COTTON COUNCIL TURNS TO SPRING Here an elegant summer do light in desert beige lieicd ci iec at shoulder enhances tlte soft narrow fall of the circus and gently define its fluid shape Very thin seam at the hip displays the seasons new focal DOIIIL Self Fabric gtilLLl IIICFgt shoulder and tiit we simple statements of the tie theme Dress and matching head scarf in too per cent cot ton Designed by Albert Nipon lor Brcdkin Brothera Critics accuse government of conveyor belt By Ann MChanc LONDON ReuteriThe Brit ish government has been ac ctred of setting llt LOlixiiiiizu belt system of abortion on de iiaid after an announecmeit that it will permit quick gt4 called vacutunmediod abor tinns The government 15 to allow ieriain clinics to use the method pioneered in the Liiitcri states which involves using tube to suck the embryo iiom the womb It can be done under local anaesthetic and the patient can wall out of the Ilitli within IISLIIS of the oper ation The method is used widely in ihc 55 as well as the Nether lands and several Eastern ropean countries Proponents of this method contend that other form of abortion are oiten used because hey produce more fees tor the physician But this weeks announcenien has heightened tht LiitlotClrJ already raging in Britain over Lite current abortion laws The Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child the cotiir irys largest antiabortion pro sure group said the new method iiOUId lead to con CClICII abortions pruntincnt coin oaigiier Labor member of lo liament Jame White saiti Parliament never authorized abortion on demand but thih it what the new procedure will provide Initially the gmernmciit is to POOL SALE SAVE I3 20 KITS OR FULLY INSTALLED BY OUR OWN EMPLOYEES abortions allow In abortion charities in use the new method which can iiiI be carpet in rcidcnu and loo iti week of pregnancy Uthci gtnicgtitzrds lltllt ui lust aftercare The new hailed by abortion charitie major gtiep to help stamp out Iicliiotl Irttll private abortion clin IiitIl lime bccn charging co to Kano Gilliiii Ir on abortion The it under the new syeni will hr about £60 Abortions hate been lee ii Britain since 1967 prowling two physicians agrct that inciiiui carry in womans IIIIblttii and health is impaired by out the pregnancy The law is not an IlItii some in the ITS iiill lilliilill xtis the tint Wertern lluropcan ttUlIl allow ilCgtLLil Ic gal abortion and ihcreioir tracth ltrge iuinlbcr oi to eyjiiiug The antiabortion lobby ion Iflli tin the law hr let in IIOUgt abuses UCII lt hawker sanding at LOIIuOll Airport meet women they ICIiCC arc rocking an abortion Of the 1700in £Illlll nit ioiiiitd in Britain in HITl about $0000 were on foreign HtllJ In the first nine months of 107 lheie were 11300 iboitioir o1 Illcll about 25000 were on ior cizn women The figures ior women how tloppcd of more liberal abortion law other parts ol linrope particu larly Franco ioitiygl IlLtJlLle IIiis beige twopiccir gets the tnpc ticiiliiicni II new tricuior brights oi red green and black impeccably tailoer and lcinitely unclut tered this outiit can take you nnvwhere wilh fltsll and care lite rpilil lackct lectures roll back FItfgt ICivllllli gold ERMA BOMBECK Teenage columnist writes opposition IIII ItlIllllK ti Iiil of mail lillll ccn gtrs Sonic of Iitl liiitzl lliir iiil in iciil tlltitis LiiMHI til iii drin fnz age lo Yozi in o1ir inden fool illl lliIIlCi young ItiIlt found wag to sinu iiic up for at Icut ou cr lie tliiliiIHI me in Mark College in York The ttilllgitltl has been bugging liil inc Ixii ion months for my high school fifiii ill ciipt Iit oiiw iii icoil iil iii hall 1o Itlil ic inc hi who iit lIitH mm columns tilt can light lintI One oI them lnri lalhcii who write toIiuiiii loi izii Iowa State lnilj papci ill iiic Iowa In it ictciil column lic wrote ljiiiia Itiiiiilicck is to the IiiiilsCdIIQ whzi iicodoiairt Illt aiiiipil liui there has al nii Iiicu unendincc on IIItil that he irtriuinilj laira stiikw IlrsltItlIi ciiord children in general lllI iccnnqcrs in particular Marc goes on to rewul who or years pnicns hut tried to tippregtilie fact that children raise their parents It dliiicull lo llistj oiu parents and make whole happy I5 PRESEASON AT ALL OUR INDOOR SHOWROOMS OVER I976 PRICES INGROUNDS ABOVE GROUNDS FULL SIZED POOLS ON DISPLAY AT ALL INDOOR SHOWROOMS NOW OPEN SATURDAY 10 AM The Pioneer Group WEEKDAYS REGULAR HOURS RM All Canadian ON ALL EXISTING 75 STOCK Igimm of anchor buttons and loosely mhIIttI wold Skiii is narrow ialliiig with live licot and nar row offcentre pleats Match ing headscarf designed to wrap and lie is you will Both suit alid scarf in too per cent col ton IJv Albert Nipnn IOl trod kiit Brothers functioning Iiiiiiilitrs of society out oi them It can be the most illlsllilllllg thin child docs But many kids lime 1liitlttl can allto be one of im lIIUi illIIiIIiiiL Now IltIifHlI that piciits gtIIltIIII be told the truth about sct Ihere are all ninan things they either dont understand or elc tr to hide liiilli Ulioul Iiillid Mllllt iiin happened between the IIIIII tril were iiinrried and the Ill your son entered your Iilc lIizi unitthing is called Ilisiilmll hands 1x iiIIiltI hsotitiitil natural part oi life know flu is lot for you to learn in one gtiiting lhn ins iolt oicr in your mind iter il IIIti all how else could you II1C Innl son and daughter lij outing from lhe suiiic IlllIx us your billion tTiiion Iaic light lair Iiencver young people want to ill one they 10 for the paren tchillc heel their reti to discuw sot inl tllltt the book Parents are changing We really are Were more open now hai we hate tl been by on my dorm pplicaiioii ior Nflack Collcgc beside the word sex filled in FOR INDOOR SIIOW ROOMS lHitltlll Baymart Plaza MKVILLIC 1020 Service Rd HAMILTON Barton at Narll ltd ItlltllllflNElt 907 Frederick SI ill bl UAIIIAltINES QIEW oil ticueta LONDON lreiisuic lsluiiil Mall llilillitlftill Iillliil iil illiltlll 7057264606 IIIZAI OFFICE 8447490 Mil4838 51957850I9 6851358 Mil6814952 75508239 Victoria lispe viullj with the kid who wrote ANN LANDERS By ANN LANDE Dear Ann LalNIUS My bus band is in the line of work that requires him to call on biase wives during tln do hope you will print this letter so the Woman on the Make will realize she didnt invent anything llcr tricks are as old as the hills For example Answering the door in flimsy intiscxiat clutching he top because but ton is missino Itlldt slic loans over to sign somethine one hand releases the top and ev erything God gave her falls out Another one Asking the salesman to iltit her in get ting box down irom top shelf The woman stands on chair or stepladder reaches tip and she just happens to be wearing rather short house dress On clear day he can see Pasadena Trick Ihree sexy piece of lingerie is drapti over the chair If the man mentions it Mrs Housewife offers to model it Ihnnk mu for printingI this letter Ann hope it helps to wise tip some of those hocil housewives who art looking for excitementWife Of An Insur ance Salesman Dear Wife Never mind about IIIISMT Your letter was rete lation to Midi lhanks for the short course Dear Ann Lanotrs lot of people would appreciate the an swer to this oil llow do 5011 invite another touple to dinner at nice restaurant at their own expense We enjov certain couples but cant afford to take them out It seems that when vou asl people to join you for dinner these do they 1igtlil they are your mitosis We dont like the expreltion Dutch lreal Any other surges tionsTSlightly Broke Dear If you enjoy cer tain couples but cant afford to take them out entertain lhcm in your home You dont hate to srrir caviar and quad under zlzislt Its the coiiipziuy that Counts PS If youre Shelith Broke how can oti afford to take YOURSELVES ottt IIII her Dear Ann Landers girl who just celebrated Lilli birthday Iii ioini iecI like no The lt on Sonic old thing My pilil1 llcasc print sale Choose from wt OPEN 14 none openly Canadas leading brands from major mills Some priced less than youd expect to pay whole fibres colours and patterns deep plushes twists scrolls snags velvets hiIo cut loops commercial and many more 220 BAYVIEW DR Womens behavior questioned by wife my letter because several kids go to school with have the same throws someihin problem We heard it said that arguing and expressing your feelings is health because it releases tensions and makes the relationship more honest Well it may be good for the people who are doing it bttt it sure makes nerrotr wrecks out of kids who IIHVJ to listen to screaming and namecalling fistlighting and throwing of fur niture and dishes My paretils fights follow definite pattern ne gtILilIS picking on the utilIJI over some ridiculous thing llie argument heats tip and Dad lcins to run down my mothers inmily lhen Mom starts to fie real mad and Pollys Pointers DEAR POLLYand Naomi often go several dozen flour sucks from mill at one time and use the following to remove the colored printing on them Iol onehall cup sal soda one rrili cttp kerosene one cup pow dered detergent and gallon of water on to boil and then add shell throw something had iic sacks and boil until all color ILtkof disappeais Wash in washer her slap iltr iii iilh detergent and bleach This She cries anti he leaves the has Worked fm me 01 many house and sltcps at ins beamMRS JLJI mothers DEAR POLLYMy pet peeve is with those people who leave their lawn sprinklers unat tended The water sprays over the sidewalk and one has to walk in the street to avoid get ting wol This is both dangerous and inconvenient Pollys note Waxes nrecious water too IIIS III Why dont patcuts realize that kids cant resnert people who dont respect enth other Thank you for letting me act this off my cliestToo ianv Times Dear Friend All married people are boiiil have differ ences But what you It1ic is immature outofcontrol behav ior Your parents need fignil LliiSCIIlllEI and hope they get it soon In the meantime Im glad you wrote Bottling popas and mamas should know how they look in the eyes or their children ALL INCLUDED The American Museum of Ntttirtl History New York iiy represents all bandies of the natural sciences in One Man Show lortnto Artist Kenneth Cameron MRAIC Preview Continuing 1975 Painting Trip In Ontario And The Canadian Rockies Saturday Feb I4th to 830 pm Sunday Feb 15th to 500 pm weeks to Friday March 5th Artist in attendance 14th 15th and let IllIClLCI iI tiiycis please note in VJtli calendar if you are not on our Mailing List WINTER ONE MAN SHOW CALENDAR 1976 Jan 315i Feb 13th Feb 14th Mar 51h Iai 61h Mar 19ih Mar 20th Apr 2an GORDON PETERS RCA ICEN CAMERON MRAIC PAULINE IxlilillA DOUGLAS ELLIOTT GALLERY HOURS All Previous open on Saturday pin to 830 pm and next day open on Sunday pm to 500 pm Note Closed on Sundays when no Opening Preview de selection of Weston IVACarboroughBriéim SudburyStLCathaones lSauit ARRIE MONDAYFRIDAY to TIL SATURDAY to Free SHOP AT HOME Service available even with these savings Financing can be arranged Free estimates With no obligations Ai Mr Broadloom Warehousesquality and service are guaranteed Kingston Barrie Ottawa North Bay te Marie éMISSissauga Windsore Winnipeq