Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1976, p. 7

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Wonltiorths tlopm if the Rarrie Curling Club was pre sented by Kermit Bragg cent HEBDEN RINK WINS TROPHY re to Bob Ilehrlens rink re cently Team members are from left lead Lorne lrnnhs second Joe Walton Ir Bragg iritilo 11d l1 l111111 Mr IlcInlen Corkliuru Thomas sparks Leafs to win as he returns to his old form TORONTO CPI Goalie Wayne ll1omas Toronto Maple Leafs returned to hilt 11136935011 form Monday nzght lhomae ho 1n man grmcs almost by himself before lrristmas kicked out 311 shots to spark the Mats to win or the struggling Atlanta Flames in Mondays only Na tonal Hockey League game r1 games were scheduled in the World Hockey Association had Kellys 1601516 to ha Imtr players carry most 111 th defence load gave Thomas 111 kind of protection he often didnt get earlier in the season The Leal Ihigitscoring nie ward line 111 captain Dartil tier Err11 Iliommson and Lanny McDonald carried the Innden at the other end of the ire nitlr Sittler scoring three times Thompson twice and McDonald 111cc Johnny Boner noting 1lt1lt an coach and former Vezrna Trophy ninner nith the tears said after the game lhomalt retmettng from his midieastm slump In all my rear Ive now seen goalie that didnt slrmtn sometime during the serr1111 he said The Leafs rllfl HIl 1ie lentomen 1111 Kellr 21111 111111 131 work 1111 to the 11H111111y Rmie Salmiug Iiiltl l1r I1111v ittrll and Brian tilt1111111 11111 R0 Setting The Sittle llrorripwu I1l11121ld otiilitrrtinri tll19 opinV into one 111 the more that getting in tln league Siltlor IIIHHtl into gt111111 place in the NIH scoring rut1 with 12 goals and 14 tisrgtl t1lnrrald is 11111 111111 11 11111 and 411 ah5ll$ 1111119 lhonipor has 33 goals ll0111ltl Nttilt1l tho 1111 Joni ot the lllsl 11111111 E1111 111 21ml lit ll111111111111 1111l runl1 l1 Sililtt 111l 111 lrokz the 2111111 11111111 111 11111 11 ml Dtlltttl lIiIlillIib lII gtl1 1111l11 illll311l 1111l11n Rt 111 lilllt 11113111 Ivl Her 11 Yarnouter munn 1n iltrntit 11 llll 1r Stun 111 llrii1 111 ii 91 hirrulon 11111i 11 1119 ll 11111111111311 ILI are 11 loront ltno ilr111it111 10111= QItlttt turret and Vulgar 11llt rltlmontou uh1 NHL records fall by bundle MONIRE CPF the National Hockey League ente the final quarter of HS 197576 schedule bundle of leagte and rlluh recordlt hate been 11w broken or tied and seiera more could he eclipsed below the regular seawn ends ptil 11 Statistics issued Honda slion that six league 11111lS llaP been set so far this scaron 2111 another five tted 1lt11 tolal r1111 records hate fallen and hate been trod However two Vlllt antiwar sale are rtme set centre Phil Espoxrto while 1111 Tirhlmr hrnrns 211 11131171 nw 115 SIOIQtl 71 arnl p=nntlt 1n the ISgame Stllftldr The turrent points leader 1111 finger iill latlltl Montreal Canadrem Ill urnild hate to some 110 111121113 tnr Tanadreus renmnznz games in match li1111111 record output nd 11111tl11 tight winger lieu Innh r1 Philadelphia Ilierx 11111 71 oal leader 11111 111 would lin to 011111 11 goal in 51 came 111217 lhe Espomin mark lllrltillttLI F1111 tilts season 1311 lot lrudorzhip 1n oals and 1111112 appears 1111 1111111 11111irr1i ion has tournorm lend 1111 runner1111 luibht Ittrlm oi linltrtlelplrttt l1111 1111 111111 1111l111It termitelending F12 as siUx tlli1ll onljv I11er point 5111 111 llic top 1111 players torld Il lorhcr ol the Fliers r1111 were Muhovlirii 111 Montreal 11111 $1111 for third lliitlt with VHUN 111d ltctrt l1rorttl1 of IIMburgh llI£lti11lt is 111 53111 114 lito 111111 1113111L11111111 11m l1 Fm 1111 211th tit¢ lll 17 this Emmott nus thr lo lioint 211111 l1 Ilrrrrj Sltlcr 111 rlwonto trutrrrtrt 11111111 l11111 choir in tho l1lo lmtrls ll itui Sittlcrk 111111111111111111 ille lmonto 1111111 the Nil 11rd 1111 11111111 in one grunt 11lll 11 tor most LIlitlr 111 52311111 in 1111 Liliitt Illlitltl 0121 1111 untot 111i11 11 period It rtr nlm 11 Toronto 101111 rot11rd 111 11111115 111111 p11111 per1111 pin tie ltn llir tlltli 1111k lor goals 11 21111111 littltulo Sabres 11 live lOClll 1111111111114 ruon hpoltrts l1 1111111 Lams1 illltt Jl HITS during ltL 911 11llrl sl11111111 111 31l The right gonls cored 1111 Sabre 111 the hut ptrlotl 111 21110 lI41l11l that 21111 alul the 11 111111t tin period ted lilill mark liit Subros 21nd 1111r11111 trucks tied 1111411111 111 11111 gruio Jun during 111 t1 Saint mo nhcu the two 111111115 scored 10 goals in the third period The Pruner rccord ter and involving IMtulo was at Culiiornrn frtfiins the Seal Feb when qthc two teams scored three genius in 18 seconds during the 1311 period 1m Moxcy ol the Sea gleammule Wayne lerrirk and dluitiy tiure ol Butt1111 nort 1111 morn srorerx as the Sabres nor Ar Putnam11 11 11 Warks of Chicago Filark Hunk 2M4 the league team and IIllltt I1111 records for the quicker iMi 11301115 from the start 111 game when he scored 11 II and Enccondn lho learn played to 11 214 tie Club rccord tor 111111 11111111 17 91 2111111 111111 liton rm Eton 1lltl1tnt 11l111 an In addiiron 111 Sutler rillliél Pelreault of Ruilaln and See Vickors ot New York Rangeri et learn matrkk wh sew11 points in 71 Sillth game it lerrtrk broke the 11n11 rtotma runk nth lilltl llioune or Inn 1141 Knox 11 broker 111 11 Ytttiltl 1111 points in 1111 1111 llre ittle reutre 111111 11l he alvt the ax 1111111l or 1111111 me l111 lofw of New York Islanders hr 11 iI1 llt 101111 INHlrl 511 1111 in one 118011 liv 17111111 aint lilS Drilllx rr 111111 111l in l111i 111111 r1 11 111111 ie 1l11 lI1lr1 litul 12 111111 Sttilth Mondms 1111111 llllli5 not intllltitrl il PM Ill Lailtm 1111 11 11 11 llarke liEA 711 91111 Barbe lna 1111 11$ 11 7112111111 111 lIl 11 151 16 larortrhe 11 7H lrrinotos 112 ll 318711 Iorreatrlt litrl til 112 1o lironne IA 13 111 71 11 Nilltl 11 711 1111 11 Iroliiot Yl tin 24 411 1H Run11 It 1121 111 11 lolitrr Nil TI 111 111112 31 11 11 cktts YII 111 If 111 Tiltliorndtl lot 11 111 lLnlitix in li 26 It 1111 1111 P17 til 211 41 11 l111 l311 1111 11 311 11 Lotion NI i11111 11111311 11111 311 11 111 ltltlml II1 F11 221 111 1111 Vern rt 11 so 11 11 111 Sheppard Ho 11 11111 ii1l 11 l11 1111 111 11 11 111 LIIIKILI1IIKS 11141111115 Mondays 12mm not ilHllltllIi Ilmpti Itll anal1 hrzitketrdi SI 1lr 211111 llH ii it lutltitqtlf Hit It Mil 131 34360 Ii1 I0 LEl Im1 128 151 11 5111111 11111 11 11 VII it 3150 I171 51 lilllltlll L14 11 Tailor 21 ti i7 SPORT SHORTS Whl HIZMUVII ltIIIlIl1 1111 The t1t 1111 l1ll inllon I111 ken right it 11 littll 111111r11rri and Portland Ir1l lilrll how he 111111 be £1ll ltlllIll to lltlliibl lfimlxtllitrll otl1l11111 111lion next neck to brave has roplzntd 1tl 1112 line Ittttltltt til 11 111111 Jil leg nos llttL11111tl Pei llr l1itl 111 ionJ 11111 111 iilrrts lot 1111 r1oi ll 111111111 IINIIIIH RAH INDIANAPOLIS 511111 ltl1ll11ttr ll1 innorrn the eighth entrant in this 111111 l111i11111pt1ls 11111 1111111 11111 11215 1111111111111 l11111l1 1111 1rtrl 5121 tml lillllilnlllI ltr1111 111d Illtltli the 111 I1 First game lost in world curling llltilit itjolletlltl tn11l vetrouted In I11 tionLllK 311mm rink lo irt 11111111 at tho Irtll 111111 11rlr 11111111211 iiil 1l 11112 by an Pl xttilt to Srotltrrid ill1 the defending 11111 rltlll 1l11 l11ltt illtll lirt 411111 1l rlr 1111t1tr111 l11i113 1115111tl1 In other glories l11irtl11 11tl1 llnlizt lit1 1311ll nay litn ltlly 1172 11ml 11 Harmony donned Snilzttltrnrr llJ lluvtlitn Monday 1111541 llpl llrs linl 111 11 iriunrrh 111or the VS trr =c1or11 tttIIftllllH niu titmtll if l1t 1H t1n 12111111 1l111oll1of litmmon 11 11111111 brunt1 ll in fln 11111 111 ormd Htrntln tillrrr 11111 11er ol tl11 111111111 111 11 ilrritl No11 II 1111111 11 1111111 lllen Jittlxlm 18 and lo helix Strurne 11 111 other grime l1111111 morning deletttling 11111111111111 Fur111111 heart Scotland 97 f111 111 tltll¢fl Snixerlunrl 11 ii 1111 111111111 Citwl 111111111 1111 11111 Denmark Mum ltr lv lr1 11 31110 mile men it Stllffltlirrt 111 l1 111 111 91 t1111l1l 5111 IHN IIII ltllil£l til f1l11 1111111 l11 llllltllld 111 the 1111111l11r 111 playix signed for the ltfiti NotionJl lfiuillt 111110 l11ll 301151011 1111111 11 loin1 Woodie Irtynian anti lion farr lnrx agreed to 111tr11t lornn Ir11n1tt 33yearold 51111111 11111 iirrfl 21 ill 11111141111 1111r and 31112 earned run ZICIIIC 111 Illitl 211 lrnirhrd nrtlr 1111111I 1l111 ir nirrtz lht 1l1l1 lrorn Memphis Blues oi 1hr rim llIltIIIillltilldl League PARENT LU lllllllLIlIl Philadelphia Fire goalie Her 1110 larenl who 1115 missed the entire National llottkey League srtrxorr hermit neck in rury may be in the nets agairni Washington Capitnlr tonight rerun spokesman rultl Mouth Dottors say Parent is hell enough to plu Ittreut uinrro oi the Veitiri lroph llrt l1r1t flotrlio iii the NIH lust 51m 1n rntl 111111 11113 1not 1u1l1lr Il1tl 111 the pl111ll nude reut notk Mirrori l11 ltrll 11 Illl pirrhd 111rte SICAIHII lNllNlTIlS ll YHIlli l1 Str11 illtl twin1 1111l ltllon ttr dents tontintttrtl to sctrrtir lt111 I1 tor lightntrght 1111111111111 Stephen ll0 19 nho dis 111111 LilQtl when Columbia lrr tttrsity hcll was swamped tlttr 11111 sunrier prurtire session 1111 the llnrleu It er BACK IN IUI SIUI MOW Ytll 1l1 tiirr lint111 11 lit 111111111111 111t ll1111 Tamils 111 lmrort 1111 8111 111 llllttl li lleil 1111k 111111 the 1111 5110 on the womens pro tennis tour 01111111115 list Mt lliett has illllCtl $111111 111 lxlet tottrnztruunn 1h lltotiue tiorlrr 11111 15 next unit £1152 MW 1111 i1 1rin11 1d1 $101711 l11111111 Ntnrnt ltl1 $121727 and Mus 311111 1151111111 til Mlnriil 11 111111 IIta 11 3111111 11 27 tint 111 ltI 111 ilI1r littlf lios Il H111 on ti l1111111111 111 111 11 l11 11 11 tl 11 11 lh 111 l1111111 1111 7llt111114 1111 11 Ilti 111 tno 1x11 L011 Mrilr 111 11 11 1re 1111 lttl11 111 11 11111111 11 1111 mi 11 31111 1x1 1111 1l11 111 1111 11 11 1111 1111 our 11 2111 111111 11 5111111 11 V2111 11 111111 111 lriznEm 11 51111111 111 11 11 11 1511 1111111411 11 1111111 51 lti I1¢ Il 11 leli 111 11 1111 11 11111 Ii 111111111 11111111111 11 lit411111 32 1111 11 11 Station 11 11 Stl 131 1tti 21191 l1l11 331 ll l11l1rr 5111 111 Ilrrrron 111 11 11111 Minn 351111 331 11111 l1ltr lll lti l1 l1111 l1x1ou 111 11 11 111 Pitt 111 3111111 211 n11 thtlierlord 11111 11 tiatorrtrr1 111111 71 111111 tirnnt 12111 1111 ltlhtlle lo 11 liltllirllldlll 111 11 1111 UN 131 311110 33 21h l1l1l1111 11 1111 Wilson 11111 ilittHIIIlIl 111 111 11 51111an 111 NH 111 3111111311 1111 Hort1111 111 111111 Diemlurk 111 11111 MlKUtlIIIIP 1111 161 31300 £718 Lilli Wolto 1117 111 Hellutnntrr 211 21 11 1111 Low 1111 11 11 Wash 111 317311 91111 11 HOCKEY STANDINGS titiouul Iutritk Division llllln 111 211 11 111 lSlltlIrltlS 17 327 21$ l11nl1 21 111 11111 1111 1111140111 itt 11 311 111 Smylhr Division IlI l9 l7 lilii ltil 21 3071 201 hi 22 28 llli 23051 illitugo rtntouitr St Lotus Minnesota 11 111 21 Kaunas 3111 111 11 1111 21 11 Adams Division 11111111 31 11 111 12311 11111 11 lullulo Ili lti It 1331 lit lotonto 111 31 11 1521 21 11 rrlilornin 31 12 11111 11111 Norris Division lontrttrl ti 11 2211 11 11 1lt 11211112 111 12111 15111 Irttl1trrl1 ill It 1171 13 ltr torl Ill 1l ll Itii 111 e1lrinnlorr 1111131111 Itcsnlt Monday loronlo 1l111l1 Games Tonight Montreal 11 Ht Lotus lincogo 111 11111otrer NY lVlillltlLlh 11 l1tnr 111 lllllittlllllllld 11 1111111111 THE No easy rest for Winnipeg lUliONIU 1C1 Winnipeg Iots may have clinched play off berth en the weekendthe earliest that World Hockey Association team has been as trrcti berth in the post201151 rounds but they can ill afford to rest easy The Jets ensured themselves 11 playoll spot by stopping ldmonton Oilerc 42 lIll iroetstjng lhe host gonllenrling are ngt llie NIOIIIlg leaders Pts Pint 51 55 109 62 fill 117 ltll lt 117 17 94 21 1111 £111 28 10 88 31 l1 SIT 81 Ill larthll Nilsson IIull lledbcrg Bernicr Clouticr IIit Iuiog the ezcrw 11111 Isl inept entry were dropping 64 B0llclém 76 derision to 5611 b0111 lar1t Lawson la 73 llhz tact that the luiOrs Willi Omc 33 11 3f the leagues worst won lost Human 37 11 13 record bring up the rear of the warm 31 11 71 37 tireteam Canadian Dil320n which Winnipeg leads with the leagues best mark played more than passing role in the 113 117 12 Mahovlicli 211211 1111 111 choniansk 13 3t 64 Backstrom NI 23 31 114 11 Addourro SI lets playoff status Ilowc ll 46 111 111 While Iorouto Moltlt1 in liemblay 37 111 their last 15 stats still have Room 33 11 151 dwindling hope of making the l1111 ZOItItlLltv1 1111 hethind fourth place Edmonton Leading goalltlltlClb Min GA SO AVG BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 19769 tiilcrs there is no they Dfdley it ill can JIiCh the Jets ho Ilnw NOITIS 84 points hrahame ll 1118 111 Winnipeg liowcrer isnt that £3 far clear of the tield with ue 7111 heo Nordiquen only S1x 93 Wakely so 3313 131 133311 AT BLIND CURLERS SPIEL 11 to pace and four games in mw Il If McLeod 11 if blind curler troui Barrie poled aiust nine other The Jets and Nordiqucs are Bloleul ll lf Jack Clements gctr word 01 rnks Hamilton tron the cham 1Iearly the class or the league Browni advice lrom Cxighton Urcn pluliillip while Barrics Jack this season Tlmning mum legenlCr1 Samar of London 011 during the Clements til Seott ratI i11 the Tunadinn liiiision Cincinnati Iltlmorrtou ll mm1031C1e1513m5pici Iillcr and Theresa Vautour look at the statistics released Houston Vllitllélllirlfifll51 Saturday at lire Barre Curling picked up 111 niu and the by the league office Monday llnanOla MM MW 1311121311 11111 With 11211511 12111 111e consolation 1111111 IExamincr 11131 lhocuix Qillttt Sli 11mm Diego lorono Win 11111ng shons eight of the blind curlerslrom Barrie 1r1111 scorers coming from illet tno 1lll and Winnipegs 109 Dale Fate of Giants on line today Ontario PE cling to top in senior curling tournament IllAVlr l3P1 Ontario and Ildnards 111 King11111 l110111 lrrure Fxlnnrd Island clung to Carter 11 111hr1 11Ltgt IIIV 71l311 t01 $111111 SllL top spot nith 40 record as Wen MacDonald tharlotto lAufzuc baseball onners til the r11 111 l11gtvr ltntola tell by the naystde town and 1111 lirlllox 11 llltll lwld IllLigl rutrtg 111d tlllt 1th would leave the Monday after our rounds 01 hp Inns Chi Km tin llillH 11f illL l1 ilulliS Ellil Uhklullil As in the liétlltinal 50111111 mOIIs Clllllli pct 11lll1011l1l 511111 l1 11 11i1l1 13 131111 lia 110mb 1111115 and drwtrrk ble ex 1w 11 nl Ill 111 menup 1111111 lo11 lpl rod 101 wrond plat 1111 MW yr 11111114111 to l111110ba ls Alberta With 1Ulll 1111 lrieCLllf 1m 11 0111110 heat larirtr1l1 lt 1111 the Giants non1111 telold lolloncd hi 11111 r1114 ro mznrc 111 lll lmmlcl 11 t111el EXIT 11 Scout l1ttth 11111111 11 11121 11111 111gt1 tori1111 1lv11 110 Lo lltl1 tool 01 or the 11 rth est lerrrtor0lt rr riot in 111l 11 111111111 11 11 hrunmitrk 11 1111tnrll1 11111 from 111111121 norace Stone Mnmel mm Qw orthe 111 l1 ill 11 11 CiUlIl1lluIIl and hm wwkruc tr plllLllHC 111 11111 1er mmdm 1r 11 12 wt nutrhennn lollon Wu In 111 ew Bruusntck 311 nrnle 1111 11 101 111 in fifth Immtl 011 11111111 V1 ltll tr lt1t1 11 11 511111 211111 111111111 11 lows Ill P1a 132 111lmer oi rederwtor IIILi from l111 I1 111 11g lt11 111 11 1111 I1 ltcollllitli 11 l1ntr11 11121 11 11 11 11111 111 1111211 111 rorriiclent H131 to l1gtc1lll 111 Yollonkirrt 11111111111 11 11 11 ti 111 11 gtiro1 11 111t lll tpprmtr his pur 1l1 or llnlpir tmll oi 11111 111111111 13 tinned 111 11 tint1111 111 =1 l1 11 the imam 1111 Ilun 5511 l11111 Nritl l111111 11 ll ll 1111 ll 11111311 711 1ll1 111 11 Il 11 rtlllf 111 1001 111 the offer lfillm Sml pi ll111 S1l111 11 1111 ltrrhj 1v noted 111 we 1l111tlttrtion ll1i1 1111 111111 111 lrzzilor 11111 7w 111 71 111111111 rrr II 1111 whens turn rnwn ll llltttl1 11 1111 tc1111 ti and lul 11l l1 1111 pl11r11t lo 111110 the lililr 1111911 11 hid Tomato will be lit worns 111 at ll1 rrrrrvtt ti 1l1 to 1111111110 19311 1113 ova As an authortzed representative 11 MW md insurame mbdnlxtr1111o111vctmeutdeateieu1 guarantee and bind my company that we will make no charge for sales 01111711551011 no charge tor management fees no Charge for filing government statements and no barge for redemption at maturity Signed on behalf 11 115 111111111111 harlrutlt0 investment dealer or MW 197 l1 111 Wimelsz Manature 01 Seller II The Sterling Trusts Guaranteed Plan Rename we have 110 dltl11ll 1011 111 1111 rouiniiwitm JLINt 01116 in 101 Merlin Irustsbrunthuntlnoll11l1111r1111 wen tliirig Alter 1ll 111Lrll be Cltllllll toiir money with UN Kl lllNl lrkotltv IllNllltllIttIilidlllt 1111111111110111111 11111111110115 well be using 11 Wed have 111 1111111 lulol nerve tlicngino you tor the privilege Olltgh rule 01 interest tum11111101111 ironth Corollaaim at current 10 rate 111 inter111 tllll the court lent oi 1203 simple uterrst nlirti cumulated to maturity Income taxes deterred Deposits accepted anytrme for any amount transfer front other Registered Retirement Savings Plans pension retunds lump sum retirement allowam es and other qualified monies acr epted range 01 other 1111 3111131 algto avariable ROSS FURZECOTT lb Dunlop St East Barrie 7266495 STERLINGQ All contributions and interest Idltl1tldlllttl by Sterling Irrrt and insured by tltet amuln Deposit liuumutrt xrtron mmxtrnum $203110 IIlIUIIh and pldm member oiCanad1 Deposit Insurance Lorporntiori 111 Vet l1151 LLNH IIIIII

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