Ellie Ilium Examiner Published by Canadian Ne 16 Bayfield Street Barrie wspapers Company Limited Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus TUESDAY MARCH 1976 Henshaw Managing Editor PAGE Teachers are worried and with reason Simcoe County teachers are worried They feel their professrou education tepreted is misunderstood and mism That much was cietr at sional development day held Friday Barrie Central Collegiate Were any other professional group to have this feeling the reaction would be shrug and So what But teachers are unique protessmn a1 group They deal with the future the ed ucation of todays children the people who tomorrow will run the The concerns of teachers are prop erly the concerns of society tendency to set teachers rest of the human race been true of the tea There is apart from the This has always ching profession But the setting apart of teachers has changed from setting apart based on respect it is now setting apart based on mistrust Teachers are seen as moneyhungry parasites by too many more interested in more and ever more money But toofew realize that teachers are required to have more and more quali fications that the eighthour day for most teachers is myth that the infatu ous twomonth summer holiday is de voted to upgrading qualifications cation the protes papcrs tame couraged to freshmen spe and subtract Teachers are also blamed for the al leged decrease in the standard of edu It seems that every fall some news university professor is en note publicly how badly II or how poorly they add Teachers do not operate in vacuum They are not given sole custody of chil dren from age five to age 18 and told to world vision They had ideas rate one everyone yet it is teac hat task FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Stanfield move typical for him Bx STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Few things are more impor tant to politician than to work his way to the front bench of the Commons and stay there for the rest of his political ca rcer its even big deal when his leader moves him from the fourth row to the third or sec end And nobody but nobody ever volunteers to move back row suppose its typical of Robert Stanfield to establish such precedent After Joe Chrk became the new leader of the Conservative Party Mr Stanfield went to him in his quiet unassuming way and asked to be moved to the back row After eight years party leader he knew how difficult it is to move reteians from the front bench Nov he thought he had an opportunity to set an example and mane it easier for his successor to shuffle the seating plan so the party could present new parliamentary image The idea that this move might he interpreted as dcmotation probably never crossed his mind Mr Stanfield has never thought in these terms Its unlikely Mr Clark will agree with placing his predeces sor on the back row but Mr Stanfield is insistent about mov ing off the front seats NEVER ASHAMED When Tom Sloan joined llr Stanfields staff in 1970 as speech writer veteran politi cian said youll never win 3Vnywooiowym Elie flantr Examiner 18 Baytield Strcct Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly All other countries $4500 yearly Motor throw off $3600 yearly National Advertising Ofï¬ces 65 Queen St West Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Mont rea Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula ions The Canadian Press is exclu sively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub lished therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material cre ated by its employees and repro duced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num 200815 regioter 61 with him but youll never be ashamed of him How right he was says Mr Sloan itlr tantield may haw been the most accessible party leader in history Regardless of the difficulty of any given situ ation he never walked away from reporter He didnt mind being stoppth corridns on the street or at the doorway to his office You want would ask During election umpaign ra dio reporters would splice tapes to make Mr Stanfields ec he ridiculously dis jointedthese were for private enjoyment on long tripsand the party leader loved it Ile wouch evcn join the singsongs in the press bus although he is something less than an operatic star If he was upsc by bad pit turc or stories he never rhowcd it You guys shouldnt stay up so late at night he would sav with grin It di torts your Vision There was always easygomg laughter aroand Its shrine that Il Stanfield wont III his vn selfdeprecating version of his eight years licrc in he wont unlikc nutt poliiciaus he has never kept diary Ihcre certain ego olvcd in keeping diary once soil In be 111011 of my comments in he Most people today one of the most popular advertisements dont differentiate between Iike and Teachers have an unenvialble task educate them Children are subject to the influence of newspapers ma gazines radio and tele are bombarded with good and bad spelling and grammar good and good and bad attitudes in society which gobbles up information ideas and neWS at an ever increasing use like for as is familiar with is Win ston tastes good like cigarette should It was an advertisement which was drummed into everyones consc10usness hers fault that youngsters as is not made any easier by illinformed criticism by attitudes made on the basis of prejudice llll hcni like this you suddenly realize nql when mu his now much Ir Stanfield will be missed around here as party leader llis ablities as lender can be 1ch for politician IllStGlILllH to assess And so can In over all contributions to Canada But an individual the ill Igments have already been madeand there is unani mous viewpoint here that Bob Stanfield is one of the most thorougth decen and Club able individuals over to enter Parliament Thi awessmcxl has nothing to do with politic1 All wliti clans like usedcar salesmen have to dabble in exaggeration and create professional enemies Perhaps more than anv other contemporarv politi cian Bob Stanfield has rm agcd to do this wIlJe silently laughing at himself As Terence ONeill lcrmcr prime minister ii Northern lc land once remarked if ever one of uaturc gentlemen strayed into politics the name of the man is Stanfield You dont see tlus in he Com mons or on the liustings The real Stanfield emerges on the back of campaign buses in cor ridor conversations in front of his own Iireplacc and on walks through the woods of Rockclitfc Park This is where he tells sto ries about early Nova Scotiu politics pokes fun at his own speaking abilities and allows his taco to break info that craggy crooked grin when be And Mr Stanfield doesnt have becomes the butt of his own 039 jUKCA fHE PICK OF PUNCH THE WORLD TODAY Pakistan president comes to Toronto llv J0ll HAIKIBROX Foreign Affairs Analyst llittii5wil rs HHitw In 1971 Bhutto almost saw his nation crumble and with it Lie iicccgtuy iil lt lzimi political out wilhn the Indian subcontinent durng the Iil Pakistans brave and dapper iresldcll ZUIIIKM INJ third Inillolult Inn nor was in Toronto for oneday meeting with ICZJLICI$ 01 the lilID Ini beleaguered Iahbtani commu East Pakistan separated nity in that 0in hum c1 Pakl ton by liUU ll ICILIlltUi because it miles of iutuwcnlng nixl ItoJill has been the victim of cspiy India huzl Inllcn to Indian ciallv vicious racist humor the forces liIIOPCIY GWI IIIKIC IUKIH And in the vtrl Iuklslun NICO cities unencth defended by They WVIU IIIC lllklld 30 small air I0l nan inideinntc fie joke by for They are be yond lcccnt conversation lllcy demcou relatively new on ment of Canadians who do not understand its fully yet as we do not fully undr it til hcm antiaircraft defences were un der Indian bombardment and not ibixil Imt The tradition from the days of the old lndim irvnv llllICY Ilr Ilul lilIstaii Ii PM gliVL gt3 hardpressml president was in illflliimwith jIIIfi toms of mm mm IlI MN 11110 the new partl Ilo is Illl l£IlliiI in tho hm mm PM tm sun in IIIIt Pakistani honiclinrl with his l3 hour work lay Ill South in Asian gt writty which like 10 rest of them inclininl lo IPW obsetsitc IIZI vntk rmly lingering remnant of the white mans hurdcn Ireidont Dim Call ragcous and forthright lcIr in his own right lfifl of tho lurc cuusc the islcm soldier mrl lheir BliliJLlluiurarl his cers ma Ic up he nucleus of the new Pakistani urmcl forcw the Hindu one ditto the Indian armed forces And until lIlc llil um and in cluding the Cow il bilicr In of 1065 ll lakizlntis could islumic stgilc Ill pm of usually IJLU llic IltII out of tilt hc 1III iifII in He is man who shines all The senior officers on iIl warring sides knew each othcrs measure from their early yczux as fellow cadets at Sandhiirsl in lllc mmc i1 Iirlv and dictatorship of Indias ln dira Gandhi YOUR BUSINESS Interest rates unlikely to dip By VINCENT EGAN lions in the world Ill which to Business and Consumer invest money says pr iu Affairs Analyst jclltI llceubcrz Thomson News Service Group Ltd Toronto in typi cal ciunmcut The Foreign lnciniiul Funny thing about inflation lry to keep the lid on II lll one View Agency has been OHM place and it pops up in an other 41 Housing is good illustration The supply of new houses has been curtailed in some parts of Canada because the govern ment is maintaining high inter est mics as nzul of ifs strategy to ï¬ght nflation So whats happened Housing is in short supply and prices are likely to increase to reflect the scarcity value John Boyd Canadian ltcal ltVatc Association president said the other luv that new liethinI Hulls in llllllu list year were 65 per cent lfewcr IILm in lilTi liccs Ll Ontario homes IllltlllJI by an httlHif of 54 per cent When starts drop off precipi tously in the face of strong dc inund there is increased un wnrd pressure on the DIICCH of existing homes Mr Boyd said lak Biddell Toronto chur lcicd a4ountant who is On lorios representative on the federal antiinllation board bus again called upon Ottawa ll rc duc fnfrrci inlcs and lo rut the foreignexchange value of the Chllillfllall IOIIM When he first advanced that argument month ago Mr Hiddell was wider criticized rut ill mnliuucu maintain that high interest rates and high IOIInllllti1v rate are contributing Enhtou FORIIGN TAKFH ERS That vicw increasingly heani from pcnflc in tho roul cstatc arr miotircincing liel Part of their concern is about the continuing deal of foreign capital into Canada The federal goverment is systematically making Canada one of the most attractive na II0 course its ï¬le LIIILLIT in the IlilJIILI lliit il lm it Ill President Bhutto was yanked II in or the where these general had failed both in thc IIQIlI but gotciii man Iii IIII 10 irI state together with the eastern lLill xlnll ii llllllI mo llxc Ilm Bangladesh was uliIIlllIIET But be accomplished this as well int Minith Alis Gandhi for rap flChump Illc Iukii reedcred enough tha Jlutio Iziccd uih Indian tiy IlllIl IIlniI um door can Lli in the nuclear energy race Bil21 STATIC Ii1c Iniw mII Ilnfnlllg Iylfitnl lrmi Us Ill new nu clctvr itgt=igtIii pziitt from the French In Ho viii Ir li 112 broru Ill Toronto iii in IIlt lIn umlmiiy 111 Bhutto El categorically It It dildo In our III9Ililii on forum sales of nuclear cquipmczu Ilc did not 112 mili IcalliIIu Irmz lsn Inm IIt the VLIJ IlIIIliI delimit sic Of ltl it his Illlll llu Indias pcrlid in IIILitk lIlQ the rulcs invl Cumin lin gering anger over that move he also knows all about the replacement of Inszir tiilespio with Donald Iumicson inllI the bunk rule has been llllllllillll of 2m cx cc imly high level to provide maximum III for freign iii cl llt was down by QUEENS PARK PIons set for students By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO lhe govern ment has announced its annual plan for summer employment of students Ir all nearly 18000 secondary and postsecondary students will be covered by the program Some 10000 of them will be taken on as summer replace ments and supplementatim in the regular government serv ices Another 7800 will be in spe cizl programs everything from working in museums to starting their own little businesses The total cost will probably bectter than $20 million In this day of strong reaction to government spending an ob vious first question to ask about this program is why Must we have it Must gov ernment subsidze summer em ployment for students Prohabl good 7lfvIEIIl can he made that it doesnt have to perhaps even that it shouldnt But any such argument falls down before the fact that today summer employment for stu dents has become practically an essential Not only is summer work way of life for students but great many of thcm cirul on summer earnings to boost them through their higher education An important facet to remem her in assessing the govern ments pzni mat ll cs sentially setting an example ic dent the it makes in em ployment of the student work iorcc is relamlly minor one It is estimated that there will be up to million students look ing for work this year The bulk of these obviously will have to find employment in the private sector And if anything like the re quired employment is to be pro vided the government must set an example And relatively speaking the cost of giving this lead is per haps not all that great Twenty million dollars cer tainly isnt peanuts But in relation to government spending today it is not all that significant It will probably rep resent 185 than per cent of next years budget Along with this however there is certain skepticism that more gal advantage could be taken of the program Some of the projects such as the fliitlll ranger forces are good value both in work reduced and in training for the participants gtI for other of the programs These Icaic ariï¬i of make work mpreeion and cause one to wilder uhcher they may not do morc harm than Liond if it INTERPRETING THE NEWS Sadat tour of Arab states aimed of help for Egypt By ROD CLRRIE lCPEgyptian President Anwar Sadats cur rcn tour of neighboring Arab IIC$ is aimed primarily at IlllIlIIlL economic assistance wl viitcil understanding for his country lronica Iy while in Western 7113IV highlyregarded of Arab 35 Iic ic nxzi lflt LIJI Illvr i1li IiiEcnt qualities to reduce his problems at home Sadat ITII llII rely heatily on rich Arab itc Anion Arch ladders he is imtrd with varying degrees of suspicitncvm contempt in some quartersbeenso of his handling of the Israeli conflict Only oilwealthy Saudi Arabia give him Irtllilly unqufllilcd iiplcin tic support acclim ponicd bv lid in almost embar rassing 3101331fIlCl5 SEEN AS lRAlTOR the ozhci extreme Syria considers Sadat trailer to the Arab and Palestinian cause he ccusc of liulhts interim pence Juicoipcut ilfrl luu Septem her with Israel Illl hi oul Aral lllIl states Sadat has been at pains to nippinsim 21ml It Lt mCHZ is miltllnlsfr0I by more Arab allies and individuals who talk through sentiment rather than with wisdom The agree ment under WILICI 1531 this week regained yet another slice of the Sinai desert was simply ii slen toward pence rather than final solution to he prob lcm 0n the basis of this pledge lead ll king KII nu of Saudi Arman 11 promised full support for Iluypl But others still hold back Egypts stuntinu was further disturbed by the rcccni agree ment LIOsCl political ties be tween usuallyfriendly Jordan iuil IlIiI gtyii lit in 1231 tan cycs smacks of an ani ligyptian alliance In seeking political under ElallfIlITE and tinnncial help Egypt argues that it has home the brunt of the Arab fight flinri lgtcl neatly iO and that it now must re pair damaectlccmomy The country has huge foreign debtsits cotton crtp Is mort gaged for years aheadancl in terms of per cupita income it now is the poorest nation in the Arab world Relations with the Soviet In ionwhich Is demanding full payment of loans made in ll shvc weakened And the anticipated flood IZVCSiInGIl follow iznfll mate Nixons 1974 visit did not illillti After the Lebanese cnil that left much of Beirut uuiHc1ihg ruin there was speculation Cairo would inherit 2k iiile of Irwin and finan cial capital cf the Middle East but 1histoo has not materia Iizcd Many businessmen who toyed vii idea in 111 earlier wave of mc1ii ni other on trcpreneurs who rolled in after rm war all policy soon fed in tration BIBLE THOUGHT And he said unto them lo ye into all the world and preach the gospll to every crea ture Mark 1615 lot of promling is based on trying to explain little or ex plain away wnat God said in stead of repeating what He has to say Since He has promised to bless what He said perhaps we had better stay with it in spite of what if for do to some of our btllllOIlK le word shall not rclurn unto me oid angry frus are but It said we mayltofcloahang cg few pgoplsfi