cCcigue will speak for dairymen at Ottawa ALLISTON Essa township aiiner James lllrtfagtie 57 will have his work cut out for hin this lniirsduy in Ottawa Now in nis second year as president of lic 17000 meni bcr Dairy Farmers of Canada lic hopes to convince the Can adian Milk Supply Management Committee not to support two policy changes advocated by Ag riculture Canada One proposed choice would re duce the subsidy that farmers receive for industrial milk re sulting iii rise in the market price of butter and cheese Mr McCague says And the other change would al low doublingin the amount of cheese imported into Canada Mr McCaguc argues that an increased import quota is unfair County to Canadian tltiHllLl lizuveusc farmers in the iiopciin Cion oinic Cominiini ilililtl rc heavily subsidized by common market gthtllltllJIii and can scll cheese for less We would be competing with the tirnsuiics of foreign collu tries We cant compete with that hc said in recent intcr view James llctiiuc has conic long way since recciviug loo acres of farmland under the Vet eians Land titci World War Two Lllili Al the lot ll Agricultural College he bought another 201 urts in thin lllti today he has 237 llolstciuFries ian cattle One of his four in lltln helps him and his wife laiict run the farm faces unless budget DRILLIA Staffl Simcoe County tax levy to township tax payers could be increased to per cent unless there are cutbacks to offset hikes in other depart ments it was pointed out by itcevc Bill Gowanlock of Orillia towiihip llic lllLlEUsCs in budget re qucts indicated 10 per cent rise it was pointed out How ever these are subject to review by the finance and general govv ernmcnt committee and there could be some cutbacks recom uled The county council was whole will be making the ultimate de tisiozi clfrrc and social serv ill il the road bud As president of Dairy Farm crs of Canada he says his job is to improve in income of dairy farmers across the coun try In tho inidorp ccnomomy this means dealing with federal and provincial governments as much as with the marketplace The provincial government set the price on fluid milk the milk you buy at me corner store The farmer gels Eliot ncr linn drcdwcigh and Mr McCague says that price is fine at the moment INSIDEIIAL CONTROL The trouble starts with feder al government control over the price of industrial milk used for making clieeSc butter and skim milk powder and the setting of import quotas Ottawa last year proiidcd subsidy of $2126 per hundred weight of industrial mik Added to the market priic ol $3311 tht gave the farmer $1096 per hun dretlweight Now the government wants to cut the subsidy by 32 cents per hundred pounds The reason About 12 per cent too much industrial milk was produch ii Canada lt year The government wants to reduce ploductioi In Mr hIchgnes casr he has quota of 44M pounds of fluid milk daily and 1100 pounds of industrial milk So about 20 per cent of his milk goes to such companies as Kraft Foods for cheese and to local dairies for making butter evy increase requests cut If the subsidy is reduced the consumer will have to pay more as the market price increases Mr McCaguc said And there will probably be dron in consump tion if the price goes tip lllGIlElt PRICE We are suggesting that in time constraint the govern ment shouldnt raise the cost totlic consumer Mr McCague san Willi rcdir subilv ile government hopes to cut $53 mil lion from the $275 million sub sidy budget Mr lltcague recognizes the saving by the government but he also points to the fact that farm ers were lured into the dairy business by the subsuly program Agriculture Carada and Mr McCugue are miles apart on the issue of cheese import quotas The government proposes dou liormcr warden Edgar Currie said he felt the county council he said stating that he nus tr should strive to hold last years cement with the plight ol li lax levy it it could be done payers who had to lawn tw lilll uithout affecting essential serv dens of higher tax spelidui ices lhe Noltawusuga township have to take realistic up rreic said it would present prob procch he said commcnllrg on ltllls but felt this rillultl be the the change in cconoiiilc tlti aim The Orillia township rccvc greed that some of the county budget requests may be cut bagk but others would be lit ir crcase in assessment duc to new development might ottsct sonic of the anticipated to per cent spending increase insofar as the levy is concerned Sunimer dust control and mor time sanding could be allcctcd itccve Bill lowaiiluck of In nislii is chairman of the finance alll general administration com mittee which is reviewing bud gct requests for the puipose of making recommenda tions to county council Tilt county council has been alled to meet on lhui sdiiy Feb 19 when huduct requests may be discusscl Ilic ullimati lL ics are not exptctcrl to be finalit ed until later CITES EXAMILI Dealing with present lrtISllCiin the rcevc said iachoycr who paid $300 property taxes lat year could be facing bill of $370 For ratepnyer assessed for $600 last year the tax levy could be $740 It was conceded that it as difficult to make proper as sessment at this time until fig tires were finalized but the out look indicatcd some sharp tax rises unless llltlf is uciicral on increased and other tr lic asked lll rr It llit levy is ex iil ill itci 111 lillIJll cs re itecve lul Gaul zan BARBIE EXAMINZRTUESDAY FEBRUARY 1m to uri ers Ths too and there before final UNIRUI he the Oriilia town 1il is cndcavoring to tie share of the tax rate it dawn to ill 1973 lecl timiiships poinioii worked on to 29 per cent of the total Twoday Innisfil Winieruma ALCONA BEAFII lniiistil Chamber of Commerce mem bers are busy preparing for the annual lntcrama at lnnisfil Beach Park on Saturday and Sunday Feb 21 and 22 The attractions include brooiiiball ice sculpture and snow mobile sleigh pony and helicopter rides Tllc lintcraiiia Queen coiitcst precedes the inter festival with selection taking place Saturday Feb II at pm in South lci lt tar aiiiuiiitinJ to total of 3316796 of the Innistil community cvntrr in Lclror iige ELs allocated to the From Feb to 731 the Kids Iront Derby will take plaice minilips share of the god of with weighiii at lltlllzl Shell lilrcc mystery weights will hr toctls drawn at the park on Saturday The same day juvenile snowmobile races are scheduled Unr niaiii cost is roads and that ulurc were going to have lo com up with Onlc sayings said he rccve feel our roads are currently as good any other municipality bu like oth ers we are going to have to cut back on our spending COUNTY GLIMPSES Discuss highway widening from noon to pm In the evening the intcramn lnrcn Ball starts at pm in the Stroudlmiisiil Recreation Centre At the same time the Wintrrama chn Qurcii will be selected Sunday events include zidult tluulntlhllt races from am to noon thi luke Siniioc Iront Delhi and the cold cash draw llot lood and beer will be what son will be good sponlicr at meeting of the Iltlfll0$0 scrtativc Association on Tues day at pm ill the tiiidrittm Restaurant SEED SHOW EllItIVALFJ lic ll ii ii spring seed and ilti lll be discussed here tcdiiardey at meeting of the director of the North Simco Soil and firm Association ltiri Coulis of ill Midliurst is president RAIUHUHSI Plans to add two lanes to lligiwav 400 be tween Barrie and Goldwater will be described today and Wednes day at two information centres The ministry of transportation will conduct one centre at Craig hurst community centre tonight ilucsdajn from to pm and at the Moonstone community centre Wednesday from 330 to 530 pm and firm to pm The ministry is seeking the publics comments on proposed lniiistil coiiiinuziity centre HOCKEY DANCE dance May liinisfil IItClLailOll Centre vi ll Exports of pork exceed imports placc here Sunday in the Stroud SllttlllD The minor hockey womens niixiliisj plans to hold in the Stroud cooperatiou to hold as close to the line as possible on prac tical basis Besides Reeve Gibbiiis mem bers of the county finance com mittee include Reeve Alan John ston of Vespra Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny Deputy Reeve Alan Glasstord of Iecuinseth Reeve Lionel Dion of lenetan guishene Reeve Art Turner of Bradford and Reeve Earl Bran don of Goldwater along with the warden Reeve Orville llughes of West Gwilliinbury JAMES McCAGLE who owns 300 acre dairy farm in li township near Allistou is president of the Dairy Far smile lUSE THE GOVERNMENTS OWN RULES 12 bling the quota on lorcien cheese to 100 million pounds this year But the dairy tarincrs arc scck ig reduction to 11 million pounds Mr lvlcCaguc calls cheese im ports fiom 1hr lltiropcan ISLum omic Community unfair compe tition because lirropcs farm ers gct large subsidies to keep the market price low FORMER IMPORTER The influence of the EEC is evident when you realize that Great Britain iil to import 30 million pounds of cheese from Canada annually Now the Euro pean market is closed to Ca ada We must be protected from cheap imports if the agricul tural industry is to survive Mr hIcCaguc said There is not anything no produce that cant be produced cheaper at some mClS of Canada In Ottawa lat will try to govern ment not to reduce the sub ucek he icdcrai er tis omllicr the time of the year some place else in the world The anticipated world food shortage makes this protection all the more necessary he sail Ml MtCIlflIP hm one snowm tion for dealing with the indus trial milk Sillpllé Since Canada now has one years supply of skim milk powicr in lOSClVI ll suggests their bi an increase in Canadas food aid to undci= developed countries But we have to liiid out whos going to pay for it he said Wt can produce it it sonic bodys going to pay Farmcrs wont work for nothing LOW ItEIU 1N llc estimated that dairy farm crs today are reaping only about three per cent lll ill til Ill capital investment Simroc coun ty has about till products of milk and cream sidy on fluid milk and no to iii pmtcd chccsc allowti in ula llr MCCUQUC is one of increase the amount of llluidmilk tiillrilllllflibn in Canada also dropch in 1075 down one or fwi per cent from 1974 Mr Me View blamed the novcrniiicuts smitten price in crease of il rcit pcr quart for that liic lll iiillk de inand Nongradual lumps poor forecasting of demand and in icurtc stall2 characterize the itivcriiniriils l2UilllCIll in agriculture hc said To help boost llllid lllllk stiles llic Ontario Milk Marketing Board plans to spend hill mil ill on itllWllltldll this yzzil Milk lltznulful liootl That comes to tflli for every person ill the ploiiicc Bciurc tinrcllir to illtawa on will at Alberta ln Ed lliursdul lr liii lend liicctiu 1hr Dairyuicns ihwulhilflll monton not null and cream Woducerl lll Simcoc County Examiner iiioto TO SAVE BUNDLE ON IE TAX moricy deposited to the Plan cams good interest You can find out about the Canada Trust Home Ownership Savings Plan through handy booklet available at our income tax iiitnioyements including ad Kl Tim lililfiiTUl Ont CPl dtmndl nesr mamass 33 COLLINtlllOm ltllil110l Cumumm polk exvmrts were Jim in fuuypcomm K0 TllliN ill ill higher than import last year dc Vidal highI hit record as lridy lll qu 13 Hulli5 Mioc mnniglqm or AND CHALETS itun Away With Mr lliby lll jzi Illlliilt lok Producers perform at Lolllngwood Lollcgl iuqlwnm Boatd said Sam llOONSTONE Two propos cd amendments t5 the official plan of letioic township will be presented at public meeting late on Saturday 2d pm as Inn prt of tlic iiiiiurd luitcrtc Durin the day fiillltllllll Artc Johnson will talc part ill the on tcdncsdoy at 130 pm in rt Can lionstone communit hail One llllc Cm anwmmem wnuyl aux Wan Mm W4 39 mlumn pounds boy for example you re inumed With two dependent IIll2 DOLLS lllllll including in million children and make around $15000 you could save as pit south of Mount St Louis at mid MiDilllltSl The making of He loll more than 200 llallll crs attending the Southwestern Ontario lork Producers confer pou ltiS from the US lotk Xv for tlic future much as $1000 ll 75 income tax And if both hus lot Con The other allow chalet iFvelODmelli near apple dolls will lu ltriluitd at polls totalled ll millO billltiillltilllltilltlllttllnC comers botiicm set up Moonstone SH 50 lot 12 Con the next nicotine of tho llid lUlllltlhll increase of three dMm burst froth Urn in il lrud ptl ltlli iiOlll I974 NNUAL nutTwo at 730 pm ill immi llill lill Hrkvlllt marl 51lmbltWCCdHProbablylwlp you bid GUIllltlE The Guthrie com school rules In Mir lyric 98 pm 90m aPloiioiid get your deduction against75 income FREE SKATING IUMV llil 14 ll hifl tax witliaCanadu TrustRctirementSavings Loan munity hall board will hold its we average log lllft SlROUDIhere is no charge In most cases it can be arranged right on the spot and annual meetinrz Wednesday at Guthrie all l0lg 583my3293 ltifï¬flfilth witnomdupe Allth MINISTER RecrcammComm HIMK 5mm hich ivcn if you re dllcdtlyllldpellblOll plan at work it MIDLAND Oiitarid Minis hmm are Mm Illownrl he Iil hill 511W iiiukcs scnsc to take advantage of tliistax saving since 0l Will Bcue hlclhen on Saturday and Hill no to IISu acompanypciisionmoonlitbcciioughtogtmrdntcc mp In youacomfortablc retiiciiiciit on its own pm on Sunday Admission costs 50 cents MIXED BUNSIIIII SllttUl ru invitational mixed bonspicl will lltf lltli liri day and Saturday in tho Stroud Innislil ltccrcatioii Iciilrc MENS LEAGUE IllOltNlUN Mcn intercul ed in joinin lliaiiitiiii iirlnr league should act in touch with Paul Brett it LitibJIiI or fitllll rotm ol ilUlll on itidiuwuiwii is Medante ponders recreation plan MOUNSTUNE tSeffl lio posed for the establisiimelnt of townhipwdde recreation commit tee to replace community com mittees is expected to be among topics discussed at meeting of hledonte coniicll on Tuesday cast of Uhuthain ARTKLES FOR SALE on Turner at 5892 Ilijliclgroposed plan which mem mm ameles hers were asked to consider LULHRE AT1S Bod cliceterlicld black and would enable the township Ito white houndtooth Hereulon angst 3333313 3533ng homes 1iir 3Iff3° We 52 llecvc Ingram Amos said the 75 CC iiilglltileskm nevi0x $glxluCofaflde proposal had merits but mumll VALINI2 llll tnble octagon teak $25 Iele phone For QUICK ACTION TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Telephone 7282414 llltlftNltJN Tm lnrnl min or hockey association will ilOii Valentine dance in the Thorn ton community centre on Satur dag Feb 14 at pm JUNIOR IANKAltl SIROUD Competition for as anxious to get general reac tion from community represen tatives The Hillsdale members were naid to be in favor of the township plan At the prolent time there are separate committees for Hills talc Warminoter Carley Va ow ls appetites and budgets the festive sca llt miles south About 20 calls the first night have to pay the appropriate income tax youll have to act now to save on 75 income tax aw4va Many people are eligible for this tax savings opportunity so there Silt lLllLl be smilesaplenty Husbands where the family home is in their wich name income earning wives where the family home is in their husbands name And all apartment dwellers and others who dont own home This tax savings opportunity is called Canada Trust Home Ownership Savings Plan and the money you deposit in this Plan is tax free it you eventually use it to buy home or home furnishings to cottage may also quality An individual making around $10000 could realize ocarly tax savings of $300 As well the TAX SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY braiiciics But hurry youll have to act now to save on 75 TAX SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY if youre wech comer you can start smiling because Col liitlvl lrusl Retirement Savings Plan can probably save you bundle on lllCOl no tax while you sock away money With Canada Trust Retirement Savings Plan theres no sales commission to pay and your money isnt locked in forever in fact should you decide to forget the whole thing you can get your money out But if you do youll We also have handy booklet explaining all about the Canada Trust Retirement Savings Plan Call or drop in and get the details But as with tax savings opportunity