IzTHE BARR 74 let By THOSIESON MD Dear Dr lhosteson have been considering cataract surg ery but have been told there is plenty of time and no need to hurry So Ive been taking my time considering the various methods of removal and which would be best understand most of them but cant find out much about new one in which no surgery is needed and the cataract is drawn out by stic tion or something like that Do you know anything about this JEI In the procedure you refer to the clouded material of the lens lthe cataractl is liquefied 0nd drawn off As understand it liltrasonic vibration is used You may learn that your eye doctor does not have this prece lure in his surgical reper toire It is reatiely new and apparently does not lend itself to use on all cataract patients Its main advantage is briefer recovery period Let your doc tor decide he appropriate method of remoial in your case You are correct about the lime element Cataract is one ol the few medical problems that allows patient fllII physician the usual luxury of time Dr Dr lllostCson am at war and have been moderately troubled by at lergies most of my life seem to have allergic reactions to wheat egg whites milk products and chocolate notice in my heart these foods definite reaction rate title ezitiii Exercise doesnt seem to bother me but the abovementioned toods ill cause my heartbeat rate to ill creasc from about 70 to about 90 per minute in the restin state Also notice skipped beats and some rapid beats dur in these periods Is there wellestablished inel ical experience with foods and nllei1it tlgraratin ll lll in problems as erratic heart brnls Ilj0 There is harldv part of the body that cannot react allergi TELEVISION EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 13 1978 GOOD HEALT octor decide on coloroct removal rally particularly to food aller gens According to Claude Fra zier in his book Coping with Food Allergy some specialists in the field believe that cardiac allergic reactions are quite common He adds that they are usu ally so mild as to be scarcely noticeable Also there have been docu mented cases of rapid heart beats as you describe attrib uted to such allergic reaction In other cases angina pectoris seems to bare been controlled by elimination of food allergy SOIIICCS Dear Dr lhostcsoii have been told have colitis am 19 Im all right so long as am near lavatory If eat only sandwich can get the runs But the queerest part of this is that when go on vacation the situation reverses itself and get constipated like for five days Then Im all right How do you figure this out havent pushed the panic button yet PL doubt theres any need lo push it This sounds like an irritable colon and it can be related to your nonvacation time actiï¬ ties and pressures of work On vacation you relax and so does your colon In many ways the term co litis is an unfortunate one The itis portion of the term im plies an inflammation which of ten indicates an infection Yet this is not always the cause Co lon disturbance can exist with out any infection Oil the other hand socallcd functional co lon problems can be either the result of an infection or be part of generally ncrrous condi lion So to be on the sale side you should have thorough colon examination to identify the ex act nature ot your colitis EXAMlXtilt ANI ADS PHONE 2l414 PROGRAMS lItY BLFIALO Dliltlli BLFIAIU TORONTO BUFFALO GTIIE BARBIE EXAMINER If PETERBOROUUH BAR TORONTO ll llMllTO SATURDAY OCTOBER II 975 IE CHILE ZtlGLOBAL MORNING VIEWING MONDAY FRIDAY L00 730 7Cclebritv 7UlllVCf511Y at the Air lRockeishio Sweenslalteo llHilarious House at I00 IPhl Donahue Friahtenslein 35lll2Ont Schools 30 025 4485 New 2WM Mm 7Wuidow On III has 3542iw4 Drawn World 3512Frlendlv 6m 1M 355 230 For Women 7Dialino For Duildr Jiblégangfme area no °arloon Pl 7rLlt 09 than 55 av ouso 2Dir1i An cookmq ItlllDIOVlllcfll tiic 315423333 Am IlGallonino Gourmet vTake Kc lorrmu IU17IV 30 too 35l20nl Schools 112 511 2Tod3v 930 2Hollvwooo bounreo 3Dayocat 4Love American 4Youno and The lLaitain Kaeoaroo Style Restless 9Canada AM qROIDLCV Room IHauov Day VMernino Show 1000 0lt3 Your Move llSoecial Place 49Prcc is Right llll saw The IIlhl IZ IVG 400 lIGeoroe Hamilton 10235 InHews 300 Jhewr JNovie 2Nlovuiq On Ilurlvifï¬ 1b Way The Javhawlcrs 357l2Hanpv Dan as 524 Hours then Dctinilen icrcv J7 vi mo no line 21 hdJili l1 35lzcllll3 too 49wtews ll Law lr tiitl Camera 30 Rogers Reno News 7W07ld Beat It lile Back 2Johnnv Carson lolllch Grittin llParlv Game nri Allan Cameron 5N6W5 lfooRocktcrd Files JOI 44 501w 22Oct Couole 100 ZTRmswad z80winq For Dollars 2Denn Marlin 4CBS New 3517Flllh Eslde 50 SNSn About The LMASH llMovic stc INHL Hockev The Lamp illllii llSBdclls Room he not 93 109911 4bit Um Ill lime 1200 130 ll Surelia 9Nir°vi¢ II Screen Tee he hi rain 222 lo00 WW 4Strilvru Snares YJOE IOrï¬blcf iBonanta Mira 35410th Hospital er Grim 5Lelebidllon ISHIICII 7Movio 0Bionic Wc=llull llGrcai Debate Summer Place 742m Is Right 22Now l00 il Oriaiiuo and MMmcot Wells 71omumw Dawn MD AMvalcrv ol the Week WICUNIZSII AFTERNOON moo lAs The World Turns lzLCII Go 22Canadlan Lavalcadc SMarv Hartman 2High Rollers hvne Ml uxm Loo or fiiLGraN vJovcc Davidson ltMUVIE Operation Petticoat SBob Mclï¬nti 200 IlMoira Hum 7Ure Bobby 22Horogcope lolluno ATatlletoles IlMiddav 5All In The Family slzForcst Ranger 1210 7tiocoo Pyramid 9Lucv Show 17Farm New 9Cclebrity Dominoes llitarcus Nelbv MD 1230 New Cdlluiim 72Litlle Rascals 0y Alwce 34ml PM 230 430 9523ch for Tomorrow 422Cmdiizg Liriru Zl4ylllltblli lsland 7Nl My Child¢ll illDoctors 3512Comina Up 17Palv Game 35I2Edqe Ol NllIhl Rosie lFlinslncs fwtialr The Good AAdaml 27N2ws Word 7Mlke Dougla l255 hllorï¬ 9Brodv Bunch IIlu Black World 500 5ca New 6t00 22Hooanl Herons Leo 77Rinilead 3Trulh 2Magiatllit IllAnother World Consequences aDavbca midiTake 5w 4Rcbcrl Youno 4Conccriliation lAll In The Family Familv Doctor vi ioucii IllGeneral Hospital bNlc and Pic lRvans Hone QIronside lDick Van Dvlo 330 ll rll 11noobie Exposure 3512Ceicbritv booksi l2Fomilv Atlair tzvManus Wclbv MD 4Match Game 530 130 7Commander Iolll 22Thal Girl nln Prlvalo Lite llYouna and IN 3Newo 2110 01 Our LIVCI Restless sIZPanrldac loiiillv IEDNIzhlmI lZVENINK mo l2Edltoriol Page 1030 it 11ch45 Thoma Kiiirihl 95 534 3Movn 000 00 School tor Secrets 2thtlo House on lho 22lesmd $4 Hours Prairie 234519ll12Now on Tonv Orlondo 30 In 29Mik Anseornbes 22Aoain ll IBlonlc Warrian SnorlL Prone lM zJohnnv Carson 7Ii New llvpatv Game IleLives of Jon iMerv Grlmn l7tbwronce Welt rv Delanl 7Mwia nor mo Mr Lucky ooo Loouln nGslno Places norlino For gzolzMusmamero 2Movle inlivr vv nrzed White and Wow MVm it and Coinme 2Daclors Hospital mo rulerson lMovie fell lite liuth One Two Three lillme on the Grand Hotel Pairle 31 9M°vi usicamera 7ngti Roller 95wiich blrikcu spares to Minus rNar 5mm GM was at His XXl nowUpstairs Down hm itlliid stairs IIiIlriziof Make Deal staslw nod Hutch 4Movia sNovlo lIGrom Debate and v4 on Jeremiah Johnson 22lowt gm By Oswald and James Jacoby NORIH A94 VA 107 OKJIO754 4K EAST AJ853 leiH WESI OKIOGZ VJFiZ 02 0A9 ¢J10974 485 SOUTH AAQ7 VKII OQ863 ultAQtlz Bothvulnerable West North East Pass Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Norths threeeluh call was the Jacoby transfer and South dutifully bid three diamonds When North ontiinied to three notrump South knew that his partner was interested iii slam Without slam interest North would simply have bid tree nolrump directly WIN AT BRIDGE Tl Souths four clubs and Norths laur hearts were cue hdlt 0th was tempted to bid notrump but was itise ill to settle for six diamonds There was very little play South won the it in dummy knocked out Lee of diamonds and claimedsince he rould discard one of dummys spades on high club Six notrump would fall one trick short South could only come to 11 tricks with the spade finesse off Also if North had flayed six diamonds spade lead would have cooked his goose since clubs divided 52 and the spade finesse was off Vermont reader asks if onebid hands should be con ceded and not played The answer is that some robber bridge players in order to save time concede un doubted onelevel contracts but this is their own procedure It has nothing to do with the laws of bridge which prowde that all contracts must be played YOUR HOROSCOPE By Bernice Brde Osol Wednesdal Jan II Aries IMEIICII 11rril llli Try again today to get in touch with people who have been on your mind lately but with whom llll havent been able to make coil nectinns Taurus pltl 20May 20 tie alert Iol ways to all to 0lll finance today bright well able idea youre merlookcd may occur to run Gemini Uta Yiliiiie 20 int liould be good seiluiwlcr Io tlay Dont lclriy by waiting tor the slowfiokcs to wake up Cancer June 21July it you time any work of mental nature to lo fotlrix select quiet secluded area it operate in lnteiriiziioii iill dorm ol train of thought Leo lluly ï¬llAug Be good IIltl lulu hoiiieriiic will lure alilrilic IllilllvIl l0 lllllti Youll 411 It art the whole drill OI it Virgo Aug flitStrut 22 dont be tearful puking your iilt= illf teltl toW illl iiii know ho good tliiy are iiillcs you tl ineii on iliii OUR BOARDING HOUSE FOUND QQWï¬L IVE BEEN TEACRIN PAM names VLEN7Y AL means MAW hiECONjN FARM MFEDTL 745 COWS lNTA THE BARN FEW HOLps 85F RE Libra 50111 31 Oct LIH Your curiosity In an asset today Read good book or bring iiielt up to late on current topics You have excellent re itiiiliili Ntotpio lflcl flINor 32 Fe ham your most eziinlul area to day will he in situations where ill liaic aii interestmost petinfly where profit motile is illllI Sagittarius 4o 2Iillcc 131 If you Itvflk clrMly rt situations liiilil oull fian ezici has set crl II41IItilIC Weigh them ciliclully Xipricorn lorliiy Hiil iiillr liet iiiJan ltl pcrliiim well Ill provided il parties are willin to carry their Illl tiring oliers into the iilcliic Aquarius nlaii Elilint llll nleziurihlc cliiuniiiy llll ll tieir You llliulll hair lit Youll be In Ill il lill ll Il Iii iii iiilll qur III coliimm Ilvtt ilkin JllIlurcli itlll tiircliiliii your iitimc tony You may Cll sur olit lll liii tour ability iiilr titisllllili ll ilil with Moior Hoopla IN DAILY CROSSWORD Scrambler ACROSS 39 School chores Gentlewoman 40 Bleai Italian man 41 Supple title 42 Concmrence Anoienl 45 Strong Egyptian vegetables Athena 49 Moe 13 Pedal digit 50 John lGaem 14 Agalloch 52 Tumult 15 Fly aloft 53 Fish sauce 16 Hostelrv 5A Gold Sol 17 Hawaiian 55 Girls name goose 56 Otherwise 13 Ohm 57 Biblical 20 Boys homo character 22 Onagor 58 Appear 23 Drwing common 24 Maxom 9° 27 Vagary Endure 31 Stride Medicinal 32 Shows assent plant 33 Wild at Aegir College nlï¬cinl tmylh Extent of 34 Friend lFr length 35 Foot parl Mixes 36 Nevada City 37 Edits Turncoai Ages and ages Answer to Previous Puzzle One who wt 29 till im preserves 30 Seths son Molding lBibi 10 Cookinq Observation when MT 15 Stutiiim il Weight 36 Withdraws deduction 38 Fine 19 Compass point 39 Unit of weigh 21 Ribbed tabrico 41 Giver 24 Threebanded 42 wingliko parts armadillo 43 Vend 25 Knights onto View 26 Sour in French sheer 27 Mountain 47 Alaskan GIN passes 48 Flower pert 28 Angers 51 boat Wllï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ WWW AW 37 KERRY DRAKE ANDY CAPP SHORT RIBS WIZARD OF ID BUGS BUNNY BORN LOSER FRANK ERNEST WINTHROP PRISCILLAS POP BC WERE IN rnvarz HIYA 5055 kHATS LU LDC Y0 01 Illn on gum ioosEMAistAL Wi AéAlN YOUR BOX AFTER 6HE6FE DED PlCKEl MISSMLLIE PAND PUTllEléOlJTWE Latino ROOM ea l2 SENT BOTTLE AND WE lLADAGORTA 1i CELEBRATION KERRY 6HE sans it mannerMD cllet DIZZY IIAAMMmInAmiiL MlGHl MALS 511 Lï¬Ã©ï¬g ALL FOR HAVINO FROM PET WERE ALI Gom To AVE LITTLE DRINK THE TABLE nl ruv nevi mo Iiii JusT TRIED T0 95A91NATE THE KiNG Toms Jll$T HALF naE CENE FOR SELLIN ELleR in MY TOWN WlTHOUT mi Ogrcsglzs is Lucky DAV LMFLAM CERTAIMLY was Larisa n5 THE 0F CoNGRESS Cosr ismr IIIILING 5729 To ECoNOMILE we TlltllGHT YA MieHr LIKE rl GET MA TH POOL we GOT UP ON WHEN rALL or wet35 THIS ONE lTS lN YOUR HAND NRITING AND JUST SAYS MR SCINOOGLE new 53 FILLED IT UP WITH SNOWBALLS IN CASE GOT AMBUSIIED NC I4 fig2x L7 Axle be ileKe r15 NOT really But lHE UEADIANB Ala KBEZPING PRETTY Ctï¬isaez TABS CAI elf gt PRolIIBITIVE 3v