vs sq NAME ADDRESS The Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont Book second edition presents designs for homes IIIIS WEEKSPARADE OF HOMES EMINEB HOME OF THE WEK new am DNIMt Plans for Design $701 cost $40 for the first Ljet €1200 each additional set and are supplied by return mail New second edi tions of two books Home lie signs for Canadians are avail able at this newspaper office for $130 each or by mail see coupon below Book one presents 95 thSlglls for homes no to 1600 square feet for one storey and split lcv el L850 souaire feet for one and one half and two storey Bool two lioilt 0t larger hom OOT DLI iHOdaVD It0 57 wt nth gt 63ng ei Ontario residents please Ligt we add seven pet cent to all piti chase orders to cover sales tax Design 83701 1275 Square Feet This back split house has been Spemally deigned for narmw city lot and would fit eagtily on 40foot lot 19 in many mun icipalities Although designed as an economy style house it show generous room chfS thr OLIIIIOUI The splitlevel design separ QI It WUOEOUQ BELL EWART GEORGINA TITIIIEH Pleased to hear lltlicl Larchy home out of the limpital and the 319 ates the herlrioiih and family expect to yec her out at Monday mom under them from the dav Euchre next ctk berl hm aClHt mom The tienior LillZPllF of I10 rootnlt have good closets and the bathroom is particularly roomy On the level under the bed rooms there is 23 by III font family room across the full width of the back of the house With only slight slape down to the rear there can be walk llivarts nicotine and cuthrc as not held on Feb ICIHIWI to accompany my hithand up to the Churchill Curling luh as had neicr seen the new pait of the club house is IllT ful cosy room to watch the cur up to 1600 sq ft for onestorey and split level 1850 out doors from this mom in an Wml mm ft for ll and twostorey Enclosed please find ntdom living aim The lexel nufllmll $175 lincluding 25 cents for handling and mailing 00 ms Comfy hmrs Id Book Second edition includes larger hnmps En tlllriifl furr innit part of the family on Ihlnth clued please ï¬nd $173 and other utilities The family lt so couldnt chooseI site Please check appropriate berries and make remit memdes cozy mm WC g1th ï¬gugmgog Tndrm an tame payable to The Bartie Exam ner Thp mm mm kmhen up olive Another Spectator alsi dropped in to see the new addition Dnvc lluihest also noted quite d3 fctcnce from when he curled imbin Lion of itn trout treament brick and iicltltone accent mll cxtiCL ailing ml the lo llLIllfICS Wi 0104 ih Vt till iI iiiiiliit llllllllllll As qualified AH0P home buyer you will get federal government guarantee to your mortgage for 95 of the lending value of your new home This means that your down payment can be as low as °o tip to $10000 month assistance to total of $600000 over five years to help keep your mortgage and tax pay ments down to tolerable level preferred interest rate substantially below the normal rate for this area To sum it all up youll have home of your own in nice neighborhood with pur chasing plan that you can live with easily llP is federal government program designed to help middleincome families buy their oun homes without spending more than Jhr of income You can qualify for this plan if You have one child or more Your total family income tadjusted for dependents and number of Gallltlsl is in the median range approx $10000i You are purchasing home for the first time in Canada Our sales representatives will explain how you specifically can benefit from AHOP NEWS OF HOLLY By FLORENCE DOWNING Holly 4H club had the second meeting at Mrs Huitemas house Christine Little brougtht two buns for the girls to inspect We then studied breadmaking techniques from our members hooks Mrs Huitema showed its the difference in flour by shak ing it We also baked our basic white bread ixhievement Day is April 24 Cathy Kenivell Sharon Tompkins and Dianne Downing are to prepare skit for the program We are to do research on flour milling or yeast and bread making or holiday breads We are to make two different reipcs fo the family We will make batter bread at the next meeting COMMUNITY CENTRE The Annual Meeting of Holly community centre was held in the hall on Jan 19 with only the members of the hall hoard showing tip Since the people in the dis tiivt do not seem to take an interet in the activities of the hall it was decided that letter will be drafted asking for inform ation on questionnaire These will be distributed to all homes and will be collected by the hall board members for evaluation after which another meeting will be called When the questionnaire comes to you ncase fill it out ready for pickup SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS few years ago and he hopes that he and his WlIe will rejoin next hfZHIIlT LADIES AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary of the amdian Legion 317 hold eucltre in the Bell Ewart Com mutiin Centre on Thursday leb play to Sea Bertrand 2nd Ina McKnight and low llclen Seihort For the men high uas Ron mith 2nd low lone hair llll eight went to Rick tables at ccore went it eight Iadicv high lll The high wore to Jenkins lim Hastings The mot uitis Twine and see World of llln sion min tnlcr film deal inc lIl the it nlII he nun he Hall Pant toiiimtinily Church iiittn Fob 30 at pm Aint Knlc welcome of the supernatural world This itil on by TIlr ill be ifl guesis singers come and join the Youth 1th nlit lAeiyoiic THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13 1976 17 EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT LOTS The school children have had several unexpected holidays lately because of bad roads and stormy weather conditions The annual meeting fer Faith Missionary Church was held in the Sunday School area Summaries from all reports showed successful year for the church Pastor Wayne Domm and his wife were thanked for their untiring work in the church Pastor Domm WlII continue his ministry here for the next year Pastor Domm presided for the meeting and opened by telling how Peter vindicated his ministry reason why he Jew took the good news to Mfmm the Gentiles in order to obey tip my Wtw Ii gt Id Ww$£mqwmew uy Mwï¬M As the past year was re 41 viewed places where God has definitely led in this church work were revealed Officers elected are as fol lows Church secretary Flor ence Downinz church treasur er May Patterson Sunday School superintendent Dayle Domm assistant Doris Wads worth secretary Teri Shaw Librarian Brenda Patterson fmstces to 1078 Leonard Patterson to 1976 lim Crow to l977 Vic Slessor Deacons Leonard Patterson Harold Siemans assistant chair man of board Leonard Patter son Youth president Shirley Sies sor vicepresident Diane Calle ia llfflll Jeff Shamans head tisher Brad Siemens music director llarold Siemans pianist Marliss Sicmans as sstant pianigtt Doris Wadsworth Good cheer commttec Flor ence Downing Irene Slessor chief custodian licne Slcssor delegate to conference Leon ard Patterson Harold Siemens Leonard Crow additional board members frere Slessor Doris Wadsworth Leonard Crow adult fellowship orcanizers Pastor and Dayle Domm lcd Shaw Brenda Palewon liutior tliircli iiptiintcnlcnt Doris Wadsworhi Ill1t su peititenlci1 Naniy from hits fund manager Leonard Patter Sï¬ll auditors Leonarl Crow Hotdon VEItISWOliIlZ youth spon lslantlvieu Crescent is Wasagas newest and most modern subdviszon gtPlan 31511 featuring beautifully treed lots with hundred foot frontage on the Nottawasaiga River payed street with curbs muncipal water and underground hydro lhis sllhflhizlmt is one of the last river front areas in which development will be allowed lt is adjacent to both the Wasaga Dunes Park and the Schoonertown Bridge $29900 Riverfront Lots from INTERESTED Phone Collingwood 4454910 Weekends 4452195 River Front Lots from SON Ifn and Mliii Patterson lien nri Nancy Crow Pastor anl Bovie Denim Another Planned Community Protect By Some of the thinzs that ill be done in the near fittiie dilating the parsonaae install in writer viticncr paintint the church basement Littles llill Womens Institute will meet at lr Hammers home on February l7 Program will be citizenship OAKLEA HOLDINGS LIMITED BARBIE 50 only rotidominium tounhoincs gtlttlPh pills tull léasetiient or hedromti gttllltI hrnk tttllgtlllltlltll private garage ltcaulitiil liaiduood flooring throughout full hatlirooiit plus extra iasliroom fullIuo patio unli privacy screening paied liiveuays fully landscaped Illll down payment as low as $105000 to one mortgage arries for as low as $26900 per month in ftlltllltllttllflll you can get tip to $0000 0t ASSISTANCE over fiveyear period SALES OFFICE OPEN from 10 am to pm weekdays and from 10 am to pm on weekends For further information PHONE 7262621 DIRECTIONS Follow Highway 400 to Duckworth St Interchange then south to Bernick Drive and east on Banach to our sales office signs Follow Blake St to St Vincent then north agaln to Rose St and east to Bernlck Drive