or 74 are Ellie Norrie Examiner Published by Walls Editor Emeritus FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 197B Way to go Barriel The Big Brothers Bowl for Millions week netted the organization close to $20000 The majority of the money was by the typical average Citizen who par ticipates in bowling league and spends night week out with the girls With an increasing number of clients for its services Big Brothers was in the unfortunate position of having to back if it could not find source of rev enue Fortunately service and found good way to it decided to expand its Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontar Robb PublisherGeneral Manager in Henshaw Managing Editor GE the muchneeded funds to continue for another year ama some 561 timist will raised boys or the Thanks t0the success vice pledged to Big munity projects The proprietors Sheas bowling lanes of the Bowler clubs like Rotary and be able to divert funds Brothers to other com of Kempview and deserve praise for donating their lanes for two celebrity days Feb 14 lhc ttll celebrities time and rounded tip pledges are to be ongratuated as are the nameless hund and 21 who donated their reds who coughed up cent or two per raise fine conii pin to help Big Brothers iiuiiit effort DOWN MEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Feb 27 Lieutenant William Craig his seas with RCAF of Toronto Lou Lang fession as Grey Simcoe Foresters will re vert from historic role as infantry to ar tillery and become 45th AntiTank Regi ment of Canada appointed assessor Mayor Pete Sinclair OUR BUSINE home in Barrie after two years mer Project to extend four miles sanitary sewers in Barrie and two miles storm sewers nears completion Queens Hotel in Barrie one most popular north of Toronto sold by Mrs Margretta Lyne Bell to Max Cohen bord will be resid cnt manager Thomas Mitchell ARCA former manager will return to his pro portrait and landscape artist Lloyd Partriprm Two of Barrie welcomed members lentral linited Young People at Town l946 Flight returned to louncil in exhibition of the two top iii great rookie and Joe Lund loote unadii nor in World senior Protest Mulcaster Sf home Ill Ilan Foreign capitol who needs it By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service reader writes to Inquire abou the perennial problem of the billions of dollars that Jana rhans pay each year for the Ilse of foreigners capital Can you giie us figure the inteieét raid bv Canada nl lfllCllli Iuall the reader My when the to mill weal in Luna cant snow of ï¬ex fl lir loars he illuffI ri laii aria ic aie faiiadial mic f11 ulc being willtl out US more is Well anyone wouldnt he ham to if He Ilium tlLIFfllillt lli vi lll Ite zins with always read your tUlllll with In and appre elation PIlD inlWlIl The combined figure for inter test to foreizn Icbtlioliler and diiilcndb to ttiCiqnn share holders in iftMlaer year for which ireirritate stzliilics are PJCLIJlflCH sl timemillion lhaf= an outtlow of more than 5100 it turn Canadian lrl the same year Canadian illlllll in interest and diidenls from alnuiidabuul sxo pe ciipiln nylwmv Ellie Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by Carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3100 yearly Balance of lunudu $3600 YCHW ly All other countries $4500 yearly Motor throw off $36 on 5I€£yIV¢V60 314th fvya yearly National Advertising Offices in Queen St West Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and llllt Bureau of Circula tions The Canadian Press is exclu sively entitled to the use for re pubiication of all news dispatch as in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub lished therein The flame Hammer claizus Copyright If all original adver tuing and editorial material ere ated by its employees and repro duced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Numv bar 203815 register 61 Inkmfmllwiuw the the figure for lflif interest hm 162voercenf Iiiglim than year in lltIIhl I97 li il gtuiii Ffj7iiiilliin double Mme lIio Illil outflow 2066 loal and in Late la year the our of and dividendr was inn Célllltl IIld wuull innnl in iiiliic itl tllltlfllI llillllltllh to immune Cl were or ook iordie Needham Murray Richardson tlII lioniebrews but Barrie Flyers featured hockey team at Northern Ontario Winter urnivaL beating North Bay Irappers 64 game Starringr for Barrie and on on ice were llap limms efcnce pair of Ray Gariepy IIon Major John l4fli Victoria Cross win War and Mrs loote took up residence in Barrie lie is now uit padre at Camp Borden and purchased Mrs Quinlans house on pl Bert Fell arrived dale after service overseas with Black Watch Regiment of Montreal and Queens York Rangers of Toronto Xe fflal fniiicin in leaned much more heaiili juirii lliffll than lll Itll Itvial 11 lmtllill ilpr I3 nantm llltfllKlllig Canada Sav ers liziiwI illtl by 83 milllr Sliiiirullb irai bll foreign sources sup Illl Qwuir ii sharply from $3003 ll€ illlli PZVI Illllllltli the Chilean church is under attack $lllili he 1min lufluillt LIiiiiin iii Illllr lllllltii iPJwml filiatl flit Him in llL7Illlnll£fl but awn in being intimated bj llLllHslii Ihiies Silent lunch the title of llf 4664120 publication ill ou by an liltlacoineiwtiw iatliwr inuiiizuiionwrlic ihil pun Siciely for the Helen fl Iiuton Family nncl Iropn ll Lung le he truly ol jliilcan rioliiic llii ocicfv llï¬lgt litFri lalccly inn red in until row NOLCILIHIUJ the official cruiiu llllelilllfl Ill lf those recently to IICHllC an en ire page to tlf lljlllf illt pct Icol under the headline Hut floral lunumi of Church in chiio lntl the hlflfll which sex if his row ii IllIllfIiLiI iiiillut now is locnerl III New nilicvs artl rhino nun tlw bunt which it says it ltlllllll in its own printing plant it tne ntlmmt in touch IllillliltLDl it cinsï¬ Ilbplllï¬s iamis mil lnil lurtlinal Silte llflllllllC hed mic ii his initials want Chile to ietiiin to IM Iis witch lure ol iii2 toppled IfIllSl gm ilIlIiIllI II the ll Siluul rii If in the from cmei of the book photograph of Ilcnde and the cardinal seated together on podium during public rally in Ilit Illsltlf is photograph Hip cardinal with Cuban Pre mier inlcl Castro when he ll Lfcd fliile in the ame your cl The book aili ises Roman atliolics they can disobey their tarth priests without loaf of iiolating church Iiiw if the cler ics preach Marshl precepts lllOnS spokesman for the cardinal said immediate Filllllflflll was planned regard ing the publication or its tuni Iniif ninthV no lHE PICK OF PUNCH ureamm fl cant speak for the sex but the iolence was furrific Bligh than guys hold out ther hand dammit you Ihulm ilf LETTERS TO EDITOR Commuter repoints mayors picture Dear Sir am grateful for the oppor tunity to Hit an opinon our Barrie iiespipcr My tOllllllCllLs ptilain to li tul page spread discouraging prospective newcomers to our cty in the lemon Star of Feb 31 hine becn lUllllllLlLfl for several years and am aware of the advantages and disatlianlm gcs this lifestyle brings However am commuter stroneg filiCsiIOll the integ iily of loyal Barrie lllï¬ells who countess hr 10ch appeal nppose the freedom of IIllt liu fmmi liic made siinlai choice at aliiclc ichi to and who now label would not line to wn 01 Bailie am buying by chOice haie alo chOeCll home pay taxes buy and to IIVC and raise my famin in clothing support the Barrie 7n Barrie Ill lniiizlj gtIlljalllll to 11 tcr crtul tuougn oiitf cunnil tuial psiforiiiaricc and piitici oration pales in microJ groin am upwind to thin the illltlltll benttil bout the ii iu number pciplc who read inc as chl as liu ining wluroimi il llOlLlllllllC oroidct by the Sniicoe County Luuid of Educa Bariie as the city the our mayor has on more than 31 one occasion condemned tiose ff IM lb kac Baum hm LIIIICL til tliliy lii cincts IUtlill for Toronto mwl punter alul ilriiriinii with In tJilllllULll and or occasion tItlIliIltl time madman and ICA amiiier papirbiy to say noth ing of the gas we plltllithC Ia liCd Appeal contribut to the 13 from Barrie CiHt station Harrie expansion fund and Surely this motc than ust and Harrie for Ilffllfllllll Men mllle Lliiiicli mp FM whim FROM PARLIAMENT HILL The unnoticed kingmaker oi the Tory convention liv Slllllutr Macliiflll Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service When at the IOry leadership tiH ltillv moiemcnt poiaiitcit atrium lor Hi all iIlr canhdalcs till r1lll ltIlIlr¢l iucu llllllll lit mciu lI vufu matitally became kingmakers James illllL who attractor r7 Tltawlhsllll OLt slapped Li Clerk button lolin Frazer with 1127 votes did the niiit thine nd eien Sliilttll atc ens who had 182 supporters and is irflardel to be var illll of ll Clark begun sporting cllow sctzi Anti Inter Fltia lacUonald was to follow suit In the final ballot as men one knows Mr Clark defeated tlaude Wagner nd all the dc tented 11Iiili siiiiiin in him were immediately hailed as linoI do pie the their went in all Iilii lion liieie another kin malier whom no one seemed ll notice Stew Puproski is ml ir gardcrf as an ideological LIIll man within the Tory caucus tending to be broad in mind as well as girth nd as lltflllllt of the conventions regulations committee he had to remniii II licially neutral during all the planning stages nu the 47yearold MI irmn Edmonton Centre has an im mune personal i1llrtlltilll ins riuiet opiniom are usually re spected and frequently sought MANY FRIENDS former member lit IZdinoiiton ICJkIlllOi aotlmll learn and as iormer profes siouul wrestler and soonpro lessional singer he knows lo ol people llis telephone ian constantly for weeks prior to the conventimi As you know have In re main neutral he was IICHHI saying But permnally him i115 WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for pub Iicaliou must be original cop lea signed by the writer Plea se include your street address and phone number although lhry will not be published Lel tois which cannot be authenti cated by phone cannot be pub llahod For the lake of space public interest and 1006 note The Examiner larval the riot in edit condense or reject letter laude agn0l think be ill and in wiic outset the rod hr gun in ii at UIILIlLLUIL uuhtel ltll Its difficult In how iiiiitii aiLI saw owl of two NH illluelice this had on milcrn from caucus supplying lizm lust as its difficult to say how llcru tutti gilt wlio iiiici lllllilllltC wizinlmc l1t fault lI nrl iiiiiiilgu on din 141 ouljll in mil in Irn iiiirlcidog pitbtuiy silllzldlll dl lltltill of llill IIM ieoule knew llll iw Vere Iiiincil to It Ill giiiiil vii Iiiz 7i lltv iii tIHIl nifty uc iI Mini iu odny is he 20 diurui it um lt litilu Ii flllfilitl ll in llii who In icziu bccn in Lima Ill if il off his blind but with my Iltli 01 tel faction nrl climbed info lurid Sill wanting Iii offiiial on luv to sllultt liunil fllllfFJ lid1 Il IJuoll ll lciicd to II the sliLLll tl in iioil lute coming acro well he reiiiuiked said in am vtllilill with mi lll litlllII l1 III xll section of tlu timc Ltllilt lit tliuuth about i1 all of Sn Iniltoii bum lllfI Ligli ii1llii Sulutny morning Mr Ibo llJli to in It flux limit New alignments ll IiILIf Iniy llllln iciliorn llIl mm Iululiw intcrcd lnmiii tfic tur lllLIIluwlt the article lugtiicmen inc iidi liil Zil iltl major has poii wasnt tIlL UiiJIlliC chill mod on Il Ill MCI LLili 85 ilf qul r5 ill lltiilillltiy itll do In llutill us iiilultil illfll lie IfOflllICllt Playing take Barrie attain fuit ti itii LI td IlLgiIll lt llltl lll lit iiczc millions illlllllili It and expressed ml Juli ptLurc our cr Ic Ill It community ready for the cv blast to come Yours sincerely II lvgc bclwie get iliEthlï¬ 273 Gilli st Baiiic in in out ball more but one drlcgaie mixl wliclicr inn vlinulg l0 ll II nitviii it ti li ï¬lm In if bunt ii ll no Iuotliiill ilgiMi Iiiciiicn wllu lllulx liiiih liu iiv llllult IilugtIl luriin hs charm Itijlx tllllli il Clit at llllf fill the Itiial Indiu lurk ItlllilLLll ulei Ieidtrx with suit Tluik it ll lllllt old It tllIlJllI in southern Africa It JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst llioiiison News Service sinus gtlllllllll Illdtfb gucrrilla giulin illnilcntg Illllllllit Iiidccil Zaiics dilemma as block state in southern tIica ll llt clcm from inc ln gt would no mussiie suite if too is lllilll Angola alltl llllm lll upptlsctl rncim iii ltlioitcsia Imumz wurld aetozllilwi out it Ill saliniury the their new Maer republic In IlIiAIUllIlLtLtI Clitpllill ol Luanda that iirw alignments Hakalil ldf hm it iirt iiitii1iiiii Illli will near soon in Fa made to forestall brutal racial R11 the mom urgent must come Iiulccd wlult hcre are lglm flll Smith will have In IC in 1711 move quickly to iiiujorilv rule formula there are others that liwui awlinn Il more racist than Snillli might ricrtliriiv Hui nd illitlif llhiv nesin info fortress of Iif from IillOiILbldl llllll Miniter gn Hmili unmet iiiirdn up of black majority rule before me in growth iuci IlI Zuniqu tint laiimnia begin major guerrilla wnr aziiiiuil in Info upiemaciat lCRIlllC illl Witii Cuban and Russian inili port li innit ili wciti and wuh both Havana and Mos 9llb1g mm tu ii prermii Illlil uit to other black liberation move ments liliodesins position now is precarlou In fact II has compelled the slongly antiSmith Labor cov erniiieiit in Britain to propose that major concessions by Mr Smith to his could lead to British support for Angola him if Rhodesia attacked llie speclre therefore looms of Cuban regiments soon will sit Inciul waI ill sxvlilluiii iliiin no the border of annlljlfl III ol grim proportions with blacks unm tliu lirocliun of South and whites allied again oath iiiu 45 lllltlilBIllfll rimint other on 011905th sides The Namibian liberation Vorstcr is on the brink of recog Iiiii the new ii1i yi It would lo the fint Miilxif regime in history ltinillgyntl by the llfllllwtllq nid l4l South African government Bill again the regime in Preoriii is also acting from the lilfiftllltlï¬ me With supported the do mettonn foamed Americanbacked lan liberation movement would Elli with the Duhans and Rita ll friciii iinlioii aunt Ilrl tlnuth liili ll ilt but on rll Ii ltd llr iir ll Sioux llcli no Jlill ll an Iii 19 nl tliert are siczis lite South il icons him would cut lhun tutor til uiiiibiii to lili lillILI It II In Iii rather iuulil lIllltl borders ulf not cusin defended Ihr rcua us ll illiil South fun ti lvllf Eiil sticial black African nations let il HI iiI exist inside her boidsis lf illio tw Soifli lli Itltluc iim lllltttlls iltliiul fit ll lihv Ir Lit Ii ct ltlllll Iii withdraw to II IIICSt ll5lllllellttl ltll racial bilitics for ii next few months African ll ll slu ll them might come true in the BIBLE THOUGHT And If go and prepare plow for you will come blde Lillmy oi the CubanRussian Victory gain and receiw you unto my deiway In scale affair the parties have been building their piiliona and their muscle and it will he in position to break open at any time AN FLECTION chantry Kal mnnicnf il with good isuo Ii lltim iltl mnl wrlr rn llf In for keeps By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson New Service TORONTO This house starts playing for keeps week from next Tuesday With the opening of the new session the ball game for the first time will be in earnest Last llallls short setohm was only test run It was too soon after the elec tion the parties hadnt seated in and then the Session itself £l narrow on Ilerl pï¬nti pally to gel rent controls on the road But the session that gets un larci lull lirrteiei the rim an the siinnc at mioi uct all thel build to the go plant on the country like could to But the ptr bliigs seem I0 that the opposition parties and particularly the Liberals lllfllllll roll llf nccom liflllll1 The pragmatic situation is that lllCli is littie lzlrciy election ground for Illf tlflilllil both the 5va llll the lub if the country with the question of the one pcml Putii liptil Igt1 ppuiam lint alter their initial 11 tliiisimni lliiJlltt illilfdfllt to them that the public generally was with the 2ivczizineiit on the ll iiwa in puffin imminr it into effect ilL ll wrll probably tiilliilLlC to oppose the wt Itl it ll meu 71f if prrcipitale an election lliLv wont ll his With the hon1131 iiicsiirni ml of the Hi there is llo other is ur lCAiglti or iiilgil prciuviffli in lVu iv mt lention will focus on the budget and this might produce fighting romr Ilflff tncugli to PZLcml 010 Phil we can LtblNlF that the lClllllltl will be crv c=ztiil in litirliri this Wm suspending will be the one ques tion it wont want to to Ill criuny on and the prospects of an election issth comin out of the budget therefore are iiul strong key point about the son and the hour however that could lllClili tut our flint Ii lt nlvum he the possibility that even quite accidcnlaih we could he Iandtrf an rlcvfioii She kept in touch Yn lltll Iiil it Queen icloi in ltlt saw tunudd gtIl lcp tlilSI much win rlLClUillClli when the BN tt payed lllP Iquc of Lords on Feb 36 186 she nIbCI the Icalerlt of the IiliLlfIl tith nicricau delega tion to call on he the llI do So on lcl 17 Macdonald Cartier trill lillcy aiidlIldpper appeared il liiltliTIlLllunl laL ac Ill court uniforms of blue and worc presented to the Quccu She seated with her daughter Louise standing beside her Later lrmcms Louise spent hi curs flow1338 in tuimdn us Ill of Liorcriioi ticncrnl Lord Lorne The Queen was dressod in black as she um still it iiioiiiiilii for her finblind lruicc lbcit II tiiuuazli he Ilitil died llo years Iieoic Queen Victoria npprmerl the DNA tl in few words and then tlit dclcgule bucked from Ilif room as licdonild said We have tILgtllI ii lllllt meas ure lu dotlure in the most sol lllli and emphatic manner our rcolc to be under the smor eignlj of Your Majesty and your family former It was quite an llLlICllC for the delegates lter all they were two colonial laois fwo buiiicssiiicii and country doc for The liN still had to be Iigttl by the House of Com mons but there was no diffi cull about flint In fact there practically no opposition and so lullc lzlLltil flint lliP British North Americans were offended Mucdonuld said The celish behave as though the British North America Act was private bill uniting two or three parishes That was probably the way they felt about it there were few members in the house of Commons when the measure was approved The next order of biigtiness was bill to place tax on dogs Then the members self that where am there ye rushed to their seats That was question II The MPLA troops with their may be also lolmitzn We Ill need to up to lIlis lie mine fodni III IOOh llh llltIJH would we lune guru mush ul tilllnflwb ll really important lllllill FIG EVENTS Iltil Illllll Minister Iac donnlrl we member of Brit xii delegation that wpnl in or means that we intended No Washiiitoii tn neolialn With 1L1 unlikely for example that movement lSWAPOl is making man knoweth the day nor the us that the Cubans will hour wherein the So AMG support them if South Africa comm 1896 Manitoba legislatuh Take no thought of protested federal interference in doc not withdraw from Nuiu tomorrow ye know not what education thin and permit the creation of day may bun faith separate schools Mil