For women only Its sleek and graceful when you finally get it all ituui er but the or of belly darn cing is difficult to master It may be hard to believe but belly dancing was originated by men Judith Beierl 25 yearold computer programer conducts course on belly dancing Thursdo nights in the Highview Plaza Mrs Bei erls course is tor uomen only AT LEFT instructor Jud ith Beierl in he oriental cos tume some of which can weigh in the neighborhood of 2330 pounds because of the coins used AT RIGHT Student ilrom left Elaine MacLeod Linda Patterson and Marylin Stup les follow Mrs Beierls moves BELOW Front to back Linda Patterson Marylin Sta ples and Mary Carruthers go through the intricate twists and turns that constitute belly dancing Examiner photos by Rolf Kraiker Excellent plays highlight third night of festival By JOIIN WllUlC small coininiinnv uic ipplicublc cc lllilll Catchosloiukian to my town including lluriic icon by ii ticrinully its pun clle m0 milk Urgent lt nl llioiiius ltiilllclll on so iiiinciit lor the murder ot one hasulew WWW who clot us Mode ulnnis rings oi Hitlers henchmen leaves no lay night Dvm WW trite Jl tor the llltllCltf to catch 1m Mllkwoud BradW D1 The ibiliiv o1 lrit wors to Ii broom and lull ol horri lild 13h SChOOl and bin dept to ilioinus liricnl itl llll llllllt mcem 9mm Murder highly svinbolic stile varied and Acton llicrc us 17lLllC p0 rlHe by babtvleï¬v Shared it lllllLlHillltlllii liioiiius but It llx simple mid very strong poniis most that makes play like mount toiwirl uni could be Both were flawlessly present ed and both go the audience thoroughly imolved ruler ilkiooii tllllllilll lfll llcll WIilil Im in ci zitilc mm in mili from ton lllltlllll in tri blunt style wreaking in iiiiiri or individual LOCAL AND GENERAL Under Milkwood in an incin dipic on the illiL lnbliic Lultirl playing girl ttomelyambitious etlortbyBrud idiot to dirt ltltllltitll who to ihlo been mur lOld Which won the Georgian barman Sue Viok pluiod lollj iicd the illl the Nill5 killed Bay Drama Fostiiul lost your tiuricr iir invi1 who ccij Hill in the icon stole the There are Tl dittorent linitic imc iqiw iiiwi sin or in the plat l2 pcfviillï¬l character in town of llir ilcnl lul the audi erage of tour characters foreuch prinz home it vuiiic climax in the 18 acid to iIxirilv tzn ltl lltlltiilllllllll Lift to lillll mo liukcn Naturally iilttllri cs though it in lrizc Sciiiciliir ili lroii vi ilei 1ip1i pecially 501153 iit cute uho uppiuiiil in the loiil lii pliiicl llilc uclivc role but play was extremely important loo lino oi illll on dd ltii lob oi narrating Eli and Joel BicFetisci lidicil ll Tom Kho 3ll ii 3i Hiat superbly mo twin ili illlillll Dildo itiltl nus qniiar There timer Cciiiill to ln tiliin by Slrvt iiiiiiiii limpet tiii iowding buck niissed step llllCalC cousid 2mm nook vcvboili iiTrh llaullL around iiiiiie for liii production ering many if tilt characters great deal of color to be ill the two pli lndci Iilk were required to speak their Jun oil nus the in enjoyable but lines in the guns left by nur Sllllllllllli llltl of Alixc as more uble latOi lindvicws Murder of ï¬bre to lialtl gi illlli1l As to the aciil plug llll is ill tlllllll ini ii illli liiir lldkxwmi llllltl be ap can one ay 21b Dilun llioin tout kept the unlit ct gtncllboiuirl iiccititcd to th directin net as The notsotoiilucinchcck in one of most ivitciiw plui 4112 llill lllllltl oi Lidice portrayal of the petty dcccits high school could produce The min more ilLllll produc and jealousies the on in snow of the dotruction of mu PARK1EW roLunns Policies regarding Parkview Senior Citizens Centre will be reviewed by Barrie council Mon day The policies include the purpose of the centre which is to further interest and promote the happiness and welfare of son ior citizens in the city and urea Also the management of the cen tre is the responsibility of the recreation dcpuitmont with the assistance of an udvigtory bouid trom the centres members liiii ally membership is avilublc to all people over 60 081SOld an annual membership fee ap proved by the city roeNsuLLons sunnno lhe Dorrie llYbiCit now taking applications for sum iiili mployiiicnt at the YWCA Dny Camp The Day Comp in need ot Vutor iront Supervisor Senior foun ollor Counsellors anJ Coun el0 ln liinrinq lurinz the months of July and August For more inlormution out application iolm cull Huiom WEATHER Winter returns Bur Wintor is returning to vie and area Wet snow today will be lol lowed by tlurricc and wind con CAPTAIN GARY iciizililci diir iiionncer ol the Movie thi livcicgivoll iill to tho demure oi the Rilwition lconxld llcvnuruut ire Arm rd ï¬ll livid il mums bunddl mlh flllb instruction in thin iwnciopiiuto To look is ltiinimcr tJlllli irn lluiii la tonight mil liifli Urlit the Armys new orill lrom lim at right ililhioulds ltlllllitii illt Ilixoinnu lliotoi no ISio lQlithl of rein to onto will llETllP thunder this Allllnlii Wiirly and lt Sunday ilieh toduf toiiirxht and high Sinzlzy fnosor London lvilclirner onated to Salvation Army iomiii Lake Huron Penoils ol rrni scattered lbiiii or itcr cooking lillllt than three lt lllm no in iirpluccil tilli scilion dim up 10 lirlln tlililfnillil23 and hull million llullllnllgcrg more lllitltll fliltlll oll git will aolamtéiFvilndggi high it got ivcoiilcil it Lust uoiildnt come buck to hunt BMW Hum mum3 plotilioiiit ivlllillllll Illï¬llftttltllll UM tumï¬m mt llllllli nn ll Restaurant Wolf sixloot we riangc has been donated the Sul Lilltlll rmv tor Lisi it uunmcr Wimp llLill llunfvillc lbe rungc installed Ill lt guh ll uhcn McDonalds op tttl null OFUlltlaltll lcd lililrilxl cstiiiiolck émd liiili Ui llli ullll oil it It pczik il during lc lionllils ii It ril 30 1971 xiiich ilic loll pro oucwl 1701 llullllrllltln in one hour illl iii ii ii lr lorski felt it would put to ti ietlcr mi iliniucil to iic Sulvution Arm llV iiiii fullli to iiisiki Illl in lot tiiI moi opt iinililt iii ll he ll llilltl lllll iouiiil loll lillll3illlllll llll drcii gind rill llc tli iIlllj if no cu Hort iiiiiii ll it rit culled how ovcrnorkcd the grill our llll 3t and iileiilioncil thul lic ioill ll tlt selling hamburgers for 15 cents and liilll lt Mini ll ul iil inc llltlll by the doycnr it could iol iiuiitile that ypc of loud win but will lllt loivcr lccl 1min liill ir mu nfll put on there in tcusiii why it itiiitiil lil filth nd think ihi grill has lllil li forr ii any kids lrom lluiiic Ii the camp they can lllurc lllill they proba Iy ile oil the grill rd onetime iodiy Sunday neiir loo Loo lttlrliorouurii Window ke Oiiric south ir=i Ilrliburlon luirnl ol poiblv litiriuiiiiiu in lugdent Lake Ontario il lltllftt ll1liburt ii ro pions chance at thunder storm this anewno iindy and colder Sunday lligh today to Low tonight and high Sunday near Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay Period3 of not allow or train today Chance ltll row ot top in rt the 23 tii 5i rb llYlNOllST Joe illiinllL nieutulist and liviiiiiitilt1 uill pcrlorm limb lliiil Siiiulnv piii lli Ltcs llOlltJIlllillltt ill lilt coun included livo tint lii Lakes secondary school in Or iliti ll Stiiidn litliilllllltt jioow lll iell llllt lll In in olllcr ll0 lli IOI TYlISIS lliil tjiiiric oi lluriic ï¬nd ieiv Secondary School pile 723 lll iolil per lllllllllt in the Siiiicoc District Annqu Un lorio sliisincns lllltilllllll lto Clitllbll spceii typing contest to conic lirt in the junior division and beat the best score iii the senior by in ppm Another Eustvieu gttudcnt Sini di lillllfill liiird in ciiiir division llll 391 ipin lor lcuui standings Miss Bow mun and Jean lelrtcr von lil cnior with on iii1 oi 331 vpni llic contest was licld at lenclunc Scccndtiy School the to Barrie urea Hi iilliliiiii lli liil noon Turning colder tonight itll rain changing to suniv iindy and cold with llullics Ninth llicii today Low oniiil nd biin Siindu North Bu Sudbiiiy lliillllllll ieorpnni Im lltlllll iluli ldlllOll linioguiiu Snow begin ning ilii Lillernooii ending ozcr night ciiiiiulzitioii to 11 cms exccn to cm lnn gniif lLLlt Clcuiiiiiq iiid oldii Sundui lliyili teddy 22 to li tonight and high Siiiunv in yl lcr th iii cloudy loduy vi gomu Mostly tlcxiiinii invl colic overnight lluinly sunny Stiiiil llifIh toduy Low 0ciiiclit llizh Sunday Ii Northern White River oldie Cloudy with sunny peri ods lodui Mainly clenr iuil colder overnight rind Stindui llitgh loduv oieriiiclr lliigh Sunday IL Lochranc Moon lliier Liztil jtrlllll it Nor snow in levy localities thia morning Clemin this otter noon or cveninfl anlv clear and collar overnight inl Sini duy iligli today lt6 ow overnight 2tt to =23 lligh bun day vi to Ii EASTVIEW SCENE Drama festival finals tonight By TERESA HAM LlUN Happy weekend hope everyone is holding out until March Break just keep reminding yourself its not much longer now The big news around liust iew this week is the Georgian llay Drama licstival taking place in our auditorium these past few nights Nine high schools from the area have each wing it different play bring ing little bit oi culture to brighten lllCe ucuiy iintei days All ot the productions have shown tremendous amount of work etiort and talent and are something that all pulllci punts can be proud of thngrutulations to the lucky wins nets to be announced tonight Workshops in drama were held lhursday and Friday at the Georgian College Theatre tor the participating students They all not chance to know each other better and learned lot about lllll their voices and bodies to portray lilterent cliuiuctei Workshop in lighting and lilgt piodiieion rounded out the pro gram lo thunk ion cry cii much to all those who provided it plucc to stay tor the iitin drumn gtttltllll$ was uondcriiil oi thcsc peti plc to go out ol ther way to lllLilC these out of toun idenls lccl uclcome You wont crisilv bc iorgottcn by either your guests or Mrs llomihon KIWANIS FESTIVAL Speaking ot culture ljiticw mode illt preencc knouii dl the Kiiiunis ll3llill in Toronto ccnt Un llb 12 the concert choir Ull its class ugziiiul nine other choirs lill iiiurks oi lit and Eli iind that us oiin the lttllll 9t lllllllLl out to duleil The l1istviev Singers in cltiw UtltCl come ccoiid io llllt choir lrom Listoucl with much in H3 nid tltl lil Saturday the toiiccil tiioir ilelcalcd liicrdile Cull iigiaitc vitii murks of ll ind ziiing them too tlll at the tCllVill The some day the liLilVlt Singers recciwd ec ond in the llltlllllllI iiid trrst lll the utterncon with zi uin mer liocl lhc irude fl and In String in chestiu also placed tirt ll pci lormcd on Feb ll her all lkiiev made great show lllL liilSlHt ius lorluiiuic en ough to be visited by Dr Stu iit Smith lilo new lender of Ontarios Libcrnl purl in Monday He spoke to mid ith the senior students us well us some lllll from Central and North 1mm until Ll pm He made seicral iiiiorcstiii comments on the problems ol nlurios government and help ed his llgtlCllCl iculii the complexity of the llllllllgt 55 greyed133 it was an excellent opportunity to learn more about our province and we were lucky to have Dr Smith visit us One problem most politicians lace was clearly obvious to the students on Monday Dr Smith did his best to spcok directly and maintain audience contact throughout the visit but the antics oi the me dia roprcsuitatives especially the television people made this extremely difficult It Can niinoiinz for both the speaker and the listeners to how their conversation interfer cd iith by camera peopic run Teen school in the Carnival Queen contest and won luclay the 17th was another busy day for the boys basket ball teams The midgets defeat ed Borden District Collegiate 323 in last rough game Greg Brennan led the scorers with 10 points it was real team ettort with points from al most every player The juniors also defeated Bor den 7233 Top scorers were Den iiis lhanassc l6 points Jim Stcvenmn 14 points and Fras er McConncy and lion Duivcn oordo with 10 each in overtime the seniors man inn buck and forth and flashing lights Thank goodness they eemcd to iiappear alter the beginning of the meeting YEAR BOOK Despite their mum liiiid rais ing uctivitics the yearbook stall is rennin into bit of tin ancial problem Advertising is not going as well as it usually does and you can help please aged in clctcat Borden 7977 in the mogtt exciting game this year John Alexander scored 30 points to pace the Cats GIRLS IN The girlgt didnt mIs out on the action either hit day The junior girls volleyball team com plcted their regular season of league games at Banting with two viizs fllllotCt Mr Munsour in Room in New both Bradford 13 and Burning two tomes to iioth lcrliups joii could tlllclutl WWW it ti xiilion as brlhduix tnc inn llllcl llF flCdI 01 5011112 nd in other liold= of Ctlllllltr gtl in Ollmrlés Swami £05231 litioii the Lows Club ivon an ghd ll other tournament aguinst Bant in on Feb 11 On Feb l7 thc Simcoe Dis trict Annual Speed Coitcst of the Uniurio ltllll Education Association litid at Pene tuiig Secondoii School Sandi Bounum uiid Jean Web ster pluccd tirst with on aver note ol all thisc coming buck next gear or attending tor the tirt time option SllCClS are due lill Monday It Lou havent taken the tune to look through iour cutich book yet sit loun and do it this weekend Chooltin ioiir coiir can tune ltciioult consequences on row illt make sure ion do ii cuictiill it now time loi llite xport Yilligt llcrc nre Milllc oi the highlights ol recent coin pciilioir lt nus itcl in the innoiiii cciiicul ut school Friday the Hit arrived duy early tor lhistvieivs midget buketball tcnm UllCVl soundly lLtClllOtl liigtl with superior shooting and icbounding The score is too embarrassing to mention but that just iiicun cll do bet ter llCXt time The senior Wildcats also pini eii erv strong some that do but lot by it points to riiliu Steve McCronc led all the scor cis llll 34 points IN HOCKEY lso on Feb ll the hockey Wildcats detruted Park St llZl Honk icre scored by Vince lctlruih with tour lliiuii lnm blin und Iodil Lulonde with two each ind gtiiielelt by llick ll0u man John Mellzichcrn Cllih tiziriick and Paul Smith the Hurric Winter tutilil lust weckeihl the Untuurd loinid Slltivvrlltic toum on the ilvcr iuuril Custvieus Dave locioll ion the bronze medul lion in his class at the cross ttltlllil skiing meet 11 icek 110 Congrutiilzilions also to Cathy lulmcr ll0 represented our one in speed oi 322 words per minute Sandi lo nucetl ilid in the gtcnior lllgtlil llll 393 no wniii lii ihc junior this ion Dione Currie placed lirs with Tli words minute net She bout the inched senior ioit by in net uord per min ute lny ligtlic llltlclls iere sorely disappointed earlier this week the nnouncement of he coiicclluzioii of our lintcr uiizi Du lls unliituiiute that luck ot interest the majority of the students llilll to spoil things tor tllobc who reull cat il lcihups next time boiler com municuiion bcuccn the piano and the puiticipunl and greater oilliitiin bv the tu dents unll once iuuiii restore one ol litiicvs grand old traditions to our school Since dont wont to end this column on gtClltlll note vill eivL you some good Mllllltl nib ice zil Itil think it isll ill the midt of all our es si projects iiid tcsis choose one tiinc tor ourscll that you will simply tritivr zlvvui There is Iiotliiiic rt ieiiiiciiiitiiig as doing soiiiithnu tlizit ciielt ou pleasure even for gtlllll period it time lleiiicnibcr All work and no ploy lukc cure ot viiiircf and try and smile it make like it eusici to take ii GENERAL ELECTRIC DONATES $l000 TO JA Russ Barunowski riulit general manager of the Can tidiui General Electric Unn puiiys housewares department in Barrie makes his com panys donation of $1000 Michael Reed executive di rector ol Junior Achievement program to teach young peo ple how to operate in the busi ness system Junior Achieve ment is liopini ti gather on ough iloniitioiis this ycur to set up permanent facility in Bar rio Examiner Photo