Ill bille thymeme Mmhm ll lth Herder HIMMIMI mMnchlldmAlHl nrlou mam it eludwte nose lihi on mm mm to see who an In the emu tor till oarM lull Villll was $125000 over five years WM hem ermelmennldlurl mulllee element lemleimulltthetlly cumin sumo ever tile eta Com sald the misty II aperellnl with lame decit end this yrzt rwoiirirwllun ol wwwmnldthYols Eu Reel my here have Male wtll here to borrow mon Murmur letter in the tell Madam lor he emukin bend on lelr ii is the but Al rllhl mad Doc hunt lavn hockey and yew lldv dlmverrd Moll Mbell with him City council grants YM YWCA llm el It mil nylnl it ieken luster el as WKWW lb uld the hit ly Board at motion mil as built an lumen in revenue to the oily Wt Wit Mlilstry el Mom in Inhm trey tick ll no my Job She elm her owed him has however only holler or Mr CITY NEWS Tl MINE EXAMLVII new JUN IL MS County trustees to meet MPPs over 4th high school Trans of the Sim Coun to in Mme Loeo Nil 91 reveal with heed members at the Dunn em Mu In provlncll Munro to emu Home Wmnl oi ulna ee mi at mount ol pneu hey may in ml min situ In um um mm mm town not leleuild lwh mm my man mm er all mi mi lr mi They harlot WM at school in Berrle iffflhlfrlm ilr remand MW on count Ni ii serum iv PM UNI Weend mil mm ILt tu tullean 0m Strut at to new in them roiair rveri him my mm mm Mueleqnnd Wm lle our to years he Merl City clerk eu sum ate Helper sell he Kerrie hwglwmm rill Falr twinning in known in rind my lieludlngpevlngthe mumi itarc Hurripal mm 1i mus are Dmtllli he Klimt lllll lehrnry nnmee molten burl WM prot at the end mi veer one netlion Ind Iverlulu lemma hunk remnant and unit work lor the luster depart merit ll Wall Wm WM lian Ml erm would be em to im miliiiiim uhme nations were murate and re miiihed mu mt pro viemime eiii Brown to eel ih lei members to li leki iuqximrod in MW ii iuiil until Nun minim rim is Mk lie Illhlllll the Yet the insect iiivioiiiumumm lullllell Um iiiui ile moved mow hetero Bum medium may hl mule muml wttrmti lt 31 Emu hi NlllktIlJ bulimia lilieu ll DmJ mm menu WNW in mi lien moon to street dluriellllylmri All moduli eonNoe on not winnae hm mil aan moan ml he to rel run to It em min me an wowi in vulmlrmlmow the New Geom Harper we Del Fm losses less vi inn pl mm tin val on immn ilJl iii it it to ring year K935 Ggerettes cited as causes mom In two lires Wednesday OBITUth We ol Moldex president or it si iii Shirley Caldwell dies at 44 nul mil mm iin in rim ltlllr lite vii rm til Mm so who illh tluii it trim in till it llllililJ llilili Ilv lliilull elm it mi lm leiilwu my tlii ii lililnx llil il llir rims are trim Wm hp iii ii Miami rPVHtlil ll llmlA WWW Sunny periods expected today southwesterly winds IS to 25 ii rm veiltllo ltiitttilirl llIilHii wit iv viii Am ii mum ism llAh it llin li wit lll iii llitxli mi vim am tl ilm irimi will an wii militia trim runnmri llrlillo ll iii rim it utmr it ilv vim no lulu rm Wt ln Speln Cenedlen Clubs Around the world when Ntilte re lo Lellrin ltllll tiwviiiv Mr ii ivIi iiii1 on In on eel lxliiill Allen Cook Limilod nl Eer ly twirl Mind Mn plug mm mm mm it he em Iwuded mom lll nilrill will men ml lovemain meme muesli It Andalusia lei the truest Flemenco and Sen Sebullln lor the most elillllul Pelota but tor the Hunt whlokyl Vou nd It just about everywhere It nlce to know the world can get together about eomelhinq think ot the llneet lluhteel smootheet whleky they lnli ol Canadian Club The llmt ellan Cemdlen Ihlehlu II the hit In on elm lee ll lends errwile Aw liw ll Aim Aiilllllll lull elmm minim hellien Ivimiiiit Burr will eml himii lltllLlIltth gt11 tlw Mn Ireland lnitie lllllvhl llly lAlili mi tum um Mu 1mm im Mztia Muir Molxu New VMtIllllt hie mm mi Ml Vllillli Volume New Mind lmiml llllelullifit swim loam am Min min llleliltd innit inneiiJheileml liiivieeil twine lvllltv lHUt Untied lirlm iltilDll mi Uoliiii anemia alumninor mainlinemlunhio Canelm eiun ii llllllle me battled In Welhmllle by Htmn mom lens Linml Board append school sand ireu mesonAI nailm Illl mil dun up mm in the mud ixmuiizd to keep th lrwri lie demeth The Mini he air ml ini mu tn the mu Mil the bum no we at flu until units ior he prob The unlv Coal is the IMlld so in is 1h Ienpllibeue would ui aim KIM to in at prime it ramming in rIil space her usual lLlltllEe Mm at mmiiu elu Due in thy eh lard when ii Mi Readleg seminars planned for teachers alter sehool Vhile June ll use the mam it your at elm hr clement in 5mm iron Bot em into We ll lililtifl lllll he on Illl rumiri In schmii JD 11 it the es June ft and helium in hit The in llve dlys lnimiliirriun to feel we tilehm Inll be Mimi lloe lnnmu on it in wring on retainer uni Hedges dirrcluhe W4 amine and Mt lnsululetorSMlln mi illn duelopmnl ol preterm ll 31 Cainfirm met in ol Lhe mlln mreme lll Volunteers in Schnis Dar volhnl tucth dunru the wee Ellen on loudly Ill bl Wildly semirm on Several iml Wurbtiieu meme ecu held June 23 me in maimed tor he Ilerrinwzv ll Bum Central Collethte llit iiiw rs mm ll llgt4 Jvmliy wormed 11 mm smut new on raw meCnunty Chapter of mi iiiuri met in trediiru Kin Ill ml lot Exceptional Chldrln ieilil ward rxrblir 11ml momma Tucker Fodmtiun The werem Ll Mlnnl lo the prom will centre mm tuners Wm and junior the disabled reader It the oil ml will be Nuclei At menurv end madery llveb nl it ummllll Julie is Monty Spence mum to int LOCAL AND GENEth WMJJED CONTRA rt lidlllm Tlaiiysillullmmf oeri inn Vlr Women is emptied la maroon pm 31ml llw min man he ikullto iii Angel el iiumy or The mu clear lmm the Mrth iniih Cookslewn to the mm llilll el Thornton lnelullep the Lmlslewn petrol veril NIIP HARBEllE irie sime ram Di to new mime min Gloom nmuhmgrirlu ltlllllllvr iv Il limeth Lot new Humer mm hnn will eh WW mil ill iwimiir ltu perm er uncultu lielmelnd lie Wlti lLW untrue the some mbylmll um ralan tii hr puma mm wrriwr iii uiirhamiheii drlmlt my minnow or hallw iinm limit is it rin titlt ruthenium tlii lvlh ll lVI iiirriHllH LJil iipne in iiilien mi in iuii it helm timers lwniiiiun Itewhlx Willtl llltl