Fish hut colonies are on the decline decreasing number of fish in Lake Simcoe and the increa sed popularity of snowmobiles have combined to cause de crease in the number of fish huts to about half the all time high of around 5000 in the early 19605 ministry 01 natural resour ces count made every Febru ary showed only 2236 huts on the lake this year The count was started in 1913 when there were only 800 huts on the lake The number increased gradual ly to the high of about 5000 in the 19605 then began declin ing The decline seems to be due to the decrease in the number of fish says Harold Van Wyck of the ministrys Huronia Dis trict Tre fish population has gone down because of the in creased popularity of snowmo biles allowing fishermen to get onto the like easier in recent weeks warm weath er has caused some treacher ous conditions on the lake says Al Stewart of the ministry but the ice can vary widely over the lake The reports weve been get ting indicate about 1215 inches of ice on most of the lake he said but it can vary One of the big proglems is slush which can get as deep as six inches in the afternoon In the morn ings it is usually not too bad There are some obvious dan ger areas such as the mouth of the Holland River and weve been advising people to call on local ice but operators to get an idea of ice conditions be fort going too far onto the lake It is just bad time of year and that ice will move around lot and create lot of cracks WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy with sunny periods and mild today Clearing Friday windy and not so mild Low light high Friday See EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 72166537 112th Year No 48 CONSTAN CE HARDY right chief librarian at the Barrie Public Library will retire in June The announcement was made at the annual meeting of the library board VVcdllCS day committcc Ilil been formed to interview applicatts for the poition Miss llnrtiy lzcliuzd to any Ziow he been working at the library dont go for all the pun licity stuff she said At left is fliyllis Jotuiston newly elected chairman of the board with pastchairman Barbara Fridcll centre tExamincr Phxot 63 per cent increase is sought by library The Same Public Library wants 63 per cent budget in crease to $397 880 to cover 1976 operating costs The increase from last year covers the hiring of new s1f and increased maintenance costs due to oie cxpnnao second building on Mulcaster St for the childrens and film de partments the library board was told at its annual meeting Wod nesduy While overall costs are up the per capita cuss 110lllllf library service are dawn to $941 from $949 in 1975 board chair man Barbara lridcll said The budget Will be reviewed by the city finance committee and then must be approved by city council before its accepted Finance committee chairman Ald Alex Arthur said the in crease was well below the 10 per cent ceiling his committc has placed on all departmental bud gets to keep tax rates increases to minimum The library also has at $513363 surplus from the previous year which will go towards the new budget the board was told UP FROM YEAR The library had 262453 books in circulation in 1973 up 3631 from the year belorc Merribership increased from 1974 by 36 new adult mem bers 1367 new young mem bers 4138 adult renewal and 868 childrens rtnewals Cons of renovating the annex occupied in December toicllcrl $223430 lhig included the installation of insulation sillva rl rconirx $6650 glazing 88000 and some lesser cost items Salary cost for 1976 wit crcasc by 10 per cent to SIlJBTJI for the It fullt to six purllime and 17 pages In 1975 the binary employed 16 fulltime workers tour lIL time and 12 pitys New services added to the li brary include talknig bookscas sette recordings of popular books for the elderly blini and sight impaircd and Ldeotapc viewing program Television programs on wide range of subjects are recorded on tidcotape and played back on TV sets with special attachments Programs that were expanded include the film animation pro gram of the film department special art programs Saturday for children and microfilminz Phyllis Johnston was elected chairman for the 1976 term and Barbara Fridcll pastchairman was elected vicechairman SEAT BELT CHARGES FOLLOW MISHAP IN 0R0 Medollte lownihip man has been charged with failing to ensure passenger under the age of 16 in the car he was driving wore scatbclt and two passengers over 16 were charged with not wearing Scat helis after single car acci dent on County Road 21 be tween the sccond and third concessions nf Oro Township Douglas Ellcsnures car roll ed over on Road 21 about this morning with passengers Susan Evans 210 Dunlop St Barrie Monica bones 58 Sanford St Barrie and James Kirton Cralghurst all sustain ing minor injuries Miss Evans and Mr Kirton wcre charged with failing to wear seatbclls and Mr Elles mcic was charged with falling to ensure Miss Cooncs 15 had her seatbclt on Could not catch her in lie psychiatrist tells court SAN FRANCISCO Cll The JllllOlS were reminded Wednesday at the insistance of the prosecution that only tiny can decide if Partricia llearst is telling the tlnuth during her trial on bank robbery chargcs The reminrlor crime ilftci lr Martin Orne research psy chiniist l1 tilt 171vcssity if Pennslyvania appearing for the defence told the court he could not catch Miss Hearst lying Orne an expert on brain washing who specializes in de tecting simulated stories aid he directed several trick tions at Miss Hearst to see it 9311 its liiklzf iii5 etrliy iluill ls lilti vapped by the Symbionesc Lib eration Army 111111 The thing was vlios llrurst simply didnt lie Orsne said When the psychiatrist flaily affirmed the truth of Miss Hey Mr Hearst and MI Bailey Im being held prisoner against my will Hearsts account to my chiatrists of fear and abuse at Many have waited until now to pick up 76 Actual figures on just how many people have yet to pick up their 1976 auto license nick eru in Barrie are not available but one thing is clcar lot of people have waited until the last week The license bureau in the Wet lington Plaza has been packed to the doors all week and there are usually pmnlc waiting out side in the mornings nd at lunchtime This mornng about 50 people were waiting outStde IAi uulo stickers the door when the office open ed and the office has remained packed all day The blue stickers for Ontario car licenses must be on curs by Monday and the last day to pick them up Saturday Poo ple who have picked up the form necessary and filled it out wont have much of wait though once they get to Llll front of the line lhc actual processing only takes about nunute the hands of the SLA assistant 115 Attorney David Bancroft protested US District Judge Oliver Carter told the jurors such comment was an invasion of your province You and you olone have to make this ultimate decision tit Miss Hearst is telling the truth and no psychiatrist no lawyer or anybody else should invade that province lAVIS HINTS Bancroft asked Ornc if it was possible that someone assisted her in concocting helpful 1L01V If The psychiatrist said he tried to hint at goo answers and found very much to my surprise hc just didnt pick up on cues Orne was scheduled to re sume his testimony today report by another psy chiatrist depicts Minis Hearst as politically naive creature of the surface who experimental with drugs as curious iestive teenager Dr West said there was no way Miss Hearst could haw lilllttl lw tests and interviews designed to tliClIllne the authenticity of her story West was one of three psy chiulrists appointed by the court to determine Miss Hearst competence to stand trial He later conttticlcd further tests and was testifying for the defence arrie Ontario Canada Thursday February 26 I976 The nude bony rub parlor may be opening tonight but Barrie mayor Dorian Parker wants it closed fast Mayor Parker said this morn ing she is opposed to the nude massage parlor opening on Col lier Street and will do everything in her power to stop it Its not very desirable thing Uhr Titanic Examiner 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85c Weekly 18 Page RUBS DORIAN WRONG WAY to expose to lll youth the mayor said dont think itll do anything to attract people downtown Mayor Paikci siiid city solici itor lloul intcntgating the legality of the body rub oper ation in the lowntmvn at her rc quest 510 made Mnrwhntl omici Canadian making the The Canadian lnr Store In downtown Barrie will move to Bayticld Mall The store will open in the re novated former Sayvette build ing June 16 and will be one of the three largest CT stores in Canada owner Arch Brown said today Its 130000 square feet of floor space will make it the largest north of Toronto more than tripling the space of the down town site Tcnders for the renovation equipment fixtures and inven tory call for multimillion dol lar expenditure Mr Brown said Its noteworthy that the pre sent store pioneered the large retail floor space area for Can adian Tire and at one time it was the largest in Canada he added The new LOIC will have 33 000 items of merchandise on dis play on two storeys and will have staff of more than 200 he said The present storc employs 110 We intend to have store that will make Barrie proud he said There will be 17 clieck out stalls with the latest in elec tronic cash registers Alli Iilll ltltl Iinplovtcs lhc FIOIP will also probzibly liavc the largest sporting goods department in Iiinoda lic said cxccpt pcilinps for slightly larger one in Montrcal Hayfield Mall is to largest enclosed mall in control Ontario tlic annotutccmcnt yesterday say ing the parlor is opening tonight at 89 Collier St Mr Marshall said his operation is not bro tlicl and he is working close ly with the city police morality squad liiyor Pnrkn gtUld residents and liiuincssnion should contact their uldermcn to have the oper Tire move and has parking space for 3011 leS lie said he recognises the traf fic jams on Hayfield Street on wcckcnils may dctcr some customers So he is promoting an altcrnatc route to the mall ALTERNATE ROUTE The route he suggests is via Sunnidalc and Anne streets to Iundlcs Road and then on to Bayticld No firm decision has been mndc ycl about what to do with the downtown building he said llc also said architectural dr awings ol the new store are still to be prepared The switch to the mall he said docs not affect his confid cncc that the Barrie downtown has bright future Ive always been champ ion ol strong downtown and that hasnt changed with this trove he said Any sensible biisnicssman recognizes the iiccd for dynamic downtown The mall and the downtown merchants should work togeth tr to promote Barrie as the miirkct centre of central Ont ario ITCCIillst both are dependent on pcoplc coming to the city he said County social services may be largest ca MIDHURST Simcoe County social services programs may be the biggest casualty in the coun tys attempt to limit 1976 spend ing to eight pCl cent County Warden Orville Hughes said today that although its too premature to tell what county departments will be hardest hit by provincial spending res traints welfare will be the big thing Welfare is going to be big concern Warden Hughes said There are so many people out of jobs Budget requests now under review by the countys finance and administrative committee are not expected to be approved until midMarch Its little early to tell yet what will happen but think we are going to be alright he said Council is trying to hold bud get increases to maximum of eight per cent In some cases it will hold increases to below the provincial guidelines suolty iffcitcd by inflation This has made some higher costs lloliind lobson assistant ad ministrator of tlic social servic cs dcparlmcnt said some pro grams will have to be limited Althouin no really needy person will be refused assist ance programs such as the liomcinzikcr service nursing and day catc may be limited The social services budget is the countys largest single cx pcnditurc He said mandatory services such as gencral wcfare assist ance will not be affected But special assistance may be As example he noted the ex cess slicltcr allowance that is sometimes givcn to needy fam 05 to hclp with their rent pay moms civc $120 for 01Wllll€ wolfmc concern llllGlI ES llliis is tl1lu twin to do lic said But wc re 11 family is allowed to re rcnt and their rent is $180 we could provide up to $30 of this added amount he said It government subsidy is not as high as this we have to cut back on this special al lowancc Barrie Fire Department gets honorable mention For the sixth timc in 10 years the Barrie Fire Department llJS been ruined lb lMr Fire Protection Associations an nual lire prevention cornea his year annouicod Ontario Fire Marshal Joseph lxenmll Barrie lflCCVJd an honorable mention Entries in the tonicll are bn sically srapbnoks or presenta tions showinggt tilt work of th it your Brampton was the top Cn odiun city in tho curled wtlh Santa Ann Kilil taking the ovrroll win lImc were 11 Cid ndinn cntrics Jul 207 from Illliitl it Of the top ill Canadian entries 17 HIC from Orin it rt lu lilllf coziimirnilics inking llic liit cvcn plaics llziiiic coui pctcd 111 Iln tlltmlllilllnn 250110 1041091 ch11 was non cord and third Dcspilt its name the National ltuc lrcrcntion Association is worldwide orcfttuiiztion whose objective is 10 advance through science and Cllblallm the pro toction of lives and property lroin fire Canadas Dominion Fire Commissioner Ross Swirl cr of Ottawa was Canadas rcp rcscntativr on flit panel of sir loutcstcr Township tire depamnent through the by Brampton With Kingston se Judges NEW PARLOR GAME DRAWS MAYORS IRE ation stopped before it started in the city dont know what course of action we can take but know we can do everything possible she said Various city departments are reviewing the Toronto licensing bylaw for nude batty rub par lor Peter Vcstwood dcpulv city clerk said the city council could adopt similar policy for cing the owner to apply for li cence gets QUITE CORRECT Doug Cherry Downtown Area Improvement Board chairman said the mayor it quite correct He said the nude body rub par lor will not enhance the down town area Mr Cherry said the parlors may have place in large con vention type municbalitics but do not belong in the small er municipalities He said he was not sure what powers the local municipality has but council should investi gate the licensing of the opera lion dont believe the operation would survive very long if they do open the doors because this is small community he said dont think they belong down town or in small community like Barrie Bob Hollywood general man ager of the Greater Barrie Cham her of Commerce also does not believe the opcnation will sur vive in Barrie Mr Hollywood said he does no know enough about the type of operation to make decision DECISION ON THE POOL MADE BY NEXT WEEK By early next week decision will be made whether the school boards new high school and the City of Barrics proposed swimming pool will be built as During private session Page of the Simcoe County Board of Edn cation Wednesday night trustees gave the Area and com mittee permission to meet with the city and proceed with the one unit development only if all obstacles have been cleared MAYOR PARKER course of action 00 whether the parlor will cause any problems But cant sec the thing being success in Barrie with the size and type of common ity it is he said aim cant see it as an attraction for people to come downtown Personally he said he is very cool to the idea of nude body rub parlor Mr Hollywood said he does not see the paint of open ing parlor in the city The owner he sftl should re quire some type of city licence approved by council for his oper ation lot depends on how the operation is run he said one unit If it appears there will be obstacles such as slowdown in Ontario Municipal Board approval of the pool authorized to decide immediately separate unit the committee is to proceed with the school as Director of Education Jack Ramsay had earlier indicated the board is committed to open the new school in September of 1978 and cannot afford any construction delays PM assuming Authorities blame MADRID food prepared in Las Palmas and served Spanish charter airline Spavntax Las Palmas food RentalSpanish health authorities today blamed aboard flights of the last week for foodpoisoning outbreak that hit 244 foreign toruists in the Cillllllliy lslands US embassy officials head home EIRUT APlTwo US Embassy officials kidnapped four months ago during the Lebanese civil war were to be flown to the United States today Turkey decision expected today OIIAWA OP 1lntlustry company Minister Don Commons Wednesday the cabinet expected to whether to allow llScoutrollcrl company to purchase processing plant at lngersoll Out from sec Jamioson told the decide today turkey and RScontrolled British state gains upper hand LONDON tlleuterlTwo leading US oil companies Gulf and Continental il CONOCOl have mant on majority state participation in their North agreed with the British govern Sea oil fields informed sources said here today lWould cause greater evils LONDON RutterlThe general sy standards of care land called today for better concluded that legislation to allow euthanasia evils than it would remove nod of the Church of Eng for the dying and would cause greater TransCanada Highway blocked SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPlTiaffic on th Highway was blocked for about six hours early lllfl cals in transport truck cmight fire about 50 here TransCanada ay after chemi nulcs north of Nixon treated like headofstate PEKING tlleuterlA jubillant Richard Nixon left here today and headed for sluithcrii Ohina his mnlhlcnce bmstcd by head0f statc treatment on his first foreign visit since Watergate