Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1976, p. 14

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lETRE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 17 1978 RENTALS PARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED bachelor apartment piece washroom utilities included $150 monthly available now east end close to plaza Telephone 7263767 Fla BAYFIELD APARTMENTS Luxurious bedroom apartment av ailable April Comlortable 1100 sq ft Iiylng area all modern convenien Ces Distinguished surroundings Please telephone 7264711 F18 ONE AND two bedroom apartments in downtown area Available immed iately Rent range 5100 to $155 month Iv Telephone 7263257 TF IIDROOM Iurnished Ross St private home $220 monthly stove trig heat and hydro telephone 7269437 after pm and weekends F19 IEDROOM apartment 5200 month all conveniences pay only hydro Stra bane Ave available immediately tele phone 7264033 F19 LARGE bedroom apartment quiet couple only heat water stove and1 and trig supplied private entrance front yard no children or pets tele phone 7266077 F19 FURNISHED bachelor apartment close to stores and bus step separate enl rance references no pets Telephone 7266150 F19 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Angus Retrigerator stove heat hot water plus hydro No pets Telephone 424 5342 F23 IACHELOR apartment private ent rance all utilities paid Mg and stove opposite the Georgian Mall Rent $130 telephone 7264940 F18 BEDROOM unlurnisned ground floor apartment with large living room kit chen and bath central location park lno available March 1st telephone 728 7568 F19 BEDROOM apartment tor rent con venient to Angus and Base Borden $185 monthly Available immediately Telephone 7269814 ONE IEDROOM apartment tor rent reIrigerator and stove inrluded Pay own hydro and parking $200 nonltiiy Available March Telephone 7262889 after 12 noon F19 ROOMS FOR RENT RODM FOR rent Ladies only private entrance Cooking taciiities 525 weekly Downtown location Call 7370971 AVAILAELE iiiimedlately turnished room with kitcnen privileges telephone 7269205 or 7370426 TWO ROOMS for rent tor SIIIQIC girls available now close to bus stop Al landale Heights area parking includ ed Telephone 7265194 CLEI BRIGHT modern turnisned room line supplied centrat kitchen bath and liVIrg OOYIT doWntown tion $90 to 575 per month Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 TF CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom or gentleman linen supplied and changed weekly share kitchen tree parking 520 weekly Telephone 7280598 or 7285198 FURNISHED room tree parkmg cool lng faculties centrally located close to city transport Telephone 7267186 TF NICELY furnished room with kitchen privileges suitable for young ladies available now Allandaie area phone 7288612 alter 630 on ROOMS to rent in downtown area gentleman only snare kitchen lee phone 4364374 alter pm it no answ er Telephone 7281039 FURNISHED bedroom in clean pro ate home for gentleman Cooking laril tties parking Telephone 7288702 F18 CLEAN furnished rooms central kit rhen and lying room close to down town telepnone 7287331 F23 FvROOMjNDSOARD ROOM AND BOARD in private home central location on bus route Tele phone 7371341 after pm F19 ROOM AND board in doiet new home good home cooked meals tnen chang ed weekly abstainers available now Teiephone 7265017 r7 ACCOMMODATION TO SHARE ROOMS To snare girls on clean and completely furnished 500 pm at 7372895 OFFICES AND STORES NEW OFVFICESQPEE 55736yteio $1 Barrie son3001 so air On tioned 46 211723 Jy° BAR RLE GROV CK Rlll 76000 square feet convenient centre telephone alter amid new 20 home subdiwsion Re tail and professional Ollices Pal Cloverlawn Investments Ltd 4161 9648552 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT ONE aEpROOM partly turnisned not or apartment by quiet elderly lady abstainer own car and linen $75 mori fly mile radius 7289758 atter F13 HOUSES FOR RENT IARRIE east end bedroom bung3 alor7 garage finished laniil roorr with fireplace large lot $350 lnollltlll Virgo Realty Ltd 7264544 111 IEDROOM house lull basement brick semi 106 Maicom Street Angus Children and pets welcome $225 mon thly available March telephone 726 8272 IF IARRIE Ferris Park 141 CreSCent $300 monthly bedrooms telephone Toronto 14165331679 or Bar rie 7261943 THREE BEDROOM storev house 617 ailable February 15m in the downlomi area Telephone between am to pm 7263253 IF TWO STOREY bedroom baths double garage Close to bus schoois plaza $340 monthly available no0 Telephone 7267783 F20 BEDROOM Shanty an R6 large living and lining area children wet rome includes heating parking and decorating reasonable March 1st 1976 7260715 7264744 726 5047 F20 IEDROOM townhouse sliag carpet lng throughout applances basement garage near schools shopping on bus route available February 29 $315 mon Ihly telephone 7268392 F17 BEDROOM house tor rent include retriperalor Newly decorated Central location $225 monthly Available ini mediately Telephone 7289412 F18 LARGE modern bedroom semi xtorey With large lot miles south pt Barrie broadloom dining room 11 baths Available March $225 month ly plus utilities Telephone 42469119 F211 Wreckers 7268711 PUGET apartment F23 F20 TK F17 ioca Tee FIB MTWTii TF Certilled 5300 4246253 F70 1970 RED MAVERICK Dapnrie available RENTALS COMMERCIAL SPACE PRIME Industrial space available lm mediately 4000 to 19500 square feet with offices tully sprinklered truck loading and oarklno provlded leve Telephone 7267130 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1973 COMET SEDAN for sale door cylind er automatic radio er titied For further inter mation telephone Mr Wil son 72116537 extension 10 between 830 am In pm 11974 ASTRE hatchback 21000 miles radials tinted glass electric detogger Al condition 52450 Telephone 728418186 1971 PONTIAC Firebird 350 slandard on the floor track tape and tapes tour radials new rad core month old as is needs new b10ck best otter 529 FORD XL VI automatir door and parking included 5190 per month telephone 7263255 1F hardtop good condition certified 3650 Telephone 4584547 alter pm F19 1973 DATSUN 2402 lor saie very good condition Certified $3300 or best 01 for Telephone 4362600 F23 1970 TOYOTA MARK ll tor sale AM FM radio newly painted as is 6850 Telephone 7371638 F19 STATION WAGON Ford LTD coUntry squire well maintained radia tires owner power Steering and overload brakes PRW $2500 or beSt otter Tele phone 7262786 1972 AMBASSADOR SST vs automalii power brakes DOSITIICIIOII and Ziebart ed exceptionally clean car $1550 un certified or $1650 Tertitied 7266695 between Ill and piii telephone rig 1973TOYOTA elira iar sale sland Rec ard transmission AMFN radio rad ials vinyl rool best otter leepnnne 7287l95 alter pn 1972 MONTCALM station wagon certified selling $2098 Telephone 312 1272 1969 PONTIAC Grande Pari5ienne door hardtop vinyl root 1150 automa TIL power steering track tape 11 000 miles on rebUIIt engine excellent condition Askinci $1200 or best otter or trade erllflPd Tele phone Mike Whitehead 71161885 or 41 6876 atter pm F20 1969 DODGE Coronet convertible V8 power steering power brakes 5800 as is Telephone 4241054 alter pFn1 21 phone 7286134 TF 1974 MERCURY Bobcat 2300 cc stand ard rustorooled ooid With brown in ieripr rear detogcer rado snows excellent iondition TIalnll highway driving certified best otter Phone 7264123 F21 1969 CHEV VB automatic power Isteering in exceilent condition new Iicence certified asking $775 Tele 11975 FORD custom door hardtoo power steering brakes IITcondlllon ing tinted WINDOWS under 8000 miles 54500 or best reasonable otterl968 vBeaurnpnt rebu It V8 good Otldlllgx 11672 DODGE POLARA for sale blue door 360 new brakes starter and tires Excellent condition Certtied 1000 miles $1995 Telephone 7266779 at ter pl1 F18 1914 GREMLIN V8 standard Ln dercoated no rust Michelin tires hm snows 24000 nies 24 miles in oaIIOn $2800 combed telephone 728 SISo 1971 TOYOTA Lorena 1900 standard brand new engine less than 300 mile $950 or best otter Telephone 4246206 iIl 1969 PONTIAC V8 automatic new paint iob 64000 miles can be cer ified $10000r pest otter Telephone 72B4402 anytime F17 1975 BUICK shynam yo speed bucket seats lull poher steering and brakes 27 MPG 21000 miles enceilent vondilcn pr vate $3900 Telephone 7169800 F20 Good meuiari Telephone 72825F26 ica condilIon S400 1967 PONTIAC door Vinyl root VII automatic power steering power bral 9300 or best otter Diicertilied We phone 7288560 1974 MERCURY Bobcat Runabout to sale in once ert rendition Certtied only 19000 miles Telephone 728758F 1970 PONTIAC Firepird V8 automau radio radial tires chrome wheels in tiled $1495 Telephone 7281839 FIE 1970 DODGE Monaco tor sale door hardtop power steering and brakes row radial tires Asking 61100 Tele phone 7288747 F19 1923 FORD MODEL street roa Ifibreqlasc 215 CID V8 automatiL 57 rear end lenders years old street driven 52000 telephone 7164394 be tween and pm FI9 cARs WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrie Nehesl Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD LILAN LATI MODEL ll IOMOBIIJCS ORV HARDY MOTORS 178 BRADFORD ST 728427 IF WANTED lLEAN USED CARS All makes and models LID hair Piice Instant Cash KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS l7 GOWAN SJ lflhS 81276 SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top slrumertatior DRESSES FIT 1F made DI JOSlE 12 F23 othes body LeiA SPECIALIST Do It Directory of Business Services and Products ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS THERMO UNITS PATIO DOORS EAVESTROUGH REYNOLDS SIDING SOFII AND FACIA Distributors and Installers oi CENTURY ALUMINUM AWNINGS Trusted Name in ALUMINUM PRODUCIS in Simcoe County ALUMINUM 4362079 IES MiaTs ALUMINUM Siding awnlngs Buy dir ett tiom liittillsr and lnstal lariors Il improve your home With less cost 7370890 4563011 F28 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canadal Ltd author ized sales and service 18 Alliance awe 72811392 tim BOOKKEEPING MOEiLFBOOKKEEPING serviCe vow attic or llllllP complete partial or McKenzie 7289496 NIH76 CARPENTRY SKANAN CONST CO LTD BARRIE ARPENIR IIOIIICS and Additions Rooms llenm dIIOIIE TLSOIUB 111 7362047 lIhbIi GENERAL iarpeilvy ret rooms 11 inq renniatinq dry hall bum osels etc reasonable 726 385 Mi CARPENTRY WORK dotefmecaiizinq in rec room and additions ca Joe at 71169429 mu STOP HUNTING iiall Hunter Renovations Repairs Dishwasher kitchen cabinets soecualtv 7265641 M2276 GENERAL carpentry rec rooms til ing renovating dry wall builtin clothes closets elc reasonable 726 53 F137 CARPENTER do rer rnoiiis ren ovations remodelling etc small 7261271 No too too Jle GENERAL carpenly renovations re rreatlin rooms framing trim reason able tree estimate 7267700 after 500 91 CUSTOM WORK to your specilications ie Renovations repairs addlItOlIS ellt tree csiin ats 436 W11 CARPET CLEANING STEAM CARPET gt wearing Specie Winter savmgs tiiinpla ifiaIrilen ance Serwce Ltd 217 TovonIo 7288674 FJI REVITALIZE your LGIDEIS sled1 leaning reSIdenlial and commercA Al Carpet Cleaning 7266311 DRAFTING ARCITECTUFAL siruciural dosOI and draitin buidd permit drawings alterations new structures 4363085 F26 DRAPERY DEAL WITH deniqner uslou made home service Randy Forbes Garwood A119 Drapev 4872606 DRESSMAKING AOUIND soooahzrnq in pantsuns clown an alterations 76 vvorsley 76 61100 TF NDRIVINOSCHOOLflm LEARN deleisive drivqu tron dua trial Dbl grad For into iai KempBay drvllvq school 767 Wire DRYWALL SPECIALIZING ii amid and lexce spraying Cal I314 718110 ELECTRICAL WHEEIER ELELTRIC llldUSlial stiiiorcmd residentia annliai C115 71 hour schIce 4240264 Arqus J11 SIACOE FLECTRIC 1duslIal Iaili lnEIcia HeLderilal Farina Utiour iiaiiilenaice service 7288264 AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKSTFOR SALE 1974 FORD XLT F100 V8 nowev slee iriq automatii show iondition NJ in die tintedglean ruztnroolea askiiio $21100 Teeohone 458915 11 SNOWMOBILES starl soni 72136488 prices paid 7in1 pick up 1289666 Au3 TOP PRICE tr lop Lars Toke Motors Ltd 1I9 Bradtord is Barrie 778 Bil COLE EROS and IlILK wanted lnr WIPLIlIlgy $25 and up Fast nlIUp 4245949 or 43561122 Feb 14 Mar 14 A013 TRACY WANTS iars Alid trucks IOY wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup 1eleptione 7268487 lF JUNK CARS WANTED Highii mi es paid Same day pickup Holt Auri HOUSES FOR RENT COURT 27 BLAKE 3r BARBIE FOR LEASE and bedrooms Prestige location III my Most overlooking bat Sone rennetatop washer dryer Rental applications now being taken toleranti Exeuume luxury townhouses For appointment to inspect CALL 7252361 in 72135992 lh51F I969 NORDIC twin £199 °Ieclrii slhrl Willi sleei sled asking $300 A1 ioit ditni lelephone 4246789 am it pt 19 I974 late 110 1N1 IA fiii 116 relant condHor 3900 ieiepIIOie 471 6753 SIIALITENGINETOURSE all Georgian Lnllede tensmn Services 7781951 or bporl Iliv an Marine 61001 HS 19 RS 440 SKIROULE II door COiidil on arkniri $375 telephone 778 91 alter lur lurihe IIIO litation F19 1972 BOASKI excellent conditimi Fl ume ioniplelely iebiiilt nwnei llillJ sell $650 at tirst reanviable oltni leenhote IM1143 I971 NORDIC 640 eleilrii wide tiail Willi tlide you mini see this beauli lul machine Owner inusl ell lelo DIIO1E 7171014 F19 new Telephone 1165600 223 CC ROCKWELL lLO eiimne Il elailrii larter and tieiieralm DIIIIOJ F19 AUTOACCESSORIES CHEVY Small block dlillibulfll new 915 Chev barrel intake new quad carburelor $90 Hsous Micky MOTOR lor ca phone 4584547 alter chrome collee modern 9300 unkind $150 lirm 5793 after 0111 Itiompson tires proliles on MT ilironie reverse Ford trULn or van 9150 Due1 exhaust tor 7891107 iVIIHIdlIU glass IM ks $l0 flll Iiili ti Ian 910 Tole phone 7766027 031145 50 fliev cylrider 150 good condition also G78x15 tires tele ARGAIN Heavy plale glass and and end tables very condition originally telephone 7211 F19 rMONTIls OLD tan iolorad leather DCIIRLI couch and matching chair also piece top condition iMms lele III I9 Spanish bedrdom soite sacrifice must ell other phone 7284821 attei MZ FI9 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Spec ialst ice and snow removal trom roots only 4241956 New Lowell TF ENGINE REPAIRS REPAIRS T0 snial engines bnwers rolotiilers lawnmowers Prire Come Station Sunnidale Rd 7371275 F20 FIREPLACES COLONIAI Fireplaces all tuel factory inll 30 Thin 7284040 STONEWORK anc fireplaces special ty Vi Watson tor lree estimates 778 1599 My2576 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned lrasli hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOHS 4373525 7263411 JOLWCEII 10 am and 530 pm li GENERALREIRScarperitTvr novatioris painting ec Reasondbi Reliable No iob too small 7260038 HOUSE REPAIRS calming OUlSine nr Lleaiiuos odd Iobs etc eti 4612607 lvzJ CLEAN UP Basements garages ctr ieane rubbish removed truck and rme tor mover Snow sliovelirr and blowch 4362387 10 HEATING COOLING VESFRA VALLEY Heating new Orcec air syslem renovations liurnidilierz Allan leon 7280733 7281186 N76 ARE YOU COLD all us tor taut dependable Service Fair Furn Heat up and Coolnu Ill DunIop Barrir 7370243 1164876 HOME IMPROVEMENT ape CUMBERLAND Complete bath room ktchen renovat OHS includ ceramics Mosaic tilinp aso Tet vuom 43641 NEED MORE ivinq spacer Rec 00 extra bedroom play roon laundry we storane Space Paintini vial Ipaperinq Murray Ball 7288906 016 HUMIDIFIERS ECECTRONTC ar cleaners veduu dust ielieve allergy symptom Vesnre Valley Heating 7280783 7281286 We INCOME TAX irNCOMEAX returnsprepared to small business farm and home Mr cneils Bookkeeping Semi2 726297JA INCOME TAX and aounlino SENICC Business and personal Eyperienced IOren $1 Barrie 7261216 MM INSULATION STMCOEEwiomv lnsuatip ib glas bio1 and batting Free irtates ELOI Munr 728176 Tl IRONING IRONING Picled up and delivered daiy Barrie and areal 6150 Der ban Ihel 44601 F7030 KARATEW HWANSSCDOOL or KARATEclass es Frday Central Co eq ate Gin lor nlormanov oncre 1263654 TF LA MOVING ANDTCARTAGE ESSA MOVERS avid Lartaoe 1252511 Or 4240711 WARREN BROWN bf 1uiI opie rim we 08115 Good idle 131545 JU7 M0Sic1NSTRUCTION tUlTAR lESSONS iIdILo Bd DOD aia Jacu Fol Guntr slum oilfll ll PAINT ING idpEl at etcu IILCI tron eviniate Jack Ricviarl Sm 26201 17168874 HILLSDALE DECORATING Iriiericr eercr Viaigtnerinu iiioii eiiv yali dIJ coiling Telephone IU 51316 IO¢T PAINTING ncCrdling drywall ae erel IITIII varieirc uuaranleen iv ledbDlldDII lIeo estimates t71060 li ARTICLESVFOR SALE KRAZY KELLY MUST CLEAR lIUIlI Ilciiis cii I6I and Demo 11 Ill Pill 10 Adiiiiial Bil li ADIIIIIAI hi IIIII trade 311 111 liLA IlIII liuile 611116 XI Illll qlli Nu lullllll liill ITDIIILIII ill KRAZY KELLYS Il IIll IIau 737I I82 Il PLANERI 1m 19 iiii Il ratlciiian hardly UETEil with tin motor 637 Ieleplione 7761271 Fvelllllq WATKINS FRODUCTS spec em IJ ilh Ou leilei Dnnalda Loili riiie 4146631 atler pin 174 WHEEL DRIVE While Iariii Inn 10 lip Diesel WIIII loader only year old 500 hours like new on dition For lurlliei mloriiialiou leiF Dtione 4245739 ANTIQUE 4101 lm sale stlionl house iiianlel etc extellent iolidilinii ieephpne 7262064 Tiller ll SENSATIONAL RCA low bov originally 569° save $300 now Only $192 New TV warranty no money down no payments lil February 16 Phone toiiiqht deliverl lcniqlil Kraly Kellys 7371182 Barrie Plaza 11 TRAILER UlInul type cuslom iiiado tl long It viide It Illflll Ezn rIosed box 12 inch wheel Must hell 176526 Ci Apartment 10 Blake Litreet SWIMMING POOL kits 195 model in ground kits Size 16 and 18 lt 56 only Limited supply at redoiad prices Starille Pools John Campbell 7280492 home RCA Lon6 26 iiiii solid state emollient ionddion Telephone 7265664 alter rri 19 STIOW etc MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 116 F17l92l PAINTING able ratos work guaranteed Telephone 7287696 F28 DON SIESLINO professional painting interior exterior paper hanging cus tom work Satislaction guaranteed 7266808 A3 VELLINGA painting and decorating Interior exterior Work guaranteed Established 30 yrs 7262609 or 7269002 PICTURE FRAMIN ARTIFHRATMHNHaveTpilrmpictUre framed by an artist Wide selection last service 7288633 M17 PLASTERING PLASTERING Ltfbmlc tile repairs alterations arpcntrv drywall tapinn anl spray CRlllq 4584233 MI ROOFING IROJFING Carpentry alterations all mrk guaranteed and reasonable 436 1540 TF RU EEERSTAMRS EM RUBBEP STAMPS Read 72 hours Imlie 4211421 or 4245142 Fiii SEWINGMACHINES WE SPEIALIZE Household and Iri owtrial Heres Erilflaclinn guaran teed 7371621 1371185 F19 SNOWPLOWING SNOW REMOVAL lvniii mth resin to and cottages Telephone 176719 F28 WRI HT SNOWPLOWING am at cnnneria and devild reasonable later Phorc 176775 N11 508 GARNER crisliniliur 11 now Vice Lrnni enr loader IliaJED or lo2i4 MTEEEVISION LEASING GIAN II Sylvania IOO Solid State CoIor $477wl Add llal Or $4711 per iccl Uli ltiiucib ILiilIniiii ll1 Ii llljiI IcliI liIi JI KRAZY KEL YS ill Plan 737 JI Una DARRIE ONLY House nl Legging Leda ycu View IDIOT lirvv 11 85 7V Lollicr Tl TVAND RADIO DARETETELEETROVISIONVmowed nailt to al males IJs and UIJ cumpnicnl lt Ali1606 136 WATER HAULAGE THE WATEPMAN ve cicierns II no lctlux 44017I8 pool lillrd If WINDOW CLEANING IILLENS WINDOW CLEANING kllclali is iUiiL II1Ileliy res Tcleplciic 17 WROUGHT IRON RtILINGIlniau rriln rFri icli LilIiir Ifl pool 101 llq 5311 my Hail9 179 lIlY llNIIIIl FUR BLLhI TILSLIJD 281114 FOR SALE TRADE OR SWAP 111 HrIlir 1r total lillil talentinn Inc TELEVISION llllQli wing I7 mn xivi hid Arl iiivlnti 10 Iliad ioitdtt on Ir DIIOIIF do illI BAKING EQUIPMENT rolzilwi In IldIUIaLIUf no 16 ti1 Elm lt1 llullllq nvzii 11 liiiiiiri iii1 IUIIPI Eet retririeialeu sllOlil II III ia irnani liar07 IU Icllalieriii eiimpmenl Anny IJlwl 1r 1i Illiirton Donut It deheld tlinoi Hm 7788I il TWO BATHROOM III IflD iriir iiIuiJe IFZIIIP dnni IIII nmdmnrr dll es oat tile 16 Iano iikr1 ll rlre es ilc and 16 Inirpiimve liri 306 IANTIOUES salp Ildlltl KIIID lutul 111 227 Mariin F1d RP Bull 11w 17 3268704 MI 75 LOW BOY olm 1ulv ioiriiill ioved rneqnilimrt Mediterrarcai Ii hIe only 919 No naviuen lepruarv 36 Kiatv Kelly Barrs Plaza Ill1187 11 DINING SUITE iii now years OItI Illill wit lingox IIT lu lrlP JAN IIIII liiiiiiir kilflmii with all Mkt inx lolcitl If 716771 17 FREEZER IIUF IIIJIJI lt Lilhii ll ilest slyln qumaitlind IIII 10 veins yrars olrl llfillflll n11cl llflli lnIr phone 7269696 1mm to Bill II FIGHTING INFLATION an new and lined stereos IIDIII 15 HHIIIP IV 79 OIIiei Ila1797 Ilfl TELEVISION norlnITIr 1h lllll IIII and while seven tires 711 It riei LIEe bicycle wedtliiiri rims Size lie1 otter telephone 7263155 ir FACTORY GOOFS Due In an own picuiiiligii at 1775 abovexiiounrl alum mum It round swmiiniiiri pools vw lllll iairdice iiiiiiiedialeiy complain pool parkane IelllllrllIV selliitn tui SI PAINTING interior exterior reasonI ARTICLES FOR SALE LOST FOUND VACUUM LIANIR for sale used IEAGLI found Mlneslt 9759 after pm F20 LEADING Canadian swimming Pool good conlltlori very reasonable 728 distributor has left over 1975 all alum inum aboveground rectangular packages complete 18 27 made sell for $2295 now at sacrifice price FRUITS VEGETABLES 49 now only 3999 iiviiltd iilllllli lai days or eveniiiiis iolleil t6l 4840 M5 ANTIQUE CIIIIIICI room SUIII lliIUdlllq round table ihaii bullet bnsl oi tPl telephone allei pin 1565836 LTEAM UNIFORMS and mikel th Ion Aeeks al Oeorgiar Snorls 10 wt Road 7263200 109 KITCHEN SUITE table and crioii 6150 dining room suite Fridnidmre Al eitiit ctnv all in Al ionrlilion 10 phone 7767711 11 at only $1488 Limited supply Call days or evenings collect 14162214835 VILLAGE OF CREEMORE STEREO Kenwood model KR6140A channel receiver with dual 1218 turn table dnyaco A25 speakers plus Harman Kardon channel watt quad track Asking $1650 also AMFM car radio 45 both Al condition Tele phone 7283634 anytime F20 PIANOS Special deal $200 cash re bate when you buy new pianofromi Neales 30 Queen Elmvale Fridalm or Saturdays 3221948 PROTECTOR ASSOCIATES Obedl ence quarddoo training and rentals Specializing in breeding oI Doberman Pinschers 7268617 or 7371091 DOGS PETS DOE£7178 puns Red and tan Champion siock weeks old needled and worivel tails docked Telephone 7373426 GERMAN SHEPHERD and lab pupI pies mother purebred black Shepherd 910 each Telephone 4584779 F18 MAYS Pcorlle Parlor Professional rlippinq and grooming reasonable rat es Telephone 7260061 M1 ARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoo ing arr clipping ol all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 TF EDGEHILL AOUARIA Aquariums Ish plants all accessories Lowest nrice 143 Ardagh Rd 7260094 TF POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming breeds pickUp andl delivery 7268798 Pet Studio TF SlaERlAN HUSKIE registered female years show stock 5200 or best offer Must sell Telephone 7261728 F181 SAMOYED HUSKY for sale registered month old male trained needles hry qood with children 5125 Tele phone 4364579 alter pm TF SIBERIAN HUSKY pups blue eyes ihampon lldi KC registered Witt sripts wormed Collingwood 4453510 i9 BEAUTIFUL CAT to give away She years old house trained and waved Great company Phone betore pm 7763872 after pm 7263594 7260P58 F21 BLACK LABRADOR Retriever male year Old leC registered all shot s75 Must 591 due to movmg telephone 4872320 anytime F19 ARTICLES WANTED ASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books oz pclure clorks odds and 657m 1950 Items 7234234 writing stating age marital sia MW 1115 experience and salary ex CI Applications 170 be in sealed envelopes and marked Applic anon TF WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier rq the Dalfle Examiner will buy aJ rIIV Barrie Examiner carrier qu noor condition bring them to rirculatiov tho659 TF FARMERS MRKT Department or phone FARM MACHINERY GEORGE WHITE drive ahead tractor torblower in good condition 5225 Call otin Robinson 7282431 F19 POULTRY AND CHICKS iivF Icahn towl approximately lsi earh Craig Hunter Poultry ll crcuc 4361811 F18 REDY to la pullets Alo farm rELr rho Craig Hunter Poultrr Far7v Stroud 4361811 TF PERSONALS CARTOONET avanabla to entertain at Ltiildrc Tartes 511 ration 7206056 mozr eaenings Further inior Ml TELECARE Why tight your pror Dsm alone Let triend help Cal lelecare 2oI12 anytime TF CARD READING ard Counselling Day aJ even by appomtment only 728 tnbfi Fl ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 you drik thats your business It ID at to quit thats ours Cal In FOR WEEK ONLY Palmslry by Rev James For appomlment call 728 8858 FI GENERALWMEETING cl Parents with 111 bovine February lath at 800 am at Grace United Church Grove 4111 rt1 Eta Barrie The topic is the 11 sell Dctence Everyone welcome For further intormation 7284549 F18 JULIES 13 cha Road we trade and Il Ud pocket novels Open am to mm day week N139 THE WINNER ol the Barrie Minor lucky draw tor 100 wntario was Mr George Stanley 01 24 Barrie F19 ENGLISH RIDING lnslrucrion Indoor mama minutes tiom Barrie imiiqii Farm 7760192 10 HELP WANTED Au17 TF Windy 10 HELP WANTED lts area small WATTR gig tattoo In left ear olephone 726 Wired xfixfige Exgfideafleég F17 Versatile some mornings and sort evenings have some knowledge of bar Telephone 72610202 F21 DREAMS blgger than your paycheckl Want to establish that second Incomel It you have 68 hrs weekly to spare 1111 show you now No telephone Inter VIews For appointment call 7265466 pm pm only HOWARD JOHNSONS Restaurant 35 Baytleld street is now Interviewing to one fulltime cook and one fulltime dining room personnel Full tralnln proyided Apply in person only F2 BROKERS for Essa taxi full and parl time drivers must be 25 or over must have chauffeurs licence Call 4354304 requires CLERK TREASURER Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Monday to Friday to pm F23 WANTED immediately Mature pet FRIDAY FEB 27 1976 sons for telephone soliciting In own Eat 500 pm for the position of home Must enioy talking to pepple For interview call 7267205 F14 VILLAGE CLERKTREASURER WSECRFTARY re UIre rne YD 49139110311035 to be In 0W hand experience necesgary rnust enloy meet ing public Reply in writing to Box P3 Barrie Examiner F17 WANTED experienced hair stylists ll take over clientele top salary 91 commission Apply House of Bellini Baylield Mail or telephone 7264621 TIl PEDDLE STEEL or lead guitar drum tor progresslve country and rock and roll band Telephone 7372848 or 4241430 F21 RELIABLE person for dishwashlng or full or parttime Apply In person alter Tim Firenze Restaurant 64F Maple Ave F17 pected Applicant should be en rolled in or graduate of AM JOHN LEMMON clerk Municipal Offices CREEMORE Oiil 119 PARTTIME clerk required in circula tion department of the Barrie Examin er Mon Tues Wed Thurs alter noons and Saturday mornings Apply at Barrie Examiner Iront otllce TF NURSESAIDE required to work with profoundly mentally retarded children Telephone 4361461 tor appointment be tween am and 430 pm F17 EXPERIENCED dining room wailressi waiter reqUIred immediately bar ey EMPLOYMENT WANTED MARRIED Man residing in Barrie with several years experience in consumer tinancmq and mortgages seeking no Sition locally Telephone 7287648 F17 DAY CARE aailahle Little and Bay VIsw Drive area For further inform atzon please telepmne 7265620 days F19 perience preferred Preferably with LIGHT DRIVER shipper renuires DO own transportation Please telephone sition also atock eyperience TelephOne 7261009 for interVIew F19 All at 7284702 cm to 930 am 530 to 670 pm F19 FREE APARTMENT tor retired or EXPERIENCED mother will babysil children In her home hot lunches pro semiretired lady or gentleman in re turn for light duties in small room inn house Abstainers only 7288484 at yirJed lencrrl yard Allandale area ter pm F17 Talenhone 1762896 F19 WELDERS tor light manufacturing plant III Cool5 lown Np shift work Tiq and Mia ox oerience and blueprint reading essen tial Telephone 4584363 days F17 SALES PERSON wanted for retail bus iness This person must have ability to learn quickly and should have son retail experience Knowledge ol the plumbing trade would also be an as set Apply in person to Homestead plumbing 49 Anne Street South Bar re F111 10 HELP WANTED INTERESTING POSITION OPEN TO QUALIFIED PERSON Complete knowledge of Drapery and bless Fabrics essential For interview contact RON KILLICK 7262556 FABRIC and DRAPERY MILL OUTLET Barrie Try Examiner Want lids 7282414 TF ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL requires MEDICAL DICTATYP IST Good knowledge of medical terminology required Minimum typing speed 65 wpm Related experiencé prclcrrod Reply to LLBRARIAN MEDICAL RECORDS DEPARTMENT Royal Victoria llO111dl 76 Ross 51 BARBIE 817192i AMBULANCE DISPATCHERS To receive calls and dispatch aIITIJLIIdITLeF iii the Barrie Olillia Midland aim QUXLIFILAIIIINS GRADE 12 EDLCAIiON abilit 10 cblaiii lilst and certificate and radio operators license ASSETS SOLietarial Experience Switchboard Iixpcxicm Blllngllallalll SALARY RANGE 8170 $189 Ekl plus beiietiis The people who quality must be able to art logically and qitickl in stressful situations and under minimum supervision APPLY IN WRITING BEIITIRIC llrili 10 MR llAMBIDES North St Shit 31 Barrio Om 1076 TO F111 IO HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS am Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the lolloning areas QUEEN AND DUCKIVORTII AREA BLAKE AND ST VINCENT AREA OLLIER BLAKE AREA BLRION AVE IRAILER PARK SIAYNEII IIINESIING SOOKSTO lELlA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA EILEEMORE ELMVALE BURDEN Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER circulation Dept 16 Bavfield 51 Barrio OR PHONE 72676539 Name Address noIIDIIIIIDO IIIIaIIaaeeolllaaea Telephone Tr

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