Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1976, p. 14

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In The Want Ad Generation 7282414 THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Come Alive Youre RT FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES lN 14 THE mama EWUNEE sump MARCH 1976 REAL ESTATE PROPERTYSALE FOR SALE REAL ESTATEWM PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE YoungaBiggin LIMITED REALTOF Boaters Cruise Lake Simcoe from your own back garden No more marinaetiarges with your own back garden moorings Pity of Oritlna seiVtces minutes from downtown eating to mow 89 Collier Street 72044111 loronto 1111c 8630398 t1f cur Sign is on your lawn Huiry home youre moving OPEN HOUSES THIS SUNDAY LAKESIDE GARDEN ESTATES DETACHED HOMES lrom $58900 WOODED LOTS SIDIsz gupp REAL ESTATE BROKER 39 COLLIER sax BARBIE x705 7288675 pm pm DIXON ROAD CONCESSION l3 lNNlSFlL CAN YOU QLALLFY To assume the 344000 first mortgage at 1012 on this brand new home in Barrie it bedrooms family room with fireplace optional broadloom are features in this mmeoience plus location all now Robin luop 7371362 or 728 8675 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE 1400 sq ft of ltIing space at 360 Blake Street This is beautiful decorated end unit wall to wall drap es finished family room and much more Asking 8089110 For more information kindly call Bozo Dantord 7263740 or 7288675 $0900 SEMIDETACHED lhis bedroom bungalow has family room billiand room and oioadloom throughout rood lin ancing Located on nice crescent in the north end To View call Doug Siewert 7280475 or 7288675 MAKE MONEY The day sou more in simply because land costs around have increased but the builder hasnt increased the price of this new side split near Alidhurs Pines Find out more Call Patton 7262444 01 7288675 YOU WANT YOITR OWN HOWE but can aflord large mortgage payment try this Immaculate bedroom mobile home Asking prices range tmm to 317000 For more particulats please call 309 McCulligh 7262494 or 7288675 MI Fhiiip Jun 72815 non onion HM 1400 sq it brick bungalow lullbaths solid pine kitch DSLMgeafirtr Roggkgyp Ma an fireplace in livmg mom 13 13 11111112 room $11000 down Al Ir Trevor onionI 72m Iddv Flingn 72am I0 monthly 16 a2 Litground heated pool Nilyf ll3llltlti ARM FRONT LOTS ntuulr to 110050 from With vanms olcratIons and VII Ilw twhmg at your Wnsttflt lullt Smuimomog 3km SonstrIRiwi Io i0lI Meddlum ceramics aided 10M th pnle IIIIus DROP IN AND SEE US ANYTIME Just 20 MInuleS North Of Barrie PLttNlSllEU mourns onus DAILY II DLSK and MK St MLS REALLOP APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFTELD Sl BARBIE 7284067 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAS UNTIL TORONTO LINE 8899487 25 FRONT ST ORHJJA NO TOLL 8353038 TORONTO LINE 8898605 ENJOY WORKhVG 0N XOUR CAR OR NEED ROOM FOR Ol HOBBY We have bedroom home with heated Wired tor 220 amp detached garage The home is broadloomed with tull base meat and very clean asking 535000 Central location NEED LARGE REASOXABW PRICED HOME AOPLTH 0F BAP HIE bedrooms large dining room large kitchen loads of clns us 56 30 lot interior reiterated and clean asking 333900 Lon down payment 10 mortgage lRilll IEr98il lIIIN rim truni HM Tommi 130111 H400 sq 1t bllLlx and BC LLdar bungalow large fireplace iull baths full basement araac 5our hon It paint and broad loom 313000 320000 down Asking $31900 IAOV Agents on duty BETH STEWARDSON MAMON IlNGLEY OVERSIZHD 80 800 High and claw building lot with new reduced to $19900 Builders terms atailahle 11gt SLNDAX MARLH VIII pm pm 90 BAilIEW AVE Family room Itll oalkout and floor to vet DlRECTlUXS lll DlXON ROAD REAL ESTATE Well worth seeing FREAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE BEDROOM BLRGALUW south of Bartie on 132 acre lot ltlllly REAL room off kitchen tety spacmus asking 841500 PROPERTY FOR SALE mg fireplace ll baths Innished rec ioom professionally decorated ll LST BE SOLD year old 5911 entry bungalow moadloom throughout ea in kitchen pee and pce baths Full basement on Rea tsate Ottieo 71 with 4th bedrocm family room latmdry room garage Lnobstiuci ed view of the bay Asking $68300 MSeiinoliiiI conmm Sf BEDROOMS In ms nearly new condominium End Luul tor extra privacy appliances broadloom throughout garage Asking filo ooo REALTOR BEDROOM HOME $4510 stone fireplace laundry room treed Jn PRULPT ATTENTION lot aluminum siding situated south of Barrte FALL 7281071 iaaoz BACK SPLIT FWINIHOME On Ruse st excellent lecm 15 Includinghroadloom and finished rec room tenced lot patio and 110 6TH COACESSION pated dme $41300 to acres lented brick olden built 56 96 water 003me SCHOOL HOUSE 3091 0111 fa 2d hactumo llltlIl IoII no iww ll mom mimicm moo low It liliillllf 35323 filorfilhis is an eXcel WW Idlf heated barn and extra shed $63 30 LOW DOWN PAXMENJ Buys this home in LeltO 10 fr lilloll lug 100 150 it lol excellent condition throughout moon ACRE OF SEOLLSTON nitn this bedroom bungalow toll hmw attached garage beautifulltJ landscaped price has been reduced and vendor Will hold mettgage $36900 ILST REDUCED TO 345900 and Vendor Will carry 25nd mortgage This spotless home features central air conditioning pool Sizeu lot and large 932 first mortgage thaI carries for $168 monthly See his one today and make an otter NEWEST AND MOST INTERESTING LLSIllAG 4o BrIaI Poi features fully fenced pool size lot tinished family room with tire place pce bath tensuite as well as pce main bath and pce downstairs Priced to sell quickly at 162900 uith large mortgage loll96 GET READY FOR SLMAIER Vth Inn 31 tnground pool Included with bedroom back split lots oI room left in bat1 f81tl Ben 1liLl lllllIIo cIIIIIII 1Il loot larm $1000 per acre llSl11 llltl CONCESSHHI too acres good house bankI IIII it 60 20 40 Iazeil II miles trom Barrie Asking ltIII1II pm acre Financing at Iilablc BUILDING LOT ot Bairie 60 117 read l1 DALE OF PROPER lZl14l l111 Lqul IIIlLcIl to tIulIltIll will be Iecciied by 5110 III unilrrstgncn no larr than 100 oIloIn IIIxIII lI1aloI 1723 sq ll lot 1w wall to nail fireplace III li WEDNESDAY MAILLH 21 1176 no room family room 13 20 ItIJLt011IS lull basement taxes ICNIIINII H23 Call today no iionocfosunn SALE MAKE YOUR OFFER IoI IllC Salt II Tim 11in propcIt BLOCK lL 1374 CUNLESSION ll lltIS propcll to ho sold as tun LlellllC ItllIllllg lots UlltlifllIUNS IIIIlI oII llu 11m lo Im WnIllI IIIIIIIIIglou St liar to Blake ml garden and pLaDgIOUML 55ng $3790 and up an mam9 ll lw 318 $23323 fifraalkmgggéila 1v IIItlIcI IIIlIIIlli ll lll III iliIIIlI IOlllLILlIlln lIlC tlllLlLlgll you Jhm MW out Great family home must no €tl llll1egtl III it Illtl FCCIlllll 4lllll Jd very low down payment Boo IIIIILtronq 7055317535 Res or 7055Za ll Illll 80 Fitzoerald Ltd ME vrrmmwm new PM College Iedroom lllgtllll til INNlSlSlL llltllll lNlAltll stone fireplace in family room large lot with many many tieek ind bungalow IuII basement ai Askmg $79000 and we can ptowde the mortgage acncd garage newly decorated An qr 2Ii2II Saunders Real Estate 3221110 orI no 549500 Call Marv Foster Rep FOUR LEVEL BACK SPLIT bottom family room with nan mum Me length fireplace and Ialkout to oatI TV room bIoadmm urge wflm 75 244 It lot Asking $55000 REAL 55151 PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE re JUST REDUCED FOLLI level 8108 splIt lamlly room large Kll REAL ESTATEBROKER Chen Wth extra cupboards cedar tenced yard lry $49500 ROOM COTTAGE Just noth of Barrie with beach aiibcualllill 89 bAYFlELD ST BARRIE 726311 ltll£ttj ls lIIClILJVING lct us llUl ull through tins older brick IifiliS Vendor has purchased another property and anxtous PIIc ed to sell at $21500 Good terms home on lot 135 163 lomlor lining cult IltIS born spent on emit WASAGA BEAGH Watettront cottage met at back uItn aock mg faculties and paved road in Brown for year rotuitt enjoyment ItlI LHl IUtlll largo IttlIIulll tltl srpute dining room large loier LllthllS ltuvo purchusctl uiu IIIc anxious must to see HORNE IALLE Chalet style custom IBSIgned and built home featuring extra large rooms three sliding door vall0ul 3116131730 lIA lONAl lRUSl lllllltll llllllli llll BARRIE OFFICE 109 Bayfield Street Asking $41000 with terms DUELOP at Anne bedroom storey one lot close lol Itchy com Medical Arts and plaza asking $43000 Why an Ollell All lilltk IILIIIIIIIIII flttlll llllLf4ilIiI ll1 IIIIIrI III 49 line EW LISTING year aid Mae 5pm extra me ham minim tastefully Llecoialctl lullx lIIIIiIIllIIIIIcl llIIil lllllll llllLlllII main lav family room with fireplace broadloom double garage atmfd 3m If mm Um Ill IQ paved drive Anandale Heights area for ony $59300 Mmtue and tlllllll 311 ltltIIIIIIIIIIIIL1IIIlIIILI lo lIqu oII ll 50111 BRICK tiII lIoIIIc closc Io IlouIItouII largo ltllClICJt dining three bedroom bungu wont uith corner lircplucc it lIIrgII lIchooIIIs liousc needs work IllIIcs lorccs szIZc Asking $231100 lll III111II LUI SIIIIIIIulc arm illllllllt li11lll room pulio hurry It 011 llI€ this area Ask lllf tIIIIIo laxcs only 3110 LIlllill will lukt hurl it lI IIIo langu IulI 1m tll litl liroen 1920 COUNTRY l1lti 10 Holes lIoIII llLIIrIc In Uro louuslup brick OFFICES T0 LEASE 1n Minion St Keyring lllablP ltlllth IIIIl gtIIIIIll loIII IiHllltlIl llltI dlllIIIflIHl decorated three bedroom bungalow quiet bedroom bungalow lIIll buScIIIcIII largo cordon Iroa walking for $105 and $150 per month one ollice is ideal for dentist the VFW ultulud LIIAIgv mortgage Salliitll Cull DOIUUT lisLunLc to Lake SImIoo VLlltlUl anxious mono $46000 316 other office overlooks the ISAC Lilli ill tWUEHHHIHh Hl lljusmlll IHHIL Icm old LlIIcc IIctlrooIII sulc gtlll Ill l£tlllllllll lltlbtall ll 51211 lucII lim IIIil IIIIr has been lavished on RITVERWOOD FARMS Split enbiy bungalow lully broamoomed landscaped 11 Iro lot with IIIzIItIrc IIliItc lllll tIccs wanting to llAMIll llliiltillls ouncr IILCUIIIQII three bedroom home iIltis spacious LXLllMllll lilltklllltl aluminum bink split located good size bedrooms attached garage and attractive landscaping ance to public bc1I on Lulic lllltillt IIIItnldJItling lcuturc oI tlIIS Illli kitchen with litvlltilSlZCd ezitmg area Double puwd on quiet street In AlllllltltllC llciclits Worm separate dining mom reasonably Imced at $43 well decorated lltllllt ore lIll1lll rear Itllll IIUJII toruc illIltll tlIIvc to into cur curiugc 212 plank sler lined ooc room IItli Ilienutilul briultl lutIhcn Illulll brontllomin lhmughouL Double familv Him with IIICpltIil otoIIcu lttLlltJlllll lllllltlt mo 4o llll11lL licIIllutcr lfinuippetl fireplace linislicd to ceiling wuvravvc LJH 01th Icw ol the lcaturos Aslunig only MI TOWN BRICK REFLEX Illan amt 941 age $3600 IIIIIIIcugc It lUllr llIoIIII IIIIce ltIIIIIII llIl III Hour sI1I Ill SOC IliIs weekend IIIlh Les tamwrighl bus routes realistically priced at $71800 lliolo Multiple Listing Scrvue ltlbllfill Ulltllllll UM tilulm 111111 REDLCEI 10133941 thistlargle bedioom home with bath Modem all lIIIik CIIIHletarlIcrl bungalow IIIsilt IoIIwIlI Il IIIlo fizflgrnfifiglll jig1 $372Iffilirlm LI 106111133 Zhlsep 3085 lt1 141 gauge ll 90 140 Allan itwo apartIIIcutr opprulc cIIIIIIIIIos IIIl IlturlItIl carom III IIII Esther Kennedy 42454 Marion Bryk 7235405 dle Hem 15 maimeuuuro Zillll lIIuII lllllllll lIIIIcIIIIIIl 10 II llltllIH III DA RL II WWWHTMWm BARRIE EAST ED Bungalow on fenced corner lot Itli WW If INN JIHIIIII ID Pm car garage bedrooms den and rec room and $6000 cash 10 lkiill vrunulrh rm GLORIA STREET morteale buds this homer 35km 332900 CharIIIIIIc splIl Hit lIcIlIoIIII elmutctl bungalow IIIIII lll won CARRIE an oml 7245 on Am 353391 enceptttitulls IIQII ltIIIIulCIl IIIIILS II IIrIIcl llil1lI our Ill RIVEIWOOd Farms at Baaoils OImilILliftefillllarl gag335 ilookmg trcctl illtl lIIILII Lulu rmoi lIIII IIIl lIlfu llll Mb ruce alt 2711 chuck umber fluent sill Emu no toII 3221575 garage Ilth IoIklILIILII UIIlEtaIulIIIg loau1c In its IIIIIIlI IIIII Im rotI Fun not mom SIrMn Mokhmun 7231822 clif Tram tortilla wIth brick l11Cl1IdLL Ilcring IIIIve mil V311 zuu llh good lllllll I13 UriLo viii1123 Eer lulu Ll 1233749 PHOTO MULTIPLE USTIM bElllCVI Lem Brewer 723974 No Tol ausaoua to wow 7761115 Murra smerI 62300 PPRAlSAlS MORIILullZS um Mlgtl i215 saw em or rigmm Io on rumour Hm Harold mm 721754 Jonn zomn 72mm till l1ll II III Illusvlll 1m to wow HM IF

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