Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1976, p. 16

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lo HELP WANTED ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOVIIAIIEID JOIIIINSONS lRIatltltIurant Iiss FUIL 0R IIAltTPIIIaMEI galore tneéI St arv ewing or ma or coup san 19m to 101 Ireulltirrige cdgktoand one fulltime rewarding sales career Above average IEITIfiIachnangIsIITIx veg ex ff THE BARNvEXAMrjfiItWEDNESDAY mo 25 1975i 10 HELP WANTED 10 HELP WANTED NOTICES CASHflthTES rJent floral tributes or memorials but ouasmnh also courteousty acknowledges the ser nior hool bklm bkdtmg hmt ILARM MACHINERY Phone to arrange personal cozy coat in one llat piece on idining room personnel Full trainiancommission earnings Opportunity to DOGS PETS =provided Apply in person only Ml advance to supervisory or managel fiIrsIIglse IIIgggewIzlonwggfii lCHEF 137i rampgmgigggnrwgiggtomtt 11 1min mm motel math N°u°esr Engagements 3m $450 IARRIE POODLE Salon Sham com or II 65 mg 112 cupping at all breed Soghia auranl Must be experienced Good Canada Ltd F4to1a25 travtlon IoIrIroadsI sewers walletmag mailmum 40 wordS additional words cents per word llp tasl 7764141 TF wages day week Box P15 the Bar Wmmeca we Want our own business Be ri examine Accodulsnsl RaiECElMillE dceIglelshlg 7m pm F25 Card 0f Thailks 15 WONG $450 LA3 outre oc aIu omo ie rI on 3iredsdaggggétiigyeyjocleoilatglg an XVON Representative COMPANION Boolltkeeoing tIraining andIorTaxperiencel gggroavesalsbfiegagxesflmogg all 2er Admtmnal words Cents Per Wind 55 oarrane 9°5Zfljfiwwp WM bell quality plodiUCtS make and aide required in local home on Q2113 mug30 came Mom Mfr ther Intormation F25 IIOIIERANIAN DuppIes IemIIIes VIIIII OWII IIOIIIS OpenIIIIgS III Lake Simcw Applicams mus haveiwry SIII 728658 F25 emorlam no is 1111 and while it weeks 5111 Co drivers can 85 shopping will bei vw Verco per count line extra 20 cents pet1mg lid repers Telephone 7264799 F28 Banle and lmcoe n9 19 Swnflblmes Th 10 WAITRESSWAIT required 730 Call today 7289652 or Vllte theif in this adult tamin Is In wheel ant to 430 pm Monday to Friday Coming Events $2 94 per column inch Amsgicn COCKER Spaniel or sale AIVON Box 435 Barrig Chair Imill requires lfequenf Issistynce Green Corner Restaurant Telephone years old red male reqistered pap anarIo Tw Mgl ggIlIssIIlIIlIq mg eoficeilIlggIgn°VIIIk°r 7236711 F27 HMw He WI ir7i ainfyfaalrSfemef affix lergy F72 televmion and phone For further in NURSES AIDE required to work With NOTICE TO CREDITORS BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS formation please contact Mrs Wilde at oroloundly mentally retarded children AVID OTHERS POODLE TRIMMING professional PAYI PROGRESS 7285226 days F26 mus 2e abIe to doneekeréd rotatioInI ESTA THO Is AI HAPPY hoIEIcainonI TI him ALDER5°NTAYLOR The ImIII mus ave ranspora ion or appon gt your 900 of the late 3153 Dee Alderson wsh $135333 728798brgeettisstuglig aTnt= PERiMANENCE IRIA CGA or $11 student or oraduattl merit telephone 4361461 F251h THE tPROmE MI of thelnews to triends and neighbors The to express thleirn sincere anoreciaiion memo WNW mumfims Wind ELMER iBarrle Examiner Classified Siatt are tor an the kindness shown aurim our CHIHUAHUA or saleI Durebred no gby our clients in Barrie and area COMMISSIONE sales person for ex Township of IinlmSlfll the Coutlias tar as your telephone The day recent bereavement naoers male weeks old $100 each Teephmee Flemmg and Associates 728 clusive US and Canadian lines Oper of SImcoe Retired Stone Mia of birth lust dial 7282414 triend is like golden gift elephone 728143 Opening extst now lor sinaltt13309 until PITI F202325 ailing Barrie and North Telephone 728 That makes the whole day briohtor II III II °II the 10 me daily and 7261707 evenings M2 son who died 0n 01 albmll it friend can give little lift Wimtilm 21 iéfgiiniemutan antaransrmambaiis strain11 30th law of October no and orcomin reasona to re ca opa ome serv to or Thank you to all our relatives Irends gInnIrelephoue 7260061 al fin =c0ll to 5°00 oer month plus bonus your friends and neighbors Top qualI ALL thInig OldnnsI and neighbors gm qheir help ngssica Mlsf have Grade II minimum and ity home and personal care products against the above estate are re and Brian Jack Dorothy and family This is ain iilrpresslve oppotttlmlo three years busmess experience Call Parttime No quotas no territories Ied III III articular of BAYFIELD ST F25 ARTICLES WANTED for an ambitious person who5 2436 MOM through Friday in Call 7265466 69 pm only 125 9U 50 wants to out ahead am MWJF 511011 claims to he Wdemfiqfid gARRIS The tarInily at the lalekclllr Tf is avid Harris woud sincerer li to NT 99 539 Pam To qualify you need booitivei STUDENT mm l° W°rk mnflsl TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Admmmllamr on or before 728l56l thank their friends relatives and neioh wee he Barrie Examiner Will buy 630 to ll30 KempVIew Bowl 7289761 7th dlaiy of March 1975 alter bars for oral mbmgs cards and kind lm 55 Examl °° mental ammde to be or 1wall JR BEST Rhsmls which date the esbatesassetswill AUblness Special thanksto Rev Walter Ea in need condition bring them to afleI to be free to mat3L to be rr Lee pallbearers and the Arnold Fun Circulation Department or phone IIIOI and massive mp be distiitbuled haiva regard on lerai Home 665° am =3 10 HELP WANTED to such claims that have then 1The Harris tamilv F25 511 at FURNITURE books able car essenmq been received HE1 Mc EON We would like to III IgsIIluIiICs £35332 or PREVIOUISECEXPEIIRIEENCF DATED at Barne this 25th diain The rimm Who Cares thank our friends and neiqhborsItor Ts DNA SSA of February AID 1976 beautiful cards and girls we received RAILROAD pocxer WATCH wanted You vtll attend 2rtveek lllalnlllg OWEN BURGAIR GREEN GRUVEI DUCKWORTH PLAZA RnIcgroaclcvasion of our tiltieth wedding Igggggeoggggffiefease WV 9UF58 ToroggtIrogfgpteniel 50116 BWIRS SOLICITORS 76 8642 Ernest and Merriell F25 ou can earn yI year 26 Welsmeet 15 WITH REGARD To OVILYTIIOSII WHO SIYCERE RAiRRlIL Ontario SARD IoF THANES III II TI ICE BROOM ery en car an in it SOhmwrs the mmmwatmi Barrie Examner meets need which MRKTILY Lb l9 xET AHEADII HERBERT EDGAR SPROULEII THE tum hard Le sowed III any aer III II II NEED APPLY F25M310 way Not only is if gracious expre5 81 Ice arm 1763137 Flowers and plants sion of gratitude to those who have ipercd in this pretty sct lucal Progressive company manufacturing rubber and plastic products B1llflLl MALI vices and kindness of the many to interview ALSA SPRAYILRS EDI DUNCAN requires persons holding 211d and 3rd class Ontario certificates XE AND USED game 7236191 Collect for shift work in ailfired plant 12 TENDERS South New mflveII fifgsgIIlggIeIIJgI°Ig2gkzagg gfedltefi PIUIS Lat Willi IdouIlllle wW ca rim be worse lilllilelLlllldlgt bogus ICE Thuhddy am PIIETICI1oodIraleol pay plus shift premiums and lull range ll fringe 7370l 8l Igpdlhaadncltr ifiiyife llrliéél 113 31331an 7050 sizes it in yRIL bPILNCL waw benelits paid by ccmpany 31W1 rl 37 324 I12 included Strand 4361510 iiili MIN iuw lRACllV API LX Hhbl OH DEATHS MEMORIAM $100 for each pattern cash PHILPOTT ln lovinq memory at Cheque oi money order Add 15 Jean Bernice Phim Wh° Passed aw each pattern for firstclass mail DELAVAL Always remembered by husband Rec on Bill dauohtors Sharon and BerlMlP 4P7 Itltltarin I1llli trlENDANrs lebruary 75 I975 VIII DIIIIIV III IIICIII IequlreJ My new body rub mens Funeral Home Chap Deep In our Imam es pm lIand handling bend to Alltje club opening soon in Barrie 0513 I27 BAYHELD ST 3t loved one done to rest Blool15 Needlecraft Dept lne 11912raritrzitzsr iBaine 7282030 none iAvenue Scarborough Ontario SALES AND SERVICE Excellent pay scale Coliipletc Line of Dairy llCntll Coultcuus seiiito latin lLQllltlnlClll and bllppllcs VHHE HAL NOS Ibll 11 Pofni °J°32£E arm Romiérié add 7C $3105 taxi Print 313le Barrie Holly Hwy 27 361113 III II IIIIIIC III III ICICIIQII PM Ld IEIITIIBIIjiIa VsTI Pattern manner your name 7280338 or 7236766 Pr Cdc Vi iFARRELL Mary Suddenly at the Ym mm address lIll Nw li the Ill ClCIk Cli Hall 34 Toronto oémwi Mammal on SundayI aIfggrULfirIghIggglv Who 9355 iilllei Strccl Barrie Ontario lin Feuruarv W76 Marv Farrcl be MOI More IIIaII IIIII IICIIIII IIIII III Mvi Til BlilzllllALll SllilJXl llltfllkllli II 00 hmrwy Iurcn 3m WW Ki Farm 35 You touunt valiantly II II lie Dear mother of Lynda Mrs Ind and If 43115 us HUI lllnifll lllfiltll quLllVdlCllt 1975 tor the supply lParkcr ol Downsyiew Ontario Ken TI Lord aIZ n21JPaII COIIIC IIII Me new 1976 1ttllc1lLill Czlltilogllcl and Rodney both at Barrie Deal YOIJ fofloynd HIm lHas everlhjn 4i1001aBAlES ofn eélefltllem qulghlw lmx rcqmmd bV leading minimum UVl ll NEW STREET tarandmoher chanda Dear 515 of Now He tales in His arms II no rai Der ae eiel Irene Mrs Nolan ot Sault Ste phoneI7262MI or 7370058 after pm Of Pnemnfllt Rome equln ELPIIR lTH lMarie Norma Mrs Rawlings Tgmajfigffimflpfgngflgw W55 crochet Wlth SQUCIGS $100 or beiore am MI meiit Qualifications emphasize Fwy 313 IlAClllENlS 10 Toronto and Let VisnevIski ot Saul by you niece AliaJean Sudburyl Crochet wardrobe iiin iin Cod Contiol IZJfieaiaiiimf°535£304153 F75 Nifty Filty Quilts 11111 PO NCillitalm Ml Wilde Cnlc rie Visitation lrcm lucnday at it Ripple Crochc mi PHILPOTT ln ovmq mmory oti lLl it lH llii tines 1111 b9 iibluilziil at 01 ServicIe andTCortlitIIillalrcompllrte In ttiI AMI GIMMUM Ma who named Sew plus kIIII IIIIIIII REDY uliel COUKSTLMHV Mn NW5 rwr rhruarv 75 1975 1mg In aclraIEI HsunIerlbopouaIgc IIIIFI he £ll IQXL H00 lfleflllnl 6l1 line cmgqclry vn IiIHClCd but not in vain IIOCI cunt him Im Farm stroud 4361611 TF ICIIN III IIIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIQI 15 sav you qrevIhlired Hairpin crochet lionl inn ler ltilLli uiiiy accvifiéd Efvgifixe gafngogggttIillammuzl Nov331VSllwggfirwdghafilnvggf fiiifififin II IgtA SI win iI Gov STI IIIIIII ltd the FINEat Vicgozri bigzpitalI on IIIlrItSIiIlélOgJéhgsthaquggin 0f re Instant maney bOOk Sun ay ruary PALAMINO MARE years old sound uh CMKIUM pmmw Hm 410 BAllllllJ Jane Jean Harman twloved mfg flay 33 ggilflyvvgzmégflbfié ltomllete $113115 30 Nlnd mb and mi 00d dis Robert tRen Hrinan ol Anon Dear Inn western saddlegandg bridlepllso liclolnl lllinlflt tll pnillllg in mail rtnil t1 ltt Mail Lilllt MAI 13m III In III III VI0I0I°IIIIIII RI SWIIIIIII DI SIIIDavid Douglas and Ronda SélallI lgrinplgf gmltcgggfipomt 10 bales of hay 5150 Mus Seir MovingI Loi Flint Michioan Rcstiliq at the Jeruc telephone 7266948 eveninos F28 II Funeral HomcI 15 gradéom 736 Bars PHILpoTTI Mrs Jean in myan BOOlC of 16 QUIILS N0 tLl ll lll Cl Ire Visitation rom urs mm as BIG sprinqino Holstein heifers and luiilLlllle P013011 lCqullttl H1 34 QelVlft Jmmiait mm iiiTTQTYJh 313117215F333oar32 lybeum gum b0 lounq cows due now and for the next the chapel on Thursday Fchruary 76th 197r Qudts 101 today 30 iil SIiIESireeks Telephone 4872642 or AFBIZI Cl CLd In UNI El T2rypr2 igggemmrviguard GO WU and Er 1300 Of 15 Jilly Rugs ii em E9 apart yrt not atar Good wanes IIIIIIIC IICIIII HO IIIII SI mm me Loyal Blue Lodge mm VIII hams MIMI P1 119 Alfhans No 12 nil N0 54 AWJS be held wadlcsd1 the pathways when we are W¢N ills steady employment 730 ml F75 And God keep watch tween thee and Lri to 11 this is my prayer APPLY IN WRITING ll 00 WaVr He IOUKC WM ltI II and kczos us near ALCUHOLlLa ANoNYMous 723658 Box PH BAltltll LRAMIALRT °RA1 II°IafIlI° fins 55 ngsIrnsesaCaIl F27 PLPLII 01q MMMA lr he It or win it way mine Wll be ma TF iI irk will lead throuoh parchinq the flea rttcn quotations will be receit 30 Ifinhaorfldngfiirfagehidfifleea III JUIILlEZ 33kEssa Roado we t9rade and £771 $100 PARTIlhlll use poc et novels pen 8m 51 S0 FULL THUS tll lll Work 5U Ll mm days week 59 v1 it 110 nny car ltnlClllI 1157 lOllltlale UllH 43133 iv Wdr mtl we DIRECT PHONE ENGLISH RloiNG Instruction indoor For sales llUlllCC Must be aolc III WNW 300 pm ca $9336 garngnggfmgzm Bamel WIInIIdI to work four evenings have lt xi liiltll titii ltliii tor the 211 ii Jfi° II tun this may not LONELY WIDOWER ear 60$ seek Ldl aid be Hl mg to 101111 iiiclinsc til ll1 ltlll0lllh uiuipI 9II am III III III an III In rt Hi and Cl z9ticgunnaturaland an amwmimn tit20m only 152 313191 Please send photo writh reply which 3113 Mint itll IlfiRNAlU PLlil il5 WillfrSI lta 9111 day Necedlnqqubmafim with be 82 Meamd it lll tl rm ll lstCKllurfi W1 5r and m°rm°°° may Ontario NOH lYo F21 CHANIC to work on heavy construc 111 II yer isements wnich must be in by rAF+e10 equiomenl Stale parlance and NE REQUIRE AN lNDlVlDUAL WHO AUN3 ILALI n1 ll wt or mths reparaie pm two it l° °°°a° rnildrggN lingual errthenamtatlgggfise EZiiiwr Reply cilcd lcliiU lilii lit liiilHHl me BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS IIIIIIIIInIIFwSII QICIIIUIIIIII °rI liml ltl Mil III II II Yet rt mm to but mcrcv sea MARRIAGés DEATH NOTICES BROKERS tor Essa taxi toil and part iiiiii ii teli ltil Ill iLIiillcd the1 U2 40 words 3150 ELIEEQRE IwnI tint IIolur Ere ItIime drIiIveiIIU musI be 25 0E oilerIISrrIiiIigtI III III JIII III IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII LIlllltiiI bl1LlIli1iIl Jilltl IltlIlIIIll Avde inIkirInIggarichhelgeen thee and Add words as WWII 11 ne Le non ep am ave au eurs icence llllt iiitl in mew liming7 en TF Mandi11 to Friday to on Nil Onewrite SfLiClll tlllilill litlillll ll 1111 ilc iltllllh IllnMIWHl i0lllltl lLiiilti to IIITII IIiIPIIIu sIIIIIIIII IIIII0fiRIIIIIIIH9 955 C381 0F THANKS 25 words 51510 Hswrw pitante 111 1111ilc iii Illlll lliiiii to icieiist YII 30d IIIen IIIIcII IWIIIII III IIIIII diiionai words cls per word llllmill 121 l2 llllltllih ll MN will be His Cm IN MEM lllal balance llll lIlliiIliH iitrl1l liiliicll gtlllllllilt IIIIII II II III IIIII IIIIIII$ onn arntuaiound thee and one round WW sgsoAWIIhNastggEfwr emf cII 11311 11 non us near CIIII IIIW iltiiliillclll III is Us IAOIINI IIIIIWIIDHEII and IWIIIIIII line 20 Lents mr ime gOlTle mm mm Slictiticatinus autl ltlltltl l1l 11111f1 by sister Kathleen and broil nCCKHllllV 30 1tod nrlrVIaw crank igudbum F115 COMING EVENTS small DUNN npcs may he Olllilllliil 11 llii til AW $291 cer column my Babysitters are liurther llLOllllLtllOIl and lllFlKt the Ll COMlNG EVENTS CLAS 24 won MiNIMUM nuu erlE Babysmers are EXPENSIVE 1111 11111 lie 11i111cd lllltlllgll IIIIIIIHI III IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII DISCOUIII RgIegnngEDRvrlIsleGald WES Babysitters are Ll lNQLlltllLb 5llOLLl BIL MADE it the Public riis Dopurtluent sIIIIII IIIIQIICI may One mo IIIWIIOIIII IIC pm Muenster tpposile Library INF 5°°IITWFI€ conSCCHlVe in Babysiiiers are UNINSURED Pt 3011 603 BARllll Willi 1111 iihsLlli ISIIIAIL IIIIlfIlXSrlnl Slltttjll 11 Eggs laltarsintent ilzfiiiifilfli Babysifiers III it cl lliltlllllgIIII II Box MIR BAlllillu IIIIIIII Km firnwm Der insemm mm $1152 RE 195 uIipe inser on ma be ordered Babysitters Aw J8 IIT II1I Unlblmd Obbcs Ublec tOIcanccllaflcndwhen sanslar ll utts Orv resu ts obtainc Method of count Babysnters DON GIVE RECEIPTS Io HELP WANTED Io HELP WANTED 50 II IIIgrtIdscwerEatgéIiIn 2Inniogldscgtégret lllLN lotion set at numbers etc count all SIYIIIRDAY MORNING separate words AUCTION SALES VTFI ERRORS AND CORREiTious All phone Insertion orders are ac ceoterl as convenience to the ad BOYS AND GIRLS daisies lCClxs up Preschoolers at 1° 59 PAYFIELD ST 35 DONALD XfillllélfilssinqThszggclfitylerllh qulsesgmgg I2IIIIIIII TIISIIIIIIII SAILES BARN advertisers to kindly recheck their lllCgtld MdlCh advertisement immediately after tirst WINH II mile east oi Ulokblimii pm In pm Insertion in order than any error or vI IIIII 89 gommissions may be reported bstore III til0Rtilab ANLiLlCAN am in order that 1e be 10 HELP WANTED PM llllllCli HALi reciiiied tor the tciiowinrioavagunii Wk 5b ll IIIII ILL OFTERING IcaItIioanThIe Barrie Examiner is rIe IISDn5leor n1 in F1017 printed insertio otvansngdveictiegtcent BRIDGE CONSTRUCTlON mew1 IIIIIIGggE zldretinlm trse2°t°r Iras hll Ltlen Stuttulltaiy Fell the agveillsoermgm drierczll eligibleelgf Household goods or what little III comcIlonS by make floods The Ba Examiner reserves the right to class llNlliAll UNITED CHURCH ilv revise or reiect any want ads HAS WCOMPLETI lAlll AND miss St 1r llequirczl iiiiiiiediatcly in Eastern and Southern Ontario to supervise HOUSEHOLD DISPLRSALS lipitt tilit CUBS SCUUIS lt ti intsite construction operaticus Only applicants with considetabc experience it illill0lk steel and concrete placing will be consid in the following areas For further Malls lmlilil BMW viiil An excellent salary will be uttered to qualiticd applicants FRANK WEBB inuksmwn MI QUEEN AND DUCKWORT ARFA 170m 4539172 45897IIII II IIIIM DD 00 onslruélion me BLAKE AND ST VINCENT AREA 1111111111 AND uucunr BOX 69 DUBUN Ontario NOK 1E0 COLLIER BLAME AREA BROWN ANllQUll IIIIIIIIIIII February 05111 It or telephone 519 3452800 BERFON AV IRMLER Him DUNlltOQNUJllll8$tiltl HALL Mk meme we Eff 21 hwy South of CulliilImiiitldIi iiiirl1 PARliSll HALL This Saturday Evening Fe 28 In lltkClS at the 1001 NI WW Viewing IIIum pin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III II TRINITY AMELIAt kbthA Vl ilartial List Lunch and prizes WEDNESDAY CREEMORE tltlii usual liritge assorlliicul in NII ELVIVALF winding Cranberry and other 0l UWLi BOARDIJN nlratl and clear glassware uitl shim1 Bedroom pitchers and bowls Hanging and lililile liuiipsI iI II mintks crooks bullies tniiilci heavenIsms IIIKIIIIIIIIIII abk IIIIII If Please lill oul the application below and ielum duwsIbusI II1WJM ADS FOR ERRORS IIIIIIIIIIII FOIIIIIIIIICII mm II were primitives etc llll ttllllll no best day to advemse Each try lurnisliiiigs lilillltIllllL Wt day new wants arise bringinll lllllidb dly SlflliS lll hlZCS ll inew realign as old ones llUW RD JOHVBOVS RESTAURAVT Clrcudhon Dem BaVfield St Bdlnc tables Boston rockers blanket lllc Barrie Examiner will nolilhcir wants We recommend that and woud boxes iusli slainils IIC IIISIIIIIISIblc IOI errors am you mm ad tomorrow and Ml MU bl 15 Intervcw the mm bed bullct lion lJCIIltll etc it the In day of publication oi cancel it when you get results torizrn furniture in udiug Scltcc Hm adwmscmcm NOTICE After many years of experience NamC iuirtlrobc plessbiitk bullunii 011 ERRORS ON THE FIRST with millions oi want ads We back IIIIIII 0mm VIIIIIIX VIISIII DAY SHOULD IInmedIawa be MOW IOIIIOITIIW IS the best day till be energetic mature healthy and quick to learn day ttilk bands mm mulch 05 ClCSli called to the attention of the i0 52 WUrI ad every duel icc Silaiiied position Successful applicant must have rusiuuruiiiI Address CW lliduclillb 011 classified department BEFORE we be 9513 advelSEm PMltblltlllLe in dining room reserves as usual lleut seatingl AIM NEXT MORNING TheIBallle Examiner Classttled IY mid tucil booth Iti p111 stuil Section APP IN PERSON TO Mlt If sAluJN one qe IVAN It BROWN Alltllnlltll in 11111 72824 PHONE 7232414

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