the iï¬arrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Bayflald Strut Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Managar Walls Editor Emeritus Hansbaw Managing Editor SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21 1976 PAGE When Diet sees Trudeau what he sees is red Canada needs more John Diefenbak 01s He callsfem as he sees em and when he sees prime minister Trudeau he sees red In one of his morst blistering speeches in recent memory he blasted Trudeau and called on Canadians to join in fight against the leftleaning threat posed by the PM sense of history is important to nation Canadians should realize that when man the stature of John Diefenbaker says there is something wrong there is mighty good chance he is right Diefenbaker has made history and has been history 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner February 21 1961 Ross Cowan and Charlie Giorgianni dcnr onstrated new method for carrecovery by scuba divers Hamilton principal North Collegiate in address predicted Russian would soon by taught in schools of Canada as language extension Baystairs Lodge at Minets Point gain ed national recognition in llines Travel Guide Maurice lacLaren cloc ted president Chamber of with Bob Sairjeant viceapresident Dr David Garrick of Shanty Bay appointed veterinarian for World Health Organizat ion in Panama Bill Caldwell general llc knows Canada and Canadians per haps better than any other politicians If he feels ciallst gang is reflecting the met ministers liefcnbaker Whoever is groundswell of resentment for the way Trudeau and his liberalso leading the country he is mood of the people Diefenbaker is rightly and deeply con cerned for the future of my country And he tore into Trudeau for turning the Liberal Party into the Trudeau party It is shameful so many supposedly in telligent Liberal Party members and cab have adopted kneelurk reflex to whatever the master says threw down the gauntlet to the dozen hopefuls for thc Conserva tivc Party leadership chosen tomorrow he will have to be fighter good onc DOWN MEMORY LANE chairman happy over success Barrie Win to Ys Men Commerce Kinzie named pawa tribe on Borden liliin FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Conservative future in Quebec doubtful Bï¬ STEWART lacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service With Quebees two top on aervatives locked in bitter battle for the party leadership it makes you wonder about fu ture Tory fortunes in that prm ince regardless of who wins the race With united provincial or ganiaation in the last general election the Conservatives could manage to win only three of Quebecs 74 seats And now that this unity has been shat tered izs trightcning to ilnnk what may happen the next time around And ironically one of domi nant themes of the leadership campaign is the need to build up solid grassroots organ ization in Quebec It sure isnt being built very well at the moment when Claude Wagner led the Quebec organiaation into the 1974 general election he had the full suppmt of Brian Mulro ney powerlul figure in the hindraising department of Que bec politics Alter all Mr Mul roney was instrumental in bringing Mr Wagner into the Conservative told alter his stint as provincial Liberal cabinet minister and then as judge Party Leader Robert lanticld actually met Mr Wag ner at Mr Mulroneys home With Mr Stanfield working 7777793 Barrie Examiner 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0434 Second Claas Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 35 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 13 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcee County $3400 Yearly Balance of Canada $3600 veal ly All other countries M300 yearly Motor throw off 35600 yearly National Advertising Offices 05 Queen St West Toronto 864 1710 M0 Cathcart St Mont rea Member of the Canadian Pro3 and Audit Bureau ol Circula lions The Canadian Preaa la exclu alvoly entitled to the use for re publlcation of all news diapatch on in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu tor and also the local news pub lished therein The Flame llxumincr cIai nr Copyright in all original 1dl using and editorial material cro atod by its employees and reprn duped to this newapaper Copyright Registration Num bar 203815 register 61 Mother IOQQKIIB to Cblllfl the put Quebec and with Wagnci and Mr Mulroney Willill handinhand to he hm was assumed that the Libcizd strut Ichold on the prmmcc vultirI linali be brokcn But ll wasnl And regardless of the come of the leadeishlp mic Sunday lhc Quebec stumpi can only deteriorate in the months ahead Whilf ICuilClgtlli wounds can 01th hen quicklg it wont be easy to stitch up all the cuts created by ihc Wagner llulroncy bou Bitter lactiuir haw lcrmci Lawsuits have been thrcutcncl Workers tor one candidate hate detected to the opposition camp New organizations have been formed bchind each ol the two candidate and IllIC inc will be disbanded iick week the members wont loich the causes One wt Wagners oizginnl supporter2 Lise Bourque lIlCgt dent ol the AlaissunctncIttrc monl llIIllf assoCialinn has charged that IlC was lnrccu to preside over it packed meet ing to clei sale ol Wagner supporters as tlltlltlfill dclc latch So Elle lniltiCaIiathj turncl around and lormcil tiic QuebCi Womens Action firm mittcc tor Mulroney Meanwhile Wligiicl ups busy JCCLllllcï¬ Mulronej in being the pear cmrtcr Ioi uch Icy crinncncc Dalton tamp and the counti Illluli ial barons UV Tm ter Carnival credited Ohuck Wadge ac countant and office manager of Examiner for his work as treasurer and coordinator Mate hotel Complete with specuii ctCnts cietv lauded Kiwanis Club of Barrie tcr ivork oplbghail crippled children lOllS uv announced new Lshaicd swimming pool in Barrie would be rehdy lor connnunitv tlsC bv early summer Frank 58 appointed golf piotessicnul at Barrie Country Club Ian Bain of Ontario So Mayor Willard an honorary chief of Chip Cliristiain Island Camp School won best play award at Georgian Bay Drama Festival v1 Ir Mulroncg was attacking the 5300000 trust lurid which bud been CSLHIJleIlCd Io hire li Wagner into thP party lCl BATTLES the iidin lexel there has lmcn roaring battle between Eie workch of both candidatN and even alleged cases of list culls In IIcii lhe wounds will IltiI lllltI between Jack Ul her and Joe Clark but there no way the Quebec battleground wll rclurn to normal belure the next election There are already menime at local associations who dont speak Io each other Inculcntull Ilewurd irall ley the third Quebec candidate Iigurcs he will gain from that riproaring light between Mr Wagner and Mr Mulroney While hc battle raged he claims to time quietly plckcl up the large number ol Quo bcc delegates Many dispuic ill but no dont Iiulc lung to wait Mcanwlnle thcrc is IlllIC the delegates can do to ensure the questionable health at the party in Qicbcc Ilic election of or the li Warmer or Mr Mulro ncy will morc or has guarantee the rIlCllllIIllll III the IJol5 up porters And can you innigmc an ling lilthspeaking winner going into Quebec to try and get members oi riding associationlo speak to dCll other again lranlaly rout lwiinc er Imonmil Iiilics HtIlIWI to run Ulll MPil psslrgurvflu zwna at ll armtpki THE PICK OF PUNCH MI You talk about boredom When was young wa had provide our own to Requesting landing instructions for refuelldgahd faking on more advertising leaflets gt 25 15t awaitsd gtï¬Â¥=teYvZFzz 11 AN EXAMINER SPECIAL REPORT 321343 In Texas capitalism alive and well By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Anonat Thomson News Service HOUSTON stayed here at the University of Houston Hotel itelt contradiction in terms what is commercial doing inside university Its existence as modern up maid conditioning service color television indeed no stu dent dormitory is model of Texasstyle enterprise While Canadian universities are cutting back making do with reduced budgets and acn hotcl demic staffs the University of cxpundin Houston is on $60million rxv pansion plan About 200 miles to the listtii cast the University of Texas at typical pansion they tcms not just lUllVClSlllCS Austin is on an SBJllllllltln ex campaign In Texas talk of university sys two universities with six campuses each are around tin zist stutc crv much 1ch Stutc lut icrsilics of New York SUNY llIl Its hordes iiI caliipltsts but wlhnil lhci mambo debts lhesc about Georgian College theatre is not booked solid Dear air In Mendays Barrie Examiner it is reported that the F0 says the Georgian College The atrc is hooked solid for the fu ture ortamb and Winn EIOUIY NOTES AND COMMENT individuals are inattan use the theatre and certainly it may not always be possible to boot it for the first date requested but the theatre is not boukcd solid It is SlllI possible to rent 1hr theatre tor scattered dates nnl llir end of May anl all hriikinzs are Just coming new We will be glad to discuss details with any interested group oi llllI itly IIILllh In iWiilfIllluim So you want coverage on two hours notice li SEAN FINLAY itv Editor The Examiner W1 1c lxulhy IlClllll win lltl told incdal the WHLH Ilillii representatives of the tiiiiziii muhu erc ll ii colorinu themsehc with glory Iiic Iilgllt nnd nOII styled lugLinc expert werent cxcu llicrc wlicn the Ilmmiii mi wu lvcr medal cxccpt for one diligent LP reperlcr And the reaction ot big new nupcr lIIO ant tQICYlbIOH in her win It was I3uke but it rounded out our medals one gold one silicr and one bronze llut the attiuzlc ol the bi lime mcdin towards lis Krem nctilng unuual she hm several things going agltllcl her llli she is an amateur nil she want supposed to lll and that was tor her the worst thing she could In llig By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Ihc great nation states Of Western Europe lormed at the beginning or the 16th centLuy have never escaped what we to lay call separahm Formed as large geographw and political entities from Ill mana minute kingdoms and ducth of medieval ltlurcic ihcv have always represented on amalgam ol conflicting in IClCsib In Spain central government formed by her powerful kings reconstituted under Francos long rule hasuicwr resulted in the termination of the role and rights of Basques utialonizmq and italicinns in modern Spain In lirancc the Bretoncsr ru cially atom to Basques in Spain and the Welsh in Bnitain have developed modern separatist movement with long historic routs Belgium lfEIilIIHI modern Jule lutmcd in I830 and mic tallest ltlie Spaiinli Netherlands diVided otton bitterly b0 twoen French and Flemish speaking districts One does not think of England in these terms even though the Scottish and Walsh are known Iimt spartswiiieri dont gturprises Something has comu up midc Iiri Ilnri that or lillcttli me city editor of lhc limin iiier And JIII sure it concerns the people involied llxumincr reporter aie gum assignments ever lllllllllli 7l0 llric is city whcic il iIlIIlQn UItls setm 71 be lin nciiing at once lleporters dins are lull lately we haw been uclmi requests or moms hp rir ed sometimes as little as two hours belore the event llice requests are lcr cicnf hut lune been planned ICdl week in advance And olien we inst can re ngo rmoilti ilOJJIfls gitt lhc lastminute request handled So request to clulr ii junieitlon and groups ll you plan an merit In THE WORLD TODAY lrom the luv their differences zinglish lhe mincpl of the hair to the British throne being installed as Prince of Wales goes hacl to the reign ol Edward who de termined his military cenqued lI the Welsh could be sweetened In lecturing his how the Pllllct or the Welsn ow embattled British Prime IllllalCl Iltllllltl Igttin plgqmii with economic dcrlinc split ahiitets minori govoriimen is lacing the growing threat of genuine and determined separa tist activities The venue for these is Scot land Tlie cause is that of the Scottish Nationalist Party which had SllCtCSIIllI candidates in the Ias two British national elect none The Scottish nationalists now are determined they can live on their 0an and are angered at Prime Minister Wilson for his control over negotiations about North Sea oil and gas Mitch ol this newfound cnercy ilt in waters which Inc Hvotlish iiitioiinlisl would II as thens it Scotland were rude penden The Welsh nationalists are not as native even though the use or the Welsh language has been extended in government offices schools and on various pro mntc and you wth covcraw llLiC li glilI in in I£llllltl aiii Il 10 lor cmcragr as tar Iv ulnar ol the li ItIl lI ll know lii is pluiilicv ll Iii liiiI who we idll countl Io ltirlhcl tit Ill tiln ll your request is fIIlC that was we can uln at gun unit II he covered Ill l1tilllll if wrakncsu iIIowcd mycII to be persuaded in take part in the Kiiiuntn ski then tridaji Speculation about my pertin nguicc mlcretrng bizarre il llie best liirmtc is that will liiukc live miles AIL thinl 1II make jiid with difficulty If haw enough strength to ridlc lpllll my mileage or yardage gt will be availa lic for all to so next wet in this rpacc lll Emu Illl IM Separatism in Europe there for centuries gram ilhe Brilih Broad tllllg Corporation lhcy are not so politically Hl eminur as re or Scottish nationalists Their swing of votes in parliament giving Labor inuinrily Ill one could bring down Iv libin mcriiincnl or innkc utuic toiiscrvaiiw one likc Oil Iliit modern lilllfll who in tliiilw illslcr lhc louilh major ioiiiuiinenl in the tulle IIillll il IIiigluid 3LlllItllll Lund 1lltI Wale llster separatism has wl it sense 01 unity in the bloody civil war between Catholics and liittOslniils in im region Where the Welsh and Scottish iarccly an male iiurn Itc lllttll ol llriliIi occnoulnii IirI iiitiltllrl lrcluinl Iii thin 41 And this includes some clr moan in Ulster who are more loyal to the Irish republic than to the concept of Btifish Like Spain of the near future with Catalonia nnl lIL aqua pioiincc sucking home rule Itlllnllfllt pnn Ill Inin well be litlfI wili the annir separztrl In titfHEl lit the age or the global vrI age rogronciiSm appears to be growing stronger than ever certainly in modern Western Europe liii But back to the University ot Houston llotel it began with $1 million in seed money from la mous hotel magnate Conrad Hilton on the Luidcrstanding the university would raise lunds ilrom private sourcesi to build continuing education centre and hotel management school COLLEGE BONDRAISING University lrcudent lhihp Ulllllull 60 licad of this 30000 student institution lor 20 years lloatcd bonds guaranteed by the rléilc of Texas nd that means Triple toting measuring the bus on the New York bond market In state where tisch policy pro duces surpluses and not deli iiis all bonds guaranteed by the state are Triple In turn that meant local and national financial institutions Idle the savings and loans com panics insurance companies ca gcrly picked up the university b0lll The magnificent continuing education centre now lS built as part ol the hotel The hotel management school still has to come along ud the Unnersuy ol llouston as state university recene no date ltllld lnatg the way it is in Texas compared to back home wnerc somehow or other welfare has run rampant or so worried lcxans who know Canada tell me lakc Ontario Ilrï¬ record 36 billion budget includes $3 billion iur health and hospital seiwiceS hcncc the present ruthless cut husk in hospitals by provincial Health Minister Frank Miller In Ottawa Federal Health Minister Marc LJIOlltIC still see lIlC guaranteed annual wage as mini and CDCIlIlilI thing somewhere down thc road ln lcxo gtllIl global govern lilcn programs are seen alt pure and simple socialism de structive to man and his moral libre llencc Texas has no state tax no medicare and no lrills like TV Ontario the govern incntsupportcd television net work IlOllthIl was is and probably always lII be dominated by the ml and gas giants in its en nons Between this burgeoning ill 50inilelonvg monument to oldfashioned capitalsm and Galveston on the Gulf ot Mex co Sillmile distance is to be lound 40 per cent of the in stalled petrochemical capacity of the US Such multinational giants in till gas and their suppller in dustries as Shell Exxon USA lcnneco Bahtel Pulhnan Kel logg Continental dominate city industry politics and urban de velopment concepts Exxon ITSA slobillion corporation is iluustons largest employer Houston nay be the only met rnpolitan area of its size in the ITS with no publw transit sys 19m to speak ol ll you live here ion have to drive to work to play anywhere Will me depletion allow ances at an end what the rest of the US saw as scandalous excuse for subsidization of pri vate oil and gas exploration the big energy outfits are in tegrating corporativcly and buying mightily into local real csiute The lulluw in tho llcAI tiI Houston entrepreneur George litchell tizeci rnnigrni to Houston who math tens of ml Itons out ol nil rd gas nought staggering 96000 iclCs nl pri lt lnd around the HOJSOll area boul 20000 acres of it has gone into latelyplanned new city called Woodlands about the some as Bramalea Ont to 119 west at Toronto It will be 203040 population satellite clI In llorrtm and have yes an other tulllTll or the University of llonton or 360 acres ud donated to that institution for the purpose by iilr Mitchtc But this application of 19th century capitalism to 20th cctury technological society is rn all good llouston 3pcr iin black with more lIm one city ghetto imd lirpoiuccni llcxi waritirtu no In midFebruary llouston lat asked the Texas Supreme Court Io Lacrosse 1L5 gas rates to con sumers retroactively not back year few months but back to 1971i Gold silver sparkle By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Gold and silver have been the last refuge from the debau ment of the worlds currencies ever since the Phoeniciana in vented money Lately however even the proclaim metals have lost their lustre For several weeks gold has been trading at about two thirds of the record $200pcr ounce price that it had attained near the end of 1974 and silver pryices have been equally slugg is lhis belies the conventional wisdomthat precious metals are an unfailing hedge against inflations erosion of the dollar For the moment least therefore the widely read gold bugs such as llarry Browne and Harry Schultz appear to hate egg on their laces One longestallllshci mane cnanger however says in el Iect that the current depression in gold and silver prices will probably prove to be lCllr porary aberration Nicholas Deak head of New Yorkbast Desk and Co lnc forcignccharge rlealcrsi and world girdling chain banks and rcloted ï¬nancial companies blames the United Statelt government for trying to convince the world that gold llt nothing but simple industrial metal with no monetary signifi cance ROLE OF GOLD The United State has been forced into Iihis pesitioni be cause we have been drained becaue our gold reserves have been depleted in relation to our ircmcndous monetary circula tion he told the Feb 19 lunch eon meeting or the Empire Club in Toronto But the majority of people do not accept the deihroning of gold lr Deak said because nothing has been found yet to replace gold as reserve metal for monetary systems The South Atricans the Mexicans the Austrians the Hungarians and recently the Russians are minting very large quantities of gold coins 1r Deak contends that the fluctuation in bullion prices has been no more CXCCSSlE than the ups and downs in some other commodibes or in com mon stock llc concedes that the forth coming sales gold by the ln iernational Monetary Fund and the US government will pre Clll any increase in the gold price itrom its current level of about 5130 in the immediate tu true But in the long run as alv ways in Illl0l gold will prme In be solid preerver of wealth he sid SILVER Lll hi the near ItlitllC Deak be tcvrs siber has greater po lcntuil tor appreciation than docs the yellow metal is reasoning Sibcr produc llull Lll hardly be increased industrial cousumntion far cx coeds production and will prob ably not decrease substantith evcn in recession As soon as the meagre silier stocks are used up the silver price can he expected in sky rocket lr Deak believes Since there 15 no silver in government possessionor at least no quantiies to speak ol we cannot expect government interference in the price of sil er Prices ol silver and gold usu ally move more or less in tan dem and so recovery in one could stimulate demand for the other No doubt the forecasts of South African otficials ham to be discoruited since that coun try is the worlds major source of bullion and naturally avers everhigher prices However South African Fi nance Minister Owen llorwood contended the other day that in dustrial demand for gold is on the rise buying by the worlds central banks will be stabiliz ing factor and any sales of gold by the International Monetary Fund would be at reasonably high price WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted tor nuh ication must be ovlglnal cop ies signed by the Writer Plen se include your street addrcu and phonc uumber although they will not he published Lel ters which cannot be authenti catcd by phone cannot be pub lished For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter BIBLE THOUGHT Then he answered and spake unto me saying This is the word of the Lord unto Zerub habrl saying Not by might ivur In power but by my spir it slillh the Lord of hosts Zechariah 16 Not arms race but kneeband in will determine the real vm nor The church has the oppor tunlty or being spiritual limb house or sleeping giant The day of doeiaim is upon us