Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1976, p. 2

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toply their trade Even LLOYD FLETCHER MP REPORTS News media were far off base on Conservatives Stevens By SINCLAIR STEVENS MP York Simcoe The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada has been re juvenated In perhaps the most successful political gathering ever held in Canada the PCS have emerged from their lieb ruary Ottawa convention united and vibrant The rumor of an Anglo Fran cophone rift was scotched was the story of an esatwest split The press insprcd fantasy of two widely different ideolog ies within the party one of the violent right and the other of the radical left evaporated like two bubbles The nation has united Pro gressive Conservative party It was truly democratic convention in which the power brokers of old found it difficult the press found it hard to distort reality with millions watching although some in the media did their best to manipulate the re suit The fourthmonth campaign as candidate for the leadership of my party was the most fascin ating experience of my life It was fascinating to watch the media for reasons sill un clear to me take Brian Mulron ey person virtually unknown who had never been elected to anything and elevate him to front runner Global Television was so sure he would win that they spent their treasury on feature film highlighting their hero When he lost they filled space by running the film as back MIDHURSI Vespra council took aim at the $49780 salary of the director of the Simcoe Coun ty Board of Education on Mon day and slammed the boards spending habits Trustee Lloyd Fletcher had his ears burned as he attended councils regular meeting to explain the 40 per cent mill rate increase anticipated by the board this year think your board needs damn good looking at said re eve Alan Johnston His comment came after Mr Fletcher estimated the salary of the dircctor of education Mr Fletcher said he wasnt sure but he thought the director was given raise of $2400 in January the maximum nilowcd under the federal wage controls Board of education records show the director Iack Ram say did receive $2400 raise ground to an analysis on why he lot It must have been cm barrassing for them was fascinating to receive phone calls from the powers be hind the scenes who iclt they had some right to tell you what to do hope they got their final message they are not nec dcd anymore it was delightful to watch their plans go tip in smoke as the delegates registered their dcci Sion In 1968 Such brokers may have chosen Mr Trudeau to be leader of the Liberal party of Canada but they failed to sel ect the leader for the PC in 1976 the convention we felt we could count on 300 delclatc es on the first balo The CTV poll taken two days before ihe delegates votcd gave us 191 cott firmed delegates of at least dele gates leaning to us We got 1H3 Three things seemed to inilu ence our vote During the con vention manv decided to sup port favorite son candidate on the first hallo with the inten tion of WliLlllll2 to their main al chmce on later ballots This hurt Claude Wagner made an cx cellent speech which gained him voice at our expense while Paul llellyer with his Red Tory re ference polarized sortie voters who switched from us to other candidates Our 182 votes put us in seventh spot with no hope of winning My group faced reality and assessed our position in hastily called meeting lle had no deaLs or commitments with COUNTY GLIMPSES espra criticizes $50 bringing him to $4978 Thats raise of more than live per cent The boards three upcrintcn dents each reCEive sumo an nually Council members also critic ized the boards agreement to give teachers per cent raise last fall Instruction acc ounts tor 60 per ccni of the board budget Mr Itlctchers meeting with council started quietly enough with him saying trustees were meeting with municipal coun cils because there has been certain amOunt of static among st council about education costs Some municipalities including the County of Simcoe have mka ed that the education budget be limited to an increase of eight per cent the request of Alliston town council the board has agreed to SINCLAIR STEVENS any candidate so we were free to move as we saw fit We felt there were only three who could wzn Clziude Wagner with 331 iozc on the first bril lol Brian Mulroney llll £137 Jillil Joe Clark with 277 Mulron ey was out of the question Both Mr Wagner and Mr Clark werc iiiccpiable but of the two Joe Clark appeared to be thi man of li hour and perhaps the decade Titere was not it great deal of difference in their ideolozy Joe is right of Claude Wagner in ec onomic mattcrs and not as far right Claude in his law and order views loh are conserva tive without question No seat belt charged ORILLIA Two passengers in car have been charged with failing to wear seat belt city police say Donna Swan 17 of Orillia and Kenneth Rausch 18 of RR Orillia are among the first persons charged wih that often ce in the area since seat belt legislation was brought into for ce month ago The charges were laid after two car collision in which no one was seriously hurt HISTORY MEETING MIDHURSI West Simcoe County will be the major topic at the upcoming general meet ing of the Simcoe County His torical Association on Tuesday March in the Simcoe County Museum Charles Gerrard guest speaker will discuss archeol AWARDS AT GEORGIANS ORILLIA CAMPUS Georgian College president Crawford congratulates award recipients following wards day ceremonies held recently at the Colleges 0r illia campus Recipients inclu nizy and prehistory The meeting will start at pm SENIORS HOUSING ORILLIA The Royal Cana dian Legion has started drive to build 60 unit senior citiz en housing complex and 411 bed care centre in Orillia The complex is proposed for sev enacre site on Fittons Road needs study is being conduc ted to fy for Central Mortgage and llousing orpor ation loan from the federal gov ernment EUCHRE PLAY CRAIGIIURST There will be euchre match on Friday evening in the community hall at Craighurst NEW DANCE DATE LEFROY nostalgia dance sponsored by the South ded dental assistant student Annette Laurin left of RR Penetanguishene who recei ved The Douglas ledlow Memorial Award diplottia tuit Innisfil Figure Skating Club has been rescheduled for Saturday March 37 iii the South lnnislil community centre YOGA COURSE SIROUD 10week course in yoga will start Thursday at pm in Goolfcllow clemen tary school COUNTY IURLING STROUD Simcoe County politicians and civic officials will take part in the annual county bonspiel to be held Saturday in the new Stroudlnnisfil Recrea tion Centre WEED CONTROL ALLISTON Workshop to dis cuss weed control on farms will be held March 18 and 29 in the ministry of agriculture of fice in Alliston sing student Lorraine Hawkins second rightl of Par ry Sound who received he Charles ivcy lioundnlion Bursary and nursing assist meet with municipalilics on an ers on its own lJilllEl arca basis before the l97b hud through the muiziipl la bill 24 nor tcnt ii llIiH tzi mu gcl is approved lhtit worl vii un wr youre not lliiHlllil your piii liai ears budget showed in the limelight he told Mr ils iont nrlczmo in about llllil piniii Ml lliltlltt Huitl iiitti Mliitil $57 million alym Micro Inc in miigwy pi boards in the proviiicc cvcii Mr mach minted om hilt mm mukp Hm maple those under irliiliuioii itiivc the pcr pupil cogtl of education sharpen your pnniilh hilllcl IHISUS Tliltl rltiffinl in summ mum 533 Inw it Vim ti mcini anything otin Litmlwrt liic ictlgc til ill hoardN Hi llil board is thllttlitl liaid now iltllil DlOvincc llic inciciisc iii 11 cut cxpcuws oiin Lambert When Mr Flcichcr said this property tax cvy will icull lzuiii csciiliiliiig 0th and ilroslc lttllltllnn in provincial grants or tittsprtatiott iid cipin pro Jetts Ruin Vcnncr limlicii til the board wus mcri illiitll it ptblic relations il in by iiicctlng wfli tilllltl Once the tuiduct is ii rscd NEWS clout to $3011 1he said Sitiii fixiuii llill rr said rr no iniii Wirth that iiiiiiity in ihI county Ullim tlilnil members expre scd astonishment ltmvo lolinson said the poor plnpll in the country and up payout for high salaries of pub lic officials And they try to blame the working man for infla tion Conn Lambert added The wngts of board of edu ciion administrators is based on It report purchased by the board from May Associates Can ido ltd comparing the incomes oi management personnel in pri vutc indutry The Simcoe County Board of till Ihe kind of ation and the largest employer flie lriislcc lll aunts no borr Till IIARIIHI llXAMlNIZH WEDNESDAY MARCH 1976 13llliillfin is the laligetl corpm lie Ilfl would Eic howl idea to hare the ciiool liozird collcct money irom the toxin llaiks youth however bro iigiit new iiility to tiic party He can lflillt to the young and to urban voters in llitTliilllilll hi Hilkttl with lot and admired his ten acious opt ogiili ll scrap pcr iiid this iiiiicnt needs wrappy opposition loc Lllltllliiilil organization from the boiom up not the top down and as iich he czin whip the party into lighting mm by the row of lllf lltKl clcction Clarks fluency in French will hep us make Joins in pre dominantly Frcnchspcnking rid inus WESTERN LUNS COmlliL from Eie Til he limc lie ltlll limp ll llll and gain in that iron on area rit traditionally ioiisirttiive utiil lolin licfciilizikcr lwciime lciidi Oi lit ll Not only can liirk build on our Western position by bc While her mother Jenny Shanty Biy tl hides li litye he will relate well to Ont loin or yin illt 12 iiro voter lll 93 seats will Dillzitl ll ii iiich to be at lftkc next election ll in llYl lop award in lirl iivncd with fill lilll lllllillli ie mpon of lr loc it to already well known in the Allan lic lioi ll llii dc did on best of the three our scionzi de LQlOll WES wlicn nllf in pltHOlN conventions can diilates could lillP won if other candidzilm hrid mm ed to hurt sooner in 187 Duff Roblin would have been the leaile if John Dietvnbaker and Alvin Ha milton had mrivcd to him after the first ballot rather than the fourth We felt esentiil think we wcic right When mowit loiin lltici foloued us which gave lzirk combined shift of over 23 titles placuig hm well ahead of Mulroney and 135 votcs behind Wagner Our ltuizport for Clark must have been surprirc to him as an early more was Maiicwell 35 House Colfeets Powoulw had no previous conversations with him nor wih any other candidate concernin who we niight support if could not win Some coil Joe Red Tory and myltcll iiuliltiingei Both dtcritpion ilf illlillJ We are just coiiplc oi liiiits liiisi tick the Monirczil laz ctc itnd point when they riflll it ll sin BOX Ill llic labels at this point are meaningless new PC party is Pineapple taking shupc and only specific Juice 013 responses to national issue over the next few months wil tell the public what kind or party it now hope have hand in shap ing thou specific rcsprinws Already Joe Clarks presence in die llouc of Commons has changed lr lrudcaus image Overnight Mr Trudeau became relatively old man leading an even older Cabinet isnceii 13 BeetLitter 33 LA psrvIDUSu lflflh 3115 JOLLY MILLER fLAVOflED IGA Orange Pom 59¢ vegetable Crystals °its° Oil commit CAINS MOHN list IA White Bread Dough PIC Ml IUIVIX nnt student Barbara Heather ington of tilt llziui Llflllc who received Bombardier Itiiitnrioi limitrd Stllllollip ttlcoigiuti College lltolo Nvmx lt 13 hours of free service Alison llli of Jenny and l1clrit¢lri of Sianty llifl oi Alisons pre Iiieenies Limit gt Gbal Television NeMork THIS WEEK quaint CONTROLLED CANADA FANC McIntosh Apples BAG CANADA N01 GRADE Cello Carrots PRICES fFFECTIVF WED lllRU SAT MAR 16 Wt tSiFlVE THE RIGHT TO lIMll OUANlllllS détiils school board salaIY than said When you give lt1llflS director of cducatori is paid in Simcoe fxiuntv lit2 lolinson said Simcoe County council has ti different way of running things having approved ril$lt of $600 plus eight per cent for county employees last yizir Tho ciuniy finance commillcc is prepiring the 1976 budget now Coiin lirne Wilson said the school lfll now takes TSDCI cont oi his personal tax bill the municipality 13 per cent and the county 13 The meeting ended wiii Reeve Johnston telling Mr Fletcher Sorry were giving you rough time Were getting used to it Mr Fletcher replied Said Conn rr its nice to see someone who got worse Job than weve got SHANTY BAY GUIDE WINS CANADA CORD no to the Shanty Bav Brownie pak and five girls were lien tire Golden Hand for it SCifitlilii in Brow miner Photo lllfS REGULAR on DIET Pepsi Col Im Xll1xgt tiontaiz iii leuw monday thru lridayni 30 tail 00pm saturdayTSO to 00pm PlAV DARK BLUE BllGG CARDS CHECK BROWN BINGO CARDS PRODUCE 0F USA Florida PRODUCE 0F USA CANADA N0 GRADE Celery Stalks ENJOV CANADIAN APPLES TMOSPMERE Di BRA 1L8 SW 25 2LB BAG riAsttr an ISA Raisin Bread Ito 49¢ front

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