0R0 INSTRUCTOR PRESENTS FIGURE SKATING TROPHIES Oro Figure Skating Club instructor Margo Wittick ha nds out trophies to the best singles skaters in club competition From left Narda ELMVALE NOTES Ellsmere first in intermedi ate group brista Wiltlck first in singles and Susan McLean first Ill intermediate The results were senior pairs Cheryl Budd and Kr ista Wittick Kelly Sutton and Emily Clark Lissa Ellsmc re and Joanne chschi sen ior singles brista Wittick Snowmobile day trail starts from Orr Lake By PEGGY DOVE READY SET G0 90 Tbs Sunday February is the day of the Elmvale and Dis trct Lions Clubs Elmvale 10 Snowmobile Day The 100 mle trail starts at Shady Ac res on Orr Lake road Sponsor sheets are still available from Don Hocken Ford or any Lion member This year they have an all new 100 mile well groomed and clearly marked trail for the rid ers enjoyment Free lunch and gs will no available at the half way point Anyone who plans to partici pate in this years run is asked to call 3224255 or 3222715 or 3221045 50 that count can be made to enable the caterers to have plenty of good hot food ready and waiting Some of the prizes to be awarded at the dan ce to be held in couple of Sound system to cost $4175 STROUD Seeking better quality lnnistll council plans to accept the lirghcr of two bids to supply sound system for the South in ifslil commun ity centre in Lc7ov Meeting as ftliiitliltfolllie uholc council endorsed the bid of $4175 iw lclchn Com muiiications clgiiig out the bid of $3879 by Van Am Electron tics Recreation 30itllllttl Lur ry Morrow said Tellcch instal led sound system at the Stroudlnuisfil Recreation Ceii tre which is superior to Van Ams system in the 0m town ship arena weeks are the oldest femaic rider the oldest male rider the most sponsors and the most money All proceeds made on this day will be used for community pro jccts that the Lions undertake to help wih FITNESS PROGRAM Students at iluronia Centenn ial Elementary School have scor ed high in the Canada Fitness Program lwcntyniuc students have been awarded the excel lence award 00 students award ed the gold award and over 200 students the silver and bronze awards GRICAT LOSS This area is saddened by the loss of well known and very highly respecth rcsidcnt icrcy Fiankcorn payed away at his home February following an apparent heart attack Mr Ilran kcom was very active in all community happenings and his eagerness willingness and guid ance will be greatly missed at all our functioni by tvcrmoi Deepest sympathy is extended to his family from the entire community MOVIE NIGHT An open invitation is CXlClltI cd to everyone near and lar to attend yct another mOViI night at St Johns Ilnilcl Church The dth is Sun lay lbriiiry 20 at 730 pin lhiw In very moving film called Eigh teen and is about how Clllis tion girls lifc affects everyone around her An added attraction to the pro gram is an cntcrtaiiiing talent cd group of gospel singers call ed The Kings Children from Peoples Church in loronto The re will be no charge for admis sion but collection will be WPOOLS Ridge Rd Shanty Buy Call John 7280402 Campbell taken with proceeds gomg to the Childrens Sunday School work funds SKATING CARNIVAL Carnival time is fast approa ching once again tor the Film vale Figure Skaters This year the Elmvalc Skating Club pre sents Those Were The Days on Saturday March at 800 pm and Suniay March at 200 pm About 110 local skaters will be performing in this years program lIiglilightcd will be the clubs own skating star lili chcllc Simpson along with solo numbers of award winning skal in members Tickets will be available at the door and there are lots of seats now that the new arcna has been completed HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lots and lots of secret admir crs are wishing very special person very special llappy lirtlidny llu IXKltll person wiio celebrated birthday on lueszlav February 17 was none other than Elmavlcs own pest mo ter anl tire Iliicl Dirk olinnlias Happy Day to you Dick from all your many friends in this area TIIOUGIIT Chance never helps those who cannot help themselves OVERIIICARID Slinvale kids say the cutest things Overheard conversa tion the other day between neighbor and little girl who was playing in the mud The neighbor said to the little girl youre pretty dirty arent you to which she vcrv sweetly answered ch and lm even prettier cleanllllll Bye Now Our Sixth Year Michelin BonkASet Snle Is On No Interest No Carrying liurge Pay 25 May 25 June 25 July °o August Pnrklnnd Tire Mulcustcr Barrie 7202220 Cheryl Budl lonniic Len schi intermediate pairs Shawana Wittick anl Paula Kinsey lrix Lawson and Debbie Sutton Janice Flet clicr and Nancy Sultdli inter mediate Narda Ellsm ere Cynthia lclurry Shawna Wittitli intermediate Susan Aliman Susan Thompson it Sonya lliornc BELOW Debbie Clicppcll of Barrio gives 23 exhibition in free skating during the club competition itincniiucr Illo tol COUNTY COUNCIL ASKS Summary of convention expenses MIDHURSI In buckt0 baek motions ainicoc 1m iv council at its February sessions called for complete summary of 1975 convention expenses and agreed to spend $9000 to send six people to the Ontario Good Roads convention in Toronto next reek Roads committee chairman John Fennel deputy rech of West Gwlllimbury township said the countys liquorstocked hoc pitality room will have limited hours of operation in the Royal York Hotel during the Good Roads convention He said about 75 per cent of Ontarios municipalities are ex pected to send representatives to the convention to he held Mom day Tuesday and Wednesday Midland dcpity reeve Cather ine Dion proposed the mo tion to summarrec 1975 conven tion expenses OPPOSE MOVE Among those opposing disclo surc were Oro township reeve Wallace Key and roads commit tee members Ken Knox reeve of Elmvale and Art Stewart de puty reevc of Pcnetanguishene Mr Stewart said last years expenses are just history and Mr Key said the motion was nitpicking dont feel there is need for it Mr Key said The War den and the finance committee know whats going on The five members of the roads committee and county engineer DISTRICT NEWS ZTHE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY ZI 1976 Delay decision on booths SIROUD Innlsfil township should riiu the concession booths in recreation centres to diversify revenue sources says recreation coordinator Larry Morrow llt told Innlslil council in committeeoltiicwliolc the con cession booths would provide sources of revenue other than rental of ice and auditoriums Council decided to confer Roller Skating before ith the liinisfil Lions Club and aking decision Both groups have said they would like to operate concessions as revenue hOllICt lr Morrow said he would prclcr to time the township take over the booth operation In the fall instead of the summer It is not known how successful roller skating will be In the three township arenas this fall Deputy rccve Blain Constublc said council should also consider increasing rental rates paid by outside groups when biglicr revenue is required Mr Morrow said there Is danger of ovcrprlclng but outsiders do pay more for hull rcntal COUNTY GLIMPSES Plan to widen Tiny road MIDIILItSl lbtnif Simcoc County council has authorized the sae of necesziry property in rctorcstation area to Tim township for road widening The proposed price was sci at $300 with proviion nude that any CUgtlS involved be the Inlclll bilin ot the purchaser The rec ommcndalion was approved by the agricultural coiriiiittcc head ed by Itptttj Itcmc luir llack 0f Klara RCLOlltiltlLliUll oi the road be tween Cou 13 mil lti tiCttJrs Lot is planned lhn was describ ed as mainly an access road to the Etienne Brute provincial park in the north end of Tiny When completed the road will be con sructed to the same standard as county roads which involves widening about 17 feet IItISEZIS EXLMITION SlivOllD lniiistil cmncil in tends to pass bylaw exemp ting one Alcona Beach property from the licrc on detelopmcnt along the tilit liltt Property own er icorgc Itlll5 said IICCM designation allCtls only hall of vacant int he owns prevent ing sale ot it toinicil impasml the freeze in August ol 1975 be CthC the proposed new olticial plan has not been given approv al by the province It designates Alcona as growth area with wide main street SPRING DEADLINE hllttllill llltliltl council says the owner ol llllllliflgltl dock at liinlsfil Beach Park has until June 13 ll remove it The owner said the dock would be damagid it an iltï¬llllll at rc movnl is made while ice is on Lake Sllliiiif LICENCES APPROVED MIDIIURSI tSlalll Auction ccrs licences have been approv cd by Sinicoc County Council for Iii Draper of 412 Old Mus koka Road rillia and Mark Sniiis ol Itlt Coldwatcr ILAN AtillVlIIIiS 0R0 SlAllON Stalll Acti tios planned by the community centre board include 151 Pat ricks tea on Wednesday March STORE FOR RENT 2500 to 5000 Square lcct Join Lolilaws Woolworths LCBO Shoppers Drug Murt at the IIAItHII SHOPPING PLAZA Spitc Suitable or Furnitiire Store Hardware Womens Apparel Florist Gift Shop Fabiic Shop etc IIionc Donald rmc Mitil 92528 consolidated building corporation limited 17 and fireworks display on Friday May 21 Walter lies chairman of the board with tie sic Ciaword treasurer LIONS IiONSI Ill IlllVIlj ISttli The litm vnle Idftlls club til niltlllï¬lil bonpicl at the local rod on Saturday March lit with Front llall chairninn ol the spoil committee in charge EQUAL RIUIIISI OItILLlt 5dll Itcr loi lowing the laditw activities for cqual Ilgllt lllllllg 107 incin bcrs ot the rillia Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion have declared 1076 as married ineirgt year to fight for their liicdoiii and equality Doug Ilailin pttslthlll ot the Urilia branch IiiPIECE BAND ltllll StnllI llpdce bard will perform at the Club Feb 21 for dance held to rnic funds for the Park Srcel Collegiate bands trip to the Mar itiiiits in oril There will be the trumpet players four trom bone live saxophoncx and calit with rhythm section RIM IUSQLI EST llllllfltbl Stutli re total from the thhlllp of los lilli2ii liI lllllittllClll l0 ozinty Hood is to be gtltltll0d during the county councils an nual spring road inspection trip The ccniiincnrlnhon wn made by tho rod committee headed by licpiity ltc lohu henncll of st iillllllll lOIKIIILD CIILRCII The first lizipiist ciiJrClt in America was founded in Provi dtiicc it by ltocer Williams WWW Leighton Clark are to attend the Good Roads convention Com mittee members are Mr Fen nel Mr Knox Mr Stewart Sunnidale township reeve Lloyd Pridham and Adjala township reeve Peter Kearns Each committee member will receive $45 for each day at the convention plus 15 cents per mile travelling expense In addition the countv mut pay $40 each for registration and $45 each is set County passes payment MIDHURST Staff Simcoe County council has approved payment of $1200 for member ship in the Association of Coun ties and Regimis of Ontario Other memberships approved at the some time were $50 to the Association oil Rural Mun icipalities Ontario and 530 to the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ont ario recommendation that Ward en Orville Hughes be empow Will restore water supply at Tollenduls Sheppard Pnrlt SIROUD water supply will be returned to Sheppard Park in Iollendal lnnistil coun cil has told the lcllendal com munity centre board With that news board incm bcrs Carol Wrightman and Al Snider gave $100 chequ to township clerk Richard Groli partial payment for demolition ot the dilapidated community centre building The balance of $600 owing will be paid soon Mrs Wrightman said The board had withheld pay ment until llO because well in the sixaxe park was destroy ed during demolition of the bail ding Coun Grast llIltl said con ncil working to provide an othci water supply or the park Potato marketing plan accepted TORONTO Agriculture and Iotl lllllllotei William Newman has announced he has accepted the recommendation of the arm Prouct lakcting Boaid ihat marketing plan be ct blished for Onzarios poduerlt 11004 for lfmermg The recommendation followed an cxprcssion of opinion poll 01 producers in which nil tanii=l majority supported the pooal to establish market ir bowl The Ontario Potato Growers Marketing Plan Regulations establishing the plan will be prepared shortly aside for expenses such as the hospitality room Many other municipalities in Simcoe County also will pay to send civic officials to the conven tion Mr Fennell said the Good Roads convention is worth while event and the road com mittee has scheduled two meet ings with ministry of trans portation offiCials during Mou days session of fees ered to appoint delegates to at tend conventions of they mo ciatiors al wa pa 3d The necessary bylaw prowding for the payment of the nicmberzhip fees and also the delegatcs cx Dense vas dcaycd until later Warden Orville Hughes was authorized to deal with rc quce from the Association of Countielt and ltegioo for Sim coe County to appoint mem rm tiors committh and also one member to its health coiniiiitcc as well as enlarging its area The property is owtlcl by the community centre board tccvc Bill ibins said dc vclopncnt of 27lot residential silltlisioii on cent property would bring water and an in creased park area sublivis ion agreement would contain such provisions said After ltccvc illlll iiiiitcd the board mcmoers sit in on any meeting with the subdividgr Irs Vigitiiian said tlik is an improvement in communica iltillx between tilll cl rod tin board The board had not lien cou sulteil about destruction of the well when demolition of the building began Building inpcct Ol Dolll Rtlid said tli well could have been hazard for drinking and ehldrcn playing in the park DODSLEY MOTORS Mechanical Repairs General Repairs speciabrirg in Tuneups Brakes and Elec trical Systems 453 Dunlop St Class Mechanic Call Peter Dodsiiy 7267771 This space reserved for KLM Royal Dutch Air Lines