MV mMWmIVIWVVrwI WV Iv ti 01 32 iifllifWiw CHRISTMAS TREES iEiiitzeaizaazxleuunuuauiunuutttdztttllxtszgI Chmtma poem maanMannamainunhaswnsnmmxas nHE mm is birth Minot mt lot with oooil iiitiist isi Hirluoonislildliir it 91 EI 18 v2iAnnitnunmzsahhnnnaanmunntaunwindnuI mm MI it it IilIl ErlwrliIItII ii my Wuhan firmFMS EDI Prcsmcm litre thIiisItmusI bIrlh it Bttflit Ltllti District Ministerial Assoctritium gilfrnmif TUNE Jul ilfsiill luv It ilmmalt iriir wt lull C0111 Sl Bame VV trim Jiffiljnlilimuni i3 Christmas mic Ertshcils the heart it the world int warI mm and WI mad Id Lucky Flower kkimzid33333khakikmiimmaaiamlihllkhkhkhlhhhihhilI llltl thin puiiifIiil Istriiggl toIVscctirItIIpeIchciIIwhich has ciistittiI Innigurgnd In as II II Ir Mm In MUM is II ilLlS tiiciviitcti tip son or main tic issc cltcunis itiltthI II tiiik fViczsztrxlid1581152454 an mcttltttttzuv MW IhmIdI Em and VIM my mum II VI pmm III crUIIIiIiIit mmmi lllr inti the iv xii txliiiiistitiii gill Uttt our lizin th is lliiA hristzntts LitlfblitllOll tixcs otir inner sights toward inc MI If sky and instead of airplanes wc stc like thc Shepherds ot oldl Hiul now dilute and now tlc if May Your ChnSlmaS be Brighl that which is iiitislblr to thy naked cyc Lind wc hour iiiusitl II frlit III Ii at iv iii which is no for the human ear but for thc soul of iiitin This 94 g3 Year Ii peace It VIII VII VII VI vIIVII VI 11 and Merry an your at ispirltuiil iiistrtinicnt ls thu key to the eternal melody oi Angcls mm mm unlit fig Ir th lent gund llltll It is tlic piirc rhythm of life in all its ongcsV Lttlli kllid tutii tint tl 2i llllllllilll contact can hurnionim into symphony oi pcucc lenuiwn mi iILIVpIi IIM iII1iIiIAI INA4i II vi If liltlc is no discord uniting inch of Good Will Isalvao 5V The Nativity ilritws us into it sweet fellowship Willi Guilt OID Christmas Concert Elli im ll war it kl Engineering Co ROSS Si IEIIIIIiIIIIIi III tlit ltciiil titlti lit tinnitus tht lllldgllizltltill intl sits titty II pHO10GHAPHIB ii 3w 3V MspawninmmxmnsII Iplritnil tortcs Within its to Work upon the dccptr trtithsrAt The Cltadel i23i igwmi wimp sywuu at gt IIi Ii II II II III IIII II II III II VI III HI I1 Iwllltll utidcrlic thc superficial iiicts of cvcrydnytxpiiltntt II who tWmfmi5WCVWfwglint ii AAiiiirnii StCltl oi tllz Lord is with thcni that 1qu him lltf tlii IlIhr ulrIvaIr varvI swimw NV st il lIH Hi tinislVuciiticrs ioiitl iillwliich is the touchstone that drivcs tlicllIIIII IIIIEIIEII it IIIFII IIII II II iv II lino in Uh it Isktztttlt into1 rorziti Its Intlltlnkc limb lltilllr Bk llllwmul innizrmn was with up it WllGIPVCY 011 lVliay Bf of livine lovi which ivcs to mini lill ttt Viituii tlit tiansioiniiiit mug so ldmht to from KlirAilJiuvl ix Hmflltll viituc lliillx illd function which can gather lllt hr iumm invoile of it 5s bl ii II gI izttli tllilAill tin in in SIIIIIIIII IIIIII II Whether the luwefg 001111110 Hound ml Luluth rutcs oi mankind togcllicr into tlic unity oi it tUlllIllml illlliIIII III III UH VI l7 III III II II II 17 glti Iiil Ilil Ii KW mi 10 llllllllSC and munh lth along the hmhllfll lH inll to Uzi tin Iliullla which You SHOW 18 Jan Lg fmr Jlb ll ll HYEILLO If giiiiiliniu tltllI tlii tI iltlltl tliti goal oi coinplitc satisliltllOii IuoultiI him IoouiVIlit tIlii pirmtllh 15 Bull in Ii iii llllitls or ll iuntput ti lz 21 gt lg IWOY It 07716 initial ii iii min il unmit ll ll thimcssirc iii tli ltllstinAtstuiol tinnmutiii illiulll ti Va is II lltVso lsVut at in 14 gt iI If ML m1 tivctly poopic ol llic fliiiim district Wimp Ni ore 0y Hullllltlil hum unit Vultulic tltllti1lll lllt stills lit II pm IV II IVI IIIII III iziiii vkl iitl git no1 lii lit lltt to Annin 11pr 1011115 ltllllllg 10W ll III chum gIIiIIIIIl IVI IIIII IIVIII iIIz vII II 15 GUS Lllld Oil MllkerIS JIM ln lWllU lUll illUllTI 10 Cllmlnng My lfolllwcil li prlinaii tiiililitns sq likillllvlilh triilii ltiiliiins tlI it tum or ii Aim im Hi1 Wllll llllmml 591 md ml MM HM MI INN kl oopci sung Li ant lilll llli M2333mmWWWMm WW Wk ll mm primin imiVix similar School it ENS WEAR caving mm Wm lFflglftJkl toggztcllelWWEElCWECWltW Hm Mn KW mm CUmC swiftly tho wing lleattilcd ptlitiiniinn lliicir lvmfn 2VJ ca IV II II It II it 1121tiV119V1f1fl limit the my Inuit on orIxii Iainm is SPORTI GOODS stop mt 114913 Icing Hlt tirttii oiilsoiiV lioii II II In it billlltnI KVllP itlllll in tlu ovciiill And 11 IV 319233 zicibuugu V3ii 11 SUV ll lll WWIl will all Jpn can AVUJ Pouti lic With you all now and ilwil tow uh Mutation lo Ilium it lllil llllll lV ttWilttl 77 Mi SIIUICIIIIII IIIIIIHIId HI II II JiViiiv iauuu if CustouuisV llliciitln 11ml lulllyblllllr is null totoiiii punti turnI unison IVIIII VIIIIN IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII II III RI IIIIB Unit3 115 llll lle and mu Christmas Trees are 10mm vhivd thllstlill lth llllt llllli llllltlllllV yr 15 Mlh it iiiiililicr itillt viis ltlt vl SE Hi mm MW 5th whill To Stay Dork Outsrde IlIiIiIIillIrIIII IIItIfItItIiIItIlnIIbITIiHl iiItIlI III II II IIII IIII pnnv MI 101 wu ti ii md 1m lltt upon it lllllt lll lltliiml illt Watch diulmuus wcri tiltll ln xlllitll mils ctcV wax in tlS wcrc lhtrc Will lic no cxccption to it as tlu HtlllOl young pcoplc ind tho iv platoil alum the mill and ii lurin milcr prohibiting lighting on out wrcn was litintcd iiiitl klllttl on II 51 llonii Iiiuluo nitnihtis Li itill toiic orniiniciilctl tho top Alltioor liristinas lltkS Onlilrlu Iiy Christmas morning brunch otI IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII MINI BIIIII KIIIIIIII IN II is Mr IS tlIuIiuigh lllt origniul titsligiicr prob tlro officials stiitc McllcnfiyI 1mm and bright bums Tn MI III IIIHIII IIHIIIIIIIII IIIIII CIIIIIIIII IIIIItI If ii nonr saw it liiistnias ircc dircctor consunicr scrvtccs VI Allandale Post Ofce and News Stand llltItlltlI1llltl lino littlc ililillli tlic ttllllllllssloll says that lll wm 5de hm 90d 1le rim it ciluiigliiuiflltil llnlllill IS OF IVYDIEIJIBIAME203$whichIa2mEIEIEIDIEDDIEmmzammmhkwmmk nation rhridtzcs tht lliip hctwccn mission will oliicct to at proposal Iof iictl from house to housi klcll IIWIIIINI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIII IIWIIIIWIIII II hiislnius tllls intl trccs luclpli ity ouncll lllillI lllfIIlld boys who sang songs and txpcctttl IIMIIIIII IIIIIIHIIII Tm PIIIIIIIII III WIN HI7MI7AA is in II itvatavggcuv1rtttauitteraiaigigrgvgvmiaoziwgeagerveggieicicuzcigigtgtgietgietgiewg tIlIitIiItIinIal Lil lllll 1m WWW duh mm Inh hmN PIIMIII by III PIIHUWSIIIII IIIbI llSlraclizi lill tl Ali 0tir roituliitions apply to light hold IIIIJII II mu IIIingIIItgtIIIIitIfiiIoiI In Si mii till Cliristnuis trtcs out of llic story gocs that llllllll tlic in 55 doorsV hc stated DanishIrish war the Dtiiics wcrc giggingqqqqngqmgqggtgirig 51 3S Ll Pililllwi llll hybrid SilillllSll ll HOW Cl hum rcsting after an arduous march iind SI it Iindiun miracle p1 mnOduced mg of that lypp we willf igctIrc III MI were croppmg up quImv slNLERE AMcxico ccnturics wo bv Spanish qucsts from intrchants or Stop IA It 34 linonlts ind prcscntcd in San An Window liglilllll imd llllVfIl Jtl WV OfuIIwddIll IJIIHIIL 51 lgIII GOOd WISheS For ti tonio lll tl Cl st for trcc li liting outsitc icn Ci WW 1t UWSS pit ll iii it 111 um stason ins glis tllitLlLtl primarily for its Spllll lioincs Tho only trccs tIo bc llglil til tiliumdmci liiid Idlippttl or SN ChrlSlqu And its llillily cd will be those inside tomcsI mien swoopct own an Is $5 VJ group of iiniatcur actors go asserted glllklo pka kn I3 IClIllIlIlbT Fl The New Year 45 from housc to housc by invitation Ilj Ing llVaI MI IV IollIlIhIO iii av Stand ltal150i is lmdmnnal mm no aroused the camp tit iish limit to in pi nipt by idl curiosity and defeated blanwd the To it RH II Khulna witness um paloranCI WITH SANTA MOdtIln Infill HSIlItEIImILd 0f 310 33 8l HJMABLHI 51 only 11 mufed nd the We more Fa 10 SUY RmtitDiihhtimhmhhhllilhil an ii yareimmiamxxmrirmmmbix SWIM 0f DIVIVSmmmnI In 1930 the authollllts Magico tnlt bird may hart bun iIsliu at Chevolet Oldsmobe Frlgldalre Igigkgnggtgm Usually sonicoiics back ytiitlbclccidcd to abolish Santa aus til 18 01 Sparrow unval Dow is opposite Bell Telephone gEEaalggwyzlw algacalglaglawaQEQQEQKQWKa conics tho stugc thc doorstcpsjng the Christmas festival as they WCICUHW the WW the farms rl lscrvu as background for thc Niici consideer him out Iof rilIacc in and homes Aawammmmgmgmgmmmmgmgagmmmg mitnto Manitcr scciic various ob country where snow is so om seen SI II I7lglf 51ILGILCIIIPKIQ mm the 5mm piece The wenknown biarddumiulg unratezictmuteteetawmmmaotherccwumccwucwcctzcm lt of crockery tinscl pin cushions pa was ousted by Quctza coa $5 tron saintsanything thc liousclioldldian godV hiill bird half snakc vrh0I considers Especially beautiful In was worshipped by theAzteCSlbe1 ID COMIC 0f 10 lthLSl Slcllv ml f0 lhe Spamsh lIlwaSlOlL Christ child to lifesized dolll In its ncw Christmas program gig placed on platter with divers the southern country has nfiadc it ti gaudy candy is surrounded by feature of the distribution Ipres and New Year Of plaster shepherds donkeys ctc Icnts to thousands of needy children 91 II by the plumed serpent and cvcry is Success and Happlness your this bigscalc prcsentgwmg Iy ii takes place on December 23 to Christ Child the shepherds and than for our atrona gt It May this gicctmg express our gl Ian in attendance kiss the ChIiIttIi git during the past year solemnly and as slowly as possr is IF gwmuimmeemuummmwuwmk is Phone 2439 54 Ofce and Yard Foot of Toronto st I5 99 ii ii gmmmumuuammmsmsa23mxmuwnuummmmmsmmmnuumurmurs 3i313m5i33WWW3mWtEmmingHMEalkxmhmmlmmih These are busy days for you our many friends and friend customers intent on Christmas iI accompanied byIthe white wmge II Archangel Gabriel It feveriendmg peljformalncek seven devrls Six in sequmed ac AA iiillZSilAY DECEMBER 25V 39 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA more mm WW II 35 If is Shopping and for us who are striving to give as courteous and efficient service as thmughout the year Wishing all the Compliments of the Season tent opposite the Nacimicnto gives evidence of representing hellz bonfirchas been built within and 150 doubt after your Christmas Slibpping has been Completed youll want to take rest from shopping for little while and our staff too will want toIrelax We trust therefore that you will not be inconveniencdd litany way by our TwoDay Holiday MAKE THIS STORE YOUR IIHEADQUARTEBS son HOlIDAt SUPPLIES live devils emerge therefrom The play has no definite time for beginning but finally girl starts to walk back and forth reciting Overdressed shepherds drone seemingly endless song Ermitano the comic relief carrying rosary of spools also represents the soul of its earthly journey and is often On the occasion of our first Yuletide in business we take great pleasure in wishing everybody MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY 1948 II 00 mmmmmmmmzme maa 320333122312621322f225122423224342242222349294242124$242rg23$332i312tha223tk22313334BtBIEJZIKEQtZ Wmmmmzaammzmmmmzmmn WWWKKWKKElllKllllzhllll GROCER with animal masks and the fork tailed Lucifer in brilliant red are 15 ESSA ROAD 5t EssaIRoad finally vanquglgdbliikewisewdd tantamountaacmemuwwwzmmmummuunscrewing Indian is overcome and kisses the mmwwummm znewuduudmumzhmmmumxmmmmmtr lmimiwmm WWWWWWWWWWWWWW 11 Ii TV IIFI III oI mg Yuletide Greetingsl Our Christmas Message To theVBesidenlSfdf Barriennd IDiVstIictI E12 Our Store WillClose Iraqi if 6t pmIDember 24 1A We extend our thanks and appreciation to our hundreds of friends and customers throughout the BarrieDistrict for the generous measure of confidence il You thisIour second Year in business We and Will remain closed tf VextendII1ltIgtlstIsincIerly ourgood Wishes givenVus during 1947 giaywit ollyforoivery5w VI II TheI quaqementand Sla Saturday December 27 II in lOin in mOSt Cordial good WHENTHESTORE wiLLOPEN AT 906 ALMVAS USUAL wishes at this season Iof AND ran it pnosrznous AND HappyNiengearj Store Hours Irom Nowlo Christmas 1d TUESDAYDIECEMBEB 239aml09pm PLUMBNG and HEATING Ian LEADING 8mm STORE ZELLEws LIMITEDRETAILERS T0 THRIFTY CANADIANS 97 DUNLOPIsl= 3mm 58 Dun op arneI Wtimmmgmnmm mamuniultimatummummixmmmmmuwmmg mum amhnmxmmimamaaimmmnumwnnmnmmmnmmmacadamiamanna VV IVA mmlwmwmmeWmM WWMptpwwwawwm7WwLm