Mrs Christopher Wall of Opinion NJ Iowa the hand of her tiny son Chris Jr as lip reaches for her in Child rens Hospital of Philadclnhin Tuesday uunggtter was born ANN LANDERS Husbands attire shocks his spouse Dear Ann Landon came home from trip two days early When walked into the apartment found my hushiml dressed in my best eye flown He was wcaring my toti ciest jewelry ali my will When tell you nearly died of shock you can believe it Wifliotil Siillfl word he handed me column of yoiirs that appeared few roars back noicr aw hut oh viously he did This will ex Choructer actor Lee Cobb dies of heart attack ll 64 108 ANGELICS Pr Leo Cobb character actor hwo ltill od truiu the pathetic mar1 niltrlnan the classic drama Death of Saleman to lio strongmindel Judge Garth of tcleons The Virginian is laid at 64 The burly rcliniicd actor died of an apparent heart at tack twineEu at its subur ben Woodland Hills homo Born Leo Iaohy Der ll Hill on New Yorks Lower Ealtt Silo fll lot to Hollywood when he wm t7 Hc auto and directed at the Pasadena Play limits in 193d toto returned to Now York and joined the hoop Theatre where he appeared in several plays by Clifford idols and other writer of the Depres sion era Cobb went to school in New York and mairirol in aeronauti cal engineering llt took up fl int and enliterl in the Air Force during the Second World War llis film credits span two gen cr tiort beulnrir primarily after the War wih Captain fom a=tille Northsido 77 Anna and the King ii Siam tl Si rocco with Humphrey Bogart PR El BY lllIICIt Viifil foiili tlitliierl the iofry Villy humor in Arthur lllr clauis I949 Ctory of lost selfrespect the playwright himself declarel Leo is the greatest dramatic actor ever Saw When the ol iy first openod in New zrk it hailed as hgi point in II theatre Cohn ioiozitod the rol1 on TV in I966 In the NW rte sturicrl wtth Mgrlrn Rinnvlu in the motion picture 0n the Waterfront llo lmittcd it iltii tho Com nunl party in the curly 10s and during testimony before the House of Representatives un American actitities com Reg $2000 Per Set NOW $1 Set lit Makcup Lessons iiwn Dally Merle Norman COSMETICS Baytitld Mall 7264982 KISS FOR CHRIS with his heart outidc his body He wN itt months old Tuesday of oporutions iwmnnin wilt the one Just atier his birth last August Series plain everything he Sald and left the room Here doesnt the column but everything Please add some lOtfllt can ltall on In llllO Im trying to gtizinitjlargc nice young man recent explain kcop my Dear Ann airmtcd he as iouiinz womens loti lltflj Sourort with him and he flattcnrti the guy was littitJEP pimlit jlll iilo park in 1933 supplied namo of ac quamtance he said he know to be members of the scandal and heart attack further exa Frank natra helped hull pxiy hilt hilllt intervimr latcr thit Iohn fiiiiticld at in fter gtLI1IT9 part1 uoitt was haustcd fund fohb years another cause of the troutmont antitinny niltt lPI Mentor oil said film tlicrl during listing almw zonal life wa TV SERIES FONTINIICS in the 60s he costarrtd with Newman latcr portrayed police dotco live in The IZx ll llis lClCVISIUit ttl zinian which bacon in tool seasons appear runs throughout tho country Other lilm 1me include The llillnl But The Three Fatcs of Eve The Iiiiriiivov Mansion and t1ilgt Another stage landmark was Willi Kiti coln Centre in NM York tlfil rl Reicrly ly phr laul ltlvodds and live Vii Bt and yntli II several still Man irj tlroen RI Brothers your lilll Clhl firi Elm marrmrl hool tcnchor lhoy hiid two ohh llelcn lry llliFflt who is till lizin children Funcral not immeiintcly announced and uruiiswuiionts were PILOTS INIRICMtE SllthlltW Ullll ll litlicpttr Illtlr liirl ls limit urics niorc qualuimt momlicreliip during to LIt HJIIYH tlI tho total of llltlllllfl of hr in lornaioniI mcmbcm Ollllrtl l1lllftlt Iiiitcil lormanv lllflhllnlttiurtorchurtor pilot Illinois IJTB Ili now of Em iiiotlioi Slz cs group llgtll ltrziurc aviator rm and mittee may eventually make him nearly normal Child is the first known to Mod llll Ion with this hiith detect AP Photo fashion historian can tell you that everything women wear today was once worn by males liven corsets During the Crusades when men donnod suitlt of armor they had to near hoary undergarments to protect their horhcs against the inning of tho me7al ihridopnci to lumtiu worc thOlTIPl out long SOtKlll2 ioorzc thington wore lace blouse and ciirricd silk handkerchief in hi sleeve lIe allto wore ribbon Ill his Emir Mens high heels are not new They go back to the itromh llciolutiozi liion ll hiid kingdom the inolcx pl ningo ik fzinoior llliin the to niales The peacock is tfne boat cxnmnlo So ploao nn tell you road orlt that before tlici cmsilt person as pocuiioi Itt should stop and tinider tiie posihility that ho may he man ahead of his time4 It Door tmgt Your husband may ivcll he man ahead of hi1 Wino but for now you iiittt 2IPlll tic tott that he titi titii Sonic lwifiiimal Sptlflltrl°i lt tram FilltS irt prac Ii iour uiilt ttlicr II 11 nr Iiioir l0lll llitlf up and thats alt for as lltl no You otwr ro information about your hudinnds habits hi1 iriond how long youve lioon Itlllttl whotiior you iiiltl Illil Hit it Will ll lit tllfl up only at liomt hope you disirks this minor with therapiit before you innkc any decisions Im Hot iicgosing that your hulthnnd accompany you for controlling hertire transvestites arent iii Loretcd in changing Ine host you can expect that he will roo not to appear ili dtzi in your ptrcsence it you ask him not lo car Ann Iiflndcrs Iro qocntl you advise stutonts in on to tho svhool couture toiiollo Ill thoir lilllltlflllw teach in collouc Ircuucutly llill tirlonts monk ciy iii piiriuingly of their llllllNllUOl fllltlulltP counsellors Inc most common complaint is that they blob If you continIo to idiiso stu dorm to onfilo in lllfl guid once counccllorx hopt you Ill ntliike couu cllorl to litop ntniitilr shut illusionod Door iuch liclmy in un tUli tilinhlo furl IOxtth tllll Any tttIlICll0 io liliilis slitrlltl ho lll llllllltfllitltl rauning of ttiIIW that the ovidcncc is conclusive Ask our professional stylists for PERM WAVE HAIR COLORING OFF Offer available to Feb 1978 THE BARRIE 548 Maple uenrgian Mall CONTINENTAL HMRSTYLIVG Barilt Plam 7264112 CINTINICNIAL HAIRSTYLING AND BOUTIQIE VICTORS HAIRSTYlillH 72tllllllll TEX9181 is retiring after OTTAWA CPt The first hostess of Rideau Gate the federal governments official gueét residence has retired after 30 yours of service During her years as hostess Gwendolyn Blair mcctod such people little Solmsic of titli iopia King Hussein and Queen Alya of Jordan Soiict ltitll Mllllcltl Andrei Gromyko and his wife and many Com monwealth prime ministers In one vcar during Canadas Centennial in 1967 Mrs Blair greeted 60 kings queens prcsi dents and prime ministers at the guest house situated lust outside tho main gate to Rideau Hall official rcstdonce of tho GovernorvtWneraI Mrs Blair say that having king and queen for visitorlt ilt as casy as having commoner and sometimes easier Those peoplr anticipate situations that may occur and know how they will be handled Slic suits she always aimcd to keep tho Hattie ax homoy lllll comfortable as possible When Henry liltiiitor iiyo lltlt on his most rotcut iiit ho said he didnt have to be shown to XAMINEB FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13 1976 Official government hostess 30 years his room because he already knew where it was Our guests have not been pcnnypinchcrs she says Not so much as maple leafmono grammed towel has dis appeared out of Government Houses little sister residence acroslt the way The women taking over the post Andree Browne says she has the same feelings about the oh The residence is run by the cxternal affairs department and the hostelts is an employee of that department The house is also used by ministers of other departments and directmsgen oral of federal agencies Mrs Trudeau might enteran the wives of men meeting with the prime minister while their husbands meet at 24 Stisscv Drive the prime ministers reltidcnce just around the cor nor Askcd how she felt about ro tiring Mrs Blair said loved it horoand left with happiness Inowing that Andree Browne was taking over Sometimes wonder how ever found time to go to work Canada Manpower manager says career counselling essential DARlMUllIII NS ttflr areer counselling in something that studch should sock Ionc before graduation says Canada Manpower manager Ilarrw Dunn Mr Dunn minds with iiiiiiy students and mail ni hm found that youuu people con gain more inight into their future It they are cxpowd t0 opportun iiies long bctore groduution iimc persons ambitions may change of tflIIlM but it iin prirtunt that one hcaomc tiiinil iar iith thc lflll zivuit able he said lorc importith was tho rood for all segmtnts of sotimp to ziltlsl young people in lllltlllllL the zip liciwccn school iid 4ti YOIIllgt howcon tht agc of and 14 ropztNiit rtuijghly Till pcr cont of tho unemployed in this country although tiiog Iorm only onvqrartcr oi the work lorco Tho milk up to oiwno ll lllltltnttlttl ll tir oinpoy mcnt Myinimlx to Iiii hi Qriuip till iiioii of the iouitrw ll1 mph The ll his mine into oitcn found itti ilIuivHf til ii ti iicizil and unnecesmry employ ment barriers EMPLOYERS IlTSSY Many lack actual work ex pcricnci sought by potential omploicrs but the problem is omctimc compounded when employers insist on hiring cri crii Ion siicre for the actual carrying out of the job lIc said his otfice had found most young people enthuSiastic in seeking jobs but their efforts were sometimes inhibited by an inability to catalogue and sell their skilla Tho manpower departments rPHllVP job search techniques are tltslgnttl to improve this Mr Dunn Said It holplt young job applicants to appraise their strengths and develop an organized and posi tive approach to finding em ploymont Were aware that young utziplo graduating from the iiiool system and those al ready in the work force prcfor Ios formalized atmosphere ylicn socking employment or counselling Iho manpower program was demoed with this in mind Small foliage houseplants are gaining in popularity The nox who youre in 1371 cory or iopnr inon xtoro take it ltik Stllit of tho quail ILLLP plunts the tliir to ltiitl inch lhll llio plot ri tolloii for illitï¬lifl on window gtills in hinjiniz llill or inst on table in thc homo says John lluuhcn liorticiiuiwl spoon it with the llllitllti Iinisiy of fizriciiltuii and Fowl IIioro ito about 34 liftcront typolt ot pliii that worn to he most popular tor tho iiodt Iyios litDtttitli lio pilozi tiltonia iluiiiuiiini piiiii kiilzuithoo dra coonz lililltiltlllftll uid piiiplo iitin floutr irc hit lcv of tho motifs on xulo lic sons Many of the plants have boon darted in very courso well drained Hill IlilV lr llughcs titlyixos ouro that lic mil should llt ii to ll touch holoro ttl6tllL and thou izitcicd Ilioi oiizzlily Iodoro lijli import ant to m1 of tho ltti lttlllJf plrirï¬s Luck of light can rcull in the lgtS of bottom lLlHCh leg Pollvs Pointers Hour Pollyl linic rin sol Ill gold rtrl ill it iiiolotl clcanp lit Etiljtl ii iii uu Inlllllit and tlicu in tliliyiiiiioi formula zind ll cold turnotl black Is thcro wine or could rortorc tho original gold colorIllcciiia Dcnr flillilvltlllHPw iitir ring had oiin voll iii on it and your lii ill iiitunilts rc moicd the it up Take it to irwolor toll ltitl what you lirivc itd and thou if to hug nothing to otlor it will dotilitltxs hurr It lic roiiudiod xih gold lolly can make an margarita Vain it lL JUSY LIKE THIS IN VOUN AUTOMOUII THAILLR CAMPHI HOME 0R Youn PIAocm ntllltllSS Ill tl0l WAIT $Yft llilll IN fllf lAl MAIIRIAL RECOLO ttlï¬ Ivtrd Mil wiiftnd pone mam am It II in nu ii mi Huitrim iwii put liunnluil iH GEORGE SWANN 4363302 jv lcnfstalks and pale un thrilw appearance Igt tn gm gtlt lO gt9 9°C JG Its hot its delicious its made with our special chili seasoninq like no one else can make it Have bowl after skiinq or curlinq or snowmobiliuq Its onlv 89 lnctudint toasted has 347 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 728094 MES LOOK OF LOVE Scootcr six ycnr oltI in Redwood City Calif snug sprinter he valpnï¬no but Bongo tiger cuh horn LltfS Ill lilln BPVOIl of wait until Scooter turns Marine World Airicgi ISA Vlilllirue Calif IZrin thinks three AP rhon cur1r amormssmcm OUNlltlllllSllEt inï¬rm oiscounf BQMBSHELL PANELLING Color tone deluxe sun deluxe venus Limited quantities Discount aomgsueut Lb Bag Washable FOAM CHIPS Soft and Fluffy IIOSTFSK POTATO CHIPS Twin Park 38 01 $100 Limited quantities 59 oisicounr BOMBSHELL MOIRS CHOCOLATES Floral and blossom hearts sweet treat for your favorite Valentine 12 oz keepsake box Limited quantities Bliiéllll Elitdtlil IHHS THERMAL WlNIhSllllilD WASHER UNDERWEAR ANTIFREEZE Sizes to 6X Tops and drawers Wont streak windshield Limitcd uimiilitics leltNl quantities MONO FOAM PILLOWS Non allergic lightweight flaked for extra comfort Limited quantities 99C whim i5 AlltWIl ITEMS ON SALE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14th ONLY HWY 27 BARRIE BAYFIELD STREET