vyrwï¬wv 77 rw 1¢a 16411 3AM EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19 1970 f3 IM me POOR Ass TH REALLY RUN SWALDC and JAMES West opened the king of off IA om clubs Slude the dummy SWULD ELF OCCASIONALLY carefully and remarked 15 0d mm played hand Justhke tilns for Kgss Millor Works back column in VA 1924 course H10 game was lk no auction and was playin jusl +A6532 three spades but it was impor gt WESI EAST lant to make fum could All A8 lhn proceeded l0 lo the By C1HOSTPS 1233 3i vow 0103712 1111134111 clubs now We unit was lt Dem Dr Thnsesw My hus doneflgm 24 and me em 69852 OKQ7643 connnuodoudWetv wasallowed band had six kidney stones mat barrassed about considerind de lo hold Ms11 11111 his 11111011 passed hm one did no xray vamblaisiion It looks like5 lm 21m JaCk hnal bum the showed one more insnde the kid more concerned about my mks QAQJ75AZ Kmuh cluh 111111 lllmlgs and My 1119 s1ze of intactknead ll than more impmwm mm hllqmllgï¬lshfgke 11115 e1 ame YOURE LIKE ANDOUT in imp to haieh1 mg we we 1084 Fm11m bed 1111 most of our LOT OF 1111 ALL KIND$OIM ICUZVWGETWEDWW NOSLEEPNGNTHE PARK rammed F110 months late1 is complexion when Wu neer hwwutmenme Drake OTHFRS WHO LEAV tAN SCEertaoHADYDtALSANDBAi ï¬x YOUNG LADY MOVE 0AA urine showed blood H15 doctor had it RJL icadms the 1021 pla1eis in cohng COMPANYFPOMCUMPIsfé TOBflGflDPszsI think1 another slone was lfNVIpallm hanl back talking 10 WWW pased Nothing 10 ilh wantin 70 NW mm 503 481m CdlldA and Theboy WHOEEPAPENTI Dov gt HOME2 110 3011 flunk kulney gone ice mmmexion as sat south and was always dr Ry nil WHERE5 could have formed within two Can have IN 123 4A larer 1h1lc was dummy and To FINDTHHl months We dont beliew 11 But mu give ï¬ne as Pm Pass Pu poor and and 10 delcnd Why was blood coming out of we dénree of scarring mu OpeningleadKq gt nis mine He is okay no hul havï¬ Sara can fade aliadw LA we 11t11ld like your comment on ad sufï¬cient sometdng this just to ease 0111 minds bring back mm the natu 111d man as 113111 31 the 51w ral hipperamce of the skin if hldge dub 3311lfd°1°f Maine reader wants in ql°1k€l 191 ynur 101101 reels were is ï¬lmellhdgw Hm flflef know what our notrump over other stone lhe bloody Im chance 11 thls occumng Id am 93 call of anadverseopenmgmit could have been symptom of Mlggest mu heal with things opened 111th bluntlyuilegulnl bid Shows this small stone can form In and giVe time Chance below one nlclitruvmn antlhdlaail had mm the same 16 18 11mm resorting to dermabrasmn Olelta 8d ï¬ll11 1100 highfardpomuuanomng l1 2110 pusSible lllrll 11h1le Dermabrasmn mml 3b d1amond call 11d one 111 on mtmp with at on six 61 passed aunlhel could uter lake rhe any new onyennons designm ham Co lurking kilnel goniï¬gdifate tlie s532115 11s to show both red suits it if mtsud 1N marked mm the xla it take done in doctors office Band 111m tor mine 01 1hete 5111119 age are ammm anerwam in loosen and descend he suppress bleeding and avmd in 33C me faction 5021th fall off in about lt 11111111131110115 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