PRESENTS KEY TO THE CITY Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker honored Daring loCll 01 Trade Commissioner of Ja maica by presenting him wiii the key to the city Saturday night during dinner at the Barrie Raceway Mrs Parker also presented City of Barrie plaque to Marion Powell Ex aminer Photo Trudeau unaware of Lalonde visit til ll Itiin iill isier Trudeau told the Commons sure his thenprincipal secretary Mart Lalonde paid visit to thn huge lilcgtllll etcr the isial of Iiiiiidadians iii March 1969 walt intoitiul itir tin lac that such lï¬li had been math lr liirticau told the llrziw utiie the I1oC li la sriti he ll uhor fration before Visiting the judge HHJ LlliILiLtI in connection with the destruction of computer at Sir licorizc Williams Lniyerxity the prime ministers hiiliplil ILtiCill iould do it on my own he said This Olililll own he did This was an cticmc urgent situ alien In letter to Justice Minister Ron Basford Mr Justice Ken iiclh llackay presiding mcr the cuï¬c Said Mr Lalondc had sktrl ihtt thn trial be put oif for few weeks the irdgc quoted lr Lalnnde ilt Faring the prime miniter of Trinidad had said post zmement would let the rernlr zry spirit in Trinidad sub The judge aiso said in his let ter iLi itii lltrie nized him v1i tlliilge tile jury in the case it Lid Ii acnied lic all llil1ti in the letter to 111 Basforl and said he went li vi 551 when the trial might end Uniform petroleum price is Quebecs basic position QUEBEC Clliav ptizicible of uniform petroleum price acos Canada must be main iiicti and llt iiigw sliclllll LI lift liillcl lliï¬i iic are American prim Jean irnoycr Quech national re 15 mlliibiEl sazd Vetiins ii ibii lill tm uni that each province has jurisdic HW n3 11 the ii it fn mud by Quebec at Fridays rminciil conference on itro he told news conteicnce tiiccment on pincipi3s must orecele any discussion on what iitn aziada should be next July he said Alibirt scold to hate ii uniform Canadian price raised 1051 ilUll $53 mm liilc Ottawa hm oliliec cl tii this on the grounds that such ii so ationaiy Quebec cannot be irmli min lll tuc mands lr Cournoyer said hm lion in Ibn Ilc mantis would justify later inter ference from ttawa or other iiimhicelt it $7111 iie iivc Itilw lvv encrgy omething which Que Ill Ir llf ii He said Quebec recognize that Alberta should get the best price it sun for its energy re ltiitllcJS the Western pror ince must also bear in mind that it is part of conicdeiaion More millions are allocated for energy dept research UIlW Cli =i Lilth ional $109 million has been al loCfI for energy iveii and lliiiter Alaztair Gillespie said Wednesday An extra 3647000 will be spent in the Iinoicil gsccr end inc March 31 and $102 million the minister said in state inw Merit budget for such ex puilitires is $113 million an iiiifiy The additional funds approicd the federal treasury board are less than sought by the energy departmentJess than what was described as the ab solute minimum lr Gillcpic said zoicriimcnt iril 1170 HIII panics more wizolred it re search and dcxeimnncnt More than half the money itll be pcnt whirls when ment in the form of contracts he said Much of the remain der will go to Joint projects with the provinces and international organizations Fieurc icleiri the de partment FIIOW that by far the larges amounts will be spent on nuclear rescaled wl the least on renewable sources such as rolar wind and geothermal energy Spending on tne nuclear pro gram wll iiicreiw by 911 mil lion to $859 million while allo whim of funds for renewable onrces wiil rise by $13 million Why you should let HR Block worry about your income taxes We take all the time necessary to understand your complete tax Situation to make sure your taxes are as low as they can legitimately be With charges lease For Less THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 1978 Says ministry conducting coverup lORONlO cl William Mahoney Canadian national d1 rcctor of the United Secl workers of America said Iednesday the Ontario ministry of natural resources is con ducting coverup operation in the area of occupational health and safety for workers in pro vincial mines and mills The Matachewan urgestos operation is just another ex ample of the kind of coverup job that we have come to ex pect from the ministry Mr llahoney said in new re lease As the ministe responsible Leo Bernier is just no doing his job he said On union has bungling and outright coverups of dangerous siiiiatiiin affect ing the health and safety of our members from this depart ment Health Minister Frank Miller released results Tuesday of air tests taken last October at the Matachewan mine about 85 miles southwest of Kirkland Lake One included asbestos readings at labor camp six mile from the nuii fxilitr twice as high as considered safe by the government In the release Mr Mahoney said it is known that one eight hour shift may be enough time for worker to pick up asbestos fibres in his lungs that may cripple or kill him in later life Our union feels it has re sponsbility not only to those the site he said Ridge Rd Shanty Bay who work in the mine and mill in Matachcwan but also to all those lving in areas adjacent to Call John Campbell We Can lease You Any Make or Model Car Of Your Choice I976 MONARCH door auto lS iadiO WSW defros ter WC vinyl root 1976 MONTE CARLO PS IB auto WSW radio lcflflcl WC vinyl roof 330 VS I976 COUGAR XR7 PS PB radio automatic WSW It defroster iii vinyl roof $145 00 Month 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA PS PB iille WSW defroster WC vinyl root 1976 FORD E100 VAN I38 WB 300 six standard radio slid ing side door Wt miiiois $12400 Month ABOVE LEASES BASED ON 36 MONTHS 48000 MILES EXCESS AT 4c PER MILE NO BUY BACK I976 MONTEGO MX VILLAGER WAGON Automatic PS PB radio defroster de luxe luggage rack WSW WC wood sides Ill suspension $14 00 Month AIR CONDITIONING AVAILABLE WITH TINTED GLASS $1600 EXTRA ON ALL VEHICLES based only on the complexity of your return REMEMBER we BELIEVE NOBODY BUT NOBODY UNDERSELLS MOFFATT MERCURY I973 SALES LTD ESSA RD BARRIE 7285558 THE CATS WHERE ITS AT FOR LEASING SALES AND SERVICE CALL THE LEASE MEN FOR ANY little peace of mind MAKE OR MODEL ASK FOR GARRY SLEEP OR BOB HAMILL OPEN noxonr T0 FRIDAY Al 10 m1 SATURDAY 900 AM TO 400 Mi N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 7263322 IS DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE GEORGIAN MALL IILIIIINI IilTALTIAH SlUltl HHS