The Titanic Ex aminrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Contpany Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walla Editor Emeritus SATURDAY JANUARY me Henehaw Managing Editor PAGE County should consider change in representation When Simcoe County council is con sidering restructuring pr change in representation more in keep ing with population and taxation is long past due The county council made minor change three years ago which reduced the membership temporarily from 55 to 48 but there are now 53 members again The change merely changed the rules for municipality to qualify for deputy reeve from 1000 qualified voters to 2500 Various reports have been made with recommendations which were file for study but so far there has been no new action Innisfil township pays larger county levy than eight villages but two members voting on expen ditures to eight for the villages There are also other municipalities which have legitimate complaint about unfair rep resentation under the present setup The SimcoeGeorgian Area task force does not mention this asnect di but the recommendation for divi sions into five areas could be used as has only report rectly stepping stone Reeve Earl Brandon of Coldwater headed committee 10 years ago which introduced practical plan It recom mended change from representation by municipal reeves and deputy reeves to desired placed on sideration The levies would direct representation with voting on ward system Several years ago when George Bur ton headed the county planning commit tee report was presented proposing population of at least 6000 for qualifica tion for deputy reeve It also suggested that municipalities should have choice and be represented by mayors if they so contentious issue which has been sharply debated both in county circles and outside proposed changes in repre sentation on county more in line with population would be forward step which merits serious con council to bring it plain fact is such change on realistic lines is long overdue If the county contention that it would like the cities of Barrie and Orillia to rejoin its adminis tration move to bring about represen tation according to population and tax council is serious in its be real encouragement Barrie and Orillia both have had ex perience in the past of providinc tax re quisitions way out of line with repre sentation and were conseonently glad to withdraw as separated cities It inst wouldnt be common sense for them to get involved in the same situation zmaiii unless they have nroner volin powers on expenditure of their tax money DOWN MEMORY LANE FIVE YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Jan 31 197i Hun dreds stranded by severe storm in Geor gian Bay area One Barrie man died of heart attack after trying to dig his vehi cle out of drift City and country roads were jammed shortly after snow and wind hit just as schools businesses and factories had closed for day ing Examiner photo showed Five Points The daily newspaper of this community came out as usual not even late and most carriers delivered to homes Ozzie Shepherd had his Simcoe County Emergency Measures Organization out in force and reported 75 persons were res cued and placed in homes for shelter QUEENS PARK Davis government was gym during night least 150 more right in Barrie if required he said Reporter Tony Keene lauded Wayne Hickling of Highway 11 north of Blake St for help during night with snowmobile bringing in people from stranded autos was big success at Barrie Arena under direction Bob Garner Ed Adams Ken Robertson Joan Scott and Nancy Thom First annual Harry Armstrong bonspiel was held at Barrie Curling flnb with Mr Curler presenting prizes Frst went to Tom Ramseys High Park rink which included Art Coleman exBarrie Bell Canada man from down Cookstown Next morn 80f way finds an issue By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Its intriguing these days watching the govern ment as it tries to pin its tail to the free enterprise issue which has been breeding so much antiTrudeau furor It has to be for the restraint program lfor pure reasons un doubtedly but also politically it knows the public is behind ill but at the same lime the enter prise issue is too good to pass up So it has been apparently fol lowing strategy High leadership the premier and Darcy McKeough have been just playing around the edges making broad and innocuous statements But third stringers rotably corrections minister John Smith and Government Services Margaret Scrivener have been blasting talking in éWt59l1Mifl°Wf Uh flantr Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance ol Canada $3600 year ly All other countries 500 yearly Motor throw off $3600 yearly National Advertising Offices 66 Queen St West Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau ol Circula tions The Canadian Press is exclu elver entitled to the use for re publication oi all new dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub lished therein The Barrie Examiner claim Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material cre ated by its employees and repro duced in thle newspaper kipyright Roi ration Num ber 203815 register 61 MW 4W =2LWJ diznantlv in defence of free enterprise and private enter prise To the hvstander this free en terprise business has always been largely phoney is=ue With such as Smith and Scrive ner getting mixed up in it the feeling is fortified In saying this is strategy it is assumed that the public statement of there two far as possible are being vetoed No leader and government that wanted to live in while longer cauld hardly let them out without chain Some indignation has been ex pressed at the appointment of Allan Grosrman to the chair manship of the crime com pensation board at $33000 year Grossman who has been good and dedicated public ser vant for some 30 years and was cabinet minister for 15 is really bit of victim of cir cumstance It has long been practice here to reward retired veteran supporters of the gwernment wtth semisinecures as chair man of various commissions and members of boards Leslie Frost did it and so did John Roberts to some extent But they were cubdued about it The appointment were made quietly and seldom did former cabinet ministers get nod lhcy mainly backbenchers But Davis has been blatant in his approach in enpoinlmenls such as the Grossman one and that of for mer hackbenchor Len Reilly lo the chairmanship of the Ontario Sraence Centre he has been bol dly affronting public sensitivity and inviting criticism Many people hold that the premier is arrogant actually hes shy He must hv now real jle this But trmarcilv he doesnt recognize how be con llllts In this lcclmg by com ing indifference to public feel my lhore has in be some bymna llhy for Grossman in this He has been good public servant lle particularly made contri butiou in cotoeclionnl services He should be good chairman of fii board and finanially he Hau lhi niltlru illlln ho it uh uin hr will hm lo drop his legislative pension took care of We had offers to handle at Minor Hockey Week which in his case would be sub staniial CAN ADAS STORY People of BC were uneasy By BOB BOWMAN When Prime Minister Trudeau opened the Canadian pavilion at Osaka he said that the time has come to think of Japan as being in the near west rather than the far east Trade relations between Canada and Japan have increased remarkably since the Second World War but lhc im petus hogan perhaps Jan 31 1900 when Britain signed con vention with Japan on Canadas behalf Its so was to regu late trade and immigration However the people of Brit ish Columbia were very uneasy about the arrangement in those days There had been large influx of settlers from tho iri ent and British Oolumbians feared the Japancw especially because more than 8000 of them had arrived in ingle year Japan had just defeated Russia in war and British Co liunbians thought the new Japa nese settlers might be the van guard of an invasion One result was that an anti oriental meeting in Vancouver got out of hand and number of curens marched to hc Japa nese and Chinese sccitions of the city and attacked them This greatly mnbarrawvl the federal government which was then in the process of working oul better trade and immigra tion arrangements with lpan ana Minister Lauricr sent cabinet minister Rodolphe Le micux to Japan so anada would deal directly will the Japanese rather than brouuh Britain lle Hll ser Mackenzie King then deputy minister of labor Vainliner to investigate Japanese and Chinoe claims for provth damage Payments were made later but Mackenzie King lo discovered thrt then was lmis for Brilyh WWW lows The Japanese had licn ex their iuurug anion quota THE EXAMINER FORUM Why spend Dear Sir The following three headlines appear on page mm of your Tuesday paper Pool plans get go aheadcouncil wants $703 000 Council agrees to tax limit and No tax money goes to Flyers seriously wonder where we are going We try to limit spend irq hv not supporttin tho Rar rie Flyers yet we are spending tr 3700000 for an indoor swim ming pool Whatever happened to Kemp enfelt Bay thought that this was one of our prime area attractions but now find that if is not loub thrt over to per cent if that of Barrie resi dents would make any use of the pool in the winter or the summer They say in the article that it will only cost the average tax payer 34 to $5 starting in 1970 at the earliest Who knew at the present rate of irritation this LETTERS TO EDITOR may be lot more then than it is now did not notice for how many years we would have to pay this four or five dollars Will it be like the sewer rate that was put in number of years ago for Wyeai period and has been extended earn year so that it will never end With the present cutbacks by the Ontario government to mun icipalities the board of education has said we will get very hot Simple facts of life should be reunderstood Sir It is indeed unfair cabinet minister Drury to scold Canad ians for spending loo mqu at Christmas or anytime for lhat matter as Bob Hollywood staLcs holiday SpendingJan 28 if Mr Drury doesnt want peo ple to buy things how does he expocl Canada to remain na tion If goods arcnl Id lhcy won continue to be made If they are not made there will he no sales let alone profit to fax lf there are no sales there will be no employmcnl income to If the government has no rev encc luvc can be no qoten mcnt nor any feed for one he causc there will be no point in creative productive peOple exis ting as national group WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for pub lication must be original cop lae signed by the writer Plea se include your strret address and phone number although they will not be published LN ters which cannot be authentl catcd by phone cannot pub lisbed For the lake of snare public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or IIJtll letter The day that those simple facts of life are reunderstood by those in posntions of power over our lives such as Mr Drury will mark the end of the present new Dark Age into which we are fast sliding And before anyone protests that people should buy only things they need let the ques tion of who shall decide what free peeple need be answered The most depressing corner of history graveyard is reserved for such selfappointed arrogant and ultimately tynannical Mes siah Thcy also turn out to be so ciovs most profileate spend thrills Yours truly DUUt GREENWOOD One Trudeau is enough Dear Sir feel the media mast either be censoring or our news somehow We walchcd the whole or what we were led to bcicve to be changing the whole lubcril convention Whit we so and 1fud was supposed to be live broad know qou believe qou undersland whal qou Think said bul am nol sure am realize iltal whal qou heard is noT Lullal lmeanT cast but all that came mar my sct was bunch of ilezulhcds ccpl for lnnlan and the three stooges lrum Ottawa We have heard bcller livelier more intellizent rprehs at our loca hizh commence menlf However all is not lost since srioul at 4Z1C Mr DdlS anti Mr Lewis will int have to campaign next time They can scni their youngest children in their place The new leader looks talks wa ks and acts like Trudeau Surely one Trudeau is enough for any one country LlSCUMB Agnes Street are YOUR ESS Dollar despite trade gap By VINCENT EGAN Buelncaa mm Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson New Service it seems like old times now that the Canadian dollar is back to par with the llnited States dollar Our dollar has been at dis count most of the time since midI974 althotzii it dEd touch parity briefly last March But hhe reasons for the cur rent return to parity are what really bring back old times in brief we are spending far more on imports than we are earning on exports and we are borrowing like crazy from for eigners to over the deficit flo those with long memo vies that llltn recalls the fame Fleming living beyond ourmcans debae of the early l960s During the past two or three weots there has been cre scendo of foreign borrowing by Canadian authurltics and corpo rations That his sent the na dian dollar rising to parity from level of about 004 cents US Slranulv emuvb il wi lolv rnnored monu the pro ftweivql in Id vainlyN change market in late Decem Ir stronger her that the government was about to devalue the Canadian dollar because of our huge trade deficit and the likelihood that aversincrcasing wage dc rnnnds lllll ulcn our trad ing prospects til more So much for market rumors DEBT SOARING What has happened instead is that Canadian borrowers have been gain to the New York capilal lnik9l for ex traordinarily large amounts and that has pushed up lht trading value of the Canadian dollar New Canadian debt financing in New York totalled $255mil lion in Decembervs less than Slmilion year earlier it is expected llllll lugs and debt conversion will to in about il0miilici lor January when tle figures are in Canadian govevnnunts and cor porations have been finding ready market for the sale of their hands oucnlurcs and notes among Us and overseas imslors hecavv Nico 3w for rates are running consid ewhv hithr ll liti enc cially in the short term Despite the current warcry vWrssrwtwrta of fiscal restraint the three lev cls of government in Canada have been unsuccessful in trimming their budget deficits They remain as dependent as ever upon borrowed funds to tide them over until the econ omy recovers or inflation makes their debt burdens lighter ILLUSORY STRENGTH From almost any point of viewthe importers and the tourists excepteda strong Canadian dollar has weaken ing effect on our economic pros pacts Hcsausc Canadian borrowers are generally paying upwards of 10 per cent year for the use of foreign capihu we are inor lzazin big pat of any future improvement in our foreign trade his tax burden is being ped on lo the lllvri Winds of dollas will have to be spent annually on iiucrc alone And Woo Ti1 Mr Koruna says unless action is taken to improve our longterm lrrde position we wil have to depend on copinl inflows to ion the balance of payments into balance ty tax increase on this alone Now in 1976 city council wants to start adding to our taxes for 1979 Maybe we should consider levy now for the year 2000 Talking about sdiool taxes wonder if we will ever get to the stage where we will stop ripping off the grown up famil ies and the senior citizens of the county by making them pay taro as on services mat they no lon ger use or receive any benefit from $700000 on an indoor pool It has gone on for years and no dwbt it will continue but one dont like it one bit hope that many Barrie resi dents will write to the Ontario Municipal Board Mr Palmer 123 Edward St Toronto Ont ario and let them know that the taxpayers of Barrie are not happy with city councils decla lon to spend $700000 of Oll money on swimming pool now or in the future WONDER ON THE LIBRARY SHELF Psychohistory makes one think THE WELLFLEET PAPERS edited by Robert Llfton Psychohistory is new word for new concept and appears only in recently published dic tionaries The concept is so involved that it is not easy to define The word psychohistory was first used by sciencefiction writer Issac As mov and was adopted by Robert Lifton professor of Psychia try at Yale University and Eric Erikson professor of Human Development at Harvard Uni versity who had been talking together for ten years abOut psIchology and history and concluded that these COild and should be brought together Their conversations lerl in 1966 to series of mcrlings at Well fleet Mass by at least it ton level psychoanalysts professors of history and sociology etc Explorations in Fsvchohistory is collection of essays and re ports of discussmns out of these meetings The book was first published in 1974 Psychohistory as the title of this book indicarcs is in state of becoming and what we have are indeed explanations in it Most explorations are exciting things when we are in the com pany or enthusiastic experts and theSe 13 or so htzhlv learned ex plorers take us into some rare places of the mini and the pswhe Thev are Cowlle in four related disciplines seeking to enlighten one another in what they consider to be the vital truths about man to try to come to concensus on what makes him what he is and what might be done to improve him Since they do not talk down to anyone the lay reader may have to concentrate bit more than usual if he is to go the whole distance FREUD HANDICAPPED The Wellflcet Papers frequent ly quote Freud and evnress great admiration for him But it is ag reed that psv holisfcrv goes be yond Freud For one thing Freud is said to have been handicap ed by the limildimr ef the sien tific terminology of his day Words to explain new concepts in his thinking simply were not available in his dav and this explains why some in some things Freud was and is mis understood Terminology remains prob lem We are told that We do not yet have language adequ ate to deal with both meaning and process Liftou says The PostFreudian paradigms like the Freudian ones do not make clear exactly what they explain CAVEAT EMPTOR ltll never sell By LEONARD NOBLE Thank you for inviting me here today to give you synopsis of the work of fiction that Im planning said the young man appreciatively to the senior ex ecutive of the large downtown Toronto publishing house The publisher shook the young mans hand warme and smiling ly bade him sit dtwn We like to feel that we can contribute to the Canadian publishing indus try by helping young authors in more ways that just by publish ing their works If we can guide you along the right path and have you watch out for some of the pitfalls in writing then we feel that our mutual interests are benefitted Now then would you please give me the story out line on this novel that you are contemplating Well said the young author somewhat nervously the set ting takes place in the Ci of Montreal in the year 1974 Then the story sort of noes backward and forward in time from that date You see its the story of middleaged Jewrsb doctor who was incarcerated in one of the Nazi concentration camps dur ing the war but managed to sur vive and comrs to Canada as place of freedom to carry on the practice of medicine Unfor tunately he becomes involved in the proabortionist crusade and is changed with perform ing an illegal abortion However the jury acquits him Wait minitn ifmu1ted the senior executive Are you saying that you have Jewish doctor practicing medicine in predominantly lbolic city That he gets charged with an offence and fall short of providing co herent theories of historical cau sation But even the lay reader can see clearly what psycbohistory ie going after when he reads the analysis of certain great men In an examination of Ghandi for example we have this All the greater therefore can be the chaos the great man leaves behind him and often experi ences in himself in the years following his ascondency For the new momentum which he gave to his times may roll over him and his power to provide futher momentum may wane from fatigue or age THOUGHT GENERATOR The range of this books ideas and the thoughts it generates in the reader seem inexhaustible Luther and his motivations and their effect of history are dis cussed so is the collective psy chology of the parole of term any ollowing the Second World War There is lengthy excerpt from Freuds Moses and Mono lhcism in which he pursues the theory that Moses was not chcw out an Egyptian and that the Hebrews killed him 11 accordance with the primitive tribal belief that the father or fatherfigure must be destroyed so that younger men may ac cede to his oriviletes With psychiatry playing an in creasing role in our society prob ing into so many individual psy ches it is of considerable inter est to know something of what is going on in the minds of the leading psychoanalysts themsel ves The Welfleet Papers give us some insight Certain it is that the people who made them possible earn our respect nrt ol fr learning but for their civilized earnestness They believe that man is him self responsible for his own troub les and that there can be no improvement unless be im proves himself 1ois of course is the basic teaching of Christ ianity The difference may be said to be in this that Christianity teach es man to acknowledge his short comings and his need for help and to seek this help from be yond himself Psychoanalysis has it that man must look only within himself to find and acknowledge the weight of the past that burd ens him and by so doing cast it off It all adds up to great deal of thinking The Barrie Public Library has copies of Explorations in Psy cbohistory of committing an illegal abor tion and the jury acquits him Yes replied the young man even more nervous than before You see thats the switch You would have thought that Cath olic jury would have convicted him but obviously the issue was greater than religious be liefs as it involved natural jus tice and thats why he gets ac quitted However the Crown ap peals the verdict and the Quebec Court of Appeal reverses the jurys decision Im sorry to interrupt you again said the executive with illconcealed irritation in his voice But are you suggesting that the Quebec Court of Aplt peal would reverse jurys find ings in criminal case know that your work is fiction but it must have sense of reality in volved with it he went on hope you dont mind my criti cism No not at all replied the nervous would be author know its bit for out but if you dont drink that its be lievable up to this point know that the rest of it is even more incredible Now dont be discouraged rejoined the senior executive As said at the utlstl were here to assist you not ll thwart you in any way suggest that you go home and rethink yOur whole plot outline Better to abandon an illogical plot now than to try and build somcthlng logical on an illogical foundation he smiled What youve given me till now deals with fantasy rath er than realism No one will accc that plot as being liev le ltli never sell