0hr metric Examiner Walla Publiahod by Canadian thump ta Iaytloid Street to Company Limited rrio Ontario Robb Pubilahomonoral Manager HonahawManagin Idltor Editor lmoritua MAY 107 PM The nude body rub parlor after all is not illegal The Great Nude Body Rub Parlor fight continues unabated in our lair city Municipal politicians are falling all ov er themselves to Show that they can be more moral than their neighbor The actively moral our city worry loudly about the effect of the parlor on the youth of Barrie Council facing squarely up to its re sponsibilities as guardians not only or civ lc monies but civic morality has found itself unequal to the task at ridding Bar ne of the blight So in the great tradition or witchhunt ers some municipal politicians propose ext legal methods of getting rid of the unclad dtarrnsels Aid Jim Perri who it is rumored would like to slim the mayors chain of office around uary came up his neck come next Jam with solution The solution will doubtless gladden the hearts of those who worry about the mor als of our youth with is contravention of the zoning by low Until the owner or the body rub par lor is changed with an illegal act and un til he amp body rub peers in court to face the charge and TF he is found guilty then the nude parlor is legal Maybe not moral but legal What some think is immoral is not al ways illegal Greg Marshall the owner of the body rub parlor has apparently opened legal business like it or not He has not been charged with anyan illegal he has not had count appe mum on any charge connected with the body rub parlor He has the same rights as any other citizen in this community as any other resident in the community And until he is convicted in count of law he keeps those rights despite the fact some in the community think what he is doing is immoral Indeed coming from school teacher which Mr Perri is the idea shows the emergence of new principal of law for our youth to study That principal being float if enough people are agin it then it must be got ten rid of no matter what laws or rights are trampled in the process Our American cousins with their pas sum for neat labels call it Vigilante Ac tion Mr Perri suggests that the people of barrio picket the nude body rub parlor and take pictures od those using it how it is becoming apparent that the nude body rub parlor is not illegal as the one alderman dealing municipa What is immoral is performances such given by Mr Perri Mr Perri is school teacher He is an Yet be quite clearly suggests that peo ple in this city who are opposed to the body rub parlor harass those who use it That may well be illegal There is section or the Criminal Code with watching and besotting Mr Pearls statement was irresponso ible It was dangerous It was gross polit ical pandering We trust that when it comes time for elections Mr Perri will not be allowed to forget that this is society The best the city solicitor can come up ocf laws not mobs DOWN MEMORY LANE rink at Barrie Curling Club Muriel Ste 10 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner March Clarke of Guelph was sworn in as Simcoe County Court Judge succeeding Judge James Harvio who retired in Prime Minister Lester Pearson opened Torontos new eastwest subway He was accompanied by Premier John Roberts of Ontario and TTC Chair man Ralph Day Warden George Mc gue addressed Barrie Kiwanis Club on subject The City of Barries relations December Ca with County of Simcoe Boucher Agnes was selected Bummer of Week subject of arti cle by Womens Editor Eileen DiXOn noted artist Mrs Boucher also hopes to promote love of good music in Barrie presented his lums trophy to best lady allvice skips Personality Henry Groh of Kolmar YOUR By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service opium Canadian business cecvutze roughing and movm to comparable job in in Linnl sues could end up mm aopctoceu increase in tzkelzome pay Thats one conclusion of vompanson of executive remu neration in countries amnd zhe uorld by firm or mage ment cansulantc Er cutivc calames in Can Wr awamoWW 0hr Innis Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7264337 Registration Number om Second Class Mail Return postage guarantead Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted SubscriptiOu rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly 420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie 54420 yearly simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3800 year ly All other countries $4500 yearly Motor throw off $3800 yearly National Advertising Offices as Queen St West Toronto mol 640 Cathcart st Mont rea Member of the Canadian Press and Auth Bureau of Circula tions The Canadian Press is exclu aively entitled to the uSa for to publication of all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu for and also the local news pub lished therein The Barrio claims Copyright in all onmal advan using and editorial material or ated by its employooa and tapro duced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Nuns be 203815 register 61 James Lester Cooke Mrs Gilles city parks BUSINESS Ada Frail thou id for com parable portions it most of the industrialized world according to louars Perrip Forster and Crosby in tat fourth com prehenaivc annoy ot com pusation practices Some managerial jobs in typical mediumfilo manuiac mm Conway In cutt coun tram my command larger pay cheques than in Canada Canadian business executives are paid lets than their ccun narts in mum Brant France the Netherlands Spain Sweden the United States Venezuela and West Germany Only in Britain Mexico and IItaly do managerial jobs pay es The relevant comparison tha interests most Canadian man agers however is with the United Salts Executive salaries here are on average 15 per cmt beIOw their equivalents But that doesnt tell it whole story Effective average personal locometax rates for 545000+ year executive are 37 par cent 1nCanada agahut27parcentin the United States the study points out higherpaid Grumman cx WW who packs his bags and heads south may actually gain aamuchassoparcentintake home my due to combination of differing tax rates credits for municipal and other taxes and interest on home mom gages plus dilferances in the cost of living One mason for Canadas rela tively high tax rate is our so cialwelfareprogram which he shady says financed to the ex tent of 82 per cont from cavern moot sources Tipping the balance even further in favor of the 113 is the $2400 average limitation on total when mated by Canadian wage and price cm bola says the lPF and shady As it controls didnt hurt tough top exacuLives are also hit this year by 10poicent iodenal smart on laxabi phens Herta Traub Judith Widdrington Carol Wallis ress in 1965 in City of Barrie highlighted by Examine special edition Edgar Grinsted National Commissioner Salva tion Army addressed rally in Barrie was welcomed by Colonel Moulton of Orillia Capt John Wilder of Barrie and Mayor Barrie Collegiate Band wen ton honors at Kiwanis music festi val iu Toronto Woodwind Phisemble also took firsts in Class Young musicians are Donna Bobier David Mitchell Jerry Robinson Donald Ramsay Ruth Ferris Chairman Jack Garner of Barrie Rec reation Committee announced more play ground facilities would be extended in Great industrial prog 2215343illffiinï¬34 iinwlllï¬WXL No pay parity for executives come mer $3M Turning coma of tompcnLL to uaqccafztcia the survey found that Canada the United States and Sweden have the highest average earn Irs fllcxico and Spain have the lowesupaid workerst Productivity gains in Canada houevcr lag behind the Unith States Sweden and West Ger many lf tho tables have indeed been turned in fa vor of the worker and agains the bosa mings will have to stay that way for the duration of the antiinflation program Any leniency toward exact Ines would be politically unac ceptable now Nevertheless there is on way to make tanadian Jm ponsabon more competitive with the US job marketwith out farming the flames of in flation That is to permit armsfoyers to mle larger pension centri butions than are allowed under the current freeze on indirect conpensation For the individual concerned the increased degree of future independence would be wel come reward Pension pians at most companies are skimpy And the economy would ob viously benefit thnouzh sub stantial increase in the volume of savings put to work BIBLE THOUGHT The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this gon eraaion and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonas and behold greater than Jonas is here Matthew 1241 Judgment is comm and the only thing that can turn back the wrath of God is the accop tance of the love of God as me santod in the person of His Son Jesus ilc said Except ye repent ye shall die in your sins it tit FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Replacing privates with some generals Bx STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Prime Minister irudcau ap peis to d3cou markbio nications these dads Ann this Ls great news for these who crm cize Mr lladeau for gener ally uncooperative attitude ward tho press The prime nunistm has sun ived wiihoui an ottlcla press secretary since last Augus and many interpreted this as LN of interest in conmiurmaliw And 6th r7 ic Ey sociated with his plant to trim his personal stm by pc cent Everyone was OhHOJ Mon The nine nizfis haa decided that Richard OHagcn former press secre ary to Lester Pearson will re tum to the Eat 81061 from its mirxuial iob an Embawy in Wafltington Bu yinr press secretary He wrll be Spe fl tilidifi creases ioxz or Communicator to Eg lIuuedu Hrs salary liI be pcrxiously C4UDC ii 000 In Ullfl uum he no IJJU UJ Pierre Juneau uho was hired in adusor after hs brief cabinet 13 Ctf noun If Montreal toyelection cad the CanadianRodi Television lonnm in has at mm 21 ciuimg fins So was as sumed the won be ins sperm he mime 111311er up Her OTHER DLTllls But he must be doing some hln cl mm hi sumo salary because Mr OHageo tonne plbIIf relations consul In charge of communications 12 o= of first JIIDS 11 LO hire new In And who cmr heard of incc 24 THE PICK OF PUNCH thLooMflaa lano Ill the good old days the unemployed muld spell QUEENS PARK Education minister should set example By DON onunn Queens hark Bureau Thorou Newa Service iOlJOI0 Education Min ister Torn Wells delivered some coral mutt tn tario Secondary School Head mastors Coimcil high school principals One topic he 11de on was leadership And one thing he pointed out to the representatives of the principals was that though In their schools thev were he teachers also they were the administrators and With had mile apart And one direction in which they were letting down On this he inferred was in not ex ercising he authorin list needed in todays society Backinï¬ this up he stated the truism that respect for author izy is an seminal ingredient for the preservation of four demo irHH ItitI society and that one of the big problem curry been breakerwn ll the rice tional system of the use of au thority Turning emuism on pro gressive thinkers in education And Lord will ii that more people shoridd do the damn Il hum MR more ANDl IIAVE MET AND RESOLVED our DIFFERENCES Wmrm to mmou an assistant disc for Please dont ask me any silly quests abou what the direct tor of communications is going Lin fill Kilo 312 the Special Advlac on Commu llLHimlja gclpxt 11 Lac ii2efully aivrmtcd that don intot vha Juneau is do uould nwmally hazard gm the anchor con inunlstllon nouch columu tlcaie will the press Bu this cant be so beause Mt tillage announced but be null be appointing new press sec iczary Tins is not to be confused iJl lti no pxes secretary or the two astant prcis secre Lï¬3 Smce the last press secretary licztr IiI curred 520000 we can assnne there are some attractne Job Openings in the making Incidentally the only clue v2 have about Mr OIiagets new responsibilities as when he said am there to ensure the pubic access to information is facilitated lo the degree piac ticable and reasonable llr OHagen will be attending the prime ministers daily brief ing sessions so presumably he will know whats going on But sltO hi new ore5 secretary vIII be the one dealing with the pros all this inside mbrma tym migh 13 11 pvwll fwd encouraging that Mr Oflzgen will facilitate all infor mation that is practicable and reasonablewhatever that meansbut the chain of com ruaml curios mc Wk itliis new director of communications decides certain informatiOn is truthï¬fe but no rralowbc and the press secretary do cidcs is reasonable but not pl lilbIc Thev could spend all day in committee Anyway vtlh tins new spate Iieiirlzci ilirs quas lion was put to an official in the 1mm lilllf or oiIvtr rbu their effect on the staffreduc Iion program No problem he rcnzctl Tfi staff of 94 had al wady born out by If ts thing he asserted that because of them teachers had been felt the responsibility tor instruc iion hul with Ts3 ant less au thnflx 20 ill tho rimc litcrc was much more to it titan this Bu unhappily cant relay it to you MINISTERS LEAD Cant relay it because adora flonists are not only perhaps tho worst communicators in sociesy they tend also to be the most poorly cmmumicated with This is because thou win to communicate with them al most invariably how no them by trying to weak in the impos LETIERS TO EDITOR Our puritans on crusade Dear Sir So our ma police and sun dry other so appointed censors have irded their puritanical armor mounted their steeds of self righteousness and are off on crusade to defend us all from the evil dragons of ms sage parlors and dirty magaz ines The fact that their Yahoo charge against the mythical in fidels of moral corruption sends them trampling across field of long and carefully nurtur Enforced moral ed human rights does not deter them at all in their blind knee Jark rush to protect us from im morality even if our freed oms are impaled to death upon their own in truth puritent lan ces If these same holier than thou authorities and indignant Citizens were librarians they would no doubt classify Mills Essay On Liberty as humor not seditious literature Yours truly DOUG GREENWOOD standards are surely not the answer Dear Sir read with considerable am usement the concerns of some of our citizens in regard to the recent opening of the utly nude body rub parlor am not too sure if the nud es are ugly the establishment itself or the customers cant wait to see the th0usands who will be rushing up to Barrie to attend at this establishment Maybe as they wait th turn they will spend few dol lars in our shops and help revitalize the downtown core As for the future of our chil dren am more concerned with the example being set by par cnts who havent the time to attend to the religious physic al and educational training of their sons and daughters Too often these adults are too wrapped up in their own sel fish intercsts and do not com municate with their children or be concerned about their where abouts day or night All too often these juveniles seeking attentiOn and concern by their parents act out their frustrations and end up in fam ily courts There are different strokes for different folks and do not believe that enforced moral stan dards are the ansucr As with pxosLitution vii imlcss crime surely the av tendance or non attendance at body rub parlor is an indiv iduals choice and now Barriei tcs will not have to journey to Yonge Street to spend their money but can do in them own home town if they so choo se Sincerely ROBERT Pen 47 Newton Si 14000 tags way to go city Dear Sir must congratulate the City of Demo for 13 voncicrtul Job of taxing 11000 downtown shop pars 0w know why people come from out of tour jus to shop in downtoun Barrie its the challenge rot go tin parking Lickez W111 347 out tags to your credit City Barrie you should be proud of your record Come on citizens of Barre and guests from beyond lets really challenge them in 1976 or are you just going to give up and shop for tree at mall wizh out the challenge of getting that parking ticket would personally Lke to know how anyone can park his car at meter shop in half doz en stores do their banking have lunch 21 all in one hour dont feel the czty is glvzng reaLIy gvng our customers on ough opportunity to beat the sys tem sugges tumors hours If the city must have ru great revenue in order to bul more land for more meters for more money why doesnt if give 510 or even 320 tags to the habitual meter feeder DAVID HILL 12ey gzve our cuc cen parking for 1w log your MPs conscience on capitoI punishment issue Dear Sir Recently constLLuents In some area ridings had the opportun ity to fill in and return ques tionnaire on our opiniins on cap ital punishment and gun con trol We hope that large percent age of these will be son in and only Wish that all MPs had distributed them would ven ture to suggest that opposition MP5 sent most of the question naires Unfortunately our young hope ful Joe Clark has come out an abolitionist it is pity that he doesnt see fit to stand behind our police forces who have left no doubt about their position Justice Mum or Ron Basford appeared on the program The Nations Business last week and fed us bag of goodies about law and order reforms most of which we should never have been without and today we hear him saying that if the 15 death penalties that could have been imposed during the term of his government had been carv ricd out no benefit to justice would have been gained Whos to Say An opinion only and the opposite opinion to most of the callers on the Speak Easy call in program last Friday morning We people who call for re tention of the death penalty do not wish Return to the Dark Ages as the abolitionisls are so fond of putting it We have heard always that an offender must be proved gull ty beyond all reasonable doubt In the case of capital offences we would suggest that to read beyond all doubt We do not desire free use of capital punishment nor do we necessarily approve of the method but we do believe that it should stay on the books and be implemented in extreme as es We would urge all citizens to let their feelings be known Write to your MP before the debate starts and jog his conscience one way or the other JACK CAMPBELL New Lowell Thanks from Big Brothers Dear Sir The Examiners recent cover age of our Bowl for Millions contest In behalf of the Barrie and District 81 Brothers As sociation was large factor in our success The event earned over $30 000 This will not only meet our current budget but will provide safety margin again sable lingo of educationalcse and playing up to the educa tional pattycake of no Stifng anything directly if you can possibly get it out demons1y Thus though lllr Wells did have for to in this speech it is an impo ssible task to try and decipher and chystallize if for you because he was Olcbli it with the artificial resuaml and in the absurd mumbo umoc of ciaostimulate Thus he was advocatmg that there should be more collegial leadership in education Just what collegial leadership may mean dont know and dont intend to find outif not at any sudden emergence of particularly high number of tatherless boys requiring Big Brothers Your personal support guidv ance and particrpation was ap preciated and we thank you on behalf of our organization Yours truly TED BIGELOW familiar with the term might even find myself using it and let us be spared that in this there is thought for our ministers of education For some me now had com municaiin has been one of the underlying reasons why there are the weaknesses that there are in our education system Our ministers the first educator ll each ionsziuctiun could possibly to cons1dernble to break this down by giving good example Let them use simple English and man to man and thev just might so style which could be catching