Design 54809 1550 Sq Ft Iiiair and Upper Floors loz the family that needs four bedrooms this back split house otters great deal tor modern living in width of only 33 let in many municipalities it could he built on 60 foot lot but it feet would be ideal The living level shows large livingdining with fireplace desvned to he enjoyed anywhere in that area The kitchen and breakfast room are particularly spacious 0n the top level are the four bedrooms with main bath and shower bathroom cnsuite with the master bedroom There is also compact sewing area double garage has its door in the forward front wall to give the shortest possible driveway the garage level under the remainder of the bedroom wing are the laundry study and twopiece washroom Down six steps to the loiri under the livingdining kitchen area is huge Lshaped recre ation room with second fire place essentially similar to the one in the living room above The furnace room under the kit ulten provides also goodsized storage space Plans for Design 84809 cost $10 for the first set $12 each ad ditional set and are supplied by return mail New second edi tions of two books llome Des signs for Canadians are avail able at this newspaper office for WING DESION No 5480 MAIN It 700 Sq ii um 250 $150 each or by mail lsee cou pon below Book one presents 95 designs for homes up to 1600 square feet for one storey and split level 1850 square feet for one and one half and two storey Book two shows 91 larger homes Ontario residents please add per cent to all purchase orders to cover Sales Tax The Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont Book second edition presents designs for homes up to 1600 sq ft for onestorey and split level 1330 sq ft for IL and twostorey Enclosed please find 3175 including 25 cents for handling and mailing Book second edition includes larger homes En closed please find $173 Please check appropriate boxJSI and make ycmgt lance payable to The Barrie Examiner fIL ADDRESS ¢vv FIRST AID T0 ROGER WHITMAN ITFAIFIDJI STORI had woodframed storms made to iii snugly over our wood framed wirdwx to rid ol the trestitiyg that lilll up on the panes But new the in side ranface of me stoiiiis ream up so much we can hardly ltee out The iiiszilc li cow llL tl hap pened Can do anything It Soiiclimc ii lI air leaks out around lll edges of the inside windows into ihe betwecawiiiiow space There it condenses on the UL ll side surface of the storm= weatherwrithing arroiird the inside windows cold on this Another frequent cure is drilling row of small holes along the bot0m rail ot the storms so the warm air can drain cutdoor iiriteal oi being trapped iide Some BILING HOME storms are made with opcn lll 31 lI him rail tor lhi purpose suggest iiyii lust oi mm at how on crate wiiilcws CAN CLEAN ZROLI My problem is keeping llll stall gririi ccIn lic lwcci the glaze Ltlt lllt ilictl everything can liiiiii ul an iin Iiciiil lili lmi cl won IItIioi whiioii IIIllliuliL zicil llia didnt work illlil Ii fl1LlUli lerliiziie lit Ullliigl actually mildew ioiiiiiiiu due til the tininiiiicm ctiir worth iy to trimti on iii £llliilIlllil Iw tram illt lit iiiblcoifc is llll1 urcti alcohol with small liiiii if it comes off ioliow wih treatment ll lull strengio lileaiii to cheri fiiluic po1c ioiirli had lli IMPORTANT NOTICE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN OWN ING YOUR OWN HOME THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA and CALTUR DEVELOPMENT LIMITED HAVE COMBINED TO MAKE THAT POSSIBLE Detached Homes 38990 BEDROOM FULLY IF YOU HAVE ONE DEPENDENT CHILD AND EARN PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTW YOUHPAYEMQNTHLY PRINCIPAL AND iNrEIiEsr PAYMEN MONTHLYIREEAGOVERNMENT ASSISTANC LESS THAN $I9900 YEAR THEN YOU QUALIFY run PRICE OF YOUR HOME CASH DOWN PAYMNT ETGITFO FEROM $3899000 is i9sooo Vfls372oo 19929 27200 NEWS OF CHURCHILL MRS II MENS BONSIIEII lnurehill Ladies Curling Club he an invitational bonsplcl on Saturday The winner of the first draw was Shrley McNabb llilx from Strond second Vfar gaict Wetldells rink Newmark e1 Daureen Brown of Cookstowr 5k pped the winning rink in the second draw and incz Spence skippcd the second pllZC winn Ferguson iel IN AUSTRALIA Mrs Campbell last Thursday night said the or iiiteil Country women oi the World take in different womens groups around the world in some countries they are not call ed Womens Institute she noi id Mrs Campbell was speaking Lu Churchill Womens Institute on the ACWW conference she attended in Perth utralia in illii The theme of the world meeting was World to Share She mentioned the ln terllaith church seryicc as highlight Manitoba Canada placed sec ond in the ciatt show The WW flag was brought to Perth by police escort for the occa sion The next conference will be in Kenya Africa in 1977 Citizenship and world Lliltlis was the topic tor the program with Airs Jack lteiye presiding and Mrs tiordon NILQuarric coirnicnling on the motto Lii Il learn to walk in each oilieis IIIiiiasins iiiiiiqoc south SUNIICR convened the bulb ilistricl sccic Iii lr Marie lchcty of llradiurd reported on the lricl directors nitcling Tickets ill to he sotl on lziil wall hanging needlepoint worked by Marjorie Ingram in aid til the district There are now lli lull lltll oi homer in the first Church illil Beaver colony lhcw biys were invested on Jan 16 and Feb with their parents in ai tendunce On Feb theI lxtl ed the hobbyeraii how at rics Ninth Collegiat Ihi omn ing was ielevised on tll icii Vision on Saturday cycniiig on tac community new The bearers entcrcd llitl tui oriiig books and rccciycl howls olitii iiii able mention ribbons and hub byciull crews in Iriiiliiy victim liii Lin iiic lJLillgt hchl illl illllldl at llll tinyitcld lill mark ScoutGuide wcck TITS Both llc hi liIl i1iii and leic uici5li ilii hockey 2iii oi lcli liiillil ci ilic ili oi oi tiic lljvi kindly illiilll ticiuk lor lilt bog llii oil lit the tuiiii will pack who placed tiiid llilll pcition with all ho cui Iill in Kampcntelt District at hc lliliby Craft Show on Illi lilic lstrict ttc11iic from Churchill lo ititlllic The boys are very psoud of their uchieye meat in their iirsi year of en telling The cubs were on hand at the show demonstrating their Kuh lxai and iub Ker Irack ELK IuchIthLAN Man iamilies at Churchill are related to indusrialist II hlacMillun 90 who died Feb it in Vancouvci Mr MacMii ans mother Vilx Joanne Car olinc Willsoii sister of the late Mrs Robert ltcirc few yours aw icurgie ltci Ici Sinclair oi loronto compil cd booklet in genealogy of lllram Willson and Caroline Mc Leod for Machlillan lie is referred to as British Columbias Iengendaiy lumber man capitalist and philanlhrop In paying tribulo to Mac lillan Vancouver Mayor Art liiilp said the city has much to thank him tor referring to the $35 million it it MacMil lan Planetarium He had also made generous donations to the University of British Columbia lrcinier Bill Bennett called Macmillan the father of the tor est industry lie was the principal lounder of the Macmillan Bloedel com pany manufacturer of forest products with Ul exports to the United Kingdom and board ccntrcs along the Atlantic coast in linitcd States UNITED IICIICII II1 Reyciciid Croit Ensliil ed the ncw oliiccrs of tile 1711 iied Church Women tor liliti lul lliuiwlziy lhcy arc past president Ii Iiica presidents li onliraiicn Mrs NI Stewart Mrs Sumter Mrs ti Mc Quuriic and Vlin ti Hillock Recording secretary Vlr tiouidcn Corresponding secret ary lr Dickie Treasur ll ligt Watson lcz committee liiind raising li lr Constable ll lrs II llilliiik Ir Brown in lca commune wciall li ll Sitweii Is Lock liuil Mrs Sturgeon and Mrs Iliilti Ciiigthp and community actuitcs li Croft flow cis ligt Stewart and Mrs llll lizailcii marsc lrs it lli lt1illiTp NIL ti Mc Qilarric board of stewards re piectalic Nlrs Constab lc lilillis Mrs Conï¬ablc minceon Xiliilliillill cuiiiiiiicc liir llllll1 lr iiicchnw minizii committee tor LEW LI lwri lr tainplifl ii1d li Satinch ii Hungon iiiilli ll ii llisl IIIIIIIUSI IIIIY Ann li Illti iiiiiiii not ilth IIiabll li lid tliiiiliiil ti iliil fx ill IIIUHIII lilii tiiiil llillt llis rc il iiini1c iIi1i il Rcicicifi CliiIIlt ii limeryc 1324 to lit SHAYit lll iii li I7 liic il tiII pitii wl iliiil lii frui lilli IIlli Itusseils mother alter the death of her uncle John Rose of Richmond llil When Mrs Russell moved here in 1974 her mother mentimed sh believed their animators had lived in this area but she had no dca of the l0cation quick look at the Climie and ltose family histories in the Innisfil lilAlCIy llUï¬ll tied iii with the information in the 1831 obi tuary and proved Reverend Cii mic to bc Mrs Russells thrice greatgrandfather liic ministers eldest daught er Margaret married John Rose of Bradiord it is this lzinn ltosc whose obituary had led to the discovery oi the lamin tree Ills son Alexander murriczl Sa rah Ann lunstcad oi lriltord in 1876 and lived on Lot 17 Conccltsion today the arm of William Duncin Here lamily of four were born one of whom was Harry grandiather oi Mrs Russell According to the obituary John Rose was member of West Givillimbury council for several years and member of the first council of Bradford it states his family consisted of three sons and the daughters but names only one the deceas ed wile of Jno Armson Esq Oldtimcrs at Chuchill remem ber Doctor Alfred Little Chuichill doctor 1883 iDJï¬i mar ried Maude Armson dangliitr of John trmson Another daugii er lcn Armson married John Rik gcison lson of James north hall oi Lit ill Conccrsion The phrascology of tho obitu arr is unusual It begins with lc huyc again to chronicle the BARIIIIC EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 I976 I7 fact that the grave that is never satisfied and never says it has had enough has hidden from our view another of our old and esteemed residents Jno Rose Esq Mr Rose was born near Dingwal Rosshire Scotland and was at the time of his deadi 74 years months and six days old Old Eatons site to be developed TORONTO lCIi ihe lia ions stoie at College and Yonge Streets is to be rephccd by development costing up to $200 million Markborough rt Ltd announced Thursday Details of plans for the ll acre site are to be recascd in about month com pany spikeuncn sad When Eaton Co Ltd sold the site but December the spokesmen said the new dencl opment probably would include retail stores apartments of fices hotels Liil ecICTuril actiyities in parklike setnig KOREA ADVANCES lReuteri North for the ï¬lo NORTH JAKARTA Kai9 VPiiied iisia IlmllCS ucer tourna Ihiliili ha iio donesia Uli penalty kiks in the iial dam ov llClLiizili utialiyirq louriiimcnt The im canon were scoicio or IQTIllllln inw irtl ll outscored Indonesia 34 in the urnaily iu UL Ivy PUBLIC NOLCE REGARDING NEW BARRIE CITY TRANSIT FARES llitctliye Monday March 1976 Barrie City liaii sit will be charging the the transit system Adults Senior Citizens with 11 Children and ard Carrying Students 30C ircSchoolcrs INTEREST FREE LOANS FULLY DETACHED HOMES PRICED FROM $42 900 following takes for use of card lrcc If you qualify for the maxi mum assistance you could ASSISTED HOME OWNERSHIP receive FREE over tho next $6000 which means your fully decorat nd IT45 sq ft home will bedroom bungalows full basement lIIl CMH Iiiv five years cushion llooring in kitchen ll1llliiti in Central Mortgage llithtl In all models and Housmg have only cost you Carporation YOUI Bict Bay home is in vui or planned community border WY SALES PEOPLE ON SITE DAILY incl on maior qreenbelt UJHKES To answer any question you may have or phone COlIiClOi with ll thC Ol llll thtNIoH SITE OFFICE SUIIHHCI and winlei ICUCrI PHONE 428340I 4245550 lion only live ltiiliUlCfi away 705 728961 OR 7284041 WESTWOOD REALTY LIMITED NEW LOWELL