Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1951, p. 10

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hm BARR EXAMIXER MONDAY DECEMBER 31 1951 BETHESDA DEC 26L visitors 11 Gordon and Mr and 1111s and Mrs Mla Les Carter 11 OHlllt lt and 315 lvy Cookstu Bradft Roi stoi Mabel Copeland Alan 1111 3115 W111 11111 1111 11 1111 111 11 1111 111 1111s 11 11111111111 and 111 Mrs 111211 111111 Twin 111 l1ltl 11111 11111111 at Mr and lt 11111 Hello Stronti Mr and 3111 ln hott ll1 i1 111111 and 1111 11111 at Mr and 111 1111111 lr 111d I1r $1111 and 11111111 11d111 lines Mr an and Tel llillock 11111 131 and Mrs Bill A111 Linnclnil 111 and Mrs Harry $11111111 11111 Y11111111 Aurora 1111 2111 111111 Minl 115 P111111 11 111111 1115 111111111 Squilibs Miss Marion 11 111111 l1n1111111i is spelt 11111 11 stni ltllltlilgt with her 1111111 11111121 DEC 26 Happy New Year 111 all We certainly 1i hit11 Christmas ere was 1111111 1111l111113 1111 ated in 11 Roman otliolie1 Church on Monday 24 See wedding column 11111 The annual 11111 111111111 was held on Wednesday 1e1111 with good attendance 111 epay on hand Gordon Sieliloii appointed trustee 1111 another term Mr and Mrs 1111111411 Baxlcr came l11111 11111inlo last week to 111111 1111 Christmas with all their taniil 1c1 Mr and Mrs 11111111111 and Dougla5 11111 llarrey Saunders Tor1111 511 and Airs Ernie Baxter 11111 Maureenot ielawawa Mi 1111 iIln 111111 Baxter of onto Mr and lll Elmer ter and family of Ba rie aridMr and ir5 Ken ter of BC Many other had 111111 ital 11 L1111gt11 11511 111 11gtll111 l111 2111 1111111 111 tins dance to 111 1111 1111111 ll ill islrlttl 1111111111 1111 may 11 l1i 11111111 on 12 11111 1llHL1l to 1111111111 11 1111 1lt 111 1lc 131111111 111 111111 1111 111 111 2111151 1111l11l 111111111111 to cont 1111111 111 1111 11111511111 ll of this 11111111 1111111 111 ot 1111 111111111 11111 The spot 1111111 111 won 111 111yn 1nstront and Allan 111111111 Master 111 1111111111111gt 1111 USHER IN THE NEWYEAR WITH GALA OPEN HOUSE 111 111111 11 11 I1111 toda 1111 15111 111 111111i 11 11 1111121 plenty 111 11 151111 1111 111ll 11111 so 11 11111141111111 1111 111 111 11111 111 pm 11 1i 2111111 111l ape 31 11l 111111111 11111 nib11115 111 111 11111 111111411 11 am Thu 11 they 1111 114 Inc 1111111114 tin1 11y 1111111 l1 1111 1111111 111 an 1111111 111 1V 1113115 i11l lililii 111115 admin Dried Beef Spread m1 111111s dried 11111 1111111111 111111i if 213 tablespoons 1111111111 Ketchup teaspoons Prepared 31115111111 3111111113 package 1112111 cheese 11 Vllded 111 lEFROY TO DEC Christina 1121111151 DEC 28t and 111 311 1111 GrosegFlenitng Toronto Mra Dober Wclt Mr 1111 Mo Giutet and family Georgetown also 111111 Mr and Bar Carson visited at John 1111 1112 15 during the eel 1M 2pc n11 1111 1111 11 Clrtllu Kurtis Mm H141 11111 home from Toronto for 11 Monti anti hi lg 111 11111112 11 and Mrs lm limit 11 1325111 1111 oi and baby 0111 Uh ill Ltizistiiuts at Richard 111315 NH 3111 1111 Canon 4111 Im gylilAl1xlll United at Ll11dge on 51111 15 1l Scott 111 111 and Mrs ll111 Flank Ml 11111 to 1111 leizce Carwn 511111 Cltlbl week 111 Toronto 11111111111111 151101111 for the and 0th 1111 Mrs Thoma 11 5111311 1111 111111 1111 1115 were Mr and 11115 Thornton 111 11111 holiday Stephens Rick and Tommy of H11nltoi Mr and Ml the Law WW bl lei Kitrhe and Mr and Mrs liloland toiner Roland Paul and 1l1iil111 Mr and M15 111 11 1111 81111 The 11111111 1l 11111111 1111 111 115 1111111 1111111 111111v nieiith lll11ulm deV 11 11 111 11 1111111111111 Mr and My PM 115 Mud 11111 11 1111111 Jan at 111 and Barry spent Chriztmus l1113 111 111 11111111ll 11111111 111 Sutton and Zephyr 311 llJ NVIll lhmlll lE Sacrament ol the Lords Sun 11511111I 111 11111115 1111 11115 observed 111 the United tlairrh 1111 Sunday Dec 30 at the MM mull MAM lUllul hour following the sewiee lr 11111 311 1111111111l 11111111111111111 11111 11111111 1lll their rum school ComL 111tl1rent 111111111111 The public school eoneert and lr 11111 I1 UIHKI JildLVllllnllllili tree held in the hall 111111 11 sin11 hristiiias lcfllon the evening of Dec 19 was 11 lll 1111111 with 1121 141111 2111101115 kplm 1cce55 as to attendance 11111rsl Mr and Mrs l1lanare Arthur and 111 orinancc of the pupils lam 111 11 1111 11111 withhul then11111111111 1111 1311 and llis 111111111111 N11jl1olgto1111111 mu gum and mud 1311111131 111 11111113 them during prae Miss Eli1li1t11 Holland 1111liliiir1nnc Mr Clement himself 11 Yrars lire Shrimp 511111 11111111111111 Brampton and Mr and suffered during that period withi 1dllrs 1oh1 Doriak of loronto serious attack of tin lhe prol 1511 1111111111 lK11111 111 5111111 Christmas with Mr and 11 mm 1091 11105501 uh ChanW 51 111 gt WNW 111 water llt minute cap thizi Sane 1111 111l1 coniuine 11 ingrcd mp lmmm dump in 1111111111 was 11111 Kr llii halls 11111 11111 only ltltctlls lllld llltlltl 1il 01 for illllt uhpmms 1111111111 mic 111111 111111lis 111 holly 11111 Christmas 1111111119 The etlllllg was canoiiy 111 1111111 111111 green 111 151111 5111111111 radiating from 11111 1111l11 Along the walls and in 1l1 Middle 111 the thaw c11 brightly llLtlllltl trees eonred 111111 sparkling tinsel and multi colored ornaments The band lll11 was plziecrl 111 front of 11 Fri11111 111ndon 111 34111gtgtill1111 111111 electric llllel or rotar 11 lillk 11 bfbeater or mash with fork nntill ynnl 11111111 111 gt1tl the starry blue the 111111 1111 covered with aluminum silver 1111111 The students 11 warmly L11 111 by reception llllt composed of Mr and Frank lerk1n5 Mr and Mrs llohert 1115 man 11111 Mr and lr William 1111 1211 111 1111 gala 111111111 the band started to pin 1111 111111 in swept Santa 9111th Monknianv to exteiiil his 211111111145 to the students and to present prizes 111 the winning CULlDlIgt The 2111s were by Lenis Lingerie 112 5111115 1315 lean Ch 1c ies Wear and Stransmans Lud ies Wear Mr Bowman was presentcd 11 2111 because he had not attended the school and th etore was unable 111 be in the la1sdance 111 alsoreceived Th 11th 5mm 511111111111juire Stir in llUDpt11 pickles Llilii 1e tor thr cars ctv 1115 tor low were Mr and 11 111411 11111 and Mar 111 Coilingwood with 7311 and Mrs Moore Mr and Mrs 1111111115 and son Tommy 111 Barrie Mr and Mrs 11oftitt 111 Toronto were with Mr and 4111 11 iiapoclli Mrs Atkinson 111 1ro11111 with Mrs Mullen Miss Iark lor onto with Mr and Fer rierfltlr m11f3hs 1311 Trom lect attendanec What with the hilly 11 tall ing the 11in decorated tradition al trees and 1111 holiday spirit it was inevitable that all attending the dime had cly 1ondertul tune The dance eoniniittce consisted of Ron convener Jane Perkins decorations Dorothy Leislnnan refreshments E1111 bley and family Mr and 31 RuniR0VC and 1a Cutlcr sales and D1111 McKinnon and Don Wiley Trombley and family with Mr and Mrs TlUllll Mr and Mrs 11 Bi stow Bar rie Mr and Gordon Saun ders and June Walton Toronw were with Mrs ttalton Cpl and Mrs Little lariIe with Mr and Mrs Ferrier Mr and Mrs Sileox and Pamela 11 Rennie Currey Toronto andi Mr and Mrs Ross and Mrs R055 Cookstown Mrs music The new picture donated to the school by the Key Club has now been played in prominent tion in the auditorium Mr pard and number of students sled in the of the pietur Old Father Time is pert 11113 1ll 11111 substitute 1111lllll1lllllltlgt111111111 110le l1l111 sane 11111 51l1r lllllilllit letters oilim 111111 111111111111l lllllh 11 teaspoon 5111 lieklelieilil1r Spread 1111111111 processed ilmrp cheddar Wk Cheese tablespoons 11111 Satire 11 11 111 teaspoons pickle jam 111 finely chopped processed bum mg drown llll pickles 111 tlltllllt 111115 ltl111 attached are cheese 11 room temperature numgmh in mm by smooth Blend in 1liili 51111111 11le hoard slightly Another popular 51 eid can be 11m Mr 1111111 111 short oi Jilly by simply prim twin blending cream cheese with enough ml ilk to brine it to spreading eon11m ney then adding chopped pickle 11mm procrssed dills er 5Cut 51115E 1r 1111 fresh eucunibe pickle th111111ll Or pep 11p soiltltcd creani catesc with dash of W1ii1cster 11111 11 ot ca11 11111 toucn of 111111111 ltllt 115 downring delicious more foresight because of our ex row strips Alter you 31 11 p1 tenees in this 1111gt51111z1111 lt mung your stencil lay is at this time that we are looki forward to prosperous and hapo l1y sprinkle nutmegl through 11133 111 iiiiiiierals 1101111 11 any nd 11111 111111wonderinglainl Mrs 131111 mare and Shaun ran nlerniission in the program l11 ground 1111111112 1111 top of the 1111 throneh 1neilT0 niakc Sltlltll 1111 circle of card mm mm mm 1111 It would be lendid thing it When 1111 are tiii ishm mu am arch one with his iainily drivers school for youngsters ieardboard to lll1 11 pt when and Mrs lhornton Reid in Suiiimerside Sooner or later 111 HUM 1171mm Um when mm in very poor health Iiylgtetter if they learned to drive ae around 11111111101111 to the body otvlllJl 0140150 palm Intelllmclv and the cardboard rith se1t Mrs lax 111111111111 man was both enjoyable and iii With Mr and Ms Oxford lei11511111 throughout Mrs llow 11111 Mr and Mrr luklkY 111111 11111 Morris acted as pianist Two llaynor Mr and Mrs Robert las linenmmlly tor0111011 115 gmc ton and Larry ot 91111111 Mills 111 1111 front 111 the hall With ani and Mr and Mrs Fleming and Entirmiianep of gifts for the childl 1liil1lren Ircn Santa made his appearancci 11 1111M Home 1111 Christin were 8111111 the right monicnl much to thel 1111111111 111111 1111111111 Ottawa Mll11mlltc$5 of all present During to 111 are the 1111111rillia Mrs 11 lcaulall llilillN nienibers of the Mission Band sold 93 WWlllackniore and Mr all Ullttlllltlllillt candy to add to their liltlloronto ltinulsland Santa gave liberally oil With Mr and Mrs Stewarlenn1ly oranges and soft drinks to were Mr and Mrs Clattltcr ltlllll and all the little ones tirel spunk of Linda Mr and Ml 11150111 Much credit is due to M111 Stewart Mr and Mrs 11 DolliClenienl in the success of thc nelly and family and Mr andevwiings amusement and enterl Mrs Mac Stewart 1ainnicnt Singing the Nationall With Mr and Mrs illnimlnthem brougl all to close were Mr and Mrs 11 Gilmore andl 1ieter howl iii the 111 12 mnnwr the Cm 11 11111 11 11 11 111 111111115 111111111 1110111111 Wilt Noble SS 11tlibridgc1511me organization could institute ulna11 were rceent guests atlthis day and age every boy and areitil when you en 1111 the 111111111 11 Sttplnns 1111 15 going to 111111 to ltaiii to1 which Sorry to report two 111 our eiti1lri1e ear and it would be far 11 nutlie hospi 11111111 Fred cho iSi Summe ie El Journal 11111 1115eriously ill at his home 1115 it overldanulitcr Mrs oy llougliton 01 FR BIRTHDAY 1111 101 of 1111 tilled bowl and gem Forl France 15 nursing him Bear cubs usually are born 1m 0p 111blntini hristmasholidaylthe mother bear is in her winter l11lelll and Christmas Day with hibernation and Mr 51 Amos and micax SCHOLARS GIIAT CAI The Union or South Atrica has Marie Lloyd wasthe undisputed six universities with an Hungawn of the English music hall total enrolment of more than 20000110 years before her death in students 1922 Happy New Year Joyous greetings for the year ahead hearty thanks for your friendly Vpatronage eons sum REPAIR LAIPERTON ST VVBARRIE As the year grows older may the days grow warmer and more beautiful for you and to you our friends and potron Wiilxtend com pliments of the season and may the coming 1952 be indeed Happy and PrOSperous New Year Moylyour house be filled with smiling facesond happy hearts this New Year MANAGEMENT STAFF Houston Big Cedar with My and anoher of his wonders today Thcl Mrs Quamz glorious and historical year 1951 Much credit is due otlt sch twill soon be over and we will be teachers on the splendid ch conlrontd with the infant New mas concert on Thursday even YLHI 11 15111 this new 10ml that ing we must strive harder it we all intend to reach our goal We will RY AN EXAMINER WANT AD meet new ideas tasks and situa PHONE 2414BARRIE Lions whicl may be attacked with and Wary bsf Wish for you our friends and patrons We look forl $19143 ning you once more durng1he yearto come 1101111 PAINTS THIS SIMPLE THREEWORD MESSAGE IS OUR GREET 1N TO YOU AS THE NEW YEAR APPROACHES WISH VJYOU ALL HAPPINESS IN 1953 WITH 366 DAYS OF HEA TH PROSPERITYAND CONTENTMENTi STORE HOURS Manday December 319 am to 6001 New Yeads Day 0593 Wednesday Jyanvuaryll2 this storewill closed to give Our staff an extended holiday Notime more perfect than this day To send friendly word yd way Toiwish that every day may bless lt CD thappineisl gt 45 burnout plia Wkalso Should walk in Inewnssbf ltfei Rom 64

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