Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1976, p. 3

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST Circulation 7266539 Cloudy with sunny periods this Classified Advertising 72324 aft9r°° Rain Wednesjay LOW All Other Departments 7266537 mg mm high wedncway Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday February 17 1976 LALONDE MAKES IT CLEAR 15c Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85c Weekly 112th Year No 40 50 14 Page pomts Wntntf tl at to stay 61 ere 1n OSpl C1 issue lrom the Ottawa Bureau ups to health care provided by is the exclusive Jurisdiction of Ft of The Examiner hospitals the provinces Health and welfare Minister Mr Lalonde said he ullder IDipaltmenl fodals will be 1e Mam Lalonde made it clem stards the concern expressed by 01umg to dlscuss With lhe Monday he will not interfere in Dr lynard over the closure by p°icestle pmblems 5°03 Five Points isnt gomg to Ontarios hospital issue lWOVinCial govmnment 0f ed with 5mg health care cosm changIe this year even though Replying to question in the hme um 05 ald and federal pm is the citys $132000 transportation Commons from Dr 5000 people that are affected by 901 c9nference 0f health as study recommends redesigning ard MP PCSimcoé NOmiy 11 Ontarios drive economic on mmsters Sdhfluiled ApFiI the intersection health care costs Dr Rynard said the Closing Lalonde said officials of his do 01 some hospitals particulamy Barrie public works committee partment are discussing with the However he stressed that the those in rural areés have cans hasdeclded to leave the mtor provinces lower cost alternat administration of health services ed anguish to di section basically the same be ar an may cause of opinions expressed at public meeting in 1975 Illic committee is rccommclr ding some changes to council to iniprcve the traffic cOiigc 1d tion through the Five Pollllr lv Dunlop Bayfield and Clappcrt to on streets le lw angle ilflllilll citrfiu either side of the Simcoe Hotel will be elllllIJlEltCtl Two new gtpllLCS on the east side of Clap 31 perton Street north of Dunlop ir street will be added l° Additional green light ti mc at the Five Points traffic lights It will allow two extra cars to allle Wins 11 CIIS are BIL it the province did not dccilc somcwllcr It pass north and south along Bar 12 65 PC CC Wed56 at the int milita to rcKlrict on some iiiuteslloblglcnkll field Street has fares by March um subsidy He Said the city femdriven cal to pick up the as The committee ruled against Ernest Watts right at Bar by the Barrie Winter Carniv cr Barrie Chamber of Com The Qty pm Work coln proposed the changes to bus number of passengers we have is the proposed redcsign of the in rio is smiling because hes SL ai Carnival chairman mcrce office lExamincr llio mm CWTCPde the routes ill October lil Col milla terssclion which Read Voorli 000 richer 11 won the cold lilcnktirn left presented the tol crease Iin fares to offset the Barrie was nottolli about spcn use of osp lei 0t res and Associates Ltd recom cash draw lottery sponsored cheque Monday at the Great provinClal governments lack of am restraints until January mchseleslfim £19450 mended in 1973 grants for the Bairie transit 53s nd Lam 95 911119 The traffic consultants want lem Milwle PUSHED rte érea to improve the intersection mak Bus fares tlllltl llltfS to Aid Nelson Garrett slip He said often during the day in ing it four points instcad of five 40 ccnis from 25 cents for adults lillm 0f imblh owned tianbll buses 9mm R055 Al 11 They suggested making Ciap 23 cents from LEllls lxil sin stlltl the province has pushed the CUmmU Charm 53 perton Street one way south with dents and Li ccllts from to bus nelvwc to the lininiculalltlcs Barrie mar Have to iron one right hand turn ollly cents for senior citizens lnItiic past to keep people from or more of its busroutcs to de exit onto Bayfield Street Don Kirkpatricl deputy cm using cars crease the cost the transit Clapperton Street now acts as the only lane north from the to rcacll more areas in Barrie intersection orbslthfioolfroffltulelgiq it acim financial problem City anti PiOVlnce still pay about Merchants along Ciapperton llie fate of Barnes oltl tirc An additional 575000 is pos ce my 38 which OUIZ th 40 to 50 cents for each rider on opposed the proposed change hall could be decided today at siblc from the Heritage Founda The 13 Mi Dfli ans an the svstem avlng it would destroy bus special meeting at Queens tion of Ontario The undation The longer we put off the lncss Park with ltobcrt Wclch minls awards grants to wort while pro 1976 bexiilIv of thy HOW Hi5 It 1th 71 by Lltmfi increase the more that has to le Gerry rramblyii City adminis tor of culture and recreation jects depending on heritage or and éihcdlllcs lhiCh 513 DON KIRKPATRICK Hitlm imamg mam come from the local lzlxpulcr it trator and Don Kirkpatrick de Ml Iiivlth is nicctnt with hlrtorlcul vIalUt Cd 19 amilllri subsidy Md lplcrqlizd Um he said hlnk this the E0 unty city engineer NQSCctl the Tony tillscnrm lrimul ol too it is estimated 575000 vork in inc post the nnnhtrl hf ddmcnal C05 Ct first step and we still have to committee should adopt the ovo puc change to the Five Points Mr Kirkpatrick said the re design would improve traffic congestion at the Five Points intersection may be decided today Fireball ltil ciluirlliall Aloy or Dorian laikci All Jallicc Laking and Dick OConnor lo cal representative for the millis try The topic ilt the LilljllCtlllUIls in the province by the 101 ll has to be completed on the tire hall for heritage or historical rea sons BLAMES PROCESS Mr OConnor blamed delay in grants on the process the 101 itst in applying for money engineer told the committee Monday the cit tjmttlci li Operating deficit of $331925 in transportation and communica tion 1TCI Jail 30 per cent of the deficit subsidy he said but this year IlllC is pay inn only five per cent more than the 1973 liulrc l1 Kirkpatrick said lost you NW 31 tIilliiul if total 0i 5111110709 in 1973 liii ycai slid the Crli mated revclluc is $130000 from fares without the increase li Kirkpiitlwk said no prob Ald Garrett said new that the city has improtetl its service EClltf Aid Dcl Cole said it may be time to rcvic toe wilolc truiiil system in Barrie Aid Cole said the transit deiicil illcrcasEd sub stantially from 1072 when the gtBllltC cvpalltl to 1970 titls lol lttll moi at lLlltl 1i in ill up oi Hi 1k iv You could alwmS Change by ill 11 11 wl no titllt ll Jul out tn ti is vulion oi the old lilClltiil on lie said the group applied to um the kilnsill was $1i00 tilt in ion and stiltdilhs he sold bomcllnn has to l€ II the OUPIPOIULS Shit my Collier Street of the individual section mi co for 3pe°d °f nee Mr OConnor who incl the ther than speaking with one slic 01 mm months he sad citys finance committee Alon ciiic section of the ministry and He said the use of tlallic sig day to discti the applications asking for an overall grant nals is not the best answer to said he is cll Ultilmlhill ilbtlii The F01 has gone oil in improve traffic problems and lhc lUl chances ol receiving an directionsI and mm are se lCll ll li cu ulbe °NL pm $11111 3mg Wu 1030161 Marina rates in Lorrie may 801 lor ii clungm llll Milli cy Iiit slllmncr the illujorlly lc on it salt iic coll inn rt he said WW opummic II II II H1Ci 111ILLLe pct lll lllm dl ltil gtLllii iti ill people Mild tilt die willing Val Emelier 51 he 00 Ex trio my bl um mole and tee 10 pm cil Fox lllli works super lhg total rcvcutlc was 311 lo pay for the scculity gicCs that the changes the the sldnm ii ROBERT WELCII Cc 35 Wm Wine suiim illtcndcnl told tlv public works inilll lilliptllJlI to 53003301 ill Withe ocuritv llllll straight logical mathematical tilltion to the pioblcm but do not not consider human needs Seeking to host 81 plowing match From the Toronto Bureau Of The Eaamincr strong presentation today to be hot to the 1931 international llowin Match and Farm Mach tilc proicc it would help sZ tilc l0lllt UliC oi lilc major liltJUlLi for tile 101 during today llCCl ing he aid is whether the illu niclptility and community sup port lllo illujccl The ltUl is zillcillptlli tl llll sc funds to convcrl the building into an arts centre col lilc proicrt could go right throtth il lllcit omc sort o1 commitment made by tho ports tllc project special meeting Mr money ruicd by the group The FOF has applied for community ccnlrcs grant The amount given could range lrom $73000 to $125000 at the most or about 13 per cent 01 tile cost The actual figure Air OCon lior said depends on tile ctcnt llai use of sections of the build i112 the cost oi restoration and will match up to one third of the total cost of construction on in principle for the project The finance committee was told the city cannot donate give or sell the building to the 1901 if the group wants to be eligible for community centres grant He said only city owned buildings qualify Mr OConnor said he did not feel that the project could be completed with only grants from the federal aild provincial lcv Clo will depend on how much the FOF is willing to work to col commiltcc the city marina ral cs are still about the lowest on Lake SimIc Mr Fox said tlt city is only Clllllfllll £1 for iitlcrvicd boat launching bill the low cost docs lot make it UllllvllllC to col lccl the monvy He said the rcwnuc lrom the launcllings ill 1973 was $1338 which docs in the cost if fulltime employcc for the slip lfilOl0 With bagpipes municipality llc soul ll lilc lilc amount oi illoncy donated by crvision an banners dclegation from 101 is able lo rnio invite the lilunicipalillfi Iffihliwllio VIUiSii Free unslipciwirtd launching himcoc County pin forward from the public lhi wll rival hLtmid lanl source is mcv 39 ML fimnilW he said is ilftlllaiilllo at tho gtlll the province the cliiiiilmiiiil bill from Wintalio The province in no that pmmm of the old Allmdalc Dock at tllc tool of liflin Street In 1975 the city collected $29 clcxr imli 5110 KI ll up dollar for dolai baSiS lea m0ley if hmlllll WWW 5H 11 mnm it in Nd 009 wchull mom livlalld Sl011 $1338 for laun m°e nil Mlnhll that ihfi itlvlml is possibility oi phasing the chin sot ton County placctl bids for the match before di£ct01s of the Ontario Picwhens Association at the Royal York Hotel grant up to 50 pcr ccn ill the Cl gt llc said mum is loadable through the Community Centres the total cost of the work has to come from the community ilirtl grant can come 111111 other sources including munici project over few years lie said this is one decision city council may have to make if funds are not available to decision on the location Act and liniario urailtx but trill lanes ICltitll grants and complete the $500000 arts ceil tic 1001 match is expected to grants mulch dollar loi lot oillcr provincial grants trc be made later tcday llle Simcoc County group was represented by about $0 pcoplc led by SilliLnJ County mens Association director John No decision in request Itii plillil outs $378301 tor gasoline sales Credit service will keep going The SinlcocGcnrgicn Bay Cle it Counselling scrvicc is ura duzllly springing backto life lllc senile nonprofit ti llcnncll deputy reclc 01 West II triplion 4illi to llLll uco mummme omPm Vo dcclsioii no illoth Moll lricnds ol the lllCllull 101H tion to make decision regard pie get themselves out of 10th Chum no MINI day by the c1t llnancc com chairman ing councils endorsement was mend to Close its pummel cs told the directors Simcoc Cou Goes through ice lion for youngsters during the mittec oil provincial grant ap plication for in old fircliuli llic committce withcld de is proving popular choice We 1091 hes lllc best choice chief executive officer lrans Aid Campbell said he would rather wait until after the meet per cent will be collected Aid Campbell said Illr OCon nor did not stress that the am ling service fly in year because of lack of funds 197 lu city has $20000 cxpcu lll Iliuli lo tilH mill ol the llloorlll pllc Ili lo said adding about pilcs can be repaired ilc said llumbcr ol ilolilslip routers are colltcrilcl about MT tlrlly at the marina in sur and should be 111er from May Victoria Day weekend hcplclilbcr 10 Labor Day wcck ciid The estimated cost for the 24hour security scrvice is about $2899 for each slip The security itvcc test would it addition to tile 20 per cent increase be recommended MAY BE ONLY CONCESSION GIVEN system He said he could support the 65 per cent increase because the consider other action lis MI Lockheed in America Would we like million dollars ntv lad the facilities and tile cision rccartiin the FOFs re ilospilality to make the 1981 rho cvmlmunc meets $1119 pitst twd weeks ago for city mg Mal to make declswn ISiXIN if gt lay in 1210 nm zlt no Mr OConnor told the com iL loin Hunlei much UJLC II councils endorseman of its ap FLHIIIOW New MIMI UNI to discuss lCtlllSOl spttla Nation to WI mimmv for mlttce thele is no lush lotIthe the provincial government and um Spckc the mth and Illtrctlilj today biriwccli ltobcrl community emu grad application betoust the mlnls the remaining 40 must be raid marge Couismk Of the mumv icizil Illlllllvii Illillt and try is aware that one istcnil cd from the community The lo rccrciilion tleoartnicnt asktislcd cream Mam 911 ulk Md ICm an 13 lle Ismd any application calnypoup was tutublc to raiuc the pmmnmum ciIIiI Jilnlrc linlxlllflii Noting MI QCOMO Monday only an Indication of intent and sullIClcnt community scatport About 40 snowmobllcrs heard ty Federation of Agriculture SOFA lim Mattllcw presid This vcm Wktmn mm Connor and loly llscnan he did not hate cnougn llilOllTld loer not comlnzt the city to any liowcycr board directors lac on Illallow regional manag and the iluronia Snowmobile cnt lluronia Snowmobile As hmmyflwm be tin Spam or lulldi II oiltnIlllleti grim iionli Iihc plo crIol the ministry of transpor 0lillilll Monday in the Blue socizltion Don Nelson vice plowing match llorn Sept 21 to lhe grant noosald Is worn Ii IIQOIFlIiIllIlI wiltll will lotion and commnillczltions llillllC liolllw ol the irsllm prcidcnt Ontario Federation I2 maxupum of pel cent illLtlk on tile hiolorizctl bliow ls tias Budding in Barrie ol Silmlllldbllels and Ken Brat the project cost mi the rota Mdlcu when the non fiscal year Vclllcles Act lho meeting was Flolll the loft lloli CUll bury icc president 115A has to Show when the other 73 begun arranged by the Simcoc Coun secretary manager of thc lExamiilcr lholol ll lCll The tip line He was most rcuez iy the local boy rescued pointmcilt Monday ol Claude airlines vicepresident of public lliatmn ad 1° 91 in Taylor to head troubled Air affairs week and the committee yinn The pond in Moleolis Park Canada already is proving pop in announcing llr luylopg liayc as many fact as possible 1110 15 6W5 great uttrac ular appointment as president and before reachnn declswn BLANK CHEQUE Pu Willie tillliil be right 0W to manage the ailme pillt Minister Otto long told re council $00ng am wcckcnd almost proved to be and had pf Said Jack porters new chairman an cation he mid it ShfiIIHr to ss nb deathlira lor eight ytul Mum Lijgull ll0g105$lyc likely to be named lOl some siflniné blank thawe lice practice tune may be week ago lOl financial help llom Lllfl We expect adults to pay llC of the club is trying to old DanaAndrew homes 01 Bar Conservative transport critic 10 °Md Janie Lump ink 19 lily lilllefItal fiel liy litJll 111 Hi their own way for the use of do he said But there was clue two lln hltllltli lLLOlllllltlltht the facilities liltrlct ll iiidiiia IllilUSM OFFFR committee llould pass moon JEW Abotlt 170 1m Sawnl li nnl lilnlilntly glowin lllb tilt scil nnr any assistance lor tllc club Aid ltos mm it is understood the chairman approving the pripuratlon of cmjm and mu Ndin mum ll SUltsllllZlIl hel wmmmee mi ventured too close to the owl chairman said ill the past the critical ol airline lrlitlliltlmh llll II II l1 lllll tnc pond wllclt LlCl lions pram mm lIillilIisdIS OIlchICdIio nionjliinculrn2 totinliorinepl cnvffiiww 19 no laminae up lllt iloinluutc loi sllllllill M1 biotici soitllall giouns us my and club shared pawl Md Make through the thin 0n llsmeamiln 01 Cd 11 D10 is relairman icilr is by otncr linaiicially li MW age of the gate icccipls but lcc lie was saved by the quick actions of Allan Sinclair 12 of Wellington Street who pulled out llallfl as he wan clinging to ilunk of ice already up to his scene by Danas yelling and as chairman lillC ill Novelllbcr Airline ollicials say privately they are lciicvcd Unc official staid the airline has gone ll11llll cizli rough months and lit is hillpy ll liltl and those who work with him llcs Alarais who turned it down Willi the chief executive offi cers duties transferred to the president the chairmans job lltli lost much of its power ltalph Vaughan has resigned man of Canadian National Rail cy in used for the remaining per cent Aid Laking sold council should not withhold all tax money for the project She said it might come down to the F01 being he fund raising expectations she ge lol wrckly lilonlay actic 1t lllc iilillicl lllc season Giary Stonrr director of hurls and lEflCLtlfIil ild 130 about 12 practices remaining this Dunlop Street cubicl ornziiiizalions in rcport to the tllllllllliLC he hulld alternatives ii the umttntcc agreed to help the lllyClr in tin lIml illlll lllr during the cost of playoff game partially subsidized by city tax paycis The highest rate charg cd is $27 an hour to the lilycrs It cost the city $38 an hour to make the ice llc mid other groups includ llockcy could apply for decrea whcn the gates were good the club requested flat rate for arena rental Aid Archer said new that gai es are down the club is requcsc ting new rate tll in the eight foo lt lccl Tillv in Cililélliu lncsidtnl to become senior inecn 35000 and =31m0 vlmi year of about no and waiving ol practice session roll in tin liarric Colts junior llo Ald Dcl Cole said the cit wutnr eillgiloycc lili yiin 15 histh KCliiCSilUm at All Canada of the estimated triad cost hours long at till 21 S117 tlt club the larric Minor should offer some support be NM ulllhttetl to tllc regarded ill lilo airline industry and Pierre luschcrcou chair lhe Nth in confident 01 15 hour at the Barrie Arena on Uilltl ptoilililic litl rc llockcl Association and Legion cause of the amount of publicity the team has given Barrie ill the lcScue came after the boy have been scvinu for weeks that ways will rcnilij Iaciing said Personally think there Mr stoner said the total sav ieizlrii so because of the Flyers rc the past lie said lllc lllyers but been lllr wri tor they llillltfl lit lllil ll lJPll chairman of the airline for the chould he commlflilent made ings to the hockey club is Sitill rsonzilly lccl lilo lliycvs quest helped to put the city oil the low lllllllllfli to head Ilic lllllllUlltl nil lllllf being by council for tile project The club made plea two llllllll pay their own way he lilzpicclalr what the cccil map

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