved in before They learn to seek help and guidance Mr lutty said and at the same time become involv ed in new experiences Many fa milies have joined in as well he added saying one family has now taken up elOSScountry skiing It gives them something to do instead of sitting in watching the one eyed monster One of the most important parts of the program comes at the end when students are ask ed to evaluate how well they did in the program They must decided if they we re prepared for the program us ed their time wisely applied new ideas helped other people helped in preparing and clean ing up sought guidance shar ed respected the property of others listened to the instruct or and tried their best LENTEN SPEAKER The program is also bringing people from the community in to the school to help with the program Activltls being offered include The Law and You which is led by Constable Gary Logan of Barrie City Police This activity includes discussions and tours of the police building fire depart ment ambulance service court and possibly the jail Joe Kenney the pro with the Barrie Country Club and Tom Hughes are teaching students the basics of golf while others are teaming badminton bowling and downhill skiing at Medonte Mountain There are arts and crafts activities including crocheting macrame and model buildino small group of senior stud ents are trying their hand at early childhood education plian nlng program for the young children whose mothers are help ing out in other programs The program is open to the schools just over 200 intermed iate students in Grades The teachers continue to teach the basics in the morning and classes normally scheduled for the afternoon are continued the following day This is the second threeweek program the school has run this year and teachers are planning third in May or June The suffering of Christ is the definitive model The Illltllii ol Christ is the dcltniiiie moch tor Clllhllalls faced with suffering in their own 1ivelt Itev John OBrien oi Maryh Catholic Church told Lenten gtLllt at Trinity 1l Llcan liurcli Ilzday Father lIlrien told lunch hour congregation Christians sh oulil not worry about why they suffer but intcad concentrate on citiulaiixg thrht Not even Christianity can an gttl the iucston it why peo pc tllltl he said lbe Christ ion iiiiwton abiut sulliring no vhy but how How should tile T1lil suilticd Iiu ciiice was the firt in iii1cs oi fl the church lzfitid huich and baptist min icr as well as tlrce ltl1Ctill clergxmen arc scheduled to iirccli commV weckh liicr llluien Rois suffering taken or cl ciucl the ii Extensible of human ex Illitlitl iid whirring oi the innocent ha become com moan ce that ccasCs to be in tei edit IIIHII IITIHIY Hi the Chrigtl ii adiitz llwl liniil victory llllL oolj out if dclcat that the picc of ultimate victory is pre aol cni sailliriiuj ii legitl1 pg lip npgrl Iiir ein ll utgioiiiilhz ixM9 IATIIIiIt OBRIEN Thai is why Christ had to preach it and to live it he sazd Yet nature Biblical teaching and Christs own life are full of XilllllllL of this truth be said llic limped teach clearly that he who would save his life will loc it huI he who luses his life for Christ will find it said and only those who treat their lives as worthless in this worldly sense can find the true meaning of life In nature the seed must fall to the ground and seem to die before it produces harvest in far greater abundance then it self he said And Christ Himself had to suf fer death on the cross before He could rise from the tomb There is no Easter Sunday without Goo1 Friday Father OBrien said He said there are two basic el ements in any attempt to ex plalnhuman suffering in Christ tlan terms For one thing he said the Gospel makes it clear that the servant is not greater than his master so the Christ ian cannot hope to escape what Christ experienced 13re important he said Christs example shows that suffering carries vith it pro misc of rlumph The radiance streaming from the risen Christ finally clarifies everything life suffering and death he said Next Fridays speaker will be Rt Rev Allan Read suffragan bishop of Toronto who was rec tor at Trinity Anglican for 17 years before becoming bishop in 1971 Humboldts Gift probes American dream gone awry Ily lIIIIIIt LICSNIAK lll hillLIl llob Dylans lj1 1hcic no lltILb like tail Ilic and imbue no success it all 11 one of his earlier song ims up ill nutshell Saul Ilcl most recent novel llum bmli ll lhc book lltllllivS niiih liiiipl to piilll ill that iicit and lailurc ate 1Ill1lllltil The relationship is reciprocal lih is dependent on the other with tlic cicalive artist writer iii ca llllllilfll in littween ncicr really knowing at any spe il hifo ii ciic llIlIIl in time where he riiiliil How many acclaimed writers have dricn themselves over the brink of sanity because they con tinued to doubt their talent des pile apparent success iiiziwiiig yelldoubt and inferiority complex haunt even the most outwardly vain and selfassured tlllirl and forever drives him to best liimscil Iicl loi ys ill this book llellow in his bcauttully spare and lraiglitlorxtaril le ciei ucccsw is lailure in sense For alter each artistic achieumcnl the writer is unzlcr morbid comiiiilsioii to begin the oticroih task again and lltllllll in futile but heroic ambition of cratiing the pcricct work of art lericctiou is unattainable but tlte artist is as trapped Sisy phe character in lreek my deep Purkview Centre The now exeiiitii of the Park New Centre or Stuior Citizens in llarrie will be elected iinlt til March 13 The mcmbi the ccntrc cl cctcil nci illtirv board but the board did not select its cxc ciitii because mem ber were absent The advisory board members are ira lllack Vern tury Verne llamilton Ross Kennedy lien Linton ln ltiiii ii lltlsstl lolni Ransom IId Scott John Smith and timer hcot Ir llury turned the polls with 31 wiles but loci uo mike him the chairman The board will hold ritl lll election among the members for chairman slight problem developed during the election which look thology condemned to push stone uphill and begin again when it rolls down in an ever lating and laborious ellart Writers Von llumbolt Fleisher and Charles filrine in the book were the bcgtt ol friend when llumbolt was literary notable and Zitrine green youthful admirer with artigttic aspirations ol hi own ltlllLti truth the American midwcs Cilrine escapes to New York where he immediately is taken under the protective wing of his idol in the 30s Iiimbolt is an avantgarde wri ter The first at new gener allot he was handsome fair large serious witty he was learned Bellow writes lhc guy had it all llis picture appeared in Time without inult and in Newsweek with probe Bellow tells us with doll umlerslatemenl But by the 111705 things have changed Ilumhiill has died failure in New York iim obese and ugly while Citrines career alter brief promising flourish has taken several turns tor the worse Middleage and arlitic inse cnrily are taking their toll and Citrinc new seriously doubts he will ever leave behind work oi merit although he has the tal cut Ills days are cluttered with comic alrurdlties and his des executive place bctwecn 11 am and 130 pm Wednesday at the centre on Blake Street lwo people tied on vote and the centre members attending the election decided to put both members on to board ï¬nally he heard las 10 members but because of the tie this year 11 members were appointed his year membership in crr Ltl tc oi tr tilPI 1721 year said Peggy llail coordinator of the centre for the city adding the membership is achieving closer balance at male and fe male members 1at year she ultl only about onethird of 111 memebrs were males tiny seems obscured the books flyleaf notes CLAMORS FOR VESTIGES llis beautiful rapacious ex wife is raking him over the coals for more alimony while his young sexually demand ing playmate clamors for his last vestiges of energy further complication is ra ther comic entanglement with neurotic minor Mafia member who pursues Citrine relentlessly because of an unpaid gambling debt At one point the Sicilian takes baseball bat to Citrines $18 000 silvergrey Mercedes Benz 28051 My elegant car my shimmer ing silver motor tureen which had had no busness to buy person like me hardly sta ble enough to drive this treasure was mutilated The delicate roof with its sliding panel the lenders hood trunk doors locks lights and smart radiator emblem had been beaten and clubbed The shatterproof win dows had held up but they looked spat on all over The windshield was covered with white fractureblooms It had suffered kind of crystalline in ternal hemorrhage Appailed nearly broke down felt like swoonmg But Humboldt though dead leaves his old friend fitting legacy with rescues him from the banality and ridiculous trib ulations of the life that is slip ping through his fumbling fin gers The book is also comment on the theme of the American dream gone awry Humbolt rep rercnts the vital energy that coursed through the country up to the late 505 He embodies the failure of that dream Citrlne gentle and resilient represents the country today floundering no longer self39 sured wracked by economic and social woes but seeking new dir actions Bellow was born in Lacblue Que in 1915 and was raised in Chicago where the book is set llumboldts Gilt published in 1975 by Viking Press is cur rently No on Time maga zinets best seller list KEVIN COLCY WORKS ON MODEL CAR CITY NEWS HIE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH ti 1976 Spring Assizes The Spring A7es of the Su preme Court of Ontario opens Monday in Barrie with jury tr ials scheduled for four tncrder cases one manslaughter two attempted murders and one rape and kidnapping case Mr Justice ieatherston will open the assizes at 11 am with instructions to the grand jury The seven mm grand jury will review the evidence in the crim inal cases and return to court Tuesday with either true bill or no bill the former mean ing there is enough evidence to proceed and the latter mea ing there isnt The murder charges are ag ainst Leslie losgoh Sinobert Har ris Christopher George Whytc Garnet Mixemonz and Eugene Raymond Robinson Mary Lucia Hunt is charged with manslaugh ter and Orville Gordon Borland and Martin Charles llissa face Ted Moses Jazz start Monday aztempterl murder charges Ken neth Leslie Smith 14 charged with rape and kidrapping Jcs do the 11 crnninal cas es there will be nine civil ac tions requiring juries Seven of these are damage suits result ing from motor vehicle accid ents one is suit by bank for money owing to it and the other is for special damages The bulk of the cases to be heard by the court consists of 100 non jury cir actions in cluding till diiorcea and one child custody case In this section the re are also 13 damage suits ar risin from accidents and other assorted actions including breach of contract While the grard jury is pon deï¬ne the evidence in the crim inal casea llilllfliilf the court viii hear seven unsdelended div orces Quintet at college theatre Wednesday The Ted Moses Jazz Quintet Toronto based mainstream jazz ensemble will perform Maren 10 at 8210 pm tear glan College Theatre in Barrie The show to be followed by reception for the audience and musicians is sionore1 by the Georgian College Faculty Asso ciation with assistance from the Ontario Arts Council Tickete cod St and $2 and are available from Georgian Col lege Sam The Record li iiil the Muntz Centre or at 7281931 ext 1181 Leader Ied filoses says the performance Xlll be devoted sole ly to original material with im provisation and adaptation to the mood of the audience Mr Muses music graduate of Central State University Ok lahcma who came to anada in 1957 is the founder and pres ident of the Cancdian Founda Presentution on ion for llllltlttltlltllltjl AIIS which opened iirnntos newest jazz club Mother Necessity Jazz lorkhop in January He leads the luther Necessity Biz Band an 18 piece combo which play the club and has written for both groups plus irï¬ striimcnizil and meal soloists chamber tilotlp tillpiece 01 chestra films dance theatres and radio trairit Ile plays acoustic piano elec tric piano svutncizetz saxo phone string bass electric bass bass and contraImss clarinets drums and trumpet Other Illllll1s of the quintet are Mews rife Kathryn on flute alto flute bass flute and tenor saxophone Richard Ilomme electric and string bass drummer and ierciiSsionist Ter ry Clarke and Mike Malone who plays trumpet tlugelhorn and piano hybridization horticultural meet highlight Knox llenry icc president of MeConnells Nursery in Port Burwell gave the Barrie Il1 ticultural Societv its most tac inating talk ever lhursday ac cording to Jean table Mrs Gable wh writes gain dening column for The Examin er said Mr lleurv delighted me mbers with his slide collection on the process of iybridizalion He said the hybridization pro cess can take ytars 01 tedious planting and INSH leriilcition before one comes up with plant that can be put to the market It took from ISSS to 1974 to produce the pyramid form of the ginkgo tree tmaidenhair treet he said and 70 years to pro duce new hawthorn tree call ed the crimson cloud He took us by camera to all the lllltli1llillii places nd showed us the acres and acres of cultivation said Ile showed as how they picked out the best of each group and ex plained the letluletcs of graft ing and lip taking He also answered niembers questions on vde range of topics Mi ti ibic said To wind up showed the group colored slides of the Chel lltldcr table SNdllllgu hlls his sea Flower Show in England the lltgtl sic1 event in the world Ile said the second best flow er show is th1 put on by the Toronto Garden Club That show runs March 10 to 14 Mr Henry is ili president of the horticultural department of the Canadian National Exhibi tion complete ltllV of Ir Ilen rys address wll he published in Mrs tables iohimn next week Orilliubused marine channels closed by transport ministry Two Orilliabased AM mar ine radio channels have been closed by the federal transport ministry as part of an etteiency drive ministry officials have announced Closing of the channels 51 and 59 is also part of policy of phasing out the AM portion of marine radiotelepihone service on the Great Lakes officials say Otficiale say the closing will not endanger marine safety on Lake Simcoe or Georgian Bay All functions of the closed chutn uels will be performed by VHF FM channels 16 21 and 26 The closed channels have car ried no radio irallic except rou tine checks because users pre fer the superior reception qual ity available on the FM band officials say