TMIDHURST stain Simcoe county councillors will elect warden and then new com mittees at its opening 1976 ses sions starting on Monday Jan 19 Reeve Orville Hughes of West Gwfllimbury nas been most fre quently mentioned as the likely wgrden since he was chairman onginance during the past two This office is usually the stepping stone to the warden ship although there have been some notable exceptions to this tradition Reeve Ingram Arms of Me donte chairman of the county museum and archives board this past year and Deputy Reeve A1 lan Glassford chairman of roads also have been mentioned along The executive members of the North Sim Junior Farmers pose for photo graph at the clubs annual inn quet at Orr Lake left to right with Tiny township reeve Maur ice Darby and others Reeve Lionel Dion of Pene tanguishene former finance chairman and Reeve IlarryCross of lecumscth chairman of social services during the past two years both made it defin ite they were no candidates re cently after also having been mentionel The witherawal of Reeve Cross opened the way for Deputy Reeve Glassford to seek the honor The finance and administration key committee also iselected from the floor with rules provid inr for four township members two town representative and one village along wtth the warden Besides Reeve Hughes the mem bers during the past year were Reeve Peter Cameron of Allis Brenda Simpson of secret cry Shanty Bay presulen Rim Lunzman of IIlmxalc post prcstdent Brian Siznrxon Shanty Bay antl Susan McLeod ton Reevo Lionel Dion of Pene tanguishenc Reeve Morris Dar by of Tiny Recvc Bill Gibbons of lnnisfil Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra and Reeve Joe Bel ford of lottenham with the war den also memhti The roads committee headed by Deputy Reeve Glassford of Tecumseth also includes Reeve Ken Knox of lCImvale Deputy Reeve John Fcnnell of West Gwillimbury Reeve Lloyd Prid ham of Sunnidalc and Reeve James Beloher of Collingwood The finance committee usually acts as nominating commit tee for other appointments which are then submitted to the general membership for approval The county planning commit tee has taken in key role in recent years The chairman for FARMERS of Hughs The 133nemhcr club supports 4H group and is not ivti1clcd nplc who farm llanuncr lhoo Stevens urges priority tor creation of jobs By SINCLAIR STEVENS MP YorkSimcoc In column last month out lined how we were being condi tioned by the government to ac cept lower standard of living Prime Minister Trudeau in his New Years message which appears to have surprised many now has outlined his program and thoughts more fully For the first time Mr Tru deau appears to have communi cated his thoughts to the nation effectively People now under stand what he has in mind and they are alarmed So they should be The prime ministers con cepts never built nation They will not increase our prosperity Hopefully we will not enter into wild experiment that may please the academics but lower the wellbeing of most Canad sans The governments attitude is negative pessimistic approach not worthy of Canada Today we need positivz responsible leadership from Ottawa not the ory Lets get Canada back to work The priority in the nation this year and ensuing years should be the creation of jobs jobs and more jobs for Canad ians Todays level of unemployment is tremendous Esonomic waste some SI billion month or $1000 per year for each fan adian family Worsr still II is an unnecessary human and so cial tragedy The growing idea that large portion of our population may go permanently unemployed and that many more young Canad ians will start out unemployed is unacceptable If it happens it will under mine the morality of our society Butjit need not happen The economy exists to serve the people and their fundamen tal aspirationsFulI employment is aï¬moral imperative vibrant economy will provide such em plovpient The government has failed the economy They have contributed to unemplovment inflation and nupjauk 394 lh their high spending loose con trol of our money grcuth the undue regulation and frustration of inlividual Onlelll and with their oppressive taxation The trend to nonproductive govcrnmtnt at the expense ot productive SOCIEljv has been ac celerating It must be reversed if we wih once again to have lull employment low inflation and meaningful real growth COULD BE NO Canadians can be Number One in the world in per capita income not number eight where the Tlllfitdil liberals have pushed ult Productivity must be increas ed through capital formation and research Tax incentives not grants out of taxes should im lumlrnicntal principle in reaching our goals We must hciomc salesmen to the world Our future is an in ternational future The world needs our renewable resources our manufactured goods and our food We have got prodiue and cap ability to produce more Lets sell it The lTnucd Strtc rc crsed its adverse trade balance within lll by 111tillllli and selling agricultural products We can do likewise Our long term obicctne must hi to enter the illt cntury just 25 years away as Number ARTICLES FOR SALE About calls the first night sold all articles Bed cliesterfickL black and white houndtooth Herculon with storage section $230 Single oed box spring and mattress new $35 Coffee table octagon teak $25 Tole phone For QUICK ACTION TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Telephone 7282414 One in the wolll lo aciiicii nll gral gmrin nicnt spending mcrcares must be rcduced to per cent ccil ing ptl your Liberal goicrn moat increases have been run ning 23 per cent per year iovernmcnts take of our na tional wealth must be reduced by one quarter It now over 40 per cent ovcrnment mu make fewer demands on our capital markets to finance its activities In eight years federal debt has jumped loo per cent to its present $65 billion level cciling should be set and honored Such competition for funds in the capital markets has driven up interest rates including mortgage rntzz This makcs it more difficult tor private firms to raise capital and aggravates inflation Our ec onom is crippled through ixccssive regulation which letreams competition de creases efficiency lulls initia tive and incrmsm rods Much of the regulation should be 0nd cl paperwork eliminated with its associated bureaucracy dir cctcd to more productive func tions The prime minister is asking the nation to accept half spur row rnthcr than quarter of chicken for all Canadians NOTICE To those who qualify they can receive FULL REFUND of their missionary offerings For particulars write REFUND PO Box 301 5th Station Toronto the past year was Aid Moreland Lynn of Midland with other mem bers including Reeves Earl Bran lon of Coldwator Reeve Bill Iowanlock of rillia township Reeve Duane Pzitficld of Wusaga Beach Deputy Reeve George Rule of cltpra andthc en Reeves Wallace Key of Oo headed the agricultural and re forestation committee which also included Deputy Reeve Muir Dack of Mara Reeve James der of Tosorontio Reeve Thom as Robinson of lav and Deputy Reeve Maurice Miller of Esaa Reeve Robinson has resigned from council for health reasons and his place is being taken by Charles Lawson SOCIAL SERVICES Serving on the social services committee with Reeve Cross of lecumscth were Reeve Donald Spoone of Collingnoozl Deputy Reeve Blake Constable of lnnis fil Reeve Gordon McArthur of Rama and Reeve Donald Mac Donald of hlos Bradfords rceve Arthur Turn er headel the property commit tte with Deputy Reeve Don Hen nessy of Nottawasaga Reeve Sheridan McGinty of Beeton Deputy Reeve hurles Simpson of Oro and Deputy Reeve Ar thur Stewart of Penetanvguishene his colleagues The recreation committee has been headed for the past two years by Reeve Bruce Dorkray of Port Mexico mem bers have been Reeve Peter Kearns of Adjala Reeve Norm Cook of Cookstown Deputy Reeve Hilda Sihthorpe of Tiny Dep DISTRICT NEWS 2THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 1976 Oro council has reservations but approves building permit 0R0 STATION Oro council lor Joanna lclwcn has inimit ted Khe thinks an actwimpy buil ding approved by council will be misused by the property own er After agreeing with the rod of council to igtsuc building permit the said know is not legitimate rcqurot Became they the applicants are going to litc in it Clerk Henry cufcld then ask ed why toun llIwn apjnoxcd isuance of the permit For the some rczion the cominitcc of uliustmem allow merancts Loun llcliuen rc plied Fnc said lot of funny sev erances have how approxcd by the committee of adiustmcnvi permitting new lots on farm where there no thoucf of farming or of farmer seeking re rcment home The permit for twostorey acterrory brilng on Jon mile north of IIJZL was ap nroxcd tor llaroul II1111Icn and hi on Nels The building on looacre farm will have twocur gar age workshop for machine rc pair recreation room and stor Ie roon ran chonizt room for swimming pool to be built in the future Every Holiday roundtrip airfare from Harold Harnden said the farm now has two residences one 400 loci from the proposed accos ny liiildnz ml Lie other bout 700 lcct Tin llurnder wcnt to coun cil alter the building inspector Hob Thornc retired to issue permit lle mid the application did not fir Oios zoning bylaw definition of an liCCSflly building detached holding or slructure ill llflxd for human IleII1lOll but the use of which is naturally and normally inci dental to subordinate to or ex clusiwly dvo ed to bruiclizzl use or building located on the All lot Conn illn McLean suggest ed he Ilurndens shroud be ak Cd to Sign an affilavil saying the new buil will not be us ed as lthldelltc Bu torn laui Hznscn all he would be ballHICd with the applicants pro misc Rccve Wallace Kcy said coun cil III the pat IlJS rejected pcr mils for boathomes which would note bathrooms The llarnden acccwory building will have hzco in Mrs Mclï¬wan said many Swim mng pool cabana in UN limo liathcoms dont know if they haw permits she said meals and free bar Service nights accommodation based on double occupancy meals at some hotels ground transportation to and from your hotel wine and cheese party on the hill Wardair flight bag and passport folder plus the services of an Intervac ground representative Flights Thursday evenings via wardair 707 Here youll find Colorados Rocku Mountain Aspens snowy slopes beckon to skiers during the day and at night theres fine food and Iivclu disrotlicques skier dream SEE TRAVEL AGENT or call Intervac These holidays are available as of January 1976 Some holidays may be tilled subsequent to printing IllIVS Wlflflllfl I13 Dunlop St Barrie by Wardair includes Toronto via Wardair with firstclass IllIIIIlIIIVTTVVrvvyvvvyy nty Reeve Horace Vasey of Me duntc along with Bernard St Amant of Penetani1 and Mrs Frank Lisk of Becton Reeve Peter Forbes of Mara headed the tourist and indus trial promotion committee ot the county with Reeve Theo Bernard of Victoria Harbour Deputy Reeve Marjory Dyer of Wasaga Beach Deputy Reeve Hill of Tay and Reeve Gordon Priest man of Mvatchcdash also mem bers Reeve Alan Johnston of Ves pra was chairman of the con tingency committee which also included Reeve Cameron of Al Iiston and Reeve Lynn of Mid land CHIIDRENS AID The county has five members on the Childrens Aid Society ounty will appoint new Committees for 197 executive four on the district health board and three on the library board The county coun cil also makes most of the ap pointments to the museum and archives board Childrens Aid representatives from the county during the past rr were Reeve Fergus Grosc of Cteemore Deputy Reeve Bill Calverley of Orillia township Reeve Dior of Pcnetang Reeve Amos of Medonte an Reeve Hughes Deputy Reeve Catherine Dion of Midland Deputy Reeve Rus se Cooper cf Rama Reeve Ha ry Mathers of Stayner and Reeve Eugene Smith of Essa were from the county Deputv Reeve James Dickey of Alliston Deputy Reeve Russell Sirr of Adjaa and Reeve Key of Oro were county councillors on COUNTY GLIMPSES the library board which also in cluded former wardens George Lisk of Beeton and Alex Mc Auley filmvale and exreeve Carl Doran of Vespra The museum and archives board was headed by Reevp Amos during the past year or con nty councillors serving were Reeve Bill Gibbins of In nisfil and Deputy Reeve Ken Wood of Bradford Therm son was Barrie representative and Mrs Murtle Bowlen the illia member Others include Mrs Maguire of Mine sing Mrs Claude Fleming of Stayner Mrs James Martin of Port Stanton and Coleman of Barrie Members are paid $45 per day for attending committee meet ings as well as regular council sessions New Alliston committees ALLISTON Staff Council lor Elmer Hawkins has been ap pointed chairman of Alliston board of works or 1976 with Reeve Peter Cameron also member of the committee along with Mayor Oakla Gray Deputy Reeve James Dickey was made chairman of town property committee with Eimcr Hawkins also member Reeve lctcr zimcron vus appointed chairman of finance with Coun cillor Douglas Taylor member The new police and fire com mittee will be headed by Coun ciilor John Taylor former deputy rceve with Councillor Alden lhelan also member Councillor Alden Whelan is sanitation chmrman with Depv uty Reeve Dickey also mem her Allisttor recreation and parks and community IPlilC commit too will be headed by Councillor Douglas Taylor with John Tay lor also member IzayM ray is member of all committees exofficio ALLISION BOARD ALLISTON lStafft Reeve rmeron has been appoint cl Alliston council representative to the public libary board Mrs James Ciosbic rtprcscnts the Womens Institute and other membrrs arc Joseph McCcrroll Kenlrth Iradwcll and Calvin Fitzgerald Sinclam lorlnd was appointed representation to the Nottgivasga Valley Con servation authiroty COLDWATER IOINVIL COLDWATER Staffl Ap pointment of committees will be made by Goldwater village coun cil at meeting on Monday night Jan 19 starting at clock Reeve Earl Brendon heads the council and Arla Miller is village clerk ORILLIA TOWNSHIP ORILLIA Staff Ilanfcrd Home was reeve ot Orilia town ship 20 years ago in 1956 it war shown by old municipal rec ords Elmer Johnston was dep uty reeve and councillors were Tom Joslin Wilfred Jermey and Frank Soules PLANNING BOARD ALLISTON lStaffi Don Carl ton has been appointed to the Alliston planning board for threeyear term and Leek for two years by the town coun cil Paul Whitesrlc and James McCuilagh were appointed for this year Mayor Oakla Gray is member exofï¬icio The com mittee of adjustment includes John Cox for three years Wil loighby Moon for two anl Paul Whitesidc for one ANNEXATION WASAGA BEACH vStaffl The municipality if Wes 111 Beach annexed the Oakview Beach area from Sunnidale to years ago when the late Anthony Rock was reevc it was shown local records Wasaga Beach achieved town status in January 1974 IIDHURST UNITED MIDHURST lSteffl Annual reports will be presented at meeting of the Midburst United Except Sea Feb 12mm NIGHTS Regular Sula HOTELS Departure Price Pnu NUGGET LODGE llncludes Continental Breaktasl lwin Room Apr 5249 Double Room Jan 29 Feb $349 $289 Apr $399 $289 HIGHLANDS INN Includes American Breakfast DOm Jan 29 Feb 5279 Iwan Jan 29 Feb 5369 $339 Apr 5349 5339 Superior Twin Jan 29 ten 5399 8379 Apr 3379 CHATEAU ASPEN Includes Kitchen Bedroom Sunte Jan 29 Febfi 5329 WlniCl paradise SEASONS Includes Kitchen pr son based on IIidtilflotll sharing Feb 53 $349 Smooth wuh loll sharing Jan 29 let $299 $269 bedroom sharing Feb $309 5279 2Bedroom wuh left sharing Jan 29 tebb 5289 $259 PLUM TREE Includes American Breaktastl Iwm Room Jan 29 Feb 3839 5289 Apr 3299 $289 Prices per person based on double occupancy Weekly departures at regular prices available church on Friday evening Ju 16 starting at oclock 1968 COUNCIL ALLISTON tStaffl Mem bers of Alliston town council in 1968 when John Darling was mayor included Ralph Hunter Rccve John Taylor deputy tray James McCullough Stew art Dermott Peter Cameron and James Dickey and Stanley Bo wen BRIDGE CLUB MIDHURST Stefil The Mid burst community bridge club will start tlt 1976 activities at St Pauls Anglican church hall on Thursday evening Jan 15 IIOLSTEIN BREEDERS ALLlSTON lStdill Allan On has been elected president of the Simcoe County Holstein Bree ders Association with Joe Mc Lean and Peter Schep vicepres idsnts and Brian McCague retary HORSE CLUB NEW LOWELL Teenage it want to ioir the New L0 well 4H Horse Club are asked to contact Rose Danko or the Alliton office of the ministry of agriculture ROADS CONVENTION ALLISTON lown council has agreed to pay expenses for live pecpie to attend the Ontario Good Roads Convention Feb 23 25 in the Royal York Hotel Tor onto Attending will be Mavor Oakia Gray councillors Aiden Whelan and John Taylor the township clerk and the roads superintendent sons Aspen April Holt