Ellie iï¬arrtr Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus newbies woe THUMBS UP lo Mayor Dorian Parker for persuad ing council not to give her raise It is wise politician who knows his own value To the Barrie musicians who again did well in the Kiwanis Music Festival and their teachers To those who drive with care and caution through the many puddles of water on Barrio streets and do their best to ensure pedestrians wont get soaked lo Arch Brown owner of the Barrie Canadian Tire Store which will shortly become the largest retail store north of loronto Local business is big business To all those in lnnisiil who have lab ored long and hard for this daythe offi cial opening of the Stioudlnnisfil recre ation centre Thumbs Down To those on council who proposed and voted for raise in the mayors salary It was strange thing to do at time DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Feb 28 l97l And rea olieu presented Queens llocl lio 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Feb 28 l9Sl Couii cil approved renaming some Barrie streets to avoid confusion among many new citizens arriving in town with its rapid industrial growth Elizabeth St will become Dunlop West ithat was from Five Points to limits at Anne Stl Char lotte will be eastern extensionof Collier ifrom Berczy to Duckworth Charles St becomes part of Sanford Wellington East when opened will be continued through Berczy to St Vincent Planning board secretary exmayor Jim Blair said Kempenfelt Drive woiiid be unchanged due to its historic lglilli cance also Florence St because it was named after Archie Thomsons vviic Mr Thomson who donated large area ior Queens Park was Barrie man who used to own all land from Toronto St west to Eccles from Elizabeth St noiih to Ross and Sunnidale Rd Council respects heritage and history of Barrie we THE WORLD TODAY Henshaw Managing Editor SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 1976 To Clarinda Hamilton organizer of the Georgian Bay Drama Festival held at Eastview last week It was monumental task well done To the bowlers of Barrie who raised more than $20000 for the Big Brothers Association and to those who financially supported the bowlers To the proprietor of the Barrie body rub parlor for giving the moral chance to show just how moral they can be and publicly too when cutting costs is important Candi dates for mayor anyone To the feeble minds in vehicles who have the same attitude to puddles as iwoyearoldlets make splash To the government of Ontario which is cutting costs and winning votes by making municipalities suffer To those dog owners who think pub lic sidewalks are there as toilet for their pets it makes walking on seine PAGE THUMBS DOWN sidewalks an phy to winning ladics curling rink at Country larrie new exercise in balleiic skill tlub skip Barbara Smith lrs Chris Barnes Ilelen Jibson June llaidy Victed in court of dumping raw sewage into lxempeniclt Bay illegally layor lcs Cooke said he will speak only to Council on next civic action City of Barrie con iairic liguic Skating Cub raised $1000 by IliCllOlll skateathon at Barrie Arena iisl bank in Vespra Township Montreal officially declared open by Reeve Cail lloian at mart plaza on Hayfield St itiuk skipped by George Shaw with clrie liaser Lillian tiracey and Pa Shaw IiiiCics lrllti ionday won Sunday mixed playoff at Barrie iuil inr Club liastvievv team placed 4th in nilOntario high school competi iion at Foreign policy from Conservativ es By JOHN HARBRUN Foreign Affairs Analyst cign policy per continuum of Thomson fvu Service policy lllajill chance ioeiz ionservatve party foreign palm lrudeau era In Canada there prob sni one Certainly not Liberal that is very litilo ii any Ill lOdhb away from thrusts oi Ye many iories siionah poge some of the major shiitlt in likf foreign live ID tflf Lafvsï¬grifjbhdig3515Bulge our foreign pJcy made in li $0 Leos liudeau in 1963 to mo in hs raily on world altars and how ï¬rst external NH all American Republicans and pammmw lcma ee the world in illl may TIM mnpmnl leien term is far as could tell foreign policy analysis never emerged in the many public statements made by the 12 candidates for the Conservative party lead ership during and before the cent fory convention sociaes ILW MILITARY ltOLIL lorics are unhappy ain vviiii ilie way our armed forces have iliiical military our growing alienation from thr lï¬nited States in favor of iiiicc= iain Third World friends and to lcrty on fromst ccoromir ben ust more for rotval and language policies purposes than purely which understandable Can ones Ada at this pomt wallowing in This has resulted in illCAl scif iiztcre result the drop in morale and failure growing opposition to the anti iiiflation program and the high cost of government Therefore Conseiv at iv the 18 new for Lockheed and maybe new tanks Ellie Barrie Examiner buy new weapons that is until the recent decison to purchase Lour ltange Patrol Aircraft lRfi Yet the new Conservative na lional leader Joe Clark 0an he is consolidated in his new post should give enough time to toi l6 Baytield Street cign policy to determine why Barrie Ontario the Conservatives would want Telephone 7266537 in take different internaiional Registration Number 0434 routes if reelected to iedeial Second Class Mail power in 1973 Return postage guaranteed If we look at two major llaily Sundays and areas government contrbiitioiis Statutory Holidays to our own Canadian inter excenied national lievclopmoni zcncy Subscription rates daily by iClDAi and in international carrier cents weekly $412 hanks abroad are talking yearly Singlecopies 15 cents about billions of dollars in pub By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly lic funds which most Canadians himcoe County 53400 Balance of Canada $3600 year ly All other countries $4500 CIIM il yearly Motor throw off $36 on yearly National Advertising Offices Po Queen St West Toronto 8M lilO Mn alhlall 5L Moul real Member of the Canadian Press arid Audit Bureau of Circula tions The Canadian Press is exclu sively entitled to the use for re publication ol all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Avsricalerl Press or firu tor and also he Eocal news pub lished ibevein The Barrie Examiner ciavms Copyright or all original adver tising and editorial material era and by its employees and repro duced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num ber 203815 register 61 wiaaoaemeWbammam yearly never hear about il lion le be Blue louiitam ï¬t liilion mimticd lien for exampe to the lntci meiican Development Bani il si gully ovei llll trial in ltlili tllllli 41iiingion million llllP lit Still nd Canada also member nrtl Clilllllll lltltlml to ftlltl major ncrnaiionnl banks He the World Bank in lzihin2oii and the Asian Bank in lanila lieaumably Canada woud maintain the open door with Castros Cuba in ch was after all on Ollgltlll lecidon Li till lael Conrrvativp government in 193 when li lCiCnldltl new prime minitor and in lll year Castro won his icvolutzoi fieent Conservative attacks in the Commons on Mr lrudcaiis propensity to vii such laiXisi stales as hum anzl Cuba should not be taken seriously by Mr Clark Lain it was Conservative foreign policy in the early liltile to work cIOsely with the 1hincc on the major wheat sales we made to them in the Ilielonbn ker years in power ZLBA TORY POLHIY nd on Cuba as major Rus sian naval base in the Western Hemisphere Conservativ es should not forget that ii Die fenbaker as prime minister 1p fiiscd to move to support the US during the crucial week of the Cuban missile crisis in Or iobei 1962 Conservative foreizn pil icy Yes there should he do finable one nd Ll should be worked out now by the new Tory leader who does have the essential personal background in political science Ifélg3 lv Xenigik You know what my ambition iuTn one day he Mariano by my absence ti vvih mcnin icpitinllu fl one that had occurred in the en il cpui lnlll vclii ipimi in clilltl to legtiiy ior lI lll NOTES AND COMMENT Interesting letter went unpublished ILAN FINIA it ltlilor lne iamiier mailbag had an ll in iiiuiiynious lclic vvil not be put lift vvu microup was vise subject ltniir lur iiioujiiiiui liic lLiinuci vvr iei dLll ii bed lid not report liii litiil correspuivlents llCllll Illlllflllll we checked will the Rim lF llJlf and the Barrie OH to see where we had gooiod men skinlion lv lie moi iercnt rune liar iie rook lll1tC before Chrisiniis involvcd person cant call ml ian man il0 71 inzncoiil and lltle 39 lhfii ltl was lCpUlitll ill The Ianiiirur Livfl devil has been wid tu nhdii iape recently ie has been said about powers cpuiin oi lulN srinpcis in Canaln dont llfilll even when iii lil oi tlllull iopd iapes be lClllfl have to alll yes thrn ipiuliiy ll general rule the pubi and half the public is rap pntcnia iictm has iighl in know about Linllllf tlfllvf flap inw for the lllljflti il homer lUl men litl it is not funny and lhe ciumqucnccs oi rape are not funny bu iuvyiliiu anvbody lillll rape is iud ceniuriik been rather crude can do to YOUR BUSINESS lii il liCJ mpar can we hap prcven Lop iuin vallllvii lite Iv The iij li ill iii in iiiip Ulllfll sil ti ivppi th iiiic np viil vviin iii it 111 to it iiiigtiiivc ilLll Illigt twitn iijj Iii Ilv icii vi liilif uc irvld itllC tiniir Lipr Wh in of lll su llii tine lilti to police ordnance icc lli vvl liv illlllivl liiiaili in in it lmi iui aliuit cuiiiviix old vv iziiun lllti iv with lllllC If ya to count rlil in be llif ll lhc1c1 viiic1ii Ki puma lii vii lL 12 iiiui lll stint We ticivfl iiiwli lr lcmii til WE WANT YOUR 0NION litters uliiiviitcd tor pulv llcution llllll hr original cop its signed by the writer llcii so include utll street address and phone uuiuhci although they will not he published licl tcrs which illlllul tic authenti cated by phone cannot be pnh lislieil For the MIR of space public interest and good lasts lhe luxamiuci Illl the right to edit condense or lljfII Iciler TWho regulates the regulators fly VINCENT EGAN lillsiwss and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Heres one mete example of what ilie prime minister call the failure of the freeanairket vvztema failure for which hiS gvieiiinieiis policies are largely to blame lhe Canadian Transport Com mission hzvv authorized one in crease alter another in the rare that international airlines can or rather mustharp pasen ates flying across the North Al laniie The latest increase of about nine per cent on soeavlled Ad vance Booking Chartersqhe cheaper transatlantic fare grim Into client on flights fl rgiitiiiri Hilfl nvi 30 Under the Ri rules tickets irvn be Naive two mnlls in art 1er That meant eiiecl 1m the ipiiice anorease applies from March Tile unification was the same as for last flare increases The milines had to have more revenue because their fuel bills have gone up The illC has cozy relation ship with the indule regil later The rain ilii aie those tint iiizirlinn ni lines vran in iliiigeaii they are alvv1 lllgilt the to that non Canadian airline would be happy to charge you PRICE FIXING But neither the li nor the prime llillilltl horn able to repeal the freemarket Nil of tipoly and rliniid As ticke llllvi have giue up public demand llfilltuilllilllt travel ll 1qu down and theres pronounced SlllpllSOl tent at The new lc lo drum up blliillcr for their over supply on ABC flights some ciiflrtrrm ie ion the non per tool are in are largely for the pllipOsE of pay ng bipzw ciiiiiiiE1imv in iavel aeeiils who venl luiiues their Fl In tlll HSf iiigttormlt are Ilf iiiL ibll iiililivx sion In agents rather than the norm lll per con Uhat would mean fee of $1213 rather than the already generous $74 for the tiC selling tvo satin ABC tickets couple trav elling lrroniiolonrlon and re turn iliir summer iii it FROM PARLIAMENT HlLL Taking advantage to dampen the talk Bx STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Ever since he assumed the leadership of the Conservative party Joe Clark has been tak ing advantage of every oppor tunity to dampen talk of party disunity He will he says he devoting his efforts to building strong national and united party He WW flci iv IlL hiicna we lezcc ILlltltl llll iriicil stvcu uric in iin cvi tfv L1l inc lll incu vvu vcll lo icid ie iioiLici cruel lzie vvliolc ucvitcc he PIHIECJM ti have iinaiiy Jiiillfl iiie Eva the 2011i centui Claude lngimi iilp go than liobeit Stanficli lreinii accent vvn lillii in part etabi iiiii iiiii llu the dclmmc it li lli that good and vv1 iin scivane are no uid circled lllul vm llllllllliilil in it liim llc nll bed Timid iaiiltcid tiillvlli it lllv lf iblm 33 liloig lll in ii Ric il lo ii itlloiinlii ioiinl llcllc Cliiik him lli lll ivili of am ll1 lo lib ill hf diiuiini luv iv caucus nICllllic purl nii who pipe Hit the oi tllllll leiziien nd the iris one in incltagc lohn Ditiilllmhti Lpi iiin deieimincd ll llllll invi he cant lead There is gum in lo iriltiiiz iii the tniirci ilii vi iiiunl Al ly and my lifl is ii iiu vvll come out ou on who livw party and the nc hairy clcciiou liicn IIiaHli liiidc ll cw fill in tlie giovc oi iiIiltllll and boil the devil out llliHiiiiitililt liikviiiiiui IIl he itill iiiml llliilllt if liavel acciil rllttlilfl in ii wow you iltllll lic iu oi your llil iinl lovvnrl ii othci me on ilillcivivi and airline ihit ind inv ieou llll lIBHl lAtS llie ikiporccu iiircii which the tilili in iivcriuuiui tlIllOlCl for PL lilIJiK vi intended in cove higher hiinu fuel and operating tilsl vs Iiltiii illll Illilltl Mill iiiiiici Iiil Hiili udiv vlllill puyiig agent the lidiii InIlllitlll cummin sion Railier than have the excess matey go to MOI tiravel scouts wed like to see it in wstcd in LVtlllllllL and ex ltflitltlg the tiiil iiiel mur nl II IS vl ll lli lll ciu Icr t4lll lmiit waged by uue llllrtl mild lead to raiicullaiioin and reacheduluig of ABC thghiS which could inconvenience trav ellers and damage the good rep utaticr the inli Lry has main tained since if crockel down on flyhydring iiiwiulivia iii llie rully Wills remaiked that that concerned about the unity lSSllC caucus would rally behind him he wasnt all He was confident the And this follows three days of convention speeches party unity No other issue was so prominent But the fact is the Con servatives are not unitedand they havent beer since the early days of the Dietenbaker government And with all due respect to Joe Clark its highly unlikely that he can perform miracles in this respect Ile made noble plea for Lin iiy when he addresied the con vention saying the we cannot expect the people of Canada to have confidence that we can heal the divisions in this nation until we demonstrate that we can pull together within our own party Robert Stantieli said much the some thing in 1967 nd at that time even lohn Dieicnba ler pleaded vvzili his followers not to fan the flames of con tiovci niiuiiii tie new loader But the tlanigs were fanned repeatedly iirl at this ciiICilthli lr iciilicld look ltlltCl line as re prepared to iciitr tine ciiicu inethr dont play their in port on the team he ritl they siil he bentlied il it they still dont ioneiu etc the new leader llOlllfl place tiriin on waivers li Stanfield was ltLli lll rilevi that coitzilirtizgi didnt purl for him and that the new lorlci should sci touch Clav were dcclii ii only one or two lPs this woud be reasonabe ap moafx But nearly third of 93incmbcr caucus favor thotic shift toward the rizhl il any lende coin to think twice before alicnting ioiip itch is Illi ncl uch an adentation could rnciir if Mr Clark starts takin Mac ictioii sciinst aiy of the leaders in this rightwin Qrciip QUEENS PARK list Long hard look 01 Stuart Smith By DON OllliARN Queens Park Bureau lliomson Nrws Service liillUNlU When the hJue opens March we will finally begin to gel that long hard look Stuart Smith which so many people have been waiting for it is uuvv very few people kllil inst what the new Liberal lender or staan lor the leadership convention vviich in win there really wasnt too much oi reflection iii the man Leadersh ttl to he do iidel on personalities and broad llunltlfilh and out of the liberal tunth there was little illiidrniion of real Sinai Smith iid there has been little am plification since then In the ltii following the convention the new louder hi been trav ellm bt amid the pUlllf icorgauim his office and try iu out his new dek lul ie liii he liii ben little occupied lli lllll2lill FIRING LINI the With the sesdou that vv ill clinllze lii pui leader Smith will he on the lllllf line every day and ill have to take and state positions make quick de cisions and mulch IllS with the other leaders of the house Notable developments have occurred on 29th Il BOB BOWMAN lomorrovv is leap year day and ii might be thought that not many important things have happened in Canada on day that comes only once every four years However there have been number of notable develop ments on Feb 29 apart from proposals of marriage One of them was an agree ment signed in Washington on Feb 29 1892 whereby Britain and the ILS agreed to subunit the fleriu Sea dispute to arbi iinlioii Ii resulted in the 34 paying tuiiurla ahoul $1000th damages for having seized lliil Isli Colmnbian lisliiii boats ihai had been operating in the Ber ing Sea which the Americans tried to claim as their preserve Perhaps more important was an agreement on how seal fish in would be conducted in the future and conservation meals CANADAS STORY Jack Homer the most out spoken of the rightwingers has already made it clear he is just waiting to see where Mr Clarkwho is far to his left intends to lead the party if he leads it in my direction therell be no problem he says Obviously Ir Clark is not going to make sharp right turn Apart from his own ideology he is iar too practical politician to leave the entire middle ground to the Liberals Like Mr Staniield before him he has little choice but to try in develop philosophy broad enough for all existing part viewpoints And that history has proven is virtually impusible MORE LVVOIAEU nd anyway internal dilt content inv 03 clt more than ideology Already ltoch La Lalle one of iii three Quebec MW in the in his said he will not run the next election under Il Clark will reprvwcii lic inicrcllt of my riding but when the next election is called am coin home Other supporters of Paul llel lyer and Claido Jugnci are alo porzlcrincv their lllllllC Dezpiie the initial uphoria sui rounding the i3 ltiik regime there are eiiuis iiiifhrriiriinls oi discontent li llllva jii li there isnt room for lulliledgcd poiiiml part Canada lili ixbrirnl iioi scivhtlvcs aul ijvv llfiiiicielc all overlappiig ii ivt broad inidllc ground 1311 in acciii module or iiii lllelllzd lllr thcrc nciiiiur rule for illlv Eii aicirialij dcdcitcd to alliclllll oldinsh ioucd snivllc crisiixoiisiii Regardless of that you think of Jack llirre vl others who plin right field they houltl be able in soon for llllltl with out others in the out jiminii to inisroiiivic lv the doui lCTlC1lll fililfï¬l party policy sl on the other hand the ocalled ZITLCldillCS should be able to expound their views without 1i2htvcs callin them neoaocislifl lZiil21llllll rf pa rtic would Ll xi iill some lisconteiicd Liberals to furl new hon But suicc tall about the for mation of new pirties is lP garded as here am mm to drop the subject tllfii Itl in other wols we will have our first chance to see Stuart Smith lillllclan as he Teally lF N0 PROGRAM From what Wile evidence we have had to date it seems that what we may piiiicipully see is men playing waiting game Smith has left the impresion that at this stazc tow he is princintlly iiiterctcl illllllt bles by other iilis than making any particular ionV gains of lvlQ ovvii Both from his tcr public ood tions aiyil from per rvi conver saiiors he the tiicuzlil that he is still vwikiiiz hi on any positive 1min lle ilt for ieiniieil mod crate redislrlirlw iii vealli and he is ill fllltll ageiiieiii of iiiil lllll But he has wulvl out any detailed DJfl ii of rlcip would Iillvt vvvnu youli ll foreni than llltlt ci other pvr lies He still tends flunk oii loud and one anthers ll enu liiiie to do llwn ii iii Lie belief that this vll sliinulnio public thinking are inai In the up ii in meantime the public is in lelligeiii llLiLl to separule ideas from prl rim One can see ilt lllFlt aw trouble spots illtull tor him But one also ii 11 he could prove to up liniuldin the Charles Hirheri luppei son of lllCS to protect industry Father oi Coiilcileiiiuii Sir Charles luppei played an im portant part lit the negotiations and was awarded knighthood II in not elicit that like thl like son works out in the highest ranks of politics All other exception was thigh liii donald son of Sir John who became premier of Manitoba and was ininiier oi the interior in the tcdciil Liltllllltlll lie received knighthood In 191 PCIIID grand win do lnw Mullene llL wv Iandsiui ol Mackenzie who led the timer taiiaria Rebellion in 13M Henri Bourassa was grand son ot of Lou Joseph Papineau who was also rebel in 1837 and considered to he one of the greatest waters in unadniii history