Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1976, p. 6

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UNITED CHURCH COMPETITION Mr Jtln Le Bocni and nor tiiilliiiI last year Mrs Merle Dean both of lllt 11w Bittiit were its iii is iltl Iiiil tlilill ii United Charan oi Ciilltitla ban cc lman it Women take up soilintr I3 picnic in lrtm Cl former mans sport Marilyn Hamilton of rlla has betoar involved been elected to the lloard oi racing Directors of the Canadian Yucat program snpc ing rxssociaiion becoming one Heir ioilcss in of three women on the iiimcm llamilton in tho oIhgt bci national board School Supervisor and ii tt involved in coordinaim programs for several us This year the tutors Association and Corgi ii Mrs Hamiltons election was approved at the annual meeting of the association held recently in St Johns Newfoundland She attended the meeting with her lug hflliiila Silit4li huband Sicottc Hamilton vICelUlmC ll hc held June fill2h tii it President and pastpresident of House on Lake lvosscau the Ontario Sailing Association the provineiei wing of the nu lwka tional body Mr and Irs Ilam lW llitv eighth year it ilton are the only husband and W1 Sailing Mimi it lii wife team on it humd 01 in every sailor and itsiiiiit win cctors Miller week iii old ll ng tIIiiUIIIilfilI In or Ilie two other women directors pmtdmi by cl1wm my are iltilll BIIIgtii UIUITiiJlLi dlKl instiucmrc and lypufl iiiP New Brunswick Irs Ilamiiton not punter iiiiii ieels her appointment Fencdl ing and land listzthNicih viri LhC 3mm PUIIICIPHIIOE demonsratiois liltcnl at women in sailing and the gencr will also he held or ipi up growth of the organization with to ptiitlclplto Not too many years ago and Those who arc nov mg was iltli mans sport and in lcvcl of hillliiiL an ii mans pori she said In to pericei llrir Hahn ll day more and more women are may register for itfil liar KIWANIS CLUB STARTS CAMPAIGN The Kiwanis Club of Barrio campaim yesLCiday bi man kicked off its Easter Se at here the ladies auxiliary to WWWZ ti IIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 1976 PEOPLE AND PLACES lr gtt and Mrs Wally Robert IZlimaie and Mr and Mrs llutchinson of Barrie have tturncd home from winter va ion at Bo and Cathy furlin iV Gables Camp id 10 Iemagami lhey had god catch of white fish and he irout Eleven year old Ste icn caught 25 inch trout PRAYER lr ltuth Millar will be speak at World Day of Prayer scr lvh at St Georges Anglican tniirch Allandale on Friday ii0 pm social hour will iilow St John Vianney Bur Avenue United and Essa Road ircsbytcrian churches are spon soring the open servrce ORGAN CLUB Ihe Iontings Organ Club will meet Monday March in the hunting 1uslc Centre 68 190 Inc members are wel come and refreshments will be gtcv SPEAKER lrs Brigadier Oystryk will be gues speaker Friday at the World Day of Prayer service an iic Salvation Army Citadel on no Collier St She will speak on the theme education for all of life Service starts at pm FLORIDA HOLIDAY IIIitiBY and Mrs Iy son Langman enjoyed holiday in days in Florida SLRIRISE PARTY surprise engagement party held tor lam Xclisscn and ln an Niekcrk the home lr and Mrs John Van Nick ck Senior on Clapperton St reet Barrie Saturday The two are to be married July 24 1lt Neiissen is the daugh tcr ot Mr and Mrs Jan Neli men on Shirley Avenue in Bar lmll people fro iii lamilics attended the par int SIIIHV SHOW Fashion pro limiant students arc having ia Rope program held at Georgian ililii Liilritt type will It in 11 mi another of in men progrunts Iil in Iiiin Lies ani lIow Win vill shion show March at noon for the students and at 730 pm for the public Admission is 25 cents at lunch time and $200 in the evenin MINI FEST MINESING Despite the wea ther the minifest was suc cess good crowd came out to see the floats The Minesing float won first prize thanks to Mrs Vankooten and Henry Vander Weelen who provided the tactor and wagon Congratula tions went to Mrs Maguire for being named woman of the year LIW Ladies of the UCW entertain ed the senior citizens recently at the church hall They took part in sin song led by Isa bel Downey with Linda Van tassel at the piano LIFE MEMBERSHIP CROWN HILL Mrs Gordon Dunsmore was hostess for the February United Church Wom ens meeting with 17 ladies at tending Mrs Roy Partridge was presented with life memb ership pin of the United Church Women of Canada birthday cake was made by the hostess WJ MEET The Womens Institute party held on the evening of Feb started off with the choir sing ing directed by Mrs Charles Drury accompanied by iilrs iuck At the meeting there was display of crafts BEEF MEETING Norman Langman attended the beef producers annual meeting on Thursday and Friday in Tor ono HOLIDAY 0R0 Mr and Mrs Glen Appleby recently returned from one week vacation in Cuba They reported that although the weather was pleasant it was the coldest ever known in Cuba They were guests at the Hotel Riviera in Cilia =d were met with welcoming party STLAIJI llZAliClI works in the kiihen at tlcorgian Culi ege where til oorgian our mct course is held Monday Gourmet cooking is sliding in to oblivion and unless few of our chefs pass on the technique of cooking ion properly our ancestors ll read about how cooking ya cc an enjoyable timc lasielmds LLIlltli crying out for creatiiij UCittoklllg and luck of imv fillliitIOli are the most common iiiltakcs lii cooknu sajs Sin at lcarcc llihltltlii oi iil ian iotiiiiltt the cooking cour se held iionday nights at Geor kilL iI tili centre TUIJII0 head the panel Incussioir 4th college ud ii at lic Later programs will be based canc oi IIIllIlllt Most people an employment for women Dia hr said nave Conditioned them ni Tiliiiill inii sclxiu to think that cooking is ties future trends lianging ma chore Ils stuntthing extra that rriagc patterns professional dr has to he done Mr Iearcc has cureail ingrctient for that at 11 clltti or 1mm the rape cloiimenl and otirr areas iic iii lin ai ciIncr cil lmchcr We hmc fun And oods oodcock lt iri iitil Choking lltl iltll ins pleasure in There are so many ways to Iii if it itii tiit HIl Ty IliilIIjt in ozt lift la Iiir rlir tor development lnutihin Ict ii YIi in altiiwlitdiv Ilt llI ll ltiillillitl liil 15 li il1iillllli ii will lt ivli li ii tlt iizl it lIiti In opivuv mud li ilmiiivii liiit im it ti and sli ll litlltiilii an it ourain it nii to daily in lIIIlllI llli Lifiitlilii will lw Iiiltll into the livliltiii ipnnnt llIi and Ill iIliil lilo Iiii annual sailing mhiil the club stalls envelopes at the Holiday Inn Examiner exchange vows Entry oi Dillard ilui with hen Karen Ma ins itoo llliilain lltm ital lnnwich England and il Hui rliiilli ilirloli cXtiliiil god wedding vows Feb in ilOlIIIILlI England The bride in laughter of and lrs James Woods of lion st iarric and the rouin Ill Ui of Mr and Ir toodJock of tldiiilliviitiillli ltt ltctlditcii iorc England Ilev lrebend at larkcr oi All Saints larim illiilil The boys choirs of the parish sand it mini by Wood cock the bride ore gown of ovum orvnuza Milllilt neckline pin tucked full tiCiCd skirt bor lihol improve thian you cook every day it all It matter of know mg little backgroiuui about loud dered with wide bands Oi hel gium lace and luli sleeves with deep lace cutls She wore headdress of iuliz cup of lace dont tcach rccpcs teach iccimiouc Itcr this course youll be able to lead recipe bciicr iltt cream colored IIcr ril The WM ION mm lxgms which had silk illuon tell no MMw mm on to tho waist She carried non will lug of yellcw msebuds and my Mort people think of soups White mums as poi oi boiling water with Maid of honor was Ihilomena sinn vegetables towed in Itut iorman liLlLiiMilil Li Iiimum iherr lot oi work that goes ham England She wOIC 1134mm nto Oil have to put et of cream and brown silk ulga lmi inn za bordered with hands lill rom iiiits they move on to uim lace hhr JiWl ti tugs This includcs how to gay of white and pink rose buds and the trails The best nsi Towwoe Woodcock of Tamworth Warwick sitirc Usher was an Woodcock of the RAJ The reception was held at the Great Barr Ilotel Stone Cros with buffet and champagne It was followed by late iam ily dinner at he Manor Home West Bromwich For renegincq wore brown ensemble with vIIiIIn HI iliey went to Perry liLli iintl Bremsgrme lhe newlyweds will live at Ilallam IIospilal West Bromwich itltFts attended from Canada Ireland and France Poilvs Pointers Dear lullyI tune section in my icitte ho called Party Notes and here put the menu for each party we have and who the guests were In this way do not repeat the same iood the same people also put down the amounts of different foods purchased for certain number of people If it turned out be too much or too little jot that down on the card and know better how to buy the next time can look back and see who came for dinner in Octo ber 1939 or for Easter in 1963 enjoy reading the column and would like to Use an idea given in one but do not under ic Hie stand it It says Buy flat sheets and then use curtain rings on cacti corner of the COMPANY RICE PbDDmG sheet to make it fitted How cups cooked rizc doe one mike the corner at pkg 02 cream cheese sheet titted with curtain 32 1ng ubc lniglla1cl Dear llazclny sort of eggs beaten ii tsp salt lii cups milk lz cup raisins tsp grated orange rind optional tsp cinnamon Combine rice and cream cheese cubes Iurn into lightly greased it square baking pan Com bine sugar with eggs salt milk raisins orange rind and cinna mon Mix well ant pour over rice mixture stirring gently to mix Bake at 350 for about an hour or until pudding has set Makes or servings topping of cup commercial sour cream and cup creamed cottage cheese may be placed on top of the rice mixture after 46 min utes in the men Continue to old tape Lita bake for another 18 minutes or old comes away with the new until pudding is set Serve warm Eleanor mund ring works but the large sizc white plastic ones look lCs Gather together the corner of sheet after it is on the bed but not tucked in slip the ring over the pointed corner and no as for as the mattrses am holds the sides in luck in strip riicking out beyond under the mattress and to sheet will fit snugly on all four cornersPolly Deur Polly Do tell Rachel iha when our new refrigerator wt installed the man removed the tape marks on it with appli good for removing any tape marks Also some people take new tune artl press it over the anew wax and told me it was Italic oh the lt5v nights Mr Pearce SIIC$CS that he doesnt teacn recipes but technique This way stud ents can go home and apply make hatter crepes sauces and garnishes In the third class they learn how to cut fih and var ous methods of cooking Cooking Uliuls often makes tans out of former kidneyhaters As meat not connccttd to bone like her heart and tonguei they clean the kidney cut the slut out ot it wash it thor onlnly and place it in lnaisv iag pan The lliifl firth cmer it with brandy ll tune it From there thty Iit on to cooking the othc meat as well as my lastry such as ten hisct ct1 ec laircs and desser gtlil che csccakes pudiin tiittaltifi and sweet sauces makes the lEhs stay until the end the end tho class pitches in to make sit dawn meal wsth all the trimminus Last car we went through three whole tilets he said Mr Icarce gaincd his chefs hat through schooling and ex perience In England he attend ed the Branch College of Insti Participate in review of Human Rights THE ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION IS conducting comprehensive review of the Ontario Human Rights Code The Commission wni examine the changing human rights needs of Ontario residents and make recommendations to the Government of Ontario designed to strengthen the Human Rights Code improve the structure and effectiveness of the Human Rights Commission encourage responsive effective community and educational programs in the field of human rights Briefs and comments are invited from individu als groups and organizations and should be sent to the Commission no later than May 15 1976 The Commissnon Will also conduct number of public hearings throughout the province Locations and dates will be announced Your enqumes are most WCICOiiiu and should be directed to Secretary Review Committee Ontario Human Rights Commission 400 University Avenue Toronto Ontario M7A 1T7 Ontario ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Rosalie Abeila Bromley Armstrong LitaRose Betcherman Jean Marie Borde can Elsie Chilton Valerie Kasurak Bruce McLeod Thomas Symons Chairman Ontario Human Rights Commission professional methods in their own kitchen ilixaminer Pho to Gourmet cook says food lacks some imagination tution and Domestic Economy in Leeds and later attended Hull Nautical College where he qualv ificd as first class cook on board passenger cargo ves sel Ile worked on ship out side of Iceland Here he learn ed the rughandready way of cooking with the use of differ out stores and oil burners In Toronto he worked for various private gentlemen clubs and country clubs and well known resorts thn he came to Bar rie year and half ago he started with Corah Ltd on Bell Farm Road where he is new cat ering manager He teaches part time at the college Cooking has been my profes ion ht said but its also been lot ot fun for me He has Cll shared little of this fun with his wife lrcnc who does most oi the cooking in the Pear ce home Those interested in enroling in the course call Georgian Coll cge Extension Services 7281951 ext 317

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