Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1976, p. 13

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departmants 79156337 ll2th Year No 42 Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday February 19 I976 WEATHER FORECAST Mostly cloudy today Cloudy with sunny periods Friday 113v Uh battle has miner 15c Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85c Weekly 20 Pogo Separate school gains approval Construction of Monsignor Clair School has now received approval from the Ontario Mu nicipal Board and the Catholic school board plans to have th Echool in operation by Septem cr During Wednesday nights meeting of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board trustees were told the centract for the school has been signed and work on the build ing is expected to start in the near future The school is to be located near the intersection of St Vin FIRE IN ESSA Family of five left homeless Au overnight fire at the home Harry and Mary Barnes on Con 10 Essa Township just off Highway 90L caused $25000 damage and left the family of live homeless Tenyearbld Gary Barnes noticed the flames about am this morning on his bedroom ceiling and alerted his parents and brother and sister Phillip and Susan 14 The family Llt barely had time to leave the cent Street and Candles Road The eightroom school is ex pected to take some of the pres sure off St Monicas and st Marys schools The board set the boundaries for the new school to be north of Highway 400 and east of Bayfield Street including Midhurst principal and staff will be selected in near future During WedLesdays meeting the board also approved the bor rowing of up to $500000 to fin ance the school until the issue and sale of debentures is com plctcd house with what they were wcar ing before the 24 by 10 not brick bungalow was mils flames The Thornton station of the Essa Fire Department answer ed the call but wa unable to save anything Although part of the frame is still standing the interior of the house is guftcd No cause of tlic firc has been determined The family is now staying with friends New federal building bill will be close to The federal government ox pects to spend $796000 on Bar ries new federal building in 197677 The amount for Barrie is inclu ded in public works estimates $800000 mark tabled in the Commons Wedne day total of $1862 million is car markcd for public works con struction maintenance and op erations in Ottawa For the ICoi of Ontario the 197677 total is $864 million Government plans $40billion outlay OTTAWA CP The federal government announced plans Wednesday to spend about €40 billion in the fiscal year begin ning April lan l8perccm in crease from estimates year ago The increase will run at about twice the expected rate of in flatiou thick blue book of spending estimates showing planned out lays of $395 billion was tabled in the Commcns by Treasury Board President Jean Chreticn Estimates year ago were for expenditures of $335 billion The details on government spending the object of opposi tion criticism for months came is Parliaments atention was diverted by the Progressive Zonzcrvative leadership race and by New Democratic Party Irpiosilion to federal wage and nice controls lr Chrclicn Cslllniitml tftal spcirlinz ncxt yes will be liiniicr than the main estimates tabled chnesdayabout $422 billion when all supplementary spending is added during the year When all the books are closed this year the total for CAPSULE 1973 likely will be $365 billion he said Using Ilicsc figures he said the percentage growth in spend ing will be l6 pcr cent ratlicr than 18 per cent Marcel Lambert lPCJid monton Vestl said in the Com mons the governments use of percentages is worse than shell game If base your measure was taken it would show that Liberal gmcrnmcnis in power since 1961 have in creased spending $00 per cgnl he said Max Saltsman NDIWatcr looCambridzei cerocd in on high interest charges for money borrowed by the government and On the 91pcrcent increase in estimates for unemployment insurance They show govern ment priorities are mixed up he said because it is doing ncfhing to combat high intch rates 0r reduce high jobless rate Mr Chrctcn told rcporlcrx later hat cost increases lo unemployment insurance nurl the cost of carrying the public debt were the main reasons he could not keep spending in creases smaller Four payoff probes in Japan TOKYO fAP Premier Takeo Miki today announced four in vestigations into allegations of payoffs in Japan by the Lockheed Air craltt Corp and said he will head calbinct committee to loordin ate them Clinton Public Hospital closed TORONTO fCll Health Minister Frank Miller numunrcd lo rlay the clown Of the Clinton Public Hospital in Cinton about 37 mile northwest of Stratford Says Concorde can survive NEWYORK Renter Concorde the AngloFrench super SOIllltalilanl can survwe even if US landing rights are denied Blll sn Energy Secretary Tony Benn said here today Prowestern forces claim victory LISBON lflcutcrl Va Forces ofth LNll liberation movcmcnl in Angolahavc regained control of the town of Silva Porto their ormcr military headquarters leading UNITA official said lorluy Madness to fight in Africa AP Afolreign office minister said today it wcud be madness for am British government to fight in Africa in war to defend whites against the black majority Classes disrupted in Quebec colleges ltNlRlAL WI Quebec junior college teachers beepn var mu mums cf nrotcsl in support of contract demands furl11y 4l raping classes for 100000 students at 39 colleges throughout the province Troon reduction proposals tabled VIENNA Router Soviethim nations offered new proposals at the EastWest conference on troop reductions today saying they took account of some elements of proposals made by NATO uxgwwrwmwrrrmfmuaucmw sVMfrvc ogre2qu n100fl1 mw AWARDS DAY AT GEORGIAN COLLEGE larilyu lur llarris lllC pk ll Franklyn 1321 lcm if ll il Lilll for ii stunmil lio has unilc an out finlliu liiml nu ll lu lull ii it Ill til Jill 4ullu rlfx Nixilol urn llllil the trophy to Harris who if ii ll is social tlllilllllJH for the stu Ivul council uilll on the staff of tho ludcuf lilgtl£l0l Miss Harris Barric resident is mini jouriizilim gttudcut ll from coordinator of lllc Muir an nunl and hotel op lnliuil llfl1ill BELOW znl crli lcln Carson of lhornbury kss vhcn he presented the Resort Operation ll lrophy to hcr at the awards day Top students at the col lcgc wch honoch at an warltl day at the Bairic raur pus lcdnclay Examiner Iliulos St Patricks School has uncertain future fill iii Illill lllllllll lliillll wholl Lltfil ccutlc for Catholic commiiiltics and the cosing of tin school can bc major lll Io Ln prih With this fatt in mind tho llu Huiulc County lmmau Catholic biparulc School lmzuil ls nccd Hlll thc problom of dcciding the future of St Patricks School in lhclpnon liucc ycnrs ago the sLlloul had Simcoe North delegates off to leadership convention le urlh ilcllgulcs lo llic lcad llli convention lcll today for IllfLbvlL llllelthiltC lluwu lln 4lllllllflll continuing uu iuw ml it IlIIlIll1 llIIl llilg mwu l1f llu ponliuu If llltl lillllzl fli iilnzlrl itltltl iil tll llll lillili llli Ilil lului llll llowtcu IIc Don lillu Urillia ilctr lidlinl Louuu ston lillcill David ric Six lllUllIiiltN ilc a1 illciul hm Ilm convention illllmnll lfll llc Ifrcil folur Small Barrie and Joanne Wald lilt lhu illlClllillCi are used if the rcgulmr delegate is unable to volc Allcrnatc arc iiordon ondcr llurric Julius Jones lllliu iilorliaml Lynn lltllilllil illly llzlml on lurrlv lurk lim lmilll lturic nd litlllll lc ull Among llu ll rnuullJalcv to flu lcrrlurlup lllllllllll ilc Sill clutr Stevens lltiYorli Silu cocr laul lIcllycr former Lib Cllll parfv miniscr Brian Mul ioncy Montreal lawycr James iillics llCIJon hlillsl and lilo uzi MacDonald llti Kingston viul lllc HandU dcchuc in thr number of tu dents cutcrlng Kunlcrgarfcn and the board decided to have lin dcrgartcn childrcn attend Our Lady of Lourdes School in Elm valc This practice has continued to point where Kindergarlcn lliadc and s1 udcnts arc cur rvull lravclling in IIlmvalc and NV your Hrudv sludcnlr will mnkc the trip This lCis total of if slu lfllli til lLL School lbc lllmvnlc in lhclpston schools combined have an on rolmcnt of only 177 liulrltly nights moctiuat iill flolwr gtuirnlcn tom of schools Mid lc board lrl lcililml lo rnnlr lr pri mary HIMat llCllCVlfitJ lh cy would icic3ic brflcr saturation in the iaiucr clowns ur to mill tho llll I5 lffnl lo prevent the closing of the Phelp frn Sclioul tltlllli subdivision for the lhclpston area could giro the school on ough students to make its opera tions feasible Finance again skirts the issue of old firehall City council has to decide the future of Barries old fireball soon but the finance commit tee is skirting the issue The committee deferred Wod ncsday recommendation on dorsing community centres grant for the building for the fourth time this month Three weeks ago the Friends of the Fireball llOFl altkcd council to approve grant ap plication which could bring be tween $75000 and $125000 to the group The F01 is trying to raise an estimated $5250w for tho reno vation restoration and convers ion of the fniycarold building as an arts centre The committee dcfcrrcd il recommendation to council until it meets with Tony Gilscnan FOF chairman in two weeks Earlier deferments made pending report from the city clerk meeting Monday with Dick OConnor local repre sentative of the ministry of cul ture and recreation and meet lng Tuesday of city officials the FOF and Robert Johnston dc puty minister Ald Bill Campbell suggested postponing decision saying more information is needed con cerning the exact breakdown of the $250000 Aid Campbell said council sho wed its faith in the project by permitting the building to re main standing for the past 18 months PROPOSED DEMOLITION In 1974 council propost dc molishing the building and us ing the area for parking until fu ture development of the citys civic squarc Ald Campbell said council has to see where the money is com ing from and where it is going in the project Ald Janicc Laking an 101 mcmbcr said the meeting Tucs day was very encouraging ld Laking said the FOI hopes to have lcttcr outlining provinci al grants by Monday The exact amount of provin cial nioncy dcpcnds on how mch lhc 101 raises in public subr scriptions The FOF is prepared to begin public campaign 31 most immediately she said Before we go to the com munity wed like commitment from council saying it supports the proposed use of the build ing she said We want togel in the building and use it We can raise enough money to get the project started The FOF she said is entitled to $250000 minimum from the ministry according to Mr John ston thcr moneyan undis closed amount may come from ffcritagc Ontario and arts sup port grants The FOF has also applied for about $1000000 in federal grants and hopes to collect any remain in money in number of fund raising projects The old firehall cost $2174 operating as empty building It has cost city taxpayers 2174 to operate the old firc hall as an empty building for the last six months Barrics finance committee was told Wednesday the amount in cludes hydro water heating and repairs in lhc building from Sept 1073 to Feb 18 1976 BYLAW FINAL BLOW Ed Jennings is our Barric landlord who wants out of the rental busincss lust lr Jennings said he sold thrcc building and is looking for buyers for his other buildings in the city But the situation is so bad he said anyone Ltlllll nvolvcil in the business today is crazy Landlords dont own th llll dings anymore he said lhcy just manage them for thc tcn ant and government Mr Jennings said the final blow for BillTlf landlords was the citys minimum standard bylaw approved by council last week With thc Ontario Landlord and Tenant Act passed in 1975 and the formation of Rent ltcvicw Board landlords do not stand chance in the province he said The whole thing is vcightcd in favor of the tenant he said The combination of the three of them makes it lllllll5lll for landlords to makc any money from thcir buildings Mr Jennings said tlic city standards bylaw will ctlcclivcfy got rid of low cot rental ac commodations in Barrie He said the controls and regulations arc too severe for most owners of older buildings to comply lhc bylaw was prepared to set standards for maintcnancc and occupancy of property in the city It also forces the land lord to repair and maintain any property which does not conform wilh the standards $500 DAY Penalty for conviction for not complying with the bylaw and refusing an order to do rc pairs can be as high as $500 day for every lay the land lord contravenes the order This is an example of he km of lcgis ulion that llcts puss cl luv people who dont know Ill JENNINGS law hiascd ciopmcnl busincss he said Mr Jennings said council to fally diwcgardcd the possibility of the bylaw creating any prob lems in the city If Im ordered to do any work on my buildings 11 close them down he said llc has 30 houses in one loca tion in the city with about 100 apartment units The buildings arc locafcd in rcdcvclopmcnt arca and are uscd for low cost rcnlal acconnnodations licnts range from $60 for ba clicor units to $175 for three bedroom units 110 said land costs when the buildings were bought as well as regular repairs and mainten ancc make the units losing cauc Already he said he subsidiz 0x lhc buildings by paying $30 000 your to opcratc thcm lhcrc clsc arc pcoplc going to find rcntal accomminlalions Dogs are dogs in Innisfil what lhcyrc doing and arcnl rclatcd to the building or dc Sllitllll In what may be first ll Ontario Innisfil coun cil intend to lnuhc no distinc tion between llill and female dog in new licence fee struc turc Roy Bridge bylaw cutmcc mcm llllt ul klows of no oilicr plflti uhcic ilCllltlttl maic virus llltll ll lllf same cultgory n5 spaycil lllll airs Ihc new bylaw lining consul crcd by council tolls for for of $3 per log lic do has been spayed or neutered Last year the ice was Lit per female anl $6 for male or spayed female It takes two to tango Mr Brich said in cvplainlng the bylaw change In council Wcrluw day in committee of lllc wholc He said Icmalc arc in heat twice year discharging an odor which attracts males and Clllttlllluflxs them to roam But spayed ltIIILIlL docs not go into boat and nculcrcd mulc is not illlfJtlLd by tho tiltll of limulc in lltill 31 tribe Ihl clcrinarinns recommend now luring only altcr mule 10 Duluth old The now let policy is rgtpcifl cd to result in slight increase in licence revenue for the town ship llic bylaw il the do pink up fee to $5 from $3 and the daily pnunrl fee to $3 from $2 llcrb Kirk city treasurer es timatcd total figure for the year at about $5200 to keep the building operating C05Ls in the structure have increased during the past year llcating cost $773 this Janu ury compared to December 1975 $315063 and January 1975 $30360 Laws ruining him landlord wants out at that price he said Ill ltI ldcrmcn Jim Perri and Paul cltscngcr look after the people ldcrmcn Icrri and Wessen gcr were two strong supporter of the minimum standards by law and ld icsscnger worked on tho committee which prepar cd it ACT BIASED If the minimum standards by law is causing problems new provincial lcgislation is not mak ing the business easier says Mr Jennings He said the Landlord and Icrl ant Act is completely biased for lhc lcnauts if everyone was good ten ant lllCll the act would be just great he said But there are pcoplc who skip out on rents and people who do damage to buildings Mr Jennings said accordinc to the act either the landlord or tenant has to give 60 days no ticc to terminate any written or oral agreement for monthly ren tal accmnmodations But he said tenant can ac tually leave at any time without giving forwarding address for cing the landlord to spend addi tional money to track the variant But if the landlord kicks out tenant then theres no prob lem of the tenant finding an landlord to get his judicial rim he said Mr Jennings said the govern ments rent review board which limits rent increases to eight per cent year unless just caus is shown for higher increases docs not help the landlord 110 said the board does not consider higher mortgage costs if the property is resold or re financed and does not take into consideration depreciation on most of the equipment includ ing appliances in apartments long as the government insits on rctrictlng the private aparlmcnl market it will end up without qucstion being the only landlord in the prov incc Mr Jennings said finders v4 GOODBYE Noar FAREWELL NoWELL MEETl AGAIN NaerAU REVOIRL

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