straight with no curls or other under lower standarï¬ but der prices they couM use mot BARRIE 31 WEDNESDAY FEB 13 1975 ada and he United States They emphasize they don lorce on aberrations most farmers say it is not of the oddlooking vegetables Produce is hand We give away about 15 tons an he Mayor local carrot producers worthwhile will assisrbased on our estimate annual losee because graded palmet said Detectne csthetics at betweehn 10 and class prfitriuceprtlfiesnotorcoziimlg gags gr mfg pm can my COSiS they say said the manager of large Schlossbetg We dont we MUMR tCl Symon for arrina leed llellvlfse the Quebec agriculture depart Spokesman for the Quebec farm near llemmingford 40 have the panacea to clot zitii thing but its worked sitno2 uuurriui or tv ty pro 00 loCtHeAJOhlll mo ment figures for 1974 show th ll at zlnlyhtoi us 1and hell be happy Le rn the Moritzc211 are 21chl5 add only 31 per cent of the apple hgrlaiiituiq departme sad in milea scinth Of Biontreal hate nit any other ticr llCt recur tire lresl moslie AAed crop and only 79 per cent of tnervifig mat dcpaii 53 Couple of Momma NCOUVER 0P Two with Nth men heroic thunder 23tll igpefeéibifwme do till0llt reached the fresh mar men if ymg Pins 0f charitable organizations haw P°° 91 man 931mg DetectielJienienam lr bdlidlilS make lllC foot kct em 31er henem Sent representatwes to the area N3 Yom my podlcemen be Wm body lawï¬ 11 En ke gr not they standards OllSulnBrS but he did not trucks ck new eaWW3Ch°1°g3ln The two policemen llu laiglgdillyliilflijiec iii iiiiug lttl1llt on innm 33 inehcr in length and mark 99 335 gradmg eiaborale iiiarketabe0 garrot 331051123 dealtn with liostadeta hath ITi MI wt1 1s Siandwuï¬ Sh md Gdem 11 tahegotlhceeprloegiï¬iln to Imore than iar the program ha been gt VA 92 103 aéwjlgfhwill high ewlwcfarrrzeisyaybtltiét con potatoes butthadded fthat lto 400 men in an tested on arms we 0m lbgt°m new Six1 They must also be home crops can be marketed and because oforising grainiod poehplae ui benefit or The two Detective Harvey Schlossberg and DetectiveLieu tenant Frank Bola visited here to discuss their methods with local police forces do Detective Schlossberg who is director of psychological err ices with the New York police department described the tech niques as crisis intervention therapy similar to suicide family crisis intervemzou therapy The immediate effect is to take somebody mcr an imme diate crisis so he can then cou solidate his own rmourcel enough to solve lis own prob lems he said If Its Jased on exactly the same principle as suicide crisis hot line Police are taught ho to the the therapeutic relationship and to separate the ciliiili of the situation trom it so they can see it psychological situation instead Detectii chlossberg said WATCH SYMPTOMS They are taught to see hos tagetaking as symptom psychological maladjustment or psychological pressure rsme than as criminal ac1 Therefore the appropiato intertention becomEs tiicra 95th rather than forceful Detecme Schlossberg sad the taking of hostages is usually the desperate las effort of someone to get what he thinks Gives Satisfaction Always HJIC 561 811 to 2131 While Quantities Last We rcscn lie right to limit Quantities CONAIR STYLERDRYER orar Ptolessamal stylerdret features 1000 v5 dryim oove nur tetnocratute cornol cit JR AQUARIUM KIT5V2 GAL Portcct lo the iicgirticr Satanic QUALT mart BRAND CORN POPPER Automatic thermostat Nonslim CLASSIC SLEEPING BAG Hut set tor spring camping Hog ON KITCHEN STEPONCANS dCF lot €8lllllllq eve he is entitled to oanna surlace Detachable com on in ma pace eeri darbiim nee dOlldlluwl comma IJ lot on drill oter shot iriigtféiiié99m59399 Mi applica mic edUei mm 09 90 woo WeTDOlllarcml room léilvOll lIlPolyrrtor Sillrow ll Neaxabte monument Loren gr rm 14 pl b1iivbt2°c$e Vith poem in Hana JOG uCUdldlld plasticmsen palllWll it and food new who HQ Aoprox 36 80 CL JHJWICllOll Speed Wit WAalocado ena llll the traditional sense neii Wt zotton flannel lined hey tool to do mart whemed ana inadequate and mart man mart rice this is the land of desperate way pnce price Price gt an of dealing with it he said Price its basically people who are inadequate in dealing with the word and my many need therapy The two JOLCCmCll developed the first crisisinteneiition pro gram in North America as re suit of the 1972 hostagetaking incident at the Munich 013m pics BREAKS TRADITlON DetectiveLieutenant Bola commanding officer of the de partment negotiating team said that although the new technique breaks with tradition police are generally sophisticated and edu 1th enough to grasp the new concepts and realize they might be of some use Detective Schlossherg suitor oi Psychologist With Gun said the new program implzes recognition of major changes in notice thinking in terms of seeing police work oea Wrestling change CHESTERFIELD SUITE adetaomduztaafotagaamg encouraging illlO gays you have to pay fancy prices to have beautllul SANTA MARIA DEL iLAP home Not wnh turnlture lrom mart Our smart Chesterfield Cuba OP Gordon Garlic aurte IS available ma chOlce 0t modern styles to vinyl and has seen lot change Sn Oletln fabric All pieces have kiln dried hardwood frame and Galadas mama Wemm 908m padded seat and back posnion recliner has magazmo pocket Irisid mart Price alge CPIiCCd ways to 8p NYLON DOUBLE The biggest charge 15 that the late 19605 guys didnt expect KNITTING YARN OZ PULL SKEINS to in in international petitions because th werent iKnits up beauttlully into hats SCdlte nits eaters Available in ii lovely selection ol OlOUrS properly trained New with some training arc hare guys who are starting to think they can win Carrie national coach tor the Olympic remembers the late 60 ml life lrrata tions he felt as national team M4 member lonreal and if hiflt steps were male ill tilt ken the national team trained or three weeks wrti the if 15311 before the Munich Olympic in the 1974 world arresting chamnionshipe in Turkey Can aja finished 10th and the United States 13th WON TWO MILDc in the PanAmerican Gaines 10 outwew at October Egon Healer cut tear it itchonei om and Howard nag 00 Stum ol xlottte= ioi Msii image medals Richard Dcschatclets Sturgeon Tall Ont and mm Clive Llewellyn of Georgetown int won silvers anrl Terry pm Paice of Moose Jaw Sash llarrv lurk o1 London Ont Claude Pilon of Ottawa and John McFeddrcn of Toronto won bronzes ln the 1971 lan 233 Ams at Cali Colombia Canada managed only two bronzes EIIVELIIPES The progress in the last iew dealszetoi years the result of improved evergvdjay untversttr and itch scion mo tue lte grams When Garvie took otcr Box at 100 last June as Olympic mew he ldeal decided to centraliZe the na Kmart meritsittrnebliiiittmgddr Kmartpnce Periecuorbukykml Knits Up easly remhc selemion Oi tional team Price crochet work 1000 mum I9 CrOChelmg ma PVCG Made Ol 50° Kmart Price picture and cushion Kmanpr While he says its too soon to mp bet pl oulckpoun rugmak Polyester 50 Ol lots Your choice at gauge OUT Ping Me vain 15 availableina ing 016 acclaim ACYiC variety of SIZES and gampstgfge erstablisï¬hcd theres qood selecttonolcol 03 13313 233 designs con 1nprnvment uus10 ball lot He was rpeakin during an Ikem Snemg Skent halite nut lllLlUtlBtl interview at the teams hotel at this oceanside vacation centre where the wrestlem along it five other Olympic teams held recent 10day training camp CANADA HAS CHANCE llhile the Olympics tli ï¬gï¬inï¬ hpzxYgrsjtzlelh YourSatisfactionGuaranteed Union lran and TurkeyGar 0rMoneyCheerlullyReiunded lCHARGEXl ze thinks we hate Chiner ii Eha for Olympic medals lh we MW notiustaslogan BUTAWAY OF LIFE noverlzad bosom